What plant grandmother on the horoscope of druids. Trees by date of birth with a description

What plant grandmother on the horoscope of druids. Trees by date of birth with a description

Incredible facts

Remember the saying "Apple from the apple tree does not fall far."

It turns out that the tree can tell us not only about how far an apple fell.

Find out to which tree your soul belongs to the date of your birth.

This type of ancient Celtic astrology is considered one of the most accurate.

So what are you a tree by date of birth?

Druids horoscope by date of birth

Horoscope trees by date of birth

Watching Iva (Melancholy)

You are great, but a little melancholic. Have an attractive appearance and know how to empathize with others. You are a kind person who most likes to travel and build big dreams.

Sometimes you demonstrate a difficult character and we are demanding, but always ready to share your love.

Walnut (passion)

You are eccentric, full of contradictions, do not know how to forgive and sometimes we are aggressive. But at the same time you have such qualities as decency, dedication and spontaneity.

In relations you are committed, and although not everyone can love you, many respect you and admire your personality.

Rowan (Sensitivity)

You are sociable and friendly, endowed with many talents, but at the same time retain modesty, and very vitality. You can be called an independent person and very passionate nature.

Anyone you will make an excellent company, but you can be very emotional and hot-tempered.

Poplar (uncertainty)

You are very beautiful, but do not suspect about it. You are a bold man, but we are shy. You are serious about who to spend time.

Only in a pleasant and facilitating atmosphere you can completely disclose.

You are an artistic and creative person, but also quite organized. Good and reliable partner.

Pine (peacemaker)

You love the company of famous and popular people, the same as you. You love comfort and familiar order, but at the same time you try to stay active and communicate with other people.

You are quickly falling in love, but later you understand that it was a blind passion, which is usually fleeting.

You can easily be upset and you can give up your goals before you have the opportunity to achieve them.

Oliva (wisdom)

You like to not sleep in the sun. You are kind, balanced and reasonable man. You are completely non-conflict and have good diplomatic abilities and an innate sense of justice.

Your jealousy is not so easy to call, and you prefer to surround yourself by peace-loving and intelligent people.

Oak (courage)

You are an incredibly strong personality. Troubleshide and strong, you are almost impossible to break. You are a serious enough person who appreciates the essence, not an external tinsel.

You are reasonable, do not like big changes and prefer to stand tightly on Earth, and not to twist in the clouds.

Maple (thinking independence)

You can be called anyone, but not just an ordinary person. You are creative, initiative and extraordinary person, which always remains true to yourself. You may be silent, but this does not mean that you lack self-confidence.

From the side you seem shy, but you like adventures and are always ready for new experience.

Lipa (doubt)

It is difficult for you to make yourself do something. You do not like stress and conflicts and do not welcome change, even if they are for the better.

You are very devoted and willing to devote yourself to your favorite case, but also prone to jealousy. You often put other people in the first place, because of what you can complicate your life.

You feel about friends on which you can always rely in any situation.

Grab (good taste)

You have amazing beauty. You have a wonderful taste, and you are very rational. You work hard to make your life easier and more comfortable in every sense.

In your partner you are looking for passion and depth, being honest and generous man.

Forest Walnut (Impairment)

You are charm and know how to make a good impression. You are patient, and with you very easy. Sometimes you are peculiar to the mood swings, but you still remain good-natured and use popularity.

You are assertive and know how to defend what you believe. You are very loyal to your partner, but at times you can give away.

Spruce (mysteriousness)

You are a real connoisseur beautiful, love nature, as well as art and creations created by man. You are noble and formed.

You have big ambitions and high goals, and you are stubborn enough to achieve any goal that yourself have been outlined.

Wherever you appear, you make friends, but among them the enemies may come across.

Figs (prudence)

You are a strong person and loner. You adhere to certain principles and opinions and with difficulty perceive the opposite point of view.

The family has of paramount importance for you, you adore your children and pets.

You are able to start a strong friendship, but you can get into yourself and sometimes ignore your friends at all.

Elm (nobility)

You are a tactful, polite and modest person. In general, you can be called very pleasant to others, but sometimes you can harden on someone and hardly forgiveness.

You are a cheerful person, but there are strokes and do not always be with the authorities and authoritative faces. You like to give advice and help a friend to make a decision, but they themselves are not always ready to accept the advice of other people.

You are very sensitive to criticism.

Kiparis (loyalty)

You are attractive and are in excellent physical form. You boldly meet difficulties and ready for any surprises, easily adapting to different situations.

You do not like loneliness, and always try to keep positive and not lose optimism. Sometimes you are insatiable, but you can be called a very passionate lover.

Chestnut (honesty)

You are unique and unusual. You do not care about what others think and stick to the rigorous criteria of morality and morality.

Others admire you, and though you like attention, you can annoy annoying questions.

Often you think you misunderstand you, but, in fact, you can suffer from making greatness.

Cedar (confidence)

You are a bright and friendly person who loves to enjoy the joys of life. Your health can be envied and you have a lot of power.

You are confident, decisive and sometimes we are impatient, love to impress other people.

You have a lot of talents, and you tend to make hasty decisions.

Birch (inspiration)

You are elegant and unprinate. You are trying to live modestly, and you are not impressive and status symbols. You have a very gentle nature, and you do not like gross people.

You like to spend time in nature. You are always calm and collected, but some people believe that you lack passion.

Beech (creativity)

You have a good taste, your own appearance is cared, and you like shopping. You think that material things give the taste of life and the need to acquire many things can at some point to lead to financial problems.

You have excellent leadership qualities, and you can be a wonderful interlocutor, but you tend to demand a lot from others.

Ash (ambition)

You can be unusual and sometimes demanding. You are impulsive, but at the same time spontaneous, and you are always fun.

You do not care criticism of other people, and you like to play with fate. You require attention, and sometimes the money prevails with your heart.

However, you can be called a kind and loving friend.

Apple tree (love)

You are charismatic and attractive, you have a charming smile. You rarely appeal, although in the depths of the soul, you will passionately want to love and be loved.

Other people like your company, because you come from a pleasant, happy energy. Sometimes you are too dependent on the rest.

After the adoption of Christianity, the Druids ceased to be popular with the Irish and British, they turned into rustic signs. However, the culture of Druids is interested in scientists to this day.

The horoscope of Druids is built on the estimate of the remoteness of the Sun from the Earth, so each sign in it corresponds to two time periods per year, 4 characters are allocated separately - winter and summer solstice and summer and spring equinox.

Druid horoscope, sometimes called Celtic or Gali horoscope. Druids attached great importance to the forest, trees, among whom they had to live. Hence, obviously, the connection of human characters with trees.

