How to find out that the man is married. External signs of a married man

How to find out that a man is married. External signs of a married man

How can I find out the marital status of a person via the Internet?

Unfortunately, so often in life it happens that you meet a person, fall in love with him, they are tied, and then it suddenly it turns out that he is married, and he already has a family. At such moments it is difficult to understand what to do and how to do - no longer you do not imagine life, but the role of a mistress or lover, well, does not fit into your plans. To prevent such a situation, it is desirable from the first days of dating to visit a certificate person. With that, first of all, it is necessary to figure out his marital status and status.

Is it possible and how to find out the marital status of a person via the Internet?

  • Of course, his passport or registry office could be the very first and reliable source of information about the family status of a person. But, unfortunately, such information such authorities are not eligible. What then remains to do?
  • Some people prefer in such situations to use the services of professional detectives. But such pleasure is not cheap.
  • You can try to conduct your own investigation with the involvement of all familiar and loved ones.
  • You can try to "dig" all information on your own on the Internet.
  • It is worth saying right away that with the help of the worldwide web it is quite difficult to learn such data if a person is very secretive, and does not leave the trace.

But try still worth it.

How to find out online: Was there a man in marriage, is it officially divorced, is it married to a man, or whether a woman is married to whom?

There are three ways to identify a person and its marriage in the network:

  1. Via telephone directory.
  2. Through social networks.
  3. Through communication programs by Skype or ICQ.

  • Using the first search method, it is necessary in the electronic phone directory online to score the number or Full name. of a person.
  • Sometimes, the database records that other people live at this address - they can be spouses.
  • It will easily understand one name and the names of the opposite sex.
  • Such a method can work if the spouses live together for a long time, since the database of telephone data may be already obsolete.

  • Very often in communicative programs by type Skype or ISQ, when registering is required to fill all graph, including a marital status.
  • If you know the nicknamed person or its number, you can view this data through your account or through someone else's account.

Important! Do not trust sites that promise to help find the necessary information for a major remuneration. 90% of such sites are fraudsters, and instead of the necessary data you can lose more money.

We hope that our instruction will help you expose the cheater or, on the contrary, to make sure of the sincerity of your loved one.

How to find out the status of marital status VKontakte: Video

Life sometimes pretends surprises. So you wait, wait for the prince on a white horse, and now he has rinked. With a horse with a sword, galny and generous, in general the dream of all women. It seems already building plans for him and here - opa! He is married! But even the hints for it was not!

How to find out whether a man is married if not explicit signs on his family status? How does it appear externally and what to pay attention to his behavior?

Already a long time to go in the summer, when the marriage was considered the finals of a bachelor life. Well, as in the novel Pushkin:

"You are free," Dubrovsky continued, turning to the pale princess.
"No," she answered. "Late - I am notable, I am the wife of Prince Veresky."

A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky"

That is, neither the personal life of speech could not go. IN modern world A marriage certificate can be treated as a filter diploma: officially marriage is registered, but the newlyweds cooled and fled. And the divorce forgot.

Conversely: Bachelor forgot to marry the one with whom a joint life has been leading for many years, and the kids finished. It seems to be officially free, but in essence - in the skies of the same "do not indulge."

Therefore, in vain, some girls will graze if the man honestly admitted that he was officially married, but he did not live together. And also in vain, some ladies are "wagged with the tail" from joy, which grabbed yourself free and idling. Everything is relative.

Erroneous stereotypes

There are several signs of a married man for which any woman changes herself as an expert. But sometimes the eyes lie, and the signs do not always point to the family status of a man.

Trail from the wedding rings

It is clear that if a man bears a bang, he is actually married and does not hide it. But sometimes it happens that there are no rings, and the track remained - or white, after the tan of the brush, or simply "curly" brightly expressed on the skin.

Many women seeing this trail can say with accuracy: a man is married. And there are no rings, because:

    He took it on the time of "removal" girls.

    Removed and lost, therefore not wears.

    I handed over to the pawnshop to bite on the "removal".

    It's shy to wear, giving yourself behind the bachelor.

In short, the ideas of the mass, but one will not come to mind:

Maybe a person was really married, but now in a divorce.

