The flower is colored with white dots. Twins: planting and looking at open ground

The flower is colored with white dots. Twins: planting and looking at open ground

Tsei fluffy room apartment enriching kvitnikars with its refinement, delicate aroma and unique appearance. The oxamite leaves, stems and blossoms look like pubescent flowers and are connected with bright buds, burying them in a romantic way.


Coleria is a group of plants of the Gesneria family, which has over 65 species. Grows in tropical forests New America in the shade of tall trees.

The family name was assigned in honor of the great 19th century. M. Kohler. People have a Colombian ring and a Colombian beauty under their name.

The oxamitic leaves with rounded teeth are distinguished by their richness: green with red veins, olive with light veins, with white or red hairs.

Bright little flowers appear in the middle of the leaves on thin flower stalks. The tubes with tubes reach 5 cm. The jars are similar to thimbles.

The color palette of buds marvels at the variety of shades: erysipelas with a white crown, orange with a yellowish flat throat, brown with a light baby in the middle.

Room types

A number of different colored varieties of flowers have been found. Flowers are often filled with a bunch of shades, decorated with speckles and strokes. Varieties are also differentiated by the size of the plant and bud.

Columbian collection of representations in standard, compact and miniature forms.

Standard varieties:

  • The foxglove color range grows up to 80 cm wide. The leaves are light green, 15 cm long. A glass with a horn tube and a light green color into the top.
  • Koleria downy-colored is a very stunning variety with dark green leaves with a red edge and red fibers and large orange-red flowers at the yellow points. Long bloom.
  • Koleriya Jester - finish great variety. Oxamite emerald leaves with bronze overlay. The petals of the burgundy pipes are decorated with dark speckles.
  • Koleriya bogotska up to 60 cm curls from green leaves. The bud is yellow-red, with purple spots in the middle of the pellet.
  • The accepted color range has shorter stems - up to 40 cm, dark green fleecy leaves and rye-colored flowers with a raspberry blossom.

Compact varieties:

  • Koleriya Varshevich – 40 cm curls. The flowers are original - a buzkov tube with silvery fibers, a lemon-colored pellet and a ziv decorated with raspberry dots.
  • Koleriya Erianta - a bush of green leaves, decorated with red lining. Peles of red fuzzy tubes at burgundy points. The tube in the middle of the belly is marked.
  • Color of Linden curls 30 cm. Shows impressive leaves: dark green, pubescent. Violet flowers with flames.
  • Koleria Chervona is the widest species with red flowers. Ruby petals with eggs, red exchanges emerge from the horny-white throat.

Miniature views:

  • Koleriya Poppies with small yellow-hot rings in red flames that turn into a lining. The leaves are a nascent green color with clusters.
  • Koleria Ganymede is a non-vibrating plant. Orange flowers with red specks on yellow leaves contrast with the dim green leaves.
  • Coleria Flat is long in color with raspberry twinkles with flames on light petals. The pearly green leaves are more decorative.

Room varieties of colors.

Varshevich's color is priced for the original flowering of flowers; Pushy-coloured color is characterized by velvety dark green leaves with pubescence; Bogotsky color has a marvelous bud color - yellow-red with burgundy flowers; Linen color The den is seen as decorative leaves with creases and flames with large dots Coloria Ganymed - miniature, non-vibrant variety Miniature color Flat is irritated by trivial colors in the color of Eriant green leaves decorated with a red border Koleria Chervona - the widest species Koleria Poppies - a miniature variety with bright orange flowers Koleria foxglove - a large, densely pubescent plant The color has a receptive flower bright-russet with speckled white-brown

Types of colors - video

Wash the old colors in your home minds

Koleriya is an absolutely non-vibrating plant. It’s easier to handle them than many other Gesnerians.

Comfortable mind - table

LightingKoleriya love light. With good light growth, compact and good color. In the shade, the logs wilt, the leaves are crumbling, the bushes fall apart. In the bright sun, the color is shaded with a light curtain or mesh. The most suitable place is the entrance and exit windows. On the left side, the card is placed on a stand facing the window.
Temperature regimeThe comfortable temperature for the flower is moderate: in warm weather +20-25 ° C, in calm weather +15 ° C.
VologistColeriyas are less capable of growing. However, they still give preference to the wet microclimate. It’s so dry in the apartment that it looks like it’s getting bitten by the wind, but it’s not the growth itself. You can increase the moisture level by placing a bowl of water in the dishes.
WateringFrom spring to autumn, water sparingly. Watering will be quick.
DobrivaIn the spring and summer season, the plant is prepared with rare goodness.
TransferThe flowers, which are growing strongly, will quickly bloom in large shallow containers in the spring.
ReproductionBreed with livestock, live bait, and rhizomes.
Crown moldingPinch the tops of the logs, which have grown, to quickly straighten and form a beautiful crown.

