You can give cocoa to a single child. If you can give cocoa to children: how to choose and cook

You can give cocoa to a single child. If you can give cocoa to children: how to choose and cook

A rank cup of cocoa with milk does not require advertising. Having long deserved to the glory of the rich and brown, which the rich call the warmth of the childishness. Ale in bazhanni - to propagate a little cocoa - the father’s sound of rizik, an indication of a high degree of allergy. How long can you give cocoa to a child, so that the drink brought more melancholy?

Kharchov's value of the product is determined by the warehouse, rich in whites, fats, and carbohydrates. Okrim tsgogo, cocoa for children can be suggested:

  • vitamins (B6, B9, B12, PP, A, E);
  • minerals (zinc, salt, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium, fluorine);
  • flavonoids (flavonol);
  • alkaloids (theobromine);
  • cellular tissue;
  • tannins of speech (tannins);
  • pigment (melanin) and aromatic components.

The inclusion in the child of the cocoa menu is to increase the diet, to know about the new savory flavors and to help:

  • growth and molding of bone tissue and teeth;
  • normalize the functions of hematopoiesis;
  • improve your mood and get in the way of stress;
  • vitrimuvat physical daring and shvidko innovate after them;
  • protect yourself from ultraviolet vibration;
  • feel like hunger;
  • improve the immune system;
  • promote Rozumov's practice.

Cocoa is recognized as one of the best sources of natural antioxidants: polyphenols, which are found in beans, are saved in large quantities after processing into powder and drink. Flavonol is a significant representative of polyphenols. Vіn protects from vilnyh radicals, the growth of evil spirits and numerical illnesses.

Possible Skoda and side effects

The biggest harm, like a drink can be given to a child's body - is an allergy. Blaming it out of the high frequency of 3-5 years and saving up to the school age, if not - and stretching out your life. The reason is often called growing cocoa proteins and pesticides, which are used to fertilize beans from rich shkidniks.

  • With a broken exchange of purini speech, which enters the warehouse of cocoa, they can cause transcendental absorption of sechoic acid and її salts, which are indicated for the functions of nirok. And here the contraindications are taken from the senior high school student.
  • I’ll give you a drink to tone up and put on a wake-up call between yoga intake in even active and easily awake children. For good reason, children should not recommend yoga to drink in the evening.
  • The high calorie content and the addition of fats include the product from the menu of children from the overworld.
  • The tannins of the speech (zokrema tannin) with regular use in drinking will provoke the stilt of the style right up to partial constipation.

What vіku can you press?

Why not sooner?

Early acquaintance, more so in a single match, don’t bring sourness and swish to be naughty. Remember: drink often calls allergic reactions, and like a young child, more risky.

Theobromine is present in the product, pouring it into the nervous system to cause overexcitation. At the single-handed vіtsі, the process of galvanization is still unsettled. You can destroy the tendencies of jealousy with a small portion.

Warehouse product can be damaged in the robotic grass tract. Constipation is the most common of these, which creates a serious problem for peers.

There is no sense to hurry up with the introduction of a new drink in the diet of a child, as it is absolutely not required for a century. The children's menu from 1 to 3 years old always has an equal and safe alternative.

dating rules

First of all, let's get to know each other with caution and dotrimanny obov'yazykovyh recommendations:

  • Only cocoa and some new products. The first day in the menu is not guilty z'appear new for the child products and ti, as before, the symptoms of allergy were indicated.
  • Choose a ranking hour for the first try. Best if I receive a snidanka. There will be a whole day ahead for watching the camp of the child.
  • Promote fresh preparations of drinks from a small number. For acquaintance, 10-15 ml will be enough, which is equivalent to 2-3 tsp.

As if the first test of the child reacted well, then you can move on to an increase in quantity for one dose. In case of a negative reaction with the appearance of a visip, erysipelas, what to drill, otherwise the swelling will appear in the product, it will be necessary to take a look at it for some time. Another try will become possible until 5-7 years old.