To find out if you need to immediately ask about this evidence. You can just ask about the personal life of a man, not to mention you noticed this trail.

An honest man can tell that - yes, he was married, I repent, but everything was already in the past, here - see, "Scar" from the ring has not yet healed.

A married will begin to "drive" that he is free in life. And if after this ask him a question about the track from the ring, then perhaps it will introduce it into a stupor.

Ideally dressed and purely shake

For some reason, such a stereotype was formed that if a man looks "with a needle," then his wife had been working on his appearance. And the bachelor should look like Wahlak - dressed in forced, and even the behavior is appropriate.

No, now modern macho does not look, especially if they are in the status of a bachelor. On the contrary, loving and metrosexuals are dressed with a special chic and glosome. The main thing is to get acquainted with such a handsome, do not confuse him with a guy not the orientation.

Therefore, meeting along the clothes, there is no one hundred percent confidence that this cleaner is a married man. Rather, on the contrary, a family man, tortured from daily problems, may look a little bit of a bachelor.

Calls and talk on the phone - this is what a marriage can give out, who hides your family status in front of you. Such a man will be encrypted that he is the CIA agent.

    He can easily talk to you with someone about affairs, then go out with a certain call from the room. Or it will dump calls at all, and then turns off the phone at all.

    The man himself will call you at a certain day, most likely it will be working days. But it is worth you to call him in the evening, as he will not know: he says in a whisper, then some kind of riddles, it does not answer at all.

    The same focus occurs with SMS, the answer to them comes only during working hours. For any questions - why it happens, there will be a thousand exclusion: tired, slept, I forgot, I did not hear, it was no time and so on.

    On his telephone notebook, it will be difficult to recognize - he is married or not. If married, his spouse will be recorded by a simple name of a dozen or hundreds of other subscribers and is not particularly designated.

    If you have a margin twisted with a margin, and you do not know, he has a spouse or not, ask him to record your name somehow very affectionately. If he writes, then the next day your name in the phone again "will sound" dry and officially. So married.

A married man will never invite you to his home and does not even say the exact address. He allegedly there will be a constant apartment renovation, and Mama Cerber sit in the corridor. For any attempts to find out his address, it will be bought.

But it is married to understand that he is married, but it is possible for some unpleasant trifles.

    Holidays will be torture for you. Since he allegedly celebrates them only with her mother and his relatives, where while his girl is closed.

    He will not acquaint you with any relatives or friends, he will not take you as a girl on a corporate or friendly party. You will always be in the shade.

    You can know his two or three faithful friends, no more. But they will not give you all the information about him.

    Even in the cabin of his car, "Family Spirit" is felt. Plush toys, ladies "tricks" in the form of lipstick or hairpins.

    He does not like to be photographed by explaining this by the fact that it is not photogenic. Hides in the photo like Ostap Bender chessboard.

    He can be generous, but careful - does not give "general" gifts, such as movie tickets or theater. In general, he tries not to appear together in humans.

    He distributed time on you. You meet only when he wants (and in essence - when he can). For another time, he is a "busy person."

    He does not stay at night. And if it remains all output, then disables the phone. Like, there is nothing to interfere. See for his wife on a business trip.

    He refuses gifts. Molt does not like them and all that. And in general, it is not necessary to spend on him, he himself is quite conspicuous. And in essence - how will he explain to his wife these gifts?

That's for these trifles, you can understand that this man hides one thing - his family status. And no he is the CIA agent.

Woman's intuition

No evidence will prompt the true position of the status of a man as the old good female intuition. It cannot be seen and hear, this heart suggests.

If there are doubts - then try to initially spend your independent investigation, so that you do not suffer, being in fool. Yes, and do not destroy the fate of another unhappy, and in no means a guy woman.

It's one thing when a man does not hide his family relationships With another woman, but it happened so - fell in love with you. You can read about it in the article.

Another thing is, if a man plays on the feelings of several women and at the same time it is lying and removed.

But even if he skillfully hides the evidence, it can always be all over the chain: a meeting place - friends - work - relatives and so on. It is impossible to close on all eyes. In any case, if you feel seriously, the junction can be more painful many times.

