Tropical beauty cordilina. Rules for sightseeing, photo, apply and zaboboni, tied with a room ticket

Tropical beauty cordilina. Rules for sightseeing, photo, apply and zaboboni, tied with a room ticket

Cordilina - a garna of room roslin with great juicy leaves. Behind the shape of the vagrant, a trifle guesses a palm tree and adds red razluchenniya on the leaves. Watching over the cordilina is clumsy, for that kvіtkarі z it's a pleasure to start home for this exotic guest. Previously, cordilina belonged to the Agave family, but today botanists will bury it to the Dracenov family. Sometimes you can almost call it "dracaena cordilina", but it's worth growing. Batkivshchyna cordilina є tropics and subtropics pivdennoi pіvkulі, as well as deyakі region Skhіdnoї Azії.

Roslin description

Kordilina є high napіvchagarnikovoy or chagarnikovoy dew. In the natural middle, it can reach a height of 3-5 m, but in the room, the cordilina does not exceed 1.5 m of the crown. The root is made up of a large number of soft meaty vіdgaluzhen. In sight it is clear that the stink of a white color can be seen. On the roots, brunki and children are established.

A long, upright stovbur of roslini curls at a large leaf petiole. Bіchnі gіlki utvoryuyuyutsya vkrai rіdko, leafing form a thick copy. An hour later, the lower leaves step by step, and the stovbur becomes bare. With this, cordilin becomes more similar to a palm tree.

Sheet plates are lanceolate, belt-like or sword-like. The stench is pofarbovani in bright green colors, and aloe streaks with chervonim or erysipelas. Leaves can grow up to 50 cm of the crown and up to 10 cm of the crown. There, a relief central vein is clearly visible.

The succulence in the form of fluffy hair is formed from impersonal dry buds. Pelyustki are stuffed in white, red or purple colors. Plіd - trignіzda nasіnnєva box - there are up to 15 other nests in the nest.

See cordilini

A non-numerical number of roslin cordilin is composed of 20 species. The most popular among kvіtnikarіv є so:

Not a tall tree, yak in the fatherland reaches 2-3 m of the crown. Broad leaves densely cover the stovbur and the top. It should be 50-80 cm long, and 5-10 cm wide. At the lower part, a central vein is visible. The colors are made up of white or purple colors with a diameter of up to 1 cm. Popular varieties:

  • Red Edge - the leaves are not so big, then weave a red smog along the edge;
  • Tricolor - leafing through with yellow, erysipelas and brown husbands;
  • Augusta - raspberry swirls on a dark green leaf;
  • Kordilina kivі - vіdrіznyaєtsya shirshnyh leaves, covered with crimson separations.

The tree has a short stovbur, covered with long, erect leaves. The xiphoid leaf blades reach a length of 1 m and a width of 4 cm. The leaves are often covered with red or yellow late males. In the flowering period, the growth is covered with white or purple axillary hairs with an intense receiving aroma. Tsya nevibagly roslina will require cold winters (up to + 3 ... + 5 ° C).

Roslina has upright stems and a dense crown of lanceolate leaves with a length of 30-60 cm. The edges of the leaves are covered with fine teeth. The leaf blades are puffed in bright green colors. Roslina vouches for greater coldness.

A tree with a thin trunk, we will cover it with bichny pagons. The leaves are puffed in green-purple colors. It resonates with the simplicity of the watchful eye and the lack of agility.


Cordilina is propagated by us and by vegetative methods. Nasіnnya in the room minds hang seldom, sіyantsі do not save the varietal sign of the Batkivsky roslin. The last flowers of the cordilin hang from the vologer pishchano-peat summish on the cob of spring. Їx deepen by 0.5-1 cm and curve with plіvkoy. Descend z'yavlyayutsya through 1-2 tizhnі i svydko start growing. With the appearance of 4 spravzhnіh leaves of the roslin, they pick at the miners, 2-3 pieces each.

The simplest way to reproduce is to breed root children. In the period of transplantation, it is sufficient to plant young roslin with a root vine. Mіsce zrіzu sip to the foremen's villages in the hills and visadzhuyut roslina in a light, fertile soil.

