Installation of the gas column in private. Rules for connecting a gas water heater in an apartment and a private house

Installation of the gas column in private. Rules for connecting a gas water heater in an apartment and a private house

When solving the question about which water heater is better, most often, the choice stops on the gas. These devices are distinguished by reliability, as well as the ability to heat the large volume of water in real time due to their flow type. But, when installing a flow gas column in an apartment or a private house, some rules are required.

All work on connecting the column will not work properly. There are installation standards, in accordance with which the design and installation of gas equipment has the right only a gas service or an organization that has a relevant license. Simply put, connecting the apparatus to the gas highway with their own hands is prohibited. But all other works you have the right to spend yourself.

Before installing the gas column, you will need to order design documentation for installation and connection of equipment. Preparation of documentation will take some time that can be used to choose a water heater model.

The need to install the gas water heater appears in three reasons.

  1. If the gas service insists on the transfer of an aggregate to another room. Usually this transfer of a bathroom apparatus to the kitchenSince it was previously installed according to today's standards.
  2. In the case when the gas column is required, or replacing the outdated unit to the new, placing it in the same place.
  3. You have expressed a desire for the first time to establish a column, instead of other types of hot water supply. In this case, the house should be carried out a gas highway.

The choice of an aggregate must be taken with a special seriousness, since the installation of the gas column in the apartment, in the kitchen which is not built in the channel of the chimney channel (not to be confused with the ventilation channel), according to standards is not allowed. Output from this situation is the acquisition of a column having closed Camor Commerce. In such an unit, a coaxial tube is used as a chimney, which is displayed through the wall outward. The engineer performing the project should notify you about such a situation.

Very often, the installation of a closed gas column is carried out in a private house, which is due to its easy installation.

Choose installation location

Despite the fact that the place of installation will be determined by the prepared project wishing to have a water heater in their kitchen, should know the rules for installing the gas column in the apartment.

Dismantling of the old aggregate

Before changing the gas column to a new one, it is necessary to remove the outdated or broken unit from the wall:

  1. It should be started from turning off the gas supply to the device, breaking the appropriate valve. After that, using the horned or adjustable key, unscrew the nut on the pipe or the hose through which the gas is supplied to the machine. If the nut on the pipe is easily unscrewed, due to the fact that it has been painted for a long time, you should use a special solvent for removal. After that, it is necessary to hold the gas pipe with one divorce key, and to another to turn the nut.
  2. The next step is the disconnection of the apparatus from the water supply. If, near the previously installed unit, it was not established crane for water overlapping, it will have to overlap the main crane in the entire apartment. But before connecting water to the new column, do not forget to install 2 cranes (one at the inlet to the unit, and the other on the output pipe). This will further greatly facilitate the maintenance of the water.
  3. At the next stage, you will need to remove the pipe connecting the chimney column, and unscrew all the mounts that hold the device on the wall.

Installing a new apparatus

If the installation of the water heater in the room is performed for the first time, then to properly install it, it is better to trust the employees of the relevant service. In the case of replacing the previously installed apparatus, installing the gas column with your own hands. But still without the attraction of gas workers when connecting the gas column in an apartment or in a private structure, it is not necessary, since the device must be registered.

The optimal option can be considered the installation of all equipment on the wall according to the project and connecting only a plumbing hose to the unit of the unit. Connect the gas column with your own hands to the gas hose and produce other works related to the combustible mixture, you do not have right.

Such a self-government is charged with an imposition of a fine, the amount of which significantly exceeds the amount of payment for the work carried out by a specialist.

The order of installation of the device does not differ originality. In a place on the wall, where the device will be located, it is necessary to mark fasteners. To do this, make calculation of the height of fasteners So that the vertical chimney pipe emerging from the unit had a size of at least 30 cm. And the pipe to chimney could be carried out at a certain angle, the value of which can be determined by using the scheme provided below.

According to this scheme, the Bosch gas column is installed, but it is relevant for the columns of other manufacturers.

After determining the mounting height, do the following:

  • measuring the distances between the fasteners on the column, transfer the obtained values \u200b\u200bto the wall using the construction level and tape measure;
  • using the perforator, do the holes in the wall under the dowel or hook brackets;
  • after screwing the hooks, suspend the unit on them;
  • now we establish the plumbing hoses, screwing them to the inlet nozzle of the water, and also to the drain;
  • to check the tightness of the connection of the hoses to the nozzles, you must open the feed cold water and a crane of hot water at the point of consumption;
  • after that, on the installed unit, you can fix the chimney pipe, using the scheme shown above, intended for the Bosch column, for convenience is allowed using corrugations (for this, a flange of the corresponding pipe diameter should be installed in the chimney);
  • to connect the gas pipe, you need to call a specialist who will make it correctly and give a document on registering the device.

