Sign language. Inventiveness gestures: what can be used by the hands of the interlocutor crossed middle fingers

Sign language. Inventiveness gestures: what can be used by the hands of the interlocutor crossed middle fingers

Each of us I want that his constant companion was luck. It is believed that crossed fingers are one of the techniques to attract it in your life.

Symbol of luck

The question of the nature of this gesture, its origin is quite interesting. Most people cannot logically explain why two crossed fingers are a guarantee of achieving the goals. However, this does not prevent them from actively using this technique and even sense some moral satisfaction and peace from the ritual.

The designer comment is that this way, good luck will definitely not slip out of the hands. Still, a small barrier is created for her. Crossed fingers will hold it. But it's interesting, all the same, where such a kind of tradition came from, and what it was due.

Many rituals have long become a habit and used unconsciously. It is curious that since childhood, many people begin to crosse the fingers.


When you catch yourself on the use of this gesture, unwittingly ask for a question "Why and why am I doing this?" In this topic, there is enough information capable of give an exhaustive answer.

The story of such a tradition is very ancient. Of course, direct connection here is traced with the symbol of the cross. Moreover, on which Jesus crucified. Since the criste of ancient times was used as a protective symbol, it was also considered that crossed fingers of the hands can be equated to a wooden or metal crucifixion, with which the demons were distilled off, devils, all sorts of illness and bad thoughts. First of all, this is a security character.


It was especially important when Christianity was still developing, and wearing special signs on the neck was not so common. Also, since adherents of this belief had to be hidden from pursuing their Romans, crossed medium, the nameless fingers were some password and the sign that a like-minded person is nearby.

We did not forget about this technique and during the Middle Ages, when it was also believed that with it, you can drive away demons and wicked spirits. Nowadays, when, in principle, many people's livelists are becoming less related to religious aspects, and this phenomenon, including no longer bothering faith in itself. If there are some supernatural forces, they are not directly identified with the biblical God. Today it is believed that crossed fingers are a magnet for good luck and the enemy of the evil eye.


It is known that customs in different states can vary greatly. The same applies to this gesture. For example, even living in Russia, not many know that even before a recently recently, crossed fingers founded the truthfulness of human words.

Having been in Vietnam, it is possible to find out that thus the inhabitants of this country can nourish serious problems, because the symbol is considered indecent and offensive. It is associated with elements of the female sexual system. Once in Turkey or Greece, you can find out that this is the sign of the end of the friendly conversation. Icelanders have a way to remember something forgotten. Residents of Denmark use this combination when they swear in something. Here the metaphor lies that the promise is tied with a node.

Of course, dealing with, which means crossed fingers in the realities of the Western world, most often can be encountered with the values \u200b\u200brelated to the involvement of good luck. It is believed that in this case all the plans should go to the way. As you know, it is possible that this is just a placebo effect, allowing people to believe not so much in the magical power of the gesture, as in their own strengths, supported by some senior guarantees.

Running combination

What should be done so that the luck is exactly not gone from you, and the dreams probably turned into reality? Cross your fingers for good luck also need to be able to correctly. Attracting positive energies is not such a simple occupation. Many, penetrating this issue, begin to be interested in which one from the fingers should lay from above, and other things like the details that are truly sacred value.

Again, if you return to the original source, that is, Christianity, it is worth looking at the work of the artist named Francisco Ribalt, who comes from Spain. Of all his works, the biggest fame found the "Last Supper", which he created in 1606th. It shows the Savior himself and the nearest environment.

His palm forms exactly the combination that is discussed. Christ the index finger is above average. It is believed that this is the location and is correct.

Purely Western version of this gesture is his interpretation behind the one who uses such a maneuver. Here we are talking about those situations when a person is lying. So he tries to protect himself from evil spirits that allegedly should bring a kara for lies.

Healing properties

You can also find interesting information about what crossed fingers in medicine. Cunning entities are images, quite distant from human representations. But closer to people their own physical bodies, the pain in which they feel as realistic as possible.

Scientists in England found out that such a combination is extremely useful in the fight against painful sensations. P. Haggard, says that a person is subject to managing his own nerve endings. It is important to learn this skill. To this end, the movement of pulses should be initiated.

T. Tunberg, who devoted quite a long time to studying phantom pains, somewhat different from those that we feel when they hit or similar situations, also investigated this question in detail. Fundamental works were carried out, during which it was proved that with negative physical sensations, you can cross your fingers and significantly improve your well-being. Thus, it becomes clear that this gesture gives the value much more serious than just a magnet for good luck.

It is used as a symbol of the national lottery in the UK, as well as in Ireland, in Oregon, in Virginia (this sign is very common in other US states).

