Eastern calendar.1989 - What kind of animal was brought? Year of the Snake: Characteristics of a Men Year of Birth 1989 on the Eastern Calendar.

Eastern calendar.1989 - What kind of animal was brought? Year of the Snake: Characteristics of a Men Year of Birth 1989 on the Eastern Calendar.

Years of Birth of a Snake Sign: 1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

In the east, the snake is a symbol of miraculous forces, levitation, telepathy and clairvoyance. Also this is a symbol of update, the ability to conquer space and time.

General characteristic of the sign of the Snake

Snake born in the year, it would be nice to know that the snake is incredibly lucky. It is believed that men born in this year are sentimental, and women are flirtary beautiful.

The snake refers to one of the most mysterious and extraordinary signs of the Eastern Horoscope.

The Japanese are more pressing a snake with respect, but at the same time, and with caution, since this creature has eternal life. The expression "change the serpentine skin" means - to start a new life. Most families perceive the snake as a deity, a custodian of rice fields, mountains and a homely hearth. Snake also means fertility and healing power.

The snake is the personification of wisdom and beauty. Therefore, the people born in the year of the snake adopt the features of her character: Natural wisdom, turnout, high demands not only to themselves, but also to others. In society, the snake demonstrates the impeccable taste and the ability to hold. Usually she is dressed with a needle, knows how to master the secular conversation and his diplomatic comments are able to discharge the situation or repay the brewing conflict. It has a gloss and inner rod, which makes others treat it with respect and some caution.

Despite all this, for the real "secular lioness", it has a too serious look at the world, and does not like empty chatter. People born in the year of the snake are not even, with their loved ones. Because of this character trait, people are difficult to guess what is going on with her soul. Snake perfectly owns its emotions and can experience and stormy joys, and deep sadness deep in her heart.

In people born in the year of the snake, there is an increased thrust for knowledge, decisiveness along with restraint, tactful ability to keep other people's secrets. It is worth noting that the Kite's knowledge is suitable pragmatically. She deeply analyzes each smallest situation, the item. Ultimately, its accuracy and insight simply amazing the imagination of others. Related, it is often believed that she has a very developed sixth sense. Many snakes have a tendency to demonstrative behavior, which they justify their principle and spiritual purity.

People born in the year of the snake live their own rhythm. Often they need much more time than others to achieve their goals. In addition, such people can be lazy, and slow, unnecessarily philosophizing and self-critical. In other people, it is looking for motivation and stimulus to action, but often the need for tranquility and discipline.

If a person born in the year of the snake will find his niche in life, it is easily ahead of all competitors. It is often called a quiet leader. By the way, it is not always clean that the affairs of the snake. She knows how to masterfully and imperceptibly take advantage of the situation, people, their feelings, for the achievement of their goals.

Throughout his life, the snake trusts his intuition more, and not logic. And, as a rule, she does not fail. Often the snake ability borders with extrasensory. In addition, it has a clear, sober, analytical mind and owns the gift of conviction. Snake appreciated as an employee in responsible posts leadership positions, as well as in areas where marginal accuracy, organization and attention is required. For example: science, medicine, banking, etc.

A man born in the year of the snake is infinitely faithful to his ideals. It goes to the target target, but it may be unusual flexibility. Sooner or later, he will still achieve his own. And from the part it may seem that the money themselves is lipped to a lucky snake, it usually happens to find a well-paid job. However, only the snake itself knows how much difficulty and sleepless nights stands for this seeming ease.

In the love of the snake herself chooses a satellite of life. Almost always shows impatience and jealousy, even if the feelings have already been faded. He has a tendency to turn around the partner, to sow it and not leave any freedom. This is especially true of men born in the year of the snake.

The year of the snake corresponds to in Western classical astrology.

Metal snake: 1941

People born in the year of the metal snake, extremely rarely admit someone in the soul. They prefer to work alone. They are quiet and invisible and independent. But it is superbly focusing in any situation and easily find a way out of difficult situations. They like a magnet attract favorable suggestions and take off with enviable determination. Possess the ability to successfully invest money. Metal snake loves luxury and comfort, appreciates art objects and good music. As a rule, it has a small circle of faithful and devoted friends, very generous and generous in relation to her beloved.