Druids horoscope by date of birth

Under signs, the horoscope of Druids implies the trees with which people are identified in it, their characters, abilities, fate. Druids were generally given great importance to forest and trees, all their rites are directly connected with them, including sacrifices.

They argued that every person, like a tree, has its own definite features, dignity and disadvantages. Each requires certain living conditions.

Apple tree

People of this sign are developed intellectually and spiritually. They are erudite, can shine knowledge. At the same time, they are not looking for fame and recognition. For them, it is more important to personal happiness, a strong family, the proximity of a relative and beloved person.

Apple trees work not to twist the hands, and their work is very fruitful. Prone to needlework, cooking, creative activity. They love to be in society, enjoy a conversation with friends, but at the same time they do not seek to be in the spotlight.

In love sincere and picky. Very sensual, voluptuous. Could enjoy the sexual side of life. In others, advocates, tolerant for disadvantages. Easy to come to contact, they have many friends, they support relationships with people, starting with kindergarten familiar.


Pech sign people are very responsible and harsh. They are demanding of themselves and others. Do not forgive the shortcomings and do not hesitate to indicate anyone anyone.

The self-conceit of the fir is very high, but pride does not develop in pride. Fir knows that worthy of respect and worship, but whether these views are divided by the rest of people, she worries little. A wonderful researcher may turn out of the fir, since it is very smart, methodical and is capable of analyzing. Fir is very valued in people honesty and direct and hates hypocrisy.

From the beloved person, Fir is waiting for complete dedication, although herself is not able to sacrifice its interests for the sake of a partner. From here often flow conflicts in family life fir.


Else are independent, simple and open. They know a sense in life, consider the glass half complete, they can be content with small and rejoice at each lived minute. Else do not recognize conventions, they rarely fond of religion. They have a sober look at things.

They love to relax, travel, they entails the beauty of nature, they do not get tired of admire. Come to forget about problems, relax, giving a breath of the brain. Seen beautiful in people.

The subordination is waiting for a beloved person, so consciously choose a partner who is inferior to them in many respects. It is very responsible about marriage and children pay a lot of attention to their relatives. Carrying, overwhelming, can keep secrets.


Cypress prefer to move along the flow. They trust fate, do not seek to go to her in advance. They do not like the struggle. Cypressions are not weak, but calm, passive. They easily make decisions, since basically these decisions are in the reluctance to change something in life.

Cypressians love to communicate, they are communicable, open. However, remaining alone with his dreams, they feel great and not in the absence of an interlocutor. To other people, the cypresses are friendly, but they are difficult to call good, they do not seek to come to the rescue, prefer to remain with third-party observers.

In love is sensual, very reverent treats their partner, holling it and cherish.


People sign Topol are very susceptible to the opinions of others. They are easily affected by someone else's influence, they can be drawn into an adventure, provoke into inadequate actions. At the same time, the poplar always takes all the responsibility of himself, he protects his acquaintances, and some of them uselessly use it.

It is important for a topol to know what they love him, they admire them. He is ready to pay a high price for recognizing his advantages. The poplar intuitively feels when he is deceived, but if the interlocutor speaks of his merits, then the poplar is ready to close his eyes on a lie.

Topols are usually happy in family life, as they know how to make compromises, sincere in feelings, they are lucky when choosing a partner.


For the Carta, the main thing is to submit to him in everything, this is a born leader, confident, in his abilities. Map does not need to seek recognition of others, people admire them, just seeing him. His inner force, the ability to file itself, charm and magnetism acts trouble-free.

A negative feature of the Carts is egoism. And the map does not give a report in this. He tries to help others, but does it to deserve the award, get approval.

In love relationships, the kart is difficult. He is quick-tempered, jealous, despotic. Strike full obedience. Despite the complex nature, the Marriage of the Carts is reliable and rarely disintegrates, because communicating his life with the map, the partner initially knows what it comes. After all, the map does not hide his views, it is open and straight line.


For pine, the most important in life is the achievement of the goals. The main thing is not a victory, but participation is not about her. She needs a result, and she gets him, without sorry forces and time.

Pine is very attractive. People stretch to her and hide in her shadow. Pine can eclipse any, but at the same time vanity and narcissism is not peculiar to it. She believes in his strength, but can support others.

In love pine is very emotional. She loves the heart, but not mind. Proposed to idealize the chosen, not noticing even candid flaws. Pine brilliantly copes with entrusted matters and gets along well in the team, it always appreciates it.


Willow - Nature creative. They are impressionable, emotional and know how to infect others around them, excite the minds and hearts. Wav is difficult to convince something. She is reluctant to compromise. Taking decisions, IVA fluctuates a long time, weigh all the pros and cons.

Willow know how to manage people. They intuitively feel, on which string of the human soul should be played to get the desired. At the same time, Iva is not at all hypocritical. Pretending, she is so fit into the role that sincerely believes what it does.

Heves passionately, but not long. Build relationships on trust and sincerity for willa is difficult, therefore partners change often and without much regret.


Lipam is inherent frivolism. These people do not set themselves high goals. They want to get the desired one's account. It is often possible to them, as Linden is excellent psychologists, in addition, they are charming, attractive and externally innocent.

It is impossible to say that linden sitres and uselessly enjoy others. Their acquaintances feel happy, performing all the whims of limes. The fact is that born under this sign emit positive energy, which has a beneficial effect on other people. Thus, linden seems to enter symbiosis with relatives and friends.

The lip reputation is always flawless. They are very decent, it is important for them to follow the norms of human morality.


Oshness has its own look at everything that happens around. He is able to surprise others. Outwardly calm and quiet, ohshnik sometimes falls into rage, becomes aggressive, which is subsequently repents.

Oshness often has a healer or psychic gift, but does not know how to use it. Only closer to the old age, the hazel becomes quite wise to start developing his talents. Oheyshnik is easily given a study, he has great abilities to foreign languages \u200b\u200band humanitarian sciences, however, a hack writes better than he says, because there is no live communication.

For a loved one, a hack is ready for everything, but in return requires loyalty and worship. After parting is unable to maintain friendly relations with a partner.


In human relations, they are looking for mutual understanding and respect, in every possible way, they go away from disputes and conflicts. Sometimes they lack courage to defend their own views, put points over I.

In love, people are rowan remedies. They seek to do everything so that the partner felt good, while they can come with their interests. People see through, but do not consider it necessary to indicate others to their shortcomings, however, and at dignity too.


People born under the Maple sign are inquisitive and active. They are diversified, they are interested in literally everything. They read a lot, love movies, be sure to watch all new films. They are not boring with them, they will always find something to do.

