You can find out what cancer. What tests are given "on cancer": laboratory diagnosis of oncological diseases

You can find out what cancer. What tests are given "on cancer": laboratory diagnosis of oncological diseases

According to statistics, almost 2% of all people living in the Russian Federation today are oncological patients. Every year more than 500 thousand Russians are confronted with a oncological diagnosis. Despite frightening statistics, experts argue that cancer is not a sentence.

"Oncology is definitely a dangerous and very serious illness. However, it is necessary to understand that there are thousands of species and subspecies of cancer. And most of them are curable subject to high-quality diagnosis and therapy, "believes founder and general director of service diagnostics of oncological diseases "Unim" Alexey Remez.

According to the expert, the earlier it is possible to detect an oncological disease, the higher the chance for recovery.

"Melanoma is a very good example, the well-known aggressive skin cancer - when discovered on a zero stage, when germination is still very little, and the recovery is achieved in 99% of cases, while in the treatment of melanoma at 4 stages chance to live five years with This diagnosis is about 15%, "Remez noted.

Find and neutralize

Treatment of cancer in any country is based on protocols developed by the International Medical Community, which are based on the analysis of collective medical experience. However, before you begin to treat a person, it is important to put an accurate diagnosis.

A person should be alerted and consult a doctor if he began to rapidly lose weight without any reason, nausea, weakness and pain appeared, explained oncologist Andrei Crying.

"In addition, a person should alert unusual discharge (bleeding, purulent, mucous membranes), a long undetented increase in body temperature, frequent exacerbations of chronic disease and the emergence of a new education," oncologist warned.

The first stage of cancer diagnosis is screening.

"Screening is a massive inspection of people entering a risk group for a certain type of disease in the absence of them symptoms," the doctor explained.

There is a series of screening events that help to identify cancer at an early stage. For example, women between the ages of 20 and 40 are advised to annually do the ultrasound of the breast, and after 40 years, replace the procedure for mammography.

"To exclude cervical cancer, women over 20 years every three years old should make a liquid oncocytological study (smear) by Papanicolau (dad-test) and research on the presence of oncogenic types of human papilloma viruses by polymerase-chain reaction method (HPV test). , "Said Cornish.

Men and women after 40 years also need to make colonoscopy once every five years. And to further donate blood test to the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) to prevent the development of prostate cancer.

"Representatives of all groups of the population are also worth making an annual survey ultrasound of the abdominal organs and radiography of the chest organs. Recently, the periodic implementation of gastroscopy with the biopsy of the mucous membrane comes to the foreground to exclude the stomach cancer, "the oncologist noticed.

If after screening the therapist appears suspicion of malignant neoplasm or a doctor acknowledged the patient's complaints, a person prescribed additional research.

"These may be laboratory tests and instrumental research - MRI, CT, endoscopic studies (FGDS, colonoscopy). If the patient's cancer is suspected, they are sent to the reception to an oncologist, where the question of holding a histological study is solved, "described the Cornic procedure.

To confirm or disprove the diagnosis, the specialist primarily conducts a biopsy - cuts a piece of fabric or organ to study in a patient. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, or during surgery. Further, the resulting material enters the pathological laboratory, where it is processed and preserved, making paraffin blocks and histological glasses, which later will study the pattomorphologist under the microscope.

In step from error

Having obtained the results of histological research, oncologist may choose treatment, the most effective for this type of cancer - surgical, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, etc.

However, experts advise not to rely on the opinion of one specialist, but to seek advice with the results of analyzes in several centers. At the same time, the patient can independently send histological glands to another laboratory so that another pathologist confirms or adjusted the diagnosis.

"One of our clients found an epithelial tumor, the origin of the neoplasm in place could not be installed. She turned to us for research, since in the laboratory of the oncological dispensary did not make the immunohistochemistry they needed. According to the results of the study, a rare shape of a dangerous lymphoproliferative disease was established - myeloid sarcoma with monoblastic differentiation. However, due to the characteristics of the form of this disease, the patient's blood test was perfect, and it did not quite estimate the complexity of the situation. The pathological process has already developed, and in the absence of treatment, the forecasts would be sad - no more than a month of life. Ultimately, we managed to convince it to re-consult with a specialist and proceed to the treatment of the disease, "the belt was brought.

At the same time, according to the expert, according to the internal statistics of the company, more than 40% of incoming diagnoses when revised are erroneous.

Immunohistochemistry is a high-precision diagnostic method to identify tumor antigens. It is widely used to install the final diagnosis in oncological practice.

Lymphoproliferative disease - a group of diseases in which cells are growing immune system- lymphocytes. If the tumor occurs in the bone marrow, the term "leukemia" is used. The neoplasms that occur in lymphoid tissue outside the bone marrow are called lymphomas.

