"The work she replaced everything. Biography Lyudmila Schvetova Alexey Shvetsov Son Lyudmila Shvetsovoy Cause of Death

"The work she replaced everything. Biography Lyudmila Schvetova Alexey Shvetsov Son Lyudmila Shvetsovoy Cause of Death

Odintsova Lyudmila Ivanovna (in the marriage of Shvetsov) was born in Alma-Ata in September 1949. Fate endowed this person with strong personal qualities, clear mind and large managerial abilities of the highest level, which contributed to the rapid and accurate building of the career. Lyudmila Shvetsova became a prominent Soviet and Russian political and statesman.


Before becoming the deputy of the sixth convocation, Lyudmila Shvetsov passed a long and successful way. The first of particularly significant posts is the Chairman of the Central Council of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after V. I. Lenin under the Central Committee of the WLKSM - from 1983 to 1986. Awards and titles did not make themselves waiting and as a result of the work of the Deputy Mayor under the Government of Moscow from 2000 to 2011. She was the president of the Society "Knowledge", a candidate of political sciences, professor, Zabekointer of gender studies of the RSUGU ("Theory of Female Equality and Leadership").

Being the secretary of the Central Committee of the WHCMM, Lyudmila Shvetsov worked not only with the youth and children's organizations, but was a Curator of VSO (All-Union Student Building Drugs), and later the movement of MZhK. She also took an active part in the preparation and organization of the 1980 Olympiad and the World Youth Festival of 1985, for which he was awarded the orders of the "Honor Sign" and the Labor Red Banner.

A family

To wander in life such a wide and considerable way, a person needs appropriate education. Lyudmila Shvetsov received it fully, because he was born in the family of a personnel military, a valiant participant in the Great Patriotic War Ivan Vasilyevich Odentyov, awarded by many orders and medals, who accompanied all the success of his daughter until 2002, that is, almost all his life. Mother Lyudmila, Vera Grigorievna, was a teacher of English and left this world early - in 1972, when the daughter was still a student.

Study and formation

Since the father was a military man, live and learn had to be in different places. Schwetov Lyudmila Ivanovna graduated from school in Rostov-on-Don with a silver medal and the direction from the CPSU committee in MGIMO and theatrical school, because still the schoolgirl very successfully led children's programs on television.

However, she did not use the recommendations of the Regional Committee, but became a designer on aircraft building in the OKB named after Antonov, after graduating from the Kharkov Aviation Institute in 1973. For a long time, it did not work with a specialty: in 1975 Lyudmila Shvetsov, whose biography is almost completely connected with state activities, goes to Komsomol work in Kiev. At first she is the secretary of Rayoma Wlksm, then she was entrusted to her the department of the Youth Department, and, finally, the work by the secretary of the Central Committee of the LKSM of Ukraine.

Since 1986, Shvetsova Lyudmila Ivanovna is located in the Secretariat of the USSR Sun and the Congress of People's Deputies. From 1989 he heads the department of awards, since 1990 is appointed by the head of the apparatus. In 1991, he works as a chairman in the Committee of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR for women and family.

At the same time, since 1986, he is a member of the Audit Commission of the CPSU and from the 1990s - a member of the CPSU Central Committee. In 1992, Lyudmila Shvetsov heads the General Examination Group in the Economic Council of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, it works in the commercial structure of an adviser, becomes president of several funds and information and publishing blocks.

City Hall

Since 1994, he has been heading the Department in the Government of Moscow under the beginning of Yu. M. Luzhkov, responsible for public and interregional connections. In 1997, protects the thesis in graduate school of the RGGU on the topic of integration into the policies of women. Since 1998, it consists in the "Fatherland" created by the Luzhkov political movement. Already in 2000, Lyudmila Shvetsov became the first deputy Yu. M. Luzhkov in the social sphere. It was in these and subsequent years that the country's social policy gained clearly pro-Western features, especially after the loss of confidence in Russian President D. A. Medvedev and the resignation of Yu. M. Luzhkov, all members of the Moscow government should have been replaced by new ones.

In the list of candidates for the post of mayor, Lyudmila Shvetsova from United Russia. After unconditional victory, he did not replace Lyudmila Shvetsov as Deputy Mayor on the Social Block. She, by the way, almost the only of all deputies of the State Duma voted in 2012 for the "Law of Dima Yakovlev" when numerous abuses were proved in the adoption of Russian children by foreign citizens, including open business at children's fate.