On this, the procedure for connecting the gas column can be considered completed.

Installation standards

Conducting gas water heaters in buildings with many apartments should occur according to the following documents: Snip 42-01-2002, SNiP 31-01-2003 and SNiP 41-01-2003.

If the aggregate installed for the first time, or changes its location, it is necessary to prepare the following documentation:

  • aCT confirming the normal state of the chimney - this document is issued by services controlling ventilation channels and chimney channels;
  • technical passport for a water heating unit;
  • the application of the owner of housing for the reorganization of the apartment - it is submitted to the city administration;
  • prepared by the engineer Gorgaz project installation column;
  • application for work by employees of the gas service.

After receiving permission, experts will produce insert in stork (If necessary), the hose is connected to the span pipe and check the correct installation of the aggregate itself and the chimney pipe. Next, the gas worker is obliged to run the device and set it up.

Additionally, the owner must receive the following papers:

  • document from technical supervision;
  • act from fire service;
  • act certifying the operating column.

In addition, this project of the water heater installation must be listed.

In conclusion, we can say that the gas water heater is the most convenient and economical type of device to ensure the housing of hot water. Installation and independent connection should be carried out according to the established standards, and only until a certain point, namely, before connecting the device to the gas line.

Water heaters distinguish between consumed energy resources. Only gas columns and electric boilers apply to everyday life. If the water heater is replaced, the device with the same energy resource is mounted as the previous one. Installation of gas columns, like any instruments with such a power source, requires interference with relevant services. The cost of operation is significantly cheaper, since the use of electrical appliances is more expensive.

Cumulative water heaters

The household gas-type gas column copes with water heating in the best possible way. There are outdoor, flat and horizontal devices. Thanks to several available options, you can select the installation that enters the interior and the size of the room. In the process of designing a water heating system, it is necessary to take into account the ways of air inflows. Forced traction is created when the instruments are connected to the pipe derived on the street. Natural traction needs continuous air supply and connected to a common

Flowing water heaters

Setting the gas flow-type columns is most often in Russia. The average price of such aggregates in the domestic market is 15-20 thousand rubles. Sometime with the work of these devices there were small difficulties. It was necessary to follow the flame, so as not to root, and adjust the gas supply manually. Modern analogues are much easier to manage and present less danger.

Montaja rules

Each installation of such devices must be coordinated with gas services. For mounting speakers with an open camera, there are specifications that must be followed. Install the unit will independently be very difficult if it was not previously. It will be necessary to make binding to the main mains of gas and water. For this reason, the installation of flow-up water heaters is carried out in the kitchen. But at the same time it will not be able to set over the gas stove. The main requirement for the installation is the presence of special hoods. Previously, such speakers were installed in the bathrooms.


You can always change the outdated copy to the new one. To mount the flow gas water heaters in apartments and private houses, it is necessary to comply with the main positions: connecting to water supply and gas pipeline, installation of exhaust. If the column has already been established, then all of the above rules were respected earlier. It remains to simply mount another new unit.

Disconnect from gas and water

To dismantle an outdated unit, access to gas and water is overlap using the valves. First, the gas hose nut is unscrewed using a filter key. Instead, a metal tube can be installed. After that, the hose is unscrewed from the column. If the hose is whole, you can use it again. At the same time on the purchase of a new one should not save. The poor-quality hose can do much more expensive. After access to water is blocked, the column can be disconnected from water supply.

Dismantling smoke

After the pipe connecting the aggregate with chimney is removed, the water heater can be removed from the attachment. Before installation, you need to make sure that old fasteners are suitable for a new device.

Hide the aggregate

Setting gas columns requires compliance with some proportions. In the room, the height of the ceilings should be more than 2 m. The pipe vertical in the chimney should not be less than 50 cm. When the height of the ceilings is 2.7 m, the pipe may be more than 25 cm.


After the column was fixed with hoses or pVC pipesYou can connect it to the plumbing system. Next, you need to check the leak unit. If necessary, tweak all eyelid nuts. The column is connected to the gas pipeline with a high-quality new or old hose. After comprise, the entire eyeliner must be treated with soap solution in order to detect bubbles and determine the reliability of the connection.

The first installation of the gas column in a private house

If the installation has not been done earlier, it will be necessary to do an additional more difficult work. In addition to the usual rules, it is necessary to take into account that the wall on which the unit is planned to hang should be made of non-combustible material. The minimum water pressure in the pipes is 0.1 atmosphere.


