Didactic Games on Physical Education. Fisot project "Russian moving games in physical culture Dow

Didactic Games on Physical Education. Fisot project "Russian moving games in physical culture Dow

Didactic Games "Winter Sports" for children 5-7 years

Description of the material: I offer you didactic games for older children preschool age on the topic "Winter sports". Main goal: Creating conditions for the formation of initial ideas about Olympic Games and winter sports. This material will be useful for educators of senior and preparatory groups and will help to make not only the educational process, but also leisure.

Didactic games contributing to the familiarization of senior preschoolers with winter sports

Purpose: Formation of interest in physical culture and sports.
To form initial ideas about the Olympic Games and Winter Sports.
Develop cognitive activity and curiosity
Improve motivation to exercise exercise.

In 2014, a bright and large-scale event of the XXII Olympic Winter Games took place in our country. In Dow, we have implemented the project "Together we will win!", Dedicated to these games. To make familiarization of children with the Olympic games and winter sports more interesting and exciting I made a few didactic games. Didactic games compared to other species, games have a characteristic feature: they are a source of knowledge and sports and physical culture. Production of such games in our age ICT does not cause difficulties. Swing pictures, make up games, print and so that they will serve for a long time - laminating.
And now annually, when in January is implemented subject week "Winter sports", educators use them in their work. In continuous educational activities, ideas about the Olympic Games, about winter sports. In parallel, children and civil affiliation and patriotic feelings are formed. After all, such a large-scale event, as the XXII Olympic Winter Games, was held in our country in Sochi. Such a topic also allows you to form interest in the events taking place in the country, to bring up a sense of pride for its achievements, respect for its compatriots-athletes.
Children, learning a lot of new and interesting about the sports life of our country, Olympic Games, athletes - participants of the Olympiad, come to the conclusion that physical culture and sports are very interesting and useful for health. They have a desire to be similar to great athletes, play sports. More often there is a desire to realize knowledge about the Olympic Games, Winter Sports in Self-Affairs.

Lotto "Outdoor athlete".
Purpose: Teach children to select the appropriate inventory and equipment for athletes.

Lotto "Sochi-2014 pictograms"
Objective: Teach children to call sports and select the corresponding pictograms.

The game "Pick up the icon."
Purpose: consolidate the knowledge of children about the Olympic Winter Sports.
It is necessary to choose a pictogram to the appropriate sport type, and call it.

Find Fragment game
Purpose: Forming the ability to compare objects, establish their similarities and differences.
Children are described small pictures fragments. It is necessary to find what pictures they belong.

Game "Find a couple"
Purpose: Teach children to select the same pictograms made in a strict and concise, monochrome range and the corresponding icons performed in the "Patchwork" gamma.

The game "picture scattered"
Objective: Development of attention, memory, thinking, perfection, shallow motility.
It is necessary to collect a picture first by sample, then - without. Images - Winter Sports, Symbols of Olympics "Sochi-2014".

The game "Six the track".
Purpose: Development of the ability to compare and group in color, the development of the color scheme (fixing the names of the main and additional colors), the ability to distinguish the color similarities and differences.

The game "Fourth Excess"
Purpose: to learn to call and distinguish winter and summer sports.

Card quiz
Purpose: consolidate the knowledge of children about the Olympic Games and Winter Sports.

Love Skarin
FIZO project "Russian moving games in physical culture DOU"

View project:

Informational educational, long-term.

Participants project:

Children of senior and preparatory groups;

Parents of pupils;


Instructor for physical culture.

Terms of implementation project:

1 year (September-May)

Relevance project

Due to the fact that the preschoolers have developed an insufficient number movable gamesWe have been systematized and summarized experience on this issue. And designed project of Russian moving Games for preschoolers.

