How the word is written. Separate writing of unions

How the word is written. Separate writing of unions

    Soyuz but It is written in a mercury, the meaning is close to the Union but: Motherland did not wait for them but (but) they could not live without their homeland (Peak.). Union should be distinguished from a combination of index pronouns, then with the pretext for. The pronoun is easily replaced by nouns or distributed by pronoun (for the very); To pronoun, you can put a question for what?: Not for (for what?) wolf beat that gray, and for (for what?) that the sheep ate (last); cf, also: Cleanichel ... despised him [Melnikova] forthat this person is hardly the main creator of the road, failed to enrich himself, and lived on one salary (Peak.) - Replacing a combination of the union but is impossible. - The heat comes, and the morning voices are cleaned, but (but) comes life insects(Prge.).

    Unions also and also They are picked, are synonymous and easily replaced each other. In addition, they are synonymous with the Union and, which can be used as a means of distinguishing these unions and combinations of particles, with adorption, so or with pronoun: the same: Yes (s) hell also (Also) no one seen, but don't anyone tell you a good word about him? (Peak.) - The replacement of unions does not change the meaning of the sentence. The combinations are the same and can not be replaced by the union and, and the particle can be omitted in them, and the sense of the proposal will not change. In addition, often, the same pronoun following the combination of the same) that, and the combination is also adjustable as; Sometimes the specified combinations precedes the location word all (as an amplifying particle): The patient's condition today the same And yesterday; Wed: state what And yesterday; Her strong, magnificent, the trained body resisted the transition to zero-space as well as Drivers ZLV(EPR.); Wed: as At drivers; everything sosame , as At drivers; In the failure without depth - how does it live, cute? Whether as well as me with another? (CV.); Wed: sowhether as me with another?

    Note 1. In some cases, the general meaning of the proposal or the characteristics of its structure helps delimit such alliances and combinations. Wed: In the audience also Listened to carefully. - In the audience alsolistened to carefully- in the first case, the value "and in the audience listened carefully", and in the second - "the same listened to the same thing"; Only one month all same brilliantly sailed into the immense deserts of the luxurious Ukrainian sky, and same Beautiful was the earth in the marvelous silver brilliance(G.) - In the first part, only separate writing is possible, as in the second, as it is about the beauty of impressions, and not about transferring actions.

    Note 2. Always picked too much as particles: Also I was invented! Also I am a helper.

    Soyuz to (so that - talking) is written in a punch, refers to the subordinate unions with a target or an extreme value. It should be distinguished from a combination of pronouns that with a particle would be; In combination, the particle would be easy to lower without changing the meaning of the sentence; Wed: It is worth carefully reading at least the "Northern Forest", to Make sure that(Paust.) - To read why? for what purpose? - Target Union so that; I will say in advance, I really want to My biography showed: I lived, as I wrote, and wrote how I lived(Enter.) - Want what? - Anonyaous Union so that. - He certainly wanted to become a hero and was ready to do any, the worst, what would He was offered(Sim.); Wed: what He was offered would be ; On the what would (); Wed: On the whatIt seemed necessary to have a plush such destruction of such products?
    Sometimes the choice of the union so that or combinations to depends on the sense of the sentence; Wed: No such force to stopped it before these difficulties - (No ... For what?) - Target relationships, so that - the Union and the permutation is impossible. No such force what would He stopped it before these difficulties. - No such force what stopped would be his... - Possible permutation: no power? - Determination, therefore, a variant of separate writing is possible.

    Unions trait and moreover They are picked together, they must be distinguished from the combination of the pretext with pronouns, while and at what. The unions have an infinitive value, synonymous and easily replaced each other; They have synonyms and, at the same time, besides: I decided to wrap under the carport, where our horses stood, see if they have food, and trait (and, moreover, at the same time) caution never interferes (T.); He returned in two hours and received the same answer, moreover (Moreover, besides, at the same time) Lacia somehow looked at him (T.).
    The combination of what is used in question deals or in complex proposals in the joining of anxious additive: At what Are our relationship here?; I asked him, at what Here visitors are visiting if they do not have anything to do with his work. The combination of Tom is assumed to be answered to a question containing a combination of what: Our relationship tomthat I can not make this proposal (answer to the question: At what Are our relationship here?).