The disadvantage of born under this sign can be called a superficial look at things. Males do not delve deep into either science and art or human character. There are many people around them with whom they are happy to spend time, but there are practically no close friends.

In love relationships malls are inconstant. Today they need one, tomorrow is another. Males are attractive to the opposite floor, do not lack attention from fans. But real love is not destined to know.


People of this sign constantly and routine. They wish their life to be outstanding to be filled with events every day, and the surrounding admired them. Indeed, the nut always makes a big impression on those who face him in life. Only this impression is not always positive.

People of this sign temperaments. They love it, they hate. If they quarrel, then with beating dishes. They have a well-developed imagination. They can find themselves in creative professions.

The emotionality of the nut prevents him from creating a stable family, to achieve harmony in relations, however, he does not seek to her. Walnut - Energy Vampire, he must meet his needs at the expense of other people.


People born under the sign Jasmine are pleasant in communication, easily find a common language with people. In life, they achieve the desired because they know how to work and have well-developed thinking. Live mind helps Jasmine find a way out of any difficult situation.

Jasmine easily adapts to changing circumstances, the conservatism is unusual, although he respects traditions. Jasmine does not work in templates, it is unorded, the bosses are always pretty.

Love is selfish. It relates to unauthorized people attentively than to his loved ones, which requires obedience, counts on their support in any situation. Jasmine does not like to waste time and tolerate can not idlers.


Born under the sign chestnut organized and decisive. They go to the goal without regard to other people than cause condemnation. About chestnuts always walks a lot of gossip, they do not leave anyone indifferent. But they are not much concerned about the opinion of others. They do not like empty conversations, never get acquainted on the street and are generally difficult to converge with people.

Chestnuts individualists. They are easier to act alone than adapt to someone. They are attentive to loved ones, kind. Family interests for them above all. They love material pleasures, indulge themselves delicacies, having fun, buy expensive clothes, shoes and accessories. Chestnuts are strong in spirit, they are almost impossible to break them.


People born under the sign ash, large originals. They love to attract attention to extraordinary actions. The fact that the surrounding seems impossible is clear, it seems quite real. They are taken for dubious projects, while rarely mistaken and always achieve success. It becomes possible due to the resourcefulness and enterprise clear.

These people are selfish, they love everything spinning around them. They do not hesitate to offend the weak, can go to a sneak act if it promises them benefits. At the same time, the casualties are very attentive to their family, especially children, they are ready to sacrifice many people for happiness.

In love is happy, as partner choose themselves and show themselves in front of him from the best side.


For people born under this sign, the first place is family and love. They do not need to recognize society, the main thing is that close to love and appreciate them. The account is better to choose a job that requires rationality and concentration, but not resourcefulness and imagination.

Grab is very sensitive, his feelings are easy to hurt, and he remembers his insult for a long time. Grabs are always ready to help people, but they do not always find strength for this, because from nature weak. Grabs know how to listen to the interlocutor, they are sensitive and attentive.

In love unusually affectionate and gentle. Usually they are lucky, and they fall in love with people who are ready to divide their feelings. Very romantic, a little naive, love everything beautiful. Avoid problems, always try to shift their solutions on other people's shoulders.


People who have emerged under the sign of figs are unusual, surrounding them are strange. These realists themselves are realistic, but closed and removed, because of which they are difficult to understand.

The figs are very critical to themselves. They have a lot of advantages, but they see only their shortcomings and are very worried about this. Limit yourself in desires, consciously drive into a strict framework. Inzharam is lucky if they get a person who will admire them, will open their eyes for the better of their nature.

The figs are very compassionate. They have easy to cause a feeling of pity, they often enjoy unclean people in their hand. The gullibility of figs often becomes the cause of trouble in their lives.

The figs will not call temperamental, he is a stingy manifestation of feelings, although in his soul he sometimes rages the storm of emotions.


Born on this day possess a truly inflexible character. These are persistent and strong people. They are bold, brave and decisive. Communication is often rude. Lack of softness and ability to adapt to the circumstances serves as a source of problems.

The people around them are respected by the sign of the oak, recognize their authority, but relate to fear, it is afraid to approach. Because of this, the oaks are often lonely. Such a position of things hurt them, although they do not show species. Oaks sincerely do not understand what the mistake in their behavior lies. Households feel behind the oak, as behind the stone wall.

As a rule, people who need protection and care are marked with them, the severity of oak only attracts them, and does not push.


People born on the day of birch are very calm and balanced. They have a soft temper, and their character allows them to find a common language with any person. Birchs are very patient, they are flexible, but not soft. They feel good lies and trick, they should not be provoked to bad things. Lawlessness, if you make a bad deed, are very worried and repent. Very sentimental, love to dream.

Interested in art, but as observers and connoisseurs, but do not solve themselves, although they have the root of talent. Birch prefers to choose professions that do not require large self-dedication. They spend their spiritual and physical forces on love and care for loved ones.


People born under the sign are very restrained in communication. They easily conquer someone else's sympathy, although nothing to do nothing for this. The secret of the popularity of Maslina in her ability to appreciate people, diplomatically give advice, without interfering in other people's business when they are not asked about it.

Omillins are easily given activities requiring organizational abilities. They can become both excellent assistants of managers and create their own business.

In love with Maslina, the mask of calm and indifference flies, it becomes passionate and unrestrained, which is a discovery for its partner. Olives are generous, they are divided with the surrounding what they have, but at the same time they are economical when it comes to themselves.


People sign Beech try to weigh every step. They do not spend their strength without need, highly appreciate their time, their mind, their own health. The surrounding love to communicate with born under this sign, as these people always speak the case, can give a valuable advice. None of the last minute passes for beech for a gift, he is from all possible to extract the experience.

Beech loves to be expensive, often gets several higher education, internships. His interests apply to many areas of human knowledge. He is interested in technician, scientific achievements. In love, appreciates constancy, comfort that gives him a family life.

A partner chooses once and rarely mistaken in the choice, his family union is based on friendship and mutual understanding, love goes to the background.

  • Admin
  • 22:07
  • 2018-10-12

Horoscope of Druids (Gallic horoscope or horoscope of trees) Very ancient. According to some sources, he is more than 2000 years old. However, people know little about the druids themselves. It is only known that in ancient Ireland and Britain, they were closed by the Kaste priests - successors of traditional beliefs and rites of the Celts. All their knowledge was transmitted orally, and because of this, most of them are lost. Unfortunately.

Druidov's authorities had the status of sorcerers. Legends say that they kept past and could predict the future. And also, relying on the stars and astronomy, was a calendar that determines the nature and internal qualities of a person born in one day or another.

Horoscope trees

The location of the Sun relative to the Earth is the basis of the horoscope of druids. Consequently, fate, the future, the nature and ability of a person depends on what distance the sun is from the Earth on the birthday of this person. That is why each sign has two activity periods.