As they say, our life is in our hands, so all goals are real and achievable.

Eyes of the child

Parents or those who often contact with children could notice that kids often insignificantly use this symbol. Immediately it becomes interesting, why and why the child crosses his fingers.

Mother and fathers, of course, are wondering about whether it does not matter whether something is bad. Children's psychologists most often answer that such a phenomenon is not considered a reason for concern. For Choo, rather, you need to be glad, because it practicing Mudra at number 20 with younger nails, almost deals with yoga on the fingers. It is even possible to conclude that children, by virtue of their purity and sensitivity to the surrounding world, are subconsciously feeling what position their fingers should take to establish sincere rest.

In the process of growing, such connections are broken, and a person is erased with the opportunity to feel the world so thin.

Children's wisdom

So in the above-described situation with adults, rather, it is worth learn from their children than to teach them from the habit that many mistaken is becoming harmful, looking for a negative attack. Sometimes in children there is more natural wisdom than in us, adults.

The child is the concentration of spiritual heat and light energy. It is worth following him in the way of contact with nature, at the time when he goes for you, knowing all the features of this cruel world.

Thanks to the wise number 20, you can get rid of the mass of harmful diseases. It is also useful in promotional purposes. It is used at a time when the complications of the functioning of the nasopharynx, lungs, respiratory tract (at the top) are felt. Children cross fingers quite often when the cold is frowning.

World distribution

In one this sign, the protection against demons and evil spirits, a symbol of health and spiritual well-being, and, of course, is so desirable for every man of success, good luck, throwing the necessary maps into a deck. After all, it is known that although much and depends on us, various factors, we are unknown, also have a considerable effect on the course of things.

It is important to come at the right time to a true place, but first you need to exist this item in general. So you can use this gesture to wrap the situation in your favor. In any case, even if it does not have the real power of impact on the circumstances, it is very much that the confidence that a person feels, I understand that I have already made some contribution to my own business, in a certain kind in the way, putting a cross on all empty doubts and uncertainty in yourself. Especially there can be no coincidence that the sign was attached great importance in both Christian circles and east with the most antiquity.

Such similarities, as a rule, concern only about those things and facts that have a real and real attack.

Ecology of consciousness. Psychology: hide behind the barrier - the usual desire of a person. We are learning this in early childhood. A person seeks to protect himself from others. In childhood, we hurt for material objects - behind the tables, chairs, furniture, the maternal skirt, - if we feel that they got into a difficult situation. Being older, we change our behavior.

Hide behind the barrier - the usual desire of a person. We are learning this in early childhood. A person seeks to protect himself from others. In childhood, we hurt for material objects - behind the tables, chairs, furniture, the maternal skirt, - if we feel that they got into a difficult situation.

Being older, we change our behavior. It is not done so obvious. A six-year-old child will not hide behind the cabinet, he will most likely crush his hands on his chest if a frightening situation arises. A teenager is already able to slightly disguise this gesture. He is relaxinghands and complements his pose crossed legs.

Becoming older, we master the art make a protective gesture even less noticeable for others. Running one hand or crosant both hands on the chest, we, in essence, form a barrier, trying to protect against the threat or undesirable circumstances.

One is undoubtedly: when a person is nervous, configured negatively or occupies a defensive position, he crosses his arms tightly on his chest. Such a pose testifies that a person feels a threat.

Research poses with arms crossed, spent in the United States, gave interesting results. The group of students were offered to visit the course of lectures. One part of the group was ordered not to cross either hands nor legs, sit quietly and relaxed. At the end of each lecture, the researchers analyzed the degree of material digestibility and the attitude of students to the lectura.

The second part of the same group was ordered, on the contrary, sit on a lecture with arms crossed on his chest. The results showed that the group, sitting with arms crossed, learned the material by 38 percent worse than those students who listened to the lecturer in a relaxed pose. The second group also demonstrated a more critical attitude towards lector and lecture theme.

These studies have shown that when the listener crosses his hands, he not only begins to relate to the interlocutor more negatively, but also less closely to his words. That is why in many preparatory centers the armchairs are used with armrests - so the listeners are less than the temptation to crush their hands on the chest. Many people claim that they cross their hands on the chest simply because they are so more convenient. This is their habit. But any gesture causes a feeling of convenience only when it matches your mood. So, if you are negative, critically, if you are nervous or trying to protect yourself, then the posture with arms crossed will seem comfortable to you.

Remember that in non-verbal communication, any gesture is not only for the one who does it, but also for his interlocutor. You can be convenient to sit with arms crossed, lean back head and straightened back, but do not forget that your interlocutor will perceive such a pose definitely negatively.