Finally - an unusual technique

Let's spend a mental experiment.

Imagine that you have superposable to "read" men. As Sherlock Holmes: I looked at the man - and immediately know everything about him and understand what he has on his mind. You would hardly read this article in search of a solution to your problem - you would have no problems in relationships at all.

And who said it is impossible? You certainly not read other people's thoughts, but otherwise no magic is not here - only psychology.

We advise you to pay attention to the master class from Hope Mayer. She is a candidate of psychological sciences, and her technique helped many girls feel their loved ones and receive gifts, attention and care.

If it is interesting, you can sign up for a free webinar. We asked hope to reserve 100 seats specifically for visitors to our site.

Relationship between a man and a woman sometimes have very bizarre forms. Well, if partners love each other and strive to create a strong family, which will be preserved all their lives. This is the perfect version of the relationship between the floors, which, unfortunately, is becoming more common and less. Nowadays, no one is surprised when a married man turns his mistress, which does not even hide his marital status. And why burn? After all, then two women will have to be deceived.But there are desperate familymen who have a novel on the side and do not speak the beloved, which is already married. Such behavior of a man explains the fear to lose his mistress if she finds out the truth. The guy who can fool two women at once, owns a huge arsenal of tricks and tricks. The girl who fell in his network will be defenseless before such a cunning. How to protect yourself? How to understand that a man is married, but hides it?

From this article you will learn:

  • Why it is so important to know that your chosen one is married
  • For what signs you can understand that a man is married, but hides
  • How his phone will help you understand, then a man is married and hides it
  • How to understand that a man is married, but hides, and decide on parting with him
  • Why it is important to find strength in yourself to part with a married man

20 reliable adoption that will help to understand that a man is married, but hides

As they say, all the secret someday becomes clear. But, you see, this is not the case when I want to delay with the clarification of the real state of affairs. Therefore, you can take the situation in your own hands and analyze the behavior of the lover.
Of course, you can frankly talk to the cavalier and clarify its family status. But, asking a straight line, you are not insured against a disheest answer. The guy can deceive you so that you continue to be his mistress.

Interesting video on the topic:

How to understand that a man is married, but hides it? It can issue a strip of ungraced skin on the nameless finger of the right hand or a stamp in the passport, in which you would have happened randomly. However, the experienced conqueror of the Ladiesky hearts has not been carrying a wedding ring for a long time, convincing his wife that it interferes or was lost on fishing, and hides documents from prying views. Therefore, look at the behavior of the lover, pay attention to the details that are not so obvious as the stamp in the passport, but the deceiver can also be given as easy:

  1. Movement, gestures, facial expressions are not worse than words can tell that a person thinks and feels. Even the shortfall liar can compromise himself an excessive nervousness. The man will be on the sofa, shudder from unexpected calls, twist in his hands a small item, constantly correct clothes, in a crowded place to look around. These signs indicate that a person hides something, and he is uncomfortable, but he still prefers to stay with you instead of solving his problem.
  2. You and Beloved for the first time remained together for the night. Suddenly, a man says that he needs to get out of the apartment in order to endure the garbage, pick up a forgotten scarf from the car, go beyond the cookie in the morning. If the preposition for care seems to be contrived to you, the likelihood is that the cavalier simply needs to call his wife and inform her another legend why he will not sleep at home.
  3. Weekend and holidays you always spend alone. Even if the lover and drives, it's not for long. By phone on such days before it, too, do not get through. Cavalier sincerely assures you that just a lot of work or you need to spend holidays from your beloved grandmother, but you still feel lonely and anxious. Such behavior of a man is a faithful sign that he is married. As a rule, it is easier for a mistress to find time on weekdays, while the weekend is usually dedicated to the family.
  4. He will never stay with you for the night. If the beloved does not work the Watch method, it will be extremely difficult for him to explain the spouse why he will not sleep at home.
  5. Your chosen one has no pages in any social network. He calls Internet baby fun or refers to what does not want to distribute his personal data. In fact, it may be an attempt to hide marital status, because wives and children are always added to friends and place joint photos. Refusal of social networks is not one hundred percent sign that man is married. Perhaps he really fears global surveillance. But still it is recommended to check this item.
  6. A free man who wants to conquer you will demonstrate their achievements, successes and even a bit apart. If you have noticed that the cavalier is more interested in your affairs than talks about yourself, then perhaps he is married and does not want to share with you the details of his life in order not to change the mystery. Beloved belongs to you as temporary entertainment, so it does not seek to be frank.
  7. Make him a small present in the form of a key fob or a beautiful handle. A married cavalier will try to get rid of a gift not to cause suspicion of the spouse. If your present is always with him, and he openly demonstrates it, then you can not fear that your chosen one is not free.
  8. Most people do not know how to lie so virtuoso so that they can not be caught or at least suspect something. This requires real talent, excellent memory and acting skills. Therefore, with due care, you can feel deception, guess it in the smallest details. For example, after an unexpected call, a man suddenly is going home, stating that the aunt came to visit without warning. Or disappears for a few days, and then says that Abral happened at work. Such situations are possible in everyday life, but if a person is lying, he will be tense, it will not be able to describe the items, and in a month it does not remember that he told.
  9. Pay attention to how often you are visiting public areas: cinema, exhibitions, cafes, bars, shopping centers. If your beloved avoids to be shown in people with you or chooses entertainment away from the city, it should alert.
  10. Remember how many times you were visiting him. If you meet for a long time and the cavalier never invited you to himself, then it's time to think about why it happens. Of course, it may be that the guy is just a mess in an apartment or he is not yet ready to let you in his personal space, but maybe the reason is completely different.
  11. A married cavalier will not call you ten times a day just to find out how things are, and on the weekend it will talk to you as a spy of an ambush - a little, detachly and whisper.
  12. You were looking for a lover on a dating site. He wrote the first, was mil, and you liked his avatar. How did you surprise when another person came on a date, whose face only remotely reminded the photo on the site! What is the purpose of the man posted not his image? Perhaps he is shy, but maybe he is just married and is afraid to be recognized.
  13. You have been together for a long time and think that everything is serious, but the chosen is not building joint far-reaching plans. His plans that concern you are capturing the nearest week, no more.
  14. In many families, the wife controls the income of the spouse. A man in marriage does not have finance to constantly drive a mistress on restaurants and do dear gifts. If you have noticed that after a short candy-bought period, your relationship has been brought to rare meetings on your territory, it's time to beat the alarm.
  15. Remember whether you are familiar with his environment - friends, colleagues, relatives. Married Cavalier will never present his lovelie to his loved ones. Of course, he can say that he has no friends, and parents live in another city, but still this is a reason to alert.
  16. It is impossible to keep all the small details under control, and now you find in the car of the beloved women's gloves or children's blade. And the next time you noticed that his shirt was perfectly ironed, although you know exactly what to iron your chosen one. These minor evidence can say that a man is married. If they have already accumulated a decent amount, it's time to ask the lover to explain.
  17. Often in the purse people wear photos of beloved people. When a man is paid in the store or in a taxi, take a look at his wallet - suddenly notice the picture of the wife and children.
  18. You noticed that when the lover spells from you, he always turns off the phone. If the profession of Cavaler does not imply emergency calls, which he does not want to take, then perhaps he fears talking to his wife and therefore turns off the mobile.
  19. You can't persuade the beloved to make a joint photo. When you try to make selfie with him, he can sharply turn you out. As an excuse, a man says that is not photogenic. But most likely, he fears that you will have compromising his pictures. After all, no one knows how life will turn tomorrow. Suddenly you decide to send photos of his wife.
  20. It is difficult to assume that in the behavior of your chosen one you will notice all the above signs that he is married. Perhaps he will behave perfectly, but the inner voice will tell you that something is wrong. Listen to it. Women's intuition is rarely mistaken. Try to talk to partner frankly, tell me that you love him and want a family and children. If, after your sincere confession, the man will disappear, it is not worth looking for him - you are not on the way with him.