Water Snake: 1953

The water snake is perfectly disassembled in humans and knows how to manage them. It has a wide range of interests and continues to learn all his life. It has excellent memory and is well understood in matters of business and finance. Unlike other snakes, the water snake is very attached to the family and close people, although it does not show it. People born in the year of the water snake have a mystical mindset and are strongly exposed to emotions. Sometimes they are difficult to understand, because words and acts are beyond the usual everyday logic.

Wooden snake: 1905, 1965.

People born in a year wooden snake have a good character, harmonious and founded. Such qualities as vanity and suspicion characteristic of other snakes, she has no. Wooden snake sociable, witty, intelligent and ambiguity. She, as a rule, has many friends and a variety of hobbies. It is easily coming up with new ways to have time to spend time. More prefers a calm stable life and work. Appreciates art and loves collecting antiques and paintings. Her advice, in particular a personal character, is very valued and taken into account. People born in the year of the wooden snake can become talented engineers, as well as excellent administrators and officials who defend the interests of their business without looking at any circumstances.

Fire Snake: 1917, 1977

People born in the year of the fire snake are distinguished by complex character. The fiery snake is the least harmonious of all kinds of snakes. It is vain and aggressive, but, at the same time, energetic and active. She wants to fly, not crawl. She is ambiguous, self-confident and the role of an invisible intellectual does not suit her. It would still, she has all the qualities of the leader and an outstanding oratorical talent. The fiery snake has the ability to convince the most stubborn and unshakable opponents. It often happens very sharp with those who dislike. However, despite the difficult character, many of them cause respect and admiration. From the fire snake, as a rule, a good sense of humor and many friends. She loves active social life and travel.

Earth Snake: 1929, 1989.

People born in the year of the earthen snake are harmonious, honest, sincere and friendly. It is responsible for work with responsibility, but there is no ambiguously, so it can easily cancel urgent matters for a conversation with friends or walks.

People born in the year of the earthen snake do not like to risk, and believe that happiness and material well-being will only bring honest work and prudence. Earth snakes are great workers and intellectuals. Of these, excellent scientists, researchers, philosophers and analysts are obtained. Also, earth snakes are good financiers. They are accurately calculated, analyzed and benefit money.

Year of Snake - Dignity and Disadvantages

Positive sides of the personality of the snake

Snake is not afraid of any work, of course, with the exception of the one that is associated with risk. He is responsible, Mudra, demanding about himself and to others, is always ready to help.

Negative sides of the personality of the snake

Turning for help to the snake, you should consider the fact that it can fall into extremes. Help others captures it entirely and completely. And she already becomes more obsessed than useful. Instinctively she is wrapped around a person who is obliged to her and try to strangle. Also, the snakes are typical of the desire to deceive, stubbornness, a hot temperament that explodes in the trifles.

Career and Money Snake Sign

People born in the year of the snake relatively easily achieve professional success in almost any field of activity. They can do everyone than the soul. It may be weaving colors from beads and large business and even politics. If she found a matter of the soul, he will never leave him for anything, will not turn off the way, but will only rise higher and higher on the career ladder. It helps her natural flair, insight and diplomatic talent.

The snake can be taken for any hard work if it is paid well. She knows a good price and will not work for a penny. In general, with regard to money, the snake is lucky. She practically does not worry about money, she will always find them as soon as they need her. Need it rarely, as it knows how to use finance wisely. She spends a lot, but still earns. Therefore, as a rule, always has a solid bank account. Snake is very rational and practical. If she spends a large amount of money on the beauty salon and on fashionable clothes from boutiques, it is only because he knows: Meet the clothes, especially if business negotiations have to be held.

Snake life periods

The life of the snake depends largely on when it was born: in summer or in winter, during the day or night, and even on what the weather was at this time. If there was summer and heat, then life will be more successful, and if winter, and even a blizzard, bad weather, squalid wind, then life circumstances will be appropriate. Very happy those snakes who were born in hot tropical countries. If that day, when the snake was born, there will be a storm, then his whole life will be full of dangers.

In general, the two first phases of the snake's life will be relatively calm. But the third phase should pay special attention. It was during this period that her sentimental and passionate character, her taste for adventure can play a cruel joke, instead of providing her calm old age.

Snake Stones: Hematite, Emerald, Blood, Malachite, Opal, Jade, Chrysolit, Topaz, Jasper.

Plants: heather, fern, thistle and other plants growing among stones.

Time of day: from 10 to 11 am.

Time of year: Spring (May).

Colors: Green, Red

1989 What kind of animal? According to the Chinese calendar is a year of a green earth snake.

People who are born this year are often slow and slow in solving various types of issues.