* The article is very voluminous (although we tried to be briefs), there are many images in it, so with weak velocity of the Internet, it can load some time.

Druids horoscope by date of birth

To find out which kind of tree you are patronized See the list below:

Read more about each sign of the horoscope of Druids below. For more convenient navigation, you can use the table of contents.

Apple tree

The apple tree glances - it is very attractive, charming, sentimental and gentle. Often it comes into marriage, without experiencing big feelings for the partner (apple tree - a very universal tree, knows how to adapt to well), but this does not mean that it is finally ready to abandon this beautiful feeling. If destiny will send her a partner, fully suitable in spirit, their marriage will become true pleasure for both. The apple tree is very loyal and tolerant in a relationship, with it easy.

The horoscope of Druidov says that people-apple trees are disinterested and trusting, they can be easily deceived. They are kind, if necessary, will remove the last shirt.

These people often live, without thinking about tomorrow, it is today, here and now. It happens that they are borrowed and forget about it. They love life, philosophice, fantasize and do not like something to prove someone. However, you should not take an apple tree as a frivolous creation. Being smart and thoughtful people, apple trees are prone to learning and sciences. They read everything connected with the area that they are interested. The volume of their knowledge is surprisingly large, but they do not seek anyone to hit it.

Monotonous "smooth" happiness, without any flaws, brings a boredom apple tree. These people, from time to time, love to complicate their lives.


She is beautiful with her "simple", and sometimes even cold beauty. Loves antique jewelry, light flavors and full mysterious holidays.

Fira Caprip and it is not always easy to get along with it. Having a strong sense of self-sufficiency, it perfectly feels alone. But

always listen to others and can follow someone's advice. Its own position, meanwhile, is rare. Not too talkative, but a cheerful man.

Proud, stubborn, capable of achieving its goals - Fir has success in life. But in love affairs she is difficult to please. Very demanding and uncompromising. Wants a lot from life, and because it knows his capabilities, then it usually gets it. It can fall in love, and then completely destroy everything. But her love may not have borders.

The horoscope of trees reports that the fir thinks with a scientific way, but it does not always lead it to the desired success. It happens that it chooses the field of activity that has nothing to do with its abilities.

Does not give much importance to success in life, money and glory for him is far from most important. His goal is to be happy, and in its achievement it is impossible to stop.

Kiparis loves light summer walks, animals and nature. He does not scare loneliness, he enjoys them. But his life will be built in such a way as to always be surrounded by friends and family.

Non-sentimental man. It is rather rude, but it has an inner heat. It is pleasant to be with him next, his presence soothes.

He loves to dream, often his thoughts fly away somewhere far away. The sharp topics in the conversation avoids, regardless of his point of view. But to arrange a debate is not off, and to his opinion listened. Flexible and loyal in friendship and love.

Most often, the life of these people is easy and calm among those who are dear to him.


From youth in it there is some decorativeness, a sophisticated shape and beauty. However, becoming older, he delivers trouble itself: because of his strong sensitivity to the time and fear of old age, the poplar looks older than he really is. But support and praise loved ones can help him, so these people carefully choose the people with whom they will communicate.

In the druid horoscope by date of birth, it is said that the topol must be careful with the choice of place of residence and work. The surrounding environment is very important for these people. They really need friends, communication and comfort, and it happens that they often suffer from the fact that they have chosen the wrong environment.

The poplar is very sensitive to freedom restrictions and can easily fall into depression if he is trying to "plant on a leash".

The love of his fragile, any, even the smallest, trouble can take it out of equilibrium and spoil everything. Therefore, in marriage with him it is difficult, however, he himself is able to smooth those or other sharp corners, without hysterics and with a smile.

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These people are not materialists, they are tuned to altruism. They have a sharp mind, they are insightful, sometimes seem arrogant.

A lot of poplars among doctors.


Powerful cedar has a pretty impressive look. He is able to adapt to any situation. Not against comfort, but if you have to sleep on a bench in the park. It has excellent health and for him it is important.

Does not know what shyness is and everywhere feels like at home. I am confident, and it attracts people. But at the same time, the cedar is very sensitive to jokes regarding himself, he is unlikely to appreciate them.

He likes freedom, he loves to be in the spotlight, and will strive for this. It believes that the last word is always behind him.

Sometimes inclined to excesses, and in all life aspects.

Does not know fear, it is capable of going out "dry out of the water." Complex situations do not break it, cedar is an incorrigible optimist. But with all his visible power, he can get under whose effect. A competent manipulator is able to "vote from it." But also on those surrounding people-cedar can have tremendous influence.

Cedar is very devoted to his own man, maybe therefore there are many heroes and martyrs among them. These are persistent people who believe that always right.

However, in love it is soft, gentle and sentimental. The passion is embarrassed to the object forever, and with this situation will take these feelings as something higher.

A very clever person, the speed of his thoughts and solutions is amazing. It has creative abilities, mostly in music, perhaps this is due to the congenital sense of rhythm.

Born for adventure, cedar usually has a rather rich life.


She has an exquisite silhouette, she is elegant, it emphasizes her advantages. If you believe the horoscope of Druidov, she always knows what he wants, and does not allow the flow just to carry it in the waves, it is not enough that life gives itself, always need more. And these people know how to achieve their goals.

Being courageous, pine meets any problem with a high head-raised head, and does not allow any life difficulties to overcome it. In the work can be successful on any field of activity.

Pine is distinguished by perseverance with which it goes through life. Very fast and accurate in action, it can get out of any difficult situation.

Despite the friendliness and ability to be a good friend, these people do not differ excessive generosity. They are a little egoist, their own prosperity and comfort - first of all.

Weakness manifest only in one thing - in love. They are sensitive and impulsive - they can easily fall in love, putting the rash actions, thinking about which will be too late.

With all this, in the pine insightful mind and good organizational abilities. Thanks to his punching nature, they cope with any problems, even love.

Especially favorably patronating pine for women.


Willow attracts with its melancholic beauty, even if it does not take into account her visible charm, there is still something mysterious in it.

These people are very soft, love the sun, and know how to catch moments of joy.

But do not believe the external tenderness of willow. She is very decisive, knows well what he wants. There will never be something to impose someone, the whole thing is in a huge feeling of respect for others.

Its helplessness is only a trick, sometimes for entertainment, and sometimes for the sake of personal gain, Willow can pretend to be weak and defenseless, but if necessary, to protect itself will also be able to be superior.

Willow have moments of melancholiciness. But do not perceive too seriously its autumn mood and talk about the frequency of life. Willow prone to drama, in this their complexity, not everyone can understand it and take.

