Black moon in a shooter in a woman. Demons Lilith in signs - Sagittarius

Black moon in a shooter in a woman. Demons Lilith in signs - Sagittarius

Pars Fortune (wheel, point of happiness) in astrology personifies success and lack of problems. He symbolizes the nature of wealth and human values. And also, the greatest remuneration that the horoscope owner can get. In which field of the natal card is the wheel of the fortune, there is a horoscope owner and will feel the completeness of life.

A distinctive feature of this fictitious point is its manifestation in the afternoon.Like Jupiter, Pars Fortune promises abundance and joy. He pushes a person to the surrounding that is best suited for him, and helps to figure out where you can succeed.

Pars fortune also shows the strongest human need: what he needs most and where the greatest joy will find. This point helps to look out of mind, reveals the goals and helps to decide with ideals. She expresses the essence of the soul.

The point of happiness is different in the hemispheres of the natal card. If it is located below the horizon, the return is satisfaction. Only sharing with the surrounding person reaches satisfaction. If the Fortune Pars is at the top, the owner of the horoscope will receive benefits from other people. Such a gift of fate deserves due to the merits of past incarnation. And the one who gives more now, will receive goods in the next life.

Pars Fortune in homes

1 house.Joy brings independence and personal responsibility. Calls to help weaken the patronage of fortune. Life benefits come through their own efforts and external appeal. Relations with others are recommended to build in spiritual proximity, and harm brings overestimated self-conceit, egoism and pronounced individuality.

2 house. This situation gives great chances of material wealth. It will be achieved to achieve his understanding of his own ideals. If a person lives with dishonest labor, speculation and fraud, good luck will turn away from him. Financial wealth comes due to business qualities, smelling and calculations. At the same time, the inheritance and the conclusion of a profitable marriage is not excluded.

located in exile. But it is impossible to say that this is a weak position of the planet. In this watermark, it is laid out at the maximum and completely gives to feel the depth of the senses. Owners of this provision choose a partner who is able to hook them. They like a little mysterious, passionate and externally note people.

Often feelings go beyond self-control. It is difficult to restrain the emotions, which, as a result, lead to the loss of self-control.Experience and jealousy in an empty place are exhausted not only emotionally, but also physically. This more concerns the amazed planet. In harmonious aspects, Venus is easier to restrain the feelings and not to fall into extremes.

Venus in Scorpio generates jealousy, dependence and power. A person wants to control the life of his beloved. He limits his contacts, trying to influence the choice and desire of his partner. Does not tolerate when they argue with him and sees dislike for himself.

In relations in the first place they put sex and trust. The reluctance of proximity means the absence of love. If something is hiding from such a person something, it seems to him that he loved the other. The suspicions are destroyed by relations if the partner is not ready for the slope of passion and disagreement for him is unbearable burden.

Venus is a planet that is directly related to money. She is a ruler of the Taurus who hosts in the second house (own material means). Scorpio is a sign of other people's money. If the planet is not amazed, its owner can count on good wealth or a comfortable life. In the case of negative degrees, it is capable of bankruptcy or periodic financial problems.

Venus in Scorpio in the women's horoscope

Throughout life, the feeling of such a woman does not give her to relax. She needs to feel desirable and attractive, and she wants to be aware of all the cases of his beloved or husband. In a quiet relationship, she will be bored, and a woman will always be able to create a situation at which she will be convinced of love. If this does not happen, she will torment himself and their partner. As a result, such interactions will lead to a prolonged and painful parting.

In astrology, the marriage is responsible for the seventh house, the planet Venus, as a natural scales guide, and the moon. The latter, showing itself in marital relations, affects the survival, comfort in partnership and family life. If there are planets in the seventh house, for strong relationships, they should not have negative aspects. And if there are Uranus, Pluto, Saturn and Neptune in it, they reduce the chances of a happy marriage.

Harmonious Moon and Venus indicate a person's desire to create a family. In marriage, he shows the qualities of a good family man: a caring, economic and loving. Such people are well adapted, prone to compromise, romantic and constant in their feelings.

A strong, harmonious ruler of the seventh house says that the owner will definitely come into marriage, which will be successful and strong. And the greater the horoscope of the harmonious aspects between the Moon, Venus and the ruler of the seventh house, the better the family life will be folded.

Formulas indicate for happiness in marriage:

  • 4 - 7 (marriage for the sake of creating a family);
  • 5 - 7 (marriage for love).

For stable, long relationships indicate fixed signs on the sideways of the seventh house. Mutabelny talk about impermanence and changeability. Cardinal - forced to be offended by a partner, not disposed of conflict problems, contribute to a sharp breaking of relationships.

