Tomatoes are large: the best varieties with a description and photo. Names and descriptions of the best varieties of tomatoes

Tomatoes are large: the best varieties with a description and photo. Names and descriptions of the best varieties of tomatoes

Red, yellow, purple, black, green, orange, striped and even two-color ... They are different, and choose the best tomato grade for yourself is not easy. First, the variety of varieties amazes. Secondly, the choice should be done on the basis of the conditions in which plants will grow: greenhouse, outdoor soil, shaded or sunny plot. Thirdly, on the site you need to plant and determinants, and intederminant varieties to ensure maximum crop.

Video Videos Vintage Tomato Varieties: In Seeds and Reality

Determinant and intederminant tomatoes and their features

Sades and owners of household plots rarely use these words. Determinant plants have a limited growth point, which means that they are not high. But the innerminant tomatoes have a greater height and require more attention to care. They must be supported, steaming and ensure proper conditions for growth.

If tall tomatoes grow better in greenhouse conditions, then the lowered can be seated in open soil and use for greenhouses. The list of low-speed varieties is large, so you can pick up tomatoes of different types.

Intemerminant tomato varieties for one season (subject to growing in heated greenhouses, there are about 40-50 brushes). If plants are in conventional greenhouses at the cottage, the number of brushes extremely rarely exceeds 30 brushes. In the southern regions, landing of tall varieties in open ground is allowed. If you have a cold and short summer, it will correctly minimize the landing of tall varieties. They give a crop later and in the northern regions do not always have time to grow.

Determinant tomatoes yields below, but they ripen them faster. Most varieties require binding and formation. If you do not have time to care, then preference should be given to strab varieties. This is one of the varieties of determinant tomatoes with a short strong stem. They do not need to be a binding nor formation.

Unusual varieties of tomatoes

As we have said above, tomato varieties today are many. And there are among them those that have high decorative properties, but at the same time the taste of them are good!

For example, striped stuffer. These tomatoes have an unusual coloring. Red with orange stripes, they will decorate any table.

Yellow Riffled Tomatoes have a bright yellow color. Inside a lot of cavities, but the flesh is sweet, tasty.

Wild Tomato Sweet Pia - has small, but very bright fruits. They grow on long branches and slightly resemble the bunches of grapes. The variety is great for growing in baskets and on balconies. Not withering and does not require much attention.

Ready attention and another variety of tomatoes - Indigo Rose. To date, this is the darker of famous varieties. Such a deep blue color of tomatoes (when ripening fruits become almost black) is due to the presence of a large content of antioxidants.

Amazing tomato tree

Every year about 2,000 people come to a tomato tree. This variety tomato is knit F1. Advertising says that for the year the plant gives about 14,000 tomatoes. One of these trees is growing in China. It requires constant care and temperature and intense feeding, reached a height of 4 meters and is grown for several years. But in the country conditions, almost no one managed to achieve such results.

The best varieties of tomatoes for open soil

Video Videos Tomatoes for open soil

For landing in open ground, it is better to choose determinant varieties of tomatoes that quickly ripen and does not require constant care. These are the sorts of "Dachnik" (do not require steps, the weight of the fruits is 120-180 g), the "explosion" (early, resistant to phytoophluorosis, the weight of fruits - 110-150 g), "Countryman" (suitable for open soil, but it feels better ourselves in greenhouses, the weight of fruits is about 75 g), "Dubok" (resistant to phytoofluorosis, the fruits ripen for 100-110 days, the weight of the fruits - 90-130 g), "Siberian raging" (ripens 98 days, the weight of the fruits - 60 -140 g), "Jablock of Russia" (friendly harvest after 90-110 days, the weight of fruits - 70-80 g).

Destinations of attention An early sort of tomatoes "Sanka". On a small compact bush, 30-60 centimeters height grow fruit weighing 80-110 grams. The variety is resistant to diseases, easy to care. The low-spirited bushes are ideal for growing in the open ground. The garter and step-down E is not required. These tomatoes are suitable for Moscow region and other regions where there is no such long and hot summer, as in the south. This variety requires feeding and loosening, and if you do everything right, you can get a great harvest.

Prost and unpretentious tomato Volgograd. Until recently, he was one of the most popular due to ease of care and high crops. But today the grade "passed" positions a bit, as new, more harvest and attractive appeared.

