Who fits the Aquarius on the horoscope. Love Horoscope Women Aquarius, or "Here and Now"

Who fits the Aquarius on the horoscope. Love Horoscope Women Aquarius, or "Here and Now"

Before creating a family, astrologists recommend comparing your zodiac signs. In our case, we will analyze the signs of the zodiac, suitable aquarian. Let's look at all the options.

What zodiac signs are fit

The absence of prejudice allows a water to be laid almost with everyone. They are especially attracted by the people with whom the intellectual partnership is associated. It is best to aquarian a sign that is its sextil or trin, as well as his right opposite sign - lion.

Aquarius - Aries

Which zodiac sign is suitable for an ideal, so this is Aries. So people will be cozy to live in side by side. You can "tame" sensual Aquarius of the dreamer, only manifesting tactfulness and perseverance. If everything is successful, the people of these symbols form a not bad compatibility alliance.

Aquarius - Taurus

Actually, if the Taurus turns out to awaken in aquare enthusiasm to bed fun, they will become excellent. And yet the long relationship is almost impossible between them. Enough in their differences and in various fields. Aquarius has a need, first, in a friend, and Taurus - in a partner for sex.

Aquarius - Gemini

The signs of the zodiac, suitable aquarity include twins. Their alliance comes out so interesting that he would hit anyone. And twins, and Aquarius - adherents of adventure, sports style. It is unlikely that there are permanent and moderate relations between them. Although, probably, the partners are prone to unexpectedly, such a manner of communication will be good.

Aquarius - cancer

The comparability of these partners leaves the best to them. Sincerity, the openness of the cancer is badly mixed with love of water to various kinds of adventure. Cancer varies with emotionality and rifles more talk with its own 2nd half. Aquarius, although he values \u200b\u200bhis care, it will consider this attention, eventually begins irritable.

Aquarius - Lev.

As soon as their novel flashes, he will be interested in both partner. But with time, Tandem will begin to fall apart because of the desire of each of the signs to dominate.

Aquarius - Deva.

This union is possible, but will be very complicated for the Virgin. Although they love long intellectual conversations, but Virgo in comparison with the Aquarius is too passive and calm.

Aquarius - Scales

Among the signs of the zodiac, suitable aquary, scales. It will be a great union that claims to be perfect. These partners have many views in which they converge, it is both thirst for adventure and new acquaintances.

Aquarius - Scorpio

If this union arises, unfortunately will not be durable. All due to the fact that the Aquarius loves the freedom too much, and Scorpio constantly wants to tie him to himself.

Aquarius - Sagittarius

This pair has a future. If each of the signs makes efforts to hold it. They have a lot in common, this activity and irreparation. This union can be a real find for both signs.

Aquarius - Capricorn

The probability of the long-term union is small in these two characters. But if both signs to learn to give way to each other, then a long and successful union is likely.

Aquarius - Aquarius

Two representatives of this sign will never get bored with each other. And their intimate life will be full and diverse. Two Aquarius is a wonderful couple that can last long year.

Aquarius - Fish

Say sure that the union will be long and durable hard. But the beginning will be violent and interesting.

So we learned what kind of zodiac sign is suitable in the best way.

Compatibility horoscope: Which zodiac sign is most suitable for a girl Aquarius - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Before creating a family, astrologists recommend comparing your zodiac signs. In our case, we will analyze the signs of the zodiac, suitable aquarian. Let's look at all the options.

What zodiac signs are fit

The absence of prejudice allows a water to be laid almost with everyone. They are especially attracted by the people with whom the intellectual partnership is associated. It is best to aquarian a sign that is its sextil or trin, as well as his right opposite sign - lion.

Which zodiac sign is suitable for an ideal, so this is Aries. So people will be cozy to live in side by side. You can "tame" sensual Aquarius of the dreamer, only manifesting tactfulness and perseverance. If everything is successful, the people of these symbols form a not bad compatibility alliance.

Actually, if the Taurus turns out to awaken in aquare enthusiasm to bed fun, they will become excellent. And yet the long relationship is almost impossible between them. Enough in their differences and in various fields. Aquarius has a need, first, in a friend, and Taurus - in a partner for sex.

These people and their alliance comes out so interesting that he would hit anyone. And twins, and Aquarius - adherents of adventure, sports style. It is unlikely that there are permanent and moderate relations between them. Although, probably, the partners are prone to unexpectedly, such a manner of communication will be good.

The comparability of these partners leaves the best to them. Sincerity, the openness of the cancer is badly mixed with love of water to various kinds of adventure. Cancer varies with emotionality and rifles more talk with its own 2nd half. Aquarius, although he values \u200b\u200bhis care, it will consider this attention, eventually begins irritable.

As soon as their novel flashes, he will be interested in both partner. But with time, Tandem will begin to fall apart because of the desire of each of the signs to dominate.

This union is possible, but will be very complicated for the Virgin. Although they love long intellectual conversations, but Virgo in comparison with the Aquarius is too passive and calm.

Among the signs of the zodiac, suitable aquary, scales. It will be a great union that claims to be perfect. These partners have many views in which they converge, it is both thirst for adventure and new acquaintances.

If this union arises, unfortunately will not be durable. All due to the fact that the Aquarius loves the freedom too much, and Scorpio constantly wants to tie him to himself.

This pair has a future. If each of the signs makes efforts to hold it. They have a lot in common, this activity and irreparation. This union can be a real find for both signs.

The probability of the long-term union is small in these two characters. But if both signs to learn to give way to each other, then a long and successful union is likely.

Two representatives of this sign will never get bored with each other. And their intimate life will be full and diverse. Two Aquarius is a wonderful couple that can last long year.

Say sure that the union will be long and durable hard. But the beginning will be violent and interesting.

So we learned what kind of zodiac sign is suitable in the best way.

Love horoscope Women Aquarius, or "here and now." Woman Aquarius in love. Who fits a woman to aquarian?

It is difficult not to notice in the company - intelligent, ulcer, beautiful and is not shy to put the signs of attention to young men who seek interesting things. She is a young lady, the eternal sacrifice of their own ambitions and complexes, who wants less effort, that is, through their own attractiveness and sexuality, to prove to the whole world and first of all, the ability to achieve the goal.