The unpleasant moments of the marriage can brighten the Jupiter. If this planet participates in the Sinastria, then the couple will be happy. Even with negative aspects:Jupiter / Sun, Jupiter / Moon, Jupiter / Venus, Spouses will not feel unhappy.

Without the participation of Saturn in Sinastria, there will be no longer relationships. Aspects of this planet fasten the connection, learn responsibility for each other. But only if the degrees between the planets are positive. The connection fastens, but adds conflict, if it is Mars, or coolness - Venus, the moon.

In the signs of water, the moon feels very comfortable. Here it shows the best qualities and gives its owner a subtle intuition, sensuality and rich inner world. But in the sign of Scorpion, the moon is in fall, and it is difficult for her to gain harmony and not give in to gloomy thoughts. Her owner is inclined to strong experiences, doubts and increased concern.

Moon in Scorpio Having holds the owner of the horoscope with a symptitude, increased emotionality and vulnerability. The lunar scorpion strongly torments such feelings as jealousy, envy and anger. It is aggressive, irritable, hot-tempered and vengeful. The planet Mars is influenced by Planet, which, along with Pluto, is a scorpion sign. The sensitive moon under the pressure of Mars becomes explosive and irritable. Pluto makes her mysterious, mystical and powerful.

Calm condition is not for lunar scorpion. He is able to unconsciously create stressful situations for himself and others to overcome themselves. If there are no difficulties, passions and problems in life - this is not life. But to make a shakescape, he does not need to raise the scandal. Lunar Scorpio is able to silent eloquently, distributing the negative surrounding. After the energy release, a small respite comes, and then emotions are accumulated on the growing.

In Astrology Lilit - This is a fictitious planet, which in the signs of the zodiac indicates the amount of our wicked moral and ethical deeds from previous embodiments reflected in the deep level of the subconscious. And in the houses of the horoscope indicates the spheres of temptation in those areas in which a person can be caught and aggravated even more of their karma. By Lilith, seduced and self-destruction of the person are possible.

Check on the black moon occurs every 9 years

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In the years of checking, heavy situations may be tougher and very important to adequate them to adelerate, so as not to aggravate their karma. The higher the spiritual and moral level of a person, the smaller the negative influence of Lilith. During the years of testing, difficult situations can manifest themselves sharper and it is very important to adelert them to adequately, and not to call even more and not aggravate their karma. Over time, they can move and disturb the person.

The black moon gives 3 manifestations:

1. A person, as before, serves as evil, and at the moments of returning the Black Moon, it does not receive punishment until time. Then in one moment (negative karma accumulates) and gives an explosion. On the physical plane, this may be an accident, physical injury, loss of material goods, entering the hospital, prison with very serious consequences. And maybe finish its existence on it.

2. At the moments of returning the Black Moon, dark forces are attacked by a person to seduce it on an unholy way. He can insult him, fool - and if he responds evil to evil - aggravate his karma. He needs to endure it all and take as proper. So he came with others as they come with him now. The path is harder, but more efficient to purify the soul.

3. If the person is purified, he sees and feels dark forces, but they do not stick to it. He is able to push them.

Lilith in Aries.

Heroism (extremes - excessive activity or passivity).

In the past life you could be a warrior in excess of our authority. This situation is often the "too active" people.

Active person: Your internal impulse to action becomes so powerful that all manifestations are accompanied by uncontrolled energy emissions. The determination turns into an uncontrollable pressure, impulsivity - in absolute unpredictability, and independence and independence - in the desire to impose its will and subjugate others. The fight against obstacles and suppressing someone else's resistance deliver to you inexplicable pleasure.

Passive person: You become a convenient object for manipulation - manageable, suspicious. Indecisiveness, misinterfidence, disconciliation, laziness, desire to transfer responsibility to others are developing. At the same time, aggressiveness accumulates, which destructively acts on health and is reflected in the emotional state.

On the way of redemption, you can suffer from firearms, fire, violence.

Lilith in Taurus.

Accumulation (extremes - greed or waste).

In the past life, you could be a soul, banker, a usurist, an womb, a hedonist (a person living only with sensual pleasures).

Negative manifestations in the past can now give the following extremes:

A wasteful person: without knowing how to dispose of its own means, you make unnecessary purchases (throw money into the wind). Because of the inability to keep energy often become a victim of vampirism, as others can easily use this energy. Physical and mental forces are wasting or not to the place

A greedy man: an irresistible thrust for compliance and greed, a huge appetite, bordering the inclusion, addiction to money, material benefits, comfort, high attention to the outside of things. The desire to assign themselves the whole world around the world gives rise to jealousy, a sharpened sense of property, pathological attitude and "looping" in their feelings.

On the way of redemption you will be pursued by endless debts and monetary difficulties. All accumulated will be wondering, money - contact dust.

