Girls always have nipples. Why are the nipples harden? Facts about chest and nipples

Girls always have nipples. Why are the nipples harden? Facts about chest and nipples

Nipples can begin to fit both in women, and in men. This phenomenon does not happen by chance! It arises due to temperature changes, various kinds of touch and in special life situations. Therefore, today we will analyze in detail why the nipples are harden, and what are the consequences of this.

Why are the nipples in women harden?

  1. Solid nipples due to low temperature
    Women can start harding nipples because of a sharp cold. Please note that if the temperature drops gradually, there will be no such reaction. It is important here a very sharp change of temperature. This process explains the reaction of muscle fibers. Because of the cold, they cut and change the shape around the nipple. As a result, the nipple begins to fit. It is usually returned to a normal state after 10 minutes.
  2. Pregnancy
    Surely the girls in the court noticed that their breasts were constantly changing the form, the volume. At the same time, the nipples became rougher and harder. This is not a dangerous state that completely passes after childbirth. It is worth worry if the nipples are not only hard, but also hurt. Then it is better to immediately go to the doctor.
  3. Menstrual cycle
    During menstruation and before the start of the cycle, a woman can start hardening nipples. This property is not manifested by every girl. Therefore, if you first started to harden the nipples during the menstrual cycle, you also need to contact a doctor.
  4. Excitation and sex
    The girl can also start harding nipples during sex. It occurs in case of strong excitement and pleasure. After sexual intercourse, the nipples again return to the reverse state.
  5. Unsuccessful underwear
    If the girl incorrectly picked up a bra, he can squeeze hard, rub and do nipples with solid. Sometimes the linen material causes allergies on the skin. Usually at this moment the chest begins to blush and hide. Urgently change the linen and this reaction will disappear.
  6. Inflammation
    If the girl's nipples are solid during a couple of weeks and it is accompanied by discomfort and pain, then most likely it is inflammation. It is urgent to pass all the tests, check the body and visit the doctor. Inflammation can come from any organ in the body.

Why do nipples harden in men?

If we could clarify all the reasons for women, now it comes to sort out the male sex. Here are the main causes of solid nipples in men:

  1. Diseases
    During viral diseases in the body, the skin around the nipples will be solved. This also indicates any inflammatory processes. If liquid or pus is released from the nipple, please contact a specialist.
  2. Outly balance of alcohol
    If a man faded himself, his nipples can also start to harden. This is a normal alcohol reaction on the male organism. There is nothing to be afraid, since after breaking everything will pass.
  3. Excitation
    Men's breasts are also susceptible to the reaction of excitement, like a female. During sexual intercourse, nipples can also begin to stand.
  4. Estimation
    In the process of puberty, the boys often occur in the body: the hair is growing on the body, the voice is gross. At the same time, nipples can sometimes become hard literally for 10 minutes. However, if after expiration, the nipples are not returned to the initial state, they hurt and cause discomfort, you need to contact the doctor.
  5. Cold water
    Having got sharply under a cold jet of water, the nipples can change the structure for some time and grip. This is the same reaction to the cold as women.


We told you the main causes of solid nipples in women and men. We described in what situations should not be paid to hardening for the hardening of the nipples and worry. However, there are special moments when it is important to urgently seek medical care in order not to bring harm to the body. It must be done if liquid is distinguished from the nipples, and they hurt much. There simply can start developing the pus, which is desirable to prevent in the near future.

Despite the fact that on the street of the 21st century and many questions have long been discussed openly and without constraint, still some nuances remain about whom we are still saying "whisper".

Often we appeal for help to the Internet community, wanting to simultaneously satisfy interest and remain incognito. Among such intimate issues, you can find a desire to know more about what reasons are the nipples and how it happens.

Simplicity of physiology: How does a nipple erection occur?

Each of us visually very well imagines her chest. At the same time, it is clearly distinguished and determining: this is a male breast, and this is a female. But not everyone knows that there are many nerve endings in the breast, which are located around muscle structures.

External stimuli provoke the reduction of these muscle fibers, which ultimately leads to the erection of nipples.

