Overdose butyrate: the main symptoms and the principles of treatment. Butirate - from Kaif to the grave What sensations in women adopted butirate

Overdose butyrate: the main symptoms and the principles of treatment. Butirate - from Kaif to the grave What sensations in women adopted butirate

This narcotic substance is a synthetic depressant and is a white small-crystalline powder with a yellowish tinge and a characteristic specific smell. Available in two types of potassium salts or sodium oxybutirate. It dissolves well in alcohol and water. It comes in the form of an aqueous solution or fine powder.

How does Butirate act?

This narcotic remedy has the following effects on the body:

  • sedative;
  • anti-shock;
  • nootropic;
  • antihypoxic;
  • hypnotic;
  • mioroxizing (central).

Signs of drinking Butirata

To begin with, it is worth noting that the dosage of the received butyrate is calculated in milliliters. Drug addicts most often measure it with covers from beer bottles. One cover accommodates 7 ml of the finished narcotic drug.

Depending on the dose consuming, butirate causes cardinal changes in behavior and consciousness. The effect is observed approximately a quarter of an hour after use and lasts about 1-2 hours. The duration of action depends on the set of factors, for example, from a combination of drugs with certain foods and other substances, the initial state of mental and physical health, body weight. Dependence is already manifested at the first reception, and the overdose of butyrate is not uncommon.

Doses and symptomatic manifestations of butirate


  1. Stimulation of growth hormone production processes
  2. Light dizziness
  3. Relaxity
  4. Increased mood
  5. Similar with light alcoholic bends


  1. Euphoria
  2. Physical activity
  3. Elevated sexual desire
  4. Inadequacy of behavior
  5. Insurance of speech
  6. Fite

High and highly high

  1. Partial amnes
  2. Uncontrollable behavior
  3. Excessive activity
  4. Involuntary urination and defecation
  5. Drowsiness

When receiving high doses, mixed with a large number of alcohol, is observed:

  • stupor;
  • confusion and / or loss of consciousness;
  • coma;
  • death.

The powerful sense of Euphoria, which causes the reception of butirate, as well as its imaginary harmlessness is the main "traps", in which people fall, who have a desire to try this narcotic substance.

The effects of boutirate use

The tolerance of the body to this narcotic agent develops in a rather short time interval. The use of butirate in something is similar to when a person takes a drug over several days in a row. After leaving "Zavoy" he has:

  • tremor limbs;
  • hELL instability;
  • hyperhydrosis;
  • paranoid state;
  • psychosis;
  • depression;
  • insomnia (you can only fall asleep after taking powerful sleeping drugs);
  • photophobia.

The line between the relatively low and deadly dose of the received butirate is too thin. The risk of overdose development increases, if mixing butirate with alcohol. Such a habit of drug addicts destroyed not one human life. Moreover, death takes not only boutirate used, but also in no indifferent people - pedestrians who fall under the wheels of vehicles managed by a person under the narcotic effects of such a "cocktail".

Also, a person who, due to the reception of Butirat, has lost control of his behavior, can cause injury to varying severity, for example, jump from the roof of a multi-storey house, fall from a high staircase or whipped with a sharp object. But that harm that the psyche delivers this drug cannot be compared with any other danger, one way or another associated with its use.

In medicine, sodium salt and potassium oxybutirart is used as a means to introduce a patient into an unconscious state - anesthesia. Boutirate is used when performing non-combiding operations that are associated with insignificant injuries. At the same time, the patient's spontaneous breath is preserved. Most often, butirate is used in the area of \u200b\u200bobstetrics, surgery, ophthalmology and gynecology.

Perhaps there is no other drug, which would turn a person at such a speed in the "vegetable". Butirate contributes to the immersion of a person in a state similar to peculiar anesthesia, as a result of which irreversible destructive processes occur in the psyche. Ultimately, all this leads to the death of the cells of the brain.

This is a long and difficult way. But to completely get rid of it, a person must pass it, overcoming all the obstacles. - relieving physical traction, rehabilitation period and competent psychological assistance.