Women are quite dangerous in love games. The biggest ambush to which a man can get to abandon the ex-family or a beloved woman, yielding to the provocation of the drain, which is played in love, and at the moment it works out the art of "leading to a man." As an individual and spouse for a long summer, he is absolutely not needed, satisfied with the effect, it will simply disappear from his life, leaving alone with the consequences of sustainable solutions.

Aquarius lady lives here and now. It is quite ready for the fact that tomorrow may just not come, therefore thinking about him, there is not the slightest rational meaning. Its powerful energy allows you to "love" a few men in one period of time, although rather not the individuals themselves, but any pleasity with them are connected.

Women-aquaries are extremely easy to talk about love, and they can confess even without even experiencing at all, but to love truly, they take a long time.

In each fatal lady-aquar, a little girl hides, which very wishes care, understanding and stable relationships. It is she hanging out of the image of a broken girl, and becomes a devoteed wife and a good mother. True, find the button to fall intake dashing clothes from ladies-Aquarius may not every man.

Compatibility in Love

The drain is best converges with the cavaliers that they love her as it is, and they are ready to sing every day and most importantly praise their gaznob. It is in the best way that this manifests the Aries, which in their adoration make it possible to reveal and gain the wings.

Gemini acts with different schemes, with them aquarius can not hide her recklessness, this couple is always ready for extreme and bold proposals, whether it is a trip to the permanent residence in Ecuador, or the business of catching dogs with their subsequent training in the guides.

In Tandem with a man - Lvoma-Aquarius, although he feels a bit of his jealousy and his own splashing, but it will even be raised, because she cannot realize the depths of his emotions. The lion in such a union begins to look at life wider and recognize her self-profit. These partners hold on with each other dead grip, because they receive hundreds of times more from relationships than invest.

Love and family with a man-scale for Woman Aquarius often becomes a shelter from earthly problems. He himself is not from the world, therefore does not require any classical evidence of love, even loyalty. This couple is great for each other in his desire to enjoy the Being without applying forces, but for the prosperity they go albeit in one direction, "left", but everyone in itself.

It is interesting to create a relationship between a water-aquietary woman and a man-director. They both love to dream, talk about possible rainbow prospects and forget already in the morning about this hot conversation. The Male-Sagittarius admires the ability of the drain to create a Furior around him, he flashes the attraction of his ladies. The dravea is quite satisfied that the spouse-striker does not ask extra questions, and always helps, as maybe even with a minimum of information.

Aquarius and Aquarius can create quite a decent and happy family. However, such a tandem rarely acquires children, the water being of a different sex so cozy and conveniently together, that the third will always be superfluous here.

Not particularly promising, but a union with a man-fish is quite possible. However, for this it is simply necessary for the spouses to have a considerable trial and mistakes. Only lived a little with a man's man, a Virgin or Capricorn, Woman's Aquarius will be able to appreciate the beauty of fish tenderness.

Absolute antagonists of Women-Aquaries are men of the Earth's elements. Relations with them can begin and even seem attractive, but the result is almost always a quiet divorce - without beating the dishes and the property section, because there is nothing to share when nothing binds.

Approximately the same situation is observed in relations with scorpions and cancers. True, from the first drabs, they run very quickly, as they do not carry their oppression, the second they are trying to not litoon up to air ladies, they are too noisy for cancers, smart and grip!

Who fits aquatic? Compatibility of signs

Aquarius is a name given to this sign of the zodiac, speaks for itself, it is thirsty of freedom and eternal movement airship, which rather lives the mind than feelings. But even such a restrained and mysterious person, there is a heart that wants to love and be loved.

The eternal adventure seeker is not used to living according to the rules, for him the usual thing is to make stereotypes and create their laws of life. With whom can the happiness can find such an eccentric, highly intelligent personality, in the depths of the soul, which boils the ocean of feelings and emotions?

Lady-Aquarius is a charming woman who attracts men with its sexy ulcer and genuine confidence in itself. Such women know their price well, and conquer them - a difficult task. They are smart and calculating, often flirting for sports interest and raise their self-esteem.

We are constantly striving to make a challenge to society, emphasizing your individuality and independence. Often such women seem to be iron, but it's just a mask. In fact, the woman is a water - a very gentle and wounded girl who simply does not know how to open his heart and is afraid to stay alone.

Representatives of the strong sex, born under this sign are skillful interlocutors, fun and creative. Charisma and intelligence them are so attractive that it will be headed by any girl. But family mans call them very difficult.

After all, this man does not like the framework, restrictions and obligations. Therefore, creating a family, a water-man needs to be aware that life in marriage is not the end for him, as for the person, but a new stage of his implementation and the opportunity to take more from life.


Aquarius in love is surrounding the tenderness and love of his partner. He will not be jealous and limit. On the contrary, it will try to bring a pleasant new impressions to the life of a beloved person.

Thanks to a wide range, this sign can find a common language with any zodiac representative. Insecual intellectuals are attracted especially, with a pronounced inland rod, which just like he loves a variety, new impressions, noisy companies and numerous friends.

Consider details who fits aquatic:

This couple can become perfect and live together for a long time and happily. Fire Aries This is exactly what the aquarity is missing in the realization of his ingenious ideas and plans. In turn, the calm reason for the latter is the missing puzzle in the nature of the Aries, which needs to learn to restrain suddenly floating irritation and not chop up a gossip.

The main thing in such respects is mutual respect for each other and the lack of pressure. Personality and dustiness helps to create an alliance, and the desire for novelty and the complementarity of characters allow this air-fiery pair to maintain his bonfire of love for many years.

With televisers

A complex and problematic union, possible rather aged after 40 years. Partners have different interests and views on life. For Aquarius, the basis of the relationship is intellectual compatibility, and for the Taurus - harmony in sexual relationships, in sex it will be completely completely and, as an animal, is given to its instincts.

And if, at first, partners can be captured by illusions, then at the end of the candidate and bought period, the detection of all differences is inevitable. Freedom-loving Aquarius will feel locked in a stuffy cocoon of relations, oriented to the creation of a family Taurus will feel unloved and unwanted.

With twins

The union is ideally named for which - "Sex Friends". Partners have a lot in common, they are fine and understood each other. But a long time spent spent, and they diverge for a while on their affairs, friends, and it is possible to get involved in light intrigues.

And when these two intellectual sat down with new impressions, they converge back with the newest feelings. Gemini can understand water without words, and these relationships can be very deep and romantic. But in the family they can turn only for the sake of children, because they are two comfortable together and in their free relations.