Lilith in twins.

Contact (extremes - chatty or vague speech).

In the past life, you could be a "eternal boy", making everything all called, without a branch of conscience. These are denunciations, intrigues, "steps", meanness, theft.

Negative manifestations in the past can now give the following extremes:

Active person: You become overly contact, all the time and energy absorbs communication, which gradually becomes an end in itself. There is an insecurity and multiplicity of ties, scattering, superficiality. You become talkative, words can not be held in the language and splash out. Such unevenness prevents the comprehensive and harmonious knowledge of the world.

Passive person: you have the need for the perception of information. You will absorb her "informational omnory." The need to communicate continuously with someone, without end to talk on the phone, watch TV, read, and all this is done almost without parsing, solely for the sake of obtaining any information. Trying to express the thought in words, you experience huge difficulties, lose a large amount of energy.

On the way of redemption you can deceive relatives, close friends. Around gossip, intrigue, small stealing (from neighbors and relatives). It is hard to study.

Recommendation: In this life, deception, theft, not engage in gossip, slander, do not talk extra, carefully to relate to information, abandon the tribulation and chaos in thinking. Watch out poisoning with gases, suffocation, plane crash.

Lilith in cancer.

House and family (extremes - thirant or indecision).

You have accumulated karma, being a traitor and a coward, which was shaking for her skin, you could be a definition of traditions, an insult of the parents. You pulled in the abyss of karma ancestors, perhaps a generic curse.

Negative manifestations in the past can now give the following extremes:

Active person: all your thoughts and affairs are focused on home duties, raising children. But in this case, the care of children becomes excessive, obsessive. It happens that you want to realize our ambitions associated with the thirst for their family life. Strive to become the head of the family, subjugate all members and enjoy the government received. You are conservative, aggressively defend the generic traditions, step to death for your misconceptions, not recognizing my wrong.

Passive person: all family affairs and responsibilities are, you are trying to avoid their execution, but it rarely succeeds. In childhood, it often happens to survive a psychological trauma that leaves a trace for life. You can become the wicked, indecisive, lazy. Here may be distorted the idea of \u200b\u200bmaternity. It is disliked children, unwillingness or impossibility to have them.

On the way of redemption, it is difficult for you to live in your own house, as if something oppresses and presses. Heavy relationships in the family are possible, with parents and children.

Recommendation: To devote yourself to serving a homeland or be in involvement in national history. You should be afraid of secret deposits and not to indulge in secret vices. Danger of betrayal of loved ones, from water, poisoning with liquids, drowning.

Lilith in Lev.

Self-expression (extremes - ambitiousness or disguise).

Incredible pride and vanity in the past or "man buried his talent in the ground." Power used in evil, could be a detection (abortion), a depravant, a "pornographist", the seducer of children.

Negative manifestations in the past can now give the following extremes:

Active person: you consider yourself a "center of the universe", around which the whole life is concentrated. Strive to power, trying to subordinate to the will of others. You can manipulate others, inspire your ideas, there is a need for respect and attention to your person to an obsessive idea. The constant desire to stand out is generating demonstration in behavior, boasting, love for a flattery. Protead is becoming painful.

Game in slave love or imposing such a role partner. You are looked at the object of your love. We are ready to extol and endure any humiliation and suffering "Love evil, love and goat". You can even experience the pleasure of bullying from the object of your passion, however with pleasure mock on those who had careless to fall in love with you.

Passive man: You lose individuality, become sudden, manageable, weak. The strive to dissolve in the crowd, avoid the attention of others, suffer from a similar self-esteem and a lack of self-esteem. If you still try to show your creative potential, it is not possible to find an adequate way of self-expression, all forms of creativity are borrowed. You can enter the image, almost losing your personality, and all your life uses other people's masks, playing the roles that do not have the roles, becomes pleasing and hypocritical.

On the way of redemption you do not allow you to show and implement your creative potential (it is possible to envy surrounding, intrigues, put obstacles). Perhaps serious attitude with children.

Lilith in Virgo.

Business suit (extremes - petty or chaos).

In this life you will pay for pettyness and greed, for the removal of your loved ones, for the squad, bureaucracy, zealism, cynicism. For violation of the cute weight of the hippocrat.

Negative manifestations in the past can now give the following extremes:

Active person: Your practicality is sharply expressed, calcality. The ability to detail is brought to the absurd - you are fond of insignificant, "making out of the fly of an elephant," subject to a detailed analysis what should not be divided into parts, confused in trifles, followed by the main thing. It is often developing unbearable criticality - you criticize literally everything is encountered.

Passive person: You are almost losing the ability to analyze, notice the little things and details, considering them insignificant. It is difficult for you to monitor the cleanliness and order, chaos and confusion always reigns around. You, however something prevents critically look at what is happening around. Options appear, undisciplined, unscrupiance, disregard for personal hygiene and health care. Often obsessive states and fears related to diseases.

