Kolesnikov Boris Anatolyevich Music Business Biography. The death of General Kolesnikova: to all adhere to one version

Kolesnikov Boris Anatolyevich Music Business Biography. The death of General Kolesnikova: to all adhere to one version

General Boris Kolesnikov - a famous employee of a scandalous criminal case. In the period from 2012 to 2014, he served as Deputy Head of the Main Department of Economic Security and to Counor Corruption under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Biography Silovika

General Kolesnikov Boris was born in Moscow in 1977. He began to work in the police along with Denis Sugobov, who later became the general and direct chief of Kolesnikov. Together they served in the department to combat organized crime management of the internal affairs of the Northern Administrative District of the capital.

Their work in the 90s noticed and rated direct guidance. As a result, in 1999 and Sugobiv, and Kolesnikov transferred to the Central Regional Administration, which was engaged in combating organized crime.

Up career ladder

In 2001, the future general Boris Kolesnikov became an operational officer of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, supervised the Central Federal District.

Over time, Kolesnikov moved to the position of head of the Division of the Tenth Operational Festival Bureau. He was engaged in directly struggle with organized crime. The Bureau was part of the Department of Economic Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

In the summer of 2011, a large-scale reorganization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs occurred, after which the hero of our article was the head of the management "b". Its scope included an investigation into the crimes committed in the budget sector. The work was directly related to the identification of crimes among officials, including those occupying very large positions, for example mayors of cities. Kolesnikov entered the new department. It received the name of the main management of economic security and to counter corruption of the management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In 2012, he received the rank of colonel and became the deputy head of this department. He began to oversee, in addition to the management of "B", also management "K", which was engaged in the fight against corruption, and the management of "M" (deals with the investigation of crimes in the field of metallurgy and mechanical engineering).

The title of Major Major Police of Kolesnikov received in the fall of 2013.

Among the colleagues and acquaintances were characterized positively, was married, had three minor children.

Service successes

In the track record of General Kolesnikova Boris a lot of successful investigations, major corruption crimes, in the disclosure of which he participated.

In particular, the Hero of our article participated in the disclosure of major fraud of officials in Kabardino-Balkaria, investigating against the chief doctor of Polyclinic No. 2 when managing the affairs of the President of Russia, Anatoly Bronvene, who was accused of obtaining the so-called kickback, which he got for the conclusion of a large state contract with Contractor.

Loud deeds

The general of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Boris Kolesnikov investigated the scams associated with the purchase of tomographs with medical institutions, this business was on the control of Dmitry Medvedev, who at that time held the position of President of Russia. Investigated a criminal case against the acting management of Rossreester Olga Zhdanova, which was suspected of obtaining a bribe in a major real estate registration, dealt with the case against one of the leaders of the South Russian State University of Economics and Service in the mines, which were suspected of receiving a bribe for appointing .

General Boris Kolesnikov investigated the case of Oboronservis, was engaged in the affairs of the Deputy Director of the Herzen Oncology Center named Sergey Bezaev. He was also suspected of fraud with government contracts. He also collected evidence against the director of the Department of the Accounts Chamber of Alexander Mikhailik. He was accused of obtaining a bribe for organizing an unscheduled inspection of the federal state institution "Sport-Engineering".

Case against FSB employees

The loudest work of General Boris Kolesnikova, whose biography in this article, was the investigation into the actions of employees of the Federal Security Service. It was initiated at the very end of 2013, when the department subordinate to the hero of our article, the beginning of the development of Valery Alexandrovich and Igor Leonidovich. Who are these specific employees, what are their titles and positions, while not specified.

The versions were made in the media that it could be about the head of the Public Foundation of Former FSB employees, which Valery Alexandrovich was just called. According to unconfirmed data, Igor Leonidovich is the Deputy Head of the Sixth Service of the Ninth Department of the FSB on the Surname Demin.

According to law enforcement officers, one of the intermediaries, which was involved in the development of FSB staff, passed the operational information with which the Federal Security Service was able to initiate a response investigation. Soon the arrest of subordinates General Kolesnistemova was arrested, and in February he himself received a subpoena with the requirement to come to the investigative committee. Initially, he was given the status of a witness. True, it was very suspected and was arrested.

Under investigation

The hero of our article itself was under investigation, by the decision of the court he was detained. In the spring of 2014, the president deprived Kolesnikov to the general position.

In April, the Ex-General of Boris Kolesniks already turned with an open letter to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, Yuri Seak and Chairman of the Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin, in it, he outlined his own version of events. In May, the situation aggravated due to the fact that in the detention facility, which was kept suspect, he began to regularly receive cranopy and brain injuries that the institution's management characterized as domestic ones. His defenders filed a complaint to the European Court of Human Rights, arguing that their client threatens danger, he can even lose his life.

Suicide Kolesnikov

On June 16, 2014, a tragedy occurred to which many people still have questions. Once again, the Ex-General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Boris Kolesnikov was delivered to the interrogation of the Investigation Committee. Directly during communication with law enforcement officers by unidentified, until the end, the cause of chariots fell from a balcony located on the sixth floor.

As a result of the fall, he crashed to death. According to the official version, a former officer took advantage of a convenient case and committed suicide.

Versions of death

The death of General Boris Kolesnikov struck many. Almost immediately after his death, various versions of what happened began to move.

Some media began to represent Kolesnikov as a high-ranking official who tried to fabricate the case about a bribe, and after arrest, he broke his head about the wall in the detention facility, after hearing from the sixth floor of the investigative committee.

Other publications were represented by Kolesnikov wrestling with corruption, which was arrested after he managed to expose a high-ranking bribe from the Federal Security Service, which had a title of General. After that, he broke through his head in the detention facility, and after the next interrogation in the investigative committee, they simply were thrown from the sixth floor.

There is also a version according to which this confrontation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB originated due to the redistribution of the so-called profound market, which oversaw the cash payment terminals. If you believe this hypothesis, the market was supervised just representatives of the Ministry of the Interior, including Kolesnikov and his associates of snowdrifts.

The fate of Sugobiva

Kolesnikov's associate Denis Sugobodov also became a law enforcement of a criminal case of exceeding official powers. It was the most loud corruption scandal in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in recent years.

According to the official version, which the investigation, snowdrifts and chariots were tried to provoke the FSB officer for a crime. Under the guise of businessmen, they asked for general patronage for a solid remuneration - 10 thousand dollars a month.

Additional resonance of this case gave the fact that the snowdrifts was one of the youngest generals in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, promising and submitting hope. Major General he received in 36 years.

In April 2017, he was sentenced to 22 years in colony, and also deprived of all the titles received. Later, the Supreme Court softened the sentence for 10 years.

Political ambitions

For a long time Kolesnikov - one of the most famous and reputable businessmen and politicians of the Donetsk region. Recently, the inhabitant of the political Olympus of Ukraine. He is included in the circle of the most influential members of the Party of Regions. At the early parliamentary elections of 2007, it was held under the same 10th number of the election list, as in 2006, although, according to observers, this place does not reflect its real weight in the party. He headed the election headquarters. Deputy Head of the Party and Fractions of Regionals in Parliament. Member of the Presidium of the Political Council PR. 47-year-old Boris Viktorovich, as well as his leader Viktor Fedorovich, must take Maidan's praise daily. It was the events of 2004/05 that I turned the candidate Yanukovych to the icon for the good half of the country.

It was the Orange Revolution that made the policy of the first echelon from the specific prince. Do not be Maidan, there would be no Severodonetsk, nor the business of a white swan. So, fame and influence could bypass the ex-chapter of the Donetsk regional council. Mariupol, Confectionery Baron, Shakhtar Vice-President and Analogous Partner Akhmetova Tschcheslaven, Stubborn, categorical and feverishly initiative. Rinat Leonidovich's right hand in football, media and political affairs Character gambling and devotee. Kolesnikov was one of the main ideologues of the Union of Yanukovych and Tymoshenko. His experience, knowledge and devotion gained him confidence of Akhmetov. The head of SCM did not hide that he wants to see him in the government. However, the head AP made a maximum of effort so that he did not get there.

