Two cigarette domestic jacket suede three. Three tape recorders, three kinocamera overseas ...

Two cigarette domestic jacket suede three. Three tape recorders, three kinocamera overseas ...

Today there were traffic jams, and tomorrow I will catch the whole house.

Three times I divorced. And never worried so much.

Shurik, your device will destroy you.
- My apparatus, Zinichka, will glorify me. And you at the same time.

Somehow even pulls to arrange a scandal.

Send Zinaide Mikhalovna that Rosalia Frankivna spoke Anna Ivanovna: "Capitolina Nikiforovna Dublinski offers."

Whether I am your wife, I would also leave.
"If you were my wife, I would hang."

Citizens! Keep money in savings offices. If, of course, you have.

When you say, Ivan Vasilyevich, such a feeling that you are raised.

I can permeate the space and go into the past.

I am an artist of large and small academic theaters.

Put the tube! Skid, hat.

Moved, demons!

That's what a cross-grading cross does!

Where is the king?
- It is necessary to eat!

They can't shout, they have long been dead dead.
- Have you seen how the dead are shooting?

Alas to me, Kudeschnik, send me back.

Do you drink vodka?
- Anise.

Take you from my cup.
- What for?
- We taste.
- Do you think I want to poison you? Dear Ivan Vasilyevich, we have not been accepted. And the sprats in our age are much easier to poison than vodka.

I also had one that was - the wings did.
- Well, well, well, well.
- I planted him on a barrel with gunpowder, Fly Flying.

How to catch, Yakina to plan!

I'm here, and I got the Swedes there!

Yes, dog with them!

Live to take demons!

Eureka! Royal clothes! Dress, you will be king!

There were demons, do not deny. But they are self-orded.

Batyushka king, who is this?
- This is the buddy Anton Semenian Shpak.

I throw my husband, this holy person with all the amenities ..!

So he dodedly repressed for the contributor: he wanted to reign and own everything?! Male death!

What are you going to hurt, siddle?

U, the only stupid hob!

This role is abusive, I ask her to apply it.

My life ...
- What is your life, a faddy dog?

Oh, haruging the beauty of Lepa! Shornly with lips, eyebrows soybean ...

Well, the beard is a multi-faceted, if you are thinking about you ...

Alone, we were late as a plane.
- Then piss off!

Oh, the beauty is what! Lepota!

Yes, you are that, Sukin Son, the impostor, other people's lands dilute!

Reception is over, lunch break.
- King the trapes wants!

The kidneys of the holy pended, the heads of the brain with garlic ... Black, red caviar, red ... Yes, Overseas Icra, Eggplant.

Well, the king, shuddered!

Leave me, old woman, I'm sad!

- I hear from the scent!
- Half!
- Now the police will figure out who of us the cooler!

Very nice, king.

Waiter, kidney once a queen!

How is your patronymic name?
- Marfa Vasilyevna I.

If you want to know, we, kings, for the harmfulness of the milk must be issued.

Oh, yes you, your wellness, bounted!

Eh, Martus, whether we are in sorrow!

Dear autocrats, we disappeared!
- I demand the continuation of the banquet!

- Rurikovichi we.

Yes, you tell me what kind of wine on me, boyar.
- Tambov wolf you boyar.

Kazan took, Astrakhan took, Revea took ... Shepaca did not take.

Lives. Share - no one will believe.
- In the police believe.

With delight, I indulge in my hands of my own militia, I hope for her and I hope.

I repent that, although not in my own will, but by the coercion of Prince Miloslavsky, temporarily performed the duties of the king.

Three tape recorders, three kinocameras of foreign, three cigarettes of domestic, suede jacket ... Three jackets. And they are still struggling for the honorary title of the house of the rushing culture of life!

And you will cure, and you will cure you too, and they will cure me.

I would at your place for the doctoral dissertation immediately sat down.
- No need to hurry, I always have time to sit down.

The police were offended, it was sewn.

What, have you been released from a crazy house?

Mercy! And glasses dressed!

Looked you on your head! Slap all.

The People's Comedy itself of the USSR "Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession" today marks 40 years. Mikhail Bulgakova, shot on the play, Leonid Gaidai's film shines witty, and quotes out of it forever in our everyday speech, becoming covered and involuntarily causing a smile on her lips.