On the way of redemption, you can suffer from doctors, colleagues.

Recommendation: It is necessary to fear conciseness, especially about your own health. Avoid blending and small dirty. Do not be afraid of those who are smart. Danger of surgical operations, earthquakes, metro.

Lilith in scales.

"The girl from the highest society" (extremes - korestolubie or dependence).

In the past, you could be the keeper of the law, the judge who violated the laws. Could be a bribe, justifying their lowest acts of higher justice.

Negative manifestations in the past can now give the following extremes:

Active person: You see imperfection in everything, your requirements for others are overestimated and often unfair. The choice, including partners, is carried out on the basis of only an external impression or belonging to the elite, the system of values \u200b\u200brely on the subjective aesthetic criterion, the goals determined the considerations of prestige. Here are distorted ideas about justice. You know how to attract people to your side, to then use them sweat.

Passive person: you can hardly choose, constantly fluctuate from one solution to another. In relations with partners, addiction, lack of independence, easily obey and agree with everything that they say, strive to shift responsibility on others. It is possible to conclude a marriage for the calculation, since you strive to improve the material situation thanks to the partner or exist at all at his expense.

On the way of the redemption you can be dried on ships, there may be disagreements with a marriage partner. Partner is a source of misfortune, or a man's cuckold person (for treason in the past). Around unreliable, vile people, intense relationships with the law. May not be imprisoned.

Lilith in Scorpio.

Huge power (extremes - tyrant or victim).

In the past life, you passed through all the vices. This is a criminal - mafia, rapist, sadist, sexy maniac. Man with secret vices.

Negative manifestations in the past can now give the following extremes:

Active person: You have a desire to change the world around according to your will. You love thrill, risk, create critical situations around themselves, draw others in them, know how to impose your opinions to others. Such an action enhances interest in everything related to sex, contributes to the development of hypersexuality and sex perversions, can give a tendency to violence.

Passive person: you become a fierce, sustainable. Often, it is often a victim of various kinds of manipulations, psychological impacts, magic, sexual harassment and violence. The feeling of jealousy becomes a manic, sharpening vulgarity. Often reduced sexuality, contributes to the development of sex coldness.

On the way of redemption - there may be a rocky passion or rocky love, leading to fatal consequences. In both cases, it may be caused by various diseases of the genital organs, complications of pregnancy and childbirth. And for women, and for men, the danger of rape. Recommendation: It is necessary to fear robbers, rapists, maniacs, explosions. Danger of drowning.

For kids up to 9 years old, you need to have time to inspire good concepts and the necessary information about the danger. Vices these children absorb like a sponge.

Lilith in Sagittarius.

Ideology (extremes - Magicia or suggestibility).

In the past life, you could make official crimes. Could be a false leader undermining true authorities, a large adventurer.

Negative manifestations in the past can now give the following extremes:

Active person: You acquire the irrepressible nature, neglect by pressing affairs and household responsibilities. The desire to be born in you constantly to teach someone, annoyingly give everyone in a row "valuable" tips. Often self-esteem is incredibly overestimated, you can consider yourself a selected conductor of a great idea. There is extreme intolerance to other worldview, fanaticism.

Passive man: You become an inspired, worldview, religious beliefs and social guidelines are dictated by the environment. Blindly follow the ethics and morality accepted in society, without thinking about their motives. You suffer from understated self-esteem, do not have our own opinions, fully rely on someone else's, which everyone considers authoritative. You are inclined to idealize your teachers and mentors, imitate them, strive to find an object of worship or an ideal that can be served.

On the way of redemption, you suffer from false teachers, you do not listen to, do not understand, despise. Very tense relationship with religion, fluctuations, intricacies and contradictions. It is Tantalia Flour, when fate manits, and then everything takes away. Often makes it difficult to get higher education.

Lilith in Capricorn.

Rationality (extremes - excessive responsibility or passivity).

In the past, cruelty, ruthlessness, despotism, suppressing everyone around. You did not disappear, going to the goal.

Negative manifestations in the past can now give the following extremes:

Active person: You cannot obey someone else's will and strive for power to power. Managing people, suppressing someone else's and imposing its will turn into an inlets. The will to the embodiment of any idea so strong that you do not stop any obstacles to the way to the cherished goal. If the circumstances of life do not allow to realize ambitions, you become a homely tyrant and fuel in power over family members.

Passive person: You do not know how to achieve the goal, the slightest barrier does not allow to achieve practical results, you can easily refuse plans, do not seek careers, authorities and public situation. Become controlled, you can only obey someone else's will, perform instructions. Afraid and avoid taking care of even a small responsibility or do not fulfill the obligations taken.