Folk games - This is a vivid expression of the people in them playing, the reflection of the ethnos in general and the history of its development. However, on games can be viewed, and from the point of view of pedagogy and psychology, as the means of education and education. In addition to everything, this is an excellent way to strengthen your spirit, your body, develop the processes of thinking, fanner, the emotional component of our life. Russian The people many processes of their livelihood reflected in this way through the game. Folk games are relevant and interesting and at present, despite the fact that there is enough a large number of Temptations in our modern world.

Via russian moving Scene games Children are easier to adapt in kindergarten, learn to act on the verbal instruction of an adult. They have an interest in classes that cause positive emotions, a joyful mood.

The influence of Siberia's natural climatic factors (long, harsh winters, low air temperatures, etc.) lead to a reduction or absence of a walk, which creates a shortage of movements.

One of the most effective ways solutions to this problem in the preschool institution is the organization of activities russian moving games. Russian moving games Create favorable conditions for deploying active musculoskeys.

purpose project:

Development of motor activity and physical preparedness through russian moving games.


Promote the cognitive development of the child by meeting with russian moving games;

Promote the attachment of patriotism and love in children to their country of Russia;

To form and improve the vital motor skills and skills (walking, running, jumping, climbing, throwing, etc.). Satisfy the need of children in motion;

Develop main physical Quality and motor abilities of children (power, speed - power, coordination, etc.);

Form the skills to execute the rules russian moving games, showing resourcefulness, exposure, dexterity and independence;

Rise in children interest in classes physical culture as an organized form of maximum manifestation of its motor and functionality;

Encourage motor creativity and diverse playful activity of children;

Promote the development of self-control and self-esteem in the process of organizing different forms of motor activity;

To promote the development of positive emotions, the ability to communicate with peers, mutual understanding and empathy.

Table 1 - Possible Risks project

№ Possible risks Possible way to overcome

1. Siberian climatic conditions for challenging children

2. Low attendance of children educational and preventive work with parents about the importance of visiting classes and kindergarten

3. Insufficient parent awareness of the need to form physical Qualities in preschool age Consultative - explanatory work of educators and narrow specialists (Consultations, Memo, Booklets, Recommendations, Master - Classes)

4. Passivity of parents in overcoming the problems of developing their child, the use of different forms of working with parents to bring them to work together

5. Low level physical Development of children Conducting a complex physical education-Pheless events with preschoolers

Table 2 - Implementation project

Teaching activities

1. Examine regulatory documents, methodical literature, analyze Internet resources on the topic project. September instructor in physical culture,


2. Develop an implementation plan project September instructor in physical culture,


3. Manufacturing and updating attributes and sports equipment required for implementation project September.

October Instructor Po physical culture,



4. Pick up and develop a cycle of multimedia presentations September instructor physical culture,


5. Develop complex movable games and game exercises, aimed:

On the development of speed,


Defense development

Coordination development.


Instructor for physical culture,


6. Develop a cycle of plot measures using russian moving games. September

Instructor for physical culture

7. Make up and replenish card file: by russian rolling games September

October Instructor Po physical culture

8. Release of collages by Zozh:

"Healthy lifestyle for preschoolers"

"Influence movable games for the physical development of children»

« Russian moving games on the street»


Instructor for physical culture,


Children's activities

1. Conversations:

"The history of the emergence russian moving games»

"Acquaintance S. russian moving games»

"Summer sports"

"Winter sports"

"Sports for our health"

"The basic rules of a healthy lifestyle"

"To play fun together"

"Resting the whole family"


Instructor for physical culture, educators

2 events using russian moving games:

"Merry Torny"

"Folk playing"

"Day of People's Day games»

"The river played fun"

Instructor for physical culture,


3 Thematic events:

KVN "National Sports"

Day russian moving games"Sports - Shake"

May instructor in physical culture,


4 trainings:

"Right breathe"

"Prevention flatfoot"

"Why do we do sports"


March instructor in physical culture,


5 reading fiction educators

6 Productivity:

"My lovely russian moving game» Painting

"Children play in Lapta" Lepak

"In the dance" Applique



7 View multimedia presentations:

"History russian moving games»

« Russian moving games near water»

« Russian moving air games»


March December.