Standard crossing hands

This posture is characterized by crossing both hands on the chest in an attempt to "hide" from an undesirable situation. There are many provisions with arms crossed, but in this book we will discuss only three main. Standard hand crossing is a universal gesture, indicating a defensive or negative attitude to everything in the world. Such a pose is peculiar to a person who is among strangers at a public event, in line, in the cafeteria, elevator, or any other place, where he does not feel safe.

During a recent lecture tour of the United States, I started one workshop with a detainee of seven very respected people who are familiar with all participants and those present at the conference. Immediately for my verbal attack, I asked the seminar participants not to change the posture. Everyone was surprised when I showed them that 90 percent of the audience was sitting with his arms crossed on his chest.

And they accepted this pose immediately as soon as I started my attack on the respected people. It clearly proves that people take a similar pose when they disagree with said. Many speakers cannot succeed, because they do not notice that part of the listeners sits with arms crossed on his chest. An experienced lecturer understands that such a posture is a signal that it is time to somehow melt the ice, increase the susceptibility of the audience, to apply some reception capable of changing the attitude of the listeners.

When, during a personal conversation, your interlocutor crosses his hands on his chest, which means you said something that he cannot agree with. In such a situation, it is pointless to continue to insist on their own, although the interlocutor can verbally express his consent. Remember that non-verbal signals are not lying, you can only deceive with words. In this case, you should delicately find out what caused disagreement of your interlocutor, and try to give a conversation more confidential. Do not forget that as long as his hands remain crossed, the negative attitude is preserved. This posture was caused by a certain attitude, and it is capable only to strengthen it.

I can recommend you a simple but very effective method of combating this pion. Serve something to the interlocutor - pen, book, notepad. Then he will be forced to change the pose, open the palm and lean forward. So you can make the interlocutor more open and susceptible. Another useful advice. Ask the interlocutor to lean forward to consider something important. So he will also be forced to abandon busy poses. You can lean to the interlocutor with open palms and say: "I think you want to ask about something?" - or "What do you think about this?" - And then lean back, showing what you expect a response.

Leaving the palm of the form, you disabled to show the interlocutor what you want to get an honest, sincere answer. When I worked as a sales agent, I never started a presentation if I saw that some of the potential buyers sits with arms crossed. Only after I managed to translate them into a more open pose, I started the matter. If this happened during the presentation process, I, unlike other agents, managed to notice that the Buyer had any objections, and reacted correctly to the current situation. Unfortunately, many misses very important non-verbal signals that may adversely affect the success of the negotiations.

Crossing hands, enhanced by fist compression

If, in addition to the fact that your interlocutor simply crossed his hands on his chest, he also squeezed his fists, then it talks about a hostile rime. Such a totality of gestures in combination with arted teeth and reddened cheeks suggests that a serious verbal or even physical attack may be followed. To remove hostility, and the situation is not entirely clear to you, it is useful to apply enthusias gestures. Stretch hand turned palm up.

The person shown in the figure is clearly configured hostile. The position of the same man from the previous drawing can be called rather defensive.

Girth forearms

In such a posture, a person not only crosses his hands, but also tightly covers the brushes of the forearm. This provision enhances the standard posture and testifies to unwillingness to unwind hands under any pretext. People often climb the forearms so much that they whiten the bones of fingers, as the natural blood circulation is disturbed. A similar posture is characteristic of people waiting for a doctor or a dentist, those who first decided to fly by plane and is anxiously awaiting take-off. This provision indicates a containment of negative emotions.

In the courtroom, you can see how the prosecutor in the heat of the controversy crossed the arm's hands on the chest, and the lawyer clasped the forearm brushes.

The social status of a person also affects the nature of the crossing of the hands. A person who fits his superiority can manifest him, and without hackering the forearm. Let's look at the following situation. At the official reception, the Director-General presented several new employees whom he had not seen before. Having greeted them with the dominant handshake, it is located at the social distance, having laid his hands behind the back in the "brush on the brush" position, which is evidence of superiority, or having laid one hand in his pocket.

Such a person will not cross the hands from the fear of issuing nervousness or indecision. For their part, new employees, saying hello to the director, can crush their hands in whole or in part, since the presence of their boss confuses. Such a pose is convenient and director, and subordinates, as it is polite enough and at the same time talks about the status of conversation participants.

And as the head of the department will meet with a young, who gives hope, a manager who also has a sense of superiority and believes that it takes no less important post in the company? Most likely after they exchange the dominant handshake, the young manager will crush his hands on the chest, holding thumbs up vertically.