People born in the year of the snakes possess a special landing. They love to spend more time at home, they try to surround themselves only by those things that resemble pleasant moments from their lives.

They love to save everything and try to accumulate money as much as possible. Adore your family and take care of her.

Every one step is thought of and such people never have misses. They know exactly what they want. They often come for advice, before something to advise, they think over each option.

The family is raised late. The thing is that they have long look at a person who is secretly in love. Constantly doubt and fear that their feelings will be put up for everyone to see. For this reason, can not be confessed in their love.

A man born in the year of the snake, cunning and it is impossible to catch on the Word. He is used to not respond to his words and actions.

There are some distinctive features of people born in the year of the snake, but under different zodiac signs.

For example,

The nature of the people born in the year of the snake can change and depends on the time of year.

Woman born in the year of the snake

The representatives of the beautiful sex, born in the year of the snake, possess excellent cunning.

For the sake of achieving its goals, they may turn into quiet, kind and foolish people for a while.

Although in fact, they are smart, sometimes there are evil and often incredulous. In the family strive to be the leader. All questions should be made exclusively with their permission.

Children are brought up in affection and care. Try to provide everyone. Teaching dancing and plastic, they are engaged in their development. Parents love, in many respects they are listening, but the decision takes themselves. Always surrounded by friends. Support any conversation. Do not like to give advice.

Possess beautiful appearance. Capable to have a lover.

They often lack love from their husband, and they start looking for her side.

Never recognize this.

Successful in business, love to lead people. Often manipulate their weaknesses.

Do not love to travel, there is nothing better for them.

Love decorations, ready to spend almost everything that has, for the sake of a beautiful ring or necklace.

In the east, the reputation in the snake is radically different from West. Snake symbolizes wisdom and turnover, it is also a symbol of healing. People born a year under the patronage of the snake are distinguished by developed intuition and intellectual possibilities. Once I had to work closely with a woman born this year.

I was surprised by her approach to the point: the snake managed to flexibly bypass sharp corners and possible trouble. It was like 2 steps ahead of any danger, warning her appearance in advance. Today we will look at 1989: what animal it represents. This year, people were born under the patronage of the yellow earthen snake. They are distinguished by slowness, thoughtfulness and thoroughness.

This year starts on February 6, 1989 and ends on January 26, 1990. People born under the auspices of this sign are never in a hurry anywhere. They love to carefully weigh and analyze, and only after that they take steps to implement the conceived. These people are so responsible that they will never participate in dubious enterprises.

What is the difference between earthen snakes from other snakes of the Eastern Horoscope? They have less intuition, but it does not complicate the snakes life. Even those intuitive abilities that are available enough for careful monitoring of the situation. The yellow snake is not afraid of difficulties and does not seek to go easy. It makes the maximum effort to achieve conceived and always highly appreciate the results of their work.

Yellow earth snakes are distinguished by a balanced character, they cannot be panic, they cannot be causing surprise. These qualities of character are very suitable for the profession of rescuer and ambulance, where representatives of this year of birth often work and work.

Earth snakes are distinguished by a sober view of the world, devoid of romantic fantasies and illusions. They sincerely do not understand the eccentric and wrinkled people, do not indulge in the limited dreams and utopian ideas. They can not tolerate those who play the public or suggests scandals in public places. Snakes spread up with unbalanced people who do not know how to control their emotions, even if these are close relatives.

On a note! The yellow earthen snake without unfortunately dismantle with that man who breaks her inner peace. Even if this is a loved one.

Snakes are selfish to the bone's brain, they feel great alone and do not need society to themselves. Natural suspicion forces snakes to keep people at a safe distance from themselves, no one pumped to themselves. This is a very pricing nature that deal only with people beneficial for themselves..

Snakes easily go to betrayal, if you require their interests. They are so cool and ruthless that they do not take into account the feelings and emotions of other people. Emotionally cold and indifferent to the feelings of the Snake people can afford the unceremonious appeal with anyone.

They are constantly trying to impose their own opinion to the interlocutor, which consider the only right. For this, they will simply interrupt it, not letting express the phrase to the end. Why do snake listen to what she defined in advance as the wrong? She will not spend time on this emptiness, it will be better to immediately express his own opinion on this regard.

Those people who share the belief of the snake, or simply do not object, become close. In which case, the snake will fierce their interests from the attacks of opponents. Because snakes clearly divide people on their own and strangers.. For the sake of close snake ready for any victims, but the other people for her make up an enemy camp.