Yes, and the favorite of Yanukovych Kolesnikov won't call. Kolesnikov was considered as a candidate to the post of prime minister, then the position of the first deputy chairman of the office. Later, he was swattered in the chair Secretary Secretary. At the last moment, almost chopped up at all. However, a friend of the president put an effort, and Kolesnikov eventually got a portfolio of a football deputy prime minister. However, according to informal agreement, OKO Akhmetov will look at not only for the correct distribution of the budget of Euro 2012. In his field of view, the State Property Fund should also be found, the Antimonopoly Committee and the Ministry of Environmental Protection. The plans of Kolesnikov - the expansion of the media business Akhmetov and expanding its influence in this business. Kolesnikov - a person is very active. In the current situation, this may not be a plus, but a minus.

He knows about football issues, and his entrepreneurial experience and kipache energy could help establish normal preparations for the football continental championship. But Boris Viktorovich - the identity of the bearer conflict. And his forced partner of Surkis - in the list of personal enemies ranks second after Yuri Lutsenko and in front of Sergey Levochkin. There are suspicions that all its skill of the combinator and all of his experience of the organizer of the Deputy Prime Minister can consume to war with the head of the football federation. The new Deputy Prime Minister does not premier if it is possible to waging with a leaper, boyko, tobacco, Tigipko (the list can be continued). But for the sake of the interests of the business (his and Akhmetovsky), he is able to go to a variety of compromises. And virtually anyone.

Kolesnikov Boris.

Donetsk Regional Council, Chairman. Born on October 25, 1962 in Mariupol. Labor activity began in 1980 in Kuibyshev Orset for Donetskugol. Education - Higher, graduated from the Donetsk State Academy of Department in the specialty "Economist Manager".

Since 1991 - General Director of the South Trade Firm, since 1997 - General Director of the Kiev-Conti Production Association. Since 1998 - Vice-President of FC Shakhtar.

In 1998 he was elected a deputy of the regional council. He headed the Permanent Commission on Socio-Economic Development, Foreign Economic and Investment Policy, the Development of Small and Medium Business.

From May 1999 - Deputy Chairman of the Regional Council, since May 2001 - Chairman of the regional council. In March 2002, he was re-elected a deputy of the Donetsk Regional Council from the Konstantinovsky district of the Donetsk region.

President of the Football Federation of the Donetsk region. Honored economist of Ukraine. The owner of the silver medal "Independence of Ukraine" and the sign of distinction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine "Law and Honor".

"The state is the private ownership of the bureaucracy." This expression K. Marx is well illustrated by events in Ukraine. Donetsk power in this sense is no exception - through the "clamping" of local authorities almost completed the privatization of the entire area, according to the degree of monopolization of state, political and economic power, modern "state-owned men" has long surrounded the communists with their almost mystical ideology and fully implemented on their manner The official slogan-slogan of the Donetsk Regional Council: "The ability is proved by the case."

It is said that B. Kolesnikov controls the Artem Plant of Champagne Wine, which since 2003 it seeks to take a "under him" of the Novosvetsky plant of champagne wines. The obstacle was the antimonopoly committee, but in 2004, according to the available information, its resistance was overcome and "Donetsk" received the "trump card" of Crimea.

President Shakhtar Football Club Rinat Akhmetov and Chairman of the Donetsk Regional Council Boris Kolesnikov is not in the special project of the Party of Regions and the Donbass-Invest magazine "Eleta Donbass". The edition of the "Elite of Donbass", published in Donetsk, five hundred people of people, who, according to the editor of Donbass-Invest magazine, Boris Kovaleva, "are known at least in a separate city". But among them there are neither Rinat Akhmetov nor Boris Kolesnikova - the head of the regional organization of the Party of Regions, which sponsored the project.

Unfortunately, the "island" failed to find project managers to find out the principles of forming the composition of the elite of Donbass. Perhaps the reason for the lack of two most influential people of the region is due to the quotation from the introductory word Boris Kovalev: "Work on the" Elite of Donbass "faced, as we foresee, with two stereotypes: the habit of reference texts and the frontal photo in the shooting of members of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee. To a large extent, these stereotypes managed to shake, some of the potential character characters did not come with principles, in view of which cooperation did not take place ... "(" Island ")

B. Kolesnikov and R. Akhmetov were friends for a long time, their lots related, and there are many similarities in their biographies. Kolesnikov began working in Kuibyshev Orset, Donetsk. From there, A. Bragin (Alik Greek) was released, on the basis of this Ors, he and R. Akhmetov developed trade activities.

The next stage of the biography of B. Kolesnikov was the central market of Donetsk, who took the South Firm. After the murder of Alik Greek, R. Akhmetov picked up his case, and B. Kolesnikov's arrival in the leadership of the company "South" also preceded the murder of the previous chapter of this company.

R. Akhmetov became President of FC Shakhtar and recognized football authority, and B. Kolesnikov became the vice-president of FC Shakhtar and the head of the Donetsk Regional Football Federation. Even the official titles and awards they received in parallel - one Honored Sports Worker, another Honored Economist. The same approach to life was expressed, apparently, in the absence of the desire to "to upset the elite".

The Chairman of the Donetsk Regional Council, Boris Kolesnikov, entered the Supervisory Board of Chartsyzsk Pipe Plant OJSC. In addition to him, representatives of CEPITEL CJSC Management Systems CJSC: Igor Prasolov (CEO), Oleg Popov (executive director), Igor Raw (senior manager), as well as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ide Sergey Taruta (NA Chairman ).

Shareholders brought out the Audit Commission Anatoly Fediaeva and Nikolai Nesterenko, choosing representatives of the SCM Roman Dwalk (manager, he became chairman of the Revolutionary) and Natalia Serzhanov (economist) instead of them.

A recent meeting of JSC "HTZ" also made minor changes and additions to the Charter of the Company. In particular, in the provision of medical and tourist services. Fedor Derotley remained the general director of the enterprise, reports the Internet site "Keramet Invest".

Thus, the Donetsk CJSC CEPITEL Management Systems has increased its representation in the governing bodies of the Khartsyzsk Pipe Plant OJSC at the expense of representatives of the Industrial Union of Donbass.

OJSC "HTZ" produces high-strength steel electric welding pipes with a diameter of 478-1420 mm; Steel electric welding pipes of general purpose for water and heat supply with a diameter of 478-1420 mm; Steel electric welding water and gas pipelines with a diameter of 27-89 mm, 19-102 mm and 4.76-12 mm used in the production of refrigeration equipment. ISD on October 17, 2001 was introduced to the register of CHTD shareholders as the owner of 76% of the shares acquired at the privatization competition for 126 million UAH. 24% of the company's shares belonged to various legal entities and individuals. In the first half of 2003, the controlling stake in HTZ OJSC passed to the ownership of SCM, 90% of whose shares belongs to the President of the Shakhtar Football Club Rinat Akhmetov.

SCM manages corporate rights, develops a strategy and attracts international consulting companies. SCM features a controlling stake in Azovstal Metallurgical Combine and other enterprises. ("Island"),

People's Solva says that Boris Kolesnikov controls a number of enterprises of Donetsk: the central market of Donetsk (an important milestone in life - it all started), the confectionery concern "Kiev-Conti", the company "South", "Fruits of the World", a network of branded shops " Golden Key "and Donetsk restaurants McDonalds. A characteristic detail - all companies have one address, which is very convenient: 83100, Donetsk, Bul. Shevchenko, 6-b. It seems that you have already understood that it is at this address that the central market is located in Donetsk.

About McDonadse Especially. And that's why. McDonalds restaurants in Donetsk are located next to the shops "Golden Key", in some buildings. But recently, on the central square of Donetsk, in the room of the former branded jewelry store "Rubin" (resistant Soviet power, restructuring, but fell under the onslaught of McDonald's clown), a new separate restaurant was opened. Regarding his discovery there were a lot of disputes and protests, but ... the regional council, apparently, found this "victory" so important that he posted a separate photo report on the opening of the restaurant on his official website. Well, my own hand is the lord ... "

Boris Penchuk: Donbass has long been on his knees. Before Akhmetov and Kolesnikov.