On the way of redemption, you can become a "scapegoat". They bring the sins of the whole people - and sacrificed. Sometimes other people's crimes fall apart, or you take someone else's guilt.

Lilith in aquare.

Independence (extremes - eccentricity or conservatism).

In the past life, you loved too much freedom and sought it by any means. Could be an anarchist, an adventurer, shoeler, a traitor of friends.

Negative manifestations in the past can now give the following extremes:

Active person: You organically do no pressure and restrictions. Anyone, even a weak attempt to coercion is regarded as violence and causes violent indignation. You are characteristic of unexpected and sharp differences in the mood. Often specifically make extraordinary actions to shock others, to demonstrate their disregard for established behavioral standards. You avoid responsibility in any way, you do not want to take any obligations, to associate yourself with legitimate marriage.

Passive person: You can block your ability to expand and knowledge. Then, in distorted form, the opposite quality appears, associated with the establishment of all sorts of borders, which makes it difficult for intuitive knowledge, generates superfluous self-conformity, complexes and emotional blocks.

On the path of the redemption, you betray, deprive freedoms. Your plans either rushed, or are executed on the contrary, do not distinguish good and evil. In the life of boredom and constant loneliness, there is nothing stable, everything collapses.

Lilith in fish.

The game in the sage and the prophet (felt or sacrifice).

In the past, you could engage in secret illegal affairs. Spy, addict, alcoholic, criminal, violator of the commandments.

Negative manifestations in the past can now give the following extremes:

Active person: You constantly strive to help someone, but distort the concept of how this help should be. Therefore, your actions are often too obsessive and inappropriate, pity and sympathy in you are caused by people who actually do not deserve this, and those who really need support remain ignorant. You all the time make a sacrifice for the sake of others, but precisely when it is not only not necessary, but on the contrary, you can harm. You can become a member of a dubious religious sect.

Passive person: You do not understand the reasons for your actions, become overly sustained, you can easily affect you on the subconscious level. You whatever interferes in the depths of the unconscious, hear the voice of your highest "I". If circumstances force you to empathize someone else's suffering, it causes you a psychological crisis. The instability of the emotional state is enhanced here. It can cause mental disorders and diseases, often contributes to the development of alcoholism.

On the way of redemption you secretly revenge. You are a man with a dismantling psyche, nightmares are possible in a dream, fears, illusions, up to schizophrenia. You are affected by damage and silt, memory is possible.

Karmic astrology

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Tags: Black Moon, every 9 years, Lilith in the signs of the zodiac, temptations and self-destruction, fictitious planet, karma and astral spirits,

As a great guru, he preaches his ideas and calls on millions to follow them, inspiring all with a personal example. However, if millions did not turn nearby, he will play the role of the preacher of the will of God, and then God himself before each who will turn. From other people's ideas, he squeezes his nose - they are all outdated and unworthy of attention! Yes, and they are not at all, ideas. People were mired in the trifles, they do not notice the global, spiritual, do not see the goals, why live at all, why all this is needed! - convinced the Demon Sagittarius. "No one can lift his head and look higher, no one can think integrated, all mired in earthly affairs. Only he alone has the purpose and meaning of life! Therefore, only he sees that global changes are coming. He does not go down to take other people's teachings - he himself knows the most, and no teacher for him is not authority. If he even goes to someone to learn, then he will not follow the teachings, by taking knowledge, declare teachers with charlatans, proclaims their ideas, will open up his school. Someone else's ideas he rejects. For his idea, Fix should be like a fanatic, and still puts it all around, especially having power. The topic of the apocalypse is a native topic for Lilith in Sagittarius. "Global changes are coming! The end of the old world! Is not it so? Well, then I will help them come, speed up the end of the old world! " - Defines its mission demon Arnel. May seek all his life to an unattainable ideal.
Demon of the Sagittarius is also distinguished by the desire to change the place of residence, the desire to visit many countries of the world. And if you have moved - then not to be broken, but as far as possible - immediately in Australia!
Demon Sagittarius is connected with religion issues, faith. Yes, thoughts about God attend him, and unlike many others, he knows exactly what God is. Still - After all, he sees him every day in the mirror!

What provokes the Demon of Sagittarius.

In others: when they do not have the goal, the meaning of life, do not accept his idea, do not believe his prophecies and refuse to follow the path proclaimed them. In yourself: when it can not find a global idea, a goal, meaning.

How the demon appears.

Aggressively, suits the stormy scenes, by threats and violence will be forced to agree with him and follow his idea. Especially having power. It will strive for power to be able to hold their ideas for violent means.

How to neutralize a demon.

