What temperature should be chopped by an adult? Why do not knock down the temperature 37.

What temperature should be chopped by an adult? Why do not knock down the temperature 37.

Bodies, the interesting dependence of the value from the time of day will become noticeable. The lowest indicator (about 35 ° C) is fixed in the early morning, in the region of 5-6 hours, the highest (more than 37 ° C) - in 19-20 hours. For a healthy person, such oscillations are an absolute norm.

Why not knock down a small temperature

When a virus penetrates into the body or an inflammatory process occurs, the human body temperature rises to 37-37.5 ° C. There is a rather unpleasant fevering state, from which you want to get rid of it rather. And many people make a very common mistake - a small temperature. However, this cannot be, regardless of the fact that slightly elevated temperature causes serious discomfort.

The reasons why 37 ° C should not be:

The presence of virus in the body. With the help of elevated temperature, the immune forces of the body are struggling with various pathogens of diseases, with viruses and infections. This is a normal reaction. The pathogenic is created by the "hot" medium in which most microbes will die. If you break this process with the reception of antipyretic agents, natural recovery will stop. It is worse, very soon the body will generally turn off on their own to fight viruses, relying only for medicines.

Increased temperature as a result of physical exertion.

If you are resorting to sports loads irregularly, the body can react with a small increase in temperature.
Doctors consider it a normal reaction to non-systematic training. Therefore, in this case, there is no need for antipyretic preparations.

Nervous overvoltage. Stressful situations, period of ovulation, alcohol abuse, overeating - all this is too loading the body, as a result of which the temperature rises. It is not necessary to get rid of it with medicines, it is better to eliminate the root cause.

What to do with a slight increase in temperature

If the body temperature rose slightly above the norm, you do not need to panic. Great, if you can relax, sleep, relax.

The temperature will not hold for a long time if you allow the body to recover.

Determine yourself a narrow circle of work that must be performed. All the rest deposit for the future. Because the body must be resting. If a slightly elevated temperature does not pass by weeks and even for months, it is worth consultering with a specialist. Perhaps there are some problems, but most likely, such a temperature is your personal norm.

If the body temperature has increased, then the body gave a response to inflammation: so the immune system is struggling with an infection. Knowledge than to bring down the temperature in an adult and when necessary, can help get rid of this symptom. The instructions below will help you determine at what temperature from 37-40 degrees to accept something, whether it is necessary to deal with heat immediately.

Need whether to shoot down the temperature of the adult

Before grabbing the medication should be understood in an adult. There are several tips on this:

  1. If a high temperature without symptoms does not exceed 38-38.5 degrees, then it is not necessary to reset it, it is not dangerous. This is the process of combating the body with microbes, and knocking up, you do not give your body a chance to cope on your own, and the pathogens are increasingly penetrated inside. With a strong headache, use the cold compress.
  2. If the temperature reached 39 ° C and higher or 38 ° C, but at the same time accompanied by more serious symptoms, such as cough, runny nose, nausea, vomiting, severe headache, cramps - this is a reason to take measures to reduce heat.
  3. The temperature of 38 degrees Celsius must be reduced by those who observe the diseases of the thyroid, blood pathology, heart problems.
  4. Churn the temperature should be those who poorly tolerate the heat due to the individual characteristics of the body.

How to bring down a high temperature at home

It is necessary to properly use everything that is able to cool, and not heat the body. To do this, use the following methods than to knock down the high temperature in an adult:

  1. Abundant drink. Drink warm tea by adding currants, raspberry or honey - it will increase the sweating, and then it will go and heat. Then just drink plenty of water.
  2. Vodka, vinegar or alcohol. Get rid of unnecessary clothes, wipe the body with these means, especially paying attention to armpits, footsteps, elbow and knee bends. Follow up without a blanket for a few minutes so that the liquid and heat fell from the surface of the body. If you felt a strong cold - this is normal, just to be patient.
  3. Cooling compresses. Take the pelvis, fill it with water, necessarily cool, or use the decoction of yarrow. Water in a liquid cotton towel, apply it to the wrists, forehead, inguinal folds, temples. Compressions change more often.
  4. Hypertensive solution. Drink at 700-800 ml of the following means - on 1 tbsp. A slightly cooled boiling water accounts for 2 hours l. Salt. The solution does not allow water to be absorbed, so it is derived from the body.
  5. Murmur beam chamomile. Prepare chamomile infusion, bay 4 tbsp. l. Dry flowers glass boiling water and heating solution in water bath. After cooling, strain it, dilute with water until the volume of 200 ml is obtained. Make a belly with it.