This is a defensive version of the hands, elongated horizontally, and both thumbs are directed up. Henry Winkler enjoyed such a gesture, fulfilling the role of a "cool guy" in the TV series "Happy Days". Thumb up talks about self-confidence, and crossed hands help to feel protected.

Sales agents should be able to analyze the situation and the buyer's gestures to understand whether the tactic chosen is effective. If the thumbs headed up at the end of the presentation and, moreover, the agent noticed other positive buyer gestures, then you can end the negotiations and ask to make an order. If closer to the completion of the transaction, the buyer crossed his hands on his chest, compressed in a fist, then to ask for the order would be at least unwise.

It will be much more useful to continue the presentation, ask to ask any questions to find out what caused the buyer's discontent. If the buyer has already managed to pronounce a sacramental "no", it will be very difficult to convince him to change his decision. The ability to understand the body language will help you notice signs of a negative attitude before it takes a verbal expression, and in this case you will have more time to apply other strategy.

Armed people rarely resort to defensive poses with arms crossed, since their weapons and so much to protect them. Police officers, having guns, very rarely cross hands, except on duty. But then they, as a rule, squeeze the fists to demonstrate that no one will pass by them.

Partial barrier

Pose with arms crossed sometimes may seem unnecessarily obvious, as it gives the surrounding our fear. Most often we resort to a more delicate variant - partial barrier. This posture is characterized by the following: one hand is extended in such a way as to touch or grab another, as shown in the figure.

A partial barrier can often be noted at meetings. A person who is a newcomer in a group can take such a pose to hide his uncertainty. Another popular option of a partial barrier is a habit of keeping my arms. This posture is peculiar to those who stand in front of a group of people, taking any award or pronouncing speech. Desmond Morris believes that such a pose gives a person a sense of emotional security, which is familiar to him from orphanage, when parents in frightening situations took Him.

Disguised crossing of the hands

The disguised crossing of the hands is a very sophisticated shape of gestures, peculiar to people who constantly have to be in sight. These are politicians, sales agents, TV presenters - a word, those who do not want their nervousness or insecurity to be seen by the audience. As with any other gesture associated with the crossing of the hands, one hand is extended to touch the other, but instead of touching it or grab it, a person touches a handbag, bracelet, clock, cufflinks or any other subject nearby.

But in this case, the barrier is still formed and gives a person a sense of confidence and security. In those days, when men wore cufflinks, they often corrected them, crossing the room or dance hall, that is, in those moments when they were in sight. Since now the cufflinks are not so common, as before, men began to correct the clock, look into the wallet, rub his hands, play a button on a shirt cuff or invent some other gesture that would allow the hands to at least symbolically concentrate in front of the body.

However, for an experienced observer, all these gestures are quite obvious, since they are all made with one goal - to hide nervousness and uncertainty. It is very easy to notice gestures: get up in the group of people so that the new things turn out to be in front of your eyes. A good example is a dance hall. Imagine a young man walking through the entire platform to invite a lady, or a person crossing the entire hall to get a reward.

Women use less obvious forms of a disguised barrier, because they usually have any items in their hands - handbags or bouquets that are beautifully hiding nervousness.

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The most common version of such an implicit barrier is a glass of wine, clasped by both hands. You never occurred to you that a glass can be able to keep one? Using both hands immediately allows an insecure person to form an almost indefinable barrier. Watching people use disguised barrier signals, we found that these gestures are used almost everywhere. Many well-known people use this technique, not even realizing the true background of their gestures.published