"Dolphin and Mermaid, not a couple, not a couple. Aquarius and cancer are like people from different planets that do not know how and do not know how to communicate with each other. Aquarius annoys excessive emotionality and cancer chatty, and the desire to do everything together and spend together as much time as possible together, and at all infuriates the wayward, eternally thirsty of freedom of Aquarius. Cancer, captured by the mystery and mysteriousness of Aquarius, will be silent to suffer next to the beloved, without deciding to break the relationship for children or family.

Lion is perhaps one of the best partners for Aquarius. At first glance, passion flashes between the representative of these zodiacs. They do not just complement each other, and also stimulate to develop. True, and here, it will not be no difficulty.

The struggle for leadership in a pair can lead to cooling of feelings and rupture relations. But nevertheless, this is not possible, this couple feels great and understands each other, which gives them the opportunity to settle all possible conflicts in time.

These two may be together only when both are far in 30, on the soul of scars from love failures and you want a calm and measured life. Union is possible, although very problematic. Aquarius will be boring with a pedantic and scrupulous Virgin, she will be difficult to support him with him, rapid and full of impressions, rhythm of life.

The magnificent and harmonious union based on intellectual compatibility and love to the beautiful. Thirst for impressions will connect their hearts in difficult moments when life will be launched their friendly union. The only thing that can jeopardize their joint happiness is the desire of weights in everything in all, so as not to quarrel, the desire to be all around to idealize and equilibrate.

Aquarius can all be treated, which can lead to the departure of the latter to a stronger partner than the scales. They can stay good friends, keeping the memory of happy memories like precious stones.

With scorpions

Contradictory and unlikely union. What metal can be compared with the energy of scorpion? Probably Adamant is the strongest metal in the world. After all, before magnetism of Scorpion, no one can resist even aquarius. But when the stormy passion is going to go, and the usual weekdays will come in the life of a couple, each of them will begin to demonstrate opposite aspirations.

Aquarius will strive for equal, calm relations, full of trust and diversity, it is important for scorpion to be the main thing in the relationship and fully controlled by a loved one. Most of all the children who grow in the atmosphere of constant pulling rope and clarifying relationships .

With arrows

Good mutual understanding and common interests. Sagittarus flashes independence and charismatic partner. And aquatic likes the irrepressibility, a sense of humor and a nobleness characteristic of the shooter. Provided that partners will appreciate each other and apply efforts to maintain a family hearth, the Union promises to be long and strong.

With Capricorn

The probability of a strong union is small in these two characters. Capricorn is too conservative and joined for Aquarius, his views on life are hard as a stone. In this pair, everyone will live their interests, creating only the visibility of a happy couple.

With Aquarius

Two representatives of this sign on one side will never get bored with each other, and on the other side of special passions in this pair do not have to. Their intimate life will be full and diverse, but it will not be sensual intimacy; They can even be one profession. Two identical signs are a wonderful couple who can last for a long year, if each other can release each other to search for new impressions and ... so that it will get bored for your partner.

Say for sure that the Union is impossible impossible. The beginning of the novel may be stormy and interesting. But then both faces face to face with the lack of understanding of the nature of each other. The fish can long get stuck in such respects because of the fear of staying alone, so it becomes more often the initiator of the break becomes definitely not fish. Save the Union can tolerance for disadvantages of each other and willingness to make a compromise.

So we found out who fits aquatic, and who is not. But whatever stars would not be harsh or generous to us, we will depend on us happy and do a happy loved one. Compatibility on the horoscope is important, but not primarily. Therefore, we paraphrase the well-known saying as follows: trust the horoscopes, but also yourself are not a root, there is still an option to pass compatibility test.

Aquarius Zodiac Sign Compatibility

Zodiac sign Aquarius Compatibility: Aquarius What Sign of Zodiac in Love, Sex, Family; Which zodiac sign is suitable for water; Compatibility - solve problems

The lovingness of the Aquarius is a humanistic nature, any novel is fumbled before him.

With aquatic relationships are remembered primarily by intellectuality, trust conversations, and then passion.

You can not say an alarm that he is superior to everyone - he is absolutely sure of the uniqueness, the uniqueness of his person, considering it the most valuable. BUT B. sex Although they are inventive and well feel a partner, often they simply lack endurance, and not always physical as emotional.

Aquarius partner is usually choosing from those who are indifferent to it.

Easy mining is uninteresting, but to win an impregnable or keep an escaping partner, Aquarius will show the wonders of charm, will demonstrate a variety of sexual Talents and forks the lot of interesting things - forces enough for everything.

Aquarius is sensitive to beauty, may even indicate the beloved for disadvantages of appearance. At the same time, it is inclined to receive a chosen as it is. After all, looking for Aquarius in partner mind, kindness, openness, independence of thinking.

Aquarius sometimes happens netactiic, to yourself the relationship of particularly careful. Aquarius is actually not amenable to someone else's influence. Its opinion imposes gently. Sometimes uses psychological manipulation, not even noticing it.

Aquarius is capable of tremendous love, but usually does not show it. He can donate from passion, externally keeping such indifference that the most insightful will not understand anything.

Aquarius is not jealous, and do not bring out jealousy Alien. They rarely change, but often remember the first love, they support the connection with the past beloved, sometimes fantasizing, - as if it was a novel with them.

Aquarius all life is eager for the perfect novel. But evenly falling in love with him, he tries to preserve time for loneliness, the knowledge of the world, some kind of mystery of experiences. He would like the equilibrium of his two strongest desires - to have a loved one and stay free.

The personal happiness of Aquarius prevents the often false impression of his inconsistency, coldness. However, the one who succeeds to understand Aquarius will not remain indifferent to him: Aquarius is extraordinary, bright personalities, on a lot of capable and non-knowledgeable obstacles.

Which zodiac sign is suitable

Aquarius are distinguished by comprehensive love. This is the impact of Saturn, Neptune, uranium. However, it is not possible to create a solid family of Aquarius: too eccentric in character, they want incredibly much from life, do not like monotony, and therefore duration in relationships.

What zodiac sign is fits aquatic bad

Aquarius is air, and the Union with Earth (Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus) or Water (Cancer, Fish, Scorpio) is unpromising: air with water or earth - the combinations are unsuitable.

Zodiac sign suitable aquatic so-so

Union with the same air sign (Aquarius, Twins) It would be not bad thanks to reliability and friendly feelings, but Aquarius does not consider them dominant.