The struggle for ideals often looks not only irrational, but also meaningless. On the other hand, a very meaningful appearance of the defender oppressed, if it can bring political dividends (and therefore our politicians are resorted to such a posture, we see it completely and nearby). But why does this pose man without his own political ambitions? Or the reason is naive idealism? I tried to get answers in conversation with Boris Penchuk, Boris Kolesnikov's opponent.

What is your stay in Kiev for you? You are here for a long time, you are not going to return to Donetsk yet?

I am now brought to communicate with many people, with representatives of different structures, it takes the mass of time and for me it is very unusual and unexpected. For a few months now I live in just catastrophic mode. The earliest thing when I go to bed is at night, I get up at the most late at six in the morning. Life in Kiev for me is fundamentally different from life in Donetsk. In Donetsk, there is a one and a half million, and all interests are concentrated on two streets in the center. To get from one place to another, it is necessary very little time. Although I began to get used to the Kiev specificity, because I'm already here for a long period. There is a completely different level of people, another level of understanding. I can't go back now in Donetsk, there can be no my family. Why? Donetsk did not change from the beginning of the Orange Revolution, did not change absolutely. Those people that were owners of Donetsk, and remained them. Nothing changed.

In the process of investigating the case of Kolesnikov, you provided the public enough shocking information, which no longer concerns the actual business of Kolesnikov. Why do you need this? After all, a significant part of the foregoing will not affect the court decision.

My father's motto was: "First, think about my homeland, and then about yourself." And I don't just support this motto, I carry it as a flag. What I'm doing now, I do purposefully and consciously. I know that others will go for me and present law enforcement information about what happened not only in the Donbas, but in general in Ukraine.

At a press conference, which was held on the "Observer", I was asked a question: "You, in general, in what condition, what do you even raise it, everyone is so open about everything? Maybe you are sick and need to be treated? " I replied: "We are all sick with you. We are all treated with you. And we all started to recover. Only the hospital we have Ukraine, where Leonid Kuchma was head physician. And he treated us all the pills, from which everyone was bad. All Society. " I have such a position - I will not be silent. Those people who know me for a long time, they know if I got up for this path, I don't get left to the left. What I need? I need to think about those people who are driven and oppressed today. I need to think about those 55 killings of businessmen nobody is doing absolutely. In the pre-election period, the slogans of the white-blue headquarters sounded might and main, that the Donbass nobody put on his knees.

It is absurd - Donbass has long been depressed, Donbass has long been on the knees. Before the same Rinat Akhmetov, before the same Boris Kolesnikov. Donbass is not only a city of Donetsk, and these are not even those two areas that are traditionally attributed to it. Donbass is all that is controlled by these people, and this is the fourth part of Ukraine. So, with these people - with Akhmetov and Kolesnikov - we are antipodes. For them murder and corpses. And there are others for me, those who were left without the breadwinters, who had absolutely everyone who did not know where the graves of their husbands and loved ones, whose relatives were not just killed, and drove in the trunk, beat the ax, burned to the land . Now there are already more than 30 corpses found, understand who they belong. The UBOP of Ukraine is engaged in this case.

The fact that Kolesnikov today is free, this is the negligence of the Prosecutor General's Office, conspiracy, follow the letter of the law, what is it?

This is absolutely definitely - collusion. If something happens in life - it means that it is necessary for someone, and there is someone interested. The fact that it was a deal, I simply have no doubt, I am sure of all 100%, 200%, 300%, 500%. By the way, since the release of Kolesnikov to freedom, neither his people appear in the Prosecutor General's Office, do not get acquainted with the case materials. They delay the case until next year. And then Kolesnikov will declare themselves as a candidate for people's deputies. On September 6, the parliamentary week begins and in general - the opening of the session. In fact, this is the beginning of the pre-election work of many parties opposing each other. What do they need? First of all, they need funding. Absolutely to all. Who today own finances that are not state-owned? We open the magazine and see my one-name. I turn over the page and see another oligarch, which has a crazy financial resource. Here are the parties and fight for these wallets. And I think the collusion occurred at the level of the Prosecutor General's Office. By the way, on September 1, 2005, I filed a piskuna Svyatoslav Mikhailovich with a request to initiate a criminal case regarding the leakage of information from those 16 volumes from the case of Kolesnikov, who today can review literally each, for example on the Internet - interrogation protocols, full-time rates. Who merged? Prosecutor General's Office? Of course.

I am under the protection of pretty - the same period, the special services of Ukraine is guarded, and my location changes from time to time. How can you explain that through the Internet you can find out the place of my stay? The question of who passed me? Prosecutor General's Office. I, not hesitate, say it.

How do you regard the perspective of personnel permutations in the Prosecutor General's Office? What do you think it is real?

No one whatever he has power to have, cannot count on the fact that this power will be eternal. When the personnel permutations occur in the Prosecutor General's Office, I can not say. And who will change the Prosecutor General, I also can't say.

What do you think, why is our president such a prosecutor? What role does he perform under the president?

This is not entirely correct to me. Today I am a dependent face, and first of all from the Prosecutor General's Office, who has not passed the case to the court until now. I communicated literally a few days ago with the new investigator in a criminal case, associated with Kolesnikov, and I had absolutely clear confidence that the case files want to just shove into court, and forget about all this. I have concerns that people from the environment of Kolesnikov, having sacing their questions in the Prosecutor General's Office, are now engaged in the preparation of the judge.

Why is a delay in a criminal case?

If all this starts, then they will be limited. Accordingly, today it is necessary to progress not only by the postponement of the court until January-February of the month. They need to prepare a judge today. The judge, a citizen Silkova was, let's say, by a secret link, which was prepared by another former Prosecutor General Vasilyev. It was a man who actually performed the will of the Donetsk clan. Do you know who is the Prosecutor General of Vasilyev? Initially? This is a person who did not hesitate to call himself the second after Akhmetov the richest man in the Donbas. As a person who has been all his life in public service, possessing incomes in the form of wages of the employee of the district prosecutor's office, an employee of the regional prosecutor's office, an employee of the General Prosecutor's Office, further becoming a people's deputy, further returning to the Prosecutor General's Office as the Prosecutor General, - as the question, he became a richest man ? The owner - in the literal sense - plants, newspapers, steamboats? He has a CRT channel, I think a very dirty canal. The dirt that they carry is directed not only against me. If you analyze their programs, you can clearly bear the verdict that all the activities of the CRT channel is designed for a split state, to separate Donetsk from Ukraine. I consider the activities of the CRT channel as a subversive, calculated on the split state of Ukraine.

Tell me, is it true that, according to Kolesnikov, are you one of the largest shares of the White Swan shopping center?

After Kolesnikova - yes. And what about this, actually amazing? My father was 22 years led by this company. When he came there, the White Swan Shopping Center, the largest now in Ukraine, had a sales area of \u200b\u200b3 thousand square meters. meters. What is he now? These are some huge 5-9-storey buildings. It was all built by my father. All this is his life. And after his dismissal, he continues to live it. His rights are completely legal - labor collectives had the primary right to privatize facilities. But before starting his expansion, Kolesnikov gave instructions to absolutely all law enforcement agencies to find that hook that can be hooked. And the native brother Vasilyeva (he was then the head of the Circle of Donetsk region, and now he is a people's deputy), I am sure, at the request of Kolesnikova, he started checking our privatization. I got 15 times at the reception to Vasilyev to ask one's only question: "I represent the labor team, 13 thousand 800 shareholders of the Open Joint Stock Company" White Swan Shopping Center "", in which there is neither a penny of state ownership. What right do we check the CRC, which exists to control the state enterprises and for enterprises in which there are state ownership? "

What answer got?

You know, there was no answer at all. There was a look somewhere in the distance. Deep sigh: "Using the city prosecutor's office sent your business." The city prosecutor was Almiz Alexander Dmitvich. A lovely person, and he did not sign this order. This order was signed by anyone who was not famous for the small chief of a small department, a woman who clearly fulfilled what she was told. Although such enterprises are usually the highest leadership.