The rules for installing the gas column require the choice of a suitable place under the exhaust. If chimney or fireplace is installed indoors, it is possible to use this ventilating space. IN otherwise In the lid, you can do the hole and insert about 2 m long. The installation is best done near the inner wall. In the absence of a landed channel, a housing tube for gas water heaters is used.

Fasten the unit on the wall

The gas column in the apartment is installed right under the pipe. The unit must be installed on an inaccessible height for children. At a suitable level, the holes are drilled in which the mounting elements are inserted, and then the column is screwed to the wall. With a flexible corrugation, the unit is connected to one end of the corrugation attached in the hole prepared earlier, and the other to the column.

Device connection

A tee is crashed to the gas to the pipe into the pipe. This can be done with gas welding. If a threaded connection is present, the tee can simply be screwed. Then you need to attach the gas screen. Now it is necessary to note the distance between the pipe and column. At the place of passage of eyeliner, attachments are cut into the wall. With their help, the pipe will hold more reliable. For these purposes, special clips are applied with latches. The pipe is connected to the column using and fitting.

Connection with plumbing

Installation of gas columns provides similar luggage in the pipe of the water pipeline. The holes in the wall for fasteners are drilled in the same way. Maevsky's crane can be installed and used when adjusting the water pressure. Magnesium and salt filters are mounted next to the column.

First start

You can take a test start after the installation of the gas column was carried out. The price for heating with electricity is significantly higher, so boilers are used less frequently. The gas crane opens, and the fuel enters the column. The joints of gas pipes are necessarily checked with water and soap solution. The leak will need to be eliminated if bubbles appear somewhere.

The launch of water is carried out, the crane of Maevsky opens, and all air is produced from the pipe. After that, batteries that feed the display and electronic ignition are inserted into the column. To check the operation of the system for the presence of hot water, you need to open the nearest faucet. First, the flow will be cold, then heating will turn on and the pressure will be warm. At first, the water will have a not very pleasant smell of fuel oil. The column needs to work for a while that the lubrication from the pipes washed away.

Required tools and components

Installation and repair of columns is always carried out using fittings for metal plastic, the water heater itself, the pipe cutter, salt filter, all the necessary cranes, including the device of Maevsky, wrench, drill, PVC water supply, special soldering iron for pipes, gas hoses, magnetic filter, Corrugations, screws and dowels.

Who is allowed to work with gas equipment?

Independent intervention in the work of the system is extremely undesirable. Column repair should always hold only a gas service officer having an appropriate tolerance. Just so you can be confident in normal work all system.


To do this, you will need a special belling hose. The eyeliner should not go beyond the oven in a hot spot. The hose can also be stretching so that the probability of damage does not occur. For threaded connections, sealing material is often used. To check the eyeliner for the presence of gas leakage, you need to smear it with soapy foam.

The insulating connection is neatly wound on the thread, and then a rubber gasket is inserted into the hose. After that, you can screw the eyeliner to the gas pipeline. It is not necessary to delay the threads. The stove is placed on the place of the old, the legs are adjusted in height so that the cooking surface is smooth.

The technique needs to remove the wallpaper or put a metal sheet if the wall is wooden. This will prevent possible fire during the work of the oven. The gas hose connects to the stove with a lining. After that, check all compounds with soap foam. To find out, it is better to consult an experienced employee of the relevant service.

Proper use of liquefied gas

If the gas stove is connected to the liquefied gas, you need to make sure that special nozzles are provided on the burners. Fixtures for natural gas have a significantly larger diameter of the holes. Often, during installation, this feature is not taken into account, and the flame periodically sweeps. Before purchasing hoses, it is necessary to take into account the features of the gas nozzle exit device on the stove.

Guarantees for the operation of devices

Reliability and quality of connectivity can only be provided by gas services. Independent installation of columns and slabs is prohibited by law. Unqualified interference with the operation of gas supply systems may cause an explosion, fire, cause harm to others.


The technology of installing gas columns is essentially nothing complicated. When replacing equipment to a new part preparatory work You can not perform. After dismantling the old unit, it is not necessary to reinstance the pressure in the pipes, as well as bring gas and water lines to the connection site. If the old eyeliner is preserved, it can be used when connecting new devices. Working with gas equipment can be trusted only by qualified specialists who have the appropriate tolerance.

Gas columns are considered one of the cheapest ways to solve hot water problems. This equipment is installed in most private houses. If the house is old, most likely, a column of an old sample is installed here, which may not only be ineffective, but also dangerous. A newer will allow hot water to prepare as much as possible. With a new device, you can not worry about safety, but to use them very convenient.