Somehow the journalistic investigation led me to one of the investigative insulators. I was promised to give the opportunity to meet with a person involved a loud criminal case. In anticipation of the date, I was sitting in the corridor and turned out to be a witness of a very strange scene. One of the sedes on the corridor of prisoners made another sign of the hand - as if he shook off the dust from the shoulder. I would not give this meaning - maybe a person was dirty somewhere? - But the investigator sitting next to me commented: the amount of fingers means how many employees of a correctional institution stands in the corridor, and the left and right shoulder from which side (Fig.4.5,6). To be aware of everything and tell about this comrades for the Ostrogo - the first rule in places of detention.
A little later, passing along the walking yard, I noticed how in a conversation with the educator condemned my fingers (Fig. 2. Section "gestures").
The investigator accompanied me explained that thereby the prisoner gives the signal to the "counterparts" that there was a hidden meaning or deception. I thought: after all, a familiar gesture, they usually enjoy children when they lie to parents.
Later, my interlocutor showed several gestures common in the criminal environment, which are widely used, for example, tick-pockets, and also the "bullish" language in the course of counterfeiters, loochersters and coilers. The crossing is also used by the "bulls", which are involved in public places, trains, at train stations, at airports, metro. In fact, every self-respecting authority must own the language of gestures. And it is appropriate to note that some familiar gestures from childhood have their criminal meaning and the danger in themselves.
For example, with the help of loved by all Cukisch (Fig. 18), the criminal "says" the helper that man needs to "dunk", and simply put, kill. Or "Okay" (Fig. 15), denoting that everything, they say, we, "Americans, are excellent, in prison - a signal that a person needs to" lower "(explain what it is meaningless).
And the thumb, raised upwards (Fig. 13), is not at all an approval sign on the zone, and the order of Pakhana "bulls" check the newcomer, make the so-called "breaking". Even an ordinary fist and he has its criminal importance: if you suddenly see that passerby without good reason shows the reasons (Fig. 2), then somewhere near his partner is going to "put on the ears" next sacrifice, that is, ready to commit the crime. And finally, the famous "fingers fan", when the index finger and the little finger are thrown off, and the thumb is lying along the palm. So this is nothing but an insult meaning a "goat" (Fig. 5), then you mean - how to soften? - accusation of opponent in unconventional sexual orientation. But if the thumb is outstanding and this figuration is applied to the neck (Fig. 8), thereby the criminal informs his "colleagues" about danger.
However, back to the subjects, industrial steering. They have a revealed palm ahead, is an order to "stand on the strive" (Fig. 10). Bending big and ring fingers - "score tanks", that is, distract attention (Fig. 3). Bending a little finger and thumb reported that the thief "slept", arrested by law enforcement agencies (Fig. 17). Lowned downward and middle fingers - "with a side two", inform that "on the tail" militia (Fig. 21). But if the finger is omitted alone and also the index is a signal that you need to drag the trousers from the rear pocket (Fig. 22). By the way, at counterfeiters and pricks there are signs to designate the cash itself.
"Chrusters" (Money) - the thumb raise up, unnamed bent (fig.11).
A large amount is denoted by a large finger and bent a little finger and unnamed (Fig. 12).

For law-abiding citizens to know by top of the "bullish speech" useful at least in order not to become a victim of criminals. What everyone wish!

1. "Twist Dynamo" - carry nonsense on the investigation. 2. "Put on the ears" - rob. 3. "score tanks" - distract attention.
4. Fofan is a naive, someone else's person, it can be deceived. 5. "Goat" is a passive pederaist; stranger. 6. "Spin" - play cards
7. Wasser - carefully. 8. "Nightmare" - a hindrance when committing a crime. 9. "Fires" - Finnish knife.
10. "Stand on Street" - observe. 11. "Chrusters" - money. 12. "Kush" - a big amount of money.
13. "Broke" - a check of a novice. 14. "Take a gun" - get a gun.
15. "omit" - to commit an act of cloes.
16. "Cut" - rape.
17. "Skilled" - detained by the police. 18. "Soak" - remove, kill.
19. "Oily" - cartridges for weapons.
20. "Stukach" - a jammer, informant. 21. "Side two" - the police officers are followed.
22. "Bay along the assholes" - wade from the back pocket of the trousers.
1. A signal of serious accusations ("cover"). 2. The signal that the subject is nothing new to what was in a criminal case did not add.
3. Offer to brew "Chifur".
4, 5, 6 - warning signs that a police officer nearby is nearby.
7. Warning of the need to be silent. 8. The signal is not talking about important things. 9. The sign that is said there is an encrypted meaning.
10. Sign of uncertainty in something. 11. A signal of serious accusations ("cover"). 12. Offer to smoke (send) an author.
13. The signal of great danger. 14. Sign of approval of something.
15. Sign of inconsistency said.
16. Signal on intravenous drug injection. 17. Offer to go on the case together. 18. Requirement Write a note.
19. Doubt signals. At the same time, the hand moves from the side towards the palm down. The thumb can be directed towards the intended source of danger. 20. The signal "Hook firmly on the hook."
21. Frankness sign.
22. "Putting" evidence.
23. Signal of hopeless position.

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Many gestures are not fixed by consciousness, but fully convey the mood and thought of man. If there is a desire to become a careful and interesting interlocutor, it makes sense to understand gestures and facial expressions, to study the signals submitted by means of non-verbal communication.