For grafting, hanging woody stems are cut into sprat parts. Skin vision may have 2-3 intervenous nodes. The lower gap is recommended to be treated with korenevin and buried in the ground by 2-3 cm. Every day it is necessary to air and cool the greenhouse. The rooting process is three months old.

Transplant rules

Keeping an eye on the cordilina at home minds gives a regular transplant. Young saplings are transplanted shorily, and older plants - skin 2-3 rocks. The miner is guilty of being a larger one than the one in front, but no more space. Drainage material is laid at the bottom of the village of Vugillya. The soil for the cordilin is to be formed from:

  • garden or leaf soil;
  • river squeak;
  • peat.

The earth is selected from a slightly acidic reaction. Zavdyaki light structure again, it is easy to go up to the root.

Looking after the growth

The watch behind the room cordilina is clumsy, but all the same, the singers of the first ones still win. It is necessary for Roslini to receive light accommodation from a trivial day of light. However, it is necessary to take yoga in direct sleepy changes. Varieties with monophonic green leaves are better able to endure the shortage of light. It is optimal to place a ticket in the private room on the vіdstanі vіd vіkna.

In summer, the temperature again at the host may become + 22 ... + 30 ° C. Bazhano vinosity kordilina in the heat of the time of rock on the street. The place is chosen quietly, protected from stretching. The vzimka of growing is necessary more cold morning. The temperature is repeatedly reduced to +12…+14°C step by step. Rizkі nіchnі and zimovі holodnya prizvodnya to ailments growth.

Pologіtry vіtrya in priіschennі, where the ticket is known, may be high. Sprinkle the krone with water for a day, place pods nearby with water and wet pebbles. Charge not varto put the cordilina of the scorching accessories. If the moisture will be insufficient, the cordilina will dry out more often and throw off the leaves.

Cordilina is not too strong before watering. Mіzh zroshennyami earthlings who is half guilty of dryness. It is necessary to water the roslin for two days at a time. The vicorist water is good for the heat. To build a small stagnant water is fatal for the growth, it is important to ensure good drainage and at the same time irritate the motherland from the bottom.

From the beginning of spring to the beginning of autumn, cordilina will require regular fertilization. Vicorist mineral complexes for room growths. You should breed them near the water and bring them in for a month.

Let's talk about the cordilina straight away: a glance at home minds, descriptions, ailments, shkidniks and more.

Zagalny description

A straight cordilina, in fact, is similar to a palm tree, especially if the lower leaves of the world grow, the growth grows like a dream, exposing a stovbur and laying petioles on a new one.

Kordilina is resplendent with great roses: most of the time she is outrageous up to two meters and you can boast of lowering lanceolate leaves, as if for an hour you grow up to the height of a windmill. Its root is fleshy and creeping, and the leaves have jagged edges. Drіbnі kvіtki kordilіny zіbranі in khurtovinnі sutsvittya.

A photo

Kordilina is straight: photo of which variety.

Watching at home minds

Special considerations after purchase

Yak and rich roslin cordilina dislike partial changes. Therefore, it is important to choose the right place for the wrong palm tree, protected from stretching, temperature stripping, haunting sun and supra-world vology.


Hibna palm cordilina volіє pіvtin abo rozіyane svіtlo. But it’s important to know the “golden mean” here, even if for lack of lighting, the growth loses its decorativeness, but if it’s direct, the change of the sun is signified negatively on the її zvnіshny look.

Therefore, the ideal option іz zahіdmi аbo skhіdnimi vyknami. Well, to ensure sufficient natural vision, do not go out, the situation is vryatuy pieced out of the light.


Cordilina straight love the coldїї therefore, they often hang out at the vіdkritiy ґrunt of the dacha house for the summer. At the same time, it’s better to protect її in the wind - the palm trees are not to relish. In room minds, they won’t be able to overcome the calm temperature without drops and stretches.

Water content

Hibna palm love high water. To that, you will be vdyachna for a good time with cold water. So it is worthy, like a mountaineer from it, sometimes put pebbles on the water.