People-Iwam are difficult to pass quick adaptation, they do not like compromises. Here you will only come to terms, because they will not "remake" them.

In love, Will is more romantic than sentimental. Does not like ordinary, dull feelings. In addition, love without suffering does not have too high values \u200b\u200bfor her, and therefore "to increase weight", IVA brings this tolly of suffering in them.

She has good creative abilities, intuition and rich imagination. Talented psychologists are obtained from such people.


She is amazingly charming and knows it. She dreams of a stable, comfortable life, but this is not the main thing for her, and does not always have some significant meaning. Easily get used to any life conditions. She is enough for her shala to create an atmosphere of home comfort and warmth.

Lipa looks weak, quiet, mysterious, and with all this she is serene and even a little pessimistic. Often such people live their lives with a feeling of boredom. This is their main enemy.

Very susceptible to the bowl, not used to something to doubt and very attractive. With such people, it is pleasant and easy to communicate, a sense of psychological comfort immediately appears. Lipa will patiently listen to his interlocutor. This, in general, very respectful people who believed to their relatives with respect, and do not seek to manipulate people. They all love.

Linden has a practical mind and a tendency to technical sciences, it is intelligent and accurate.

If in his life she meets the soul mate - then married love will help get rid of internal contradictions. But with lime in relationship, it is difficult, without having a strong sense of self-esteem, it is often jealous, without reasons.

Perhaps you want to find out what mantras are what they happen and how do they affect the person?


It looks weak and unattractive, but if you get close to him, then you will undoubtedly give way to his charm. Very clean and is able to adapt to various living conditions.

It has something magical. If the hazel wants, it will make that those surrounding will begin to adapt to it.

In the entire horoscope of Druids there is no more ambiguous sign than hazel. He may be kind, wise, patient, but at the same time and dangerous, and evil. All in it - Magic! And it all depends on his mood or whim. From these people you can expect anything. They need to be very careful - they are quite unbalanced.

Despite its natural modesty, the hazel is very original, it refers to life in different ways. It is able to guess the most secret thoughts and do unexpected offers.

In love, Oheshnik can be both the most cute, loving and beloved and the most unbearable partner. But if you are not afraid to risk, then show care of him. And even if the joint life does not bring peace, it will still become a rather exciting adventure.

These people are very erudite, quickly and easily learn. But, in general, it all depends on their desire.


Her gentle look hides a strong character. She is insanely charming and almost always smiles, but not because of the inner vigor, but because of self-control. Rowan may emphasize their advantages and loves to dress well. She from nature the perfect taste. It is instantly able to adapt in place, well adjusted under the surrounding.

She likes to rejoice in people and delight them, even to the detriment of themselves. She is not a egoctric, but egoism in it, definitely, is. Very independent, but sometimes allows others to think that it is not. May suffer a complex of guilt. It is difficult to communicate with her for a long time, and the relationship is complex.

Ryabina is very impressionable, especially characterized by his love for excellence and friendly. You can always rely on her. She is Mila, looks naive and even fool, but will not allow others to exploit themselves.

In love, these people give a lot, but in return require the same amount. They constantly need to feel feelings, and if you are not able to give a partner-rowan, then she will disappoint you. And remember, with a rowan one you can not joke and deceive it, it does not forgive such things.

Rowan is not betrayed. Its personal life is very saturated and filled with worries and dreams about tomorrow. Such people are careful, smart and practical. Sometimes it happens that they do not materialize any of their plans, but this is just because they are too busy everyday affairs.


It is effective, well-groomed and a bit of flirt. Often it turns out where the most interesting things happen. Fashion. Very cheerful and energetic.

The horoscope of trees says that Maple is always on top. Individualist, slightly discreet and not very bold. Risk decisions do not like, but maybe most often they do not concern material things.

Maple not at all the household, he needs new people, new emotions, new impressions! He almost does not happen in that situation when there are no friends around. He always has them, he attracts people, as he knows how to be friends: never will not condemn anyone and will not give out other people's secrets.

Usually these people have many plans, often very eccentric. They are captured by new ideas. Males may be cynos, do not like and are not afraid of public opinion. And even on the contrary, provoke people to talk about them.

In love with the maple, it is difficult, but he will always find his happiness, most importantly, as they say, meet his person.

Maple is not deprived of imagination and intuition, smart, in general, these are very universal and interesting people.


Stylish, sophisticated and attractive outwardly, in fact he is very timid. Walnut Walnut of the contradictions:




But very pleasant, polite and welcoming. Faithful and reliable, he can easily become non-permanent. You never know which side to approach him. Without any foundations, walnuts can please you or offend you.

Sometimes he likes to suffer, and he gladly makes others to suffer with him. With such people you need to be attentive, otherwise they completely submit you to their will.

In the life of a walnut excellent strategist. He knows what his intentions lead, it is often capable of committing cunning actions, and does not suffer from a remorse of conscience. He often dominates others. But there are very modest walnuts.

Such a person seeks his life to be not ordinary. Not afraid of any risk, does not seek to please, does not recognize compromises, does not go through beaten roads. The walnut may have a lot of friends, and there are also many enemies. He believes that in life you can only count on yourself. Cares only about its independence. Such people are very difficult to ignore.


Alive and sociable, attracts their ability to build casual conversations, and even besides her will, becomes the object of universal attention. For all, it seems to be balanced, ridiculous and not burdened with human difficulties. But only the closest people know how much jasmine is actually sensitive. It is easy to upset, perhaps that is why many jasmine - pessimists.

Very hidden and suspicious. But it is capable of building harmonious relationships and diplomacy to him is not alien. Unfortunately, all this is rarely shown in his own home. Here he will not behave restrained, does not recognize restrictions, and the obligations depress it, despite the aggravated sense of duty.

Responsibility does not always bring Jasmine joy and satisfaction, but she is not alien to him. Marriage with him is very heavy. Jasmine is talentedly able to disappoint partners. But children with him easily, with children, by the way, too. The kids adore him, and he is able to give them an answer to any question in a simple and understandable form. Children are his joy in life.

These people are not materialists, but often they have good earnings. They are not afraid of labor, their mind and fresh ideas are highly appreciated by the leadership.

The article is almost on the topic - holidays of the pagan wheel of the year: their dates, a brief description and links to detailed articles.


Chestnut insanely beautiful, maybe even slightly decorative, but he does not strive to conquer the whole world. For life, he needs a space, he is full of strength. In Chestnut there is an innate sense of justice. He is ready to fight for his right way by any ways, regardless of the consequences.

He does not like thrift, any tactical and diplomatic tricks, and it often configures people against him. The lack of consent in communicating with others leads to a change of many professions and, of course, to the disappointments that he, because of his impressionability, remembers long.