Instructor for physical culture,


8 Heat movable games:



"Grandfather Horn"

"Frogs on a swamp

"Golden Gate"

"Tatar woven"

"Running on the trunk"




"Santa Claus - Red Nose"


"Claw! Claw! Runly! "


"Equestrian competition"

"In leg"



"Mother Spring"


"Malchina - Kalechina"

"Caught chains"


"Swallows and hawk"



"Torching burners"

"Chrome Lisa"



Instructor for physical culture

9 Didactic and wall - printed games

"Kinds of sports"

Cutting pictures "Summer sports"

Pictures "Nazova movable game»

"Name the game on attributes"

"Be healthy"

During a year


Work with parents

1. Parent meeting:

"Influence russian moving games for comprehensive development of preschoolers "

September instructor in physical culture,


2 Questioning of parents on theme:

« Physical My child's health

« Physical culture for the child»

"Parents' relation to classes physical education of children»



Instructor for physical culture

3 Consultations on the topic:

"Role physical education in the physical development of the child» .

« Physical Education

"Healthy lifestyle in the family"


Instructor for physical culture

4 Visual design information:


"Exercises for the development of coordination in children"

"The most deft and fast"

« Games on the development of equilibrium "

"How to develop the eye meter"

Collage registration: Special issue "Healthy Siberian"

Making Baby Books « Russian folk games» .

Photo exhibition "FROM physical education we are friendly - we are with physical education»



Instructor for physical culture

5 Memo:

"Play with children"

« Russian moving games at home»


instructor for physical culture

6 Participation of parents in the preparation and conduct physical Events:

"Day of health in the fall"

"Winter Health Week"

World Health Day


Instructor for physical culture

7 Joint events

Master Class:

"Musculoskeletal activities"

"School - Metalia"

Stock "Be healthy"


Instructor for physical culture


1. M. F. Litvinova « Russian folk games» . Moscow 2004

2. L. Y. Lyamina "People children's Garden Games» .2008

3. T. A. Kutsenko, T. Yu. Medynova "365. merry games for feeding ".

4. M. F. Litvinova « Russian folk moving games» 1986

5. L. F. Zhdanova "Holidays in kindergarten".2000

6. N. Efimenko "Theatre physical Development and Improvement ».1999

7. Magazine "Music Manager".2005 №6.

8. Magazine "Our house - South Ural" Chelyabinsk 2007

9. A. A. Emets, T. N. Ponomarenko, O. V. Cap "Tales of the peoples of the world".

10. Publisher "Teacher - AST" Care, teasers, murils and other children's fun.

11. Beckin S. I. et al. Music and traffic: Exercises, games And dances for children 5-6 years old. - M., 1983.

12. Lifitz I. V. Rhythmics: Tutorial. - M.: Academy, 1999.

13. Shevchenko Yu. S. Music therapy of children and adolescents // Psychocorrection: theory and practice. - M., 1995.

Estimated implementation results project:

Level up physical Development of the preschooler. Development physical qualities: Dexterity, speed, endurance;

Reduced morbidity. Strengthening the health of children with movable games;

Increasing interest in a healthy lifestyle;

Children's ability to play in russian moving games;

Development of motor activity of children;

Cohesion of the children's team;

Enrichment of the Word of Children (counters, new words for children).

RESULTS project

Children had an interest in a healthy lifestyle.

In children have formed ideas about sports, movable Games, healthy lifestyle, health.

Children learned to play and follow the rules in movable Games.

Children increased motor activity.

Socio-communicative communication skill between children has been formed.