State Duma

In the fall of 2011, the metropolitan department of United Russia, Lyudmila Shvetsov was introduced to the party list of elections, and in December - was elected by a deputy of the sixth convocation of the State Duma. In this regard, the work in the mayor's office was left. At the first meeting of the Duma, Lyudmila Shvetsov was appointed vice-speaker. As the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma, she oversees the labor committees, social politicians and veterans; of Education; by culture; on family, women and children; According to public associations and religious organizations.

In addition, since 1991 continues to remain president of the Association for the study of children's movement, to consist in the executive committee of the International Women's Forum, where in 2011 it becomes a vice president, and in the 2013th-M - president. Vivid is interested in childish, youth, female movement, social policy, is published a lot in periodical press. The last few years of life struggled with severe illness. For the twenty-nine October 2014, Lyudmila Shvetsov died in Moscow. The cause of death is cancer. She was sixty-five years old.

Personal life

The personal life of a prominent state and political figure was persecuted by the constant loss of native people. Soriously, her peer died - her husband Anatoly Andreevich Shvetsov. He was not in 1994. Ten years later, in 2004, there was a completely alone Lyudmila Shvetsov. Alexey Shvetsov, her son twenty-six years old, ridiculous and unexpectedly died in an accident, riding a moped. Since then, she has ceased to celebrate even his birthdays. This can be understood - the maternal grief is inevitable even in such strong women as Lyudmila Shvetsov. The son, especially, was so young ...

In the material plan, Lyudmila Shvetsov, naturally, did not suffer: in 2009, according to the income declaration, she earned only 7,430,000 rubles, and in 2011 - more, 11,500,000. She had a good house with concomitant extensions, good Apartment, two plots are thirty-five acres and two cars.

Order and medals

For the preparation of the Olympiad-80 Lyudmila Shvetsov received the Order of the Honor Sign in 1981, and in 1986, the Order of the Labor Red Banner for the Organization of the World Festival of Youth and Students. For the preparation and holding of the anniversary holiday, the victory in 1995 followed the gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation B. Yeltsin and in 1997 - medal to the 850th anniversary of Moscow. Honorary diplomas and gratitude from the president followed twice in 1997. In 2001, a national public recognition premium from business and entrepreneurship. In 2002 - "For the Merit of the Fatherland" of the Second Degree, then - the Order of Princess Olga from Ukraine. The title of Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation Lyudmila Shvetsov received in 2004. The jubilee medal from Kazakhstan to the fiftieth anniversary of the virgin and was also obtained in 2004.

From the Church, the Order of the second degree to strengthen the case of spiritual and moral traditions in society was awarded it in 2008. Then the second - third degree was obtained. In 2009, Lyudmila Shvetsov awarded the difference of the difference "For merits to Moscow", and in 2011 she received gratitude to the mayor of Luzhkov. The imperial order of the Velikomarter Anastasia from the Russian Imperial House was welcomed in 2013. The next from the President of the Russian Federation and the Order "For Merit to Fatherland" the fourth extent was obtained by Lyudmila Shvetsova in 2014.

Politician and her postulates

Formula "Healthy Body and Healthy Spirit in Him" \u200b\u200bis true, but requires add-on. Now it is fashionable to have a trained body, but few people think about training a soul, which music and literature is needed. Just like the morning exercise, few people do with an inspired desire, a lot of working with papers reluctantly devotes his free time book.

Lyudmila Shvetsova, holding this analogy, confessed in one of the interviews that it forces himself to - at least fifty pages on the day of this literature written by a wonderful Russian language. For example, "Dark Alleys" Bunin. If you do not teach the good books of children, the earth will lose people, they will turn into aliens. Reading always helps work, and Lyudmila Shvetsova has always been happy if you managed to think a little bit.

About charity

Much has been said and it is written about how difficult it is to live a unusual person who hesitates himself, becoming a spiritual disabled and without understanding the main reason for this. Healthy need patients much more than sick in healthy. Because good and warm, returning in a circle, the stock edge increases. Many like-minded people, colleagues and close acquaintances gathered the evening of memory Lyudmila Schvetova. Memories of her kindness were sincere and numerous.

Times are not the easiest things, they noted all those present, but the traditions of charity can not be interrupted, because it behaves this path not so much to other people as to themselves. Lyudmila Shvetsova's death seemed to re-promoted the well-known truth: a person forgets about age while he feels the need for his knowledge and experience on the part of society in which it enjoys, despite mature years, well-deserved honorable. But how quickly are those who gave the whole without a balance of talent, all the strength and all health prosperity of the country and his beloved business!