Despite its perseverance and self-control, it is not stubborn, attached great importance to the rules of morality. In all, seeks to comfort.

Chestana is very difficult to find mutual understanding with others, so sometimes it has the glory of an unfair person. Perhaps this is due to his passion for the shocking of others. He requires great love, but he can only love once in his life, so it is difficult for him to find his happiness. The need for love and simultaneous fear of defenseless love make his relationship very difficult.

Its complexes lead to provocative behavior, which is often incomprehensible to others.


Undoubtedly mighty tree. He is elegant and free in movements. Self love and demanding. He wants to take care of him, but he himself will only do what he wants. And if you consider something, freedom - for him the main thing, withstand such communication is not all. A terrible egoist, but not at all the courage.

It goes to their goals, and should not be on his way. Success as the ash will achieve in any case - this is a very strong nature.

However, this capricious person is very different behaving in love - becomes cautious, constant, and very reasonable. He is almost not mistaken in choosing a partner and makes a lot of effort to establish his family life. The ash, definitely, is able to build an exemplary marriage.

Original, distinguished by extraordinary intuition. Has a gift of insight, he loves to prophesy, and when his predictions really come true, the vanity of the ash starts to be offended.


Charming and cute outwardly, the ram is not so inside. The world looks at the world with some condesception. Such people are always interested in not the candy itself, but her wrapper. Very obedient, and submission even loves (in the good sense of the word), especially he likes to follow the established rules, perhaps, therefore, the Grab is not initiative.

It is very afraid of errors, and therefore tolerate can not make decisions. But for their actions is always ready to be responsible. Very conservative, not like innovations.

In love, these people are very honest. They are good satellites of life. But if life makes him choose between love and debt, he will choose the last one.


There is no special beauty in it, but it is impossible not to notice it. The figs are slightly impressionable and has its own complexes, so it does not happen well and comfortably everywhere. Difficulties is experiencing very badly. Being impressionable, severely susceptible to sadness, which will definitely destroy.

He has a strong relationship with his family. Very emotional, which is reflected in his mental peace.

Even if the figs do not like something (and he most often silent), he will still fulfill his duties. Lazy, but works hard. You can always rely on these people.

In marriage with him good and easy. But do not wait for special romance, figs appreciates simple feelings without sticks and glosk. But attention: figs are very easy to offend!


He is full of life, strength and beauty, there is absolutely non-fragility in it. He causes respect and delight, attracts due to his impressive mind.

Oak has excellent health that it is extremely important for him, since diseases suffer very badly. Very brave, but his courage is dictated, rather, phenomenal pride. Oak will not tolerate so that others find it with a coward, and therefore, some situations react more rigidly than it would be. Extremely consistent, its goals, as a rule, reaches.

But there is also a reverse side: such an uncompromising does not allow an oak to show flexibility that, of course, causes problems. He would achieve great success if it would be more diplomatic.

Oak will not tolerate restrictions, and its actions often bordered with arbitrariness. Nevertheless, he respects the opinion of others.

Love is looking for something new, and therefore often becomes a victim of unsuccessful relationships. But in marriage such a person can be cooled.

Oak does not like change, it is very conservative. Despite its, the ability to disinterested actions, he also remembers, and always remove his own benefit. The life of others is not interested in him.

Such people think clearly, do not change their habits. Usually they provide fully comfortable existence for their family.


She is flexible, simple and pleasant in communication. Very delicate, does not impose his opinion, no one does not expect anything special and rarely regrets anything.

Birch is very modest, there is a sense of measure in it from nature. Tolerant, but that's what infuriates birch, so this is vulgarity. Such people are deprived of any reason, they do not like luxury, there are no snobs in them. Despite its elegant appearance, birch is not afraid of labor and loves to work.

Prefers calm and quiet love. However, severe bright feelings are not frightened. In his house easily creates comfort and comfort, and not only for himself alone.

The strength of her imagination and ingenuity simply do not have borders! Very often, Birch chooses a creative profession. And the ability to think is logical and to turn into the lives of dreams, combined with its productivity, opens all doors to birch.

However, there are shortcomings in such people, and the main is uncommunicable. But Birch is happy, she does not interfere. She demands so little to life that she is enough for her to have a loving person next to and a good library at hand.


A small, sometimes on the verge of beauty and deformity, but not deprived of its charms. Oliva is often worried about rheumatism, so she likes the sun and she suffers very much from his absence.

Oliva knows that others can have their own opinion, and therefore never interferes in the life of people. Delicate to such an extent that it is sometimes accused of indifference. On the contrary, if necessary, it is easy to seek it for help.

In any situation smiles. Partly, this is due to the ability to control itself, but first of all due to the fact that you need to take care of the nervous system.

It has an innate sense of justice. Can always put yourself in place of others. Therefore, she loves and appreciate, although she does nothing to make an impression on others. Chatting restrained.

In love, Oliva is trying not to jealous, respects the independence of the partner, even if it causes suffering. But it does not make it weak. Simply, the most important thing for her - peace. Despite the fact that she does not seek this, she always attracts attention to himself and can sometimes become famous.

This is one of those people who bring rest and happiness to others, leaving after themselves pleasant memories.


It is slim and beautiful, and its good shape, the majestic silhouette, the dexterity and flexibility of movements are able to keep up to old age. It always takes care of the appearance, and is not deprived of some coquetry. If it falls into good conditions - it achieves success in any area. Polon of various plans that can be successfully implemented. Does not allow anyone to learn it from the selected path. May be good to arrange your life.

The beech is capable of generosity, although it is usually escaped and correctly organizes its budget. Do not like to share your property. Beech - a decent creation, he has many good habits, he always plays everything in and against, never rely on good luck.

In love, he lacks fantasy, but his spouse is perfect. She strives to have children, loves to equip their home.

Smart, possesses certain talents and common sense. Materialist, first wants to become rich, and after that, if possible, happy.

As you can see, the Gallian horoscope is very interesting. And very diverse, here we described only part of it.

Gallic horoscope - a floristic horoscope contains 22 wood, such a number and in the senior arcans tarot. 22 The number of volcanoes, the number of cosmic law. 22: 2 \u003d 11. Here are two prosepins. Proserpina gives the transformation in the world spiritual and records our achievements in the earthly world. Transfiguration of the Spirit and the Transfiguration of the Body.

Horoscope Druids - Floral Horoscope,
Characteristic of trees

and periods

Magician number

Senior Arkan.