Medication drugs

When there are no positive results, you need to take antipyretic equipment at high temperatures in adults from the following list:

  1. « » . Produced in the form of tablets, powder or blister. Indications for use are pain syndromes, feverish states. Before taking a tablet, you need to take food, it is impossible to do this on an empty stomach. It is recommended to frish the tablet so that the gastric mucosa is less irritated. Squeeze with plenty of water. Maximum per day - 500 mg on the first day of treatment and 300 mg in the next. Price from 2 p.
  2. « » . By its chemical structure, tablets belong to sulfonanildes with a weak anti-inflammatory effect. Frequently used for emergency decrease in temperature together with the preparation of "but-shpa" and analgin as a means called the threesome. Dosage forms - tablets, suspension, candles, syrup. From the temperature you need to take 3-4 times a day with an interval of 4 hours a course in 5 days. Internal or rectal disposable reception should not exceed 500 mg. Price from 3 r.
  3. "Analgin". Antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, painkillers. Other form of release is a solution for injections or candles. The drug is injected intramuscularly or intravenously at 250-500 mg per day to 3 times. One-time dose is limited to 1 g, the daily - 2 inner or rectal reception should be a dose of 250-500 mg to 2-3 times daily. Price of tablets from 24 p., Solution - from 100 p.
  4. « » . White shell covered. Indications for use are head or dental pains, back pain, neuralgia and fever with ORVI or flu. 200 mg, i.e. One tablet, up to 3-4 times daily after meals. Put with a large amount of liquid. Maximum daily dosage at a temperature - 1.2 g, i.e. 6 tablets. After 3 days without improving the state, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Price from 80 p.

Effective folk remedies

Folk medicine helps to bring down the temperature without drugs in the form of tablets, injections or candles. Take advantage of the effective heat reduction recipes:

  1. Lime decoction. Take 2 tbsp. l. Dry lime flowers and a glass of boiling water, mix. Give the champ in about half an hour and straighten it. Optionally, add a spoonful of honey to the solution. Drink up to 4 times a day to enhance sweating and removing the heat.
  2. Apple vinegar and potato compresses. Peretrate 2 raw potatoes on grater, dilute a lot of 20 ml of vinegar. By placing a mixture for gauze, apply at least 2 hours on my forehead.
  3. Raspberry infusion. Take the dry shoots of raspberries with leaves and berries, grind them to get 2 tbsp. l. Bay of 1 tbsp. Boiling water, for about 15 minutes heated on a water bath, strain and send to thermos. Drink all day with small sips.
  4. Onions, honey and apple. Prepare 0.5 tbsp. Honey and masses are frozen with onions of apples. Stir, use twice per day on 1 tbsp. l.
  5. Onion recipe. Take one lows, clean, give her a casciars, fill 2 tbsp. boiling water. Take the remedy with warm cloth, leave for the night, and then take it hourly 2 liters.

What should not be done at high temperatures

Strong heat requires compliance with several items with a description of Togo, do not recommend:

  1. Do not reduce the temperature that did not exceed 38-38.5 degrees Celsius, tablets and other methods. Give the body yourself to compete with infection.
  2. Do not start with the use of antibiotics, because they do not affect the temperature. Only anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs reduce heat. In addition, it is possible to be treated with antibiotics in infection only after coordination with the doctor.
  3. Do not cover at a temperature of a few blankets, let the sweat naturally evaporate from the surface of the skin so that the temperature decreases.
  4. Do not moisturize the air in the room, because you risk getting a consequence in the form of inflammation of the lungs and slow down the evaporation of sweat.
  5. Do not resort to the help of mustard pieces, and hot baths - they will only increase the temperature.

