Heroes Tactics: PVP strategy. Heroes Tactics War & Strategy Game Review, RPG Strategy on Android, Heroes Charges Mix with Swine and Magic Heroes, Tactical Map Heroes Tactics Heroes and their abilities

Heroes Tactics: PVP strategy. Heroes Tactics War & Strategy Game Review, RPG Strategy on Android, Heroes Charges Mix with Swine and Magic Heroes, Tactical Map Heroes Tactics Heroes and their abilities

Having achieved 20 levels, you can create and enter into already existing guilds (each guild has a unique ID). Guild - This is a place where you can communicate with other players by correspondence - regardless of the difference in the level, as well as hire other people's characters and rent your own - with the help of the heroes exchange function.
Player, earning 1 VNS in ordinary locations (i.e. campaigns), additionally gives 1 VNS of its guild. The daily limit of earned endurance cannot exceed 600 units. The maximum limit of the endurance of the guild is 200.000 VNS.

The rules for exchanging heroes:

1). To earn a little gold, send a hero to exchange. Every time someone rents your hero, you will receive payment in the form of gold. Perhaps, thanks to this, your cooging will be able to undergo more complex levels and locations;
2). If you sent a hero to exchange, you can only return it in only 30 minutes;
3). The higher the rating of the hero, the more time he will be able to exchange;
4). The higher the rating of the hero, the greater the income from the exchange;
five). Important! Even sending a hero to exchange, you can still use it in your battles (except for the arena).

Rental of own characters:

In a guild shop, you can buy equipment of rare and epic quality, as well as a dark essence (material for witchcraft), various characters' cards (stacks of 5 pieces) and test books (stacks of 20 pieces).
No more than 12 objects can be sold in a guild center in the shop, 4 stacks of cards, the dark essence and stack of experience books. The renewal of the shop costs 10 coins of the guild.

Map (x5). Cost: 500 Coin Guild; Equipment. Cost: huge scatter at prices; Dark essence. Cost: 300 guild coins; Diary of the hero (x20). Cost: 200 Coin Guild.

Twice a day you can use this regime in order to apply a guild boss a small portion of damage and earn the appropriate remuneration. Keep in mind that problems in battles will not be the boss itself, but his minor evil minions.

Mode Rules:

1). To activate the mode requires endurance;
2). The guild members can beat the boss only in turn. The health of the boss is not restored;
3). So that all the cooging people had the same chance to fight the boss, each battle lasts no longer than 5 minutes (or 5 rounds);
4). When damageing the boss and execution of guild tasks, you can earn the guild coins;
5). For the defeat of the special boss bosses (such as chopped supreets from oxminogus), an additional remuneration is issued, which becomes the property of your guild. To get it you must send a request to your master;
6). After the battle, you can get the guild coins, their number directly depends on the damage applied;
7). Mode is available from 9-00 to 23-00 by server time;
8). Distribution of production on requests are performed every hour - from 9-00 to 23-00.

Approximate mining from the Guild Boss:

"Heroes Tactics" is another example of the fact that mobile toys do not need to be transferred to computers. Seriously, who comes to mind at all?

Not bad graphics, a good idea, a lot of heroes, but the donat taxes and it is absolutely impossible to play without it.

Video: Trailer for Heroes Tactics game

For half actions, energy is needed, pumping reduces to the infinite passage of the same type of missions. And that is not all.

Cartoon strategy with linear plot

Another fantasy world, another story about the salvation of mankind from insidious evil. This time - we are looking for allies, collect a squad and go to search for princesses. In fact - just cut the crowd mobs one by one.

Have you ever played in Heroes Charges? Here is the same scheme.

  • First we pass the usual dungeons and get gold.
  • Then - elite, where the stones of the shower are given together with gold.
  • For the stones of the shower we buy new mercenaries.
  • Fill 6 slots with equipment, pumping, take the best in battle.

And fights are drawn with "Heroes of Might and Magic"

Is that a bit simplified. Like there, we have a field broken into cells with some obstacles. And the army of heroes on both sides of the field.

Diliki, Awards and Other

In addition to the story campaign there are PVP - It is implemented in the form of individual arenas, and the number of battles per day is strictly limited. And there are daily promotions for the entrance and raid-raid.

The game is suitable for murdering time in line or public transport, on mobile devices is popular. But the computer version has little chances.

Hello. Dear readers, for the second month I pour over toy, I want to tell you about it. There are no reviews yet, I will be the first.

So, I played in Best Fiends, and everything went down to permanent advertising, and in one of the commercials showed Heroes Tactic, I decided to swing. And ... my delight was not the limit. These are the heroes of the sword and magic three in the new life!