About history

Lyudmila Shevtsova believed that the history of the country should remain indivisible that it is impossible to choose some periods that liked, and silence about others. The imperial era is as meaningful as Soviet, none of them is neither less or more ambiguous, each need to give truthful coverage after objective understanding. Just Lyudmila Shvetsov also spoke about the newest times when consistently cash relations triumph. She was not against the development of the market in Russia, but it categorically did not want to turn the whole country to the goods and measured with money. The evening of memory of Lyudmila Schvetova almost entirely consisted of such memories.

About women in power

Our society, according to Lyudmila Shvetsova, can not get used to the fact that the woman's head can not only be near, but also a few of men. Little to the power of women, very little, and therefore every miscalculation is visible. If a man is mistaken, it may not even notice - who does not happen. But if something failed to have a woman, the reaction is always the same: the same woman, what to wait from her. That is why each of us is responsible not only for yourself, but also for all other women in the world.

Organizations, responsibility and hindy ministry people are the main qualities of Lyudmila Schvetova, who recall her colleagues. Becoming the first woman in the government of Moscow, she supervised the social sphere, being the right hand and former Mayor of Luzhkov, and the current - Sobyanin. Well who knew Schwetov note that she was unconditional authority in terms of solving problems of people.

The vice-speaker of the Lower House of Parliament and the deputy head of the Duma Fraction of United Russia Lyudmila Shvetsov on the 66th year of life. "Unfortunately, this is confirmed," said in the State Duma. Previously, the death of the parliamentarian was reported by a source in medical circles: "Lyudmila Shvetsov, with which she courageously fought over the past few years," he said.

Russian President Vladimir Putin with the words of condolences to relatives and close vice-speaker of the State Duma. Deputies of the Moscow City Duma honored the memory of the silence of silence. The mayor of Moscow, Sergey Sobyanin, expressed his condolences, and TASS reports.

"She devoted the lives to the service of the country and our city. Until recently, she was engaged in the development of the country and the city. For us, this is a hard loss for all, "said the townsman.

Vice-Prime Minister Olga Golodetts called Schwetov with one of the brightest figures in the social sphere of Russia: "She was truly dedicated to the cause of his life. Many social achievements of the Russian capital will forever be associated with the name of Lyudmila Ivanovna. It was distinguished by hard work and sincerity, "said Holodets.

Lyudmila Ivanovna Schvetsova - Soviet and Russian politician. In addition, in addition to working in the State Duma, she held the post of President of the All-Russian Public Organization "Society" Knowledge "of Russia," was also the head of the Geng State Research Department, there was a title of political sciences, professors.

Future politician was born on September 24, 1949 in Alma-Ata. Her father, Ivan Vasilyevich Odintsov, was a personnel military, a member of the Great Patriotic War, and the mother, Vera Grigorievna Odintsova, taught English. In 1973, Shvetsov graduated from the Kharkiv Aviation Institute with a degree in Mechanic Engineer. Four years later she defended his dissertation on the topic "Integration of women in politics, 70-90s."

After graduating from the Schwetov Institute, he worked as a designer in the aviation OKB. O. K. Antonova in Kiev, but after two years he moved to Komsomolskaya work, held the posts of secretary of Raykom LKSM of Ukraine, then the head of the department and secretary of the Central Committee of the LKSM of Ukraine.

He entered the top three leaders of United Russia

Since 1989, Shvetsov began working in the public service as the head of the USSR Supreme Supreme Council of the Secretariat, and part-time, head of the Office of the Congresses of People's Deputies of the USSR.

In 1991, she became Chairman of the Committee on Family and Women's Affairs at the Cabinet of the USSR Cabinet in the Minister's rank and several years later, since 1994, he worked in the Government of Moscow as the head of the Department (subsequently - the Committee) of the Public and Interregional Relations of the Government of Moscow. Since 2000, and for ten years, Schwetov was the first deputy former mayor of Yuri Luzhkov, led by the Social Sphere Complex.

In the elections to the Moscow City Duma 2009, it was part of the three leaders from the United Russia party, and in October 2010 he ran to the post of mayor of Moscow, along with Valery Shantsev, Igor Levitin and the victims then Sergey Sobyanin. Schvetsov became his deputy on social policy, worked in this post a year, after which in December 2011 was elected to a deputy of the State Duma of the sixth convocation from the Moscow list of candidates from the United Russia party. Then Lyudmila Shvetsov was elected deputy head of the United Russia faction. At the first meeting of the lower chamber of the new convocation, she was appointed by a vice-speaker. In addition, she also entered the State Duma Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs.