The snake will never openly demonstrate their feelings and emotions, it supports neutral relations with all. However, in the depths of his soul, it is confident that strangers everyone wanted her evil. Unfortunately, because of his suspicion of the snake cannot feel real happiness and enjoy life, feeling in complete safety. They constantly think that someone wants to betray them or turn. Therefore, the snakes are extremely rarely becoming victims of fraudsters and sweat.

Strengths of character:

  • practicality;
  • determination;
  • a responsibility;
  • indement.

Weaknesses of character:

  • cruelty;
  • arrogance;
  • resourcefulness;
  • suspicion;
  • avenue.

Snake trust will be very difficult due to pathological suspicion. They everywhere merged enemies. Perhaps in something they are driving a stick, but in something right. If the snake fails to establish contact with some kind of person, she is without regretting with him. There are no indispensable people, the representatives of this year are thought.

This is probably the only representatives of the Eastern Horoscope, who may not be friends at all. Friends in the snake can be enough, but with them the relationship is always superficial and do not bind to anything. If the snake manages to find a real friend, it will put all his soul in this relationship.


Born in 1989 men are very charming and possess magical attractiveness. However, in communication, they are coarse and rather aggressive, do not like to spend time on empty conversations and can be called the interlocutor cynically if he is sick.

These are calculating people who, when assisting someone, always expect a response step. Relationships with the surrounding snake builds on the principle "You, I am. Women need to be very careful with such cavaliers and do not play flirt, because this thoughtless act can get out sideways.

What women prefer snakes? They like elegant, sophisticated and bright qualities. However, with all his charm, the Choser's chosen must be smart. Astrologers are not advised to provoke a snake on jealousy and teach over him: he will come to indescribable rabies. These are serious people with serious intentions, and children's pranks need to be left in childhood.

Note! In the gust of anger of snakes can fall to the manual design and beat their choices.

But it should not be thought that the snakes come cruelly with all in a row. If a woman satisfies the representative of this sign, he surrounds her caress and care. Snake knows the price of money and sometimes looks storm. But for his loved ones, he can do expensive gifts, thereby expressing his appreciation.


Snake got used to everything. For his well-being, this attractive woman can use men who seek to achieve its location. It is impossible to catch it in augment, just so it turns out by itself - the men themselves offer their help.

A snake woman always looks exquisitely, thinks rational and does not hover in the clouds. Natural insight helps her to achieve many things in life and unlock trouble. Snake a born psychologist and sees people through, which allows it to skillfully enjoy their weaknesses.

Note! The snake will not communicate with a man without mercenary intentions. But she believes in real love.

The snake will never claim a major position in a pair, but also to try to manipulate it too. Snakes are never sincere to the end, so the partner is unknown by their true intentions.

Snake loves peace, but his chosen one can help in achieving the peaks of the career ladder. She will do everything in order for him to succeed, the Snake itself will be used by this success. If a man is not going to obey, she is without regrets with him. These women prevent overwhelmed requirements to their partners, who can correspond to which few people can.

A snake female rarely feels happy, even if it does not show it. They, as a rule, remain always lonely even with her husband and fans. This loneliness hides deep in the soul of every snake. If the snake does not understand that the partner needs to be taken with all the shortcomings and shortcomings, it will remain unhappy and dissatisfied with all his life. It is not necessary to re-educate men, and look among them the perfect superman too.

Love and family

Snakes are capable of deep feelings, but they will always be controlled by the mind. To love, these calculated creatures are pretty cynical, none of them will never lose their heads from love and passion. Before you confront with a partner, they will analyze all the minutes and advantages of this union. Relationships with the opposite sex of the snake are suitable with full responsibility and will never "hang noodles on the ears" for the sake of a momentous meeting or a short acquaintance.

In family relations, the snakes demonstrate a respectful attitude to the spouse, as the marriage union is built on a common interest with their partner. Divorces among snake marriages practically does not happen, as they come into relationships with a proven and reliable partner. In the family life of the snake conscientiously fulfill their duties, which they also require from other households.

In the bed of snakes are selfish, they only think about their own pleasure. They are pretty ingenious, so they can captivate the partner with their charm. But to count on the fact that the snake will take care of the pleasure of his partner, not worth it.