Today the portal remembers the favorite phrases from the cult cinema, spoken by the favorite actors.

Yuri Yakovlev (Ivan Vasilyevich Buncha and John Grozny)

You are mistaken, dear, this is a public thing. You drastically reduce our indicators with your divorces.

Take up, take up, comrade Timofeev, before, you understand, see the ancient Moscow - without the sanction of the relevant authorities!

I am tormented by vague doubts ...

The king is very nice, hello, king!

Do you think we are easily king? Yes, nothing like that, philistine talks ... we, kings, for the harmfulness of milk you need to give for free!

Hey, man! Human! Waiter! Kidney once a queen!

I need to continue the banquet!

You still answer your antisocial experiences, hooligan!

With delight I indulge in my hands of my own militia, I hope for her and I hope ...

Ulyana Andreevna, I reigned! But you did not change! I was seduced by the queen, but I did not succumb to, I swear!

I hear from the impostor!

Oh, hard to me! Molvi again, you are not a demon?

The key to vodka did.

What Boris-king?! Borisk - for the kingdom?! So he is crazy, let him pay for the preoccupued?! He himself wanted to reign, all Volodytte?! Male death!

Do you hurt the fuck, death?!

Pray, sick son, say goodbye to life!

And the boyars - the beauty of Lepa! Chervlena lips, an eyebrow soor ... Why do you still need a dog?

Well, you get married, Khoronyaka, the prince lets her.

Oh, Besmeric Odea, Oh, temptation!

Moved, demons!

That's what a cross-grading cross does!

Leave me, old woman, I'm sad ...

Kazan took ... Astrakhan took ... Revel took, Shpaka ... N-did not take.

Lite, dog! AZ EMS Tsar!

The police were offended, the case sew!

Leonid Kuravlev (Georges Miloslavsky)

This I successfully went!

Citizens, keep money in savings checkout! If, of course, you have.

I am an artist of large and small academic theaters; And my last name - my last name is too famous for me to call it!

And what are you looking at me so much, my father is native? There are no patterns on me, and the flowers do not grow.

Ugh on you. Ugh on you again!

Major! If you interfere again in the experiences of academician and become on the way of technical progress, I am! ..

You are not silent as a stump, I can not work alone.

Rough King says I am Prince Miloslavsky. Suitable for you?

There were demons - we do not deny it. But they are self-orded. So I ask this stupid panic to stop!

Enter the ambassador's citizen!

Such questions, an expensive ambassador, are not solved from Kondachka. We need to consult with comrades, go for a week.

Give your king my flame hello!

Everybody's Free! Yes, the convoy is also free. The convoy is free!

Fedya, why do you quiet about the kidneys? Come here.

Oh, yes you, your wellness, bounted!

No need to hurry, I always have time to sit down.

Dear autocrats, we disappeared.

What do you mean? I ask you - you are on what, royal muzzle, hint?

Alexander Demyanenko (Shurik Timofeev)

When you say, Ivan Vasilyevich, the impression is that you are raised.

If you were my wife, I would hang!

Do you think I want to poison you?! Dear Ivan Vasilich, we have not been accepted. And the sprats in our age poison it much easier than vodka, - Drink boldly!

And what, have you been released from a crazy house?

Natalia Selezneva (Zina)

I have a glove in the cafe ... and I loved the other!

He is reported that his wife leaves him, and he is "so-so-so-so"! Even somehow impolite! And you know, somehow even pulls to arrange a scandal ...

I throw a husband - this holy person with all the amenities!

So this is a suitcase of the scoundrel of Yakina took!

Vladimir Etush (Comrade Shpak)

And me, Zinaida Mikhailovna, robbed - a dog with the police promised to come ...

Oh, it's you rehearse ...

It's natural as you play ... And the king you have such ... typical! On our Bunsho looks like.

This role is abusive, and I ask for it not to apply it! God, well, and a house with us! That is robes, they call ... And still fighting for the honorary title of "High Culture House", is a nightmare, a nightmare!

What is it for drunk trunks?! I will give you a complaint ... Collective!

Now the police will figure out who of us is a holding.

You need to eat!