Lyudmila Leonov


IN didactic The game of the child gets new knowledge, enshrines the received in class. Develops its skills and skills, creativity, imagination, ability to logical thinking. IN didactic The game of the child learns to communicate not only with peers, but also with adults, complies with certain rules, is experiencing his victories and defeats, learns to enjoy the success of their comrades. On their own physical sessions didactic games I use on plot and thematic classes as the introductory part to customize the guys on the subject of classes. But mostly such games It is better to use on leisure activities, in individual work with children, in working with children ABS and in joint gaming activities. GamesI did used by educators on groups in joint activity With children, where the guys can consolidate the knowledge gained in class, in preliminary work on preparing for holidays or sports leisure activities. In the summer, when experts work on a group, it is a good opportunity to fix the rules of this or that didactic game. Games Helps in the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, bring up interest in sports and sports games, teach sports terminology, and therefore help enrich the vocabulary of the child with new words and concepts. For the manufacture of games I use pictures, symbols, photos of port types and sports equipment.

Didactic games Fisos are also held as all others

1. It is carried out by small subgroups

2. Participation of an adult must, to increase interest in the game

3. Clearly explain the rules games

4. In the way games give clear instructions and mark the correctness of the execution games

5. Praise the guys for compliance with the rules and help to comrades

6. Encourage friendly relations and self-esteem participation in the game.

In this game, children get acquainted with different sports, sports equipment, playgrounds, sportswear.


1. Formation of interest in sport

2. Development of thinking.

3. Development of the child's speech

In this game, children are offered a set of pictures with the image of items not only with which you can perform the morning gymnastics, but also another sport equipment. Task - choose the subject correctly and show 1-2 exercises with it.

In this game, children first fold parts into the picture and explain what kind of sport is depicted on it. Complication - on the speed "Who is faster."

Data games It will help to diversify the joint activities of the teacher and children and will contribute to the comprehensive development of the child's personality.

Publications on the topic:

The abstract of direct educational activities in physical culture "Play in Komi Games" Objective: Comprehensive development of physical qualities. Tasks: 1. Educational. Improve the main movements (running, jumping, throwing) through.

Opener of direct educational activities with children preparatory group In physical culture "Fast and deft" target:.

Abstract Node in physical culture Subject: "Far swimming" age of children: 5-6 years Software tasks: - Teach children to jump into a soft.

OD in physical culture with children 6-7 years Purpose: promoting the development of motor activity, the accumulation of motor experience of children, the development of independence in motion activities.

Final exercise on physical culture. The abstract of physical education in the preparatory to school team of the task: improve the skills of running and different kinds walking; fasten.

Innovation in work. At the end of the month in kindergarten, the instructor on physical culture Kardashov I. A. held a master - the class of gymnastics "Hatha.

Project type:

Informational educational, long-term.

Project participants:

  • children of all groups;
  • parents of pupils;
  • educators;
  • instructor in physical culture.

Terms of project implementation:

The relevance of the project

Due to the fact that for preschoolers, an insufficient number of rolling games has been developed, we have been systematized and summarized on this issue. And developed a project of nonsense moving games for preschoolers. With the help of nonsense mobile scene games, kids are easier to adapt in kindergarten, learn to act on the verbal instruction of the adult. They have an interest in classes that cause positive emotions, a joyful mood.

One of the most effective ways to solve this problem in a preschool institution is organization of activities on nonsense moving games. Nenets mobile games create favorable conditions for deploying active musculoskeys.

Objective of the project:

Development of motor activity and physical fitness through nonsense moving games.


  • Promote the cognitive development of the child by dating nonsense moving games
  • Contribute to the attraction of patriotism and love in children to Yamalo-Nenets autonomous Okrug
  • To form and improve the vital motor skills and skills (walking, running, jumping, climbing, throwing, etc.). Satisfy the need of children in motion.
  • Develop the main physical qualities and motor abilities of children (power, high-speed - power, coordination, etc.).
  • To form skills to carry out the rules of nonsense moving games, showing resourcefulness, exposure, dexterity and independence.
  • Risk interest in children in physical culture as an organized form of maximum manifestation of its motor and functionality.
  • Encourage motor creativity and a variety of playing children.
  • Promote the development of self-control and self-production in the process of organizing different forms of motor activity.
  • To promote the development of positive emotions, the ability to communicate with peers, mutual understanding and empathy.