These are hardworking and very responsible workers who are quickly moving around the cartridge staircase. They are constantly self-improvement to be at the height. In their business demonstrate high professionalism. These are valuable workers who value the bosses. However, if the income does not suit the snake, it will not stay in the workplace for a long time - it will find a more profitable option.


Bull. Couple is not harmonious. The snake is not able to impose his mind with a stubborn bull, and this is hardly annoying. Partners will constantly disintegrate leadership positions, which ultimately lead to a complete rupture of relations. If the snake guess to make concessions to a challenge partner, they will be able to build a long and successful union.

Tiger. Course will not be able to find a common language. Tiger and snake will never become truly close to each other, but affiliate relations between them are possible. If such a life arranges, when partners live in themselves and help each other as needed, the Union will exist for a long time.

Rabbit. The snake fully suppresses a partner with his authority. However, if the rabbit suits such a state of affairs, he may feel quite comfortable in this union. The snake will provide him with protection and will provide support. Quarrels and misunderstandings in such a pair - an extremely rare phenomenon. However, if the snake begins to choke his partner too strong embracing, he will just run away from it.

The Dragon. The role of the subordinate snake does not suit in any way, so in a pair should reign equality. Only in this case the partners will be able to build a strong and reliable union. Dragon admires the snake with his courage and unconventional approach to everything, the dragon in the snake likes reliability and devotion.

Snake. Partners can create a successful and happy union if they can survive the adaptation period to each other. This time is the most difficult and controversial, as partners for some reason see each other in each other. Many couples parting, and without realizing that it was in this union that they would have been able to get everything that they dreamed of.

Horse. Surprisingly the harmonious union of two bright and interesting partners. The horse completely trusts the snake, considering her wise, and does not claim the position of the leader. A horse and snake can share the duties equally, which does not cause household misunderstandings and disputes. Family couple reigns peace, harmony and peace.

Goat. The harmonious union is impossible. The fussy and unpredictable sheep constantly removes the snake with his behavior and annoys. As a result, the snake will simply go through this unreliable and superficial partner, which, besides, ignores her comments and tips.

A monkey. Nothing good from this union will work. When the first romantic impressions of each other are held, the snake will begin to suffer from the ridiculous monkeys. The pair will inevitably break up the enemies if they do not hold together a common cause or property together. Staying with each other, both suffer all your life.

Cock. In a pair, complex relationships. These are two individualists who are trying to get along with each other. The rooster is constantly trying to bring a snake from equilibrium, putting in the course of ruthless criticism. In a pair, there is no mutual respect, trust and consent. The union can only exist if the snake is something from the rooster. But when the rooster will understand that it is used, quickly stops any relationship.

Dog. The union between signs is possible if the dog does not pay attention to the cunning and tricks of the snake. A good-order dog always adheres to the rules of morality that loves to ignore the snake. If she succeeds in thoroughly hide his unacceptable deeds from the dog, the partners will be able to build a solid alliance. However, there will never be complete trust between them, and the quarrels will periodically arise in any occasion.

Pig. In this tandem, the role of servant is prepared. The snake skillfully uses the boiler's energy of the partner, helps the pig to achieve social benefits - and then enjoys achieved without a conscience. When a pig will understand what uses it, it will try to leave the exploiter. But if the snake succeeds in keeping a pig in his arms, the Union will be long and successful.

Rat. These partners are very similar to each other, so they are easy to find a common language. However, the similarity of the morals and serves an interference to rapprochement, as both partners are trying to see each other. They are noticeable all the shortcomings of the other and its weaknesses. If rat and snake agree to take each other with all the errors, the Union will become very strong. Otherwise, the tearing is inevitable, and with losses on both sides. Therefore, when the slightest disagreement occurs, it should be immediately parted.

In the wise eastern horoscope, the influence of elements on the behavior of zodiac signs at a certain period is competently painted. Fate prepared a calm, but interesting life in 1989.

What is the year of the snake?

On the eastern calendar 1989 - year Yellow Earth Snake. In vivo, the earth solid creates a comfortable life of snakes. Such a natural manifestation affects people born during this horoscopic period. 1989 came on February 6 and was completed on January 26, 1990. The snake is the sixth on the score of the Chinese horoscope. The ground gives people born in 1989. Foundation, slowness and secrecy. Yellow color enhances their natural wisdom.

Traditional signs of the zodiac in conjunction with the year of a quiet, cunning and wise animal bring their own characteristics of every man born this year.