*** Myeloid sarcoma is a malignant tumor consisting of immature cells of the white blood sprout of bone marrow (leukemic myeloblasts).

When health problems begin: the inflammatory process or the traditional course of treating some kind of disease does not bring results, the doctor gives a direction for tests. The simplest study is a blood test, taken from the finger, can sufficiently say about the patient's state.

Other blood cells can be shortage. There is anemia.

If the analysis detects the presence of granulocytes or granular leukocytes in increased quantities, then we can talk about developing chronic leukemia.

Anemia can also be observed and a decrease in the number of other cell species.

Biochemical analysis helps to determine whether the pathological process caused tumor education in other organs. When blood cancer, a pathological disorder can happen with any type of blood cells, this is specified using the study.

Increased oncomarcker B-2-mg may indicate the presence of multiple myeloma, lymphoma or lymphocytic leukemia.

Preparation of patients

In order for the blood indicators for cancer, the unaccounted factors would have influenced, preparatory actions are recommended before passing the material for analysis.

  • It follows two weeks before the procedure to abandon the systemic drugs.
  • In order not to worsen the result due to the body's reaction on alcohol, fried and oily food, it should not be used in a couple of days before the analysis of the analysis.
  • Smoking includes negative processes in the body, so it is necessary to abandon it at least an hour before the procedure.
  • Half an hour before the procedure is recommended to hold it alone, eliminating mental and physical exertion.
  • If the patient has passed other types of surveys using instruments or tools, it is better to do some pause to not get a distorted result.

Terms for general analysis:

  • For four to five hours, a small reception of food is possible, but it is better to take a break in eight hours. You can drink water.

Biochemical analysis:

  • To get the right undisputed result, it is necessary to pour 8 ÷ 12 hours before the procedure. Because the analysis of the analysis material is usually produced in the morning hours, the break time in food falls on the night's sleep. You can drink water.

Video on the diagnosis of cancer using blood analysis:

14 signs that you are time to check on cancer! Scary, but better know! An American oncological society recorded 1.5 million cancer in 2015 in 2015 alone. All as one medical experts say that early detection of the tumor is crucial to combating the disease.

There are some signs of cancer development that absolutely impossible to ignore. Pay attention to all changes in the body, since they can be a sign of not only this disease, but also a number of others. Check your body for its cleanliness of cancer cells, if you feel some of these symptoms. Remember: these signs know only what you need to seek help to your doctor. 13 signs that you are time to check for cancer:

Women's bloating.

Inexplicable and chronic meteorism may indicate ovarian cancer. Dr. Beth Yu Karlan explains: "ovarian cancer is a silent killer. Usually, no one draws attention to the fact that he quickly and regularly swells the belly after lunch. " If you feel that the feeling of the overflow of the stomach appears with you too quickly, and at the same time regularly feel pain in the lower back, visit the doctor. Especially if you feel these symptoms a few weeks in a row.

Irregular bleeding in women.

Any abnormal bleeding that happens after menopause or is not attached at all to the cycle, it may be a sign of something serious. For example, endometrial, or cervical cancer.

Dr. Caroline Runovich says:

Any bleeding, even small blood drops on underwear, is abnormal. Not to mention the bunches. If it happens to you, it is necessary to immediately explore what's the matter. "

So are going to the doctor if you noticed something like that. Let's hope that we are talking about some kind of banal cervical infection.

Pain in the stomach and small pelvis organs in women.

Pain in the organs of a small pelvic or abdomen can be a sign of serious problems with ovaries. If this pain is also accompanied by a bloating, if you have problems with appetite or urination, it requires a visit to the doctor.

"These symptoms are also noticed when it comes to a cancer, but about other problems. When they are caused by cancer, then stable and regular. "

Persistent back pain in men.

This problem may have many reasons. And most of them, fortunately, are not associated with cancer. Nevertheless, colon cancer and prostate is almost always accompanied by sharp pain in the back. So if you encountered them, it would not hurt to sign up for a doctor.

HealthLine edition writes on this topic:

Back pain is the most frequent cause disability. People do not realize this, but it can also point to the prostate cancer. He has another symptoms: pain in the bones of the thighs.

Of course, pain in the muscles themselves should not be for you the cause of panic. But if this condition is repeated from you regularly, it is certainly about something serious.

Changes in the testicles in men.

One of best ways Defend of testicle cancer - to constantly monitor the condition and size of these organs. It is important that their size and form do not change.

Dr. Herbert Lepor explains:

If you notice something superfluous on them, some serious new education, never delay the inspection by the doctor. Unlike prostate cancer, which grows slowly, cancer eggs can form in one night!.

In general, look at yourself!

Pain in groin, hips or pelvis in men.

Prostate cancer can give not only back pains, but also pain in groin, hips and buttocks. The same symptoms are characterized by egg cancer.And remember: any chronic pain or swelling is definitely a sign of something serious.