The main menu looks like this. It can be considered long, studying characters

Company Developer

There is a lot of things in the toy. Veburo about everything and not in order.

That's actually, and Tactic Hayreus. There are a lot of things here: the tower of heroes, heren of heaven, fountains

In the tower of heroes there are 3 types of battles: the mine, a library and a thorns. The last simplest. Each location has 6 levels and 5 attempts per day. On Sunday you can pass each location 5 times. Depending on the level, the complexity is changed, the amount of gold and artifacts. When to take 3 stars, you can make raids with special permissions. The battle is spent: VNS (endurance). All endurance in the area of \u200b\u200b70 units at the beginning, and with each level it increases by 1 unit. Restores 1 VNS in 10 minutes.

I play the Faltha server, the Frosty server has recently opened. They do not coincide with our server. On Faltha, all sorts of additional free VNS type bonuses are obtained at 15:00, 21:00 and 00:00, on the Frosty server at 13:00, at 19:00 and at 22:00, also at 12:00 on Faltha boss wakes up

So the heavenly isna looks like. This is a place where there are 10 locks. 10 locks - 10 battles. First you give you lungs and weak heroes that are easy to beat, and the further - the more difficult. Here you need to master tactics: to predict when it is better to take from the units, and in what order them. In the award, you get artifacts, books, creatures and money: gold and manna heavenly. Heavenly semolina is given for the passage of 3 locks (150 units), 6 locks (200) and so on. You can buy something on this currency in the bench's bench.

For beginners there are training. It is not mandatory, but passing it, you get some bonuses

The game has the concept of experience. The experience of your account and the experience of units. Experience is obtained after the battles and tasks. Tasks are daily and basic.

The list of units looks like a book. There is a lot of whom you can find, everyone has their favorite.

Units are caused by cards or are obtained as a bonus in the fountain or daily bonuses. Or fall in the heavenly arena. Catch some very difficult. Basically you need to pass locations to collect cards. It is not easy. On some you can 80 pieces.

To collect unit, you need to pass locations in the legend mode. Total modes 3: warriors, legends and heroes.

1. Warriors. Here are the most simple locations, 6 VNS is spent, the artifacts of money and the experience of units are recruited.

2. Legends. Here is more fun. In addition to the fact that the units are gather here. On the day on each location, a fight is possible 3 times. You can make raids. Cards do not always fall. It happens that no map will not fall out of three battles, and happens (but very rarely) when 3 cards give 3 cards

3. Heroes. This mode is significantly different. Not immediately available

In each mode there are chapters that look outwardly the same. Basically division by 6 locations. The first 6 locations are the first chapter, then the second, then the third and so on. In the heroic mode, the same locations are held, but under other conditions: in the first chapter, all your units of the level 1 without skills, on the second: all 10th level with minimal skills, on the third all 20th level, on the fourth 35th. Here is an order. The passage is becoming easier after video views on YouTube. There are certain creatures with certain abilities.

So the window of the unit / creature looks like. Everyone gave a name, every experience, skills, stars and clothes. The number of stars is dialing with maps when scored - the button will light up. The unit becomes stronger. After the first star, you need to score 20 on the second, 50 to the third, 100 on the fourth and how much to the fifth. Artifacts (or by slang, gear) is put on when the plusy lights up. Plus, it may be yellow (inactive, conditions are not met, no level is achieved) may be green when you can already click and wear. The first, the most simpler consist of one part, the further the more difficult, it is convenient that if you do not have the right artifact, you can find where to get it. Uniforms can be encouraged. It gives a small bonus to what the artifact gives. Also, they are divided into magic levels (1,3,5 ..) Enchant on the first level you need 20 magic points, on the third 120. When all the clothes are collected, you can enhance the character. He again becomes cooler. Still the heroes have a color. The very first gray. After a set of clothes, it becomes green, then green with a silver frame, then blue, then blue with silver, blue with gold, purple, then purple with a silver frame, then with a gold frame.

In addition to every character, there are skills. At the green level, the second skill is available, on blue - the third, on the purple fourth. Basically, the last most surrender.