Suitable Aquarius I. libraBut with him they are either all and everything is good, or everything is very bad.

What zodiac sign is most suitable aquatic

As you can guess, for the air of Aquarius, the only suitable element in all - fire. So SagittariusBut preferably - a lion or Aries Caught to give the Aquarius family happiness.

Aquarius has no energy of the Sun, as a result - excessive egoism, complacency, reorder, preventing movement in career.

In the Union with Lv or Ovar, these qualities are neutralized. Lion and Aries fill the lack of solar energy.

Zodiac sign Aquarius compatibility we solve the problems

In captivity of relationship

Freedom seems the most important in the life of water. In total, seemingly restriction, they avoid.

But the relationship is somehow need to renounce independence. If you have to take into account waiting, desires, interests of a partner, - Aquarius can feel unhappy, depressed, although they recognize - that without concessions do not do.

Critical situation, if the imagination draws the novel bonds as a trap, an unpleasant system of restrictions. It is these fantasies that should be avoided. It is necessary to concentrate on positive emotions that bring communication with the chosen one, and in general the novel in general.

For personal comfort, it is advisable to leave a bit of "personal space". The partner, however, must necessarily explain the causes of the borders so that he does not perceive it as gerbling from him, the coldness or concealment of something that is destroyed by the Union.

Being sincere, open, with the expensive heart of a person, with mutual feelings, can be experienced inaccessible to many - and freedom, and love.

Aquarius is great speakers, but they are extremely rarely talking about their feelings. They seem to appear an insurmountable barrier.

Aquarius get used to that the surrounding understand them easily, therefore find themselves in a dead end when beloved to understand them can not immediately. And to a deeper discussion of Aquarius are often not ready.

Wishing harmonious relationships, waterwords should learn to tell about the experienced feelings, otherwise they express them, exercise.

After all, it happened that the emotions were hidden by aquatic under the mask of the calculation, coldness, and he was still upset, - no one understands the whole depth of him experience.

To be understood for a loved one, you need to stop so far, even sometimes, to be a "mystery".

The other side of the problem is the property of water to speak a lot. If a partner is impatient, he will not be able to choose important information from a multitude of secondary. Aquarius is necessary to simply, concisely explain the essence of the problem, not hiding it for the beauty of words and the complexity of logical constructions.

Often, the simplest words help mutual understanding, and Aquarius will be able to understand himself better.

Aquarius does not create the impression of tyrants, but often achieve, so that everything is done by their desire.

Paradoxically, but Aquarius will not be happy with those who are unquestioned by their whims. This aquarified is intuitive and choose strong partners who can resist them.

Begins the struggle, bringing both discomfort. The situation is glowing. Any little thing can explode a bomb. At first it seems that after the quarrels, it is not difficult to put up, but gradually all this turns into the destroying relationship underwater iceberg.

Aquarius to avoid sorryYou must be softer, externally and internally. It is impossible to punish a partner with his behavior (offended, depressions, ultimatums) for his point of view.

It is better to decline it to constructive dialogues, and it is easier to compromise yourself. It is ridiculous to blame only yourself. However, from the partner, in which it seems not a toy, but a strong person, you can not wait for endless attacks with your whims.

Aquarius usually have a wide range of communication, are not deprived of attention signs. But it's hard to fall in love with Aquarius: they see perfectly disadvantages of people And even feel intuitive. In addition, secretly fears vulnerabilities and loss of independence if the heart is open. Therefore, before the novel, the case rarely comes: Particular attention is often inappropriate partners.

It is worth trying to be a little less prudent: everyone who sympathizes does not necessarily accept the enemy or a detractor.

However, before the undertakings, really serious relationship, you need to get better to know the selected person.

Aquarius is strong intuition, but in romantic affairs whether it does not hear her votes, whether they cease to trust, whether she brings them. As a result - strange, even a ridiculous choice under the first impression, on the advice of a friend or from the desire to "with someone" spend time.

Aquarius has a high chance to meet the fate of like-minded people who share hobbies, interests. It is worthwhile to visit the relevant forums, clubs, events, discuss interests.

Non-serious attitude

Aquarius, being independent, elusive and incomprehensible, while want to be for the partner the most important, indispensable. Aquarius love to joke, but the humor is not acceptable about themselves.

From nature being "windy", aquarius is waiting for the chief of absolute constancy. Only wise people are capable of serious relationships with Aquarius, who perceive them as it is, not trying to fix. However, it is possible in the Union of Sabalance.

Aquarius are extravagant, prone to the anticipation of bright and stunning. It is necessary to try to be more predictable, practical. Serious relationships require long-term obligations, they are aquatic and avoid.

A partner will be serious to treat an aquarian if it felt that he was responsible for the actions and for the development of the novel.

Aquarius should be more trusted and acting according to its intuition, the presence of which he knows perfectly, and its feelings. Share them, be more open, otherwise the chosen one has the impression of coldness from the Aquarius, which becomes the cause of disharmony.

I'm afraid to stop relationships

Paradoxal is the fact that Aquarius, very independent, sometimes become prisoners who have exhausted relations, victims of manipulations. They are unhappy, but do not try to change anything. This means not so much the fear of loneliness, how much fear remain with the experiences alone: \u200b\u200bsuddenly they will be strong so much that it will be impossible to cope with them.

Aquarius make an impression capable of controlling their own emotions of people. They avoid strong stress that these will be released emotions, feelings. The gap of even a non-harmonic relationship can be submitted to just such stress.

Giving more will with your feelings even in behavior everyday, Aquarius will be able to prepare psychologically to decisive, actions and better understand their experiences.

Not ready to create a family, but the partner insists

Aquarius, even aged mature, do not feel the need to create a family. The case is often not in fear of responsibility, but in the fear of losing freedom.

Aquarius scares the prospect of the appearance of people controlling them. Sometimes an aquarius perceive the marriage as a trap, from where not to get out, therefore prefer to prefer unconventional forms of alliances: "without a stamp", without a common property, "guest marriage" (live separately), to have a privacy with the preservation of the "bachelor" lifestyle. When a partner accepts such an alliance, no special difficulties arise. But it usually suits only Aquarius.

Aquarius, with all their freedom, tend to harmony and love. But the Aquariols need to dispel the gloomy fantasies about family life, stop being afraid that marriage will prevent their desires, dreams, reach the goal.