Transshipment and transfer

The color gives preference to fluffy soil. You can vikorista the soil for violets or prepare it yourself from leaf soil, peat and sand (2:1:1).

Most of the roots are located close to the surface, so choose a pot that is shallow or wide. Material – ceramics, plastic. In earthenware, the water evaporates more and the pot overheats less. Place drainage on the bottom with a 2 div ball.

Transshipment takes place on the cob of wheat.

  1. A few years before transplanting, water the plant.
  2. Carefully remove the weed from the soil.
  3. They carefully look at the roots and see the bushes of the plots.
  4. Divide the rhizome, which has overgrown, into pieces.
  5. Place drainage at the bottom of the pot, and cover the animal with the prepared substrate.
  6. Dry the bushes, sizzle with earth, and water them.

For the supremely great grower, the rosebush directs all his efforts to the development of the root system.

After dressing up in the store, the “fluffy hairdresser” needs to rise to new minds. Then the trace is transplanted. When replanting, inspect the rhizome, and separate the young shoots so that they do not crowd one another.

  1. Roslina is pulled from the miner.
  2. The whole root is made from an earthen breast.
  3. Inspect the root system, prune dry or rotten plots sprinkled with ash.
  4. Drain fresh substrate from the container.
  5. Grow the bush and water it.
  6. From now on, they look after the transplanted flower, huddling in the scorching sun.
  7. A healthy plant will soon take root in good soil.

With age, the color creates hanging patterns and the possibility of growth in the shape of an ampel. If you feel them like a busher, you often need to use a decorative support to fix the fences. You can put a thin stick in the pot and tie up the stems, or select stands near the ring, so as to thoroughly dry out the mature weeds that have grown. Once you secure the upper part of the canopy to the trimach, the lower legs, falling, create a cascade of fire.

Keeping an eye on the room window

The color is unobtrusive to the eye and miraculously adapts to the ideal home microclimate. Once it opens up its decorative berries to the fullest and blooms lushly, it is necessary to grow low.


Roslin doesn’t like the soil that is being formed – the tendentious root system is quickly rotting. Water evenly throughout the growing season. Change watering during the winter: when drying out the pasta, lightly moisten the soil, preventing the roots from drying out.

Water along the edge of the pot so that droplets of water do not fall on the leaves. It is not possible to dissolve solid water from the tap, otherwise it will stagnate.

A tropical guest will require increased moisture in the wind. For this purpose, regularly brush the white flowers, and never the foliage-bearing leaves.

Important! The oxamite bud is very delicate: the leaves often dry out, and the hair on the downy leaves is filled with weeds.


During the flowering period and during the growth period, prepare once a week. Vikory is rarely good for flowering plants. Doses of the drug will be small, exactly according to the instructions.

A good organic fertilizer is vermicompost, which stimulates the growth of the Swiss plant. Fertilize with organic matter in the spring before budding.

Thoroughly preheat the pot and ash to remove potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, saliva, zinc, and sulfur. Apply to the soil during migration or add to it as soon as possible (dispense 1 tbsp of ash per 1 liter).

Do not carry out the rest phase.

Rules for observation - video


Most of the buds bloom on the bud of the lime tree; the buds appear before the leaves fall. The last arrow is cut off, which stimulates the appearance of new buds. After the blossoming of the trees, there will be calm, and then the whole river will bloom.

How to mix the color of flowers:

  • In a dark little bundle the color cannot be seen. Then move the plant to a bright place.
  • An overly spacious potter will have a growing root, but will not bloom.
  • The small number of buds may be due to defective microelements. A good living center is a constipation of a cassock color.
  • Dry soil - also there could be a reason Number of buds.
  • Flower-bearing plants make their home on two-three-tree heights, sometimes in the first river of life.
  • Ensures clear color and timely pruning of the number of shoots.

If the tropical guest is regularly watched, you can increase the color of the plant if 15–20 buds bloom on one bush at a time.

Calm period

During the winter, the phase of calm begins, when The plant accumulates strength. The above-ground part is dying, the dried-out pastures are becoming painfully visible. Place the pot in a bright place with a temperature of +14 ° C and water it to a minimum, as long as the soil does not dry out. Until the end of winter, the flowerpot comes to life, and young buds appear.

It turns out that the period of calm in indoor plants is not clearly visible or all day long. New tracks can grow, but the old ones can die. If the kvitka has given steam and you don’t want to “get soggy”, it’s not right to send it back for repairs.

U winter period You can control additional lighting, for example, by installing a Reflex lamp, which is no closer than 50 cm from the height of the tree. Place it in the animal so that the light is distributed evenly. Such kind minds will have colors in the whole river.