Even if something bothers you in the behavior of the beloved, do not hurry with the conclusions and do not begin to suspect it in all mortal sins. He can rush home, because there it is waiting for a dog that needs to walk and feed. And the words "I love you" a man can tell parents or sister. Work also sometimes presents surprises and makes it takes more time on it than a person plans.

It is not easy to catch a deceiver by hand, but in this matter your reliable ally will be feminine intuition. If you have already accumulated enough evidence, then think if you are ready for what you know the truth.

Construction of relationships is daily work, these are the enormous costs of physical and emotional resources. However, the relationship with a married man is an ungrateful work. You will invest your soul in them, and the cavalier will only need sexual pleasure. A man knitted by the Uzami marriage believes that it is not obliged to you. Today he is with you, tomorrow will find another mistress. Therefore, to stop such a defective relationship for you - the best thing to be done.

If you understand that you no longer want to meet with a married man despite the fact that the feelings have not yet passed, then you need to prepare for the passage of four stages:

  • Tune in to break the relationship

It is one thing to decide that everything is over, and completely different - to take this choice, tune in to his exercise, not to give yourself to yourself and do not regret yourself. Make the first step - the most difficult, especially if you understand that they burn all the bridges and that there are no road.

  • Touch the situation

Soberly rate your position in the love triangle, analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the beloved. Concentrate your attention on the fact that relations with a married man destroy your personality, make unhappy, do not allow to reveal to the entire potential of love and care, which is hidden in your soul.

  • Change your behavior

Try to completely change your behavior to speed up the gap. After all, a man attracts certain actions in you, manners, words, care. Exclude everything he likes in your relationship. Carefully change your behavior, become cold and calculating Lady Vamp, if before that you were a spiritual and delicate dandelion.

  • Openly tell me about parting

The most direct, but not the most reliable way to break the relationship with the lover - openly tell him about it. It is necessary to inform you that you disagree forever play the second violin, what you want from the life of more. The main thing is not to succumb to emotions and not to give will tears. Otherwise, a man will see your weakness and decides that it is not all lost that you can persuade you to preserve the relationship.

Specialists in the psychology of relations are advised to redeem the conversation in front of the mirror, first, to throw out all negative emotions, and secondly, to analyze their weaknesses and work on errors.

So, the question "How to understand that a man is married, but hides" more in front of you. The truth became a reality, the deception revealed. Further events are largely dependent on you. You can agree to a relationship with a married man, and you can decide on the gap. If you choose the second option, then prepare for strong soulful experiences. After all, you will not order your heart, you have already managed to attach to the deceiver and build plans for the future. Try to connect the mind and remember that true happiness in this relationship you will not find. Throw everything that reminds about the former cavalier, find a new passion, chat more with friends and go on dates.

Soon, you will certainly meet your love that will not need to share with anyone and with which you will gain long-awaited happiness.

Thank you for reading this article to the end.

Hi, my name is Yaroslav Samoilov. I expert psychology of relationships and over the years of practice helped more than 10,000 girls to meet decent halves, build harmonious relationships and return love and understanding in families who were on the verge of divorce.

Most of all in the world, the happy eyes of students who meet people of their dreams are inspired and enjoy a truly bright life.

My goal is to show women such a way to develop relationships, which will help them create synergies of success and happiness!

Nowadays no one will surprise the presence of relations on the side of a married man, so many when meeting the potential mistress do not hide the presence of children and stamp in the passport. In fact, there is a chance that you will not embar such a factor. In the 21st century, the question " married Lie? " It often goes to the background, after all, there are even certain classifications of women who climb the relationship only with representatives related family bonds. Some ladies get true pleasure, breaking families, others excites the sacrament of hidden connection.

However, not all girls share such views, and therefore most of the marriage prefer to hide their marital status. Still, how to recognize a married man!? We carefully painted answers to this question in this article. Check out, analyze and avoid bitter tears from exposing your companion.