Standards and requirements that regulate the installation of gas columns in apartments

Deciding for a replacement, first of all, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for the installation of gas speakers in apartments and houses. Issues on the installation and connection of these aggregates are illuminated in SNiP. The document is called "gas distribution systems", and its number - 42-01-2002. If distribution systems or internal layout made on the basis of polymer pipes, then in addition to this document, there is another one - SP 42-101-2003. These are "General provisions for the design and construction of gas distribution systems from metal and polyethylene pipes".

The main requirement to replace the gas columns in the apartment, which is described in the bottom, suggests that any work relating to the organization of gas supply can be carried out only by specially trained people from gas farms or private organizations. The latter must have a license for these work. By law, any independent changes can lead to explosions. Also, independent work is punished with serious fines.

Pressure in the water supply system should be no less than 0.1 atmospheres. The column should be attached to the wall, which is finished with non-combustible materials. It can not be closer than ten centimeters to the stove or above it. It is strictly prohibited.

Do you need to decorate?

The replacement of the gas column to the new is not specifically executed. But if a new thing was established, where before the water heater was absent, then the official projects need to develop. Orders them in gas farms or companies licensed for similar work. Before approving the project, any installation work is prohibited.

If the column was already installed earlier

When replacing due to malfunction, not only the aggregate itself should be changed, but also his passport. When making an independent installation, the new column passport will not make a mark on entering the device into operation and inspections.

According to the requirements for fire safety in residential buildings, gas equipment survey is carried out annually. An independent replacement of the gas column is not able to hide from specialists. The instrument in this case will be turned off forcibly, and the pipe is seated.

After the remark is received, you will have to re-install the water heater. But it is done already with the involvement of certified firms and specialists. They will study ventilation channels. In old buildings, the channels are often clogged with various garbage. Operation of such moves can be dangerous.

What threatens the independent installation?

Even if the old gas column is replaced by a new one, it is not a guarantee that everything will be fine. If when mounting was performed in the gas pipe past the counter, it falls under the article by the Administrative Code. For this there is a fine.

In addition, the administrative penalty is provided, there is also an article from the law "On Fire Safety". According to him, the owner of the property may even incur criminal liability (depending on the severity of the consequences).

Materials and tools

To replace the gas column, you will need a perforator with a brown for concrete. You should also prepare a set of horn keys on 27/30 and 32/36, gas pipe key, sealant, fum-tape.

In addition to the column you should purchase a socket. This is a decorative element, with which they make input into the chimney on the wall. Need an oblique water filter. Alternatively, you can buy a system to mitigate water. To attach a water heater to the water supply system, various taps, tees, hoses, cranes are purchased. Specialists are advised to acquire flexible wiring. It is easier to work with it due to the absence of the need to seal the compounds.

To connect to the gas highway, you will need a gas hose. It should be sufficient length and have a thread for connecting to the gas unit. It is worth ensuring that the hose thread is like that on the column. To connect the latter to the chimney, they buy a galvanized pipe with a wall thickness of at least one millimeter. Such requirements are due to high gases. Thin-walled pipes quickly go.

Dismantling of an old heater

First of all overlap the gas supply faucet to the column. Next, the key turns away the nut, which holds the gas hose on the speaker pipe. The hose should be carefully examined. If it is worn or damaged, it is better to replace it.

Before disconnecting the device from the water supply system, it is recommended to complete the rack crane. In the absence of the latter, overlap the valve at the entrance to the apartment. Pipes and flexible wiring are disconnected using wrench keys. It remains only to disconnect the pipe connected to the chimney. After that, the device can be safely removed from the wall.

In some columns, the gas supply can be in the form of a steel pipe. The coupling that connects the nozzle and the pipe is difficult to unscrew. If you make great efforts, you can spoil the pipe. The coupling turns badly due to paint. Initially, the paint layer is removed, and then unscrew the clutch.

Installation of a new heater

The gas replacement should be started from the installation of fasteners. They are screwed with standard dowels. The seat for the column is chosen based on the requirements of SNIPs.

When a prime location is found, on the wall make the holes of the holes. They should be strictly horizontal. This can be checked by a building level. Next on the markup make holes. If there is a tile on the wall, then it should be purchased for it.

When the tile is passed, set the usual concrete drill. You can enable shock mode on a drill or a perforator. After the holes are ready, twisted dowels. The entire fixing kit is hung on the latter. Connection is the most important stage when replacing the gas column. Errors are unacceptable here. We will look at how to connect the unit to water and to gas.

Connect to water supply

To do this, a tee crashes into a cold water pipe. The latter is screwed to the filter, tap for cut-off and other devices. This is relevant to install the column for the first time - when replacing the tee in the pipe already exists. Then the hose is fixed to it, which is second to be connected to the inlet nozzle on the heater. It is worth doing this carefully not to confuse the input and outlet nozzles.