Butirate is an antidepressant synthetic origin with a nootropic effect. In common, this drug is referred to as sodium oxybutirate. It does not have soothing, psychostimulating and painkillers. Characteristic property: strengthening the response of the body to other drugs or painkillers.

Butirate has a wide range of applications in medicine. So in anesthesiology, he acts as a means for anesthesia, which is used in the process of many operations.

Neurologists and psychiatrists are prescribed butirate patients, with a diagnosis of neurosis, as well as when there are problems with sleep. People engaged in sports, as well as bodybuilders take butirate as anabolique, capable of stimulating the growth of muscle mass. Not so long ago, Boutirate became popular among young people. The demand for a substance is due to the fact that it increases the sexual attraction and improves the mood. At first glance, it may seem that butyrate carries exclusive benefits and nothing bad in the drug intake and can not be. After all the listed question arises: "Is everything so good or still there are pitfalls?"

In our country, Butirate is in the list called "Three". This list establishes certain restrictions on the turnover of butirate in Russian Federation. This is due to the fact that the butyrate adversely affects a growing developing teenage organism, because it refers to the category of potent poisons.

The effect of butirate on the body

A small dose of Butyrata, like any other poison, originally relaxes the human body and leads it to a state of peace. If you bring a comparison, after Butirata, a person feels just like after the adoption of alcoholic beverages:

  • People under the influence of a narcotic drug just forget about the real world.
  • It seems to them that they are all good and there are no more problems.
  • Butirate after the third adoption causes psychological addiction. Copy in the liver poison has a negative impact on the entire body. In this regard, the braking process is launched: a person constantly wants to sleep, he is not interested in what is happening around, and the like.

There is an intermediate phase between taking butirate and caused by substance drowsiness. Being in it, people behave unnaturally and inadequate.

Consequences of drug use

Butirate is a very dangerous substance that can lead to the most unpredictable consequences. Medicine is known cases when after taking the drug, the person sat down behind the wheel and fell asleep. Outcome: Fathy accident. As mentioned above, the effect of Butirate is expressed in loss of control over its consciousness, which, of course, can lead to injury to himself. Under the influence of the drug person can jump from a high floor. At the same time, he does not control his actions at all and does not understand the consequences.

Separately, it is worth saying that the drug butter is a substance that is most affecting the mental state of a person. Humanity is not yet known for any such drug that could be compared with Butirate in its impact.

Oxybutirate sodium as soon as possible is addictive, both in physical and psychological plan. Moreover, this narcotic substance reduces the life expectancy doubled. The consequences of the drug intake are sad. Refuse to receive Butirate is not so difficult. The problem is a recurrence.

A bit of history

Oxybutirate sodium and other substances similar to it in composition are not able to cause severe addiction, but systematic use inevitably leads to psychological dependence.

Butirate became known to mankind at the end of the 19th century. In the 20th century, doctors examined the substance and conducted a thorough analysis. Butirate's use falls on the 60th. For the first time, the physiologist from France A. Labori spoke about Butirate and its useful qualities. In his writings, he described the effect of the drug, namely, that butirate can be used as a means for shallow anesthesia. Based on this, already in the 70s, sodium oxybutirate began to use with numerous operations. The substance was also used as an analgesic remedy for childbirth.

In the same period, a number of studies were conducted, which helped to identify the negative effects of the drug, but, unfortunately, the side effects were not paid due attention. Already in the 1980s, Butirate was used everywhere and everywhere.

Start dependence on butyrata

The use of butirate in aggregate with alcohol and drug causes a person's condition of euphoria, which can be compared with alcohol intoxication. After eating a substance, a person does not feel bad, as in the case of alcohol. But you should not forget that the systematic use of sodium oxybutirate in unlimited quantities causes toxic effects. The development of a drug coma is not excluded, which, as is known, can lead to a heart stop. In addition, the effect of taking drugs in aggregate with butyratom increases at times. This leads to great difficulties when trying to eliminate the consequences that came after the introduction of the composition.