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Appendix to the project

Modified educational program additional education For children of preschool age "Nenets-moving games"

Explanatory note.

Physical education in preschool educational institution It is carried out both on special physical education and in gaming activities, and the daily life of children.

The game is the most favorite and natural activities of preschoolers, which meets their vital needs. The game occupies the most important place in the life of the child and is the main means of upbringing and recovery. Moving games have favorably affect the entire body of the child as a whole. Joy and pleasure accompany the interesting, active and affordable game for the child, she captures it, providing a positive effect on general physical and mental development.

Playing, the child satisfies its need for movements and at the same time repeats the already mastered material. Moving games are held daily in a group or walk depending on weather conditions. With the active activities of children in the air, the work of the heart and lungs increase. It has a beneficial effect on the overall condition of children: improving nervous system, the organism resistance to various diseases.

With the help of nonsense mobile scene games, kids are easier to adapt in kindergarten, learn to act on the verbal instruction of the adult. They have an interest in classes that cause positive emotions, a joyful mood.

The influence of the natural climatic factors of the extreme north (long, harsh winters, low air temperatures, etc.) lead to a reduction or absence of a walk, which creates a shortage of movements.

One of the most effective ways to solve this problem in a preschool institution is the organization of activities on nonsense moving games. Nenets moving games create favorable conditions for deploying active musculoskeys


Due to the fact that for preschoolers, an insufficient number of moving games has been developed, we have been systematized and summarized experience on this issue. And developed programmoretian moving games for preschoolers.

Purposeit is an increase in the motor activity of children of preschool age, through the organization of nonsense moving games.


  • satisfying the needs of the children's body in movements;
  • reducing the severity of adaptation of children to a preschool institution;
  • development of motor, speed-powerful qualities, total endurance;
  • develop eyemeter and strength; Strengthen the muscles and torso muscles in children.

Thus, the optimal use of nonsense moving games (exercise) leads to the weakening of the stress and tension of the children's body, improves the physical, mental and intellectual efficiency of children.

In rolling games in the complex are solved wellness, educational and educational tasks. There is a feature; Senior preschoolers master the foundations of the technique of some sports games, their experience is enriched with special ways of action. Defined behavior skills. All this prepares children to actively participate in future school sports events.

Great educational value have rules of nonsense moving games. They act as peculiar laws, the execution of which is necessarily for all participants of the game. The subordination of the rules requires the children of volitional manifestations, organized, excerpts, the ability to manage their feelings, movements. The awareness of them leads to the fact that children become more organized, they are involved in evaluating their actions and actions of partners, help each other, enjoy the success of comrades.

Systematic, well organized work with wide use Nenets mobile games contribute to the upbringing of independence, the ability to organize games without the help of an adult, to take the initiative. Simultaneously with the upbringing of moral and volitional qualities of the personality in the game there is an intensification of the mental activity of the child: attention is training, the available submissions are specified. Concepts develop imagination, memory, intelligence. The participation of children in the game teaches to navigate in space.

Health importance - caused by active motor actions, which are most often organized outdoors.

From preschool children, there is still no compulsory targeted manifestation of motor qualities. However, nonsense moving games make the child carefully listen to signals, overcome obstacles (to drive items ...), navigate in space (find their place). All this is the initial stage of the development of motor qualities. Particularly valuable, are games with elements of competition. Games relay. In which from agility and speed of movements, independence, perseverance, integrity, the initiative depends on the achievement of not only individual, but also collective (command) results. In such games, the development of physical and moral and volitional qualities is interconnected.