Signs of married man

  1. Ring.

    How to determine whether a man is married in appearance? In fact, it is quite difficult. Ideally, a married man should wear a wedding ring, as a kind of walked from a change of a spouse, but in life, unfortunately it is a great rarity. The ring is usually removed before the acquaintance, so it is worth seeing to the nameless finger of the right hand of his cavaller. It is possible that there will be marks from the ring. If you have not noticed anything like that, this is still no reason to relax. Quite often, the men are not at all worn by a wedding ring, explaining such a fact that it prevents them from working, rubs the finger, in general, delivers a lot of inconvenience.

  2. Passport

    A sure way to check the marital status of a man - look into his passport, tell me. And here is not true! The absence of a stamp is not at all proof of the freedom of a man. It may well consist in a civil marriage. Some believe that such bonds are not significant and, in fact, equate to ordinary relationships, but I dare to disappear that it is not at all. People share life with each other, possess a common budget and jointly solve problems. Therefore, it is worth remembering that it is not one and the same thing to meet in a civil marriage.

    Do not share if a man on the first date seeks to make sure you in the absence of a stamp in a passport. Why should he hurry so much if no one suspects of anything? Another thing, if from minute to minute, his half knows about your existence, and he still has not received access to your body. What remains to do? Of course, to force events in all possible ways.

  3. Telephone

    How to find out if a man is married? For example, by phone. If your cavalier disables mobile for a date or convulsively hurries to remove at the first call, it is worth alert. Disconnect the phone usually in order to protect yourself from unwanted second half-haul calls. Prevented when talking for the same reason. There was no possibility to disconnect from the network, and here not in time the call of your beloved, what remains to do? Of course, running his head into a secluded place and wake up that at work a bunch of affairs, an incredibly big cork or a problem with the car. You will tell you a storyteller that I called aunt from Rostov, a friend threw a wife or raging the boss. But, and it is considered to listen to such conversations to the satellite to listen to such conversations.

    Still, how to understand that a man is married? In fact, it is easy, it is only worth paying back naivety and consult attentiveness. If, after the call, a man suddenly leaves for urgent matters, abruptly breaks a date or often flies on a business trip - these are bad signs. Of course, this can behave and bachelor, it happens in life anything, but if such situations are repeated from time to times, it is worth thinking. If, after a small amount of time, your cavalier will be confused in elementary testimony about the consequences of relatives or unplanned departure, feel free to record it in the tale squad.

    In general, a cell phone willing enough to betray the owner. You only need to call in the late hour or write a gentle SMS, which a married person is unlikely to answer. We conclude that a test for honesty man did not pass. Think yourself, a busy person is hardly turning off the phone for the night or for a long time it will throw it into a distant corner. There is an option that your favorite just sleeps hard, then check number two! We try to stay one on one with a traitor phone, call from your mobile and see how the number will appear. In the event that this is a cute nickname or your name, the situation is positive, if you are recorded as "Sergey Ivanovich" or "Alexander-Magnifier" there is no doubt that a man is married.

  4. Weekends and holidays

    Remember that a married person only in isolated cases holds holidays or weekends with a mistress, his duty to be in a family circle. If your man in the standard disappears on such days, it suggests that it is not free. Try to ask about such frequency of your beloved and look at the reaction.

  5. Outdoor

    Men passion as love to spend the whole night with their half, if your favorite, referring to different excuses, does not stay with you to spend the night, most likely, he is married and night-time for him is an imperfect luxury.

  6. Presents

    An excellent test of your man will be a personal gift. For example, give him a surprise in the form of underwear or rings with a signature "from the beloved Masha". If he is willing to wear this gift, there is nothing to worry about. A married man will never allow himself a compromising character. Also, married woman will not take home your valentine with a tender message, but it will prefer under any pretext to leave it with you.

    As for the gift in the form of a tie, trousers or shirt, then it is more difficult. If a man himself becomes things, then nothing surprising in the appearance of new clothes in the wardrobe will not be. If a wife is engaged in a shopping in the family, then pants bought by another person can break out a real scandal.

  7. Married men avoid common photos with a mistress.

    Not surprising, because this is a real evidence, which can destroy his family. If a man under no circumstances do not put your photo into the desktop, then the reason may be in his marriage bonds.