Planet Element

Damn character

Apple tree
22.12 - 31.12
22.06 - 01.07


III Arkan Mistress or Empress

Moon Saturn Water

- Weakweight

01.10 - 10.01
02.11 - 11.07


I Arkan


- introvert

Elm I.
11.01 - 20.01
12.07 - 23.07


Vi Arkan.


sympathy -

21.01 - 30.01
24.07 - 03.08


XIX Arkan.
The sun

The sun
the fire

lucky -

31.01 - 09.02
04.08 - 13.08


XVI Arkan.



10.02 - 19.02
14.08 - 23.08


XIII Arkan.


rigid -

20.02 - 28.02 (29.02)
24.08 - 02.09


XV Arkan.


01.03 - 10.03
03.09 - 12.09




wise -

Lipa / Heather
11.03 - 20.03
13.09 - 23.09


0 Arkan.



Carefree -

Silver / Oshness
22.03 - 30.03
24.09 - 02.10

C, K.
Magician Part 9.

II Arkan


generous -

31.03 - 09.04
03.10 - 12.10


V Arkan.

The sun

spiritual one

Clay / Holly
10.04 - 20.04
13.10 - 23.10

Magician Part 11.

VII Arkan.

the fire

- indifferent

Buzin / Vibina
21.04 - 30.04
24.10 - 01.11

R, P.

XII Arkan


clever -

01.05 - 10.05
02.11 - 12.11

Magician Number 1.

X Arkan.
Wheel of Fortune


easily adjusted
- indecisive

11.05 - 21.05
13.11 - 22.11


XX Arkan.

the fire

passionate - cruel

22.05 - 31.05
23.11 - 01.12


XXI Arkan


adorable -

Grab / Alder
01.06 - 10.06
02.12 - 11.12


XI Arkan.

the fire

ambitious -

Fig / thorns
11.06 - 21.06
12.12 - 21.12

ST (Saint)

XIV Arkan.

The sun

Honest - capable

Oak 21.03 -
day of spring equinox


IV Arkan.

The sun
the fire

food -

Bereza 22.06
Summer day


XVII Arkan


happy - immature

Omlin / Ivy
09/23/09 - Autumn Equinox Day


VIII Arkan.


ambitious - lazy

Beech 22.12 -
winter solstice


IX Arkan


Magic numbers are not all trees. Total three trees:
Leschina(Oshness) - Magic number 9.
Maple(HOLDUB) - Magic number 11.
Larch(Reed) - magic number 1.
The letters in the horoscope of the druids are written in the Ohamic alphabet. A certain letter of the Ohamic alphabet corresponds to the date of birth and is protective for this person. It can be drawn or embroidered on clothes, write to some things, engrave on the amulte, etc. - It will be your talisman. Also, each date of birth correspond to certain forces that can be denoted by planets. Each tree corresponds to its rank and has its own bird (you can consider it a totem).

Ohamic alphabet

4 special wood are dedicated to people who born to key points of the year of time are the days of equinoxies and solstice.
1) 21 March - day of spring equinoxWhen day and night are equal to 12 o'clock, where the power of light and darkness is balanced and a new space year begins on this day, the sun is included in 0 ° Aries. In the modern world, this time is ± for several days corresponds to Easter (Gallic festival dedicated to the Ishtar deity). Celtic deity - Taleesign (sparkling eyebrows) - a wizard and bard, the first of the mortals who had the gift of prophecy. I wore a name in childhood Guionab Bach. Pot and providers, he predicted the invasion of Saxons and his death. He was often portrayed in the form of an eagle, a bird, elected priests for the flights of the soul in the other world.
March 21 - Equilibrium of men's / women's forces.
Symbols: rabbit, chickens, swallows, painted eggs. Time - dawn. Smoking: Lavender, Narcissus and Ratchnik.
Tree of oak.

2) June 22 - Day Summer Solstice.Light conquers darkness. The longest day and the shortest night in the year. The astronomical summer begins. The sun enters 0 ° cancer. St. John's Day. Celtic deity - Ogmios (Arianrod), Gon. This is the sunny God of eloquence, the son of the god Knowledge of Dagda.
Symbols: Oak / Justice / Wood / Crown, Forest Spirit Pack, Sunbell, jumping through fire. Time - Eve / Twilight. Smoking: Combination of oak and mistletoe, violets, red rosehip, fern.
Tree Bereza.

3) September 23 - day of autumn equinox.Light and darkness are equal. On this day, astronomical autumn begins. The sun enters 0 ° scales. Thanksgiving Day. Celtic deity - Mabon. Vladyka harvest / Great young man. Bran and Branven. Blessed. The God of the Outdoor World. Son of God of the Seas Llira. Could vyhod to move the sea and to transfer the army on its back.
Symbols: bunches of grapes / wine, bread sheaves, fish, horn of abundance, pumpkins. Time - twilight. Smoking: Wormwood, Mirra, Sage, Giliad Balsam (a small evergreen tree growing in Africa and Asia; Poplar juice), Iris.
Wood Ivy (Omilli).

4) December 22 - Winter Solstice Day.This is the shortest day and the longest night of the year. The time of astronomical winter, when the sun enters 0 ° Capricorn. Christmas holiday. Celtic deity - Kernunos, Mabon. Customs on this day: Bell ringing / Bubakers on Sanya, Santa Claus.
Symbols: Yol / Pine Tree Branches, Mural Horn / Reindeer Horn (Winter Lord), Omelo. Time - dawn. Smoking: pine, cedar and juniper, sandalwood, pine fire.
Tree Beech.

Floristic horoscope (Gallic horoscope) has a real magic force. When you come to the forest, contact your tree with such words:
"The sacred tree, become my fortress,
Fences me, come and surround my heart and my house. "

Trees ranks in Celtic Britain.

The article has used books:
"Magic King Arthur. 21 Lesson of the Great Merlin." Douglas Monroe. Moscow 2005
"Floristic (Celt and Druidov Horoscope)" Moscow 2007
School of Scientific Astrology S. Uniform, M. Yavorskaya.

Everyone seeks to find out how much more about his life destination. Therefore, many people study their horoscopes.

The most famous is their oriental option using the zodiac signs. But all over the world is also great popularity and other type of distribution of human capabilities depending on his date of birth. It provides a calendar of Druids. He was proposed to people with ancient Celts and is considerable interest.

This tribe dwells in the forests, so it deified trees. His members believed that plants affect the fate of a person.

All of them have a different meaning, but their power is undoubted. Each of the people corresponds to his sign.

The dependence on it is directly determined by the date in which they appeared on the light.

Druid calendar has a special pattern, it is based on winter and summer solstice.

These two days were the most important holidays for the Celts in the year. They are entirely dependent on the ground and the location of the planets.

Therefore, the horoscope separation scheme is based on proximity to these days.