The output is marked with blue, and the output is red. The output element is usually connected to a tee and a crane through a hose that is connected to a hot pipeline.

Final Stage: Connecting to Gas

With an independent connection to the gas, the nuts should not be delayed strongly. So you can easily crush the gaskets inside the hoses. After installing and wrapping all the nuts, both ends of the hose are covered with soap foam and open the gas valve. If bubbles begin to grow, it means there are leaks. Nuts pull up. So repeat until all leaks are eliminated.

What is the most affordable and cheap type of fuel in our country? Of course gas. Therefore, if you want to always have hot water in an apartment or house, without paying very tangible electricity bills (if there is an electric boiler), then the gas water heater is what you need. But there are no 100% fairy tales. So in the installation of the gas model there are its minuses, namely, a more complex installation. But our article will consider all the subtleties of this process, and you will learn about the most important moments. Ready? Go!

Requirements for the installation of a gas water heater

You understand yourself, any gas equipment can not be mounted as abs as without compliance with the established rules, because it is unsafe. What do you need to know first?

Conducting any operations with a gas pumping pipe, installation of shut-off valves (tees, fittings, etc.) should be carried out only by specialists of the organization of gas supply, which have a license for such work! If you decide to grasp, then a minimum that you threaten - a decent fine.

An example of placing a gas column in the kitchen

This is what we leave for the share of relevant services. However, there is a job for you, because we want to do everything qualitatively and save a decent amount (several thousand rubles) on the call of the master.

So, in front of us 2 ways of development:

  1. You put the column anew - that is, there has never been in your apartment / house.

This is the most difficult and time-consuming option, for you have to visit the gas service, the employees of which will have to make a project to connect the gas water heater. Repeat again! Do not try to do it yourself - it is very dangerous for you, your family and neighbors!

After receiving and coordinating the project, you can already put the water heater. And then you can get raised by doing this part of the work independently. By the way, you will save you quite a decent amount - about 10 tr. (+ -, it all depends on individual situations).

All operations that you will do with your own hands, perform in strict accordance with the resulting plan! Even the slightest deviation from it - and the gas service simply will not be commissioned!

  1. You dismantle the old column and put a new one.

This option is easier at times: you will not need any projects, because you already have this equipment. All you need is to find an existing project and perform all work in accordance with it.

The rules for carrying out all works are registered in SNIVA 42-01-2003, called "gas distribution systems". Special attention should also be paid to SPEP SP 42-101-2003. It is responsible for working with pipes and reinforcement made of non-metallic materials (polypropylene) and old good metal.

Norms SNiP, which you need to know:

  • The gas column can only be installed in the room of 7.5 cubic meters. AND MORE.
  • The wall is necessarily of the brick, concrete, or any other non-flammable material.
  • Be sure to have a window - the room should be well ventilated.
  • The height of the ceilings is at least 2 meters.
  • The room is required to the chimney with a diameter of 12 cm or more. At the same time, the so-called outstands in the smoke room will not come off.
  • The water pressure in the system is obliged to be 0.1 atm or more.
  • It is strictly forbidden to install equipment in the bathrooms, as well as above the gas stove and is less than 10 cm.

Important! If your old water heater was mounted in the bathroom, the rules do not oblige the owner to transfer it to another place. That is, you can easily replace the old column on a new one, placing it all in the same bathroom.

What documents are needed to install a gas column

The installation of the gas column is consistent with the gas service

Situation number 1. You collect documents for mounting equipment from scratch.

It is much more complicated, as you need to change the smoke removal system, as well as gas and water pipes.

So what do you need?

Technical passport of the device you have chosen. It happens that you have not purchased it yet. In this case, its main technical parameters are sufficient. These data must be provided in Gores.

Compiled project (also compiled in Gorghaz) on the installation of the water heater. It should have an accurate TK (technical task) with an indication of the installation site of the device.

Document displaying a chimney state in your home. He must be certified in the control of flue and ventilation channels.

You need act specifically about the state of the chimney, not the entire ventilation system.

After receiving all the above documents, call the gas service workers. They will die into the total gas pipe, perform the installation of the pipeline and mock the gas meter. Also, according to the rules, the wall for the installation of the boiler should be tinted with non-flammable materials.

If the column needs to be reinstated, it is better to trust this work to specialists - locksmiths and gas service staff. Of course, it will require material costs, but everything will be fulfilled on conscience, because it is a very complex process. Yes, and calmer it is for sure.

Setting the chimney column

Situation number 2. - You want to replace the old column to the new one.

Step 1. At first you need to visit your management company, where you will need certified copies:

- Plan for gas supply;

- water supply plan;

- plan for chimney;

- Plan indicating the location of the water heater and its technical parameters.