Permanent cough in men and women.

As a rule, cough is a consequence of a cold. Nevertheless, if he refuses to leave and torment you for months / years, it may indicate cancer - thyroid gland, throat or lungs.

We know that coughing and colds are usually interrelated. But if the cough does not pass for months, do not be afraid to go for a consultation to the doctor.

Smoking can also cause chronic cough. "This is the cancer killer number one among women," Parlan emphasizes.

Problems with urination in men and women.

If you regularly repeat problems with feces and urination, it may be a sign of something very serious.

Healthline writes:

Problems with the intestine are somehow anyway, but serious changes, chronic pains, the feeling that the belly "appeared" is, "all this can be the symptoms of the rectum cancer."

If the blood comes out with the feces of you, it means that it's time to immediately appeal to professionals.

Sudden weight loss in men and women.

Sudden and inexplicable weight loss can have several reasons, but they are all very serious. So, in particular, some kind of cancer are also shown.

American Cancer Society writes:

Inexplicable loss, even 5 kg may indicate cancer. It is usually a case with pancreatic cancer, stomach, esophagus or lungs.

Stress, however, can also be this cause. But it is better to hand over blood test to make sure everything is fine.

Changes in the chest in men and women.

Many people think that breast cancer is striking only women, but in fact he meets in men. His feature: the appearance of lumps of incomprehensible nature in the chest.

Dr. Myers says:

Men tend to ignore the risk to get sick with this kind of cancer. But in 1% of all cases, it develops in men, and not in women. And almost all the diseases seek help to doctors too late.

Breast cancer is treated without any problems: the main thing is to identify it at an early stage.

Increased lymph nodes in men and women.

We are talking about small glands located in several places throughout the body. The main ones on the neck and armpits. An increase in lymph nodes is most often a sign of supercooling or a consequence of throat pain.

Nevertheless, Dr. Marlene Myers notes that if the swelling does not pass within two or four weeks, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Changes in men and women.

It should be followed by any new formations on your skin. After all, this kind of cancer is extremely important and most importantly - it is easy to recognize at an early stage.

Pay attention to all new moles that appear on your body. If you do not like their color, form or size, immediately consult a doctor.

And this is TOT best caseWhen "Better to overdo it, than to notice": on time the identified skin cancer cells help to stop it instantly.

Any changes in the mouth of men and women.

First of all, it is worth paying attention to the appearance of incomprehensible white or red spots in the oral cavity. Especially if you smoke or chew a tobacco!

American Cancer Society writes about this:

White spots in the mouth and white spots in the language may indicate the precancerous state. Any changes that do not pass quickly must be checked by a doctor. "

Strong chronic fatigue in men and women.

We mean fatigue without any reason. Those. If you feel every day in the morning even worse than in the evenings, then most likely you got sick something really serious.

American Cancer Society writes:

Fatigue is an important symptom, if it is becoming more acute and sharper over time. So usually leukemia or other types of cancer.

As you understand, this is also the case when it's better to go back to the doctor to understand that you are safe than then regret it in the hospital ward.

Dr. Beth Carland emphasizes:

We did not want to alarmed you. We just want to explain to you: Cancer must heal if you find it in the early stages, then nothing terrible will not happen to you. Use the latest achievements of medical science to the maximum - and you can live, as they lived, and before the diagnosis. The main thing - to seem at the monologists on time.

In short, you understood. We just could not warn you. Show this article to all friends, what only you know! It can save someone's life !!! It was 14 signs that it's time for you to check on cancer.

Cancer is a malignant neoplasm, capable of developing in any organ or tissue. At the first stages of development, the disease is masked for another disease. The symptoms begin to appear on 3 or 4 stages when the treatment is required long. The chance to recover at this stage is low - malignant metastases apply to the nearest organs. Disease by early timing Successfully treatable. Therefore, the doctors of the whole world are interested in the diagnosis of cancer in early time. Saving early diagnosis allows you to prevent heavy complications and speeds up the process of recovery.

Early diagnosis can save the life of the patient - at the first stages of the disease amenable to therapy. To diagnose cancer in the early stages, it is required to carefully listen to your body, to be examined annually in the clinic.

  • People, abuse of nicotine, alcohol or drugs.
  • If there were cases of cancer in the genus - there is a genetic predisposition.
  • Finding in infected radiation zone or irradiation with high concentration.
  • Professional activities are associated with toxic substances.

Diagnosis of cancer on 1 or 2 stages in such persons helps prevent complications and negative consequences. After 45 years, doctors advise everyone to take an oncology examination every year. The body begins to grow old, cell division passes with violations. The situation exacerbates a long stressful state, fast food nutrition and other unwanted food.