Cherry Tomatoes: Little Hit on Dachnik's Groats

When it is time to remove the greenhouses or greenhouses, clean the beds from the plants, many gardeners are wondering: And where are the bushes of Tomatoes Cherry? The fact is that a significant part of the varieties are suitable for growing in pots, and after transplanting they can be fron down to the new year.

Perfect for growing cherry hybrids Cherry Cherry, Lisa, Kira, Ira, Maksik and some others. The feature of the fruit is that they are perfectly saved, and can lie for more than a month. And at the same time they will not ruin and even make sure they will not start! And the hybrid Cherry Kira and can be stored about 2.5 months. For this reason, he likes the sellers and dackets so much.

Cherry Lisa tomatoes can be safely improved in a pot and grown on the windowsill.

Collect and store cherry tomatoes stands with brushes. This will preserve the taste and flavors of fruits. By the way, Cherry can also be used as a decorative plant.

You can land them in ordinary buckets - the volume will be enough to grow a full-fledged bush.

The best varieties of Tomatov

As soon as autumn comes, the dacms immediately decide for themselves what kind of tomato varieties will buy. Some liked the yield and ease of care, and the other did not fit the soil and conditions, and the crop turned out to be scarce.

In addition to the loved varieties, summer houses and gardeners are certainly experimenting, and every year they buy new hybrids to test them in their plot. And suddenly it will turn out something clean, and boast of colleagues in the garden will be what! In this review, we will talk about the most popular varieties that are popular and well shown themselves in different conditions.

The variety of pink tomatoes "Miracle of Earth" managed to love dacms for the sweet fruits of pink color. The yield from the bush is about 4 kilograms. Running variety, high, suitable for open soil, but it grows better in greenhouses. Fruit size - from 400 to 700 g, but if you provide good conditions and proper care, you can expect more weighty tomatoes. Next to the fruit of this variety are not formed green spots. Grow tomatoes at the cottage? You probably do not have the ability to constantly monitor the state of the soil. And the "miracle of the earth" drought-resistant, so you don't have to worry about the fate of the crop!

Video Videos Tomatov Variety for Growing in Teplice

Yellow tomatoes of Dina varieties are medium-grained, contain a lot of carotene and are suitable for open soil or landing under low shelter. Smooth rounded fruits weigh 100-150 g. Sometimes the weight of fruits reaches 300 g. They are not suitable for salting, but it is ideal for non-durable storage and eating.

The dark burgundy color of the tomatoes "Sugar Brown" bribes many daches. The weight of the fruit is 120-150 g. However, interested in experienced gardens is a completely different quality of this variety - resistance to frosts. As soon as the cold is coming, most plants die, but not "brown sugar". Even after frosts (truth, small), tomatoes will continue to divert. These tomatoes are recommended for consumption in fresh and for the preparation of salads. And what kind of juice from them turns out!

Tomatoes "Bull Lob" and "Bullie Heart" have been held for many years to occupy an honorable place in the country "Tops". The bushes and those and others will have to be tied up, since they have high yields. IN otherwise Plants may break.

Tomatoes "Sanka" were made to the top popularity - we were already writing about them above, so I will not repeat.

Tomatoes De Barao are presented in the market in several hybrids and in several colors (pink, orange, royal, black, red). If the bushes do not cut, their height can reach 4 meters. Taste of tomato spicy, sweetish. The variety is ideal for canning: the skin is dense, does not burst, the form is saved.

For the preparation of salads for the winter, the billets of tomato juice and the consumption of fresh form is suitable for a "wild rose" grade. The mass of fruits is different and largely depends on the departure of the conditions. As a rule, it is 400-1000

"Sugar giant" is another large-scale variety, which is characterized by a sweet taste and is simply ideal for the billet of tomato juice. But for the canning, it does not fit: thin skin bursts quickly, and in the jar. The fruit fruit is unlikely to get the fruit.

Among the novelties, experienced dachables managed to mention the varieties of "black bunch".

Selecting tomato varieties for its site or greenhouses, be sure to take several varieties at once.

Weather conditions, soil condition, irrigation rate, feeding and fertilizers, disease resistance - all this will inevitably affect the crop. And if you put only one grade, then the risk remains without tomatoes. On the little plot in two or three hundred won't put a lot, but better let it be a few varieties represented by 3-5 plants than one grade in large quantities.