  • Snake Capricorn Loneliness loves, but do not be bent noisy and funny companies. Many time spend in dreams. Try to follow their appearance, prefer beautiful and expensive clothes.
  • Energetic Aquarius It is not able to stop in one place, so they travel a lot. Lovers of freedom are rude and tactless with others. Love to read, a lot of time pays to your development.
  • Snake fishat all can not keep the language behind the teeth, any secret quickly becomes the property of the people. They are infinitely flying intrigues and envy everything in a row.
  • Humiduous Aries endowed with an incredible power of will, thinks over every step and knows exactly what he needs for a comfortable life. It has extraordinary thinking and does not tolerate outsiders.
  • Energetic and cheerful Taurus It is a soul of any company. Open and honest, he seeks to create a solid family and ensure homemade comfort.
  • Communicable twinsneed continuous communication. They want to travel a lot. They are incredibly lucky in all matters.
  • Egoistic crayfish Think only about yourself. Everywhere is looking for benefits, can easily mislead anyone.
  • Evalistic Lev. Checks literally everything. Jealousy to his second half pushes it to the surveillance organization. A great family man in everything supports his relatives, never betray.
  • Beautiful Deva.dreaming about a big and friendly family. She honors his parents. Many reflect on the future.
  • Arrogant and envious scales often put themselves above all. Dream of wealth, but natural laziness prevents the goal.
  • Hardworking scorpion Usually achieves great success in moving through the career ladder. But its own business often disintegrates because of the inability of serpentine scorpion to lead the team.
  • An interesting companion Sagittarius loves to read. Late creates a family, but for the sake of it is ready on a lot. Shows great care for loved ones.

Characteristics of people born this year

A bit of this unusual reptile appeared in the year of this unusual reptile and thoughtfulness. Reasonable and prone to the analytical thinking of the snake think over their actions a few steps forward. They are not doubtful in dubious adventures, they are not looking for light paths. Before making any decision takes into account all the pros and cons.

The goals of the goals and success are achieved by diligent labor, they know how to appreciate the resulting benefit. Do not tolerate surprises. The sharp change of the setting strongly strains the earthen snakes. They do not welcome long journeys.

Earth snakes are not amenable to panic and retain calm in any situation.

Representatives of the serpentine eastern sign instantly react to extreme events, make the right decisions. Ilight and collected, they become excellent workers in the rescue sector: MES or emergency medical care.

This is the only sign of the Chinese horoscope, which supplies the society of recovered egoers who prefer loneliness and unwilling to appear close to themselves. They are afraid to be rejected. Opened people only after they are convicted in their sincerity and decency.

Earth snakes do not listen to the opinions of other people. The calculation and suspicion of representatives of this sign contribute to the discretion of the surrounding. In conflict situations are trying to achieve mutual understanding. They do not accept insults, do not like when they are hurry.

For the sake of their own benefit and achieve their goal of the snake are capable of betrayal. The manifestation of tactlessness, imposing his opinion, the frequent interruption of the interlocutor cause certain difficulties of communication with similar individualists. In his close circle, they include all the people supporting and separating their views that provide their support and protection. Very hospitable sign.

They clearly divide the surrounding on their and strangers. For the sake of the snake people are ready to sacrifice their lives. His favorites are honored and respect. The rest are counted to the enemies. They are confident that those wish them only evil. Try to support neutral relations with them. Snakes are constantly expecting some trick, deception, betrayal. Thanks to this quality, they rarely become victims of fraud.

Snakes are characterized by the following positive qualities:

  • prudence;
  • wisdom;
  • observation;
  • practicality;
  • generosity;
  • purposefulness;
  • a responsibility;
  • hardworking;
  • determination.

Disadvantages of representatives of the earthly sign:

  • arrogance;
  • secrecy;
  • avenue;
  • cruelty;
  • cold;
  • egoism;
  • stiffness;
  • resourcefulness.

Snakes feel comfortable in any respect. No one is imparted to your inner world. If you fail to establish contact, they immediately retreat and unfortunately say goodbye, referring to the fact that there are no indispensable people.

Tactful and sensitive earthwood reptiles are very good friends.

This friendship is true and invest your entire soul into it, but most often have superficial friendly relations. Ready to help and provide support to anyone in a difficult situation.

Snake is passive in love affairs. Mind and prudence prevents it from reaching the depths of feelings in love ties. The love refers cynically, does not lose his head from love. Snakes require a long time to study from all sides of the person who adored by them. Careful weighing of all the advantages and minuses contributes to rapprochement with the opposite sex representative only with very serious intentions.