In children, the process of developing cancer cells is faster, so the detection at the initial stage can save life. The danger lies in the course of the disease without visible symptoms. For the first time, notice the signs of illness usually succeeded on late time. Therefore, doctors apply all efforts for early diagnosis of the disease.

Symptoms of oncological pathology

The oncological diagnosis is usually put on 3 or 4 stages, when metastasis germinate into nearby organs and tissues. In the first time, cancer proceeds asymptomatic. Doctors highlight the symptoms to be paid to:

  • Open wounds do not heal for a long time;
  • There are discharge or bleeding without visible reasons;
  • Moles, the birthmarks and warts changed color, shape or size;
  • Breast cough and sophisticated pain, not passing for a long time, against the background of healthy respiratory organs;
  • Sharp decline in appetite and weight;
  • Pain in different parts of the body against the background of lack of diseases;
  • Man quickly gets tired without existence of physical exertion;
  • Constant presence of dizziness against the background of pain in the head and increased sweating;
  • Increasing body temperature, especially in the evening;
  • Discomfort in the throat and digestive organs;
  • Noticeably increased lymph nodes;
  • Frequent infectious and viral diseases;
  • Violations in vision, hearing and speech.

Making conclusions On the basis of only these features are impossible. The presence of several symptoms should alert the victim. It is required to consult a doctor and go through a detailed examination.

Laboratory examination

At first, the doctor collects anamnesis from the words of the patient. A family research is conducted for the presence of oncology in relatives. Satishes, mucous, benign nevies and language on external changes are examined. The change in body temperature is analyzed. The work of the respiratory organs and the cardiovascular system on signs of violations is investigated. The physical examination methods help to detect noticeable external changes in the body. Palpation allows you to explore the nature of the seals, the presence of pain, if possible, to determine the boundaries of the neoplasm.

Biological material is taken with extraneous education, warts and non-love, which is sent to the laboratory. Analyzes of biopsy and histology will determine the malignant this type of tumor or it is benign.

In the laboratory will take blood, urine, feces and spinal fluid to diagnose the overall condition of the patient. Increased leukocyte levels, low hemoglobin, the presence of myelocytes with blast cells is considered hazardous signs requiring detailed study. Increased SE parameter speaks of the presence of internal inflammation. The overall picture is folded after receiving the parameters of bilirubin, creatinine, fibrinogen, protein and alkaline phosphatase with transaminases. The identification of significant deviations indicates that there is a disease in the body.

Blood research on oncomarkers

Modern method of blood testing on special oncomarcresters is gaining increasing popularity. It is based on the study of a certain protein, which is distinguished into blood with patients with cells. The oncological appearance of each tumor has its own special protein. Blood on cancer in the clinic can take in preventive measures. Men usually study the level of blood ps, in women - the functioning of dairy glasses with ovaries.

Blood take from Vienna. The analysis is carried out using special reagents. Suspicions on oncology in the pancreas, light, intestines, stomach, head and spinal cord, adrenal glands, urinary bubble or liver require a separate study to oncomarkers. Everyone in a row, such analysis is not prescribed due to a high price. Communicate a particular person who has appropriate suspicions of cancer. Even if the result shows oncology, the doctor will send further research for a refined examination, because Oncomarkers do not give 100% confidence in the presence of the disease.

Tool examination of the patient

The study of the newly formed focus requires the use of high-tech equipment:

  • The scanning of the tumor ultrasound helps to see the form, location location and the presence of metastasic sprouts.
  • To identify malignant education in the joints and the spine allows radiography - you can see the focus of inflammation and specific dimming in the structure.
  • Examine a molecular tumor can radioisotope diagnostics.
  • The condition of the internal digestive organs will be recognized using gastroscopy, irrigoscopy and colonoscopy.
  • Various algorithms are carried out to study the reaction of immune cells on the types of oncological disease.
  • The cytological examination of the neoplasm biostructure gives information about the cellular composition of pathology.
  • Computed tomography (CT) with contrast studies each layer of the patient site.
  • The best method is considered to be MRI - the tumor is fully studied on the structural structure in soft tissues and lymph nodes.
  • Positron-emission computed tomography (PET) refers to nuclear medicine, where the survey of the cancer tumor passes during microscopic study.

When using these methods, it is possible to accurately set the alarm and the state of the neoplasm. A newest drug has been developed - a tester that allows an express test to the presence of cancer cells.

Study of concrete cancer localization

In order not to occur errors, a detailed examination of the patient to identify a dangerous disease is required. During the diagnosis of cancer, it is not necessary to walk from the office to the Cabinet. Each tumor has its own medical testimony to analyze. The search for certain pathology applies a separate test and research method.