How often can children drink?

From 3 to 5 years of age, children should drink in a small amount - up to 50 ml per day per day and not more than 2 times per day. Sleep by the hour is not recommended to be taken through tonic and wakefulness, which pulls the disruption of the night's sleep.

From 6 to 10 years you can give up to 100 ml of drink per day and up to 4 times per day. Before speech, prepared with cocoa milk eliminates the problem of introducing dairy products into the diet.

After 10 years, cocoa can be on the menu for snacks up to 150-200 ml per dose.

Delicious and rich cocoa does not come out of a filthy powder. Dekіlka is pleased with the choice of the yakіsny product to allow you to uniquite rozcharuvannya:

  • The higher the fat content of cocoa, the more rich the savory taste (15% and more).
  • A statement on the label that cocoa beans are grown in Indonesia, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador or Malaysia, promoting a chance to buy the product.
  • The best product from the European vineyard can be bought in eco-shops or online stores with good reviews.
  • The package is guilty of 3 criteria: chocolate aroma without additive smells, brown color (dark, not white), breast size.

The secret is in the right preparation

The traditional way of preparing vimagatima 20 minutes of mother's hour and a small set of ingredients: 1.5 tsp each. cocoa powder and zucru, 250 ml of pure milk or diluted with water (it is allowed to vicorate like homemade, so it can be pasteurized or low fat). In favor of those that cocoa itself has a high fat content, homemade milk is more likely to be diluted with water (for a classic recipe - for a ratio of 1:1). It’s not a vpline for relish, as if you were victorious with some of the ingredients.

  1. In a wide cup, zucor and powder are mixed.
  2. Then pour trohi of warm water or milk (up to 2 tbsp. L) and mix again until smooth. The more retelnіsh zmіshati, the less imovіrnіst, that the drink will have breasts.
  3. Milk is poured into a saucepan or a saucepan and constantly stirring, bring to a boil.
  4. With a thin flower, peremishyuchi, it is enough to pour in place of the cup into the pan.
  5. The fire starts to boil in 15-20 seconds as the cob boils.

A culinary secret: drink a glass of wine with a lower kick and without milk spitting, if you don’t like children so much, you need to add 15 seconds instead of a saucepan, energetically beating yoga with a wine glass.

Cocoa chi hot chocolate?

I’ll drink chocolate relish when I think about preparing hot chocolate with tops, what can I have in the warehouse of similar components: cocoa, milk or tops. Vibirayuchi between the two with savory savory drinks, don’t forget about the mischief for the child’s body.

  • For a certain amount of fat and calorie content, I will overwhelm cocoa, and adding tops to drink is “important” for a child’s pickling system.
  • Most of the time, when preparing hot chocolate, I take the fate of preparing the packaging of the product from the smell of zucru, vanilla, and grub additives, which you can no longer get into the warehouse. Todіyak high-grade cocoa vіdrіznyaetsya natural purity.

As far as cocoa powder is concerned, it is possible to use the products with additives (vanilla, cinnamon, fruit essences, etc.) from the options suggested by the brewers.

Cocoa - tse savory and brown drink, which is recognized by truly childish lassosh, but only bring melancholy in the fall, like a child taking yoga in the stale wine and pomirnyh kіlkostyakh. Nutrition is overdue - if you introduce it to the diet of a child. The safest way to introduce cocoa into the diet is to take 3 years.

Cocoa can be given to children at least 2 times a day in small quantities - in half a star-shaped cuisine or in small mugs in the first half of the day. The maximum quantity for a day is 4 cups. It is best to give it to the snіdanok, especially if it will be a child, as if a child of vranci is moved into the air. It is recommended to use more cocoa, which is drunk, at one time before the full cup, only after 6 years, and not more than 2 per day - tsієї servings will be enough for the body to be filled with brown powers. you can drink cocoa. The maximum amount of natural cocoa is not guilty of overtaking 0.5 g per doba per 1 kg of baby powder.