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How to save the needle stroke can save the patient's life from stroke. This is the advice from the Chinese professor. Keep a syringe or needle in the house. This is an amazing and non-traditional way of salvation from stroke. Read it to the end and then move it further, you never know, he can help someone one day. It's amazing. Please keep in mind these wonderful tips. Hold the time to read it. You never know in advance that someone's life can depend on you. "My father was paralyzed and later died as a result of a stroke. It is a pity that I did not know about this first aid method before. When the stroke happens, the capillaries in the brain are gradually broken. When stroke happens, keep calm. No matter where the patient is located, do not move it. Because, if you move, the capillaries burst! Help the patient to sit so that he does not fall again, and then start bloodletting. If there is a syringe for injection in your house, it would be best, otherwise, sewing needles or pins are also suitable. one). Hold the needle x pin) over fire to seek them, and then use the tips of all 10 fingers to puncture. 2). There are no specific acupuncture points, just stole 1 mm from the nail. 3). Focus so that the blood flows out. four). If blood does not start drip, squeeze the pierced finger with your fingers. five). When all 10 fingers bleed, wait a few minutes, after which the patient woofs. 6). If the sick mouth twisted, pull it behind the ears until they become red. 7). Then twice stole the lobe of each ear, so that two drops of blood come out of each lobe. After a few minutes, the patient must come to himself. Wait until the patient comes to a normal condition without any abnormal symptoms, then send it to the hospital. Otherwise, if he was in a hurry delivered to the hospital in the ambulance car, the shaking would lead to the fact that the capillaries in the brain of the victim burst. If he can go to him, then he, thank God, saved. I learned about bloodletting to save lives from a specialist in Chinese traditional medicine Dr. Ha bu Tina, who lives in San-Juke. In addition, I had practical experience with this method, so I can say that the method is effective by 100%. In 1979, I taught in Fung Gaap College in Tai Chung. Once I was in the class, when another teacher came ran into my class and excitedly said: "Ms. Liu, quickly go, our manager suffered a stroke! ". I immediately went to the 3rd floor. When I saw our head of Mr. Chen Fu Tian, \u200b\u200bhe was pale, his speech was unbearable, his mouth was twisted - all symptoms of stroke. I immediately asked one of the students - the trainees go to the pharmacy to buy a syringe, which in the future used for injections into all 10 fingers. After a few minutes, when all 10 fingers were in the blood (each with a drop of blood with a pea), Mr. Chen's face restored his color and interspersed in his eyes. However, his mouth was sun elsewhere. So, oh I pulled him behind your ears to strengthen blood circulation. When his ears became red, I turned it into the right lobe ear twice and released two drops of blood. When both uches were with two blood drops on each, a miracle occurred. For 3-5 minutes, the form of the mouth returned to normal, and his speech became clear. We allowed him to relax a little and drink a cup of hot tea, then we helped him go down the stairs and brought to Wei Wah Hospital. He stayed there one night and was released the next day to return to school to teach! Everything worked fine. There were no consequences, although usually stroke victims suffer because of irreparable gaps of the brain capillaries along the way to the hospital. As a result, these patients never recover. Thus, the stroke is the second common cause of death. Lucky, even survived, may be paralyzed for life. Such a terrible thing should not happen in anyone's life. If we all remember this method of bloodletting and start the rescue process immediately, then for a short time, the patient will be returned to 100% normal. If, perhaps, please give a link to this page to everyone who you know. This can help in the future save someone's life from stroke.

Woman Aquarius charming, elegant, graceful. It is friendly, open to communication. In her environment, there are always many acquaintances. It is inherent in strong intuition. Such a woman appreciates honesty. Thanks to the non-standard of thinking, it is capable of achieving success in work. Manifests himself a conscientious employee. In the future, the spouse sees a reliable friend and a faithful man. The role of a housewife is not for her. She needs activities outside the walls of the house.

Love and family

Aquarius woman is an interesting and unpredictable person. It becomes difficult to prey for representatives of the Fal Floor. Such a lady gets married, weighing everything "for" and "against". She is scary to devote life to one person. Marriage is successful with her if the husband does not encroach on her freedom. The representative of this sign of the zodiac does not see its destination only in the house and the family, she needs activities outside the house. In sex, such a woman answers the passion and love of the partner, but intimate proximity for her is not the main thing in the relationship. For children, she becomes a good friend.


Aquarius woman has good compatibility with representatives of such zodiac signs: Aries, twins, scales, Sagittarius. Bad combinability with cancer, scorpion and Capricorn.

Aquarius woman and man-Aries: Successful Union due to similar purposes in life. Strengthening relationships helps a common cause.

Woman Aquarius and Male Taurus: Unpredictable Union due to incorrect characteristics and goals in life. Their relationship becomes happy if the partners are compromised, and the man does not limit the freedom of its second half.

Woman of Aquarius and Gemini Male: Harmonious Union thanks to the ability to interact. For such relations, it is important for the continuous development and readiness of partners to provide each other certain freedom.

Woman Aquarius and Cancer: Low combination due to incorrect characteristics. Relationships become happy if the partners cease to pay attention to the disadvantages of each other. Strengthen the Union helps the common cause or passion.

Woman Aquarius and Man-Lion: Unpredictable Union. Relationships become happy if the partners do not blame each other, but inferior in everything.

Woman Aquarius and Male Virgo: An ambiguous union. Partners acquire family happiness if they manage to overcome the inconsistency of characters.

Aquarius woman and male scales: Harmonious Union. Partners perfectly understand each other, all controversial issues are solved with a constructive conversation.

Woman Aquarius and Male Scorpio: Not easy union. To build a strong relationship, partners need to learn to go to mutual concessions.

Woman Aquarius and Male-Sagittarine: Harmonious Union due to excellent mutual understanding. The main thing for such a pair is not to mired in boredom. Refreshing relationship helps the saturation of family life with new impressions.

Aquarius woman and Capricorn: Not an easy alliance due to incorrect characteristics and different views on the world. To preserve relationships, partners need to learn to find a compromise and go to mutual concessions.

Woman Aquarius and Aquarius: Perspective pair due to the similarity of characters and life priorities. To maintain long and durable relationships, you need to sign the union with bright emotions and impressions.

Woman Aquarius and Male Fish: Unpredictable Union. Both partners live dreams and torn off from reality. Strengthening relationships helps a general creative project.