Alica, Police? It says today's wretched shpak ...

Everything that has been hug away by unbearable, still died! Three tape recorders, three cinemamen of foreign, three cigarettes of domestic, suede jacket ... three ... jackets.

Mikhail Pugovkin (director Yakin)

Wait for me and I will come back.

I went with her scene, hysteric! This is my professional duty. Profession De Foi!

Paki ... izh cherub! Your shine, humble. By the way, you did not understand me ... I don't own languages, your wellness.

My life ...

Velmi Further ... I am very grateful!

Alone, we were late as a plane.

Natalia Krachkovskaya (Ulyana Andreevna Buncha)

However, you have a character ... I would be your wife, I would also leave.

Alexander Sergeevich, sorry that I worry you during your family drama. Ivan Vasilyevich not you?

Comrade Lieutenant, my wife I am alcoholic!

And you will cure, and you will cure you too ... and they will cure me ...

I learned you on your head, too, too!

Live to take demons!

Ya-ya, Komcus Volost ...

The kidneys of the harassment of the ridiculous, the heads of the brand with garlic ... Black Caviar, red ... Yes! Overseas caviar ... Eggplant!

The army rebelled! They say the king is unreal!

For whom (for what cases): For cases of personal bankruptcy of the former director.

Power of the document:Decision of the Arbitration Court of the district of the Russian Federation.

Situation scheme: Somehow remembered: three tape recorders, three kinocameras of overseas, three cigarettes of domestic, suede jacket ... Three jackets.

Comrade Former director, all in debt, suggests a statement about its own bankruptcy. All property had been sold to him at the time of the executive proceedings on judicial decisions to recover debts from him. What debts? Yes, so, on trifles. Then the damage to two more than a million of its former company, our former director learned. That the Zabdka grieved for 600 more than thousands of rubles. The former firm and the Zavodka turned out to be tenacious counterparties and all their damages from the former director were charged on the courts. Well, the bailiffs could, the director was delivered and sold. The former director remained, it seems to be completely nothing with anything in his pockets. Bankrupt.

The court statement on bankruptcy from the former director accepted. The restructuring of his debts has begun. But then the main lender of the former director was rebelled against this idyll. The main lender tried to challenge and bankruptcy, and restructuring, they say wrong here everything, fictitious all this. According to the lender, the former director abused the right in the form of impractical information about his financial position.

Where is the abuse? In the secret property of the director. The lender assumed that the director, in a conspiractative manner, are three apartments, three cars, a private house and land plotDecorated on parents and purchased during his work director.

And yet, the Financial Manager appointed by the court, previously represented the interests of the former director in one of the cases preceding bankruptcy. Consequently, according to the creditor, the financial manager appointed by the court is an interested party!

The court of these arguments shallow. First, there is no property, officially registered for the debtor. For debt restructuring, this is not an obstacle. Secondly, the financial manager is not a close relative of the director's debtor, which means it is not a stakeholder.

Conclusions and possible problems: The director turned out to be far-sighted. His property registered on the relatives. As a result, the harsh hand of the law reached the director itself and called for him to answer. But the harsh hand of the law could not reach the director's relatives. Relatives are not the defendants for the affairs of the director. The property was saved. Row to search for a consultantPlus: "Unreliable information about your financial situation."

Question price: Bankruptcy of the former director.

Where to see Documents: ConsultantPlus, "Judicial practice":

(Information Engineers LLC and the Expert Legal Information Center and the Materials of Systems Consultant Plus are prepared.)

Russia demands to issue a bite of the family of Cheekov

Nana Hernandez-Getashvili is accused of embezzling money during the construction and design of the mansion of the general mines of the state corporation "Rostech".

The Prosecutor General's Office transferred materials to Spain to the extradition of the famous architect Nana Hernandez-Getashvili. She is accused of the State Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in Moscow in the embezzlement of money in the construction and work on the design of the mansion in the "Palace style" of the general director of the State Corporation "Rostech" Sergey Chemezova and his wife Catherine Ignatova. According to investigators, Hernandez-hetashvili received a large amount for work on this facility, but did nothing.