"Sanctions did not upset"

The European Union included it in the sanctions list, which Shvetsov was not particularly surprised, explaining that he got into it as a politician - Deputy Chairman of the State Duma. In an interview with MK, she then noted that he was headed by the International Women's Forum, which was introduced into the UN system. "Getting under the sanctions, I could not go to the events of my forum. Colleagues sent me a lot of letters with words of regret. And no one was gloating, "the parliamentarian noted. At the same time she added: "And by and large, I did not upset the sanctions. I do not drive to relax abroad. I love the Russian north. This year in the Vologda region rested. "

In the personal life of Lyudmila Schvetova fell out the hardest tests, she had to survive the loss of the whole family, the death of parents and spouse Anatoly Andreevich Shvetsov, who was her peer and died in 1994.

Three years later, her son died, Alexey Shvetsov, who was 26 years old, which was the last blow to her. "Ten years after the death of the Son, I did not celebrate birthdays. This time I will not, "the politician noted on the eve of its 65th anniversary.

Schvetsov was awarded the orders of the Hall Sign (1981), a Labor Red Banner (1986), Friendship (1996), "For merits to the Fatherland" of the III and IV degrees (2008, 2014), the Order of Princess Olga III degree (Ukraine, 2002). She was also a well-deserved employee of the culture of Russia (2004) and the laureate of the International Theater Prize named after K. S. Stanislavsky.

Was at work until the last day

Vladimir Platonov, who headed the Moscow City Duma in 1994-2014, called the death of Lyudmila Schvetova, the hardest loss for Russia. "I was fortunate enough to work with Lyudmila Ivanovna last twenty years," said the ex-speaker of the Moscow City Duma newspaper look. "We all believe that she received the post in the government of Moscow thanks to their social merits." As Platonov says, Shvetsova was not only an experienced and knowledgeable organizer. "She knew how many people do not know: to love people, help people take care of them. People remembered Lyudmila Ivanovna just such, "says the former chairman of the metropolitan parliament.

Platonov believes: thanks to the kind cases committed by Lyudmila Ivanovna, it will be remembered in Moscow, and in the rest of Russia. "She worked for the benefit of people to the last days of his life. She was seriously ill, but no one knew about her illness, "the interlocutor added.

"Lyudmila Ivanovna has long been sick, but all the time, until the last day was at work. She replaced everything to her, "said the deputy from United Russia, Ekaterina Lahova. - She is just a unique woman who collected all positive qualities: smart, even wise, beautiful ... "

The interlocutor said that Lyudmila Shvetsov was a very good, strong school - Komsomol, party. So discipline and responsibilities were its distinctive qualities. In addition, "she is a manist, a non-indulgered person, while very patient. Lyudmila Ivanovna perceived people of different: she did not have a "good", "bad," she always took a compromise decision, "the deputy added.

Lahova said that he met Schvetova in 1991-1992, when he headed the Committee on Women, Family and Children in the Supreme Council of Russia, and Lyudmila Shvetsov then became the chairman of the Committee on Family and Women in the structure of the Soviet government - the then Council of Ministers. "I remember as now: she called and asked Meetings. For me it was a very big surprise, because this Soviet Union came to Russia.

She also wanted to learn about the problems that were interested in, and, we can say, "descended" so, "the interlocutor noted.

Lahova said that Lyudmila Ivanovna spoke with her about baby food programs - then there was a problem with products, as well as many other matters relating to Russia. "Since our Russian parliament was. In addition, during the time of the Union, the focus on the Baltic States, Belarus, Ukraine, Central Asia, explained to the deputy. - And in Russia, there was nothing, even by structures. It was only the basis of the Union, the foundation. "

Lahova stressed that Lyudmila Shvetsov was "a very strong organizer» And in many "beautiful" events held in Moscow, her hand was visible. The interlocutor stressed that she was especially struck by her ability to speak, and not just talk, but to convey said to man.

"I learned a lot over the years of cooperation"

"Lyudmila Ivanovna - a man is so bright and respected in Moscow that many social issues were solved already due to the fact that they were under her control, when she was engaged in the social sphere," said Vice-Speaker Sergey Zheleznyak, said. "I repeatedly had cases at the receptions of citizens, when certain issues that seemed extremely difficult, after discussion with Lyudmila Ivanovna managed to decide."

The interlocutor stressed that Schwetov distinguished "sincere, the hindy ministry to the people to whom she devoted for many years of life." Therefore, the memory of it will remain in the hearts of a huge number of Muscovites and in general citizens of our country, he is sure. "For me, Lyudmila Ivanovna was one of the unconditional authorities in matters of social sphere, solving problems of people," said Zheleznyak.