Career and profession

Aquarius woman has many talents. She is looking for them to use throughout his life. It is important for her to work on the vocation. As a source of ideas, a representative of this sign of the zodiac seeks to have complete freedom of action. Therefore, it sometimes happens in the role of subordinate. As a leader, the Woman Aquarius is able to build a competent relationship with employees and inspire them to conquer new peaks. Reveal art talents. It is capable of flower growing, gardening. It turns out a good educator, teacher or translator.


An impressionable Aquarius woman often becomes a victim of mental disorders. She needs to replenish the reserves of vital energy. This will help properly balanced nutrition. She should minimize the amount of acute and oily food in the diet. It will benefit nuts, cereals, fish, dairy products, as well as fruits rich in vitamin C. The representative of this sign of the zodiac is recommended by sports and physical exertion. Thanks to them, she will be able to get rid of possible problems with vessels, most frequent among which is varicose veins.

Free, soaring, extraordinary ... All these epithets can be attributed to a woman born under the sign of Aquarius. It can not shine with external beauty. Inner mounted magic - here is its distinctive sign. You can love her or hate - it will not be indifferent!


Planet Aquarius - Uranus. In astrology, it is believed that women born under the sign of this planet possess sensitive intuition. They can even develop extrasensory abilities.

Stones that are particularly suitable for these girls:

  • amethyst - personifies harmony, helps to settle conflicts in the family and at work;
  • aquamarine - changes its color when changing the weather, a real mascot for lovers to travel;
  • pomegranate - a symbol of passion and love, has a positive effect on the hormonal system;
  • turquoise - in antiquity was considered an amulet from misfortunes and the evil eye, strengthens the love relationship;
  • zircon - eliminates nightmares and helps to find a mental balance;
  • sapphire - protects against deception, stone of loyalty and clean motives;
  • chrysocolla - opens the mind and soothes the swelling emotions.

Metal suitable for a sign is tin. In antiquity, herables were made to good luck. But also tin talismans can help in the work of the cardiovascular system.

Flowers Aquarius:

  • mysterious violet - makes people calm and vitality;
  • tomny Narcissus - helps women find happiness in love;
  • beautiful Mirt - heals from diseases and cleans home energy;
  • therapeutic immortals - to leave any evil and gives to gain confidence;
  • luxurious mistletoe - protects against the evil eye and damage.

Trees sign:

  • proud cypress - a tree of strength and justice;
  • majestic poplar - absorbs negative energy;
  • fragrant cedar - restores mental strength.

Animals - Sign Patrons: Pigeon, Crane, Camel.

  • The pigeon symbolizes a special peacefulness inherent in the Aquarius.
  • Zhuravl speaks of special talents that have every representative of the sign. And also this bird shows belonging to the thin world of perfume.
  • Camel desert ship - symbol of independence and its own opinion. He spit on everyone in the literal and figurative sense of the word.

Pets: iguana, short-haired cats. Iguana, as it is impossible to suit the girls in the girls, thanks to their originality. Cats will help to reassure the raging nervous system.

Colors suitable for women of water:blue-green, purple, ultramarine.

Talisman sign: key. It is usually on the neck in the form of suspension. An exception can be used on the bracelet. Such an overlap is very ancient, will show what is hidden from others. Pope Pope referred to the power of keys. Once a year, the symbol must be cleaned, putting it for three days in a glass with a salted solution.

Another talisman can be a glass or porcelain figure of an angel. You need to talk to her every day and ask for help. Then she will be filled with your energy and will help with adversities.

Happy rooms: 2, 4, 8, 13.

The most successful and unsuccessful days of the week: the activities of the Aquarius on Wednesday and Saturday will be as successful as possible. On Sunday, it is better not to plan anything serious, but to indulge in rest.

Suitable names: Isolde, Ksenia, Yana, Violetta, Ilona, \u200b\u200bIrina, Zhanna, Juliana, Frida, Svetlana, Gloria.

The girls of the element of air are impressive with their thin pleasant nature. Creative nature does not allow them to look like everything. Individuality, not fashion - the principle in the choice of outfits. Their nature is multifaceted and is very different from others, which helps in all areas of activity to remain the most outstanding person.

In friendship

The sociability of this eleventh sign of the zodiac has no boundaries. It can not exist without a team. The more buddies, the fun. Loneliness is not exactly threatened. And the status of a person or its origin is not important. Women's aquaries always choose comrades by the mind. Emotional connection is not so important.

These friends they choose for life.It is hard for them to find a person close in spirit by virtue of their extravagance. But if he is being found, then friendly relations will be practically related. In the dedication of such women should not be doubted.

And in the afternoon, and at night she will always find time to come to the rescue completely free. These girls do not like to hand out tips. It is easier for them to act directly. There are no such friends to lose. They feel responsible for the fate of their loved ones.

The disadvantage of this friendly sacrifice is that sometimes friendship is placed in the first place instead of the family. Her husbands are better to treat women's friendship with understanding, otherwise the weather in the house can be spoiled.

In love

It is impossible to not pay attention to it. She always attractively and unusually looks that men appreciate all ages and different classes. But it's not so easy to approach her. For the external attributes of this sign of the zodiac is an extraordinary intelligence and inexplicable intuition. Aquarius is not a pacifier, and they need to fit.


With a close acquaintance with "air" women, you can see that many of them are delicate manipulators. Perhaps they do not notice this and are very offended if they indicate their intriguing techniques. To create a successful union, it is worth trying to be somewhat softer and accustomed to the opposite sex.

Nevertheless, a water girl needs a strong male shoulder, so that sometimes be weak.She loves romance: talk about love under the moon, flowers and cute gifts. Let it be a bouquet of wild flowers or a golden decoration - it is not so important to her, the main thing is to the signs of attention.

With beautiful gender of the zodiac air sign, it is always interesting, warm and cozy. She is ready to forgive much. Only a betrayal from a man will never forgive. She herself will always be loyalty, there is no doubt.

The girl in love will even more admire his nature. However, no restrictions on the freedom will not be restarted until the end never. She does not seek a stampe in a passport, representing it as a cage. Before entering into marriage, finds all the information about your chosen one. Only after a long random, she will be able to decide on such a serious step. It can easily break the relationship, but never fully burns bridges.

Relations with such a person are always uncomplicated and explosive. This is the biggest problem. Not all men suffer such a complex character. You can only advise to try not to disturb the personal space of the girls of Aquarius and give them the will.