Each plant in it can not only fully predetermine the life path of man, but also to tell depending on what tree matches people by date of birth, about the main features of their mental and physical warehouse.

Such separation gave the opportunity not only to know yourself or others better, but also adjust the negative features of his personality.

In addition, every person knowing what kind of tree is patronized by him, he was looking for protection from him or fill due to him a lack of internal energy.

All Celts had their own plant, which was worshiped every day. They believed that Dani or the words of prayers would help them in life, wrap from trouble.

Nowadays, many people seek to put a figure on the shelf, made of wood-talisman or put it in her garden. On the days of its birth, as well as in the dates of the main action of the calendar periods, it is necessary to pay a plant increased attention.

Druid calendar value

There have been eighteen characters in total. Each of them becomes the main thing twice throughout the year.

Four more plants are conjugate with summer or winter solstice, autumn or spring equinox.

The interpretation of each tree of druids looks like this.

People born under the patronage of fir, these are those who have appeared on the world from the second to the eleventh of January or from the fifth to the fourteenth of July.

They are holy traditional traditions and do not try to keep up with the times. They are very careful, but if they create a family, then she remains true to the end.

Those who patronize Elm were born from 12 to 24 January or 15 to 25 July. They are very unpretentious, do not seek to impress the surrounding.

Moreover, even compliments on their address they are reluctant. They are disinterested.

All life is able to love one person. Very dreamy, elevated.

Cypress people were born from January 25 to February 3 or from July 26 to August 4. They are very modest, hardworking, but prefer not to abandon those joys that life offers.

The poplar corresponds to those who have appeared on the light from 4 to 8 February or from August 5 to 13. Such people are very smart. They are distinguished by pronounced maps from early childhood.

But they are very denotious and need a constant confirmation that their relatives like them also strongly, as always.

Southern Frames corresponds to February 9 - 18 and 14 - 23 August. His man is full of energy, strong in his addition, attracts attention to others. In addition, he himself is able to create conditions in which the admiring views of others will rush to it.

Pine time begins from 19 to 28 (29 at the leap year) February or from August 24 to September 2.

These people are very bright, both external and internally. The same beautiful life they seek to provide their loved ones.

But they have one essential drawback - they are stingy, slightly selfish.

Iwa reigns from the first to the tenth of March or from the third to the twelfth of September. It differs sharply from its environment, surrounded by honoring the opposite sex, but very demanding to his chosen one. Sometimes even too.

Lipa patronizes those who were born from 11 to 20 March or from September 13 to September 22. Her people are modest, shy, friendly, enjoy universal respect.

Oak corresponds to March 21, the Day of Spring Equinox. The person who was born in such a time is distinguished by the excellent force, but hardly understands the manifestations of weakness among others.

A man who born in spring or autumn is immelued, closed, does not seek to communicate. It is very highly developed, but does not want to demonstrate his advantages around.

Ryabina reigns from 1 to 10 April or from 4 to 13 October. These people are very modest, pleasant, unobtrusive.

They are big optimists, never complain about life.

Such a person is a born leader, but also an adventurer.

From April 21 to April 30 and from October 24 to November 2, a sign of a walnut comes in due time. People born in such a period are truly sophisticated.

They are big originals and do not seek to have friends or collect around themselves.

From 1 to 14 May and 3 to 11 November, Jasmine reigns. He patronizes thin and wounded people.

Fate as if he feels like a particular feature and tries not to pull too much on their shoulders. They are constantly lucky. Nevertheless, they all accept as this and constantly waiting for changes to the worst.

From May 15 to May 24, as well as from November 12 to November 21, Kashtan comes into their rights. This person is very unpretentious.

He is accustomed to rest in life only on himself, does not seek help surrounding.

He does not seek to achieve a lot in life, but if the luck itself goes into his hands, will not give up her, even if you have to go through the heads. However, it makes such steps a chestnut is not on corruption, and from fear to fail.

The time corresponds to the time from May 25 to June 3 or from November 22 to December 1. These are very narcissistic people who often do not count with others. They greatly appreciate life comfort, can go for him on a lot.

Grab comes into account from 4 to 13 June or from 2 to 11 December. His people are insecure in themselves, are unlikely to have a tendency to creative self-expression. It is they who represent the main difficult mass of people.

But Inzhir (June 14 - June 23; December 12 - December 21) is simply great. Such people are dramatically distinguished from the common crowd.

neither constantly looking for themselves, but at the slightest failure immediately give hands.

Birch corresponds to the time of summer solstice, which falls on June 24. She is extremely charming, sophisticated and lives in its inner world.

Such a tree can very deeply immerse yourself in love and give real happiness to its chosen one.

Apple tree reigns from December 23 to January 1, as well as from June 25 to July 4th. These are real queens of romance. Their feelings are impossible to compare anything. Already with early youth, they seek to conclude a marriage union, and for each other are ready for everyone. However, people who patronize the tree are often completely tearned from reality.

Olive corresponds to the period of the twenty-third of September - autumnal equinox. She loves comfort, kindness, tenderness. She is practical, responsive.

Buku patronizes the winter solstice, coming on December 22. Tree reports special qualities to people who are born at such a time.

It gives them health, vitality, endurance. A person gets used to cope with all the difficulties independently, but always ready to help others.

Influence of plants at the date of birth

Druid calendar is very convenient, helping those who do not understand how to find out their tree. The clear routine makes it possible to compare the day of its appearance to the light with a specific symbol.

A Celtic horoscope arose long before the zodiacal. Therefore, all the peoples of the North of Europe relied on his knowledge and observations, which are used by many people to this day.

Such a feature is due to the fact that the movement of the Sun in its orbit is one for all. It undoubtedly affects the date that one or another person was born. The tree that is most influential at such a time is his patron, telling him the main personality features. Therefore, it should be cultivated, read, ask him protection or help.

Determine your patron in accordance with the druid calendar is very simple. It is necessary to choose it.

Celtic tribes sally believed that the worship of her tree would allow to avoid many troubles and difficulties in life.

Even improving the health and renewal of days is able to help the energy of a plant or a different plant, obtained directly from the Sun and the Earth.

Therefore, it is desirable to explore the druid calendar to live in accordance with it, look for your half and understand the characterological features of loved ones.

Houses must necessarily have anything from the right plant or at least a piece of it:

  • bark;
  • wood;
  • wreath;
  • leaves;
  • branches;
  • flowers.

All trees distributed by the date of birth of people have a huge impact on their fate. This is because everything alive is born from nature cycles.

Therefore, following solar periods allows you to integrate in the overall course of things without preventing your destination. People who live in harmony with all things are capable of creating a happy family, get out unsubstituted from life difficulties, constantly filled with light energy.

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