When you can drink cocoa

Healthy little ones, who don’t suffer, don’t make a mess on the side of the herbal system, yet it’s allowed to introduce a drink earlier - from 2 years. Ale tіlki іnodi yak rіdkіsny dessert.

  • Children, who suffer from food allergies, do not taste cocoa until 3-5 years of age, in most cases and in the school year, they are deprived of cocoa under the fence. Introduce yoga more carefully, in small portions, starting at one time per week, fallow in view of the child's features, I will become healthy.
  • For children, as if they could get sick of the exchange of speech, purine zocrema (gout,), give cocoa not to brew with the elder.
  • Don’t give them more time to get used to non-licorice, low-calorie drinks.
  • Do not require cocoa hyperactive children, choleric.

Respect! As soon as the cocoa was taken in, the child showed signs of allergy: , the fire started - cocoa should be consulted with a doctor if it is possible for a further treatment.

Why not earlier than 3 years

Do not experiment and introduce cocoa into the diet of a child earlier in the century. Tannic speeches and tone of authority can not be brought to drink by a crusty little child. Theothrombin, 40 fragrant stalks - a single child can be saved from the presence of allergens, it can be unequivocally said that a single child does not need cocoa. And if you remember to give cocoa to a child earlier in the century, then give the priority to a sour and natural product, do not brew a baby to drink on the Nesquik kshtalt. Cocoa can be powdered dark brown color without savory additives and flavorings, without breasts, grains, good variety. Yakisne cocoa is guilty of mother fat content over 15%, the smell of chocolate.

cocoa powder

Cocoa bagate for vitamins and microelements, improves mood and tone.

  1. A warehouse of cocoa is more suitable for a child, there is a bagat with a necessary amount of minerals, vitamins. In addition, cocoa, chocolate and desserts are among the most delicious ones.
  2. Gaining the power of cocoa - ce improve your mood. In response to the intake of cocoa, the hormone of joy endorphin is vibrated in the body, so a bar of chocolate or a cup of cocoa is so good to help with stress.
  3. Cocoa can miraculously tone power.
  4. Cocoa contains theobromine, which means that you should drink cocoa when you have a dry, sickly cough.
  5. Cocoa is a high-calorie product, resulting in hunger.
  6. It helps that spray to the most recent inspired organism after training.
  7. Corisno drink.

Skoda cocoa

  1. High frequency of depression in the development of allergic reactions.
  2. Do not drink cocoa before going to bed, because it will tone you up, make you feel good, bring it to high-calorie foods, the child will sooner have a turbulent sleeplessness and heaviness in the stomach.
  3. With frequent vzhivannі cocoa mozhut z'appear.
  4. Cocoa provoke attack.
  5. Don’t hesitate to treat the child with hot chocolate, it’s fat for cocoa, it’s more caloric and revenge for unnatural additives.

Cocoa recipe for kids

For one serving of cocoa:

  • Milk - 250 ml
  • Cocoa - 1 tsp without a girka,
  • Zukor to relish - about 1.5 tsp.

Relatively mix cocoa powder with zucrum: the more you mix, the less you mix the breasts. We put the milk on the fire and bring it to a boil, boil it down to the fullest from the zucru and cocoa, stirring constantly, boil it up to 5 hvilin. Napolyagati 5-10 quills. At hot cocoa, you can add a stick of cinnamon, a touch of vanilla. For the preparation of cocoa, the third of milk can be replaced with water, and in the end, for a pleasant aroma and a lower relish, add tops or baked milk.

Cocoa is not more korisnym we will drink, lower, cocoa is one of the ways to urinate the gusto of taste and that life is inflamed.

About the roots of the authority of cocoa, the program “About the head of the head” was announced:

Cocoa - lively and savory chocolate drink for little kids. Why does cocoa have a bitter taste for stagnant organisms? A classic recipe for cocoa drink for children.