Step 2. Based on the available documents, you need to write an application to the gas service about the need to replace the water heater.

This is exactly the case when part of the work you can do on your own, saving a decent amount of money.

Tools and Materials for Work

So, we will need the following equipment:

  • Horn key 27/30 and 32/36;
  • Adjustable key - 2;
  • Sealant "Unipacled";
  • FUM (you can take a conventional pass).
  • Perforator + chisel, drill with a snap-in for work on the cafes, as well as a dowel for fixing the water heater on the wall;
  • Pipe or corrugation, necessarily galvanized, with a wall thickness of at least 1mm. Many manufacturers immediately complete the column of such a pipe. If it is not included, then take it separately. Its parameters will be listed in the supasport attached to the model.
  • If the column is mounted again, then you will need a pipe to create a chimney. Buy a pipe from metal or asbestos with a diameter of at least 120 mm, and a length of at least 2 meters. If there is more length - it is not enough, then the combustion products will be deleted even more efficiently.
  • Ring-socket - it will be useful when "processing" input into the chimney. It is quite obvious - the diameter of the ring must be equal to the diameter of the corrugation (pipe).
  • The gas hose is typical - the length of this element depends on the distance between the gas supply pipe and the input of the column.
  • Filter of coarse water purification - installing it, you will extend the life with a new water heater for a couple of years.
  • Crane for gas pipe.
  • Crane Maevsky.
  • Fittings for pipes of metal-plastic and fittings of the type "American".
  • Truborez.
  • Soldering iron for pipes.

The size of the thread at the inlet to the water heater (external and internal diameters - ½ or 3/4) must necessarily coincide. Otherwise, you will have to run behind the transitional coupling.

Dismantling of the gas water heater

If you install equipment from scratch, you can skip this item. But for those who need to disconnect and remove from the wall, it serves its device, it will be very useful.

1 step. Overlapping gas. To do this, there is a special valve on the pipe supplying gas to the column.

2 step. The key will unscrew the gas hose nut (rozhkov or divorce - at your discretion). If the column of ancient times, when more gas was supplied using a metal pipe, then you need to be as neat as possible! Previously, paint was applied to such joints. Before work it will be more convenient to remove its layers with an ordinary solvent. Another adjustable key is better to fix the gas pipe - it will help to avoid damage.

3 Step. So, you have successfully disconnected from the gas pipe. Now you need to remove the hose that enters the column itself. If the hose is old or there are doubts in his future long-term work, then, of course, it is better to buy a new one. Prefer proven certified models. With a gas joke bad!

And correctly choose a new hose is very simple. Enough to see the following video:

Step 4.. Next, it's a water supply system. You need to overlap the water supply to the column. Optimally, if they are responsible for special craners in your apartment / house. If there is no, you will have to turn off the water in the entire apartment.

If you do not have such crants, which overlap water only in the column, then in the process of installing a new one, we recommend getting to get. It is very convenient!

Step 5.. You can only remove the pipe from the outlet of the water heater and take it out of the chimney. Everything. Now nothing prevents you from disconnecting it from the wall and make room for a new device.

Gas Column Mounting Stages

  • The unit must be located where it will be easier for you to mount the extract. Wonderful if the house / apartment already has chimney from the fireplace or the previously installed heating boiler. Then you can just let the hood in it. If you don't have a fireplace and boiler, you will have to make an exhaust yourself. To do this, you will need to perform a hole in the roof or wall and insert the pipe purchased earlier.

Turn the column is needed at a fairly high altitude so that children do not reach. However, it is not necessary to "blow up" too, because you will need to regulate the water heating temperature.

You can see more detail about installing a chimney here:

  • Mark on the wall with a pencil places in which the device will be attached to the wall. Next, with the help of a drill, drill holes in them and beat the dowel there. Now, using self-tapping screws, you can reliably secure the equipment.
  • The column is securely fixed. Now we take the corrugation and connect it with one end to the outlet of the unit, and the other in the chimney hole. Now combustion products will be removed outward.
  • This is one of the most responsible moments - gas supply. It is worth noting again - gas supply should be performed only by gas service employees! They will die the tee in the gas supply pipe. After that, the gas crane must be connected to the tee.
  • Now dance from this crane. Trace from it the entire path "following" until the column supply to the column. So you will know exactly the desired footboard, as well as the exact number of shut-off valves (fittings). By the future way to mount it drill holes (after 1 meter) and install the locking clips there, in which then enter the gas pipe. It should be connected to the water heater using fitting and a cape nut. Everything. From now on, the column is connected to gas.
  • Now you need to connect water. Inspect the water pipes in the apartment and find a place where it is better to embed a tee. To do this, you will need a pipe cutter and a soldering iron for metal-plastic pipes. If the pipe is made of metal, then you will need a compression fitting.
  • Mount the water faucet.
  • Next, perform similar actions on the markup of the path of the water pipeline. It will also help determine the desired pipe length and the required number of fittings. Also drill holes at a meter distance from each other and insert the clips to hold the pipe. Soldering join the pipes into a single pipe that goes to the column. At the entrance to it, install the filter.
  • Mount the crane Maevsky - it will help to increase the operation time of your water heater. It also connects to the water supply using fitting and a cape nut.
  • The last stage is connecting the column to the hot water system.
  • Check all hose connections for gas leakage! Make it just enough - open the gas valve and turn on the column. Soap solution to squeeze all the places of compounds of gas pipes. If bubbles are formed, the compound is loose and need to finalize it.