Video: How to quickly reduce the temperature 39 with influenza and cold

The severity of the state, when the body temperature is increased, each person felt on himself. Not knowing which threshold of degrees is the cause of concern, people often make mistakes, and the body because of this cannot eliminate the problem on their own. If you do not quite understand how to bring down the elevated temperature in an adult, then look a useful video with a description of the rapid heat reduction methods.

Attention! The information presented in the article is familiarized. Article materials do not call for independent treatment. Only a qualified doctor may diagnose and give recommendations on treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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How to bring down the temperature in an adult

Hypertermia is a frequent satellite of ARVI. Do I need to shoot down the temperature of 37 °?

Temperature 37 °


The temperature of 37.0 ° is considered the upper boundary of the norm when measuring it in the axillary depression. If the thermometry is carried out in the mouth or rectum, the norms of the norm are expanded - up to 37.5 °.

But most healthy people have a temperature of 36.0 ° -36.8 °. If the thermometer bar has rose to the red mark, and at the same time there are symptoms of colds or respiratory infections, we are talking about the beginning of the disease.

To the most frequent manifestations of ORVI:

  • cough;
  • runny nose;
  • sneezing;
  • tear;
  • sore throat;
  • headache;
  • sludge in the body.

Is it possible to shoot down the temperature of 37 °? Doctors are not recommended in such a situation to apply antipyretic agents.

Hyperthermia is a starting signal for the body. It begins to produce interferon to combat viruses.

The relief of hyperthermia at this stage will stop the resistance of the body, and the disease will delay. The irrational use of antipyretic means leads to weakened immunity work, since antiviral protection does not have time to produce.

Temperature above 37 °

Is it possible to shoot down the temperature if it rises above 37 degrees? Doctors recommend to resort to drugs if the thermometer column rises above 38.2-38.5 °. In children, sometimes it makes sense to bring down the fever after 39 ° - provided that the child moves it normally.

But is it worth enduring if the patient feels a strong headache, chills, lubrication in the body, pronounced weakness? If such complaints appear, it is not necessary to focus on the recommended thermometer indicators, and take the medicine to improve the state. Also, fighting fever should follow when signs of dehydration - thirst, rare urination, dry skin and mucous membranes.

What to do with a coldSo to quickly get rid of her unpleasant symptoms? In Russia, the low temperature season is quite long - from September to April - May. Someone during this time has time to catch cold Two - three times. Yes, and in addition to this from its actions during the disease - complication.

Questions: how not to interfere with the body to quickly dig up from this unpleasant state that you can have a cold And what is not recommended to do and try to find answers.

First that it is impossible at a cold - It's thoughtlessly shoot down the temperature. It often happens: the column of the thermometer timidly overcame the bar at 37.5 ° C. And we immediately stretch to the antipyretic medium. And how else: there is a temperature - there is a disease. We beat the temperature - and the disease "will disappear" by itself.

Agree, approach to solving a problem with the state of your health is somewhat children. It must be remembered that the increase in temperature is nothing more than the protective reaction of our body to inflammation.

He knocks the temperature - just remove the investigation. And the reason is that (inflammation), of course, remains. While the thermometer is actively heated under his arm, the body produces a protective protein interferon, which resists harmful viruses.

Therefore, experts are firmly at such a position: it is impossible to drink antipyretic, while the temperature has not exceeded 38.5 ° C. The exception for itself can only be made by those who do not suffer such an increase.

And if there is a possibility of fever to suffer a little - it is only for you to benefit. More protective antibodies is formed in the body, and the cold will retreat faster.

In addition, in order to heal, "it is impossible at elevated temperatures to be covered with cotton blankets and boil legs. This violates the process of thermoregulation in your body and creates an increased load on the heart.

Independently "appoint" antibiotics

Favoring the symptoms of the cold are not in a hurry to swallow the tablets from the home aid kit with familiar names. First of all, it concerns antibiotics. Against viruses, including influenza virus, these drugs are powerless.