The child's organism is richly sensitive to the manifestations of dovkіll, lower grown. The disease of disease-causing bacteria, as well as the vigor and vigor of їzhi also inject into the health of little people. However, it’s worth drinking and drinking, including cocoa beans with little cocoa. Why give cocoa to children? Why is that bad Skoda product? For some recipe, you can cook a tasty meal of lasoshchi?

For three years children can be given cocoa

For how many years can you give cocoa to children without fear for their health?
From the point of view of physiology, the acquaintance of a child with cocoa can be found no earlier than 2 years. Children, if they have not reached this age, sound better to endure such innovations in the diet. Adzhe їх іх іхіlna іt herb system sformirovanі not povnistyu i pratsyuyut unstable. There is a lot of pediatrician's impression, which the cryogenic organism can take revenge on the lack of enzymes necessary for pickling milk, more so in cocoa.
Pleasure from Professor Komarovsky. A popular doctor and TV presenter recommends that you treat the chocolate sum to little ones who are not weak to allergic reactions. In yoga words, you can give it no more than 2 times a day to children 1.5-2 years old. Cocoa is a high-calorie product, and to that ditlaham from the super-worldly vag, or fat, yoga drink is not a trace.
How often can you give cocoa? First, give the little ones 1-2 tsp. finished product, step by step bringing to a quarter of a small cup.
Gradually dosing increases, without changing 1 cup per day for 5 years.

Korist that Skoda cocoa for the body of a child

As practical as any other product, cocoa can be recognized by people as they grow, both positively and negatively.
The presence of vitamins, minerals and microelementsProduct abuse can alleviate migraine problems from HKT
Presence of protein, cellular tissue, folic acidCocoa is not a drink for wakeful or nervous children, as they suffer from disturbed sleep
Tonic effectTheobromine is similar to caffeine in the warehouse of powder for power, and it can also be harsh for a small organism.
Stimulates the healing power of the bodyCocoa is contraindicated in people suffering from ailments of nirok, liver, yakі suffer from gout, disorders of the exchange of speech
Shvidko vtamovu hunger for a certain hourThe drink does not follow in case of an allergic reaction to cocoa
Cocoa is coriander for children, slender to the point of thinness and undercrowding.Spriyaet svidkomu vodnovlennuyu reserves to the body after physical and rozumovyh navantagen

Recipe for cocoa on milk - the love of drunk children

Variations of preparing a savory drink for little gourmets are even richer.
The classic recipe for cocoa on milk for children is important:
To prepare 1 serving you need:
  • milk - 250 ml
  • cocoa - 1 tsp
  • zukor for relish
The brown powder needs to be mixed with zukr: the more it is crushed, the less breasts are settled at the finished drink. Put the milk on the fire, make it boil. Slowly boil the cocoa-zukrovu sumish, stirring constantly, boil up to 5 chills. Give me a drink, infuse 5-10 hvilin. At the pet you can add a stick of cinnamon, some vanilla.

Zastosuvannya cocoa against a child's cough

It turns out that cocoa for children can be wonky not only as a tasty drink, but also as an effective cough. With this retail, I use not powder, but natural cocoa butter.
Tse tsikavo. Cocoa butter is permissible to give to babies; Through your natural warehouse, you need to go for prevention and treatment of a cold cough. The product is theobromine, which relieves cough and vitamins A, C and E, which helps in the fight against ailments.
Recipe for fighting cough based on cocoa oli
  • milk - 1 tbsp.
  • cocoa - 1 tsp
Dip the olive in a bottle of milk and put the container in a water bath until the olive rises. On the cob of a cough, it is permissible to drink up to 6 bottles of such a drink per day.
Respect! Sumish for drinking can be hot!
Even if the child is not to the taste of natural drink, you can add cocoa ethereal oil to it. Accepting the aroma of cocoa, it is possible to change the setting to the liking.