Lungs' cancer

Light cancer refers to rapidly developing malignant tumors, which is quite difficult to diagnose in the early stages. The passage of fluorography every year does not give 100% guarantees, which will be able to identify the disease. It rarely happens, usually the diagnosis is placed in late inoperable stages. Scientists are looking for options for early detection of pathology, which will significantly reduce the percentage of mortality.

The patient passes the following procedures:

  • Blood surrendered for general analysis, special attention is paid to ESO and leukocytes.
  • Fluorography and X-ray - screening and overview of the bodies.
  • Endoscopic study on the structure of the neoplasm, localization and pace of development, the state of the trachea and bronchi is studied.
  • The Perezrocente procedure is applied - cytological analysis effusion.
  • Biopsy is carried out in conjunction with thoracoscopy.
  • Toracotomy with biofsy analysis is used when there is not enough data for an accurate diagnosis.

Malignant neoplasm in the breast

Breast tumor usually occurs after 40 years. Therefore, women are recommended at this age every year to pass mammography. The patient passes the following examination:

  • Blood is studied to oncomarker SA-15-3 and estrogen indicator.
  • The ultrasound of the chest and the mammary gland will show the presence of structural changes to 1 or 2 stages.
  • Cytological puncture conducted in a timely manner often helps save breasts from removal.
  • Conducting is carried out with contrast.
  • The biological material of the affected area is sent to histology.
  • CT and MRI are necessarily assigned, providing complete information on the state of formation and the presence of metastasis.
  • Modern medical centers began to make methods of molecular genetics (this particularly practiced by one clinic in Israel) - the genes that have rotated mutations are determined.

Timely appeal to the hospital can save life and avoid serious consequences from cancer.

Pathology stomach

To identify the disease often helps an abdominal ultrasound, which determines the extraneous inclusion with the presence of fluid in the region of the peritoneum.

After the detection of such signs of a person in early diagnostics send:

  • To the laboratory for blood delivery to oncomarkers - SA-19-9, CA-242 and AFP;
  • The genth of the stomach with the intestines is carried out using contrast - barium;
  • FGDs with a specific biopsy determines the size, form, localization and structural composition of pathology;
  • Large neoplasms are studied using laparoscopy.

FGDS helps to identify deviations in the structure not only a stomach, but also a 12-rosewoman. The presence of Helicobacter infection speaks about the presence of certain deviations that require further close attention and observation.

Tumor intestine

To detect malignant intestinal disease, the patient passes research:

  • Cal surrenders for general analysis and hidden blood;
  • Study of blood on the monacker - SA-19-9;
  • X-ray organ with contrast - barium;
  • The structure of the rectum will determine the rectoromanososcopy;
  • The colonist is investigated using irrigoscopy;
  • An unpleasant process for patients - fibrocolonoscopy - gives a complete analysis of the tumor;
  • CT and MRI eliminate doubts that have arisen under previous studies.

Disease in the pancreas

Diagnose the disease in the early deadlines is difficult. It happens already with a large tumor with the presence of malignant metastasis.

The person passes relying procedures:

  • Ultrasound, CT and PET, as well as an MRI of the body;
  • Aspiration biopsy using ultrasound;
  • ERCHP - the use of an optical pipe introduced into the lumen of a 12-rig for collecting material to research;
  • Endoscopic ultrasound;
  • Laparoscopic method of selection of patient fabric.

Cancer tumor in the liver

This pathology occurs quite often. People who are abused by alcohol, it is recommended to study studies annually:

  • Blood is taken to biochemical research - Alt, Ast, as well as oncomarker - AFP;
  • Uzi organ.

Percutaneous biopsy is prescribed in exceptional cases, because The procedure is dangerous for conducting. Damage to the blood vessel of the liver threatens with abundant internal bleeding.

Neof formation in the uterus and ovaries

The uterus disease is detected according to the techniques:

  • Annual examination of the gynecologist;
  • Cytology material;
  • Ultrasound organ;
  • Aspiration biopsy;
  • Colposcopy is carried out on the analysis of the walls of the cervix;
  • Hysteroscopy is done only with a tumor in the uterus, in other cases it is impossible.

The process of searching pathology in the ovaries is the following:

  • Rectovaginal research with vaginal;
  • Uzi small pelvis organs;
  • Blood is studied on the monasarkers SA-125, Raa and others, as well as hormones;
  • Biopsy is carried out with laparoscopy;
  • Prescribe a computer with MRI;
  • Mammography and ultrasound breasts, thyroid gland with abdominal cavity;
  • Gastroscopy procedure with irrigoscopy;
  • Make chromocystoscopy with R-Skopia chest.


Prostate cancer Two first stages flows asymptomatic. Early diagnosis refers:

  • Study oncomarcker - PSA;
  • Rectal study of the body;
  • TRUZHS using color doppler mapping;
  • The best tool is the multifocal needle biopsy.