In an intimate life, those who appeared in the snake year are inventive and insatiable. Unfortunately, they care more about personal satisfaction, and not about delivering the pleasure of their partner. In sex, egoism is manifested very brightly.

The family is rated late, since long look at the chosen one.

In marriage, the first place is mutual respect and common interests. Of the born in 1989, excellent wives and husbands are obtained. They conscientiously fulfill their duties and require the same all family members. Marriages with snakes disintegrate extremely rarely. Representatives of the Reptile sign appreciate family hearth. Love time in the usual setting.

Diligence and purposefulness of serpentine wards contributes to their rapid advance on the career ladder. They seek to become professional professionals, easily assimilate new knowledge. Officers appreciate such employees. In case of non-treatment of the desired income, the snake without regret is fired. The most suitable professions for serpentor representatives are economists, teachers and linguists.

People born in 1989 can become strikingly strong leaders. It is characterized by rigidity, coldness and calculation. Snakes do not tolerate lazy and non-executive workers.

Unlocks for pity, they do not go anyone towards and always pursue their own interests.


The bruises of snakes of strong sex sometimes brings them to misses. They love to surround themselves with chic things and expensive furniture. Often become collectors of valuable objects: vintage hours, beautiful paintings and rare exhibits. Their dwelling is sometimes reminded of a luxurious castle. Can perform any men's home work.

To the charming young people in 1989, the surrounding, but quickly disappointed in them. Snakes Men do not want to spend time on empty conversations. They rudely overlook those present. Good-natured guys can be taken for rather aggressive people because of their unwillingness to reckon with the feelings of others. Mimoled meetings do not suit snakes that are supporters of serious and durable relationships. A bright, elegant and smart lady.If, on the first date, the girl will not be able to make impressions and charm on him, then the second meeting will not be.

To choosing a companion he is very responsible. Never stop his choice on a spectacular beauty with a smooth heart. The inner side helps to see the appropriate challenger on the role of his wife and mother of their children.

Education of the younger generation causes great difficulties.Often a man does not know how to behave with them. Personal and freedom-loving children immediately become the object of ridicule and the soldier of the Father, and later - the sores in the family. Listening to the Soviets and performing all instructions of the head of the family, children do not strain the Father, and the family reigns in the family and peace.

Do not provoke an incredible owner to jealousy. A young man can fall into the rage and even beat the chosen.

A companion that suits it in everything will be surrounded by caressing, care and attention. A snake man is faithful. Wonderful family man, skillfully leads a household.


The girls of the reptiles are endowed with the mind, outdoor and inner beauty. Tender, modest and fragile young lady can turn into periodically into the most real fury. Mutely not by year, the girl quickly subordinates her will of parents who are forced to fulfill her whim.

Attractive, charming and insightful representative of the snake year skillfully uses men for their own purposes. Smart, erudite and interesting girl is a born psychologist. It delicately feels the weakness of the partner, deftly uses them in their own interests. With the exquisite and rational young man, a young man feels a real knight. The lady is able to push promising, but the uncertain in herself a young man to the top of success.

For the sake of achieving their goal, the girls may pretend to be silly and kind quiet. In fact, they are inherent in anger and infractiveness. Smart snakes are very cunning.

Communication with people often persecute mercenary interests. Does not seek leadership, but manipulate is not allowed. Waiting for real love, but it is impossible to reach the criteria of the young lady. To the satellite of life impose overpriced requirements. This unfortunate girl tries to hide from others surrounding his loneliness. In search of the ideal can escape all life.

Lama should learn to make chosen with all the disadvantages, should not strive to re-educate them. Only in this case, family happiness is possible.

Congenital travel and analytical abilities help to create a good and prosperous family of birth to the girlfriend. She can take her husband a loser's husband, send them to the right direction and make a promising and lucky man from it. Reptile lady is capable of treason.

Snake's wife also teaches all relatives to come at the appointed time, and friends - to meet in public places. Children grow in love and affection. It gives great importance to their harmonious development, which pays many of its time. She strives to secure children well. With love draws his home. Ready for any sacrifices, but the lie and treason of her husband will not tolerate.

Career growth is not interested in the representatives of the weak gender. They prefer to look for a job next to the house or near the kindergarten, who attend their children. Earth snakes quite well suits the position of an accountant. They can achieve the necessary heights in this specialty, but do not want to do this. Family focus is much more expensive than professional activities.