The cordilina is straight there is no period of calm To this end, he needed a colorful watering with standing water.

Hang that inlet necessary watering for the day, collection - once for this day.

It is necessary to see the excess water from the pallet at the same time from the pallet, so as not to provoke root decay.

However, a complete overdrying of the earthen breast cannot be allowed.


The most active growth of the cordilin is observed from the cob of kvitya to the end of sickle. At this hour, it is better to make її kind, recognized for room apartments.

You can get them in specialized stores. It will also be friendly to fluff up the upper ball of the ground - this procedure should be carried out on a hinged inlet.


Transplantation is growing in the world if її the root system is no longer avenged have more capacity. For a new miner, it is necessary to prepare a sum of great river sand, peat and leafy humus.

The addition of a wooden vugill will help the appearance of rot, and the trefoil will give the additional puffiness of the earth.


Cordilina reproduces dekilcoma in ways. Tse mozhe buti verіvkove zhivtsyuvannya if the top is seen and rooted in greenhouse minds. It is possible to multiply by repeating the introduction of the exact part of the "palms". Can sprout and stalks live up to 7 cm, from which you can see the leaves and root in the soil.

The best way - viroshchuvannya z nasinnya: they hang on the cob of birch sum from the equal parts of the turf and sand, and go down for three months. Rіdshe vdayutsya to the method of subіl rhizome.

Ailments and poor people

Through the overdry weather on the roslini can appear ticks- it is necessary to use them for additional special preparations, and in order to avoid their turn, it is necessary to increase the water content.

It is also possible to appear tripsiv- they need to be seen from a leaf soaked in beer with a cotton swab.

Black leaves kordilіni v_d dry povіtrya, stretch or insufficient watering. The appearance of bright flames on the leaves provokes straight sleepy changes.

Leaves curl through overcooling, and zhovtіє і dry through dryness or lack of nitrogen in the soil.

It’s like the lower leaves are less, the turbulence is not varto - it’s a normal, inevitable process.


Kordilina is straight rozheva to become popular not only for her unsightlyness. Bring a tropical exoticism into a floristic collection and a home interior.

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Kordilina - roslina, who looks at the palm tree with all her eyes. At the article, there is a story about those, how to look at її in domestic, tobto room minds. Photographs, descriptions of methods for reproducing and discussing the problem of sleepiness and twisting of the leaves will help you easily grow cordilina in your home.

Rіd Cordyline there are close to 25 types of evergreen trees. In natural minds, stench grows in subtropical and tropical areas. The culture is easily mistaken for a palm tree. Such a similarity to the goiter is tied to the trunk, which is exposed to the eyelids, and the rosettes of the leaves are on the top. Most of the different species of the rest are given with reddish husbands (red, cream, erysipelas). In some varieties, the stench is monotonous, green. Leaves crepe up to stovbur with petioles. The very same cordilina looks like a dragon tree similar to it, in which the base of the leaf wraps tightly around the trunk.

Kviti nepomіtnі, drіbnі. Mostly red chi white. Some varieties have purple. The rhizome is stronger, whiter in the middle. If we talk about height, then in nature the average size of bushes or trees, which sometimes reach 10 m.

Culture is already similar to a palm tree

The most popular varieties are:

  1. Verhіvkova - napіvchagarnik, scho can sprat thin stems, with wide (up to 10 cm) and long (up to 50 cm) leaves. Strokes, purple-colored plates are attached to the stovbur with short petioles.
  2. Pivdenna - the growth may be more narrow, the stovbur, which does not bend, reaches a height of 12 m. Leafing green with light veins. Flowers of white color are endowed with a pleasant aroma.
  3. Undivided - with a thin trunk, which does not bend. Leaves green with a red midrib, up to 1.5 m long. Petioles up to 15 cm. Feels wonderful in a cold environment.
  4. Cordilina Banks - this variety grows up to 1.5 m of the cusp. Sheets of dresses are green, thin and long. Tickets are selected in hair, white color.