In relation to the prosecutor, your position is understandable. But tell me what ethical principles, in your opinion, should observe a lawyer, taking into account the specifics of his work - and this is a job?

I understood what you are talking about. My lawyer Chevguz Viktor Stepanovich is a man I deeper respected. I really can trust him, I can rely on him. He is completely absolutely antipode Fedur. Fedur's work, I think it is not professionalism, but his own PR, and nothing else.

Nowadays now, in one voice, they argue that with the change of the leadership of the White Swan, he transformed for the better. Why do you think they talk about it? From fear of certain figures? Or for some other reasons?

The first building of the White Swan Complex was built in 1965. Then in the 1980s, other corps were built.

At some point, the construction period ends, and the conversion begins on. My father built, and they are already transformed further. On May 15, 2002, the first gangsters came to me. Why did they come exactly on May 15? It so happened that my father lay for a long time in the hospital, and at that time he was engaged in the reconstruction of the largest restaurant "Troyanda", which is located in the heart of the city, looks at the city executive committee by windows. We made from it a concert complex, in which all the stars of the Russian pop (I'm not talking about Ukrainian). You call any singer, the performer - they were all in Trojan.

So, at that time, when the Father was sick, we did the reconstruction, expanded the "Trojda" so that as many people could come and watch these ideas to, for example, the Lube group, which was very loved by us, or Alexander Bukin, or Garyk Krichevsky liked us so that they spoke to a large number of people. We made great rooms with a lot of seats.

And on May 15, when I was already ready for the discovery, gangsters came to me, exactly then. They waited for the moment when measures were taken to improve premises. The fact that now "White Swan" has become a handsome manner, it is natural. After all, we started to do it, and there were my schemes for optimizing and improving retail space.

And who selected shares do you have?

Now in the case of the "White Swan" is wanted eight people. Same names call? Akhmetov Igor Leonidovich is a native brother. Further, Assistant Rinat Akhmetov, a former driver - the guard of the late Alik Greek, who was blown up at the Shakhtar stadium. Chertkov is the trustee of Rinat Akhmetov, who keeps the entire Petrovsky district of the Donetsk region. Further - Zhigan Tartashov, the one-fampots of the investigator, the former Vice-President of the Shakhtar Football Club. Mikhail Mikhailovich Lyashko, for his steep temper the nicknamed Misha Spit, this is a person who owns a large amount of casino. Here are the main owners now. Kolesnikov was prudently freed from all of their shares, Andrei Babakus reunaled by Andrei Babak, who, after the departure of Kolesnikov, from the post of Director General of the South, he took his place. Babak is a young guy, he is 32 or 33 years old. Do you know where the kolesters come from? This is a person in whose biography there are the same white spots, as in Rinat Akhmetov. My whole biography is written in an employment book. But no one knows what Akhmetov was engaged in six and a half years, no one knows what Kolesnikov did six and a half years of his life.

Just at that time, when a big business began, when there were gangster groups, shootouts. Kolesnikov was listed on the same tenth rate of the trade and procurement cooperative under the central market, then he switched to the post more - one quarter bet. In Donetsk, then the strongest firm "South" appeared in the territory of the central collective farm market. She privatized him and engaged in the supply of exotic fruits in Donbass and other regions. Developed this business, invested his own capital Sergey Vladimirovich Roman.

And now there is an absolutely complete parallel of the origin of private property to the Sarmat Plant Rinat Akhmetov and the company "South" Boris Kolesnikova. Yura Pavlenko was shot - the owner became Akhmetov. And then Sergey Roman with his wife and driver near the house shot - the owner became Kolesnikov. They are like two brothers, they always go together and do everything equally.

Tell me, the possibility of Kolesnikov to go to parliament exists. What is it dangerous for you?

It is dangerous for all society its existence outside the investigative insulator. After all, it was just I spoke about what happened in the Donbas and what happened to me. And other people are just afraid. Those who began to cooperate with the internal affairs bodies, with the exit of Kolesnikov again silenced. And everything continues to go around. Take the same gangster "black tickets."

Workers of Ukraine workers made a documentary shooting how "black box office" appeared in the "White Swan". Through it was distributed to the state of 30%, and 70% - to the side. Why is the CEO of the White Swan today on the name of Chizhikov today?

I can show you his service certificate with a photo, where it is written: "All employees of the Security Service of Ukraine, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Customs, the Border Service provide strict assistance in movement. He has the right to wear a tablet weapon, General - Colonel of the special service. " License certificate. Who did such a certificate made him? And who is this man, Chizhikov, who felt so unpunished?

Now the Party "Regions of Ukraine" is gaining momentum. How do you feel at the same time?

I'm not afraid of that. I will give you an allegory illustration. During the formation of the Ukrainian state, when Ukraine became independent, in the period when we received our own constitution, our own parliament, our own leader, the first president, at that time, remember the story, the Communist Party chapted by Peter Simonenko very well. Why are people today trust "regions"? These are all the same nostalgic notes. People remember how they lived a month ago, two, a year or ten, - and they want to return the past.

You were realized on the edge of the political scandal, and therefore it is impossible to talk about you as an ordinary businessman. Political ambitions - Do you have it?

My political ambitions were proclaimed by our respected president and ex-prime minister there, in Maidan, in the winter. My political ambitions are that no one should forget the revolution slogans. At that time, a lot of my friends were on Maidan. Although they, Donetsk, they were not among those drunk fools, who were collected by the people of Kolesnikov and Akhmetov and brought to the railway station.

My friends were in the headquarters under a different color. They walked there, saying goodbye to his families.

They knew that, God forbid, if anything goes there, then they are on their views. As it is accepted in the Donbas - to the last. I am Donetsk, I know what it means to "until the latter". The last time I said two weeks ago: "You are a corpse." Guys came from Donetsk and said. I laughed, I say: "What is nonsense."

In the end, I am not alone, my guards stand. "Remember, no one will make you in the Red Book," this was said for the last time two weeks ago. This is the second threat to me after the output of Kolesnikov to freedom. I myself wanted to be here in the period of the Orange Revolution.

Unfortunately, my mother was dying. She died more than three years, being in the oncology of Donetsk Regional Hospital, was in a very serious condition. But I had all the time headphones, I listened to everything that happened here, people were called all the time. And in the same oncology in the Donetsk regional hospital, very bad things took place. It was tough campaign that Yushchenko - American, Bandera, a fascist, that he will destroy Russian.

How can a dying person shake such things as a dying person? Kolesnikov said in one of the last interviews that posters with SS symbols and photos of Yushchenko were posted in Donetsk on the team of Yanukovych. What nonsense! Who belongs to these advertising firms? Who commands? People are commanded by Ahmetov.

Are you personally familiar with Rinat Akhmetov?

Not. I am not familiar with him and I do not want to meet, honestly. With whom I wanted to meet - this is with those people who have clean thoughts, clean hands and a bright head. And with those who are completely different things, I think, let the law enforcement agencies familiar with them.