Calm period - video

Crown molding

For the garden building from the outside looking in mold the crown. Pinch the pasta that has grown strongly, and after flowering, cut off the shoots of the flowering plant. Pruning promotes deforestation and the appearance of new buds. You can cut the top with buds and root it in a greenhouse.

When mature leaves grow on a young bush, the top is shortened again. If you don’t mold the crown, the pagons wobble, transforming the growth into an ampel.

The finest ampels are the red color and mini varieties.

Please keep an eye on the room window

Viroshuvannya tropical beauty in unconventional minds it is immediately indicated on this page.

Possible problems - table

Symptoms Pardons How timid
Dark splashes on the sheetsVikoristan for irrigation with cold water.Water with warm water, dry out.
The shine of the leaves, the twisting of the strapsPoor lighting.Place it close to light, and wait until the light reaches the light.
Leaf curlingReaction to dryness and baking.Breathe in the air, monitor the temperature.
White separation on the sheetThe water dripped onto the leaves.Do not bite.
Swish on the sheetsSleepyheads.Protect from the bright sun. Remove damaged leaves.
Decay of buds and flowersLack of living soil.Encourage with kindness.
Yellow leavesDry or overly dry in the air, too kind.Create a more comfortable environment, change the dose of vitality.
chalky leaves and stemsRoot rotting during flooding.Cut out rotten plots, renew the substrate.
Weekday colorPoor lighting, lack of food.Condition the growth, brighten the color.

Bad people and illnesses

In comfortable minds, the tropical bird rarely gets sick. The denseness of the pubescence gives rise to most of the unwanted comas. Ale coleria can become infected from other plants and may very well react to violation of the rules of observation.

Main diseases - table

Photo gallery - illnesses and misfortunes of the range


Propagate a variety of plants with live bait and rhizomes.

Reproduction of children

They are hanging from the river. So, as stench grows in bright light, they are distributed on the surface, without sticking.

  1. Place the mixture with reduced peat and sand.
  2. Cover with transparent spittle and take revenge in the warmth.
  3. Ventilate, remove condensation, cool down.
  4. Today's sprouts are scouring a bunch of people.
  5. Go pick up the 1x2 cm pattern.
  6. After a month, carry out another pricking of 3x3 cm.
  7. As the seedlings grow up, they grow in volume and require careful attention.

Leaf propagation

The most widespread method of propagation is vegetative: leaves and live bait.

Select a healthy leaf from the succulent petiole, pick it apart and lower it shallowly into the water. Cover with spittle. When the callus is developed (the growth from which the root will then grow), it should be planted near the ground under a greenhouse. It is necessary to maintain the air temperature at +23–25°C.

One leaf is planted immediately under a soil at 45 degrees in loose, fluffy peat soil to a depth of 5 mm and placed in a small greenhouse. Ventilate regularly and remove condensation. Rooting lasts 1.5-2 months. Children who have settled down should not rush to leave their mother’s sheets - let them grow up.

They are reinforced with 3–4 leaves in pots. Leaf propagation is a trivial process – 3–4 months. The young plants of the coming fate will bloom.

Leaf propagation - video

Live bait propagation

The most common tropical bird reproduces with upper and lower live bait. They can be cut off throughout the river, but when spring bait begins to appear, roots and new shoots will appear. The young plants will bloom less brightly, but will not grow as they have caught up with the growths of the rhizomes.

  1. Lower the live bait into the water with loosened active vugillas, or dig 1.5 cm into the soft soil and cover it with spittle.
  2. The mini-greenhouse is thoroughly ventilated.
  3. The shoot takes root within 7–10 days.
  4. Young plants are replanted in the soil, protecting them from temperature stress.

Propagation by rhizomes

When transplanted into the ground, you can find luscious rhizomes - rhizomes, either cream or rye-colored. The stench serves for the accumulation of living substances and wastes. Great rhizomes to share.

Plant them in a light substrate, bury them to 2 cm, and water them lightly. Do not place rhizomes in the greenhouse. After 1.5-2 years the seedlings will hatch. Once 2 pairs of leaves have appeared, they can be planted around the cups.

Rhizomes can be propagated at any time, and the process will proceed quickly in the spring.

Young plants will quickly mature and bloom in about an hour

Planting rhizomes - video

The range of species included in the member family includes over 350 species. The terms flowering mostly fall on summer bloomers. The color palette is varied, with blue, black and purple shades being prominent.

The height of representatives of the family ranges from several centimeters to one and a half meters. Dzvinochki can be divided into three great groups, based on their natural habitats: forest, ray and mountain.