The best tomato varieties

Names and descriptions of the most the best varieties Tomatoes

The height of about 1 m, the garter is required, the fruits of 150 g, red, dense, ripen very friendly.
Ranter tomato variety. The bushes high up to 60 cm, yield - up to 2 kg from the bush, the fruits of tomato are red, rounded, are used both for consuming in fresh, and for salting and cooking juice.

White filling
Early, from 85 to 100 days, grown in open soil. The height of the bush is up to 50 cm. The color of tomatoes is red, the shape is flattened, medium sizes, the taste is sour. It is better to use fresh, but it is also suitable for canning. White pouring is one of the best tomato varieties for open soil. We bring the scheme to landing seedlings of this variety on our beds.
Tomato variety is characterized by early and friendly harvest. The first inflorescence is laid over 7 - 8 sheet, subsequent inflorescences after 1 - 2 sheets. Tomato fruits are rounded, smooth, uniform painting. The average mass of the fetus 100 - 110g. Tomato high-yielding variety, resistant to many diseases.

Early tomato grade is grown under film shelters. The height of the bush 80 is 100 cm, yield 3 - 4 kg. Pomators are small, slightly more grapes, smooth, glossy. The tomato bush is medieval, without "extra" foliage, with a small number of steps, fruiting per 100-106th day from the appearance of germs. Unfortunately, the tomato variety is not too resistant to the main "tomato" diseases, so it is necessary to strictly follow all rules of care. Tomato variety (tomato) is suitable for canning or salting - small tomatoes in the jar please eye and taste.
Ground mushroom
Ranter tomato variety. Rounded fruits, smooth, bright red. The advantages of the tomato variety is cold resistance and resistance to temporary drought.
Salad Tomato Grade for the cultivation in the open soil. A bush strambered, malvoy (60 - 64 cm), does not require formation. Value varieties - high yield and marketability, large-scale, fetus alimony and high taste.
The tomato variety is early, the height of the plant is 60 - 70 cm. Inflorescences are laid over 6 - 7th sheet, follow-up - after 1 - 2 sheets. Very yield tomato grade, suitable for growing in open ground. Tomato fruits bright red color, the middle mass of 80 - 90 g.
Saltitude delicacy
Fruits, indeed, ideal for preservation and salting. Weight 80 - 100 g, red, cylindrical, very beautiful, smooth, without spots, do not crack, do not pepper. The height of the bush is up to 100 cm. And the main impression is not visible of the leaves behind the fruits.
Middle-gray ripening tomato variety. The fruction of the tomato comes on the 110th day after the appearance of germs. The range is the average. The fruits of tomato are smooth, evenly painted, the mass of 125 g. Hybrid is a high-yielder, demanding of nutrition, resistant to many diseases.
Middle-membered yellow-grade grade bush height 140-180 cm. Fruits dense, orange, orange shape, weighing 100 g, with exquisite taste.
Moscow Delicate
The fruits are elongated, slightly uneven, in the brush to 12 - 15 tomatoes. The yield is stable.
New Transnistria
Tomato fruits are elongated, plums, orange-red, resistant to cracking. Tomato variety is very good for canning.
New promising hybrid of tomato, early. Plants are high 100 cm. Form in 2 - 3 stems. The fruits of tomato are red, tasty, yield with 1 bush 3 - 4 kg. Resistant to disease.
Tomato Persik
He has chosen leaves and fruits. The plant height is 180 cm, the fruits are cylindrical, up to 300 g, the flesh is saturated-red, gentle, without acid. Differs in high yield and disease resistance.
Variety of tomato Early, fruiting comes on 87 - 93 days. The first inflorescence is laid over 5 - 7th sheet, following 1 - 2 sheets. The fruit of the tomato is rounded, red, mass of 60 - 80 ghms, resistant to the phytoofluoride. Grow tomato in open soil.
Semko Sinbad.
Early, fruiting comes on the 90th day after the appearance of tomato shoots. The first inflorescence is laid over 6 - 7th sheet. The fruits of tomato are rounded, bright red color, weighing up to 90. The hybrid of the yield tomato is grown in greenhouses and in the open soil.
Hybrid of Dutch selection, for open soil. The grade is well withstanding adverse weather conditions without reducing the yield and without loss of taste.
Variety of tomato. Early, high-yielding. A bushes up to 60 cm high. Fruits of tomato red, flat-circular. Purpose Salad. The dignity of the tomato variety is a friendly harvest.
Medium-grained tomato grade is grown in open ground. Tomato Cush Height 80 - 100 cm, yield 3 - 5 kg / sq. m. Tiger Tomato variety called for an unusual color - yellow stripes stand out on a bright red background. Tomators are small, smooth, rounded shape, very tasty. Tomato bush requires steaming and garter to the grinder. Fruiting begins approximately 110 days after the emergence of the first germs, tomato plants usually have time to be froning to the mass propagation of disease. Tomatoes of this variety are used to prepare salads.
Early grade, from 85 to 100 days, cultivated in open soil, grows up to 50 cm. Fetal red, acidic, oblong shape. Grade for canning.
Black Prince
The variety of the middle time of ripening in the open ground and under film shelters. The height of the bush 110 - 140 cm, the yield of tomato 3 - 3.5 kg. The color of this variety is unusual: black and raspberry. Fruits ribbed, flat-terminal, large, 110 - 170 g, sometimes reach 400 g, strong. In immature form, the fruit of the tomato has a large dark green spot in the fruction, which when ripening becomes purple-brown. The tomato bush requires steaming and garter, it is formed in one stem to achieve maximum crop. Inflorescences begin to form over 7 - 9 sheet, and then tied every three sheets. In the nest of about four tomato fruits. Tomatoes grade black prince juicy and tasty, without acid. Suitable for the preparation of salads, decorating dishes, but can not be stored for a long time.
Miracle of Light
Tomato Cush Height 3 m, yield 5 - 7 kg / sq. m. The miracle of light is a tall bush with numerous fruits similar to lemons. Each brush is formed from 20 to 40 fruits of the tomato weighing 60 - 80 g. The plant of tomato is formed into one or two stems, leaving four or five brushes. During the flowering period, inflorescences shake - it improves the cropping of fruits. The variety of tomato medium, so he has time to be froning to the mass spread of tomato diseases. Tomatoes of this variety can be preserved. By the way, yellow tomatoes with a high content of sugars are useful at elevated acidity of gastric juice.
Tomato ultra-raw tomato. From shoots to ripening fruits 80 - 85 days. Plant 50 - 60 cm high. Tomato Custe Compact. On the main stem, three inflorescences are formed, the rest are on lateral shoots. Tomato fruits are ripening in the open ground in the first decade of August. The plant is a yield tomato, resistant to diseases.
Apples on snow
You can grow both in the greenhouse and in the open soil, the variety is early, from 85 to 100 days, the height of the bush is up to 50 cm. The fruits are small, round, red, the taste is acidic. Designed for both salads and canning.
Early, fruit ripening from 85 to 100 days is cultivated in open ground, plant height up to 50 cm. Fruits rounded shape, middle size, red. The taste is sweetish, very good in the fresh form.
For open soil, the bush is small, the fruits up to 150 g. Pretty late-Led variety, but but a multi-minded one.