So, for example, speaking of physical excitation, the mechanism of "stroke of the nipples" can be described approximately as follows:

  1. Touch cause irritation of nervous endings.
  2. In the process of this, a nervous impulse is formed, which is sent to the brain.
  3. After its processing, the brain there is an increase in blood flow into breast glands, including - and to nipples.
  4. As a result, the nipples are hard and "get up."

If breast changes occur from the cold, then the essence of the nipples in this case is reduced to muscle spasms, which form goosebumps on the skin: at the same time, the muscles are reduced, and the shape is changed, and sometimes even the color of the nipple, as well as the skin around it.

When is the stack of nipples - is it a normal reflex?

So, you ask: Is it always a normal phenomenon? And that in this case "norm", and what is the deviation from her?

Answers to these and other issues are contained in the causes of nipples and, oddly enough, in the frequency of repetitions of such a reaction. At the same time, it should be particularly attentive to the fact that the causes of "female" are somewhat different from "male".

What can cause the erection of nipples in women?

For the reasons of the stack of nipples in women include:

Temperature changes

Many probably noticed that due to the decline in air temperature or water, the nipples in women become sensitive and stick out - this is a standard reaction to the cold. However, this effect does not give a gradual decrease in temperature, and the sharp changes, in most cases unpleasant, uncomfortable for the female organism.

Sex insight

Waiting for sex, Prelude / Preparing for sexual contact, directly sex is the most common cause of hardware to harden, and one of the main signs (indicator) of initiation in women, often confirming the pleasure of the process. Most often it occurs as a reaction to stroking, touch.

Pregnancy period

During pregnancy, breasts, in general, is modified. Naturally, nipples and straws are changed. Nipples can increase in size, heat, their sensitivity increases.

In some cases, painful sensations are possible in all breasts, or individual parts, including nipples. It is not worth worrying because of this - most often this is a normal physiological response to the changes occurring in the body. But, if you notice that the pain is intensifying, then in this case it is necessary to urgently contact the doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Premenstrual syndrome

Sensitivity of nipples can be one of the symptoms of PMS. Before the start of the new menstrual cycle (on the eve of critical days), many women would seemed to swell, adds in weight, they note the growth of nipple sensitivity, and that they can periodically get up.

As in pregnancy, it is not necessary to hurry to the hospital at the slightest changes. But if the sensitivity of the nipples is accompanied by pain, which remains and after menstruation, it is still not worth tightening with a visit to the specialist. Remember, during the diagnosed diagnosis will provide timely treatment of the mammary glands.

Incorrect underwear

With more than you need a girl, the size of a nipple bra can be thrown about its inner surface, harden, grown and "get up".

Spontaneous erection of Nipples

This happens rarely and not all women. This reaction is not related to either thoughts or feelings, and with their sensations. It usually lasts long, but with this may have a repetition during the day.

Psychological state / nervous excitation / voltage

Individual characteristics nervous system Sometimes there may be an expression that women's breasts harden, and nipples "get up."

What reasons can cause the nipples in men?

The reasons for the rise of male nipples can be described like this:


Here the rejection of nipples in men converges with a female response to sex. Sometimes nipples can be one of the strong erogenous zones of a man, although it is considered to be rare and is far from all.

Paulic ripening

Nipples can meet due to hormonal changes. As a well-known adolescent body reaction in puberty is unstable, therefore, the erection of nipples can occur completely arbitrarily as a couple of minutes and for a longer time.


Upon exceeding alcohol in the blood, the nipples often stick together, but the arolam decreases in the sizes.

Temperature changes

The erection of nipples can occur from the cold: to be a reaction to the interaction with ice, cold water and cold items.


In some cases, the "raised" nipples in the men talk about the presence of viruses in the body or are a consequence of the inflammatory process in the body. In self-imparation, it is necessary to pay attention to whether there is no separation from the chest, especially purulent.

If available, it is necessary to sign up for a doctor, and as soon as possible, without postponing the visit "in a long box."

In what cases should I urgently visit the doctor?

After studying the causes of the nipples, we can say that almost all of them are normal and harmless. Do not panic, get upset or shy, if you get up nipples, is physiology. But still there are cases when you need to pay close attention to your body.

We have already mentioned the discharge from the nipples from the nipples - if they are, then you need to appeal to the doctor immediately. In addition, the evidence of unhealthy happens in the nipples, redness or other changes, noticeable in self-impact.