So, if:

- hand fingers Captured. Perhaps three options: crossed fingers of the hands raised at the level of the person, lie on the table, lie on the knees. This gesture means disappointing and the desire of the interlocutor to hide his negative attitude;

- protection of mouth hand (This can only be a few fingers or fist). This gesture is indicating that the listening party feels like you lie;

- scratching and rubbing the ear. This gesture suggests that a person has heard plenty and wants to speak;

- scratching neck. Such a gesture testifies to the doubt and the uncertainty of man;

- pulling the collar. This gesture is used when a person is angry or upset. It can be used in the case when a man lied and suspected that his deception is revealed;

- fingers in the mouth. This gesture speaks of the internal need for approval and support;

- squeezing with palm cheek. The gesture suggests that the interlocutor became boring;

- the index finger is directed vertically to the temple, and the thumb supports the chin. The gesture indicates that the interlocutor negatively or critically refers to what he hears;

Interlocutor rubs his forehead, whiskey, chin, covers her face with hands - This indicates that he is not configured to talk at the moment with anyone;

Human wares eyes - This is the most striking indicator that he hides something;

- hand crossed on her chest The interlocutor signals that it is better to complete the conversation or go to another topic. If the interlocutor crossed his arms and squeezed his palms in a fist, then this means that he was tuned extremely hostile. It is necessary to finish the conversation as soon as possible. If the interlocutor wars his shoulders when crossing hands, then it means that he is already ready to go in hand;

- gesture "pinching bridges", Pose of "Thinker", when they back to the cheek - these are gestures of reflection and evaluation;

- sciring with index finger right hand under the urine of the ear or side of the neck , rubbing the index finger of the nose - these are gestures of doubt, which indicate that there is something unclear in the conversation;

An offended person most often takes the following posture. He lifts his shoulders and lowers his head. If the interlocutor accepted exactly such a posture, then the topic of the conversation should be changed;

Man striving to finish a conversation lowering the eyelids. If your interlocutor wears glasses, he will remove glasses and put them aside;

If your interlocutor items the arms of glasses Or constantly removes and puts on glasses, it means that he delays the time to make a decision. In this case, you need to help your interlocutor and give it time you need for thinking;

If your interlocutor walks around the room This means that the conversation is interested in him, but he needed to think before deciding;

Gestures and character

Self-aged man and arrogant folds hands together.

Self-confident man who wants to show his superiority over others, you can recognize the gestures "Laying hands behind your back with a wrist grip" and "laying hands behind your head." With such a person, communication is difficult. Therefore, if you want to arrange it to yourself, then leans a little forward with outstretched palms and ask to explain something. Another way is to copy gesture.

If the interlocutor unexpectedly began to collect VILLIN from clothes, and at the same time turned away from the speaker or looking at the floor - this means that he disagrees with what was said or did not want to express his opinion.

A person who keeps his hands during the conversation with his hands behind the side edges of the chair or his hands lie on his knees, wants to stop the conversation. In this case, the conversation immediately stop.

By how the listeners produces the smoke of cigarettes, it is possible to determine its attitude to the interlocutor and to the conversation. If he produces smoke constantly up, it means that he is configured positively and the conversation he likes. If the smoke is directed down, then the person, on the contrary, is negative, and the faster he produces smoke, the more conversation he is unpleasant.

The gait is also an important defining factor in the humilous state of the person. If a person has hands in his pockets or he waves, if he looks under his feet, is in the oppressed state. A person who has hands are cloudy behind his back, and the head is omitted, something is concerned.

Updated shoulders and raised head means that a person is configured to success, controls the situation. The tend to the head of the head is an interlocutor interested. Rottening the century - the interlocutor says in a lie. Raised shoulders mean that the interlocutor is tense and feels the danger emanating from you. Raised shoulders and headed head - sign of closetness. The interlocutor is either unsure of himself, or is afraid of something, or dissatisfied with the conversation, or feels humiliated.

In order to achieve the desired goal in a conversation, it is not enough to be a careful person, it is necessary to use the openness gestures yourself during the conversation, which will help to arrange the interlocutor, call it to a frank conversation and leave the most favorable impression about yourself. The gestures of openness include the gesture "open hands", when they stretch their hands with his hands up, and the gesture "unchecking a jacket".

Follow your facial expressions: the lips should not be tightly compressed, while on the face there should be a half jelly (the lowered angles of the mouth should be unacceptable - this means that you are upset by something, and such an interlocutor is not needed). When you look at the interlocutor, then visually try to draw a triangle on his face, in which you need to watch. It helps the most concentrate

Fingers, if possible, always keep together. During eating, dance, smoking, the little finger is not set aside, it will look like a boiled manner. Also indecently indicate a finger.

Chatting with someone, looking into the eyes of the interlocutor. Pupil people are able to own their eyes, faithful, giving the face a natural expression.

There are situations where during the conversation an insurmountable desire to sneeze. From this you can resist: it is enough to lose the bridge.

