Tasks for the school stage of the Olympics on history (grade 6). Tasks for the school stage of the history Olympics (Grade 6) Benefits of the Distance Olympics "Mega-Talent"

Tasks for the school stage of the Olympics on history (grade 6). Tasks for the school stage of the history Olympics (Grade 6) Benefits of the Distance Olympics "Mega-Talent"

Olympiad by history

Among students grade 6

School tour

Task number 1. Analyze the historical source and answer the question.

In which city lived in? Why did this city named the "school of the whole Eldla"? How could residents of this city show themselves? (5 points)

Task number 2. Select the right answer(1 point)

  1. The impetus to the great resettlement of peoples was the invasion of the depths of Asia nomads:

A. Vandalov B. Ostode V. V. Vestya G. Frankov D. Gunnov.

A. In 780 B. B. In 910. B. In 800 g. In 810

A. On the top B. On the very bottom, V. did not enter the feudal staircase

B. The natural economy of the feudal social system

A) adoption by Franks of Christianity b) the creation of the Frankish Empire c) the disintegration of the Frankish Empire

A) Westges b) isothes c) franc d) normal

7.Cellite the concepts and their definitions:

3) Bornina

Task number 3.

1. In which city was the largest and wonderful temple of the early Middle Ages?

(1 point)

3. Could the Baron, who gave an oath of loyalty to the Duke, to be considered a King's vassal? (1 point)

Task number 4.

Alexander the Great



Octavian August



Tsarevich Gautama

7. Military campaign in India

Qin Shihuan

Julius Caesar

9. Establishment of the Empire

Task number 5.

(8 points)

Prophet Mohammad.


To the history of the Olympiad

Among students grade 6

School tour

Task number 1. Analyze the historical source and answer the question.

An outstanding ancient Greek politician Pericles said so about his city: "Our state is the school of all ELDA, and each of us may easily show their identity in a wide variety of life conditions."

In which city lived in? Why did this city named the "school of the whole Eldla"? How could residents of this city show themselves? (5 points) -Athens

Task number 2. Select the right answer.(1 point)

1. For the great resettlement of peoples, the invasion of the depths of Asia nomads served:

A. Vandalov B. Ostode V. Vestpretya G. FrancD. Gunnov.

2. In which year Karl the Great was proclaimed by the emperor?

A. In 780 B. B. in 910. B. In 800 g. In 810

3. At what stage of the feudal staircase were peasants?

A. On the top B. on the bottomB. Not included in the feudal staircase

4. The device of society, in which the main groups are seniors and peasants, and the lands are in the hands of the seniors, called ...

A. Medieval civilization V. Agrarian civilization

B. Natural economyG. Feudal Public Build

5. Verden Treaty (843) secured:

A) adoption by Franks of Christianity b) the creation of the Frankish EmpireC) decay of the Frankish Empire

6. Which German tribe mainly populated the Scandinavian peninsula:

A) Westges b) isothes in) francD) Norman

7.Celsite the concepts and their definitions: 3 points

1) Lands a) land, granted to the hereditary ownership of Senor to his vassalu

2) feud b) forced labor dependent peasants in the farm feudal

3) Bornina C) collection of products or money feudal with dependent peasants

1a, 2a, 3b

Task number 3. Answer questions (1 point)

1. In which city was the largest and wonderful temple of the early Middle Ages? (Paris)

2. Why did the varangians differ from Normans and Vikings? (1 point)

3. Could the Baron, who gave an oath of loyalty to the Duke, to be considered a King's vassal? (1 point) (no)

Task number 4. Title the name of the ruler with a historical fact. (9 points)

Alexander Macedonsky -7.

1. Organization of the library of clay books

Ashurbanapal - 1.

2. Creating ancient laws

Konstantin - 8.

3. Construction of the longest wall

Octavian August - 6

4. Creating a new religion - Buddhism

Solomon - 5.

5. Construction of the temple of God Yahweh in Jerusalem

Hammurapi -2.

6. Capture of sole power in Rome

Tsarevich Gautama -4.

7. Military campaign in India

Qin Shihuan -3.

8. Resolution Christians openly pray

Julius Caesar -9.