The best varieties of tomatoes for open soil in the photo with descriptions

Tomatoes are loved by many. It concerns this and gardeners. Many people want to grow precisely these vegetables. Moreover, you can grow a variety of tomatoes - red, yellow, pink, orange, crimson. In the open soil, in the greenhouse, early and late. The best varieties of tomatoes are grown for salads and for canning. Description of tomato varieties allows from a huge set of existing to choose the most suitable.

Early varieties of tomatoes

The following early varieties of tomatoes can be distinguished:

Eugene.. For open soil. For salads and canning. Drought-resistant. Short dark green leaves. Red, dense, smooth tomatoes. Do not crack. Good taste. Gives good yields even with bad weather conditions.

Aurora F1.. It is grown both for salads and to salting. For open soil and for growing under the film. Medium-sized sheets. Slavborriber fruits weighing up to 110g. Appreciated for friendly fruiting.

Red Sun F1. For open soil and for growing under the film. Salad. Delicious laylourbed red tomatoes. Weight up to 120g.

Little Prince. Gives a stable harvest. Taste qualities are good. Smooth and round fruits.

Thick Jack. Red and sweet tomatoes, weighing up to 300g.

Admiral F1.. It is grown both for salads and to salting. Silnorosloye, intenerminant plant. Good taste, friendly fruiting. Sustainable to many diseases. Slaborribristian red tomatoes.

Hurricane F1.. It is grown both for salads and to salting. Mediumwist plant. Weakening. Height up to 220cm. Medium-sized leaves. Small fruits of flat-circular shapes.

Spring drops. Ultra-skilled grade. Sustainable cooling. Gives a stable friendly harvest.