After installation, be sure to register your new equipment in the fire service, as well as in technical supervision. They will give you an act of receiving the column of operation. In addition, the updated project of your housing should be defined in the BTI list.

Now you know all the most important nuances - from documents that will be required for installation of the gas water heater, to its phased installation. We hope the article will help you mount the equipment correctly.

If the installation of the gas column will be carried out at the same place, as well as a new device for technical characteristics It will not be necessary to meet your predecessor, you should not have difficulty design.

The main requirement: the column must be certified and is obliged to be allowed to install controlled authorities.

Before starting work, you need to contact the WEC for providing certified copies of the project of your dwelling. Specific: You need a plan for gas, water supply, as well as smoke-performance, plan with the designation of the places of installation of the gas column and its technical parameters.

After receiving the listed information, it is necessary to write an application to the city gas service with a request to resolve the replacement of the column, subject to the preservation of the previous place of its installation, as well as the application for the repair / replacement of gas and water highways of this site.

The technician must perform these work, after the completion of which you get a signed act and, actually installed according to all requirements and regulations, the column.

Another case - when the installation of the gas column in the apartment will be produced in a new place.

Such an installation of gas columns will pull the change in the supply gas and water pipes, as well as a change in the smoke system. This is, of course, the process is more complicated and painstaking.

Figure 1 - Typical Gas Column Device

Documents for installing a gas column

  • certified act on the technical condition of the chimney (constitutes the service of control of ventilation and smoke channels);

IMPORTANT! It is the chimney, and not a ventilation system!

  • the passport of the acquired column: in the case when you were determined with the choice of the device, but it was not yet acquired, it is enough to specify the column model (data will be needed when drawing up a project in Gorghaz);
  • compiled installation project with a clear indication technical tasks to change the place of installation of the column (project execution is also ordered in Gorghaz);
  • the application compiled and signed by the right owner of the apartment on its reorganization (filed to the city administration);

IMPORTANT! When applying such a statement, you will have to have a ready-made draft work on reorganization, documents for this apartment and documents confirming your ownership of these square meters.

  • application for work (served in Gorgaz, having an approved project on the hands).

Gazoviki after the approval of the plan of all works, if the permission to install the column in a new place you still managed to get, will have to:

  1. make the cutting into the gas supply pipe;
  2. put a gas meter;
  3. hang column;
  4. paint the gas pipe into yellow (adopted standard of gas pipe marking);
  5. lower the wall behind the column of non-combustible materials.

In addition, the plumbing must be mounted separately.

When the works are over, you must call a specialist from the district operational gas service. He will configure and start the column. After that, the gas meter is seal.

And that is not all. You will also need to install the column from getting an act from the fire service, the act from the technical supervision and the act of acceptance of the column of operation. A new project should be necessarily listed in BTI.

Figure 2 - Gas Column Functional Scheme

When choosing a speaker, focus on:

  • columns Viessmann, Buderus, BOSH, Wolf and Vaillant;
  • circulation pumps for hot water systems from Grundfos or Wilo;
  • water treatment equipment from Grunbeck;
  • metal-plastic pipes, fittings for them, airlighteners and security groups from the German company OVENTROP.

Installation in the apartment of the gas column: It is important to know

For the smoke-feeder, use ventilation aluminum corrugation is prohibited! The setting standards of the column prescribed in GSN B.2.5-20-2001 to perform the chimney are prescribed to use exclusively pipes from stainless or galvanized steel. In this case, the thickness of the pipe should be at least 1 mm.

Any decorative panels with which many vacationers cover gas equipment are required to be easily gradual, i.e. Access to the column should not interfere, and panels or decorative boxes must be made exclusively from non-combustible materials (see SP 41-108-2004).

Overlapping gas supply Crane, delivered to a new gas column, should be mounted near the column and have a yellow handle (see SNiP 2.04.08-87).