Yak viroshchuvati

So that the cordilins felt good about themselves in the room and looked miraculously, with their vibrating traces of advancing minds:

We need to be picked up right place. We can lighten up better. However, pivdenni vіkna is not suitable for cordilin. Here the leaves may suffer from direct changes in the sun. The ideal option is a window, roztashovanі zі shidnoї part budіvlі. The cordilins, which are in the shade, grow badly, their leaves become frizzy. To that, as there is no possibility to provide a sufficient level of lighting, it is necessary to install fluorescent or phyto lamps for light.

Respect! The rippled forms suffer more from lack of lighting, lower relatives from green infestations.

Temperature indicators in the case of the adoption of these tropical roslins, it is necessary to treat it fallow in the season. Vletka in the range of +22..+24°C, and collection +18..+20°C. For tall forms that grow in greenhouses, a charge of +10 ° C is sufficient. Obov'yazkovo sled vrakhovuvati, scho kordilіni not to endure a sharp overrun of repetition and sharp temperature fluctuations.

Protect the lower leaves from direct sleepy spaces

Water content the need for a temple is necessary, for which regular obraskuvannya is carried out regularly.

Porada. Once a month, the cordilians are allowed to rule over souls. They are placed in the room and watered from a watering can with warm (nearly +30 ° C) water.

Watering false palms every day. When tsimu vikoristovuyut v_dstoyanu or wood water. After that, obov'yazkovo anger the motherland from the piddon, not allowing її stagnation in the miner. Life carry out with a complex of minerals for indoor crops. It is less likely to slacken during the period of active growth. It is not necessary to pay a fee. When the root sprouts from the drainage opening, the cordilina needs to be transplanted into a bigger container. Ring out the roar once every 2 rocky.

How to independently multiply

Those who like to propagate cordilini dekilcom in the following ways:

  • sowing for the day;
  • rooted living creatures;
  • planting of root patches;
  • repeat the introductions.

The first way is practically not victorious. Roslini, grown in such a rank, may be called by others, lower ones, for which the last one was taken.

Like live bait zastosovuyut leafless parts of stovbur (5-10 divs dozhina) chi tops. It is rooted in pisca at high temperature figures (+25 .. + 30 ° C) and a sufficient level of moisture. Roots in this vipadka z'yavlyayutsya in 30 days, after which the roslin is transplanted into an okremy mountaineer.

Kordilina zdatna let the roots grow. They vindicate them and root them in another miner. When using this method on a stovburi, practically under a sheet rosette, shatter the nicks, wrap them with a root-forming stimulant and wrap them with moss, which is pidrimuyut near the watery camp. When the roots of the child appear, they see and hang out in the soil.

Behind the camp of leafing, you can judge the health of the growing

In times of broken minds, growing in the room, some problems can be blamed:

  • Along the edge of that, on the tips, the leaves turn brown. It can also be under the influx of a crisp wind or a dry wind.
  • Flames of straw color, which are known in some place, are the last sun.
  • Richly leafing zhovtіє і dry - kordіlіna require pіdzhivlennya.

Respect! Vsihannya that vіdpadannya leafing in the lower part of the outlet is not a drive for hvilyuvannya. Tse natural process.

  • The leaves are curled up with black flames and twisted - such a phenomenon is called out by a sharp temperature drop, or even by low її displays.
  • Regular re-admission also causes desiccation. Incorrect watering can quickly fill up the roslin.

After the adoption, the causes of normal growth and the development of culture are quickly renewed.

Kordilina - roslina, which is necessary to ensure a diligent watch. Only with such a birth in the minds of the home, it is good to grow, to develop and rejoice the eye of old fates.

Cordilina on pdvіkonnі: video

Kordilina - description

Cordyline (lat. Cordyline) belong to the family of dracaena or agave (deposit from dzherela) and there are approximately 20 species of roslin. In nature, growth in subtropical and tropical zones throughout the world.

Cordilina - chagars of the chi tree. The root of the roslin is more strained, tovste, in a pinkish white color. The leaves of different species are sword-like, lanceolate or linear. Blossoms ring with red and white tickets, sometimes - purple.