Here is an example, a crystal raincoat gathered from 5 pieces

skills increase behind the money and the maximum of 10 points, then there is a time limit and one point is restored in 10 minutes.

golden, VNS and crystals can be exchanged or buy

game field slightly wider

From level 20, you can join the guild. In any what you like. In the guild can be 50 people. It can exchange heroes for money. It is convenient in the heavenly arena and heroic mode. In the guild there is a shop, but at first it is not needed. From the 50th level the opportunity to attack the boss. Two battles with the boss give the money chalia for 100 coins per day. When the boss killed, give 200 coins.

for what you give to the exchange of heroes, you also give money. The longer the hero is lying there, the more income will bring. At the same time, they can also fight

guild shopping

book with bosses. While only one boss is available. when it is defeated, it appears again

pisses in percent damage and the choice can request an artifact that will be given to you when the boss will be defeated

There are also friends. They can be added to 100. Together you exchange VNS. First ask, then send. Every friend gives 2 VNS. In the amount of 200 free VNS per day

the game has an ordinary shop

There is also a pirates shop with discounts and steep artifacts. And Camex shop. They appear when their dumb will be

Even in the game there are fountains.

Pond lilies and pond fish. The first launches in the morning and 5 times you can take a bonus barrelly, the second is activated once every 46 hours.

every day also give some bonus

For each fight give asterisks. 1 star is a level will pass. 3 stars - the level passed and you can make a flare. A flare is with a special resolution you, you do not pass the level quickly, without spending time on the battle. VNS is also spent, give books, money and artifacts, but the units themselves do not get

in the heroic mode for 1 star give two bags with gold to 500,000 each, for 2 stars something else, and for three artifacts and creatures

so the fight looks like in the sky arena. Here the number of HP life points and the number of charge glasses (ultra) AP is saved by the end of the battle, the next battle begins with the same characteristics.

below is shown that they will be given in case of victory

before each fight, you can place units. This is a very important function, you need to calculate who will come to and so on. For example, the griffin walks on 4 cells. Hyperia for 3, vampire on 4 and so

How many unit cells are called mobility. It also reflects on Bola Battle. Who has more mobility, the first goes. Also goes into account the level of the unit. Some creatures have a bonus - an increase in mobility (at the Centaurus, at the Minotaur in the first round, at PEI in the following), some as a droplet or za can freeze, and the unit will go the last and much slower

so the battle with the boss looks like. Pretty complex thing. In addition to octopus, there are still fish that interfere. Killing fish, earn the chests, but apply less damage on the boss. The more damage you will apply on the boss, the more gold will be given

when the cards are collected, a joyful window appears

There is an Arena in the game. 5 tickets per day, with a minimum time of one battle to another 10 minutes. There you are trying to raise your rating, choosing a rival. Fights are conducted in automatic mode. You can raise your position, and then you can attack you, and lower it. For a position. Once a day is listed on the basis of your position bonus. The higher the position - above the bonus. These are crystals and coins of the arena. To which you can also buy something in the Arena Lava. In general, a lot of currencies in the toy: gold, crystals, coins of the guild, coins arena and manna heavenly

the game is interesting to a variety of characters and tactics. Each hero has its own chip and do not replace, and the main gameplay is very similar to the heroes of 3! In the first version, the artifacts were taken from there, but since then the icons have already managed to change three times that, of course, sadness and complicates the game process. And the dwellings have not changed until, and they look very similar to the heroes 3 so far! In general, the toy is very interesting and quite delay. The only negative, she is very much eats a battery on the phone. But, they say, you can put the simulator of android on the computer, and is called this Blistx. I have not tried, I do not know. Well, it also works only with the Internet.

In recent years, there is a steady feeling that soon it will be possible not to cut the reviews, but just poke a finger in those games, of which "blinded" a new game and say - that we take it, we remove it, we add it from here, here is a new game. This is if the developers are not completely lazy, because that there is a lot of games, and even successful, which are generally no different in essence, except the name and pictures. But for the sake of changing the pictures to play a new game? Is it worth it? Tea is not the canvas Van Gogh and not Konstantin Vasilyeva, so that they admire ...

In general, we have another hybrid today from two cult games, and both of which have the word heroes in their title - these are the heroes of the sword and magic (also having a lot of online variations, for example -. Hybrid, by the way, is quite viable, and interesting main The fact that I personally meet the game for Android with a full-fledged step-by-step tactical battle card, that is, you can choose, rushing forward or sit waiting, cover the archers or rush.

But let's give more detail.

HEROES TACTICS Game Review: War & Strategy

Actually, the system development system and even the general location of locations almost completely copies Heroes Charges, that is, hiring the hero behind the hero (not stacks from a large number of warriors, and mercenaries), collecting their stones of souls, and then gradually wear them, according to the standard already scheme - Fill 6 flames, raise the quality and on the new one. We also do not forget for money to raise the skill level.

And the location scheme is also similar - there is an Arena, a fountain of desire as an analog of chests, the tower of heroes as an analogue of the test.