Similar deviations are desirable to describe, contacting the specialist for help and advice.

Remember that with regard to health it is better to be restrained and eliminate the disease than to ignore the insignificant, at first glance, the symptom, and launch the disease.

Video: How should healthy nipples look like?

The female organism develops according to its law, and often such a symptom as a sharp swelling of the nipples can deliver considerable discomfort and tell about serious changes in the body. From what the nipples on the chest swell are the very question to which the answer will look for this article.

Causes of swelling of Nipples

If nipples are hurting and swollen, many women immediately immerse themselves in panic and begin to languish themselves. In fact, this symptom may have several reasons. So, most often nipples swell a few days before menstruation. The period of menstruation is a kind of natural nature stress, and such a sign can warn the woman about the approaching hormonal changes. Usually, this symptom manifests itself in a woman from youthful years and up to the onset of menopause, and therefore many ladies do not even pay attention to the swelling of the nipples.

Another one frequent cause The appearance of such a symptom is pregnancy. The organism of many women reacts to conception precisely with the help of swollen nipples. If menstruation must soon come, or there has been a delay, and nipples at the same time, the girl should do a pregnancy test. Perhaps inside her womb is growing a new life.

Much more seriously, the problem is perceived if Nobuchly nipples, but neither pregnancy, nor menstruation in the coming days should be. Usually such a symptom occurs suddenly and does not disappear for a long time. The girl can feel light chest pain that is enhanced by pressing. You can swell as one nipple and both, and over time there will be no other sensation to disappear.

The most common cause of the development of such symptoms is a dormal mastopathy. Mastopathy itself is considered a disease of non-hazardous, and occurring quite often. However, if you do not proceed to treatment in time, the disease can begin to progress. Of course, because of the progress of mastopathy, the painful sensations from the symptoms will increase. At the later stage of the development of the disease, a transparent or white liquid can go from the nipples.

In case of detection of such signs, you must immediately consult a doctor. The earlier mastopathy start to treat, it will be better, because in progress this disease can be encountered with benign and malignant tumors. In the early stages with mastopathy, you can cope with the help of regular reception of drugs and the use of the Gel of the Gel.

Since the female organism has a very subtle organization, any changes in it can lead to the development of such an unpleasant symptom. If a woman feels that her nipples are swollen and hurt, she should contact the gynecologist. Perhaps we are talking about inflammatory diseases in the regions of gynecology. In this case, the earlier the lady to turn to the doctor, the better. Violations of the microflora of the vagina, the development of venereological diseases - all this may result in serious consequences, so it is not necessary to ignore such a symptom as the swelling of the nipples.

Disorders of the endocrine system - another frequent cause of the sharp and inexplicable swelling of the nipples. With such a disease, the symptom manifests the stronger every day and does not leave the girl until the disease is completely destroyed.

Contrary to mutual opinions, the sudden swelling of the nipples very rarely indicates the development of serious cancer. When breast cancer, pain occurs, but their focus applies throughout the chest. Also, a woman can clearly feel the seal, failing the surface of the bust. In addition, in the process of developing tumor diseases, the liquid begins to periodically be released from the nipples. A single sign in the form of pain in the nipples very rarely indicates the presence of a tumor.

A few more reasons for swelling nipples

The causes of the occurrence of unpleasant sensations in the nipples can be very diverse and sometimes pure household. For example, the swelling of the nipples can be caused by a frequent contact of this sensitive area with poor synthetic linen. Due to poor linen or too close bra, the girl may have an unusual pain in the nipples. When changing the underwear, such a symptom usually comes off. If the pains remain relevant, the woman needs to turn to the mammologist, because the cause of its illness is most likely more serious.

Reception of some medicines is often unpleasant sensations in the chest and nipples. A woman can feel pain when pressed, burning and itching when taking certain drugs. Usually, such consequences warns as a doctor who has prescribed medicine and the manufacturer in special instructions for the means. If the pain becomes unbearable, it is worth stopping the medication. Usually after a few days an unpleasant symptom retreats.

More often than unpleasant and explicit effects on the body are contraceptives. Prescribing the contraceptive, the doctor is obliged to talk about the unpleasant consequences of the regular admission of the hormonal drug.