Conducted Niel Linkevichuchu, "Hall Politician"

From the book of St. Petersburg The author of Cruzanov Pavel

Boris (PF Boris) bold a small naked girl with a spoke on the room to drive his photos fascinating. Magic game of light and shadow and the accuracy of the composition instantly fond of the viewer into the inner space of the photograph, and at the exhibitions to move away from any of the works

From the book of the newspaper Tomorrow 793 (5 2009) The author of tomorrow is newspaper

Boris (Grand-Boris) Kudryakov Ryumka Leads Boris Kudryakov, he is Grand Boris, or just the Grand Prix was probably the most mysterious and closed man of St. Petersburg underground. Any word that has been said about him, or even flashed thought is always inaccurate and need immediate

From the book of the newspaper Tomorrow 246 (33 1998) The author of tomorrow is newspaper

Dmitry Kolesnikov Hot Generation Once again about the "Children of 1937" here and ended next, 2008; melted by March snow in the New Year darkness, dissolved silently. But in our memory, bright paintings of the past year will be alive, its main, turning events, their

From the book of the newspaper Tomorrow 247 (34 1998) The author of tomorrow is newspaper

From the book of the newspaper Tomorrow 826 (38 2009) The author of tomorrow is newspaper

Vladimir Kolesnikov Russia will not be broken by Russia ... In the steppe, this dormantly undead, possessing the ray, suddenly it is not clear to swell up the labeling of the steppes. Rushing the scourge in the wind, a rustle ... What is the horse from the road, turned the soul to them? Like the older

From the book of the newspaper Day of Literature # 149 (2009 1) Author Day of literature newspaper

Dmitry Kolesnikov Poet Peoples to the 95th anniversary of Viktor Bokova, my poetry is not fashionable, I knew it. It's not through the people. I said everything! Victor Bokok September 19, a wonderful Russian poet Viktor Fedorovich's side marks 95 years ... I remember the golden happy childhood,

From the book of the newspaper day of literature # 157 (2009 9) Author Day of literature newspaper

Dmitry Kolesnikov burning generation. The word about the "Children of 1937" here was the end, 2008; melted by March snow in the New Year darkness, dissolved silently. But in our memory, bright paintings of the past year will be alive, its main, turning

From the book of the newspaper Day of Literature # 158 (2009 10) Author Day of literature newspaper

Dmitry Kolesnikov People's Poet of Russia to the 95th anniversary of Viktor Fedorovich Bokova, my poetry is not fashionable, I knew it. But she is through the people. I said everything! Victor Bokok on September 19, the wonderful Russian poet Viktor Fedorovich

From the book of the newspaper Day of Literature # 137 (2008 1) Author Day of literature newspaper

Dmitry Kolesnikov Imperial Chord published in the December book "of our contemporary" brilliant poem Irina Semenov "Commander" can be rightfully called the best poetic work of not only last year, but also the first decade of the XXI century. TO

From the book of the newspaper Day of Literature # 138 (2008 2) Author Day of literature newspaper

Dmitry Kolesnikov Russian genius of Vladimir Vysotsky. By the 70th anniversary of the poet, listening to Vysotsky, I, in essence, first realized that the Orpheus ancient Greek, playing on the strings of his own heart, was no fiction, but the most real truth.

From the book of the newspaper Day of Literature # 129 (2007 5) Author Day of literature newspaper

Dmitry Kolesnikov Hero of our time Alexander Prokhanov - 70! In this severe biographical fact it is simply impossible to believe, watching his passionate, energetic speeches on television, reading his bright fascinating artistic editors in

From the book of the newspaper Day of Literature # 165 (2010 5) Author Day of literature newspaper

Dmitry Kolesnikov and the Lifensive lifting ... Alexander Segen. Roman "Pop", g. "Our contemporary", 2006, № 6-7. Alexander Segen. Pop. Roman, published by the Sretensky Monastery; M., 2007. In the March issue of the magazine "Our contemporary" for 2006 on the cover appeared

From the book of the newspaper Day of Literature # 166 (2010 6) Author Day of literature newspaper

From the book who is who. On the couch sofa Kuchma Author Melnichenko Nikolai

Dmitry Kolesnikov Word in defense ... Sixtiets Now we do not like. It does not scold them now in the press only lazy. The reasons for this several years ago, the famous philosopher and political scientist Alexander Cipko in the fundamental article "Code

From the book the road. Notes from Moleskin Author Goncharova Marianna Borisovna

Boris Cold is the former head of the National Television Council and Radio Broadcasting. Included in the number of admirers of Kuchma. The cold is not any independent political figure, and has no authoritative in journalism and media management. Conversation with him from April 17

From the book of the author

Boris Burda at the airport to him spared people, more often bright girls to take pictures. I say to friends, so, take a picture with Bourda, put in Facebook or in VKontakte, will reliably answer the delighted questions of friends: "Vaaau !!! Is it Boris Burda? It's you with Boris

In November 2004, in Severodonetsk at the All-Ukrainian Congress of People's Deputies of all levels, the then Chairman of the Donetsk Regional Council, Boris Kolesnikov called on the gathered to create a southeastern state in the form of a federal republic.

After the finalization of the presidential campaign, Boris Viktorovich was forced to testify in the General Prosecutor's Office about this. And in the spring of 2005, Kolesnikov was arrested on suspicion of extortion. Actually, then the career of Kolesnikova began as a policy of an all-Ukrainian scale.


Boris Kolesnikov says that she does not seek in the executive power. According to him, it is completely satisfied with the current status.

To the question, whether he is ready to lead the part of the regions, Kolesnikov answers: "Our leader is in excellent form, there are no prerequisites for aging, to the deepest regret some of his opponents" ("Correspondent", September 28, 2007).


Boris Viktorovich is familiar with Rinat Akhmetov for 27 years. They are binding a long-time friendship.

"Rinat Akhmetov is my neighbor friend. This is a courageous and decent person, "" So characterizes Rinat Leonidovich Boris Viktorovich ("Today", August 8, 2005). At the same time, Kolesnikov says that "Akhmetov has" colossal intelligence "and he made himself.

In August 2005, the company Akhmetov - "Capital Management Systems" made a deposit of $ 10 million for the liberation of Boris Kolesnikov from the SIZO. "Rinat rendered me a friendly support, I do not see anything about nothing in it," Boris Viktorovich explains.

Kolesnikov refutes rumors about allegedly criminal past Rinat Leonidovich. "Rinat Ahmetov has no, there was no, and there can be no criminal past. And these two-way political technologists will focus on something more relevant for our country, and not on the search for a black cat in a dark room, especially since it is not there, "says Kolesnikov (" Correspondent ", September 28, 2007).

Boris Kolesnikov and Rinat Akhmetov - long-standing friends


Labor activity began in 1980 in Kuibyshev Orset for Donetskugol.

He graduated from the Donetsk State Academy of Department in the specialty "Economist Manager".

Since 1991, General Director of the South Trade Firm.

In 1997, he became the general director of the Kiev-Conti manufacturing association.

Since 1998 - Vice-President of FC Shakhtar.

In 1998 he was elected a deputy of the Donetsk Regional Council. He headed the Permanent Commission on Socio-Economic Development, Foreign Economic and Investment Policy, the Development of Small and Medium Business.

In May 1999, he was elected deputy chairman of the Donetsk Regional Council, another year later, his chairman.

In March 2002, he was re-elected a deputy of the Donetsk Regional Council from the Konstantinovsky district of the Donetsk region.

In 2006, he received a deputy mandate in the Verkhovna Rada on the list of the Party of Regions (No. 10).

In 2006, the "Top 100" of the most influential people of Ukraine, which annually defines the magazine "Corresponding", Boris Kolesnikov took the 24th position.

According to the magazine "Focus", in 2006, Boris Kolesnikov took the 10th position in the rating of influence among representatives of the Donetsk region.

From August 2007 - Head of the Election Staff of the Party of Regions.

In 2007, he was elected to the Verkhovna Rada on the list of the Party of Regions (No. 10).

In 2007, Boris Kolesnikov took the 20th position in the Top 100 of the most influential people of Ukraine.

Boris Kolesnikov - one of the influential persons in the Party of Regions. Photo: Tabloid

On March 11, 2010, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine appointed Boris Kolesnikov Vice Prime Minister for Euro 2012. In December 2011, he ranked Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Infrastructure.


Boris Kolesnikov for:

  • business legalization;
  • preservation of the status of non-block state for Ukraine;
  • defend of the President of the Football Federation of Ukraine;
  • adoption of a law on lustration;
  • that is that the decision on the accession of Ukraine in NATO accepted the Ukrainian people on a referendum.

Boris Kolesnikov vs.:

  • Yuri Lutsenko;
  • reprivatization.

Empire business

According to Boris Kolesnikov himself, he began his business from wholesale fruit. "Since the time of the USSR, I and my friends have already experienced work with the" Soyuzplodofort ", and after the liberalization of foreign trade in 1990-1991 - directly with the largest manufacturers of fruits of Turkey, Greece, Morocco, Egypt," says Boris Viktorovich ("Correspondent ", June 24, 2005).