Why do the best leave? Going when their strength and conscience, wisdom and courage, beauty and tenderness so need peace?

On the night of October 29, Lyudmila Ivanovna Shvetsova did not become (remembering the USSR know that this is the birthday of the Komsomol, with which Lyudmila Ivanovna had a part of life). With a unique career for a woman, when the tragedy of a personal life, when fate took the closest, including the only son, Lyudmila Ivanovna was a stunning light man. The wrong time at the verb was. I want to protest. Yes, it is impossible. She won the last years that the very disease. Death beat her stoic vitality, the efforts of the best physicians, many of whom were her best friends.

It seems that, quite recently, we talked for a long time by phone: Lyudmila Ivanovna thanked for congratulations on his birthday. ("Man-wing. Why with Lyudmila Shvetsovoy everyone wants to deal", "RG", September 24, 2014). If someone in the anniversary day jokingly congratulated her with the 18th anniversary, she immediately interrupted: "You didn't read the government" Russian newspaper "? It also says:" Time and age is also homeland. It is better not to change and not betray. I never did Lyudmila Ivanovna Shvetsov. "

She was 65.

Deputy Chairman of the State Duma, one of the leaders of the All-Russian Popular Front (for this, they say, and fell into the sanctions list of the European Union as the "right hand of Putin", while remaining the president of the International Women's Leader Forum with Headquarters in Washington), today remember Many and in many countries are close and distant. The point is not in positions and responsibilities - their whole pages in encyclopedias. Case in person. Thousands and thousands of people sincerely be grieved in Moscow, where she headed the social block into difficult times. For some of some other, such a position could become either a syncur, or Calvary, for her such work was the joy of the soul. So, she warmed veterans with his sincerity and attention, no one else could. The fact that she named the artists, academics, doctors, teachers, what is this. But she named many large Moscow families and was proud of friendship with them no less than with Tamara Sinyava and Alexandra Pakhmutova, Evgeny Primakov and Leo Beria.

Schvetova - a universal man of the world. In all the senses of this deficient on brutal time words. In the Bulgarian Kamchi, where the unique health complex of Moscow appeared, she was taken as a native. In Alma-Ata, by itself, she was born there. In Tbilisi - how to survive the Russian theater in Georgia without the help of the Schvetova?

It is unceremonically overlooking the Soviet and post-Soviet history on the right and not very, current researchers are lost in front of people who are indispensable to any era. Was the "main pioneer of the USSR" and the secretary of the Central Committee of the WFLKS? Yes. And 18 years of work in the Government of Moscow, where he was the first vice-mayor, did not rejoice from Luzhkov, sent to resign, and became a member of the new team - too. When you need to go to the polls, all the movements have dreamed of getting Schwetov: "Lyudmila Ivanovna want", because with her "pass" a list, too, the truth.

Reflecting on the phenomenon of the Schvetova, it is not difficult to find a randering: she did not change people in favor of conjunctural ideas and chances, even with a union-party system felt that parties could be a lot, but Fatherland is one.

It was such a great in Lyudmila Ivanovna. Born in Alma-Ata, he studied at school in Rostov-on-Don, graduated from the Kharkiv Aviation Institute (Pope - Personnel Military, Mom - English Teacher). In the distribution, I got into the KB Antonova, was engaged in designing the wing of the aircraft ... Then Komsomolskaya work: Kharkov, Kiev, Moscow ... "Thanks to Luda, we all went out into people" - guitar with such an inscription from Caases, which then few people supported, she kept all my life.

From the Government of Moscow - congratulations with the 100-year anniversary of Muscovite Vera Ivanovna Torova. Photo: Anton Kavashkin / Tass

Social ideas rarely have authors, it seems so it was always. But for the story, it is necessary to clarify that Santa Claus, invented at the beginning of the twenty-old Motherland, she considered his second job for several years. All creative ideas that have become a man-made fairy tale, this is the work of her team. You can say: the reason in Moscow money. But others are oxotes, they will not come up with this.

Somehow Lyudmila Ivanovna Shvetsova was a "round" birthday, and she sent the letters to dozens of people - an explanation in love. Sent to me. It was for this, it seems to me that two reasons. When the perestroika Gorbachev offered her to become a member of the Politburo, all familiar men enthusiastically supported: peak career. But she decided to find out another point of view. A half-day, editorial office in "Komsomolskaya", opens the door and on the threshold - Secretary of the Central Committee of the VLKSM with a bottle (!) Of the Finnish cranberry liqueur. Everything was unrealistic. True, we then successfully talked our bosses that "you can only rely on what resists." My machine broke out: "In no case should not go to the Politburo." She did not go.