Until now, scientists argue about physical dependence on butirate. One thing to say exactly - the psychological dependence on this drug is. Such a state of affairs leads to the fact that a person who is constantly eating butirate does not understand the whole seriousness of the situation and thinks only about one thing - how to find another dose.

Currently, butyrate is prohibited in our country. It is also extremely rarely used for medical purposes. From this we can conclude that the drugs offered to people are nothing more than a synthetic substance made in the mixture. In the process of manufacture, toxic substances are involved, which, when a person gets into the body, destroy it and lead to an imminent death.

Video What is Butirate. Film about butirate and butirates

Narcological dependence breaks the life of both the drug addict itself and its relatives. A person stops rejoice in ordinary things. He is ready to give everything, just to get another dose. And it doesn't matter how strong the narcot people take. Even such light drugs like butyrate are dangerous. They are able to lead to irreversible psyche diseases and to death. Therefore, before trying a dangerous substance, it is worth learn what butirate is and its consequences.

Description Butirata

Butirate is a narcotic substance. In the medical sphere, it has a sodium oxybutyrate name. The drug is widely used in neurology and anesthesiology. It launches metabolism and improves the work of many internal organs.

If in the body, butirate affects the central nervous system and has a soothing effect. Large doses of the drug are able to introduce a person to a state of anesthesia. The substance is addictive, and with regular reception, it is difficult to abandon it.

After taking Butirate, people feel narcotic intoxication. They are confused, hallucinations begin. The drug begins to act on the body 10 minutes after its admission, and the state of intoxication quickly passes.

Butirate action on the human body

When youth first try butirate, they have the state of Euphoria. It lasts for an hour. When taking a substance, along with alcohol, narcotic intoxication continues longer. Because of this, few people refuse to take the next dose.

Butyrate overdose is dangerous, but difficult to limit the dose. Usually, the youth refuses the stratility with bottles. After one dose, their mood rises and the tide of strength is felt. When intoxication releases, they take the following traffic jams. But toxins do not have time to leave the liver, and their number becomes critical.

Instead of excitement, it is felt:

  • drowsiness;
  • braking;
  • apathy.

In one plug about 2 ml of solution. Doctors use only 3 ml of sodium oxybutirate so that the patient falls asleep, so after the second stopper, the drug addict is very poisoned. For immersion in a state of anesthesia in medical institutions, 6 ml of medication is used.

After a single admission for medical purposes, the substance leaves the body without having harm it. But when people take drugs regularly, the effect of butirate on the body becomes dangerous. It acts on the nervous system, and can provoke serious psyche disorders.

4 hours after the use of the last dose, people begin to feel anxiety. They want to take another drug. After another 2 hours, the coordination of movements is disturbed, the speech ceases to be a clear. At this point, the patient can go to the "blind", and will feel comfort only after the adoption of another dose. In the interruptions between them, a cold pouring sweat appears, fear of light, insomnia. It is impossible to exit this state without the help of doctors.

Symptoms of oxybutirate sodium

When adding a drug in small doses, signs of a drinking person appear. He has a little spinning head, all the actions are liberated. If, in the presence of such signs there is no smell of alcohol, you can suspect the reception of the drug.

The consequences of the use of butirate in medium doses are:

  • inadequate behavior;
  • fuzzy speech;
  • euphoria.

For large doses, drugs can increase activity, a person loses control over himself. If at this moment aggression appears, it can become dangerous to others. Dependent lose memory, and after the yield of sodium oxybutirate from the body cannot remember the events.

In a person who accepted drugs in large quantities, Pupils become fixed, skin pale pale, the pulse becomes weak. People can enter the coma state. During a narcotic sleep, a respiratory stop is possible. Such a reaction of the body on butyrate can be more serious if it was taken together with alcohol.

In the event that a person is in such a state, it is necessary to immediately call ambulance. Before their arrival it is impossible to give anything to the patient, including water. It should be followed so that he does not lose consciousness. If this happened, the addict should be in feeling painful irritants.