It’s wonderful for fox flowers to grow under trees. There are not enough such views for the sake of those who love dreams. For owners of forest plots who want to improve their territory, this is just a find. Up to the most shade-loving and shade-loving species:

Drinking twinkle (photo 1) - shade-loving, about 1 m high.

The name reflects the shape of the leaf. The flowers are large (about 4 cm), wide-jointed, and have racemes.

Varieties with double-shaped flowers.

The linden worm is the hour of bloom.

Photo 2. Twin leaves

The broadleaf twin (photo 2) is also shade-loving, about 1.5 m high with straight leafy stems.

Root of leaves in rosette.

The kittens are alone.

The barley varies from white to dark blue.

Linden is the peak of color.

Photo 3. Peach leaf twine

Peach leaf twine (photo 3) shade-resistant.

The height of straight stems often exceeds 1 m-code.

The flowers are black, at the wrists.

Various garden forms have been introduced.

Bloom from black until autumn.

Photo 4. Jingle of boredom

The point of boredom (photo 4) is also very dark.

Height up to 0.8 m-code.


The flowers are bright blue, with big, cool flowers.

Bloom all summer. It also makes garden forms from terry flowers.

There are plenty of meadow species. They require dormouse plots, similar to natural ones. What you need:

Photo 5. Creamy dzvinochok

Dzvinochok Krimsky - endem Krim (photo 5).

Height 15 cm up to 50°.

The stems are straight, straight.

Lilac flowers in fluffy flowers, on long flower beds.

Photo 6. Middle part

The middle wing (photo 6) is the most popular type. The bush is pyramidal, with less than 1 m of curl.

Among these varieties are forms with erysipelas.

A very decorative variety "Cup and Saucer" with flowers that are associated with a tea pair (cup and saucer).

Georgian rings are the most popular in culture, because Rock gardens and rocky gardens have been popular for a long time.

In nature, these species linger in the Alpine belt of mountains, especially on rocky skhila. They can be mentally divided into skeletal and rayon.

The most decorative from this group:

Photo 7. Scheichzer's jingle

Scheichzer's ring (photo 7) growing on alpine bows. This is a rhizome plant up to 30 cm in length.

The stems rise to end with one or several light purple flowers.

May you bloom all summer long.

Photo 8. Thyrsus-like twin

The thyrsoid bud (photo 8) extends to the meadows.

Janitor height up to 50 cm.

The stem is straight, thicker. The leaves are broad, pubescent, and form a rosette.

The flowers have a creamy or yellowish color and create a more spiky color.

Flowers set in mid-summer.

Photo 9. Twin birch leaves

A twin of birch leaves (photo 9) growing in the cracks of the rocks.

The buds are red, and the flowers that have opened are white.

The height of the roses is up to 15 div.

The grass blooms at one time, and the color lasts for a month.

Photo 10. Dzvinochok gargansky

The Gargan bell (photo 10) reaches the villages.

I’m creating a neat little bush.

The height is taken from 15 div.

Flower-shaped flowers of a bluish-blue shade open at the beginning of summer.

You can feel it in a slightly shaded area.

All types of springs are good in their own way, and they can be planted in the field. Before speaking, many good beliefs are associated with these trees.

My florist’s bell rings unsurprisingly – “Campanula”. This name is similar to the Latin and Italian word "campana", which means "tinkle". The crown of the jingle itself has this shape. This explains why the wine is known in our country under these names, which are officially enshrined in the Chinese botanical nomenclature.

Throughout history, all of Russia's history has been marked with love. Once again it’s time to bring up the funny names that were used in telling the story of the campaign in various localities: birdies, boots, little girls, blues... And, according to the old belief, it’s almost like a jingle for people and is given only once per river - at the enchantment Not before Ivan.


U bagatoric growth The twin is formed simply by girding the stem of small dimensions, reaches a height of 5-150 cm. The leaves are in the same order of retouching, and in some species the stench is presented in the form of a rosette. Most types of beeweeds have vine flowers, and in rare cases they have racemose flowers, and such growths grow, in which the blossoms are alone.


The principle has rich quotients can grow on whatever soils However, here they have their own advantages. It is recommended to plant them on good, well-drained soils that provide acidic drainage, which may provide a neutral or weak reaction and provide the necessary food. To avoid major drainage problems, drain drainage channels and drainage pipes. It is necessary to develop the soil, because stagnant water during the winter period has a negative impact on the growth, as a result of unsafe root rot and freezing. Unsuitable for the growth of garden vines are plots where moisture accumulates after rain or during snowfall.

When planting rich flowers of twins, the mother must be respectful so that good growth on them can only be achieved with a neutral or weak reaction to the soil.