Poland can be another cause of suddenly emerging pain in the nipples. Usually young girls who are experiencing sexual maturation are shy to tell about such an intimate symptom. That is why they have to tolerate regular discomfort. If the girl turn to the doctor in time, the specialist will be able to tell how to get rid of unpleasant sensations. This can be done with special soothing ointments and gels for sensitive nipples.

Any hormonal changes can cause suddenly emerging pain in this intimate area. So, for example, if the girl lost his virginity, a few days after sexual intercourse, she may have pain in the nipples, a small itching or burning. So that the symptom did not give much discomfort, during this period there should be no constraintful underwear, along the way, making cooling compresses for breast.

Often the ending pregnancy becomes the swelling of the nipples. Thus, the body responds to those hormonal restructuring that women occur with the body immediately after delivery.

Another reason why nipples can suddenly swell - this is a sharp increase in body weight. Directly under the milk glands is a layer of fatty deposits. If a person begins to dramatically gain overweight, the breast will also grow in volume, and this will eventually lead to the swelling of the nipples and pain in them. In such a situation, only balanced nutrition and careful attention towards his own health can help.

The reasons for the occurrence of pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nipples can be really a lot. Sometimes women ignore this sign, believing that the unpleasant sensations arise exclusively due to hormonal changes. And yet, with frequent and strong pains in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nipples, it is recommended to refer to the mammologist. A specialist will be able to determine the cause of pain and register appropriate treatment. Knowing the cause of the occurrence of unpleasant sensations, a woman can cope with them much faster and more efficiently.

With the problem of swollen and sore nipples face very many women, but far from each of them pays attention to this anxious symptom. Yes, this sign often foreshadows the onset of menstruation, but it is worth ignored. Sometimes unpleasant pains in the nipples talk about the development of serious diseases, and ignoring this symptom, a person allows the disease to progress.

Nipple swelling is a fairly common case in female and this is normal, especially in the run-ups of menstruation. At the same time, pain and swelling should push you on thoughts why nipples swell. Spehat and sick nipples can both in men and women. Most often causes in hormonal plan.

Women's swelling in women: reasons

Nipples are one of the most sensitive parts of the body of a woman. That is why the pain is in the nipples can become unbearable and severely transferred. This pain is able to bring unpleasant sensations, as well as discomfort and inconvenience. But in order to get rid of this pain, it should be sorted out, what is the cause of its reason. If you have swollen and nipples hurt, consult your experienced specialist (endocrinologist, mammologist).

The causes of pain and swelling of female nipples are PMS, monthly, pregnancy and feeding. For example, in the photo you can see how women's breasts change during pregnancy. Changes are visible to the naked eye, the chest increased in size, Nobuchly nipples and also became more. It turns out that pregnancy occurred, nobuchi nipples and became more sensitive, which can cause pain and discomfort.

Also the cause of pain can be various diseases, for example, mastitis or mastopathy, if you observe not only pain, but also allocations from nipples, here you can already talk about the presence of a tumor in the chest. But only a doctor can put an accurate diagnosis, it should also be treated.

Causes of male swelling

Nobuch nipples in men, as well as their pain, also speak of hormonal disorders. To clarify the exact reason, it is also worth consulting a doctor, and pass the necessary analyzes. One of the causes of painful sensations may be a disease called gynecomastia. It can be both one-sided (one nipple) and bilateral (both nipples).

I suggest to carefully consider photos of swelling nipples in men with gynecomastia. You can observe the status of male nipples in swollen and normal condition. This disease can go through itself if caused by a violation of a hormonal background, for example, in adolescence, but may require surgical intervention. Each case is considered individually and is treated under the supervision of a specialist.

Also, false gynecomastia can also be observed when the increase in nipples is due to fat deposits, but in this case, pain in the nipples are quite rare.

Another reason for swelling, as well as pains of the mammary glands can be pain. This disease is found not only in women, but also men with different symptoms of manifestation. Mostly manifests cancer in old age.