Boot output from the body

Problems with how to bring butirate from the body, no. For five hours after its reception, it completely disintegrates and comes out of the blood. In the urine, the substance can be detected within a few hours. Because of such a quick, the drug is difficult to detect with tests. Therefore, to lead a relative to surrender analyzes needed at once, as was noticed by confusion or other signs of intoxication, without the presence of alcohol smell.

After the drug leaves the body, the dependent wants to take a new dose. But such a traction is more mental than the physiological, since the negative effect of butyrate on the body after the first doses is practically no turning. Therefore, the "beginner" drug addict can refuse the poison itself. To do this, you need to do self-sufficiency and distract yourself to drink a substance.

Ways to deal with butirate addiction

Using drugs for a long time, it is impossible to abandon it yourself. Treatment is carried out in. First, doctors purify the organism from toxins using plasmapheresis or hemosorption. Since Butirate displays potassium, the patient gives vitamins.

In the second stage, mental addiction is treated. For this, psychotherapy and social rehabilitation courses are held. At this stage, a person must learn to live without drugs.

GHB (gamma hydroxybutyrate) - Synthetic depressant, by action similar with alcohol.

Chemical name: 4-hydrobutanic acid(1.4 Butyardiol, Gamma Butyrolactone)

Chemical formula: C4H8O3 (HOCH2CH2CH2COOH)

Synonyms and slang names of Butirate

english: Blue Verve, G, Gamma-HydroxyButyrate, Gamma-Oh, Georgia Home Boy, GOOP, GRIEVous Bodily Harm, Ezlay, Liquid E, Liquid X, SG, Sodium Oxybate,
russians: Booth, Pinocchio, Water, Lemonade, Oksik, Oksana, Ksyuha

Butirat It is a white with a yellowish tint crystalline powder with a weak specific smell. Soluble in water and alcohol. Most often used in the form sololi. sodium Oxybutirata(NA-GHB) and oxybutirate potassium (K-GHB). Sololi. GHB. Release both in the form of powder and in the form of aqueous solutions. Butirat It is used as a sleeping pill, as well as a psychoactive substance - relaxant, according to the action similar to alcohol. In the past, it was often used in bodybuilding as a dietary supplement.
In medical practice sodium oxybutirat It is used to treat neurotic states, insomnia, as well as inxication and traumatic damage to the central nervous system.

Story Butirata

For the first time butirat It was synthesized in 1874, although the synthesis method was published only in 1929. The French explorer Henry Labori (Dr. Henri Laborit) played a prominent role in the distribution of the drug (Dr. Henri Laborit). In the 1960s, he made a number of experiences in which many previously unknown properties of Butirata. In particular, the ability of the drug to stimulate the release of the growth hormone (STG) required to build muscle mass. What led in the 1980s to widely distribute it as a bioactive food additive to the bodybuilding diet.
In recent years butirat It became quite popular in club culture as replacing traditional alcohol. It is increasingly used as energy, providing a raised mood, but without an alcohol characteristic. Some even call him liquid ecstasydue to certain similarities in effects. Also butirate are usedAs a rather powerful aphrodisiac, which increases the depth of sexual sensations and duration of sexual intercourse.

Baoutirate action

IN therapeutic doses Butirat It has a pronounced antihypoxic effect: it increases the resistance of the organism of oxygen deficiency, including in brain tissues, heart muscle and retina. In large doses, used as soft sleeping pills.
Without an analgesic, however, has a good anti-deposit potential, as well as enhances the effects of other painkillers. In medicine butirate use For the treatment of narcolepsy and insomnia, as well as for the treatment of alcoholism.
The non-medical application is connected mainly with effects resembling an impact of alcohol.
Dose of drug 0.5-1.5 grams It causes an easy degree of "intoxication", as about one - two glasses of vodka: characterized by light euphoria, relaxation, lift of mood and increased sociability.
Medium dose - 1.5-2.5 grams It helps strengthen relaxation, as well as greater dismissal, instability, speech incoherence. There is a sharp rise in mood, an increased interest in music and dancing, as well as increased sexual attraction up to hypersexuality.
Doses over 3 grams May cause a deep sleep with a duration of 3-4 hours.
Act butirata It starts 10-20 minutes after the reception, and continues for one to two hours, sometimes longer. In general, effects and duration - as in the case of alcohol, they differ strongly depending on many parameters: for example, dose, body weight, physiological predisposition and from a combination with other substances and food.
Post effects after termination butirata It is expressed in light dispersal and inhibition. "Thumping syndrome" is expressed Neyarko, mainly there is some "blurring" of consciousness or, on the contrary, increased vigor and efficiency.
In the body butirat Disintegrates on non-toxic components - water and carbon oxide, however, depending on the individual characteristics of the body, even relatively small doses of the drug can lead to poisoning.
With regular use, tolerance is developing.