Its confectionery business chariots, according to him, began in 1992 with Davalic schemes when he and his partners received a large batch of sugar and were forced to look for him. They changed "White Gold" on the cookie. Since this all started. After that, several lines rented in Donetsk, then in 1997 bought their own factory, then they built two more, bought a factory in Russia.

To the question of how he started his business, Kolesnikov answers: "Listen, in the early 90s there was no business, especially in the late 80s. The Law "On Cooperation" in the USSR accepted only in 1988 "(" Observer ", May 26, 2006).

According to Boris Viktorovich, they have only a few enterprises with Akhmetov. "My package is not at all great. Shares are managed by experienced managers, we participate only at the level of production of ideas. But this cooperation began not in the 90s, but already in 2000. In general, for us with Rinat Leonidovich, it is not there are some global, vital things, I would not focus on this, "concludes Kolesnikov (" Observer ", May 24, 2006).

According to Proua, Boris Kolesnikov oversees the following enterprises:

  • CJSC Concent Production Association;
  • CJSC "South";
  • Group "Conti".

According to the Internet edition, Kolesnikov is involved in the enterprise of DP "Conti-Invest".


All compromising chariot information concerns his Donetsk past. Connected, of course, with the primary accumulation of capital.


On April 6, 2005, after interrogation, the General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine detained Boris Kolesnikov on suspicion of extortion. It was about obtaining shares of the Donetsk shopping center "White Swan". Former deputy director of the center Boris Phencher stated that under the threat of death that emanated from Kolesnikov, he and members of his family were forced to sell their shares for a snot.

Boris Viktorovich these charges rejected. According to him, he paid $ 500 thousand Penchuk.

During his stay in SIZO in 2005, Boris Kolesnikova
supported Raisa Bogatyrev. Photo: Tabloid

"I am him (Pennix. - S.R.) If you want to know, for the first time in a prison at an inappropriate rate I saw. Personally, he did not sell any shares to me. Penchukov had half a million dollars in the accounts after a month and a half after I told the prosecutor's office. It is so good that they, "smart" guys, put money on the same bank, where they received, otherwise we would have to have much more difficult, "says Kolesnikov (" Observer ", May 26, 2006).

In July 2005, the Prosecutor General's Office closed the criminal case against Kolesnikov "due to the absence of a crime," and in November 2006, a criminal case was initiated on the fact of falsifying the criminal case of Boris Kolesnikov.

Boris Viktorovich claims that he learned about his possible detention from one of the politicians, who offered him "Barter": the inclusion in the list of regions of some people in exchange for: closing the case, shares of TV channels of the TRK "Ukraine" and NTN, and also - part of the property Rinat Akhmetov. According to Kolesnikov, this proposal was made to him in the presidential secretariat building, but he refused him.

On March 2, 2009, Boris Ponchuk was sentenced to 8 years in prison with confiscation of property in two articles - Part 4 of Art. 189 (extortion) and Part 2 of Art. 383 (obviously false message about performand crimes) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

"I want to be clarity: not Phenchuk must be convicted, and those who performed and ordered this business ... There is no role of the president ... But many officials from law enforcement agencies of that time will feel uncomfortable as a result of these investigations." - So commented on the court decision Boris Kolesnikov (UNIAN, March 23, 2009).

Death of Sergey Romana

In the media, rumors were issued about the possible involvement of Boris Kolesnikov to the death of his business partner - Sergey Roman. Boris Viktorovich denies these rumors: "My comrade and partner Sergey Roman has never been the general director of Kiev-Conti for the simple reason that he died over six months before its foundation. It was not May 23, 1997, and the enterprise appeared only on November 22, 1997. Moreover, it was not a successor of any structure, but "rose" from zero. So in vain they convince, as if Kolesnikov went up only after the death of a partner, "says Kolesnikov. ("Observer", May 24, 2006).

Boris Kolesnikov was one of those representatives of the Party of Regions, who in January 2009 very hard opposed the so-called "Farstas group" (Sergey Levochkin, Yuri Boyko), who tried to "make the weather" in the party.

Boris Viktorovich without reversals said that such people are not a place in the party.


Since 2005, Boris Viktorovich is an ardent opponent Yuri Lutsenko. One of the reasons - Kolesnikov believes the Minister of Internal Affairs by the initiator of his arrest, therefore it is not shy in his expressions: "Lutsenko - a zinic tiller. In the summer of 2007, before early parliamentary elections, we met him in the office of Viktor Baloga. The head of the secretariat requested our headquarters not to destroy Lutsenko in elections. The minister with a fright drank the head of a bottle of brandy in the recreation room and the forty minutes sucked, asked for to forgive him. He asked for forgiveness from me and my spouse. I then asked him only about one thing: once I apologize to publicly. He replied: "Then I, as an end to me, will come." I said: "Yuri Vitalyevich, you, one way or another, will come to the end" ("Ukrainian Pravda", March 4, 2009).

Yuri Vitalyevich refutes said Boris Viktorovich: "The scenes described by Kolesnikov was not and could not be in principle. I knew that the chariots of the six, but did not know that he was also a smoky six "(" Focus ", March 20, 2009).

Financial situation

In 2011, according to the official declaration, the income of Kolesnikov amounted to 166 million 437 thousand 638 UAH., And his family members - 3 million 576 thousand 999 UAH.

Boris Viktorovich owns land plots (45,600 sq.m and 4448 sq.m), residential house (5581 sq. M), Bentley Mulsanne cars, Bentley Continental, Mercedes Benz S-600 L, Caterman C-43.

His family members have land plots (2287 sq. M and 60 sq.m), residential building (421 sq.m), apartment (227, 3 sq.m), two garages (56.1 sq.m and 30, 6 sq.m), Mercedes Benz S-500 L.

Boris Kolesnikov's bank accounts are 141 million 878 thousand 207 UAH, the nominal value of securities belonging to him - 13 million 505 thousand 780 UAH. His family members are held in banking institutions of 52 million 308 thousand 904 UAH., The nominal value of securities belonging to them - 13 million 505 thousand 710 UAH.

In 2011, the Focus magazine estimated the state of Boris Kolesnikov at $ 292, 5 million (No. 59 in the ranking of the 200 of the richest Ukrainian).

In 2010, the Correspondent Journal appreciated Boris Kolesnikov's capital at $ 231 million (48th place in the ranking "Golden Sota").

In 2009, the focus magazine appreciated Boris Kolesnikov's capital at $ 189, 7 million. Edition argues that over the past year he lost $ 280, 3 million

According to the magazine "Correspondent", in 2009, the state of the businessman was $ 80 million.

In 2005, according to Boris Viktorovich, he earned 16 million UAH.

In 2006, the focus magazine estimated the state of Boris Kolesnikov at $ 220 million. In the list of the most rich Ukrainians, he took 72nd place.

"Personal condition can only appreciate the market. In general, I am not a poor man, "says Boris Viktorovich (" Correspondent ", June 24, 2005).

In the center of Donetsk has a house that, according to Kolesnikov, is located on a modest 20 acres.

According to the magazine "Focus", in 2006, Boris Kolesnikov declared revenues of 5 million 416 thousand 866 UAH.

Wears Lange & Sohne Glashutte / SA watch.

According to the income declaration, in 2007, Boris Kolesnikov earned 38 million 373 thousand 968.71 UAH. At the same time, royalties, dividends and interest accounted for 38 million 95 thousand 704.77 UAH. At the same time, the deputy salary of Kolesnikova was 278 thousand. 263, 94 UAH.

In addition, the deputy's family owns an apartment with an area of \u200b\u200b201.9 square meters. m, house in 540.7 square meters. m, garage in 20 square meters. m.

Also at the disposal of Kolesnikov there are two cars - Mercedes-S500 and Mercedes-S600L.

In 2008, the magazine "Correspondent" appreciated the state of Boris Kolesnikov at $ 271 million.


In childhood, I dreamed of becoming a football player. "But I don't think that even in the best form of some of the trainers of amateur teams would like to see me on the field," says Boris Kolesnikov ("Correspondent", September 28, 2007).