  • to plant a bearded and viriznogo tree, you will have to prepare a plot to mix the soil with a slightly acidic reaction;
  • Gorsky wild plants, species of wildflowers, whose natural habitat is vapnyak rocks, are more likely to be felt in weak meadow soils. Therefore, first of all, before planting the bushes, it is necessary to add them to the soil great quantity vapna.


The range includes a number of different species that differ not only from pre-kills, but also from other characteristics.

Dzvinochok Carpathian

This species is most often found on rocky rocks in the upper zone of the mountains of Europe. You can see the morphological signs of Varto presence of fibrous bluish root. Roslina forms 20-40 cm curls without a stem, so they have a straight, round shape, which is why the bush acquires its characteristic spherical shape. The heart-shaped leaves grow on long petioles. The largest is at the root of the leaf, which reaches 5 cm at a time, which grows on the stems of smaller leaves.

The flowers grow solitary and are of great size, reaching up to 3 cm in width. The color of this type of bell begins at the ear of the lime tree, and then in the middle of the spring it begins to wilt. Throughout this period, the cards preserve the brightest colors. In the period from sickle to autumn, the fruit begins to ripen, which maintains high similarity (up to 90%). When harvested, the plants can multiply by self-sowing.

This view is important in the shady, muddy forests. Primary place of residence is Europe, Western Siberia, Southern Africa. This plant is rich in the likes of spring, hog, goose neck, gourd and moist grass, which can be explained by the whole authorities, the splinters of wine help with a sore throat. You can prepare a salad from the leaves and roots of this bell pepper, and the young leaves are used as an additive to soup.

spoon spoon

Favorite places of growth of this species are the Vapnyak mountains of Europe. It grows in the form of a low-growing grasshopper that spreads, which produces thread-like stems 10-18 cm high. Mature specimens often produce dense turf. The leaves are characteristically light green. The doorbells show a white and dark tint, become drooping, and do not exceeds 1 cm in diameter presented in the appearance of plump existence. The hour of bloom comes in the middle of the worm and lasts until the end of the worm. Throughout all phases, clear color and fruiting are demonstrated. Easily propagated by self-sowing. They don’t lose their benefits until late autumn.

Dzvinochok milkweed

Most often, this forest can be found in the upper, forest and subalpine zones of the Caucasus and Asia Minor. The tall dew, which reaches a height of 60-100 cm, has a large number of brushes that decorate the gills of the stem at the upper part.

The flowers are smaller and their diameter does not exceed 3 cm, there may be different colors between milky white to purple marinade presented in a wide pyramidal form, including up to 100 different species. The lime tree begins to bloom when the empty flowers open at once. So it is clear that there is fruiting in the sickle, when the seedlings begin to ripen.

This type of tree is in the greatest number of representations in forests and forest areas of Europe, the Caucasus and Western Siberia. Before the growing season, rosettes appear from the basal leaf, from which, even until mid-summer, a 60-cm-long stem grows. Lenny. At the top of the stem hang clusters of blue or white flowers. A crown is created on the kvitsa, which takes a wide-spread shape, reaches a height of 3-3.5 cm. Garden views are decorated with terry flowers. The first flowers open already from the black and decorate the plot until the end of summer.

After drying, the fruits begin to set on the pagons, which look like boxes that will remain in the present day, as they reach the stage of maturity in sickle-spring. Deyaki vida zdatni before propagation for additional self-sowing. For consumption, you can prolong the color of this species and preserve its decorative power. For which it is important to remove the ripened plant, for which it is necessary to promptly remove the flowers that have sprouted. To remove the stem, it is recommended to remove the edges of the lower specimens of the peach leaf. The photo of the plant may differ from the original.

Dzvinochok Pozharsky

This representative of the family most often lingers on the stinking rocks. New Europe ta Balkan. During the growing season creates a thick cushion of curls 15-20 cm, In this way, the petiole leaves are folded in a heart-shaped form, combined with a large number of flower stalks. The characteristic form is shirokodzvinkova, perhaps zirchasta. The numbers of the fire dialer are light-plum-blue and dark.


Wait until you reach those decorative shoots that have little cobs. This tree is so blooming that no one really sees it, but it doesn’t reduce the interest to anything else. You can feel the little nerve at summer cottage, ale bazhano vibrati suitable place for your planting. Although this tree is impossible to reach the ground, the manifestation of the family’s nature is going to the bitter end. It is important to note the presence of acidic drainage, as the debris from the swampy soil can easily be lost.

Known to everyone from childhood, the goiter has its own name due to its similarity to the calls of the miniature. In Latin, they are officially called “Campanula” - little bell. We often affectionately call them jingles, chenilles, and boots. Like so many colors, the stench is based in ancient legends.