Standard blood tests with urine, which already show the presence of serious abnormalities in the body. Additionally, you will need to go through:

  • Ultrasound of the abnormal organs;
  • The organ is investigated by R-graphics using contrast;
  • Computed tomography of the structure of the tumor;
  • A target biopsy and retrograde pyelography are appointed;
  • Kidney cell cancer helps to identify selective angiography.

Cancer throat and larynx

The neoplasm in the larynx occurs often in men, women are sick less often. The lesion of the alignment is characterized by complex diagnosis. To identify malignant sarms of nose and throat, research procedures will be required:

  • With the help of laryngoscopy, a sick plot is studied and the material is taken;
  • Biopsy will determine the type of disease;
  • Standard procedures of ultrasound, CT and PET, MRI are held;
  • Additionally can assign stroboscopy;
  • The neck x-ray helps to identify disorders in the structure of the tissues;
  • It takes on overall analysis and oncomarkers blood from the finger and from Vienna.

Cancer is a generalized name of numerous diseases affecting any organ or fabric. As synonyms for the word "cancer", the terms "malignant tumor", "neoplasm" are also used. The essence of pathology is that DNA is disturbed in a single cell - biological information inheritance. The cell begins to be completely divided by forming a mass of tissue called a tumor.
The malignant tumor is the pathological autonomous progressive growth of abnormal cells penetrating and propagating in the adjacent fabrics. The tumor has not only its own cells, but also a protective shell (stroma), as well as blood vessels.
Depending on the type of fabric from which the oncological process begins to develop, tumors are classified according to histogenetic basis:

  • cancer or carcinoma - from epithelium tissues;
  • sarcoma - from fat, connecting, bone and muscular tissues, as well as from lymphatic and blood vessels;
  • leukemia - from blood formation cells;
  • meloma - from bone marrow fabrics;
  • lymphoma - from lymph fabric.

The main part of pathological tumors falls on cancer or carcinoma.
Malignant neoplasms are developing in two stages: preclinical and clinical. A long course of pathology without the manifestation of any symptoms of its presence is called a preclinical period. By time, this stage is 75% of the total duration of the existence of malignant cells. During this period, early cancer is most often developed. But sometimes hidden progress and large in size of the tumor.

In the clinical period, cancer begins to manifest itself by external symptoms. There are many of them, they are diverse, but nonspecific: Each symptom of oncological pathology is also a sign of a neuhroquim disease. Therefore, diagnose malignant neoplasm is difficult. At the same time, with cancer, characteristic symptoms are observed, prompting the doctor the presence of a tumor in the body, since the neoplasm gradually increases, causes poisoning by the produced toxins, disrupts the work of the affected organ.
In this regard, there are five clinical phenomena, which serve as a basis for determining oncological pathology: Obstrument, destruction, compression, intoxication, tumor education.

Purchase (Obbit)

This phenomenon occurs mainly in the tumors of hollow (having a cavity inside) organs, but it also happens in other organs. The growing neoplasm narrows the lumen inside or squeezes it from the outside, disturbing the passability. Signs of obstruction associated with clogging are often the main in the clinical picture of pathology, but each organ has their own:

  • the narrowing of the enlightenment of the esophagus leads to difficulty in swallowing; Cancer of the left side of the colon - to the violation of the passage of its content, causing spasmodic abdominal pain, the absence of stool and gases, the bloating, vomiting;
  • the narrowing of the hole leading from the stomach to the duodenum gives a feeling of overflowing the stomach after a meal, causes spasmodic pain, stagnant with stagnant foods, the noise of the splash in the pureth of an empty stomach;
  • the compression of the urethra in prostate tumors causes an acute urine delay;
  • cancer in lungs squeezes bronchi, causing shortness of breath, cough, chest pain;
  • the tumor of the pancreas head clogs the biliary duct, developing the jaggility of the skin of a mechanical character.

Formation of closure of the lumen in most cases is gradually. Therefore, the signs of cancer are increasing progress. But sometimes obstruction occurs suddenly:

  1. the neoplasm in the esophagus can cause a sharp spasm of the wall above the tumor;
  2. cancer of the ultimate part of the colon moving into a straight (sigmoid colon), forms acute obstruction, tightly blocking the cavity of the feces.

There are also cases when the lumen's passability is restored in part or completely despite the fact that cancer progresses. This happens if the tumor breaks down. Spasm or inflammation of the mucosa cease.

As far as expressed symptoms of cancer associated with obturation, depends on the form of tumor growth. In this respect, the following pattern is traced: in organs with the cavity of large diameter, the clogging is observed earlier and more pronounced in the rustling of malignant cells into neighboring tissues. When cancer branches of the respiratory throat and the biliary tracks, the blockage occurs when heighting the organ of the organ, connecting with its wall by the leg.