Friends with Rinat Akhmetov, Viktor Yanukovych, Raisa Bogatyrieva, Tatiana Bakhteeva, Brothers Vasilyev, Sergey and Andrei Kuyevoy, Sergey Larina. Tightly communicates with former football players - Igor Petrov, Viktor Grachev and composer Igor Cool.


Deputy Chairman of the Party of Regions.

President of the Football Federation of the Donetsk region.

He was awarded the Order "For Merit" of the II degree. As Boris Viktorovich says, he received this award from President Viktor Yushchenko in connection with the 10th anniversary of the Conny Factory, which he built from Zolly.

A family

Married. As Boris Viktorovich says, his spouse - Svetlana is engaged exclusively by raising children.

Kolesnikov raise the daughter of Catherine (2004) and son Konstantin (1992).

Boris Kolesnikov with his wife and son cross daughter. Photo: Tabloid

Son is studying in the eleventh grade in the Moscow Economic School. "He himself chose where he learns. We offered him various options, but he wanted there, "says Kolesnikov (UNIAN, March 23, 2009).


In September 2008, Boris Kolesnikov called his one-party Dmitry Tabachnik "Cheap Clown" and "Kasnokrad". Boris Viktorovich explained why: "For speaking at the congress in Severodonetsk. Remember: Southeast businessmen seek to negotiate with Yushchenko, as money loves silence. Who is speaking?! Casnokrad, who did not create any business in his life? How can he judge at all? What can he do at all, besides, as books and paintings from, and so poor, Ukrainian museums till? We will definitely insist on tough tobacco treads! This opinion is mine, Rinat Akhmetov and all businessmen of the southeast - members of the pr ... Dmitry Tabachnik and Corruption, theft of museums are, yes, compatible "(" Observer ", September 4, 2008).

True, the story with Tabachnik did not find its continuation.

Dmitry Vladimirovich said that Viktor Yanukovych "a thorough statement", in which "argued outlined" his opinion on the statements of Boris Kolesnikov.


As Boris Kolesnikov says, he does not boast that Tymoshenko knows well. At the same time, Boris Viktorovich claims that Julia Vladimirovna really likes him as a woman. "As a politician is a controversial question" (Forum, November 28, 2006).


Fond of football. Favorite football player - Diego Maradona.

Favorite performers - Bon Jovi, Queen, Rolling Stones, Makarevich, DDT, Italian singers of the early 80s.

Loves to relax in the United Arab Emirates.

Wears clothes from Hugo Boss, Zilli and Brioni.

In his free time goes to the theater.

Loves skiing.


In August 2005, the AIRBUS A320 aircraft crew of Donbassaero asked him to assign him the name Boris Kolesniko.


As Boris Kolesnikov says, he is in normal relations with Viktor Yushchenko.

Boris Kolesnikov in the "Star" Surroundings - Victor Yushchenko, Efim Zvyagilsky and Rinat Akhmetov. Photo: Tabloid


Boris Kolesnikov worked together with Viktor Yanukovych together.

"I worked with him for many years. Here you are, for example, worked with some kind of colleague. Did you support him, if he went to the president's choice? Most likely, they would support. I voted for Viktor Fedorovich, and do not hide it. "

"I believe that Viktor Yanukovych will be a successful prime minister, it is definitely. I can be poisoned that the transparency of the economy will be put to the main place. "

"We have the Prime Minister. This is Viktor Yanukovych. And I am sure, Viktor Yanukovych will be the Prime Minister and next year. This is the most rated and most popular politician in Ukraine. "

The question of which he sees the role of Viktor Yanukovych during the 2010 presidential election, Boris Kolesnikov answers: "Not only me, but all sociological surveys show that Viktor Yanukovych has the biggest rating in the following presidential elections" ("Ukrainian Pravda", March 13, 2009).

"Of course, I understand: it is a journalistic work, all that ..., but you already have all the fractions of decency go. I'm in shock just! "

"I am for justice."

"I am not an indispensable person."

"I see myself in a number of strength, which may notice the benefit of the Ukrainian society."

"I don't think that the new government wants to make worse than MC-Raine. Just they do not succeed. I want "Regionals" and "Nascheukrain" about the hand drawn to each other. "

"I worked all my life in Biz-Nesa, in tough competition, so I am interested in ideas. Our opposition is not yet. "

"I lost faith in honesty, the impersonal and justice of law enforcement agencies and courts."

"I understand that it is necessary to" mocking "with me, as over the representative of the old power, but I will have for the justice of the court."

"For 6 years, I did not spend a single liter of public gasoline."

"I believe that he (Shokhin, Ex-Deputy Prosecutor General. - S.R.) I insulted my words about "typical rack".

"I don't think Lutsenko considers me with his blood enemy. Minister what kind of reference was given - such and pro-read. If he read Di-Agosnosis Penshuk-senior, he would understand how he lost his legs - certainly not because of the explosions. If he knew that he was shot in the Penchuk-younger in 1999, a few years before Isto-Rii with the shares of the White Leba-Dia, he would not have made such statements. I believe that Mi-Nister simply substantiated subordinates. "

"I am purely humanly understanding the president."

"I always felt confidently, even in Lukyanovsky SIZO, because the chances were zero! Complete zero!"

"I go to parliament to defend the interests of local government."

"I am grateful to all residents of Donbass for the fact that, despite all the statements of the authorities, they did not even find bandits on the lists of the regions party.

"I would like to ask Lutsenko, who also, like me, there is a teenage son ... He walks every day to school, where he tells that he is constantly talking about that his dad extortioner? And declare it philable! And when will I talk with the documents that the minister is a rogue? Well, what can explain the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs such a degree of falsification of criminal cases? "

"I am in custody on the case fabricated by my political opponents and as these persons today manage law enforcement agencies, changing the grounds to fear for their lives and health."

"I think that by professional qualities Yuri Vitalyevich (Lutsenko. - S.R.) It will not be able to work in any government. "

"Ivalwally, which truly disgraces Surkis's football when running with the fur coats behind the Spanish arbiter."

"I'm not injuring the Surkis brothers. And even more so, Kiev "Dynamo".

"I would like us to learn to define sins not according to the principle, I do not believe, but by decision of the courts."

"I am not going to the avenger and take revenge to anyone, but if you manage to punish falsifiers, first of all from the leadership of the prosecutor's office and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it will be a good lesson for politicians who love to instruct law enforcement agencies, and for the security officials themselves. No matter what political force they represent. "

"I never lobbied any laws in favor of any companies."

"I did not work in the presidential administration, nor in the Presidential Secretariat, therefore I don't know what I could mean the appointment by the presidential adviser Yuri Lutsenko. But according to the methods that Lutsenko acted, he should be an adviser not from the President of the Democratic Country, he would have been good in dictatorial countries as an adviser. "

"I am not afraid of tomorrow and confident in the successful future of Ukraine."

"I think we need to have our own" Marshall Plan ". But only not external assistance, but the accumulation of their resources. And I have reason to hope that the program preparing on the order of Mr. Akhmetov will be the "Marshall Plan" for Ukraine. "

"I have already talked about several times that no politicians have the right to interfere in the election of the mayor of any city."

"I take any phenomena that fit into the legal field is quite positive."

"I believe in God, I am Orthodox. I treat religion positively. "

"I can't get a salary at all. I have quite high incomes from the business I own. "

"I consider it quite normal that the deputies have their own business if it is legal with income and spending. Once they were able to create working companies, employed citizens of Ukraine, then these are quite decent people and their ideas in the form of bills should be implemented in the Verkhovna Rada. Another thing is that if these adoption laws will develop their personal business, then this is a pure crime. "

"I consider criminals only those accused of court sentence."

"I believe that plebiscites should become the norm of our society to get answers to those or other questions."

"I believe that laws should not have a two-way interpretation."

"I thought Arseny Yatsenyuk is Obama, and he turned out to be Gorbachev!"

"I do not believe in the possibility of the current government."

"I really think that any coalition format in this convocation is a zinic deception of voters. Everyone went to Rada with his principles, and now I do not see how you can make a coalition. "

« I am ready to pay any taxes. "

"I am not a barometer, that's for sure."