    Of course, there are many women who such a dubious position suits. What is the difference in what status is the cavalier if you get from him, all that your soul? Nevertheless, far from everyone wants to make a problem in the form of disassembly with an angry wife. How to make a man do not drive you in the nose? Provocive!

    It is possible to put everything in our place asking for a favorite visit. If a solid amount of time, he will look for an excuse, so as not to lead you to the house, the situation is crying. A man will hope that the apartment has no repair, mess or a strict mother - all this nonsense. Such stories usually tell those whom on the threshold of their own houses are celebrating a couple of adorable kids and beautiful wife. There are, of course, exceptions, but this kind of non-sensibleness is a disturbing bell.

    It makes sense to note that this method is far from excellence, since your cavalier can invite you to a removable apartment or bring to the house at a time when the family climbed the city.

    Now that you know how to understand whether a man is marriedYou can safely make new acquaintances. Do not forget that the best caution from deception is intuition. After all, as you know, many women have a well-developed!

Experienced women are perfectly familiar with all the "charms" of communicating with a married man. In order not to get to see the next time, let's share women's secrets, how to find out, whether a man is married, because Marika himself usually hides this regrettable fact of his biography to the latter - i.e. Before intimate relationships or even after them.

Of course, there are good reasons, because of which married people are encrypted at idle.

And the main of them is that not all girls are masochists, and therefore most of the normal ladies avoid entering relations with married comrades on caps. Because they know how it happens hurt and unpleasant.

The second reason for disguise under the bachelor is that with unfulfilled men, women can have a dream of a possible wedding, and therefore it is easier to go with them for sexual contact.

The wrong husbands are not looking for a new wife on the side - they need a mistress: no more, but not less. They need sex - Brutal and diverse, irrepressible and indomitable. Well, they will not give up attention, care and caress, delicious food ...

In general, from the relationship of a woman with a married man usually wins only marryingTherefore, the ladies, not wanting to get into a pre-losing disposition, prefer to shy away from dating and intimate communication with other people's wrong husbands.

However, often the power of the desire of these cheaters is many times superior to the observation and experience of the girl, which is why it loses.

So, so as not to become a mistress of married, learn to recognize these slippery subjects.

How to find out if you are married to a man with whom you meet?

1. Wedding ring.

The absence of a wedding ring on the right hand guy does not mean anything. Chronic modes never wear a wedding ring.

And many business trips, to be freedom, immediately tighten with the hands of this iron hoop, and hide it where far away. But in this case, on his unnamed (4-volume, followed by a little finger, there may be traces from the ring - a small rubbing, pallor or corn.

2. Printing in the passport.

Not a single normal man, not an expanded womanist, will not be so right to immediately impose your passport for you. If the guy is on your question, whether he is married, immediately poke your passport, then one thing is to alert you.

Do not forget that even the lack of blue printing passport for marriage does not guarantee that this man has no serious relationship with another woman. Nobody canceled civilian unregistered marriage.

3. The correct sign of a married man - if he does not spend the days and holidays with you.

This is the most proven way to find a marriage. If the guy persistently evade planning with you a joint pastime on Saturday and Sunday, such important family holidays like Easter, New Year, his birthday, March 8, 1, 2 or 9, then it can only mean one thing - he already has a family.

4. If he does not stay with you for the night ...

... that is not good. If he disappears every night from your bedroom under various pretexts, then he definitely has another friend - a legitimate or civilian wife.

However, it is worth understanding that there are exceptions from any rule. So, for example, there are such business men-businessmen who have not lived along with their family under one roof for a long time, but at the same time they are not going to divorce at all.

Traveling freely feel in someone else's city, as well as simply provided adventure lovers. Some guys manage to live on two houses, for example, spending time on weekends with family in a country house, and in working days living in a separate apartment.

5. If he does not invite you to his home ...

... So he is 100% married. Or shy to present you with your relatives. Or does not consider relationships with you seriously. Or is afraid that you will not like his home or relatives ...

This feature should be considered as a risk factor only in conjunction with other unpleasant symptoms. But in any case, the fact that your man is afraid to let you in his life - a very bad sign that promises little good.

If the cavalier prefers meetings at home or in a hotel room, in the sauna, then you are just a sexy toy for him.