Despite the storm of feelings in the soul, these girls outwardly can look cold and detached. Sex is not worth it for them in the first place. Only, indeed, the appropriate chosen one can wake in them a true passion and liberty. Then he will receive a storm of emotions in bed and caress.


At the birth of a child, the mother of the Aquarius will not demonstrate their delicate feelings. The love of her children will be in her heart and not at the bottom. Relationships with children will be more friendly. They will exclude severe punishments and excessive care.

In a career

In women of this sign, the zodiac has advantages in the form of an extraordinary mind and erudition. Do not borrow creativity. Flight Flight is always present in any field of activity. Therefore, the routine office work is not suitable.

For girls, water is best suited by the following professions with creative start:

  • architect - unreal buildings, Grand Bridges - The imagination of this sign will draw anything;
  • the writer - literary etudes will prove all the wealth of the inner world of these chairs;
  • the dancer - in the dance you can spill up all the passion that will be copied in the soul;
  • designer - love of originality and fresh decisions will help stand out on this field;
  • the director - on the set, the most incredible ideas are embodied;
  • the actress is a style and charismatic characteristics inherent in the zodiac sign discussed, it benefits himself from competitors.

The horoscope offers more relaxed professions: a teacher or teacher in kindergarten. In pedagogical methods of education there will always be a place for extraordinary ways to submit information. Children always like something unusual.


Aquarius does not apply to pushing health people. In addition, these women love to help everyone and maintain. This appears overwork, insomnia, chronic fatigue.

Expressive ladies keep everything in themselves, which affects the body of the body.The diseases of the nervous system are also manifested very often. It is dangerous that in the case of increased nervousness, psychosomatics can manifest itself. Aquarius, which are less susceptible to stress, is sick much less often.

In order not to exacerbate the weak immunity, it is necessary to ensure a full-fledged sleep. Once or two per year, it is necessary to take a vacation and go to the warm sea edge. To combat nervous exhaustion it is useful to engage in various sports. Fresh air walks will also have a positive effect.

For mental discharge, it is desirable to have a hobby associated with needlework. This can help yourself relax and combine pleasant with useful.

Health problems can also arise against the background of improper nutrition and harmful snacks. It should be noted that the women of this air sign should stick to a balanced diet. It will contribute to the purification of the body and remove unnecessary toxins. Fish and vegetable dishes containing phosphorus and folic acid are especially useful. And it is also recommended to use citrus and nuts.

The problems with vision are also not excluded. It is important to turn to an ophthalmologist.

Aquarius girls are wary of medical care. Often they underestimate the condition of their body and can apply very wild treatments for the sake of experiment. Their fantastic nature affects even in this area.

It must be remembered that the diagnosis is best not to put it, but to entrust it to professionals.

In addition to the main clinical treatment, homeopathy can be used. Phytokea and aromatic baths will be a pleasant help in the struggle for health and beauty.

For older representatives of the air element, it is important to monitor the vessels and the blood system in general.With age, such diseases such as varicose veins and increased thrombosis can be manifested. If the work is predominantly sitting, it is necessary to take breaks and arrange a mini-charging for the legs.

What kind of man is needed?

Waving women fits a cavalier who can delight them and amaze. With a partner should not be boring.

There are several main qualities that will appreciate these girls.

  • Care. The gentle soul of these girls should swim in attention. Then the return will be appropriate.
  • Love for an active lifestyle. Travel and informative excursions, hiking and theaters - Aquarius can not without all this. Lazy and Lekebeau will not be able to conquer their heart.
  • Intelligence. Without this quality, she is simply nothing to talk to you, which will kill all the sympathy for the root. Often, representatives of this sign choose cavaliers aged. After all, they can always learn something.
  • Pupil. If the estimated half will manifest itself rudely, the girl will be restarted almost impossible.
  • The pursuit of excellence. Aquarius themselves are constantly developing in all areas and will require it from their cavalier.
  • Sexuality. The coldness of the girls of this sign can push. But an experienced man will be able to seduce and liberate this lady.
  • Humor. Anxious ladies simply need discharge. Guys with a heavy and sullen character will be difficult to get along with a depressive girl.
  • Easy to communicate. Aquariols are very important sincere conversations. To enjoy them, you do not need to play silence.


Create a harmonious couple in a girl is not so easy.

When choosing a partner, you can focus on the characteristic features of a zodiac sign.

  • Aries. The incompatibility of characters here is perfectly compensated by sexual utensils. This union will have a very strong physical attraction. This will create a romantic halo and returns to a pair. Aries love too much to control everything, so in such a pair they are better to remain lovers or buddies. Marriage is unlikely to be long-term.
  • Calf.In general, this pair is a bit. Interests of each other are reduced to the carnal uteuch. Domorite Taurus is difficult to accept the freedom-loving girl aquatic. She can't diversify his life with bright colors of joint travel. For a happy marriage, perspectives are quite small.
  • Twins.This type of men has such features as the desire for the knowledge of the new, love for traveling, an outstanding mind. It brings the tandem of the twins-Aquarius, making them perfect pair. These are two completely independent people whose union can become very strong. Support his mutual respect for interests and romantic passion. They have similar views on the family, peace and love. You will never get bored together. You can only dream of such strong family bings.
  • Cancer.This man lives in its rules. It is difficult for him to understand such an unusual girl. Cancer is important to know that family idyll is waiting in the relationship. This woman will not be able to give this aquarius. Against the background of mutual disagreements of their road, most likely will disperse.

  • A lion. Simple such a union will definitely not be. Lion is practical and power. Aquarius girl does not know how to obey. They are very different, but if such an extraordinary relationship arise, the storms of emotions will not be avoided. Their family idyll risks breaking the incompatibility of their characters.
  • Virgo. The man of this sign of the zodiac is very conservative as opposed to a woman aquarian. It will be very difficult for them. In everyday life they will accuse each other in everything, as both have completely difficult characters. To ensure that it is not easy for this marriage, they need to take the shortcomings of their partner first. They will be together, only holding their characters in the ultrasound.
  • Libra. There is almost impossible to achieve a solid relationship with such a sore of the stars. Although there is always exceptions to rules. If a man's scales divide her insane hobbies with his woman, and the spouse, in turn, will not scold her husband for a small salary, they will definitely get along with them.
  • Scorpio.It is possible that Cupid will try to bring them together with his tank shot. But the Scorpio man will wait for the passion of stability and seriousness from his facility, which he cannot provide him. Even the most beautiful flowers presented to the girl will not be able to keep it at the slab. Family focus in this relationship can turn into a real military battle. If both parties learn to mitigate their character and will compromise, then such a marriage is quite possible.