Then everything was: months without great work on the break of the epoch. Fate in addition chased, like a crazy with a razor in his hand, with pains and troubles, taking the closest. And she always remained Schvetova. With the advantage of the historian and the strength of a beautiful woman. She helped in the life of such a number of people, heading the social block in the government of Moscow, which God forbid to achieve such results to make such a tens of other officials.

And the reasons for the second ... Once the editorial office was a "round table", where he sounded a political crying about the "great and mighty", which moved into a foreign one in the post-Soviet space. And then, together with Lyudmila Ivanovnoy, came up with how to support foaming fairs - Russian teachers, Announced Pushkin Competition. 14 years old Lyudmila Ivanovna was the unchanging chairman of our Board of Trustees, did not miss any ceremony! On September 6, in a white hall of the City Hall, we honored the new 50 laureates from 25 countries, she with a special right congratulated Ukrainian teachers who came to Moscow.

Visiting the large-style Moscow family Grigoriev. Photo: Arkady Kolybalov

From friendship, after all, no one has died, there are whole civilizations from hatred.

How can you say goodbye to such people?! ..

There are many communities in the world. One of them is the veterans of the Komsomol (and many of them became famous oligarchs and politicians). Yesterday, tradition was the annual collection in many post-Soviet cities. And the first toast was all alone. Not choking. For Lyudmila ("People Mill", as her dad spoke).

There is also a facebrich fraternity of the laureates of the Pushkin competition, in which 700 teachers from 25 countries are already found. Lina Gasparyan from Tbilisi yesterday wrote everything: if each of us now put on one candle, then in memory of Lyudmila Ivanovna, 700 candles will immediately flare up ...

Farewell will take place on October 31, on Friday, from 10.30 in the column hall of the House of Unions in Moscow. Lyudmila Ivanovna will be buried on the same day at the Trocerovsk cemetery.

The leadership of the State Duma and representatives of all fractions, as well as the ONF expressed condolences in connection with the death-speaker of the Chamber of Lyudmila Schwetova. Colleagues recall her as a responsive, cheerful and purposeful person who will go down in history as a sign figure of modern politics. In particular, she managed to strengthen the authority of the State Duma, where she worked in recent years, says Speaker of the State Duma Sergey Naryshkin.

"We are forever remembering her with a bright and active person, a real parliamentarian, capable of their vital energy to inspire everyone around," said Sergey Naryshkin, by learning. The parliamentarian drew attention to that, "occupying many high posts in the authorities, Lyudmila Ivanovna showed the best qualities and creative, extraordinary approach to business. "In the rank of Vice-Speaker, she made a great contribution to strengthening authority and improving the effectiveness of the State Duma," he is sure.

Care from the life of the Schvetova became an irrephoto loss for the United Russia faction, her chapter Vladimir Vasilyev believes. He recalls that to help people Lyudmila Ivanovna managed "not only effectively, but also unmatognosable, noble and carefully, regardless of the social status and public situation of people."

"Bright, beautiful, talented, energetic, woman. She dedicated all her life to make the life of people better," the State Duma's Vice-Speaker, Secretary of the General Council of Russia, Sergey Neversov, is sure.

"In relation to her, the word" official "was not pronounced with a certain irony. In fact, she was not a government official, she was a man who did his job and made him with a soul and with a great desire to do good for people," recalls the first head of the head Fractions "EP" Nikolai Bulaev. According to his testimony, Lyudmila Shvetsov in the most conflict situations knew how to find a solution to unite people.

The "EP" reminds that the parliamentarian supervised the most difficult direction - social. Lyudmila Ivanovna devoted his whole life all his life so that people live better, she was a "social worker with a capital letter," the head of the State Duma Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs Andrei Isaev said.

Colleagues of the Schvetovova on GD, representing other factions, also told a lot of warm words about it. "Unfortunately, many talented and brilliant people leave life recently. She brilliantly knew the social sphere, education, science, health care. But we could not save it," the leader of the Communist Party of Gennady Zyuganov grieves it. Schvetsova was a truly "national" politician, not building with people a "bureaucratic distance", recalls his party colleague the first vice-speaker of the State Duma Ivan Melnikov.