Behind one of them is the first church call of creations based on the example of this gentle, tending gift of nature. As soon as their quiet ringing was felt after the wind died, the priest ordered to make a copper form for the temple for the image and the like of the flower. Today it is believed that a quiet crystalline ringing was bathed on Ivan. There is no other way to talk about the germination of twins in the place of fragments of the mirror of the goddess Venus, which have disintegrated.

Rich people perceive the bell as a good talisman, capable of dispelling all evil spirits with its ringing. Vin is respected as a symbol of faith, joy, openness, increase in wisdom, and harmony between Man and Heaven.

There is a sign that the little bells will go down before new arrivals, great changes in your life, and guard against thoughtless changes. And the burial of this book by poets and artists is due to Okroma Rozmov.

If you don’t tidy up, keep the locks of the locks, and let the locks dry quickly... In order to take care of them for a long time, feel them better in nature or in the apartment. It is advisable to get to know the peculiarities of the cells, the ways of their development more specifically.

Description of the ticket

There are more than 300 species of the genus Vernaceae family. Stinks grow in the peaceful climates of Europe, Asia, the Caucasus, Siberia, and Northern America. They can be found near the steppes, bows, mountains, on rocks, deserted plots.

The shape of the colors up to 7 cm is suggested by the inverted kelikhs, ringing with edges that move on the side. Their surface can be smooth or terry with different stains (white, black, violet, erysipelas).

In a row of racemose, hairy flowers, buds appear and begin to grow on their own. Their ripe fruits look like a box with wide openings of up to 6 pieces.

Until recently, most of the twins were garden flowers, as well as indoor even-leaved flowers. These varieties of Alba and Mayi with white and light-blue flowers are called named.

However, today other low-growing, compact double growths have appeared, which will grow no less in open ground, and in the room’s minds.

There are a large number of species, subspecies, and hybrids. The main criteria for identifying a different species or variety are the height and growth line of these tickets.

The variety of varying heights of straight, coarse-haired stems with black leaves, bell-shaped flowers are divided into the following types:

  • short (length 6 to 20 cm)
  • middle-aged plants (up to 1 m)
  • tall plants (over 1 m).

Indicated by these signs, the entire number of boxes is divided, in addition, according to the terms of their growth: one-and-a-half-year-old, bagatory. For choosing the right one of its variant among the faceless varieties of Campanula, let's take a look at the most popular of them among our gardeners.

  1. One-word The little bells came to us from ancient regions. In places with a cool and calm climate, they occur less often.

Among them are trees of both low and medium height. Here the greatest sympathy goes to the one-name short, voluptuous (dichotomous), Kashmiri. The borders on the rock gardens look wonderful beyond their small growth.

Not in the mood to conquer your short shanks Californian twinkle(phacelia dzvonova) with dark shades of colors. They are important for decorating pots, borders, container groups, etc.

Even more popular in our area are the mid-growing annual varieties: Dovgostovchikovyi and, in advance of the riddle about old legends- Mirror of Venus. Regardless of their untrimmed life, their numerous buds from the grass until the beginning of autumn delight with various fertilizations.

  1. Housekeepers The most wide-ranging regions “emerged” from the subalpine belt of the Mediterranean, Adriatic, Asia Minor and towards Siberia. Having grown in their native climate, the stinks take root well in us for similar minds. The twinkles of short beards can be seen before them.

The middle-growing favorite can be called Campanula Medium (medium). Known since the end of the 16th century, it has been preserved until natural renewal, and is now emerging as a plentiful option.

Dzvinochok Middle Campanula medium

This species has a number of varieties, with a particular liking for the rich variety of plant breeds. Cup and saucer.

This plant grows with its flowers on the shape of a cup with finely curved edges and a very thin porcelain saucer. The beauty is selected from a wide variety of colors, where you can accommodate up to 50 pieces with a diameter of up to 8 cm, a large palette of colors.

Next to them, the most popular varieties are the coarse-haired, Hoffman, thyrsiform, and spicate varieties. In many gardens there are growing such courtyards as: Siberian, Moesian, laurel-like, spatula, rozzhni, razlogi, pyramidal, Sartori, Formatek and others.

  1. Bagatory They appear to grow more often, and they grow 1-2 times at a time. The smells are also divided into subgroups depending on the height of the plant.

Sered short You can see that the place of the leader in terms of breadth is occupied by the Carpathian mountain range, a people native to the mountains of Central Europe. The household has about 250 years of age. Roslin ice reaches 30 cm and has stems with densely grown leaves. However, he is not long-lived, because there are no more than three rocks alive in one place.