9. Establishment of the Empire

Task number 5. Title the concepts and their meanings. Answer write to the table.

(8 points)

1. Natural economy A. Speech on a religious and moral topic.

2. Sermon B. Epoch in the history of mankind between the ancient world and the new time

3. Middle Ages V. The economy in which everything you need is produced in this area

and spent on its own consumption of the population of this area.

4. Islam is a complex pattern created on the basis of mathematical calculation.

5. Fresco D. Painting, made on the wall or ceiling of the temple on raw plaster.

6. Monastery E. Northern Germans, Norwegians, Swedes, Danes.

7. Normans J. Religion of many of the nations of the East, associated with faith in Allah and his

Prophet Mohammad.

8. Arabesque Z. Location of monks, a complex of buildings, acquired by a high wall.

Total points 34.

Carefully read the tasks. Ready answers and decisions write to the answer blank. If you feel difficulties, go to the next question. 45 minutes is given to the performance of all work. In tasks from 1 to 9, only one correct answer.

The impetus to the great resettlement of peoples was the invasion of the depths of Asia nomads:

A. Vandalov B. Ostode V. V. Vestya G. Frankov D. Gunnov.

2. In which year Karl the Great was proclaimed by the emperor?

A. in 780g. B. at 910g. B. In 800g. In 810g.

3. At what stage of the feudal staircase were peasants?

A. On the top B. on the bottom

B. Not included in the feudal staircase

4. The device of society, in which the main groups are seniors and peasants, and the lands are in the hands of the seniors, called ...

A. Medieval civilization V. Agrarian civilization

B. The natural economy of the feudal social system

5. Verden Treaty (843) secured:

A) adoption by Franks of Christianity b) the creation of the Frankish Empire

C) decay of the Frankish Empire

6. Which German tribe mainly populated the Scandinavian peninsula:

A) Westges b) Ostitudes c) Frank d) Norman

7. Main Tower in the Knight Castle:

A) refectory b) donjon c) town hall d) pagoda

8. All important questions in the tribe of Slavs were solved:

A) a nationwide meeting - veche b) military leaders

C) elders tribe d) priests

9. Finished winged phrases used by the population of the ancient world and the Middle Ages.

"Vassal of my vassal ___________________________."

"God, get rid of us from rage __________________________!"

"Travelers, tell Spartans about our death, are true ____________________________________________________."

All roads lead __________. "

10.Cimat the concepts and their definitions:

A) land, granted to the hereditary ownership of Senor to his vassalu

B) Forced labor dependent peasants in the farm feudal

C) collection of products or money feudal with dependent peasants

3) Bornina

1 1 . About what speech?

11.1. This man became the founder of a new religion and the state. Who is he?

A. Mohammed B. Justinian V. Karl Great

11.2. Read the text. Name the name of the ruler who asked for himself a gold bowl beyond his share. Do you remember what ended this story with the golden bowl of Susson? Write down the answer.

"And now, arriving in Susson, the king said when he folded all the extraction:" I ask you, Brave Warriors, do not refuse me to give out the deceit at least this vessel ... "When the king said this, those who had common sense, They answered: "Everything that we see here is a glorious king, belongs to you, like us we are subordinated to your domination. Do all that you will be pleased, for no one can oppose your power. " ... alone, frivolous with a loud cry raised the sequir and destroyed the bowl, saying: "You won't get any of this, except that it is supposed to you by lot." Everyone was amazed by this, but no one said a word, and the king was offended by meekness and patience. Holding a hidden wound in his chest, he took the bowl and handed it to the Messenger of the Bishop.

Gregory. Turner. "History of Franks".

11. 3. Read the text. In medieval times, this people were called differently. Remember and write down at least three names.

They were experienced shipbuilders who created the most advanced ships of their era. Ships they gave names: a long snake, a sea bird walking along the waves, a wind devour, a wolf. They even wrote about their poems ships and carved their image on the stones. Long, elegant vessels, high-speed and reliable, lungs for rowing or even for transfer them in hand if necessary, have been in length about 18 meters and 2.6 meters wide. The ship's nose was decorated with a dragon head. The navigators themselves were skillful Morelods. ... could sail many days away from the shores, without the help of navigation devices. They kept a course on the sun, the moon and the stars. The depth and temperature of the water in the ocean helped them determine their location. On the way from Norway to Greenland, the sailors kept the course on the movement of the shoals of herring, cod or pikes.