TOP of the best cocoa powders for children

Which cocoa powder is best introduced into the diet of children?
Different types of trading firms have the following options:
  • Cocoa Chervoniy Zhovten "Golden Yarlik"
  • Natural cocoa powder "Royal" Premium
  • Cocoa 3 in 1 Funtik
  • cocoa "Biliy Vedmedic" with vitamin C
  • Cocoa "Pripravich"
  • Cocoa "Russian"
Porada. When choosing cocoa, it is necessary to carefully select information about the varieties of cocoa beans that are harvested. The varieties Java, New Guinea, Bahia, Ecuador are the most popular. Do not bathe the products to avenge the wind, barvniks and preservatives. Such components do not carry any crust for a small organism.

How to make tasty cocoa for children: video

How to cook cocoa for children - a recipe for savory and lively drink

Cocoa is one of the most favorite drinks of the little ones, even though milk chocolate is sumish brown and even savory. So that cocoa beneficially poured into a small person, varto to reach the norms and introduce them to the diet. It is also important to take into account the choice of the acidic syrovin - cocoa powder, which is the best way to bathe the products of overworked brewing companies.

Loves of a childish drink can take chocolate relish, bring great greed to the body. So that the introduction of lassoshchiv did not kill the child, it is necessary to supplement the additional doses and the rules for introducing them into the diet. Cocoa for children can be buti yakіsnim, not varto cupping the product of a sumn_vnі brand.

The bark of cocoa for the organism of children is brimming with a high content of bioactive substances and living elements. Before the product warehouse enter:

  • retinol;
  • tocopherol;
  • group B vitamins;
  • mineral elements - calcium, salt, zinc, phosphorus, potassium;
  • proteins;
  • flavonoids;
  • tanini;
  • cellular tissue;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Cocoa is a rich source of antioxidants in the body. Moreover, the data from the half-life are overwhelmed by the heat of the thermal infusion. The stench is destroying the free radicals, the reason for which the possibility of expanding evil clitins is reduced.

  • stimulation of the endorphin - a hormone that improves the emotional state;
  • vgamuvannya hunger;
  • ryatuvannya for dry cough with colds;
  • replacement of milk, depending on the implantation of any child;
  • polypshenya pratsezdatnosti mozku, pozbavlennya vіd naslіdkіv stresіv i revtomi pіd hour navchannya;
  • renovation of soft fabrics after physical training, sports activities.

Skoda cocoa for kids

Cocoa can bring to the child's body and melancholy, and shkoda:

  1. If it is schilnist to allergic, then the drink can become the cause of an allergic reaction, which is accompanied by sloppy hangings, which can be swollen, in a blunt disguise. In this situation, it is necessary to go back to the pediatrician in terms of terms.
  2. The warehouse product contains alkaloids, caffeine and theobromine. When I live, I will drink at the supra-worldly kilkost, the stench may irritate the nervous system.
  3. If the father gives the child sweets for the night, then you won’t be able to fall asleep. Tse through the awakening of caffeine and phenylethylamine. Therefore, it is better to give cocoa to children in the first half of the day, to fill the body with energy, to ensure a positive mood.
  4. To give him a high calorie content, do not give him yoga until the end. Otherwise, the little ones can move in the mainstream.
  5. If used frequently, drinking can become a migraine provocateur.
  6. Also, often the inclusion of chocolate pastries in the menu often becomes the cause of constipation.

Who needs cocoa

For a few years you can give licorice drink, lie down in the child's organism to allergies. If there is no shyness to allergic reactions, then you can give cocoa to a child in 2 years. But pediatricians indicate another figure, for which time it is possible to give cocoa to children without fear - for three years. In this city, the childish herbal tract is already built and overgrown with a growing product from cellular tissue and a high concentration of lively speeches.

A one-timer is not drunk enough to get drunk, it can provoke a strong allergic reaction. Moreover, from the change in the child's age, there is a negative reaction.