The most popular garden forms are Alba and White Star with snow-white single leaves. Also Isabel, Celestina, Blaumeize, Riversley, Centon Joy, Karpatenkrone with sky-blue, blue, violet colors with a diameter of up to 5 cm. And these varieties are more adapted to Let's open up to the open spaces, then the miniature clip can be viewed as a room culture.

Popular low-growing varieties include gargansky, spiral-leaved (spoon-leaved), birch-leaved, daisy-leaved, Ortana, Radde, trident, Chamisso, Uemuri and many others.

Middle growth The bags are represented by Takeshima, Komarov, dotted and numerous stems, single and terry buds of various flavors and sizes. Here the most popular varieties are Beautyful Trust, Wedding Bels, Alba-nana, Rubra.


Varto paid tribute to Vitrival Platycodon, which is often called broadleaf. The wine is notable for its luxurious terry flowers with various dressings. Yogo finest varieties: Album, Nanum, Marisil, Pleno Alba and a number of others.

In the middle of this subgroup we will again name the most popular middle link with terry flowers. It is already inflexible, cold-resistant, and likes to lighten the place from the fermented soil. The term “yoga life” can be trivialized to “self-sowing” (natural renewal). In warm regions, Campanula Medium opens its buds at the time of first planting.

tall plants In the natural habitat, rich plants grow along the banks of rivers and in the forests of Europe, Russia, Ukraine, Siberia, and Asia Minor. The culture has developed varieties, the names of which indicate the characteristics of the leaves.

The stink is not only caused by the height of the stem, but rather by the intense aroma of the flowers. Acts call attention to the fermented flowers, for example, milk-kvitkova (Cerulea, Pritchard Veraieti).

This category also includes noble-flowered, Bolognese, brittle with terry leaves, bought-up, rapunzel-like rings. Some of them are the most popular peach leaves (Bernice, Tetam Beauty, Exmouth, Snowdrift, New Giant Highbridges).

Tsei is far from a second look allows you to express a wide choice of twins for growing in a garden, balcony, room.

Viroshchuvannya from the present day

This method is the most universal, and the same for single-sided nodes. They can be successfully stagnated also for double and rich fruits, as well as varieties with terry flowers. The remaining charges are explained by the fact that the seedlings cannot be saved from the signs, or the present day may not be connected.

Preparation of life and earth transfers the stagnation of folding techniques of agricultural technology. The seedlings will not require advanced preparation before sowing. Due to the soil, these different types of plants are well adapted to stony, stony areas. Timing is no less, most varieties of wintergreens are suitable for neutral/weak soil, well-drained loams.

Preparing the soil selected for planting the flowers requires deep digging. If the soil is good, sand and humus are added, and the soil of the plot is enriched with humus and fertilizers. At the same time, in order to reduce the risk of fungal diseases, do not soak up fresh peat that is not completely rotten.

Using this method for growing seedlings allows you to cultivate the plant immediately after planting.

  • For which purpose hang the plants in a container with soil prepared in advance during the month of pregnancy.
  • With such a stench, the little ones cuddle up to each other, and do not stick to the earth.
  • The substrate is light, fluffy, water-permeable and pre-formed.
  • This is reached by mixing the turf soil, humus coarse-grained sand in a proportion of 6x3x1.

After sowing, sprinkle the container with water, cover it with spittle and place it in a warm place up to +20 ºC. Already after 15-20 days, it appears that the seedlings are transferred to a place where they do not receive direct sunlight.

Here the traditional care for the planting of many colors comes into play. This is done by watering the top layer of the substrate, taking care to fluff up the young shoots.

The appearance of the previous reference Listkiv through 20-24 days, Pіkіruvannya is carried out in Smrem єmnosti on Vidstani not more than 10 cm.

Sowing in the middle of the dry soil is carried out before winter in the 2nd half of the winter or in the spring (end of grass). During autumn sowing, the natural selection of full-fledged plants will go through winter, and the strongest of them will come together in the spring. These seedlings can be planted for planting in the chosen place.

Grass sowing will require stratification for 2 months. However, it is still possible to follow the path from the gatherings of the plant to the blossoming of the trees.

In this case, it is necessary to sow the seedlings of the first river in order to develop the roots of leaf rosettes. The next day in their life, they will face persecutions from the tying of flowers.

The newly grown roses are planted in open soil from the end of the grass to the end of the first ten days of the plant. When choosing a place for a plot, you can give preference to light or slightly shaded plots without stretching. It is necessary to settle the little ones in the form of trees, bushes for the extraction of a sufficient amount of life, and vologies.

When planting low-growing seedlings, the space between the buds can be up to 15 cm, medium-growing - up to 30 cm, tall-growing - up to 50 cm. Upon completion of planting, the soil of the young shoots is carefully compacted and fertilized to be.