Flat or drawn nipples (which, as it were, hide in the chest), there are both men and women. This problem has many potential reasons: some people have it from birth, and some develops as a result of certain diseases. If you did not have flat nipples from childhood or adolescence, and you noticed some signs of this problem, then you should contact a specialist. If you are over 50 years old and noticed changes in the shape of the nipples, you should immediately consult a doctor and check for breast cancer. In general, the drawn nipples can deliver as inconvenience from aesthetic considerations and, in more complex cases, to represent complexity in breastfeeding. Fortunately, there are ways to solve this problem, ranging from manual stimulation to plastic surgery.


Compile action plan

    Determine the degree of inversion of nipples. Remove your outerwear and stand up near the mirror. Holding the breast along the edge of the Area (the dark area surrounding the nipple) with large and index fingers, squeeze about 2.5 cm for the nipple. Act carefully, but confident. Depending on the reaction of the nipple, three degrees of inversion can be distinguished.

    Remit the reason. If you have such nipples from childhood or adolescence, then they are unlikely to be a symptom of some disease. It is true and the opposite - if the changes have happened recently, and especially if you are older than 50, then the blame of everything may be a disease or infection. Cancer and other serious pathologies (infections and inflammatory processes) can cause nipple inversion.

    Decide with the treatment method. The method of treatment depends on the cause and degree of pacifier drawnity, as well as on whether you are planning to breastfeed. If you have symptoms of breast cancer, infection or blockage of dairy ducts, consult a doctor immediately.

    • If you have 1 degree of inversion of the nipple, then, most likely, manual methods can weaken fibrosis and allow nipples to write normally.
    • If you have 2 or 3 degree of nipple inversion, then it will be best to consult a doctor to make it for you individual plan Treatment. In some cases, non-invasive methods can be very effective, in other cases the best solution will be a surgical operation.
    • If you are pregnant or breastfeed, consult your doctor or breastfeeding consultant.
  1. Spin the nipple between big and index fingers several times a day. Carefully pull the nipple and turn it between your fingers, causing it longer to stay outside. Then wet the towel with cold water and wipe the nipples to them so that they remained speaking.

Using special funds

    Purchase breast cups. They are sold in stores for pregnant women and on the Internet. Chest cups are soft, slightly convex discs with a small hole in the center, which pushes the nipple forward.

    Take advantage of breastsos. If you are pregnant or breastfeed, use this device to pull the nipples.

    Use the inverted syringe. Pull the nipple with a clean syringe with a volume of about 10 ml (the size of the syringe can vary depending on the size of the nipple).

    • With the help of pure sharp scissors, cut the tip of the syringe in the place where the "0 ml" mark is set (from the opposite piston).
    • Remove the piston and insert it again from the other side where you just cut. Put on the piston so that it goes to the end.
    • Place the uncurved end of the nipple and pull the piston so that the nipple spoke.
    • If you feel discomfort, do not pull the piston anymore.
    • Before removing the syringe, push the piston slightly to weaken the pressure.
    • After completion of the procedure, rinse all parts of the syringe in hot water with soap.
    • You can also purchase a special medical device "EVERT-IT". It is similar to a slightly modified syringe and works on the same principle.
  1. Use the Niplette Corrector. The "Niplette" corrector is a device that lengthens the dairy ducts, pulling the nipple for a long time. This is a small transparent "cap" on the nipple, which is worn under clothing.

  2. Use the Supple Cups Corrector. The "Supple Cups" tool is sold on the Internet, it will help people suffering from the inversion of nipples, as if "pulling out" them into a special cup. According to the results of clinical studies, the complete disappearance of the problem was achieved in just a few weeks.

    • Place "Supple Cup" on the nipple, then carefully squeeze the bottom of the cap, gently pressing it to the nipple. So the vacuum will be created, which will extend the nipple.
    • It will be better if you use a small amount of cream for nipples or oil. Apply cream or butter on the nipple and the inner part "Supple Cup". If it does not help, then you may need to try the caps of another size.
    • On the first day it is worth wearing "Supple Cups" for 15 minutes. If this did not cause you pain or discomfort, you can increase the time of wearing a corrector, reaching up to 4 hours a day by the end of the first week.
    • Someone can wear this corrector under the bra so as not to experience discomfort or disintegrate caps. However, you can use "BREAST SHELLS" with "Supple Cups" to avoid crushing the cap with a close bra, too strong pressure or cutting cap from a nipple.

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