And it concerns even those cases when he shoots you an apartment, in any case he does it for himself and it is cheaper than paying the services of a prostitute.

6. He avoids meetings in restaurants, theaters, cinemas, parks ...

If a young man prefers to be limited exclusively with the eye on your eye at home or in a hotel, and does not lead you to people - it does not lead you around restaurants, cafes, beaches, parties, public events, it means that he has from whom to hide your relationship.

7. He will not introduce you to his relatives and friends.

Married people extremely rarely familiarize their mistresses with their close relatives and friends, and they also have no matter to their friends and relatives. Marriart will not acquaint his mistress with his mother, because Will be afraid of publicity.

Although personally I know one man who quietly acquainted all his mistresses with his son and even put them on him. Among the rich in general, many perverts, in whose psychology, there is no such concept as moral values.

So, for example, another my friend slept with his daughter's girlfriend and lives with her open, she even gave birth to him. And this despite the fact that his legitimate wife knows everything about their relationship and they even live nearby!

8. If he avoids with you to communicate by phone ...

... then, at least, he has something to hide from you, and as life shows - he is trite married.

So, for example, if you sit in a cafe, and it goes from time to time to talk on the phone, because He has a "serious, business conversation", or he needs to go to the toilet, or buy cigarettes.

Or, if he suddenly calls someone, and he sharply picks up and goes to talk to the corridor or to the street, try to go out after a couple of seconds. If he is embarrassed when he sees you, watching him, and starts to blame that you follow him, inadequately joke, quickly completes the conversation, then this is a bad sign.

9. He does not give you the number of his phone or prohibits the first to call him.

Married men usually tightly control their wives, so non-free cavallers usually ask you, or rather, require you that you do not call them at all or have not called the first, or called only certain days or at a certain time.

All this is done in order to avoid suspicion of changing the wife.

10. If he simply does not answer your calls and sms in the afternoon, in the evening or at night, if after your call it immediately disables the phone ...

... So he is married or at least he has another girl. Agree, somehow it's not convenient to my husband to communicate with the mistress in the presence of my wife, smart kids or mother-in-law.

So marchitics often do not respond to phone calls And sms from mistresses either immediately turn off the phone, throw you either quickly, quickly speak the phone "I'll call you back!" and disconnected.

And then we are justified by the slashes on work, super-fast and super-secret business negotiations with influential partners, meetings ... or reproach you and scold for the fact that you have violated their rules of the game and called the first ...

11. It turns off his mobile when you spend the night.

12. Your phone number in his mobile is marked with a colon name.

When there are no men next to his mobile, call your phone on it and see how your number will be displayed, under what kind of nickname. If in his mobile you mean as "deputy. Accountant, "Leeching" or "Ekaterina Valerievna", it means that he masks traces of a crime - treason.

13. He does not wear your gifts and does not use them.

A married there is no reason to carry home gifts from a mistress in the form of sexy panties with a trunk of a misconception, rings with the inscription "from the Irina who loves you."

Marika will never take his home postcard or Valentine's home with a lover's signature - he will prefer all these presents to leave her at home under some convenient pretext or will throw it all on the landing and the next time you will not see you who donated to you panties or rings.

Clothes in the shape of shirts, trousers, costumes and ties they are, in principle, accept, but only if they themselves buy their clothes. If not, these things are waiting for the same fate as other your gifts, they will dust with you at home.

14. Married men prefer never to be photographed with their mistresses.

And here everything is clear: the joint photo is already evidence. A married will never take your photo as a gift and does not put it in my purse or on the table at work.

15. If he himself admits that he is married.

To get this recognition, simply ask him and look at the reaction. Start the conversation that you love him and want a wedding, children from him. If he starts to divert fishing rods, pale, sweat and stutter, do not delay this comrade - let him go, you are not on the way with him.

There are many other small nuances, because of which the girl begins to suddenly feel like a second grade man, understands that it is limited to some areas of life of this man.

Already this sense of inferiority of relationships should push you on the idea that not everything is so beautiful in the Danish kingdom and that it is necessary to quickly fall in love yet, to carry out the legs from here.


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