If, before the doctor's arrival, you all decided to "appoint", before using drugs with familiar names, which remained in a home aid kit after the last cold, make sure that they have no expiration date and they will not harm you.

Antibiotics doctors are usually prescribed in the case when bacterial joined the viral infection. Drinking "for the prevention" and "just in case", they only reduce immunity and disrupt the intestinal microflora.

With a cold, you can not warm the nose and ears without appointing a doctor

Warming up with a sack with a salt, hot water and other prisoners sometimes bring temporary relief. But in fact they can greatly harm.

Under the influence of heat in a closed ear cavity, the growth of bacteria is only enhanced. And if you warm the nose with a strong edema or a wist in the gifts, when the outflow of purulent content is difficult, it will begin to break the sinuses and worsen the situation.

Categorically impossible to transfer the cold on the legs

At first glance it seems, well, this is for a frivolous disease is such a cold. And without bed regime will cost. And here we are mistaken.

Even at the initial stage of development of the disease, bedding is the best medicine. Firstly, with this version of the development of events, the body rests and will go through the forces. Secondly, you do not infect others, and do not become infected with anything else.

In public transport it is easier than simple. But also owners of cars or their passengers will also be somehow in some other places with the accumulation of the people.

When immunity is weakened, the penetration of infection into the body occurs quickly. In addition, the diseases transferred to the legs often lead to complications. Especially if it comes to influenza.

Its main difference from ORVI is very high, from 38.5 ° C. At the same time, such symptoms like a runny nose and throat pain is much weaker than with a cold.

What can you allow yourself to afford?

With a cold can be And you need to regularly ventilate the room. Dry and warm air in the room - what viruses like and harmful to you. If someone is sick at home, it is not easy, but you need to ventilate the room several times a day for 10 to 15 minutes.

It is also necessary to moisten the air with the help of special humidifiers or just a wet towel hanging on the battery.

With a cold, finally, you can afford to carefully consider the quality of your food. Anyone who takes about this issue in the fuss of days, as a third-hyperial, should realize that the proper nutrition will help to cope with colds much faster.

For example, heavy protein food, as well as salted, fat, sharp in the diet only slow down recovery. During the disease, doctors recommend arranging several unloading days. To do this, you need to abandon fatty meat dishes.

You can give preference to fish for a pair, low-fat broths, fermented fermented products and vegetables. At the same time, it is desirable to use these products all - it can separately.

In order not to swallow the tablets, in the diet, you can make a special accent on products containing vitamin C. What kind of fruits, berries, vegetables are especially rich, you can learn by passing through the above link.

Vitamin C will facilitate the state, will help to quickly cope with the cold, avoid complications and will contribute to the rapid restoration of the body.

In many situations, an increase in body temperature in an adult is caused not only by the disease, but a variety of negative emotions, anxiety. But before starting active actions, it is necessary to determine what has contributed to increasing the temperature, and under what marks on the thermometer it is necessary to knock it down using alternative medicine or medical preparations.

High temperature factors

First you need to say that high temperature is not a disease at all. This is only a sign and a clear indicator that the body is fighting the disease against whom the immunity began to act dynamically.

The most common increase in temperature increase:

  • Infections caused by viruses or microbes.
  • Certain diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Bleeding.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Inflammation in tissues and organs.

Many doctors believe that the high body temperature in the disease is a good sign, which confirms that the body itself is struggling with the disease. But we are talking only about those patients who used to have no problems with health and violations in the functioning of the immune system.

High temperature without explicit reasons

It happens that the temperature increases, but there are no accompanying signs. This state in an adult is caused by a change in thermostatic processes.

It also happens that the body on a certain impact corresponds to increased temperatures, and other signs appear later, in a few days. For example, this is possible when the "children's" ailments occur (chickenpox and others), from which neither adults are not protected, nor those who have already had a sickness in a light form.