They were still merciless warriors-conquerors who kept in the Middle Ages in fear of all Europe.

12. Decide the crossword and find out the keyword.
1. "The city of the Prophet"
2. Large landowner
3. Nomads from Asia, the invasion of which served to the resettlement of peoples
4. Normans from the south of Scandinavia, are known in Russia called .......
5. Military servant. Got the land for the service
6. Abbot of the monastery
7. Small landseller who did not have vassal

8. The tower with which the call for Muslim prayer sounds

9. The language in which they taught in medieval schools


Right answers

All-Russian Olympiad Schoolchildren

On history. School stage. 6TH GRADE.

Quest Number

Correct answer

Quest Number

Correct answer


1. "Vassal of my Vassal is not my vassal!"

2. "God, save us from Raorman Normanov!"

3. "Traveler, tell Spartans about our death, right

the laws of their own, here we have fallen. "

4. All roads lead to Rome!

6 points for each right statement, only 24

1B, 2a, 3 b





Normans, Vikings, Varyags

9 L.

6 A.

2 F.

3 g

5 B.

8 O.

4 B.

7 R.


Each word - 3 points, including key

Total 30 points


Olympiad, which will make the story closer and clearer!

For students of grades 6-11 and students of I-II courses, I-Issuz launch the next stage of the Olympiad on the history of Russia. The event is indispensable for those who wish to systematize the material passed.

How taught the history of Russia in the center of "Mega-Talent": For students and students, unique sets of tasks based on the school program were prepared. Tasks have several levels of complexity. So it will not be boring anyone.

What themes repeat this season:

  • The emergence of a person in Russia is the first tribes
  • Formation of state
  • Russian Empire in different centuries
  • Interrelation of political, social and historical events
  • Events of the XX century
  • The newest history of Russia

The tasks of the Olympiad correspond to the GEF and help:

  • Send the basic historical knowledge.
  • Purchase the experience of a historical and cultural, civilization approach to the assessment of social phenomena, modern global processes.
  • To form respect for the historical heritage of the peoples of Russia.

The organizer and parents are waiting for individual awards.

And we will send a separate thanks
in your educational institution

Also you get

Gifts to all participants All participants receive a special "achievement table" in which you can make information on the results of participation in our activities and personal achievements.

Infographics Teachers who submitted an application for 10 or more participants will be able to get a personalized class rating in the form of infographics

Infooplakat announcement With the help of infooplast, you can easily start organizing our event in your educational institution Download infooplakat

  1. Register on the site website.
  2. Apply for participation, specifying the number of participants.
  3. Confirm the application by paying it convenient for you.
  4. Only one name of the Olympiad curator and one name of the educational institution can be specified in one application, which will be reflected in premium materials of participants and curator. You can submit several applications for the event, if required.
  5. Use the obtained methodological materials for the Olympics (guidelines, tasks for each category of participants, replies forms).
  6. Load the work of students before going to summarize.
  7. Download premium materials from your completed application after the day of publishing results.
  1. Students must solve all tasks on their own, without help.
  2. Refer to the fill in the response table - the result of the participant may depend on it!
  3. Correctly fill in all the necessary fields. The time to change the entered data is limited.
  4. Remember that at a timely not added work of the participants of the Organization is not refundable!

Who can win the Olympiad?

Our methodologists make up tasks that correspond to the school program. They are easier than on regional competitions, but more interesting and more diverse than on school controls. With our tasks, excellent students and students know the material at a sufficient level. However, the experience of participation in the Olympiads is interesting and students with a satisfactory level of knowledge.

We participated in the Olympiad last season. In this Olympiad tasks the same?

No, for each season we prepare new tasks. The tasks of different seasons are based on different sections of the curriculum. You can re-take part in the Olympics.

What does a set of tasks of the Olympics look like?