In modern gas columns, some inertia can be inherent in the modulating burners. Therefore, in order to avoid emergency situations, the intake of cold water to the column is carried out exclusively by the mechanical filter of a separate pipe (size 3/4 "will be more than enough) directly from the riser. Also, the riser lead another pipe to the mixers in the kitchen, as well as in the bathroom and to the drain tank.

IMPORTANT!Before mixers, check valves must be installed, each by 0.5 atm.

To arrange a hot water outlet pipe, a heated column, it is best to use a meter tube from the released copper. The diameter of such a tube should be approximately 15 mm. Instead of copper, you can use corrugated stainless steel.

Only by completing all the installation conditions, it is possible to be calm that in the next 10 years there is no breakdown in the water heating system, as well as that it is not necessary to hide from regular checks of the gas inspection.

Figure 3 - Proper location of the gas column

Brief instruction on the installation of the gas column

This information should not be considered as a guide to action. To replace the column with their own hands, as well as working with any gas technology is prohibited not only by law, but also by common sense: Such "self-esteem" in an apartment building can lead to deposits.


  • certified gas column;
  • PVC water pipe;
  • fittings of the type "American";
  • trubores;
  • soldering iron;
  • metal plastic pipe for gas supply;
  • fittings for metal plastic;
  • gas cranes;
  • saline and magnetic filter;
  • maevsky's crane;
  • conventional water tap;
  • commensurate wrenches;
  • drill;
  • as well as dowels and selflessness.

Proceedings and basic requirements for them:

The choice of the installation site of the column should be based on the ability to arrange an exhaust on all the rules and regulations, the convenience of the column, as well as the possibility of supplying communications.

The volume of the room in which the column will be installed must be from 8 m³ and more.

The columns are installed only on non-burnable walls. In another case, the difficult surface of the surface is lined with a galvanized sheet from 0.8 to 1 mm thick, pre-adopting a sheet of basalt heat insulating cardboard on the wall from 3 to 5 mm in thickness.

IMPORTANT!On the wooden walls, setting the columns is prohibited!

The column is hanging on the wall, given that the installation height can be arbitrary, but not to move the aircraft installation rules. From the side panel of the column to the wall should be at least 15 cm, and the space of no less than 60 cm should be left in front of the front panel of the column.

At the place of installation, the column mark the fasteners, then drilled their drill. The column is fixed on the self-tapping screw.

Standards for the connection of the column and water supply system provide for the use of metal pipes or flexible hoses, the inner diameter of which is not less than 13 mm. In this case, the length of the hose or pipe should be no more than 2.5 m (similar parameters must be met and when the gas supply system is connected).

Installation of a gas connection with a column should be made only with the installed shut-off crane.

Before installing the chimney check the craving. Under normal conditions, it should be approximately 1.96-29.40 Pa (depending on the type of room).

The gas feeding pipe should have at least 110 mm in diameter, with its length can not exceed 2 m, but cannot be less than 300 mm. The slope of the gas feed pipe must be at least 2 ° up.

IMPORTANT!It is also forbidden to independently implement the first launch of water on the column. All works concerning the system testing, installing a new column or dismantling old should be made only by qualified representatives of Gorghaz.

The setting scheme of the column must go complete with the goods. The manufacturer's tips on the installation of this instrument are also given.

Only kitchens and non-residential premises are suitable for setting columns, designed to place these heating devices.

However, in the bathroom, the installation rules are forbidden to mount column, because This room does not comply with the basic requirements (see SNiP 2.04.08-87 gas supply).

In previously operating regulatory documents, the installation of columns in the bathrooms was permitted. But after the change of legislation, it may be said except that the transfer of the column from the bathroom into the kitchen or any other non-residential room, if necessary, replace the device new.

Figure 4 - Gas Column Installation Scheme

Speaker installation requirements also allow us to consider each individual case: for example, in a private house that does not belong to typical buildings, the assembly of a column in a wide corridor or a room without windows, but has an output, however, to a spacious room with a window.

Figure 5 - Checking the thrust before installing the gas column

Installation of the gas column: Price

The cost of work will depend on the column litter, as well as from the manufacturer. For example, the installation of the domestic column will cost about $ 40, and foreign - $ 60 and more. To install in the house column volume up to 15 liters, they will have to pay a little more than $ 55, and from 15 l - $ 70 and more.

How much does the smoke setting cost?

On average, from 15 to $ 20, taking into account the cost of the necessary materials.

Given the settings of the installation, get the price for the installation of the column

  • in Kiev - from 350 to 600 UAH;
  • in Moscow - from 1 600 to 2,800 rubles.

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