Agree with his idea, not to argue, obviously do not contradict. To promise to follow the path proclaimed and do not interfere with it to make conceived changes.


Ways to solve the problem of Lilith in Sagittarius. Study.

Take care of the professional manifestation of the qualities of Sagittarius. Teacher. Work in the sphere of politics, ideology, religion, spiritual teachings.
Work requiring travel to other countries, communication with foreigners. Study of cultures and religions of the countries of the world. Astrology, astronomy.
Take yourself in that condition when you can not see the common one who do not have any global idea, do not see the ultimate goal, but simply perform some necessary to the action. Please accept the fact that you are engaged in small household matters, and not great transformations.
First, learn from others yourself, study existing ideas in the sphere that interests you, just so you will experience experience, on the basis of which will then go to your idea.
Do not impose your help in the definition of religion, ideology, which to follow, goals of life. Quietly, accept the fact that those surrounding have another faith, other ideas, other goals.
Respectively treat the world existing in the world, ideologies, spiritual teachings.
Instead of spending a vacation in your village or in your city, go to rest abroad - the further, the better. Start traveling around the world, to study other countries, their culture, religion.
Look for dating with people of higher social status and level of education.

What gives worked on Lilith in Sagittarius.

When problems have been solved and experience has been accumulated, a person sells himself to the forthestyle. The task of the Demon Demon is to find an idea, more precisely, to catch the idea of \u200b\u200bglobal changes that already hovers in the air. If he succeeds, he becomes known for his prophecies as Nostradamus. It becomes a teacher who supports the knowledge of the new time as Alistair Crowley. He achieves success and transforms the world as Peter-1, who groaned the window to Europe and radically changing the way of life in Russia, or as Bill Gates, who contributed to the global computerization of the whole world. When he develops the ability to see the general, see the archetypes, it can create a fundamental teaching as Karl Jung, the founder of Jungian psychology working with the archetypes of the human unconscious. Or can make a discovery capable of changing the worldview of people - like Jordan Bruno.

Famous people with Lilith in Sagittari: Alistaist Crowley, Bill Gates, Sylvester Stallone, Bruce Willis, Marina, Keanu Rivz, Andrei Konchalovsky, Dante Aligary, Hans Christian Andersen, Emil Zol, Sirano de Bergerac, Jordano Bruno, Napoleon Bonaparte, Nostradamus, Petr-1, Karl Jung, Vladimir Vysotsky, Peter Tchaikovsky, Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan.

Lilith (Black Moon) in the horoscope is as it were as if the counter of sins and mistakes, whose aggregate in astrology is called dark, or black, karma. The silent position of the Black Moon in the sign of the zodiac in his horoscope and consciously avoiding certain situations, a person can fix his destiny.

Lilith (black moon) in the signs of the zodiac

In no case cannot be requested from the fate of the ambulance and generous award for the work done in this regard.

In essence, we are talking only about correcting your own mistakes, and not about the exploits, although the costs of mental and physical forces are sometimes no less than when performing the feat.

By determining the psychology of man's bad inclines, black karma tends to increase from each dishonest, criminal, immoral act of a person, from each false word and unworthy, low thoughts.

Lilith in Ovne

It is necessary to be extremely neat when handling cutting or stabbing objects, they can also be taken into the hands of the weapon without the most immediate need.

Despite numerous provocations from the surrounding (indifferent, acquaintances or foreign people), it is necessary to refrain from rudeness, sharpness, rudeness. It is impossible to bet on the use of weapons and physical strength.

This will help to avoid painful attraction to weapons, fear of being killed or crippled, will save from many obsessive ideas.

Lilith in Tales

People with Lilith in the Taurus can not save anything or postpone about the supply. On the contrary, it is necessary to learn to live according to the proverb: "God will give a day, God will give bread."

It should be especially emphasized that people with Lilith in the Taurus can not save anything - neither books, nor things, nor knowledge, no money or strength.

Some noble goals, in the name of which such a person begins to make its reserves, he still will not be able to take advantage of anything from the accumulated, without taking his dark karma at the same time.

And, having lost it, he inevitably encourages himself to new losses and additional torments.

Lilith in Gemini

Do not take part in any gossip and peres, do not allow yourself to discuss someone's behavior in a service or home environment, do not provoke others on the fellowship and frivolous attitude to words.

Move your own thoughts, achieve full cessation of discernment thoughts and other statements in the head.

Do not provoke others to theft and do not leave your wallet or wallet in the place available to other people.

Lilith in cancer

Disrespect for the ancestors, desecration of generic, national, religious or occult traditions, betrayal and tendency to cherish their secret vices - an important component of a person's life with such an indicator.

It is necessary to postpone the period of grave tests and endure the well-deserved suffering, passing through them without the bits and fear and rising in this way to the highest level of manifestation of the Black Moon.