Frant F1. Salad. The mid-grade plant, industrically. Red smooth rounded, dense tomatoes. Mass of the fetus of 150 g. Good taste. Sustainable weather and adverse weather.

Tsarskoselsky. For open soil and for growing under the film. Plants require a garter and formation. It is grown both for salads and to salting. High-threshold. Red, smooth plane chipped tomatoes. Good taste. Lice variety.

Seed Lady. Smooth, dense red fruits suitable for salads. Excellent taste. Weight up to 200g. The heat-resistant plant is little amazed by diseases.

Harmony. High-yielding grade, salad. Determinant, medium-scale, mediumwist plant. Middle leaves. The fruits are red, smooth. Taste qualities are good. Plants resistant to diseases. High marketability.

Admiralteysky. For open soil and for growing under the film. He needs a garter and formation of plants. Red, dense and fleshy tomatoes. Taste qualities are good. High yield.

Pink varieties of tomatoes

The following varieties of pink tomatoes are popular:

Demidov. Fruits from 150 to 200 g g gives stable crops of large fruit. Very good for open soil.

La la and rose rafaello. Rounded, saturated pink tomatoes weighing up to 150g. Have excellent commodity and taste.

My family. Bushes up to 120 cm. Pink-raspberry. Large tomatoes weighing up to 600g. Gentle flesh, like melon, delicious.

Sympatia. Rounded fruit weighing up to 150g, saturated pink color. Running. Fruits do not crack.

Moscow Grushovka.. The fruits are elongated, resemble peppercons. Very beautiful commercial vegetables.

Petrusha Ogarden. Extra long tomatoes weighing up to 200g.

Supermodel. Delicious, smooth fruits, uniform painting.

Pink Stela. Low bushes. Rose-raspberry tomatoes elongated shape. The weight of each up to 200g. High yield and wonderful taste.

Scarlet candles. Pink cylindrical tomatoes. You can see them in the photo of tomato varieties.

Slav. Enough high plants. Extra long tomatoes, weighing up to 170g. Pink. Have a sweet and tasty flesh. Use in salads and cans. Gives stable yields in any weather, resistant to diseases.

Monastery Trapeza. High bushes. Large fruits up to 350 g.

Batyanya. Large, pink heart-shaped fruits. Unpretentious grade. Sound. Tasty tomatoes.

Tomato varieties for open soil

The following varieties of tomatoes for open soil are valued:

Gold queen and unexpected. Yellow fruits, round-flat. Weight up to 300g. Unpretentious, resistant to various diseases and to adverse weather conditions.

Ballerina. Extra long red fruits. Weight of which from 150 to 200g.

Kemerovo. Raspberry - pink vegetables suitable for the market. One-dimensional, similar to small hearts. Dense flesh.

Uncle Step.. Tomatoes with fine skin, red, long shape. They are easy to disperse, as the cucumbers are cleaned.

Scarlet Mustang. The variety is similar to the previous one. Large and fleshy fruits.

Laura. Mid-line variety. Red tomatoes are suitable for both salads and to salting. Oval, fleshy, pulp sweet.

Saltitude delicacy. Weight of tomatoes from 80 and to 100g. Perfectly suitable for canning. Red and smooth fruits. Do not pepper, do not have stains, do not crack. An interesting feature of this variety is at first glance at the bush, the leaves are not noticed. Height of bushes up to 1m.

Siberian Trump. Salad, high-yielding grade. Large tomatoes weighing up to 800g. Red. You can not be pausing and not to support. Unpretentious, high-yielding.

Sensei. Medieval. The perfect cone-shaped form of fruits. Raspberry, large, fleshy. Gives a high harvest of good quality in all weather conditions. Resistant to disease.

Carotine. Tomatoes of orange color, dense, perfect round shape. Do not pepper and do not crack. Contain a record content of carotene.

Shaherazade. Tomato peach. Red pubescent tomatoes, cylindrical shape weighing up to 300g. Gentle, without acid. Busta heights up to 180cm. High-yielding, resistant to disease.

Ivan Kupala. Beautiful tomatoes, like a raspberry pear. Stable yield and excellent taste.

Sort Pudovik (Severug). High bushes up to 120 cm. Raspberry core tomatoes. Very big. Weight can reach 1 kg. Seeds inside a little. The first harvest can be collected along with harvest with early bushes. Unpretentious.

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