    Note. The combination of nothing is written in three words: Truth speaking, here pike neither with. She did not swim here (Kr.).

Separate writing of unions

    Explanatory unions are written separately i.e (Abbreviated on the letter denotes i.e.) and that you mean (collapse): She was raised in an old one i.e Surrounded by Mamukham, Nyanyushi, girlfriends ... (P.).

    Separately written composite unions (consisting of two or more words) in order to because, since, so, whereas, while and etc.


soyuz and narch.

1. union.

At the same time, in addition to this, besides.

This quarrel ended in that both sides, the charter swear, turned to my arbitration court, and they tried to shout each other. Mamin-Sibiryak, Avva.

The bark of larch and ate is a good tubeer, and the larch bark is still on the preparation of paint and alcohol. A. V. Kozhevnikov, on tundra, forests, steppes and deserts.

2. narch. questioning.

Why?, For what basis?

[Scheclov (Considering Maps):] will come. [Lebedekina:] Yes, you look good! --- What is this lady? And she is here? A. Ostrovsky, late love.

Small academic dictionary. - M.: Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Evgeniev A. P.. 1957-1984.


Watch what is "and" in other dictionaries:

    And, the Union. The same as happening. And and the Union is the same as. And still (and more), the union is the same as. Neight, and it is still arguing. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Swedov. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    - (or at what), union. In addition to this; Also. He did not agree with my argument, and immediately added that it did not quite understand him. || And it is necessary to take into account that ... five thousand spent on the construction, and some of the money was obtained in ... ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    Becheo, the start. POST. BP. from happiness. Explanatory dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    and - Moreover, the Union (about came, and IVO has faeged), but within a place. What (with what T UT?) ... Russian spelling dictionary

    and - Moreover, the union task is important, and urgent. Cf. Preposition with a place. What: What is your parents ...

    prichim. - 1 Non-Stmіnikovan Slovenikova Vyanikovaya Vodnikova Odysino, Neshmіnuyuwan Slovenikova Odinitia ... Orphographic Slovenian Ukrainian Movie

    Preach. (abbreviation) Communion Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Swedov. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    moreover - Moreover, in the meaning. S.Ozuz ... Ply. Apart. Through a hyphen.

    becheo - [Choi] ... Dictionary of use letters E

    and - (Union) ... Dictionary of use letters E

    between - And at least (due; (accurate) ... Dictionary of use letters E


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The combination is used in question deals, for example: what is it with his claims? You should not mix the combination of the pretext with pronoun (with what) and the union with the connecting value (and \u003d "In addition to this", for example: the experiment was successfully carried out, and for the first time).

Something I can't figure out how this word is written correctly. It happens when it suddenly swings on something simple. The combination of "Neither" is written in three words using a particle "nor". Such writing is codified in all spelling dictionaries. I'm here "not with what", but so sometimes it develops in a lot of writing people that the usual usual words suddenly suddenly put in a dead end and make them think about it - and how to write them right? If there was no pretext here, it would have happened a negative pronoun - tow.

Watch what is "and" in other dictionaries:

We look. Here, "with something", we act as a pretext (with) and pronoun (as), in connection with which we write separately. So, and so. Dlya or separately - depends on the semantic load and context. 1. Place. Narch. Why, why on earth. And here are these people? And here is your job? The combination of "Neither" is written into three words: the truth says, here is a pike with nothing. She did not swim here. The combinations are the same and can not be replaced by Soyuzomi, and the particle can be omitted in them, and the sense of the proposal will not change.

And still (and more), the union is the same as. Neight, and it is still arguing. The XVIII century hairstyles, Jesse Russell.

The rules for spelling unions in Russian are pretty simple: you need to remember which unions are written in a pony, and which separately. Just Vlad learned how the combination is written. Oh, as soon as it does not hover this phrase! 2) It remained nothing to do with empty hands, this is not a negative particle, and this option is reflected in Dalya and Ushakov's dictionaries. It seems to be written in three separate words, after the daughter's exam, he studied a little, just need to remember. But you enter your rule in the absolute, and the "nor" particle is used not only in those values \u200b\u200bthat you described. Moreover, "this is the connecting union that is written in a punk: I love to read, and much and with interest.

So, in particular, the Dictionary of T. F. Efremova denotes this expression.