Destruction (destruction)

The disruption phenomenon is characteristic of the ulcer and growing cavities of cancer tumors. The neoplasm decays under the influence of some mechanical factor. For example, the dense content of the organ hurts, injures a soft tumor mass. At the same time, the vessels of the tumor are damaged, bleeding opens.
Usually the expiration of the blood is insignificant, as minor vessels are damaged. Bleeding occurs periodically, but it can continue for a long time, repeated often. This leads to anemia - a decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood, which is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • leather pale;
  • dizziness;
  • flowing blood pressure;
  • the pulse is underlieves poorly;
  • heart tone is muted.

If a large vessel is breaking, severe bleeding occurs, which is difficult to stop.
Symptoms of destruction are peculiar to neoplasms of internal organs:

  • with the rectal cancer and the cancer of the main division of the colon, there is a small amount of blood in feces;
  • in the tumors of the esophagus and the stomach, there is a hidden (visible only under laboratory study) blood in feces, vomiting with blood;
  • in case of rack, the patients harking blood;
  • cancer in the cervix proceeds with a blood secret from the vagina;
  • the bladder tumor or kidney passes with the presence of blood in the urine.

The appearance of one of the listed symptoms should alert a person, even if the bleeding was observed once. Immediately refer to a specialist for a survey of the problem body.

Compression (squeezing)

This phenomenon is associated with the pressure of cancer cells on the nerve fibers surrounding the fabrics and organs. Manifests itself in two positions:

  1. pain;
  2. violation of the body.

When squeezing, there are more painful sensations. They do not immediately appear, occur only with an increase in the tumor in size, its germination or pressure on the nerve endings.
At first, the pain is fading slightly, wears a stupid, no matter. Next, it is enhanced, it is not interrupted, becomes acute, and when the tumor progression is progressing to the late stage - unbearable. The pain during cancer processes of a certain organ is different:

  • with kidney tumors, body cancer of the stomach, liver, pancreas, bone sarcoma pains are called the main symptom;
  • with neoplasms in the esophagus, light pain is not felt as often;
  • it rarely hurts when cancer organs outdoor.

Colon cancer on the right side usually germinates its limits, so the best pain happens often. At the same time, for the tumor of the left side of the colon, the closure that causes intestinal obstruction and attacks of acute pain is characterized.

Inxication (poisoning)

Cancer cells break the metabolism - enzyme, carbohydrate, protein, hormonal. This causes intoxication. The symptoms of it are diverse, but leading doctors call the absence of appetite, body weight loss, a weakness of a general nature. The manifestation of these clinical signs is intensified as the mass of malignant cells increases, respectively, they are typical for later stages of pathology.

However, observations are found when the absence of appetite, body weight loss, the weakness of a general nature is also manifested at small sizes of malignant tumors. Therefore, with an unmatched, unmotivated occurrence of such symptoms, it is important to consult with a specialist who will prescribe a survey in order to detect a tumor on time.

The symptoms of poisoning toxins are characteristic of the internal organ cancer and are more pronounced with liver cancer, pancreas, tumors in the stomach. And it is explained as well as disorder of food digestion in the stomach and intestines. The dynamics of systemic signs of malignant education in the stomach develops in stages. First, this is a minor body weight loss, a small fatigue, a very easy decline in mood, unsatisfactory sensations after meals. The development of symptoms of the absolute loss of appetite, a sudden common decline, extreme exhaustion. This complex of intoxication symptoms is called "Small signs of the tumor of the stomach" and occupies a special place in recognizing oncological processes.

Carcinomas of other organs of the digestive tract (liver, esophagus, pancreas) make themselves felt in the reverse order: first the total decline, then weight loss, loss of appetite. Less often, these symptoms are found in carcinomas of the final part of the large intestine and the sigmoid colon.
Also, the symptoms of poisoning toxins are characteristic of patients with lung cancer, but practically do not manifest themselves when skin cancer, uterine, breast.

Tumor Education

The formation of the tumor can be visible or tackling, revealing a reliable sign of the development of the oncological process. Cancer lips or skin usually looks like an ulcerative formation of a small volume, covered with crusts or scales. When the upper layer is removed, the bottom in the walls can be seen, blood drops.
Rounded nodes can be patched in the mammary gland, on the front of the liver. Much less often to the touch recognizes kidney tumor formation, in separate observations - pancreas. Blood vessels supply these organs relatively evenly on each side, so the decomposition of the neoplasm will not happen as often as in the organs with the cavity.

Available on the touch cancer tumor is painless, dense buggy structure. Tumor formation does not have a durable protective shell, so it moves together with displaceable adjacent tissues. But if malignant cells penetrated the fixed organs or in the bone, the tumor also becomes fixed.
The five phenomena described is called the most typical signs of cancer. However, there are other manifestations in which the presence of malignant cells in the body can be assumed.