The product is dzherelo theobromine, which has an effect on nerve cells. As in the case of an older person, the influx of speech is manifested by non-trivial overexcitation and hyperactivity, then it is not clear, in some process of the functioning of the nervous system, it is not yet energized, it can take a serious discord.

If you give a drink of malyukov on the 1st day, then with a high ymovirnistyu the robot of the grass path will collapse. Blame constipation, which is important to leak into the river. Cocoa is not an indispensable product, there are no brown tongues in it, like a little one without taking off the least of the jerels of eating.

Speaking, from what age it is possible to give cocoa without fear, pediatricians give respect to the dobova and the day's norm I will drink:

  1. Children aged 3–5 years old live on the basis of 50 ml daily, not more often than 2 times a day.
  2. It is not possible, because in 6-10 years the babies were implanted more than 100 ml per day more often for 4 times per day.
  3. Additional portion for children after 10 years to become 200 ml. Why you can drink cocoa every day.

First of all, I’ll give you a drink, but we’ll protect you more. All day long, the child is not to blame for whether it be new products, and also, if it was implanted earlier, the allergy appeared. Bazhano give the child a new drink in the first half of the day, and at the same time, the father will be able to control it, like a child's organism reacting to an uninvited frequency.

For the first time, try to drink a small portion of the drink - 2 teaspoons. Even though there is no negative reaction, then the next day you can drink cocoa stilki, but pediatricians can drink it until the age of death.

As soon as an allergic visip appears, it swells up, then with the inclusion of lassoshchiv, the diet will get better. In some young person, you can give cocoa to a child who is allergic to cocoa, say a pediatrician, but sound the test up to 5-6 years.

If the child cannot drink

The fathers are guilty of vrakhovuvati, including cocoa in the menu, not only for some reason they don’t drink shkodi, but for some pathologies it’s not possible to treat a child with chocolate sausages:

  1. Baby cocoa is prepared from milk and zukr, which adds calories. That is why yoga is not included on the menu, like a baby has an overworld vaga.
  2. Through the use of purine, the drink does not get used to by children, as they suffer from the pathology of nirok.
  3. There is not much caffeine in cocoa, as if to compare with cava. But the concentration of speech is sufficient, so that the child's nervous system came to the awakening of the camps. Therefore, chocolate sweets are contraindicated in hyperactivity and choleric temperament. Pediatricians are also hesitant as to how much cocoa can be used with scaling up to depression.
  4. Cocoa beans are rich in citrus, they are made to drink from zukr. To that, they carefully treat children, who are weak to the point of constipation.
  5. Being shy to the point of allergy is not the kind of thing that can be included in the menu of chocolate sweets.

The drink will not be brown, as if it were made from a non-acidic powder. To choose a good product, follow the steps below:

  1. The drink will be savory, as if it were made with cocoa powder, the fat content of which is 15%.
  2. To find out, what kind of cocoa powder is yakіsny, it is necessary to look at the packaging, which is a virobnik. The best postal workers are Peru, Colombia, Indonesia, Ecuador. Do not varto buy a Chinese product.
  3. The powder is guilty of a pleasant smell of chocolate, mother rich brown color without white blotches. Vin may buti rozsipchastim, without breasts.
  • the receiving smell is created by flavorings;
  • the rozchinnіst product is made in a special way of preparation, at the hour of which the brown warehouse of cocoa beans is destroyed;
  • total cocoa powder in the product is 16%;
  • at the warehouse there are vitamins and mineral elements, ale stinks are synthetic;
  • even if it’s a brewer, it’s not recommended, but the drink is prepared from GMO stagnation.

It’s better for him to cook chocolate drinks on his own. The recipe for cocoa with milk is clumsy, an hour of preparation takes 20 minutes.

  • 1.5 teaspoons of cocoa powder;
  • a bottle of low-fat milk;
  • 1.5 teaspoons of zucru.