Lilith in Lev

Such people have to experience many sufferings due to a negative attitude towards them from the power of this world, as well as because of all sorts of impostors and attracting with unsatisfied ambition.

A person who has such an indicator in his horoscope and on the average manifestation of Lilith in Lev should not put himself in the center of universal attention or strive for fame and glory, no need to go into power.

Lilith in Vid.

Such people always try to choose themselves as a friend of those who are lower than them by the level of culture and general development.

They are easily and willingly play on the worst rules of the bureaucratic-bureaucratic apparatus, neglect their official duties and thus disturb the integrity and purity of their surrounding society.

Binding before those who are stronger than him, and at the same time brazenly deceiving them, such a person easily becomes a servant of two gentlemen and begins to deceive them both.

Lilith in scales

In the life of these people there are always many problems associated with public or social and political activities; Dual, contradictory and confusing situations are often formed, leading to numerous trials and persistent disagreement with public opinion.

Such people need to be improved fair in relation to others, never to remember anyone and always remember that the man with a black moon in the scales becomes to blame at the very moment when he starts to prove his innocence.

Lilith in Scorpio

People who have Lilith in Scorpio are often forced to live surrounded by blackmail, rapists, sadists, maniacs, rackers and simply insane.

It is necessary to gain courage and resist all the tests, constantly engaging in a thorough cleansing of the soul and thoughts.

Lilith in Streltsy

To those people who have in their horoscope such an indicator should, despite all the existing difficulties and obstacles, to look for a path to the temple, with whom the faith of their ancestors was connected, and avoid any innovations in the religious sphere.

These people are desirable to stay as far as possible from any ideological battles and refrain from nomenclature positions.

Lilith in Capricorn

Surrounding willingly join those who are at this level of karmic rewards, and treat them as with a thing.

In such situations, it is necessary to accept the role of an innocent victim and understand that this is the form of a karmic pile for sins, mentally or clearly committed in the past.

You need to learn in any circumstances to keep your own dignity and continue to go to the intended goals, carefully choosing the means of achieving them.

Lilith in aquare

Those who were born with Lilith in the sign of the Aquarius, it is impossible to build long-term plans, you need to be able to just seek "short ignitions" and build plans for no more than two or three days ahead.

Such people should also create electrical appliances as closely as possible, carefully comply with the rules of behavior during a thunderstorm and in no case abuse drug intake, because the risk of provoking the occurrence of medicinal allergies.

Lilith in fish

People with Lilith in fish often have to face secret revenge, a slogony, damage and other black and magical influences.

Those who were born with Lilith in the sign of the fish, it is necessary to lead absolutely sober life, do not smoke and do not abuse drugs. Any hypnosis, spiritualism or magic sessions are also contraindicated.

Lilith in the abode of Jupiter and Neptune, in the sign of Exaltation of Hiron, in the elements of fire.
The dark karma counter indicates the following errors in the past life: a person could be a false dealer, a false prophet, a large adventurer, a self-proclast teacher, could instill vice ideology, or undermine the ideological foundations.
All this is connected with the plant's plant.
In the first, lower level of spiritual awareness, the same trends are continuing - you can rush to glory, honors, posts, authorities. This provision is also associated with pisteness and quantity.
In this state, you can easily succumb to ideological seductions and other confuse. There is a tendency to attribute your drawbacks to others, and it is always right away. This is both contempt for all, and suppressing and falling into inappropriate ambitions.
This is pop-list, and teacher-impostor, and a runaway student of an esoteric school, who assigned to himself of other people's merits.
At the second level, when cleansing and redemption occurs, you can suffer from false ledgers, lost in ideological seductions. It is intense with questions of religion, the Hamletovsky issues are constantly arising, constant and fundamental oscillations are tormented, conflict prevents conformity.
It is difficult to work yourself authority, no one listens to you, everyone despise.
The fate of a person is manitis, and then he takes everything. A person is doomed to distant hard roads and vagabonds.
With such a standing, Lilith in the horoscope is better not to climb into the sphere of ideology, but it is necessary to be a student, a novice.
You should avoid thrust to long-distance travel, foreigners, non-resident, adventurers.
Do not pull into adventures.
We must try to be an intermediary, conductor, not a carrier of the idea.
These are usually people who rejected the official ideology.
In relation to the elements, desecrated Lilith, there is a danger from fire.
Commandments: do not teach, do not mention, pulling to religion, not vagabond.
At the third level, when you all worked, you instantly see false teachers, careerists, ambitions, strive to avoid an authoritarian position
Such a person will try not to say, but to be silent, follow your thoughts, do not climb into the ideology. Such a person has developed humility.

Larisa Nazarova. Karmic astrology.