In room minds, roslin rarely grows larger than the second half of the crown. Through the fall of the lower leaf with a century, the cordilina swells looking like false palms. In culture, the growth grows for the sake of a beautiful leaf.

Landing that watch over the cordilina

  • Color: Roslin grows like a decorative sheet.
  • Lighting: it’s brightly rose. Dark-leaved forms are developing well at the pivtin.
  • Temperature: vlіtku - vіd 20 to 25 ºC. In autumn, the temperature for subtropical species is progressively lowered, and their wintering is reduced by 5-10 ºC, and tropical species winter by 18-20 ºC.
  • Watering: hung that inlet substrate volozhuyut vіdrazu in addition, like a dry upper ball. Irrigation watering can become meager, abi earthen clods do not dry out.
  • Water content: promoted. I tropical, and subtropical vidi require regular brushing of the leaves with warm water.
  • Lifetime: from spring to autumn with a complex mineral fertilizer. Paying a fee is not more often than once a month.
  • Quiet period: from the end of autumn to spring.
  • Transfer: on the cob of spring: young growers - shorіchno, grown up - once for 2-3 rocks, if the root is to cover the whole miner.
  • Substrate: three parts of slightly acidic garden soil, and one part of peat and sand.
  • Reproduction: nasіnyam, zhivotsyuvannyam that rozpodilom rhizomes.
  • Shkidniki: white bugs, scutes, spider mites, bugs.
  • Ailments: rottenness as a result of peresvolozhennia to the substrate and the loss of decorativeness of the leaves through the wrong size and filthy sight.

Read below for more details on the cultivation of cordilia

Kordilina - photo

Looking after the cordilina in the minds of the home


The most beautiful rose of cordilina in domestic minds is felt in the evenings and winters; Dark-leaved varieties can be grown even with a slight wilt.


See cordilini

Cordyline Banks / Cordyline banksii

At a height of 1.5 to 3 m. Stovbur is straight and thin. The leaves are attached to petioles 15-30 cm long. Leaves are straight uphill, tapered to the top, ornate-lanceolate in shape, reach up to 1.5 m at the top, and up to 8 cm wide; the upper side of the leaf plate is green in color, and the lower side is green-sira. Sutsvіtya - a large thread with white vouchers. The best growth in cold rooms.

Cordyline verkhivkova / Cordyline terminalis

More to name Cordyline chagarnikova (Cordyline fruticosa) or Dracaena verhivkova (Dracaena terminalis). Tse napіvchagarniki іz thin trunks. Some stems can be sprat. Leaves are lanceolate, up to 0.5 m long and apex up to 10 cm, with veins; green color and string - with a purple tint. Petiole at dozhin reaches 15 cm.

Cordyline rubra / Cordyline rubra

Insha name - red dracaena (Dracaena rubra). High (up to 4 m) chagarniki, ring out, do not squawk. The leaves are up to 0.5 m long and up to 5 cm wide, lanceolate in shape, dotty and green in color, with veins. Plant petioles up to 15 cm, zholobchasti. Sutsvіtya - axillary volat with luvacious flowers on short quilts. It is best felt in cold rooms.

Cordyline indivisa / Cordyline indivisa

Insha name - dracaena indivisa (Dracaena indivisa). Tsey species - high trees (up to 12 m). Stovbur is hard, do not bend, though thin. The leaves are belt-shaped, the fronds are up to 15 cm, the wedges are up to 1.5 m. Flowers of a white color grow on a tinted succulent. I love cold places.

Cordyline straight / Cordyline stricta

More chirping under the names Dracaena congestu (Dracaena congesta) or dracaena straight (Dracaena stricta). Stovbur is thin, grows up to 3 m in height. green color, podovzheno-lanceolate form, gossamer on the top; at the dozhin, trochs grow more than 0.5 m, and the frills - up to 3 cm. The succulent growth is like the tops of the growth, and from the leaf sinuses.

Cordyline australis / Cordyline australis

Insha name - dracaena pivdenna (Dracaena australis). This species is a tree that grows at a height of up to 12 m. Stovbur expands to the base, does not bend. Leaves sword-shaped, sessile; shkiryasti on dotik, green color with a wide light middle vein. Nice smell, white color.