In the failure without depth - how does it live, cute? Lightly, just like me with another? Union so that (in order to explode) is written in a firmware, refers to the subordinate unions with a target or an extreme value. G.); Wed: What, it seemed, I needed a plush such destruction of such products? Sometimes the choice of the union so that or combinations to depends on the sense of the sentence; Wed: No such strength to stop him in front of these difficulties - (no ...

2. The unions are also written in a punch (in one word), both of the union synonymous and; Wed: You also rested in the Caucasus? 4. The Union is written in a punk (in one word): Rock up the mountain here is cool, but the road is beautiful. Union should be distinguished from a combination for that (pronouncing with the pretext): the workers received a premium for completed construction ahead of schedule. 6. Explanatory unions, that is, then you are written separately (in two words): drank in ordinary, that is, a lot (P.); Third day, then you mean that week, I tell the older ... (Sleptz.).

"Well, I have nothing to do with the brick here," a famous children's surcharge, that's just an adult age, it is unlikely that it will help you to properly write this verbal design. In this article, we will deal with how "non-coming" is written. But for many complex item from a huge number of Russian rules.

How is the word "non-coming"?

Most often people write just for rumor. They hear that "non-notable", but the spelling is absolutely not according to this option. According to the rules of the Russian language, the only correct writing is "nothing". Separately, in three words, with "nor" at the beginning, but not the particle "not".

In fact, it is enough just to understand the lexical importance of this verbal design in order not to get to be accepted and write it correctly. In the dictionaries, the following wording of the value of this phrase is used: "The predicative spoken estimate phrase used to express innovation to something." Speaking in a simpler language, "I mean," means someone or something that has nothing to do with someone or something. That is, the object A and in no means connected. A more spacious equivalent may also be the phrase "not in cases".

Why "nor"?

We found out that the spelling rules about "Non-notch" say. But why do you need to eat "nor", because we hear "nothing and"? A logical question, given that in all explanations, the negative particle "not" is used.

Everything is very simple. The lexical meaning of the particle "nor" is the increase in denial. That is, in the case of the verbal design "I have nothing to do with the importance of an object of action or a characteristic to whom or anything.

Examples of spelling. "Non-good" is wrong!

  1. These kids scattered pencils and markers, and their older brother and sister here have nothing to do with it.
  2. For me there is no doubt that you have nothing to do with it.
  3. Luck here is nothing to be the key to my success in persistent work.

Good luck to all readers on the thorny way of learning Russian. We hope that you will no longer have to ask again how "non-coming" is written.

In addition to this; Also. He did not agree with my argument, and immediately added that it did not quite understand him.

|| And we must take into account what... five thousand spent on the construction, and some of the money was received on credit.

Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.


Watch what is "and" in other dictionaries:

    And, the Union. The same as happening. And and the Union is the same as. And still (and more), the union is the same as. Neight, and it is still arguing. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Swedov. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Becheo, the start. POST. BP. from happiness. Explanatory dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    and - Moreover, the Union (about came, and IVO has faeged), but within a place. What (with what T UT?) ... Russian spelling dictionary

    and - Moreover, the union task is important, and urgent. Cf. Preposition with a place. What: What is your parents ...

    prichim. - 1 Non-Stmіnikovan Slovenikova Vyanikovaya Vodnikova Odysino, Neshmіnuyuwan Slovenikova Odinitia ... Orphographic Slovenian Ukrainian Movie

    Preach. (abbreviation) Communion Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Swedov. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    moreover - Moreover, in the meaning. S.Ozuz ... Ply. Apart. Through a hyphen.

    becheo - [Choi] ... Dictionary of use letters E

    and - (Union) ... Dictionary of use letters E

    between - And at least (due; (accurate) ... Dictionary of use letters E


  • Hair "S Hower. Wedding hairstyles and style. Issue 6 (+ app), please inform you that now the sixth generation of brides go married with our hairstyles! And our edition is doing six times in a row doing everything possible so that the hairdresser is to offer ...
  • Lock Burning, curl black. History of female hairstyles, Rezanov Natalia Yuryevna. Foundes in the excavations of Paleolithic ridges testify to the first steps of hairdressers. His story amazes bold experiments over the female head. Changing the styles of ladies hairstyles ...

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