  • Sagittarius.Their extravagant union has a lot of positive. And Aquarius, and the Sagittarius love the freedom and travel. They are important than new impressions. Both of them lack only the desire to enter into a legitimate marriage. But if the stamp in the passport is still appeared, then this union will be able to become very happy.
  • Capricorn. Capricorn is stable and serious, and Woman Aquarius does not accept any boundaries for himself. A man in such a union wants to curb a recurrence of the girl who rarely succeeds. Although it is conservative and always tightly stands on his legs, which is a little balancing a shavily halm. Thanks to this, their family can become strong.
  • Aquarius. The likelihood of such a pair is very low. To create family bonds, this sign of the zodiac needs a completely opposite person. They will be able to exist together only until it is convenient. To think about the future they do not have the rules.
  • Fish.Both of these sign are emotional and childishly listened to the world. They can jointly engage in any creativity. Despite this, the man's male is quite passive, which annoys the workers' girl of Aquarius. Strong half need to be initiated more often to save relations.

Best friends for water

Upon learning which sign of the zodiac from a colleague, a partner or a friend, you can better understand his interests and character.

  • Aries.This is a leader in kind. Cheerful and versatile man. Refers to everything with a fair share of responsibility. The disadvantage is that they always want to be higher on their heads.
  • Twins.Their difference in a rare attachment to people and some share of egoism. But their readiness and love for travel will not be bored.
  • Libra. They definitely not be surprised by the extravagancy of girls of water. They take the essence of a person as it is. Do not be afraid to tell the truth in the face.
  • Sagittarius. With this person, you can go to the front. Very reliable and at the same time a cheerful and interesting person.
  • Lions, fish and affection Contraindicated to create friendly relations by our air girl.

Consider the eastern horoscope

In addition to the zodiac influence, the air element representative has the impact of the year in which she was born.

There are 12 mythological beasts, personifying the effect of space on the nature and fate of the girl of Aquarius.

  • Rat. This woman is very bright and creative. There is always a huge number of fans around it. It also stands out with its hardworking, it always works until the seventh sweat. It is only important - not to find a monotonous routine profession. Children for her - not the main thing in life. But if they appear, rat will give them everything for a happy life.
  • Bull. The girl with such a combination of cheerful and loves to be in the center of attention. It works like pleasure, always in a good account with the leadership. Often, colleagues envy her and perceive its activity as a fahamism in relation to the bosses. Prefers extreme a relaxing rest. In a personal life, this person wants to feel in the first place - the most beloved and desirable. Marriage will show itself from the best side. Greens up a large number of children.
  • Tiger.This woman is very attractive and full of new ideas. Especially well they are embodied on the acting field, as well as in artistic art. In principle, all the creative professions are not alien to it. For men, the tigress as on the palm - it is so open. The spouse will be pleasantly surprised by her concern and caress. However, the girl can be a little infantillina, in marriage plays the role of a little girl. Children refers with great attention, which can grow into a hyperemp.

  • Rabbit (cat). The main quality of this girl is love for life and amazing optimism. It can also implement their creative potential in professions requiring creativity, such as an artist, designer, actress. With men, she is easy to rise, enchants them at first sight. But absolutely does not endure an encroachment to his freedom. She does not need to prohibit anything and limit. Cat walks by itself.
  • The Dragon.Pretty dreamy nature, which always remains a child in the soul. It is frightened by a serious relationship. To create a strong union, she needs the one to whom she can fold all the problems and solutions. If this woman really falls in love, then it will be capable of her dear person to her completely crazy actions.
  • Snake.Such a person is the queen of all parties. It may be the organizer of weddings and parties, DJ and Animator. It has stubbornness and creative vest. In relations with men, it does not show itself from the best side. It is very necessary for a partner's material position. Loves flowers and expensive gifts. A man in a pair with her should be ready to perform any of her whims.

  • Horse.This woman is very cheerful and is well getting along with people. In the team, everyone is loved and always remains in the center of attention. Extremely dreamed and ferry in the clouds. In relations like intrigues. Do not against spinning a spa novel. In marriage is not in a hurry, fearing to lose its independence.
  • Goat. It has high intelligence, pleasant in communication and independent. In the work he loves to be involved in the process that it is much more important for her material side. For men, she is unusually attractive - the embodiment of femininity. It keeps against them at a distance, not put to the end of anyone in his heart. She needs a flexible partner.
  • A monkey.Nature of this representative is charming and noble. Easily trained and intuitively developed girl will easily find a place in almost any profession, but she liked her, as well as everyone else, creativity and art as a whole. It is easy to communicate with her, she caring and loves children. The wife of such a woman is extremely lucky.
  • Cock.Bright and memorable lady. Works where it is recognized and appreciated. It has developed imagination. Sometimes unnecessarily fussy. She strives to improve not only herself, but all that surrounds it. In relations with men, he often manifests the initiative. She is a real custodian of a family hearth. Very good mother and daughter.

  • Dog.She is very good friend and listener. Able to keep the tongue behind the teeth. Easy goes on contact. Wherever to work - it doesn't matter, the main thing is to be interesting. Men she is rather a girlfriend, not a passionate mistress. On marriage, this girl is completely not hurt, sometimes against the creation of the family. She wants to live for himself and his rich life.
  • Pig.This combination at birth determines a person, pleasant in all respects. She is ready to help everyone who needs it. Often sacrifices for the sake of others. In her work, she needs, indeed, love his business and receive moral satisfaction from this. In relations, appreciates equality, it does not know how. If this quality is present, family idyll will be provided.

Famous representatives

Among the famous women of this sign are a lot of creative and extravagant personalities.

They possess the creative power of that inner energy, which he went to the right of birth, leads to truly great achievements.

  • Wang.Born on January 31, 1911. This bright realmist of the Aquarius sign has a magical prediction gift. Her prophecies still come true. Bulgarian clairvoyant also knew how to heal people from diseases.
  • Yoko it. The famous widow of John Lennon was born on February 18, 1933. She is a writer, an artist-impressionist and singer. Actively fights for peace all over the world and participates in charity.
  • Irina Muravyova. Date of birth - February 8, 1949. Soviet actress, hotly beloved by many spectators. In his career, tried on a huge number of images.


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