Compatible with other zodiac signs

Earth snakes do not tolerate other people's hysterics and drama. Eccentric and unbalanced people can forever lose their location. The wards of this sign are coldly interrupt relationships with close people who disrupted their peace.

In reptiles born in the year, family problems arise with the tiger and rats that appeared per year.

  • Relationships with tigrome May not be lit because of the underestimation of their second halves. Snake does not tolerate such an attitude towards himself.
  • Reptiles is completely not suitable for a person born in Year of rat.. Mutual insight leads to unhealthy rivalry.

  • The young people who born bull bull bulls are well suited.The husband provides a family, builds a career. The wife conscientiously leads a household. Bull will be devoted and faithful to such a person all life.
  • A good union may have a dragon.Both are smart, full of ambitions. A wise wife is capable of useful tips required by the dragon to maintain a leading position in society.
  • Good perspectives with men who appeared per year of the rabbit.The couple mutually enriches each other. There are many common interests and topics for conversations. Supporters of a healthy lifestyle prefer a joint family vacation, love travel.
  • The rooster will also be a good batch. Brave and reliable bird protects its companion Refilia, which is calmly relieved throughout his bold and sincere husband. Under the influence of a ardent chosen one, a closed woman gradually turns into a cheerful spouse.
  • The dog adores the inner power of the snake and recognizes her leadership, admires the natural wisdom and intellectual abilities of his wife. When granting his wife more freedom adds beautiful family bonds. Not always a cloudless marriage gives the opportunity to live to a deep old age.

With a monkey, sheep and a horse, a friendly relationship add up to the snake perfectly. Later they can go to more serious feelings. But it takes place extremely rare due to the feeling of intellectual superiority of the wise reptile over these animals.

Men snakes are perfectly suitable companions, which appeared in the world of bull, rooster and dragon.

  • With a woman by bomb Combines temperament, responsibility, practicality, care for the family and the house, the desire for the material well-being and the desire to promote career steps. They both are very careful.
  • Woman cockit is a generator of ideas and her husband's plans serving a brain center. Both spouse are intellectual, calculating and focused on success.
  • Emotional and bold woman dragon Ideal with its impulsiveness, brightness, originality, mysteriousness. The family union contributes to creative growth and material well-being.

The most difficult and complex relationships are folded with a woman with a boar.

Picture and too, the sociable representative of this sign constantly creates the soil for criticism of the decisive and strong spirit of her husband. The family reigns a complete misunderstanding of the motives of actions and aspirations to each other.

In the following video - the characteristic of the sign of the snake.

Yellow Earth Snake

Element: Earth

Yellow color

Your main character trait is wisdom and the ability to keep secrets. No matter how you behave in humans, you will never run and disassemble, not your own, nor other secrets. You achieve your goals not directly, you know how to wait for the right moment for your actions and act according to the circumstances.

You can work for a long time and hard, so that your career is very successful, you can always find the use of your talents and abilities, but in love you rarely be happy. In your life, there are several marriages or prolonged love relationships.


  • Endurance;
  • Diligence;
  • Strategic thinking;
  • Realism;
  • Independence.

Distinctive features

Thick eyebrows and flat belly.

Suitable areas of activity

  • The science;
  • Medicine;
  • Banking.

Eastern calendar compatibility table

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Neutral type of relationship

Such people will be able to create harmonious and strong relationships. But it is possible to achieve harmony only with mutual understanding, otherwise the relationship is very easy to destroy. Be careful to each other, and everything will be fine.

Continuous friction in relationships

Partners tend to play with each other, and spoil each other nerves. The duration of relationship depends only on mutual desire to be together.


Partners will be happy together, but at the same time they will constantly move forward. If it is about you, then you have every chance to create beautiful and strong relationships.

Full harmony

One of the most beautiful combinations. Family relations of these people will be harmonious, happy, and calm to envy.

Open confrontation

Such people will constantly conflict, even if they do not want to spoil relations. Partners are very difficult to understand each other and do not provoke conflicts.

Conflict combination

Partners will have to overcome many obstacles and show a lot of patience to preserve the world. For the connection to be long and useful, you need to make a lot of effort and you, and your partner, constantly adjusting to each other.


The ups and downs will be constantly alternate, as well as quarrels and periods of reconciliation. If you can survive difficult periods, the relationship will become harmonious, and you can build a happy future.


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