But the main time, as usual, we pass the mission for the mission, first the usual, knocking the necessary items, or in elite knock in addition to the objects of the souls, to collect new heroes.

It is curious that the starting, easily gathering heroes completely repeat the knights of the knights in the heroes of Mime, only instead of the detachments with different characteristics we hire a single, approximately equal to the power of mercenaries - archer, Lake, Griffin, knight, instead of Monk Monk, True, a nun girl. True, their skills have changed a little, although they have largely retained their roots.

Boy system

On the battle system - typical heroes of mime, but with features. So, we have a battle card, divided into cells, for which we can move our characters to kill enemy and protect ours. In general, the classical system - there are fast creatures that far fly and are quite good, that is, Griffon, there is a slow and sad shop, but with good defense, there are two warrior of distant battle - an archer and a nun - Elena's priestess, there is a knight that blow From the runway causes elevated damage. And so on, what makes it makes it possible to think about the tactics of the battle - when it is better to close your archer and sit down in defense, when to rush, and when you just wait when the enemies are suitable for a distance and pour them.

Of the important differences, the skills have become activated, and not with a random triggering, and they are activated by familiar to pain scheme - the hero scored a rage, his icon appeared a golden halo, which indicates that it is possible to activate a special skill. For example, Latnik has a skit stun, and, unlike the original game, it can stun out of the distance, launching the shield and causing it also damage. The nun now heals once a few moves, but her main skill causes a good damage. However, almost all the skills are somehow damage, and the higher the skill level was hampered by the heroes, the higher this damage.

Result, review

In general, the game is quite a good, thoughtful, and even on the screen of the phone is played without any problems, although it would seem to be a small on the map, but no, balance account. At the same time, the tactical component is, indeed, if you think, then the chances of winning are sharply rising, but you can turn on to cars and here already as bots will play. However, three stars bots to knock out practically unrealistic - the vulture flies forward and immediately die, and 3 stresses are needed to open auto-trip - raid raid. Raid Scrolls, knock out or when buying VIP.

The game, of course, for thinking people, but a condition appears - for patient thinking, as the battles occupy a certain time. And then there is a joint - fights without a raid of aisles really long, and repeated passages in any case of Nudatina, so either pinch or be a very patient player ...

And yes, personally did not hooked me and did not get fascinated from the word at all. From courtesy, I pumped the heroes up to level 23, brought them to a blue quality, but I did not see anything in the game that I would like to stay - yes, it is interesting, but no more.

HEROES TACTICS: PVP strategy - This is a step-by-step strategy in which you will fight in the arena. There is no boring construction, only dynamic fights. In the distant past on Earth there was a tribe of powerful dragons. And at that time they were the most wise and strong rulers, and humanity lived in prosperity and without wars. But the celersmen were pregnutable on people, having deprived the weak sex. After several generations from women who can give birth, Princess Loraalin remained - a direct descendant of past kings, and the keeper of powerful knowledge. After the curse, furious demons came to the earth, who stole a girl. You will also have to break all the enemies guarding the princess, and conquer the heart of the beautiful Loraal.

In the starting fights, the prompt system will help the player to know the world and the basic principles of combat. Skip the workouts in Hirus Tactic PVP Strategy on Android can not, but it is for the better, since the enemies and on combat qualities, and by class components, no worse than your representatives. You can win only with the help of a proposed strategy. At the beginning, you should put your warriors on the battlefield. Unfortunately, the opponents on it are not shown, and the significance of the strategy from this is significantly seated. In the battle, it will be necessary to apply all the ability to correctly use such abilities as: Pause - this team gives the right to the enemy first to perform in the arena, and if the moves will end with him, the first to attack. The "Protection" team is there such situations when do not rush into battle, and it is better to wait or stand up. The "block" command will help you attack or reflect powerful attacks. All manipulations will be combined during the battle itself. Tactical talents, like individual features of characters that increase the affecting ability from attacks will be available for use in the duel only once.

Fighters can be hiring, the maximum number of them is five heroes. Everyone in its unique. The arrows, for example, can fire on the enemy from a long distance, and Paladin can heal the wounds of their friends. The battle will not be considered loss, while the enemy team will stand at least one hero on the legs. Strengthening characters is carried out by the weapon and uniforms found on the battlefield. For this, six cells will be issued, and when they are all filled, then improvements will open for you. The context menu, dialogues and battles are completely Russified.

Main features Heroes Tactics: PVP strategy:

  • Legipable control of heroes;
  • Russian-speaking localization;
  • Nice eye animation;
  • Adequately drawn both, background picture and individual heroes;
  • Flawlessly selected voice acting of all actions;
  • Thousands of real users from around the world.

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