On the issue of issuing tasks, all teachers who paid participation can download a set of materials for the Olympics, which includes:

  • Methodical recommendations for the Olympiad.
  • Motivational letter of the participant from the director of the MDG "Mega-Talent".
  • Set of 15 tasks of various types.
  • Calendar of upcoming events.

How are the results of the Olympics?

After you make answers to a special table on the site, they will be transferred to the check for each correct answer. The student receives 2 points. If the test question assumes two options for the answer and the student indicated only one option correctly, it will receive 1 point.

How are rewards distributed?

  • The participant of the Olympiad, which received 30 points, is awarded the highest award - the winner's diploma.
  • Participants who received 26-29 points are awarded 2 and 3 places and diplomas are issued.
  • All other participants receive name certificates.

Awards can be downloaded on the day of summing up.

How to pay participation in the Olympics?

For payment, use one of the proposed ways:

  • Bank card Visa / MasterCard / Maestro
  • Wallet Qiwi Wallet.
  • Wallet Yandex.Money
  • Translation through a bank or office of Russian Post
  • Cash in self-service terminals

In order not to pay for each event separately and every time you never fill out all the data for payment, you can replenish your personal balance.

How can you save on payment of participation in the Olympics?

We compensate the cost of holding the Olympics. The more students are indicated in the application, the higher the percentage of compensation for the teacher's expenses.

You can also save, rapid balance on the site. When replenishing the balance, you will receive a bonus of 7-20%, depending on the amount of replenishment.

Why do teachers choose the Mega-Talent Olympics?

  • Simple application form
  • Convenient access to methodological materials and awards
  • Independent entry of answers and work on errors
  • Compensation of the costs of printing of tasks and premium materials
  • Unique and variety of tasks

Photos of participants

More than 1000 reviews from satisfied teachers

I express a huge thanks to the administration of the MDG MEGA TALANT, I and my daughter, a student of grade 1, I really liked everything! All quickly, modernly relevant !!

Lily Sharifullina

FKU IK-4 GUFSIN of Russia in the Chelyabinsk region

I really liked the first day of the conference - thanks !!!

Thank you so much for the opportunity, we became the participants of the International Olympiad of the ISO. The guys liked. Site work is excellent! Successes.

Marina Marisova

Thank you very much for the contest. Students with pleasure take part. The organization of the competition is very good. The support service promptly works. We hope for further participation in your contests.

Olga Zhukova

branch MBOU Sosnovskaya Sosh No. 2 in p. Right lamps

On behalf of the participants, thank you for very interesting tasks. Tasks correspond to the age category. Children are very satisfied. We plan to continue to actively take part in the Olympics. Budzheva Marina ....

Marina Budzheva


Participated for the first time in the conference. Students liked it. The organization of the Olympiad is good. Many thanks for the possibility of online events.

Igor Semenihin

Taganrog Technical Academy of Construction Industry and Technology

Thank you so much for organizing and holding the Olympics. Everything is very wonderful, promptly and organized. We will be happy to participate other events.

Alexander Sklyar

Thanks for the ability to check the studied in such a bright, attractive, simple form. More thank you for an independent assessment.

Galina Palaeva

Our students have been participating in subject Olympiads for the subject of "music", they really like literally all the tasks and gifts, thank the organizers of such olympiads, very ...

galina Polyakova

Thank you, the tasks were interesting and understandable. MKOU Oosh S. Kolyanur

Alevtina Kuzminy

MKOU Oosh S.Kolyanur

Thanks for the organization of the Olympics. The tasks are compiled correctly, taking into account the passage of the program. Successes!

Elena Belozerova

MKOU "Kremin School"

Thank you for the events! We wish you success! We will also participate!

Daria Drunknikova

Thank you very much for the contest. Students gladly worked. The organization of the competition is very good. The support service promptly works. We hope that we will again take part in your contests.

Natalia Alova

MOU "Lomonosovskaya Gymnasium" Petrozavodsk Republic of Karelia

We often participate in free competitions on your site. Many thanks for their holding and colorful diplomas! Children and parents like it!

Tatyana Lunegov

MOU "SOSH №132 with an in-depth study of natural-ecological profile items"

Take part in the Olympiad with graduates of grade 6. Issues are interesting, the disciples liked. We plan to take part in the future. Thanks to the organizers!