A joyful, raised mood is an important condition for increasing the interest of children in performing various motor tasks, the desire to produce them quickly, deftly, with the least considerable strength. Emotional experience in the game mobilizes all the forces when reaching the goal. This leads to a significant strengthening of the body's activities, increasing its functionality. Improving metabolism.

Nenets moving games are used not only when learning the main movements, but also in the improvement of sports exercise skills.

The repetition of elements of sports exercises in a game form contributes to more rapid and durable assimilation, and then use in self-engines.

This program can be used in their activities an instructor on physical culture of preschool institutions, educators of groups.

And get a certificate for certification?

MBDOU. kindergarten № 1 "Smile" of the compensatory type

for teachers:

"Sports didactic games on physical education of preschool children"


head of Physical Education

Aparteva OD

All children are individual, each of them is unique and

you have to find the key to everyone! "

The game is not only a source of positive emotions, it is also the ability to develop the qualities necessary for further life. During the game, a child, without even suspecting this, can receive new knowledge, skills, skills, develop abilities. Any game is, first of all, communicating with peers or adults. And at this moment, the child learn respectfully to other people's victories and deserves its failures. From a wide variety of games, I would like to highlight didactic games, which in the hands of the teacher are becoming interesting, exciting, emotional and creative means of raising the harmoniously developed personality of the child. The dodactic games presented below physical education contribute to the consolidation of knowledge gained on thematic education in physical education. Their main goal is to form in children of sustainable interest in physical education and sports. All games are multifunctional. They not only develop interest in sports, but also contribute to the formation and development of mental processes:

Development of color perception, shapes, values, space, time;
- development of visual and auditory attention;
- formation and development thinking operations (comparisons, comparisons, generalizations, exceptions, classifications), analysis and synthesis operations; formation logical thinking children;
- the formation of common and fine motility hands.

I made all the games with my own hands. For the manufacture of games, photos and symbols of sports, as well as pictures from board games and coloring were used.

    Didactic games should be played during independent or joint activities of children and teacher.

    For board games, you should choose the table, followed by all the participants of the game.

    Participation in the teacher's games increases the interest of children to games, contribute to the development of friendly relations.

    For the development of activity and independence, it is advisable to the role of leading to charge someone from the guys.

    A new game should be clearly briefly explained, individual moments can be shown.

    The course of the game and its rules are explained before the start. If necessary, the tutor can show and with the help of questions to find out how children understood the game.

    All instructions in the course of the game need to be given in a calm tone, note the correct task execution, compliance with the rules.

    The activities of children in the game are evaluated by all its participants; It is important to note the compliance with the rules, the quality of answers, independence in the organization and holding of games.

    After the game, it is necessary to give an objective analysis of the behavior of all players, fulfill all the rules, which contributes to the formation of friendly relations and the conscious relationship of each child to their behavior.

Description of didactic games

"Sports Equipment"

Goals and objectives: To form in children interest in physical education and sports; To acquaint children with sports inventory; Teach children learn and call sports equipment, to determine his appointment; Develop thinking, attention, memory, logic.
Age: 34 years.
Rules: The kit includes cards with a black and white image of a sports inventory and to them colored parts of these pictures (from 3 to 12 parts). The child chooses a black and white picture and imposes colored pieces of this picture on it. After the child gates a picture, he must call the sports equipment that is depicted on it.
Complication: Collect a picture without leaning on a black and white image. Tell how this inventory can be used.

"Slug the picture"

Pictures depicting sports, inventory are cut on various geometric shapes.
Goals and objectives: To form in children interest in physical education and sports; To acquaint children with sports; Teach children to learn and call sports; Develop imagination, thinking, logic.
Age: 5 - 7 years.
Rules: The player collects a picture of pieces. Collected, the child tells what is shown in the picture.