What temperature should be reduced

With a minor increase in body temperature, use drugs to reduce heat. It is even harmful, as it can lead to the emergence of pathologies and chronic course of the disease. Load weak organs with excessive medical facilities.

If the body temperature of an adult is 36.6 ° -37.2 °, then it is customary to be considered the usual state of the body. An increase in it to the indicator 37.2 ° is also a normal option (if there are no signs of the disease).

Fact! At the initial stage of pregnancy, the body temperature is 37.2 ° -37.4 °. This is due to the increase in the level of progesterone during the waiting period of the child.

When the thermometer testimony at 38 ° does not need to be included in the panic state and make the antipyretic agents that are at hand. It is necessary to follow the well-being of a person, control the change of its temperature. It should be alone, a lot to eat liquids, it must be isolated from other people. These actions will help the patient's body to deal with the disease independently.

With increasing body temperature, up to 38.5 ° advised to begin the actions by lowering it with unconventional methods and medical drugs that reduce heat. The best option is to call the doctor home and receiving appointments regarding therapy of the main disease and reduce high temperature.

If the degree readings is 41 ° - 42 °, then independent treatment is strictly prohibited. Upon reaching a turning point in 42 ° in the human body, irreversible consequences are beginning to occur, which can cause a negative effect on organs and systems of the body. In particular, it strongly affects the human brain.

Body wiping with cold water or acetic solution
It is necessary to sip and wipe it with cold boiled water, in particular, thoroughly wipe the bends on the limbs. Wait five minutes and then to dip the body with a towel (you can not rub or wipe) and put on a man dry x / b clothing.

An adult can also be slightly wipe with vinegar solution. To do this, mix the vinegar with warm water in the same fractions.

Non-cool drink in sufficient volume
An excellent option is a compote prepared from dried fruits, worst of rosehip berries, a drink with lemon, a naked, jam from Malinka or currant berries, Morse, made of natural or ice cream berries. This miraculous drink will help a strong sweeping and a rapid decrease in temperature.

It should be remembered that the drink from the raspberry, with the Medica and Lemon will benefit only if there is no dehydration of the body. Because of this, during the day, the patient is obliged to take sufficient liquid volume, and on the night before bedtime it is allowed to drink a drink with raspberry jam or lemon.

Hypertensive composition
A sufficiently effective method to reduce a large temperature that is not only adults, but also to the kids. The composition can be done like this: two small spoons of salt add to the liter of warm boiled water and mix well. Take it to children in adolescence and adults should be 800 millilitres per day. This wonderful composition will not give liquids soon to leave the body.

Empty with Romashka
It will help and reduce the temperature, and eliminate frivolous inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. The tincture is prepared as: 4 spoons of chamomile inflorescences add to a glass of hot boiled water. The composition put on the bath and boil a quarter of an hour. The composition is cooled and filtered, added even boiled water to the required quantity, usually this is 200 milliliters.

If these temperature reduction methods have not led to the desired result, and it has not decreased, it is necessary to apply the heat to remove heat. The most effective and non-hazardous means of a large temperature are paracetamol and ibuprofen. They have a clearly expressed anesthetic and antipyretic result. Use medicines according to the following scheme:

  • paracetamol - 15mg / kg every four hours;
  • ibuprofen - 10mg / kg every six hours.

In special cases, if the result is not reached, an analgin injection can be made.

When you need to call a doctor or ambulance

  1. The thermometer shows the temperature of 39 °, and the use of antipyretic drugs does not help or the temperature decreases for a short time, and then rises again.
  2. The patient began to occur cramps, rashes on the skin, the symptoms of the body's dehydration, a strong painful syndrome in the chest or stomach.
  3. You must call the doctor if the temperature fails to be reduced within three days.

As we installed, the temperature is not a disease, but only a sign indicating that there has been some kind of failure in the body of an adult person, or this is confirmed by the dynamic struggle of the immune system with the disease. Because of this, if the thermometer shows a temperature of 37 ° and a little higher, then it is not necessary to fall into the panic state, it is also not necessary to knock it down by all available techniques and preparations.

Video: When and what you need to shoot down the temperature


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