Tatyana Logacheva

Mega-Talent is an educational center that spends remote Olympiads of the All-Russian and international level. Participants in Olympiads on the history of Russia every season is becoming more than two thousand students of grades 6-11 and students of I-II CSS courses. Participants of the Olympics receive certificates or diplomas I-III degree. Teachers who organized the Olympics, we issue a certificate and gratitude.

The results of our work for the year:

  • Expanded the list of olympics disciplines to 47 school items and conducted 400 remote olelympiads.
  • It helped more than 10,000 schoolchildren from 12 countries to express themselves in the Olympics on the history of Russia.
  • Pay teachers of 2.500,000 rubles to compensate for the costs of the Olympiad.
  • Deserved the confidence of teachers. Once again at the Olympics, 98% of teachers become permanent organizers.

5 steps towards teacher

We try to make cooperation with each teacher effective and comfortable. To do this, we follow 5 points.

  1. Open access to the Olympics tasks for all classes through your personal account.
  2. Every season is changing the design awards to diversify the portfolio of students and teachers.
  3. Compensate to teachers spending on the printout of tasks, diplomas and certificates.
  4. We hand over the gifts to the active organizers of the Olympics.
  5. We answer the teacher's questions promptly in the online chat, in the mail and in Skype.

Benefits of remote Olympics "Mega-Talent"

The remote Olympiad is an Olympiad that every teacher can organize. You independently choose time and place for the educational event. Thus, students take part in the All-Russian Olympiad or even an international scale, while not leaving the walls of their school.

In the usual setting, the participants of the Olympiad are less nervous and worried. This means that they pay more attention to solving tasks and can achieve a better result.

The tasks of the MEGA-Talent Olympics correspond to GEF and are drawn up taking into account the content of the curriculum on the history of Russia.

Task sets for each class consist of 15 test questions of different types:

  • Questions with one right answer.
  • Questions with several correct options for answers.
  • Questions for analytical and chronological sequence.
  • Tasks for the correlation of two data series.
  • Tasks for working with illustrative sources.

The cost of participation in the Olympiads on history

Pupils are allowed to the Olympiad after payment of the HIGAvarus. We return to the teacher up to 30% of each attendance, as compensation for the expenditures on the Olympiad. The final amount of compensation depends on the number of participants in the Olympiad. Detailed compensation conditions you can find out afterregistration.
All teachers who organized and conducted the Olympics fall intoteacher rating . Every month we give gifts to the leaders of the rating - teachers who attracted the greatest number of students to participate in the Olympiad.

How often do we spend the Olympics on the history of Russia?

Throughout the school year, 7 distant Olympiads are held in the MDG "MEGA-TALANT": 3 All-Russian, which are held for seasons, 3 international, which are held in breaks between All-Russian, as well as the final Olympiad at the end of the school year.

The tasks for each season of the Olympics change and are complemented by the material of the sections of the curriculum traveled by the Olympics.

How do we check the responses of the participants?

Checking the responses of participants is in automatic mode. After making teacher responses to the site, they automatically follow the key added to the system. On the day of publishing results, access to premium materials for participants and teachers.

How to spend the Olympics on the history of Russia?

  1. Register with Mega-Talent site.
  2. Apply for participation, specify the number of participants.
  3. Pay for the Organization to confirm participation in the Olympics.
  4. Download tasks and guidelines, familiarize yourself with their content.
  5. Print tasks and run the Olympics.
  6. Make the responses of the participants in the name plate on the site.
  7. On the day of summing up, download certificates and diplomas for students, as well as your testimony and gratitude.

How to pay for the Organization to participate in the Olympiad on the history of Russia?

You have access to the following payment methods:

  • Payment of a bank card (online);
  • Payment by receipt, in the Russian Post Office;
  • Payment by electronic payment systems (online).

Can schoolchildren and students from Russia participate in the event?

We are glad that not only those who live in our country are interested in studying the history of Russia. In the Mega-Talent Olympiads, everyone can participate, regardless of geographic location. The only condition is the knowledge of the Russian language at the level sufficient to understand the tasks of the Olympiad.

Answers to other frequently asked questions We have published here


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