"Find a couple"

Goals and objectives: To form in children interest in physical education and sports; To acquaint children with sports; Teach children to learn and call sports equipment and equipment, to determine what kind of sport does it refers; develop the ability to analyze and summarize; Develop creative thinking and imagination.
Age: 35 years
Rules: 1 option: Play from 2 to 4 people. The lead sorts cards on pairs and divides them equally between players. At the command, players must pick up pair cards and fold them. The one who first coped with the task and correctly called the sports equipment.
Option 2: Play from 2 to 4 people and presenter. The host sorts the cards: one card puts one card from the pair, and to another - the second card. He distributes one stack to players, and the second puts on the table with pictures down. The presenter takes one card and shows it to players. The player who has a couple from this card calls that it is shown in the picture, and in which sport is used. If the answer is faithful. The player takes the card to himself, if not, the master leaves the card to himself. Wins the one who has more collected steam.

"Two halves"
Pictures depicting sports equipment and the main types of inventory movements are cut into two halves.

Goals and objectives: Teach children to learn and call sports equipment, the main types of movement; develop thinking and memory; To form interest in physical education.
Age: 2 - 3 years.
Rules: 1 option. The child folds two halves to get a picture.
Option 2. The child is looking in the stack of pictures the desired halves. Collect the picture, the child must call what is depicted on it.
3 option. Collect the picture, the child must call what is depicted on it. If this is a movement, then the child should show it. If this is an inventory, then the child should find it in the group and show, what exercises can be performed with it.

"Good and bad"

Goals and objectives: accepting children to a healthy lifestyle; Teach children to compare good and bad, useful and harmful; Incusional children wish to lead a healthy lifestyle; Develop thinking, logic, memory.
Age: 36 years.
Rules: Children are distributed cards that depict situations harmful to health. Players must determine why it is harmful and find a steam card with the image of a health care situation.

"Resting actively" (Cubes)

Goals and objectives: form interest in motor activity; Teach children to learn and call the types of outdoor activities; Develop memory thinking, logic.
Age: 36 years.
Rules: Collect the cubes so that the whole image is obtained by relying on the finished picture.
Complication 1: Collect the image, the child should call what is shown in the picture.
Complication 2: Collect image from memory without leaning on a finished image.

"Sports Domino"

Goals and objectives: Teach children to learn and call sports; Develop memory, logic, thinking.
Age: 4 - 6 years.
Rules: On the playing bones depicted symbols of sports. Play 2 - 4 people. Before starting the game, the dice is laid out on the table with shirts up and mixed. Each player chooses any seven bones. The rest of the bones remain lying on the table - this is a "bazaar". The first player walks, who has a dice with a double picture. If several players have a dice with a double picture, then the first player is chosen to read. Next, players go alternately, setting the bones to the right and left of the first, attaching the same picture of the other one. If a player (whose stroke) has no bone with the desired picture, then he takes the bone on the "bazaar". Wins one who will not have a single bone (or there will be the least).


Goals and objectives: To form in children interest in physical education and sports; Teach children to learn and call sports; Develop attention, memory.
Age: 5 - 7 years.
Rules: I play 2-6 people.
Each player takes 2-3 game cards, on which instead of numbers are depicted symbols of sports. The drive pulls out a bag with a symbol, calls the sport and shows it to players. He who has such a symbol on the game map, closes it with a toe. Wins a player who will close all symbols to the tokens faster.


Goals and objectives: form the interest of children to physical education and sports; Teach children to learn and call sports; develop memory.
Age: 5 - 7 years.
Rules: Play 2 - 6 people. On the table shirt up the pair cards with sport symbols in random order. Alternately, players turn over two cards. If the characters on the cards are the same, the player takes them out and makes the next move. If the characters are different, then the cards turn back and turns the next player. The game ends when all the cards are at the players. Wins the one who collected more Par.

"Sport in winter and summer"

Goals and objectives: To form in children interest in physical education and sports; Teach children to learn and call sports; Develop logic, memory, thinking, ability to classify and sort sports.
Age: 5 - 7 years. Rules: The player is invited to choose symbols (images) only winter or only summer sports. Then he calls these types of sports; explains why they are summer or winter; tells how the winner is determined.