The leader of "Fair Russia" Sergey Mironov will remember the Schvetova as a reliable comradist, a person who dedicated all his life to work for the benefit of Moscow and citizens of Russia. "The leader of the LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky also expressed its condolences in connection with the death of the death policy:" Lyudmila's bright memory Ivanovna Shvetsova - my countrywoman, an excellent woman, respected politics. Sincere condolences to her native. "

"She believed that the officials need to be checked for love for people, and was happy from the fact that he could at least think power," mourn in the All-Russian People's Front, work in which Lyudmila Ivanovna dedicated a lot of time. Colleagues on ONF recall that, despite fatigue and employment, she always found time to personally respond to letters, meet people. And for everyone found the words of consolation.

Lyudmila Shvetsova was not once visiting the Russian newspaper. And every time her parish was becoming an event. She appeared on the "Business Breakfast" RG "with a jar of jam, which herself was welded. She did not hesitate to respond to the most uncomfortable questions.

About women in power

"The rights of women are not even limited to nature: they give birth to children, and the teams are managed. And then, they say, the leadership is not a female. Mall, the breadman - the owner, the chief is a man, and Basta. In the capital is now about one and a half million women. It is worth only to imagine what will happen if they all say choir: "Everything! We leave from work! "Moscow is literally in chaos will plunge ...

But a woman in power is not necessary for a man in a skirt, namely a woman. Because an attempt to prove to everyone that you are not worse than a man, killing. If you need to risk, quick decisions take, keep a blow, to protect the breast, then you need to put forward a man forward. And the woman should think that after that the risk will be. How to collect stones. How to treat wounds. "

That same bank jam ... Photo: Victor Vasenin

About "Sun"

"I, for example, know that there are women in the power that can and love to be tightly. I think that there is no sharp word much stronger, and maybe there is no smile on the face. I taught people with whom I work with that If I did not smile or did not say the "sunshine," they already understand that there is a question for them. I can forgive, but I can not tolerate the rods and liars ... A woman can and should bring new ethics to politics, new moral values \u200b\u200bcapable of making This is a more secure, fair and moral. "

About career through the boudois

"When I came to the secretary of the Central Commands of the CHDKS in 1981 in Moscow, everyone was indignant. In the pedagogy of the engineer? What does she understand? And everyone began to calculate: who? At first they watched the husband. But her husband could not push the husband. I was looking for a lover. Lover did not find . So you know what was attributed to me? That I am the extramarital daughter Shcherbitsky, the then party leader of Ukraine. Well, the extramarital one, so the extramarital. I myself sometimes wonder how with all the conversations that someone moves someone, dooks, I myself went In all these steps. I had novels in my life. Unfortunately. But I never had people who put forward me for women's spells. "

About the morning of the working day

"I get up in the morning very hard. I don't want to get up. The alarm clock gets up, and I'm not. Rising, I go to the mirror. I don't like me very much. I take the" matches ". I open my eyes, insert me to be closed for me. Then I do several exercises , Ten minutes I will feel my hands with my hands. Then I stumble on some kind of my photo (there are many of them). Listen, I say myself, that's good. And so it's good. So, Lucy, let's deal with yourself. Well , here and begins - 40 minutes I'm doing myself. Then I go to the mirror. I look at myself. Not in vain worked. And I say loudly: "Isn't I good for them?" Morning - from half of the seventh to eight - this time Work on yourself. Naturally - juice, naturally - pumpkin seeds with quail eggs. "

Oh dresses

"A woman in power must very seriously follow themselves. She should look good. She must change every day outfits. My loved ones know that if I went twice in a row in the same thing, then, it means that I have something wrong .

Or did not stay at home. I believe that a woman should be joyful for those around people, she must decorate the world in which it is located. Especially among the same dark jackets. "

According to the source, Schvetsov died as a result of a heavy prolonged disease, with which all recent years fought.

A little later, the news about the death of the Vice-Speaker of Parliament was confirmed in the State Duma.

July 31, 2014. Russian President Vladimir Putin and Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of Lyudmila Shvetsov at the Ceremony of State Awards and Diplomas about the assignment of honors with outstanding Russians in the Kremlin. Photo: RIA Novosti / Mikhail Klimmetyev

Teletector with "Gold" of Fizmata

Most recently, Shvetsova turned 65 years old. She was born on September 24, 1949 in the city of Alma-Ata in the Military Family, Veteran of the Great Patriotic War. Lyudmila Shvetsov school graduated in 1966 in Rostov-on-Don. The graduate of the physico-mathematical school ending with her gold medal, referred to a great future.

The active public life of Lyudmila Schwetova began in school years when she worked as a speaker of the Pioneer gear of local television.