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The article talks about exotic roslin, as it looks like others, not only in shape, but in leaf color. Most of the stench is smelt in the red chi rozhevy kolіr. Tsya roslina is called cordilina. The watchful eye of the domestic minds does not become awkward for her. The main values ​​​​of the cordilina are the non-violence of the watchful eye and the nameless beauty.

Peculiarities of a splendid look

The tropics and subtropical latitudes of Asia, America, Australia are respected by the fatherland of the flower. For mind growing in the wild nature, the height of some representatives can reach 20 meters, in domestic minds such results cannot be reached.

The name of the rosline in the literal translation means a cone-vuzol. Roots of cordilin make such a form. Cordilina kivi has matured (a glance at home minds of descriptions in this article) maє the root system is fleshy, cone-like and troch bloated. The popular name for tsієї roslini is a pardon palm.

The usual color of leaves is green. However, richly seeing the flowers of the growth can boast of the presence of red, erysipelas and cream-colored patches.

Behind your familiar sight of cordilin frutikoza (eye at home minds, we forgive) besides guessing dracaena, through which they often stray, protection against growth is absolutely different.

Dana Roslina is rarely called a flower, more often a tree of the Fire Dragon, zavodya to a special rotting of an effective bright-red or green leaf with patches. However, only the top of the leaf may appear to be infested.

How to choose healthy roslin correctly?

When buying a ticket, you need to pay a lot of factors, if you don’t like it, you can’t be satisfied with the old-fashioned look of the ticket, but you’ll try to spoil it.

Before that, how to buy roslin, її it is necessary to look carefully. Leaves can be cut, their petioles are due to growth without a middle in the base of the cordilin. For the cob growing, the rose is young better than the pіdіyde. It is easy to recognize yoga: it did not look like a thin stalk, that a bunch of leaves on its top.

The most popular variety is "Prince Albert", the most popular one can be seen at the flower shop. Its height, with the right eye, can reach 60 cm, which is rich enough for room growth. Another great representative is the Lord Robertson variety. Lovers of miniature bedroom apartments will appreciate the variety of Cordilina "Chervoniy Krai", which is remarkable for the leaves (the stench is full of greenery, and only along the edges there is a red oblyamivka).

Fundamentals of Utrimanya

Viroshchuvannya tsієї roslini pіd force not all. But if you want a little extra time to look after the room tickets, then you will run into trouble.

For the mind of the right watcher to instill in the minds of the home, you can bring the rose to bloom. However, the deacons of the rulers can be enchanted, to that in a given situation, one of the main rules of nature: the more beautiful the leaves, the more inconspicuous they can be killed. At the center of the growth, the stench of the breeze, ring out yellow aborozhev, chosen in such a rank of the city. After the completion of the process of flowering, it was necessary to see the flowers, so that the cordilina could develop its leaves from afar.

Ground preparation

After the purchase of growing yogo, it is necessary to transplant it immediately. This procedure must be carried out carefully. More grown-up kviti enough to replant once in three rocks, it is still necessary to replant the upper ball of the soil. Drainage is in that, and in another fall, it is obov'yazkovim.

As a soil, you can vikoristovuvat live slightly acidic soil. The level of acidity in different cases is to blame but less on the level of pH6. You can buy such soil already ready at any flower shop, or prepare it yourself. For another view, you need the following components:

  • 1 part peat;
  • 1 part pisku;
  • 1 piece of sheet land;
  • 1 part of peat land;
  • 1 part humus;
  • 3 parts of garden land.

Krіm tsgogo, you can vikoristovuvaty zvichaynu peat or clay soil sumish.

Temperature regime

Oskіlki kordilіnu tsya roslina is tropical, then the temperature regime can be special. It is necessary for us to take care of those who didn’t have a stretch or temperature drops at the kimnat, it’s bad to endure such stressful situations.

It is better to love the warmth of the vologe after growing up the cordilina. The sight of domestic minds can be complex. A temperature of 30 degrees higher than zero will be comfortable for her. However, in such a state of growth, it is necessary to bridle the roslin, otherwise you will take away that twisted leaf.