"Sports Guessing"

Goals and objectives: replenish and consolidate children's knowledge about sports; Develop thinking, memory.
Age: 4 - 7 years.
Rules: The presenter (tutor) mixes the game fields (on each depicted 6 different species Sports) and distributes them between children. Then the presenter shows the card with the image of the sport and calls it. The player, on whose field there is the same sport, takes her, and putting over his field, repeats the name. The player wins the player who will close his playing field cards quickly.
Complication: Play the same, but the name of the sport calls a player, on whose field there is the same sport. In the event of an incorrect response, the lead calls the correct answer, gives the card to the player, and the player over the card, which put on the playing field, puts the penalty area. It wins the one who has fewer free tokens.

"Fourth extra"

Goals and objectives: form interest in physical education and sports; consolidate children's knowledge about sports, physical education, hygiene and health; Develop logic, thinking, memory.
Age: 4 - 7 years.
Rules: The player takes one card on which four pictures are depicted. The player calls what is shown on the card, then closes an extra picture, explaining why it is superfluous.

"Charging becomes"

Goals and objectives: To form in children interest in physical education and sports; Teach children to make exercises for morning gymnastics; Develop memory, thinking, logic.
Age: 5 - 7 years.
Rules: The player chooses a card with an image for the original position. Then picks up the movement for the exercise itself (for account 1-2 or 1-4) so \u200b\u200bthat the intermediate positions of the body and limbs are combined. After drawing up the exercise, the child must execute it. Playing can be a few people. They are in turn constitute an exercise, and the rest must complete the task.

"What is what"

Goals and objectives: To form in children interest in physical education and sports; Teach children to learn and call sports; learn to determine and call the necessary inventory, equipment, equipment for this sport; Develop thinking, memory, logic.
Age: 5 - 7 years.
Rules: The player chooses a card overlooking the sport. Next, he picks up a symbol of this sport, inventory and equipment.
There can be several people at the same time: who will gather a row faster.

"Gather a symbol"

Goals and objectives: To form in children interest in physical education and sports; To acquaint children with symbols of sports; Teach children learn and call sport; Develop thinking, attention, memory.
Age: 5 - 7 years. Rules: From the cut parts, the player collects a symbol of sport. Then he calls this sport and tells about him.

"Sports Four"

Maps are used for the game with the image of the sport and its symbol. They are divided into groups of four maps combined with one symbol (standing in the upper corner), but having different images of this sport.

Goals and objectives: To form in children interest in physical education and sports; Teach children to distinguish between sports (by seasons, inventory, at the place of entry); Develop memory, thinking, logic.
Age: 4 - 7 years.
Rules: Play 4 - 6 people. Players are distributed 4 cards. The task of each player to collect a group of cards with one sport. To do this, players pass to each other clockwise not necessary map shirt up. One who will quickly collect 4 cards with one sport.

"Me and my Shadow"

Goals and objectives: To form in children interest in physical education and sports; Teach children learn source positions; Develop attention, memory.
Age: 5 - 7 years.
Rules: I play 2-6 people.
Each player takes 2-3 game cards, which show the silhouettes of source positions and movements. The drive pulls out the bag with a color image from the bag and shows it to players. He, who at the game map there is a silhouette of this image, takes a chip and closes her silhouette. Wins a player who will close all the silhouettes of images faster.

"Clean - Guess"

Goals and objectives: To form in children interest in physical education and sports; Teach children to learn sports on the grounds and definitions; Teach children to make a sport on the grounds and definitions; Develop memory, thinking, logic.
Age: 5 - 7 years.
Rules: 2 and more people can play.
Driving (adult or child), with the help of cards - "definitions and signs", makes a sport.
Players are trying to guess the sport. The one who guess becomes leading.

Definition cards and signs


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