Due to this, the graduate of the school received a special direction from the Rostov Region of the CPSU immediately in two educational institutions - the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, as well as the Theater School.

However, physico-mathematical education made itself felt. Shvetsova entered the Kharkov Aviation Institute, which graduated in 1973 in the specialty "Mechanic Engineer".

The young specialist began work in the famous Aviation CB of Antonov, but two years later, a public path was fascinated by her finally. In 1975, Lyudmila Shvetsova becomes the secretary of the Leningrad district of Komsomol in Kiev. Komsomolskaya Career Schvetsova is developing successfully - it holds the head of the department of scientific youth, and then secretary of the Central Committee of the LKSM of Ukraine.

Schvetsov oversees work with children's organizations, participates in the preparation of the 1980 Olympics.

In 1983, she became the secretary of the Central Committee of the VLKSM and the Chairman of the Central Council of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after Lenin, thus becoming "the main pioneer of the Soviet Union."

Schvetsov also oversees the activities of the All-Union Student Construction Detachment and is engaged in the preparation of the World Festival of Youth and Students held in Moscow in 1985. By 1986, Lyudmila Schvetova has already two state awards of the Order of the Labor Red Banner and the Honor Sign.

Since 1986, before the collapse of the USSR, Shvetsov has been working in the Secretariat of the Office of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, in 1990, becoming the head of the apparatus.

At the turn of the 1980-1990s, Lyudmila Shvetsov actively works in women's funds and associations.

Lyudmila Shvetsova, Secretary of the Central Committee of the W CLKSM, performs at the rally of solidarity with the peoples of Africa, which has passed within the XII World Festival of Youth and Students. 1985. Photo: RIA Novosti / Vitaly Arutyunov

"Eternal" zammer on social issues

In the spring of 1994. moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov Introduces the Shvetsov to the composition of the capital government as the head of the Department of Public and Interregional Relations.

The next one and a half decades of Schvetsov operates in a close conch with Luzhkov. In January 2000, she holds the post of deputy mayor of Moscow, supervising the social sphere.

Yuri Luzhkov and Lyudmila Shvetsova during a visit to the city clinical hospital. Botkin. Photo: RIA Novosti / Ruslan Krivobok

After the resignation of Yuri Luzhkov in 2010, Lyudmila Shvetsov was on the list of candidates for the mayor of the capital, represented by the party "United Russia" to the President of Russia. The candidates also entered Sergei Sobyanin, Valery Shantsev and Igor Levitin.

After approval as the Mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin Schvetsov again took the post of deputy mayor who chicters the social block.

In 2011, Shvetsov is put forward as a candidate for deputies of the State Duma on the list of United Russia.

Duma, Awards and Sanctions

After election to the State Duma, Shvetsov leaves work in the city hall and is elected by the Vice-Speaker of the Parliament. In this capacity, she oversees the work committees, social policies and veterans, by education, on family, women and children and others.

In 2013, Shvetsov headed the election headquarters of Sergei Sobyanin in the election of the mayor of Moscow.

In the spring of 2014, Ogonosek magazine released the "100 most influential women of Russia" rating, in which Schvetov took the 23rd place.

Peculiar "noted" the political activities of the Schvetova and in Europe - in April of the current year she.

Lyudmila Shvetsov had the degree of candidate of political sciences and, in addition to Soviet awards, was noted by many Russian and foreign orders and medals.

In particular, in 2002, she was awarded the Ukrainian Order of Princess Olga III degree for a significant personal contribution to the development of Ukrainian-Russian cooperation, an active part in ensuring the year of Ukraine in the Russian Federation.

"If I managed to think a little power, I am happy"

How successful was the political career of the Schvetova, the same difficult and sometimes tragicly folded her personal life. She widowed early, raised the only son who was tragically died in 2004, at 26 years old.

Scary losses did not break it. She continued to work as long as allowed strength and health. In recent months, she was actively engaged in the help of Ukrainian refugees, women and children affected by the war in the Donbas.

"When I leave the state service, I will write memoirs. Although it does not come soon. First, I will still create a facility to help people. This is my dream. And I am sure that there is a worthy team, "said Lyudmila Shvetsov in one of his last interviews. Alas, it did not have time to move all the plans and ideas ...

"If I managed to even think a little power, I am happy. What is the main thing in the manager? In addition to professionalism and honesty, he must treat people well, and there were a lot of such people in my team. Always bring an example: if the employee takes to the assembly of chips, it is checked for hand sweating. And the official must check for the love of people, "the words of Lyudmila Ivanovna Schvetova could completely become its political will.


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