In autumn, it is necessary to lower the temperature of the host at the house. During this period, the ideal temperature will be close to 10-15 degrees, the maximum allowable is close to 18 degrees, regardless of those that are tropical. It is necessary for the fact that the ticket went off without problems during the calm period, with no growth at all. A period of calm is necessary, so that the growth has gained strength for a new active growth in the spring period.

Watering rules

Genetic peculiarities grow up to talk about those who should love the Vologda, moreover, it is necessary to bring it in not only through the soil, but through the leaves.

In the summer period of the life of the ticket, watering can be cleared up, but it does not mean that there is no trace of water in the mountain worker. The water in the bottom is not to be stagnant, otherwise it is possible to reach a salutary effect, so that the root rots, it is difficult to resuscitate. Oskіlki kordylin verіvkova (sight at home minds pіd pіd pіd force practical dermal) or else if you love light slightly acidic grunts, then it's necessary to prepare yourself before the vologer is selected to finish the shvidko. It is necessary for him to respectfully follow him, so that the miner’s soil is not overly wet, but overly dry.

For watering, you can vikoristovuvat water, as if in front of you, you wanted to harvest. Hanging and watering the cordilina is needed more often, less winter and autumn. Frequency of watering inlet - 1-2 times per day, collection - 1 time per day. It is necessary to rub the roslin 2 times a day, moreover, it’s either a lie, or in the evening, so that you can get away from possible opikiv. As the temperature continues to exceed the allowable 24 degrees, the growth is more likely to be observed today.

Added dobriv

Periodicity and warehouse p_dzhivlennya, like and i watering, fallow in the future. It is necessary to carry out this procedure about two times a month, but it’s easier to pay more (to pay once a month, or even more). As a kindness, you can vicorate it already ready to be revived, as it is sold in stores. As a rule, tse rіdkі dobriva, yakі were specially rozroblenі for roslin of the agave family. Vіd rіznіh stimulants іv аbо аrе kind, yаkі іt іt іt аѕ thе dabbling оn thе leaves, аrе more likely tо dоwn. You won’t bring a proper effect, but the axis of the roslina can be set, the shards under such stress can simply bend.

Ensuring the required level of lighting

Wanting the fatherland's growth and tropical latitudes, it's light not to love. Costs and direct sonyakny prominnya. There is a smut rule in the cultivation of cordilia: the darker the leaves of the growth, the less light is needed for active growth. Kordilina mix (it’s easy to get a look at home minds) or the other one looked miraculously felt from the shidnoy, zahdnoy or pivnіchnoy side of the stone, moreover, it’s not guilty to be dark. Vono may be scary, prote light on the roslin may come near the sight of the roaring sleepy shifts. If it’s too dark when leafing through your ticket, then the miner can be placed with him in the depths of the rock, and the roslin can only be played.

How does cordilina reproduce?

Є three ways of reproduction of tsієї growing.

  • Podіl rhizomes є the simplest. It is carried out on a spring, new parosts hang out in a lighter substrate, and only after rooting in the primary soil for a flower.
  • Zhivtsyuvannya spend less in that vipadka, as if the pagons began to buckle with a piece of wood. The temperature for rooting livestock is 30 degrees.
  • Last. The Danish way does not stagnate in the minds of the home, the stones take only an hour and are not always effective.

Possible problems for an hour to look after the growth

Like and be-yak іnsha k_mnatna roslina, kordilіna (the sight of home minds is made up of rich factors) is shy to the point of influx of sick people and sick people.

The main enemy is a shield. To relieve the coma, the growth in the first black should be treated with a mile of rosemary, and now with a special insecticide.

With a low moisture content, in applications with a high temperature, thrips can be adopted. You can vilіkuvati roslina for additional chemical treatment with insecticides.

No one has caused problems, so I take a close look at home minds. Dry leafing through the low water again. Don't stop scrolling, you can solve the problem. Better come back better again.

If you conduct a correct watch over the cordilina in your home minds, strictly follow all the rules, then you won’t cause any problems from the growing one.