According to Rosbalt, a source in law enforcement agencies, the Spanish authorities received the other day from Russia for issuing Hernandez-Getashvili to Moscow. Now they are studied, the date of the extradition hearings has not yet been appointed. The architect itself is on freedom, but the possibility of its movements in Europe is limited. Hernandez-Guetashvili was detained at the end of 2017, when he arrived in Spain from Portugal, whose citizenship has. It turned out that the woman is in the international wanted list along Interpol. She was first put in prison, but then released free.

According to investigators, "the person who submitted to Hernandez-Getashvili" decided to make fraudulent actions against Catherine Ignatova and fraudulently received from the last more than 1 million rubles (for this wording the amount exceeds several million euros). As believed to the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, for this amount, the architect was supposed to exercise the construction and finishing work of the mansion in the village of Zhukovka near Moscow, as well as buy interior items. However, the promised was not done, Ignatova did not receive the money back. According to Rosbalt, Sergey Chezovov also participated in solving issues related to the construction.

According to the source "Rosbalt", Chezov and Ignatova initially conceived a grand project. According to their plan, the mansion of more than 4 thousand square meters should be erected in Zhukovka. m with a swimming pool, a winter garden, etc. It was envisaged that the height of the ceilings in the living room will be 6-8 m, on other floors - 4.5-5 m. Inside the building should be separated in the palace style, and walls and ceilings covered with wooden panels. The interior of the mansion thought as follows: Inlaid floors, marble mosaic, sandal and red doors. Marble, furniture, plumbing and curtains were delivered from Italy. However, in reality, everything went not at all according to plan.

According to the agency's interlocutor, when the House of the Chezovov family was mainly built, Hernandez-Getashvili was invited to participate in the project. According to agreements with their long-time familiar Ekaterina Ignatova, the architect carried out exclusively design control over the object - for the size of the premises, the position of the rooms, for the compliance of the design elements of the design of Hernandez-Getashvili. She did not have a relation to the construction of the house, and could not go to the interior work on objective reasons.

"Professional architect (not Hernandez-Getashvili) fulfilled only the first stage of the project, and then all the works were" from the sheet ", without construction documentation and preliminary estimates," the source of Rosbalt expressed, familiar with the situation. - As a result, a building with the walls of the meter thickness appeared, with overlapping more powerful than in the bunker. The roof was crooked, between her and the outer wall was the opening, where atmospheric precipitations had merged during several years. Wet walls did not allow finishing. There were big problems with communications. For example, four years after the start of building a house in the pool, they are generally absent. Sergey Chemezov went out when he visited this construction. "

According to the agency's interlocutor, carrying out designer control, Hernandez-Getashvili constantly stated the unpretentiousness of the object to decoration. The house for the face of the draft work did not come out, and Nana could not start his work, although all the materials necessary for this and interior items were already purchased in Italy. They were transferred to her in cash several million euros. "Nana stated that the house to the interior work is not ready, so she has" related hands. " However, the owners did not believe. All this led to conflict, especially because of money, already spent on the interiors. The history of the criminal case ended, after the initiation of which Hernandez-Getashvili went to Europe. Then she was charged in absentia, and then announced wanted.

A year ago it became known that Chemezov and Ignatov sold their unauthorized businessman from Kyrgyzstan Abdyrad Akmullayev.

The criminal case about the "mansion of Chezovova" is connected to one production with another case related to the construction of the cottage for the head of Onexima Dmitry Razumov.

According to investigators, representatives of INTER-GALS LLC transferred $ 3 million to representatives of En Ji Sinema LLC in the framework of certain agreements on the work in the cottage settlement "Lubushkin Khutor" in the territory of the town of Gorki-2. Allegedly not established representatives of the "En Ji Sinema" works did not fulfill, and the money could be assigned.

LLC "En Ji Sinema" owns Hernandez-Getashvili, the official founders of Inter-Gals LLC are two offshore. However, the source of Rosbalt, a familiar with the situation, believes that this company is connected with Dmitry Razumov, the chic mansion, located on a plot of 7 hectares, was also issued on it. According to the agency's interlocutor, in the account of these $ 3 million, Hernandez-Guetashvili was to make the internal interiors of the cottage, but unexpectedly reasoned to solve the estate. As a result, a conflict situation arose between him and architect ....


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