Harm and dependence on butyrata

Special danger in the one use Butirate Represents the ability to overdose. Any dose starting from 2 grams, depending on individual predisposition, can cause symptoms of poisoning. It is mainly expressed in a strong dizziness, disorientation, nausea and vomit. In more serious cases, the patient can fall into a deep dust sleep with subsequent failures in memory, or even in a comatose state. In such a state, a person can easily choke his own vomit.
In combination with other psychoactive drugs and alcohol, the risk of poisoning increases significantly. Especially often there are cases of overdose when used butirata In the form of a solution with an unknown concentration. For example, in the United States for several recent years registered about 60. deathsassociated with overdose butirata.
Even in small doses Butirat Significantly increases the training grounds when managing complex industrial equipment and car.
At the moment, there is no sufficient data on the possible physical dependencecaused by regular use of the drug. However, when taking butirate 3-6 times a week for several months, a rack appeared psychological dependence.
The abolition syndrome in this case is bright, and is characterized by a constant sense of anxiety, insomnia, impaired heart, dizziness and chest pain. Abstinence can last a few days after the end of regular use.
The drug is contraindicated also in miastic, hypokalemia as well as during pregnancy and in breastfeeding period.

Diagnosis and treatment

For boutirate intravenous injection Fully excreted from the body for 4-5 hours. With oral use, the drug can be detected in the blood during the day.
Symptoms of overdose of butyrata: Difficult breathing, fixed pupils, immunity to external stimuli, convulsions and vomiting. In this case, first aid should be provided in the form of washing the stomach, as well as the reception of adsorbing substances - for example, activated carbon.
In any case, you need to seek qualified medical care.


Turnover Butirata Various degrees are limited in most countries, including the United States, Australia, the United Kingdom, Japan, Canada, and even the Netherlands.
In Russia sodium oxybutirat and other hydroxy saltsincluded in the list of "psychotropic substances, whose turnover in the Russian Federation is limited and for which the exclusion of certain control measures is allowed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the international treaties of the Russian Federation"

Driver under Butirate crashed into a parked car

Video consequences of boutirate

Errors in the definition of true disease

Butirat - one of the varieties synthetic drugs. Initially used in medicine, but at the expense of the depressant in its composition, began to be widely applied in the medium of drug addicts.

The treatment of dependence on butyrate will be long and will require a lot of energy from the drug addict. One detoxification is not enough to make rid of butirate addiction forever.

A number of signs that will be listed below will help you to state the disease on early timing And during take action. After all, the consequences rendered by Boutirate per person with long-term use are irreparable.

Dependence on Butirata

Butyrate drug addicts call the drug - Oxybutirate sodium. It is used to treat neurological diseases and eye diseases. Also, sodium oxybutyrate solution is used for anesthesia.

Because of its specific composition, sodium oxybutirate has a similar alcohol or MDMA on the body. Often it is connected by oxybutirate potassium.

The effect that occurs after the use of a psychoactive substance is so strong that a person has a desire to take new doses of the drug, which entails the formation of dependence on butyrate.

A person may be weeks in the so-called "dub", which is then replaced by by an abstinence syndrome.