To save moisture and the emergence of weeds between the rows, you can mulch them. Gardeners mean that the flowers of roses can be treated with flowers even in the first river of their earthly life.

Dzvinochok Raspberry jingle

One of the advantages of the twins is their rigidity of sight. The wine lies in regular watering under the hour of sintering, then fluffed up the soil around the leaves, removed from the weeds. Tall varieties require tying or fastening to supports.

  • Fertilization is carried out in the spring with a nitrogen fertilizer for the growth of vegetative mass and early flowering.
  • Before the hour of budding, the required phosphorus and complex additives are required for the beginning of summer.
  • In the spring, potash is introduced to improve the winter hardiness of the plants.
  • Since the other variety gives the soil an advantage over the meadow, neutral reaction, it is important to reduce the obvious acidity with additional ash.
  • In the summer period it is time to gradually introduce rotted humus.

To prolong the flowering hour, it is necessary to carefully remove the flowers so that they can wilt. In this case, in tall varieties, all the branches that have grown are cut off. If you plan to collect the seeds, then in the forest you will need to remove the boxes that have become brown and have not yet opened.

How to get rid of your life

For the best growth of your favorite spring, the spring is collected from the middle of the sickle to the end of the spring. It is noteworthy that 1 g contains up to 5,000 fractions of light substances.

Preparing begins after the boxes turn brown and are about to open. Next, the cut flowers need to be spread on a fine paper or linen in a dry place that is well ventilated.

If the soil has been sifted, clean off any excess bolls and dried leaves, and then pickle the seedlings to grow them or in dry soil.

Once collected, it is allowed to fall onto the ground during collection. During the drying process, the cycle of soil convergence will be repeated without additional stratification and all processes of growth of the nodes.

To the full extent of the disease, it is also possible to bring into account their resistance to injury from bad people and illnesses. These unexpected things can happen with a trivial increase in one place. In this case, the soil accumulates a variety of harmful microorganisms.

And their constant presence in contact with plants provokes detrimental consequences for them. Treatment with a weak solution of Fundazol helps to eliminate such negative phenomena.

Your surroundings may experience the appearance of slime. An effective way to combat this is by sprinkling the sprouts with hot pepper broth or sprinkling superphosphate granules between the pots.

In order to use the current planting method to discover and other options that should remain in storage biological features Sort, see Roslin. Thus, since the same-born species reproduce in the livestock, the yard ones give priority to the vegetative ones (the livestock and livestock).

Plants with stem and raceme root systems grow vegetatively intact and can reproduce in their own offspring. Roots with long, long roots, brought up to vegetatively fragile species, are well tolerated by all methods + subdivision.

However, rich flowers are easier to propagate:

  • parts of rhizomes,
  • root baits,
  • stolons,
  • split the tabernacle.

Unrespectful of opportunity breeding These species lose their birthmarks. This is especially effective on terry varieties, which tend to lose their yield in the present day.

At vegetative method baitfish are preparing for spring. From the cob of the birch tree to the middle of the bush, stinks appear from the young root and stem branches. Then they are dried on a fluffy substrate and placed in a micro-steam under the melt to maintain optimal moisture. Over the course of the month, the livestock begin to sprout roots, after the development of which it is possible to begin planting the weeds.

Vikoristannya propagation by the way of growing the bush is permissible after 2-3 years of life. For this, a large bush is selected from the grass-worm, the above-ground stems are dug up, and the above-ground stems are trimmed.

The hem of the bush into pieces is carried out with a sterile garden knife. The skin is partly guilty of taking revenge on the wrong health, root, and renewal. The sections of the skin section are covered with processed coals or ash, and then immediately planted in lightly watered soil.

When the rhizomes are propagated, only the loose parts are dug up in parts, from which cuttings from the mother plant with renewal roots are prepared. Application into the soil should be carried out with a lid above the surface of the soil.

Little girls bloom: video

The different types of flowers, their growth, and the richness of their plants provide a wide field for imagination when designing the landscape. Stinks can be used as effective accents on lawns, gardens, and gardens. The glasses are irreplaceable when creating steadily fluid compositions.

Dzvinochok is suitable both for flowerbeds with fermented flowers and for well-groomed green lawns. In compositions of the landscape type, the miracle is that there are vessels not only with their “brothers”, but also with other elements. These are effective trojans, barvisti phloxy, unique adenophora and gypsophila.

Always at the expense of preserving the decorative value, the color of the wines looks organic with wide cosmos, hollyhocks, calendula, carnations, black razors, ferns, hosta, etc.

Harmony of life with different varieties, seeing one with one, other representatives of the fauna deserves to be seen from the outside. Golovnya, that the little one allows each gardener to show his talents as a landscape designer.

Sadova Dzvinochki, Platycodon: video