Violation of specific functions of organs

Many cancer cells violate the main work of the organs. This is especially clearly expressed in malignant formations of the endocrine system and blood formation organs:

    • the cancer of the lower cerebral appendage proceeds with the symptoms of excessive fat deposition, the extinction of sexual attraction, regressive changes in the dairy glands and reproduction authorities;
    • with carcinomas of nearby, glamors are excessively produced

their secretion, increasing the level of calcium in the blood and destroying bone tissue and kidneys;

  • malignant cells in adrenal glands provoke an increase in pressure, violate sexual development;
  • the cancer of the pancreas insurant apparatus reduces the concentration of glucose in the blood, causes nerve disorders;
  • hormonian-active ovarian tumors manifest themselves the development of male features in women - a loss, low voice timbre, the formation of female secondary sexual signs in men;
  • leukemia deeply disrupts the work of the bone marrow, the number of certain blood cells increases;
  • voice ligament cancer is discovered if the voice is visible.

Also large neoplasms, their metastases can indirectly affect the body and provoke symptoms that are atypical for a certain cancer, since a deep shift of biochemical parameters occurs in the body:

  • formation of thromboms;
  • skin rash;
  • decrease in blood glucose concentration;
  • kidney damage;
  • blood circulation system disorders;
  • increased destruction of erythrocytes - with the carcinomas of the stomach, the initial division of the colon, ovaries;
  • the systemic lesion of small and large tubular bones is the thickening of the nail plate, the fingers in the form of drum sticks, a nongendous inflammation in the joints during carcinomas of the lung.

These clinical symptoms sometimes appear first at the initial stage of tumor growth as the result of the body's immune reactions.

Other reasons affecting the clinical picture of cancer

Cancer rarely occurs in a completely healthy organism. Significant influence on symptoms have diseases flowing to cancer and joining infection. The preceding pathology, as a rule, masks the signs of mischief and complicates the process of its recognition, as it creates a false impression of the neglence of the disease.

As an example, the gastric cancer can be caused. Cells are reborn in chronic gastritis or ulcers. Permanent pains and disorders of the stomach in patients with these diagnoses are present for a long time. Largeness of the cell cells slightly changes the painting of complaints - the pain pursues constantly, wears a rich, spilled in nature, the symptoms of poisoning toxins appear. But it's difficult to notice this difference.

The difficulties of the same principle are observed and in the detection of colon cancer in those who suffer from inflammation - chronic colitis. In such situations, it should be alerted if a small amount of blood is found in the feces or in the same place periodically the rice and bloating in the abdominal cavity will occur.
When the tumor disintegrates and is ulcerated, there are observations of the attachment of infection. Biological blood biological indicators change, pulse is rapidly, the temperature rises. This phenomenon is characteristic of carcinomas of an easy, when the closure of the bronchus leads to a slightness of the lung, in this place of the authority there is a focal pneumonia. However, it is often diagnosed as a respiratory infection or tuberculosis.

Signs of the systemic tumor on the body

The main condition for the successful treatment of malignant tumors is the early diagnosis. To raise awareness regarding the initial characteristics of cancer below, symptoms will be listed, which should alert a person when they appear:

  1. Inexplicable weakness, fatigue, malaise, sense of general discomfort.
  2. The appearance of seals under the skin or on the skin, primarily a woman in the field of chest, axillary depression, in men in groin.
  3. Increase lymph nodes.
  4. Blood impurities, pus, mucus in feces, in urine.
  5. Long pain in the abdominal cavity area in other places.
  6. Loss of appetite.
  7. Nearby cough, feeling of light shortage for a long time.
  8. Changing voice timbre, huskiness, hoarseness.
  9. Longly non-healing wounds or ulcers.
  10. Long-term unmotivated body temperature increase to 38˚ C, chills, fever (temporary temperature increase).
  11. Changing the intestinal emptying rhythm.
  12. Sudden bleeding.
  13. The change external view and the size of the moles.
  14. Night sweating.
  15. Inexplicable (without special events for weight loss) sudden weight loss more than 5 kg for a relatively short period of time.

A sharp weight loss (cancer cached) at a cancer occurs even with those patients who do not suffer in this pathology a violation of normal digestion. General exhaustion arises due to a decrease in not only fat, but also muscle tissue at the same time. And this, the sharp weight loss differs from the one that occurs during the diet, long starvation.

When these signs appear, you need to immediately consult a doctor.
The diagnosis of malignant neoplasm involves the collection of anamnesis, clarification of the process of progression of pathology, as well as the causes of its occurrence. The patient is inspecting, if possible, palprate (prove) the organ itself, secondary lesion foci. An examination is conducted using instruments, special medical equipment to detect the neoplasm or its shadow projection, as well as take biological material to study the microscopic composition of cancer cells.


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