Also, boutirate lovers appear the following modifications characteristic of any dependence:

  • Irresistible attraction to the substance;
  • Lack of control over their behavior;
  • Inspection in people, places, means, if it comes to consumption;
  • Tract for drugs;
  • Psycho, socio, spiritual and physical changes of man;
  • Negation of the problem;
  • Refusal of help

Baoutirate action

The main action that boutirate has on the body is relaxing. The dosage exceeding 1.5 grams is considered not medical, i.e. The substance is applied to obtain a narcotic effect.

After applying 3 grams of substance, a person is experiencing the following changes:

  • Euphoria;
  • Increased excitability;
  • Unconscious manifestations of empathy;
  • Unfortunate joy;
  • Improving performance (or the absence of it, depending on individual parameters);
  • Elevated emotional sensitivity

The manifestations of the reception of butirate in each case may vary slightly. It depends on age, body weight and other personality characteristics of a person.

The drug can affect and how hypnotic, then there will be a long sleep on the like lethargic.

Often dependent use butirate together with other depressants or alcohol. They mix substances to achieve greater euphoria, because Over time, the tolerance of the substance increases. This is categorically impossible to do this. The simultaneous use of these drugs leads to a fatal outcome.

Eating Butirata

The regular use of Butirate entails irreparable changes in the life of a drug addict. With a strong overdose, drowsiness appears, such a state is dangerous for drivers who are driving. Calculate the dose is difficult enough, so the addict, sitting behind the wheel, may not suspect that after 15-20 minutes he wanted to sleep much. Resistance to sleep in this case is useless. It is better to stop the car, otherwise you can lose control control and get into an accident with the presence of victims.

Chemical compounds of the composition of Butirate cause a gradual failure of the liver functions, arrhythmia, vomiting, unconscious condition, mental dependence. Physical dependence, scientists did not reveal.

The effects of boutirate use

The consequences of boutirate use are indigenous changes in the social and spiritual spheres of human life. Characteristic is the following behavior of the dependent:

  • Theft;
  • A tendency to deception;
  • Secrecy;
  • New asocial friends;
  • Aggression towards loved ones;
  • Indifference to everything;
  • Reducing libido;
  • Lack of spiritual and moral standards in life

At the physical level, some changes are also noticeable. Changes in brain activity begins, characterized by a decrease in the level of intelligence and as a result of degradation.

The substance affects the lungs, the liver. The reproductive system cannot perform its functions.

The effects of butirate are subject to abstineent syndrome, which appears when abstaining from a substance for one or more days. At this time, the drug addict is irritated, fatigue, drowsiness, dizziness and nausea.

The manifestations of the abstineent syndrome are frightening drug addict, forcing it to seek the possibility of acquiring a new dose to facilitate its condition.

The harm rendered by butyrate on the human body is huge. On the treatment of drug addiction, a lot of money is due, but it is not always possible to restore what was.

Treatment from Butirata

Treatment from butirate is a long process requiring an individual approach and comprehensive treatment. Impact on all destroyed personality areas make it possible to addicts to gain purity and learn how to live in a sober mind for many years, without experiencing traction.

An integrated approach includes several stages:

  • Detox;
  • Hospital;
  • Outpatient program;
  • Employment

At each stage, various specialists work with addicted. These are narcologists, and psychotherapists, consultants in chemical addiction.

The patient is in treating together with other drug addicts, and learns to interact with them. Accommodation in the team helps to understand the dependent that his problem is not unique, and the main thing is solved. Following the ahead, which has already been in rehabilitation for rehabilitation, the patient has a motivation to succeed in treatment. He has a desire to gain sobriety, even if it was originally categorically against treatment.

The cost of our center services
Anonymous Consultation by phone is free
Consultation in the office is free
Development of a rehabilitation plan is free
Groups for dependent and coad is free
Life support is free
Individual advice on video calls with narcologist 500 ₽ / hour
Detoxification of the body from 3000 ₽ / day
Convince the dependent treated from 5000 ₽
Delivery dependent in the rehabilitation center from 5000 ₽
Hospital budget from 1250 ₽ / day
Hospital standard 1720 ₽ / day
VIP hospital from 3000 ₽ / day

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