If the milk is fatter, then dilute the eggplant with yoga in a ratio of 1:1.

Prepare cocoa for children for the classic recipe with the next step:

  1. Mix cocoa powder and zukor. Add a couple of tablespoons of milk, stir to a uniform consistency and the appearance of breasts.
  2. Milk is poured in at the dishes for cooking. Put on the stove, check on the boil.
  3. Gently, constantly stirring, pour in the chocolate-milk rind into the milk.
  4. The fire will flicker after 20 seconds at the moment of boiling.

If a baby does not like cocoa with a milky pink on the surface, then with a stretch of 20 seconds it is necessary to beat the motherland with a wine.

Even if the little one is sick, he has a dry cough, then you can help a hot drink with cocoa butter. Golovna, chim korisnі tsі lasoshі, - zmіst theobromina. Speech coughs up, stimulates the release of sputum. Also, the warehouse of cocoa-olії has ascorbic acid, which improves immunity, which helps to fight off a cold.

To prepare, take:

  • a tablespoon of milk;
  • a teaspoon of cocoa.

Olya is tormented by milk. Put the dishes on the steam room, trim until the oil is broken. A sick child should drink hot drinks 6 cups a day until a dry cough develops.

For a schoolboy, brown chocolate drink, rich in vitamin C. Vin improves immunity, allows you to avoid seasonal colds. For preparation, take 2 tablespoons of powdered cocoa, 3 tablespoons of thorn syrup. Mustache at the blender, pour in a bottle of milk, beat.

Chocolate drink for a child's body, rich in vitamins and healthy speeches. So that weasels didn’t take the place of the crusty shkodi, it’s necessary to heal, how to cook yoga correctly, from what age you can give to children, like an extra portion.

For the cob, it is necessary to take a look at what is the root for the growing organism of the drink of the Mayan Indians. Cocoa powder to revenge the great amount of protein, cellular tissue and vitamins. Especially rich wines for folic acid, which is necessary for the body in the period of rapid growth. Cream of tsgogo, cocoa to avenge polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are necessary for the life of cell membranes. The stench lowers blood cholesterol levels. For children with anemia, cocoa will be brown like a cold sun. Retrieve this drink and zinc, brown for the body, for growth.

Don't forget about the plant's antioxidants - flavonoids, including the especially valuable eticatechin. Epicatechin improves cerebral blood circulation and short-hour memory, regulates arterial pressure. Also, flavonoids can regenerate cells in the body.

Tryptophan and phenylethylamine are micronutrients that produce euphoria, which increase vibrancy and tolerance. Magnesium takes the fate of the budding brushes, weakens the m'yazi and helps to turn into stress. The natural pigment melanin helps to protect the skin from the harsh influx of ultraviolet changes.

As you may have guessed, all overexposure to higher levels of authority can only be compared to natural cocoa powder, and not to swede-shaped analogues of the Nesquik type.

That th, nareshti, cocoa may have a wonderful taste, which is important for a child.

Why is it bad?

Cocoa to take revenge on the great quantity of theobromine, speech, similar to that warehouse for caffeine. Wine is not unsafe for health, but it is not recommended to give cocoa to children up to three years through theobromine.

For children who are mild to allergic reactions, cocoa should be drunk with care, the shards of this drink should be avenged over 40 fragrant drinks, which are potential allergens. Don’t forget just about those that cocoa is a high-calorie product and for children who are weak to the point, don’t often try it.

How to drink cocoa?

In this way, cocoa can be drunk by children from 2-3 years old, no more than 100 ml per day, 3-4 times per day. To prepare, I will drink next boil 100 ml of milk, mix a teaspoon of cocoa powder and a teaspoon of zucru, dilute with a small amount of hot milk to make a homogeneous porridge. Let's pour in the milk that is left out and thoroughly mix it up. Bring to a boil and wilt.

For children 6-7 years old, you can increase the amount of water you can drink up to 150-200 ml.