Handshake and character features

The powerful handshake contributes to submission. It actually can deprive the opportunity to establish equal relationships. Such a handshake is characterized by people seeking to lead, subordinate. The palm goes down, in connection with which the partner is simply forced to turn the palm up. It is recommended to answer the powerful handshake so:

    capture wrists from above, and then shake it. This will allow for some time to knock out a person who intends to command.

    shake a man's hand with two hands. Such a handshake is possible between policies, since it symbolizes trust. This gesture, however, should not be applied when meeting, because from an unfamiliar person he can cause rejection.

An indifferent handshake is a weak touch of hands. Such a lifeless touch leaves the feeling that a person who is peculiar to a similar gesture has a weak will.

Strong handshake is considered to cause pain. It usually prefers serious people, the main feature of which is the desire for conquest.

Limiting a handshake, i.e., the charge of a non-coated hand in the elbow, contributes to the preservation of a certain distance between people, leaves an inviolable personal zone. Such a type of handshake is peculiar to people aggressive or seeking to protect themselves from someone else's pressure. If only fingers are investing in the palm to the palm, then this suggests that a person does not feel confidence.

The drawing handshake, in which one of the partners pulls the hand of another, may mean that this person is so much confident that he just needs to be only in the personal zone.

I.N. Kuznetsov

Raised index finger, leg leg, crossed hands ... Does this happen? Of course not! Each gesture, each body movement transmits a message and reveals our emotional state: inspiration, disagreement, experience, deception, aggression.

What do gestures mean?

For a polite word, it may sometimes be hidden not so amazing intentions, but they will definitely be given behavior and gestures. If words do not correspond to behavior, pay attention to the information that the gesture bears. The body will never deceive!

"What I see, speaks so loud that I don't hear what you say," Shakespeare wrote. The value of manners behave and the importance of gestures in communication with people Fundamental!

At first, a person see, then hear it, and then perceive in one way or another. The human brain perceives incoming information by 84% - through a glance, by 9% - through hearing, and by 7% - other feelings: touch, smell, etc.

Learn to recognize gestures

According to Edward Hall, an outstanding American specialist in the field of communication, in everyday communication in the transfer of information to the share of the gesture accounts for 55% meaning, votes (which reflects the totality of speech manners, volume and intonation) is 38%. Whereas the real meaning of words, only 7% of perception in meaning is expressed!

All this speaks of a huge value of visual contact in communicating with people. To make sure the justice of this output, it is enough to remember how difficult it is to say delicate things by phone due to lack of gestures and views.

To simplify relationships with customers and partners, learn to guess the intentions of their interlocutors, check them, as well as to produce the right impression yourself - use our recommendations. You will acquire invaluable experience, which is more likely to come in handy in life.

Hand gestures

Watching the work of professionals: politicians and TV presenters - notice how stupid gestures are. Only crossed hands, but pencils or wedding rings, which they sometimes told, so as not to issue their emotions. However, such a gesture indicates the covered thoughts they are trying to hide. Pay special attention to the conformity of gestures. Speech sense:

  • If they say: "Yes, yes you are right! I just think about it " , arms crossed or jacket buttons - carefully, your interlocutor is insincere!
  • Index finger directed to another, on the floor, or raised up - Means the desire to intercept the initiative in the conversation. That is, you are dealing with a strong nut.
  • Raised palms - greatness of sincerity, reconciliation, calm. This means that the connection is established and there is no ill-advantage or "rear" thoughts.
  • Palm, turned out and put in front of them - A sign of protection or rejection of the interlocutor. Thus hold the distance. Therefore, do not believe if at this moment they say you: "I will help you, you can count on me."
  • Crossed fingers hands - The meaning of the gesture is transparent. Means desire to complete communication. This is a gap, rejection of the idea or interlocutor.
  • Hands raised to mouth (If a person covers his mouth with his hands) is a kind of protection, and the desire to hide intentions.
  • Crossed hands - Mean the barrier seems to the body armor, with the help of which a person is protected from his interlocutor. The more expressive this gesture, the more barrier. Such behavior is characteristic of the intense situation. Indicates that a person feels a threat and its insecurity.
  • Hands in front of them, put on the table - Show that a person expresses his point of view, is approved in his thoughts, but not aggressive.
  • Hands are lowered and not in contact . One hand, the interlocutor opens easily on the table, the other put on the thigh - this is a sign of restraint. The man feels in the "plastic". He trusts you and does not need evidence and facts.

Any conversation is mobile, it develops. When you express your thoughts, it is quite natural to accompany your speech by the movement of hands. These movements indicate the strength of your conviction. And on the contrary, if the hands are stationary - this is a sign of certain indifference or self-control, followed by something to hide.