In the past life, the authorities are left, official crimes, rudeness, cvism. The man was a false leap, undermining the ideological foundations, cessing the soul. This is a false prophet, undermining true authorities, a large adventurer.
In this life, the seduction is ideological.
On the way of redemption, a person suffers from false teachers, he does not listen to him, do not understand, despise. Very tense relationship with religion, fluctuations, intricacies and contradictions. It is Tantalia Flour, when fate manits, and then everything takes away.
You can not climb to the ideology, you have to be a student, a novice.
It is necessary to avoid long-distance trips, foreigners, adventurers. It is necessary to be a guide, not the carrier of the idea.

L. Unical, E.Demenanova. Nodes and mows

You should not engage in ideological and missionary activities. People with Lilith in Sagittar are especially difficult to distinguish the true teachings from false, they are able to serve a dark idea with the same passion as light, fascinating thousands of people into the abyss. Sometimes this happens besides their will, but it happens that a person simply cannot refuse fame, money and honors.
Stay the right religion of ancestors, avoid high positions - and from life there will be a fuss and confusion, you will gain peace of mind and reliable friends.
V.V. Mamikovsky, July 19, 1893, Black Moon in Sagittarius.

Galina Volzhina. Black moon in the signs of the zodiac

The black moon creates astral vortices that cause strong emotions and desires that prevent consciousness to control its influence. The Black Moon sharply emphasizes one of the polar components of the sign, while activating its involutionary properties, as a result of which it begins to dominate the other component. This not only enhances the extremes in the manifestations of the sign, but also distorts his primary qualities. Under the influence of the Black Moon, it is impossible to balance the opposite properties of the sign - it is alternately acting on every pole, and the person falls out of one extreme to another.
If the Black Moon enhances the main pole of the sign (the male signs are active, in female - passive), it leads to redundancy, excessiveness of the characteristics of the sign. If the Black Moon suppresses the main pole of the sign, and activates the hidden (in male signs - passive, in female - active), this in itself is a distortion of primary zodiac qualities, their natural manifestations as it turn inside out. In both cases, the black moon strengthens the involutionary manifestations of the sign.
Sagittarius symbolizes the search for goal, worldview, social and spiritual landmarks. It is associated with the desire for improvement, the expansion of consciousness, with abstract thinking.
If the Black Moon affects the active component of the sign, all its qualities acquire the nature of the expansion. A man with a black moon in Sagittarius fills with himself all the surrounding space, it is difficult not to notice. The thrust for improvement under the influence of the Black Moon acquires an irrepressible character, high aspirations completely absorbs a person and he neglects urgent affairs and household responsibilities. In a person, a desire is born constantly to teach someone, he annually gives everyone in a row "valuable" tips, it shares his life experience, which is often not interested in anyone. Often, human self-esteem is incredibly overestimated, he can consider himself a selected conductor of a great idea. The Black Moon gives him the ability to infect his ideas around others and he seeks to widely spread his views and belief among people. Often such activities are intrusive or even violent nature. The Black Moon in Sagittarus generates extreme intolerance to other worldview, fanaticism. In the field of mind, the active action of the Black Moon causes the predominance of abstract thinking, it makes it difficult to concretize ideas, a person is difficult to find suitable words to express his thoughts.
If the black moon enhances the passive component of the sign, the person becomes inspired by his worldview, religious beliefs and social landmarks are dictated by the environment. He blindly follows the ethics and morality in society, without thinking about his motivating motifs. Under the influence of the Black Moon, a person suffers from underestimated self-esteem, has no own opinion, fully relying on someone else, which everyone considers authoritative. He is inclined to idealize his teachers and mentors, imitates them, seeks to find an object of worship or an ideal that can be served. Such a person is easy to manage, he can become a fanatical wrestler for the idea inspired by the outside. Often the Black Moon in Sagittarus predetermines the nature of higher education or makes it difficult to get it. It can cause in a person an invalid thirst for acquiring knowledge for the extension of the horizon, then a person almost mechanically absorbs information, the quality of the Sagittarius is replaced by distorted twin qualities. Acting on the passive pole, it significantly reduces the ability to shaped, abstract thinking, which causes the predominance of a particular mind and, as a result, unevenness in the development of the human mind.

S.V. Kevtushenko "Grotesque manifestations of Lilith"

Claim for the role of the leader and the great teacher. According to a person, the whole world just wants to kneel the knees before his greatness and eager to taste the spiritual food from his hands. Moreover, a person is absolutely confident in his huge organizational abilities and an immutable authority. This person simply can not be wrong, because mistakes, it is a lot of mortal, and not the gods.

Planets in signs. Art predict. Semir and V. Wetash

Remaining and snobbery, excessive claim and expansion - and interesting ideological search.


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