Gestures legs

The most eloquent types of behavior:

  • Crossed legs - Ordinary protective position. But if they are braided under the seat or behind the leg of the chair - this is an alarm and indecision sign.
  • Leg on foot - Means the expression of superiority over the interlocutor.
  • Legs stretched in front of them or in front of the seat - Sign of ease. It suggests that a person is mastering someone else's territory, but without any hostility. He indicates a certain conviction that conversation is about.

Gesting gestures

Our gait speaks for himself, she reveals our essence. Learn to decrypt the gait value.

Lie, die to identify it

As soon as a person begins to lie, certain details in his behavior point to it. What gives false:

Breath - Changing the rhythm of breathing shows the lack of conviction in her words or just a lie. So licking a person, you need to "clean" my conscience (of course unconsciously). This is accompanied by a stronger outstanding embarrassment.

Eyes "If you carefully watch the luge person, then you can see that at that moment he is deceiving with a pupil changing. It shrinks and becomes already. It is all the more obvious if the person wears glasses.

Gestures - False is often accompanied by touching the face, mouth, other parts of the body. If the man is rubbed or folds around the lips, then it is eloquently around him in lies. Another unmistakable figure of deception - a person begins to scratch his head, rub his ear or hand. Take this note!

Three main signals of gestures

Psychology gesture

System of checking the interlocutor. It is not always possible to recognize the cause of the obstacles that people put in communication. But the posture adopted in the conversation can determine the further development of events. Understanding the psychology of this gesture you can predict or correct the situation. Learn to decipher signals that proceed from your interlocutors, customers or partners through their poses, facial expressions and gestures. It is not only very useful, but sometimes quite entertaining.

For example:

The interlocutor tries to get closer to you - The tilt forward speaks without any doubt that you like him. So there was mutual understanding between you.

The interlocutor moves away from you, Creates a distance and shows his disagreement with what you say. Perhaps the conversation for him just became uninteresting. Or he wants to cool your dust. Try to determine what caused a similar reaction to correct the situation.

Head slope left or right - The interlocutor appeals to your feelings, looking for points of contact to get the desired.

The interlocutor relies his head on the fists - Gesture of "obstacle" expressing dislike. Your interlocutor was dedicated. It is better to change the topic of the conversation and not to insist on what causes such a reaction.

Hand applying to forehead - He just focuses on what you say. The topic of the conversation is interesting for him.

LBA touch with a few fingers - Concentration of attention at a certain moment, the work of thoughts requires efforts to activate the memory. Do not skimp on explanations, work out the topic.

Rules of behavior on business meetings

Communication gestures

Currently, personnel specialists actively use the interpretation of applicants' gesture. Sometimes you react to what has been said completely involuntarily. The body can confirm its consent, or on the contrary, discrepancy in views. Although you may not even notice this. How to behave to avoid traps?

As you can

Try to behave naturally. Be open and susceptible. What in more harmony you will be with yourself, the more consistent and natural will be your gestures. But as soon as you begin to control yourself - the clamp will appear in your gestures, awkwardness, and therefore the inconsistency of what you say. And it will immediately become noticeable. Therefore, to begin with, rehearse the interview at home.

How it is impossible

  • Looks sluggishly with handicrafts, or vice versa, squeeze your fingers of your interlocutor.
  • Distill look. Look right in your face to your interlocutor. In the end, you add to it.
  • Hold your head lowered during a conversation. On the contrary, keep your head straight, slightly tilting it forward.
  • Having a defensive position with "closed" gestures, like crossed hands or feet.
  • Fit in the chair, braid legs behind the legs of the chair.
  • Sit still throughout the conversation. It is necessary to periodically "discontend" from the seat to show interest in the conversation.
  • Hiding legs, sticking them under the seat. This is a sign that you feel awkward. And also the fact that you lack enterprise.
  • Speak by lifting the index finger, crossed your hands or deploy the outwards of the palm. The interlocutor immediately realizes that you build a barrier.
  • Constantly rub your hands. In this gesture felt false!
  • Worried for his appearance, brushed the imaginary dust with the sleeves, to chop up, straighten a dress or accessories.

Perception gesture in different cultures

The same gestures may sometimes have a different meaning, depending on the country and its culture.

Look: In Western culture, it is customary to watch the interlocutor in the eyes. This is a way to express attentiveness to another person, respect for his words.

Then, as in Japan to watch the interlocutor in the eye is impolite. The look should focus on a tie or scarf level.

Scalding : In our country, this expresses some doubt "yes" - "no". And in Bulgaria, the same sharing means "yes."

Distance: Europeans always observe a certain distance when they turn to another person. Arabs are accepted at close range. They are always approaching the interlocutor, bent a hand, and almost touching him. Women also behave. They love contact, proximity and often turn to other women as girlfriends.


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