"I would not say that we have an intense dialogue with the Balloi. There are some situational moments in which representatives of different parties may consult. We have a more intense dialogue with the speaker of the Verkhovna Rada and during the last crisis with the leadership of Our Ukraine, but not with the Balloi. "

"I don't want to control anything. I have a certain part of the work on the public basis, which I was instructed by Viktor Fedorovich. And I perform it. I can't get any bonuses or benefits, I never entered the government. "

"I am not a fan of Kravchuk, but he needs to pay tribute - he is the first in the post-Soviet space democraticly conveyed power. And also one of the first in the post-Soviet space provided the election of governors of the regions and this gave more power in the field. Here, of course, he deserves respect. "

"I do not think that the part of the regions hit the bar."

"I can responsibly declare -" Rosukrenergo "never funded by the Party of Regions, and no penny did not receive a penny from Rue."

"I would not say that the presidential position in Ukraine is the whole full of power."

« I do not want to assess the heads of the presidential administrations, nor Medvedchuk or the ballet. This is the weakness of who gives such an assessment. The assessment must be given to the presidents. "

"I don't want the Constitution to take for some elections, as it was last time, when 20 days before the third round were amended, if not in the final edition, they began to trade, and in the end the Constitution collapsed."

"I can call you dozens of deputies from" our Ukraine "or BYuT, who go to each parliamentary meeting, but their efficiency will be zero!"

"I am sure the militia hides 9/10 crimes committed by their colleagues."

« I would protect any person whose one-party tried to take away the company by blackmailing and threats. "

"I want the Ukrainian people to know the truth, and Lutsenko was brought to justice for his acts. It is if without emotion to speak. "

"I can't say that the 90s was Wall Street of Ukraine. I would not say that then everything was completely transparent, but all state assets were sold according to the laws that were at that time in the country. Therefore, today it is pointless to return to this issue. "

"I do not fly for state money."

"I love political memoirs."

"I am not a supporter of Kravchuk, but he found the courage to go to early presidential elections in 1994, simultaneously with parliamentary, although he could not do this."

Sergey Rudenko

Known as one of the organizers of the congress of deputies of all levels in Severodonetsk on November 28, 2004.

In March 2015, he received a post of premiere in the Shadow Cabinet of Ministers, created by the Party "Opposition Block".

Political activity

Boris Kolynikov's political activity began in 1998 since its election to the deputy of the Donetsk Regional Council. At the same time, he headed the Permanent Commission on Socio-Economic Development, Foreign Economic and Investment Policy, Small and Medium Business Development.

According to the official version voiced in the press, Boris Kolesnikov was arrested on charges of extortion of the shares of the Donetsk Shopping Center "White Swan", but after several months the politician was released, and the "Kolesnikov case", initiated by Boris Penchuk, was closed due to the lack of The composition of the crime. Boris Kolesnikov commented on the situation as follows: ".. Penchukov had half a million dollars in the accounts after a month and a half after I told the prosecutor's office. So good that they, "smart" guys put money on the same bank, where they received, otherwise we would have to have much more difficult" Because of the arrest acquired special fame in the country.

As the 2010 Renat Kuzmin stated in the summer of 2009: "The case of Kolesnikov was falsified, with high officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and GPU."

State activities

Kolesnikov became the first statesman who brought Ukrainian-speaking EuroNews to Ukraine. On October 21, 2010, Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine - Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine Boris Kolesnikov and General Director of the EURONEWS Executive Board Michael Peters signed a Memorandum on the creation and dissemination of Euronews international news in Ukrainian.

Thus, Ukraine became the first country of the world, which was entitled to the production of local Ukrainian news and distribute these news on a regular basis within the broadcast of the Ukrainian version of Euronews.

The head of the Ukrainian branch of EuroNews Valid Arfus in his account on Facebook wrote about this: "... This project would not be possible without will, support and perseverance Boris Kolesnikov and Anna Herman, for which they thank you so much !!!».

Euro - 2012.

Ambitious and large-scale project Euro 2012 got Boris Kolenikov in a very poor condition.

The subsequent work of Boris Kolesnikova on the preparation for the euro was associated with the construction and reconstruction of Ukrainian stadiums and airports, as well as the development of the country's infrastructure.

According to the data voiced by Boris Kolesnikov, the total cost of preparation costs for the European football championship amounted to about 5 billion dollars.

« We have built 4 international airports of the International Standard in just 18 months. In Kiev, we completed the runway and the new terminal. Fifty million euros were aimed at current expenses, among which - translators, selection and training of staff"Noted B. Kolesnikov in an interview with the Italian edition of Ilsole24ore.

Evaluating the work on the organization for Euro 2012, UEFA Operational Director Martin Callen noted: " It was an excellent tournament that set new standards for the future organization» .

According to the French edition of Lechercle.lesechos, during the tournament, Ukraine visited a huge number of tourists who were satisfied with the organization of Euro 2012. The championship allowed to attract the attention of foreigners to a previously unknown country, which will allow in the future to develop a tourist business.

According to a survey of researchers Research & Branding Group, almost two thirds of the Ukrainians received positive impressions of the championship. Three quarters of Ukrainians believe that in their country, Euro 2012 was organized at a high level, and only 12 percent believe otherwise.


« When I go to the office to Boris Kolesnikov, I see that all the construction shows on the computer are bred, and he follows them in online mode."Said Mr. Tigipko, adding that the efforts of Mr. Kolesnikov highly appreciated in the preparation of Ukraine to EUROMEMPion. " It is very good that they entered the UEFA graphics, and now we are fulfilled by the obligations, on the implementation of which there were serious concerns. I believe that this is a personal merit of Boris Kolesnikova, because it is actively engaged in Euro 2012 issues"," Said Sergey Tigipko.

For the rapid pace of construction and reconstruction of stadiums and airports, UEFA General Secretary of Jianny infantino nickned him super-Boris.

According to the newspaper "Comments" " After Euro 2012, chariots can become the most popular "white-blue" politician. From how successfully Euro 2012 will be held in Ukraine, the assessment of all the activities of the Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Infrastructure Boris Kolesnikov for the entire period of his work in the Cabinet».

Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine

Removed a ban on the shooting at the railway stations and at airports.


To carry out the planned plans - to combine Kiev and Ukrainian cities, hosting Euro 2012, at the end of December 2010, a contract was signed with Hyundai Corporation to obtain 10 new interregional electric trains.

At the same time, the first six trains will allow organizing high-speed movement between Kiev, Donetsk, Kharkov and Lviv. For example, it will be possible to get to Kharkov in 3.5 hours, to Lviv - for 4.5 hours, to Donetsk - in 5.5-6 hours.

Hyundai purchased from the South Korean company "Hyundai", high-speed trains do not withstand frosty winter, break and idle for hours.

Ex-Minister of Infrastructure Boris Kolesnikov calls problems with high-speed trains by a technical misunderstanding, because of which he is ashamed and unpleasant.

The total turnover of "Conti" and "APK-INVEST" last year exceeded 4 billion UAH. And the state of Boris Kolesnikov himself is estimated at $ 810 million.


Prior to that, charitable activities were carried out in the format of personal donations. Thus, since 2004, on his initiative, the best students in the Paris "Disneyland" were premiums, foreign travel of veterans was organized, RSK Olympic was reconstructed in Donetsk. Significant funds were inserted into the recovery of needy children, the support of the country's cultural heritage.

According to the Press Service of the Fund, today the organization's activities are carried out within programs aimed at developing education, identifying and supporting talented and active youth, the formation of a healthy lifestyle, the preservation of the country's cultural and historical heritage and the creation of new historical, cultural, scientific values .

Boris Kolesnikov about their contribution of the patron, spoke very modest: " I think that the activities of the Foundation will be useful to Ukrainians. It will be public, understandable and, I hope effective. But I will not speak for myself. I want my work to appreciate people».

In 2014, the Fund's activities are focused on the implementation of charitable projects and competitions for students. The main goal of these projects is to support a talented, active youth, to develop the intellectual potential of society through the implementation of educational programs, to revive in Ukrainian society interest in engineering specialties.

Thus, all-Ukrainian charitable competitions are held for future aviators, students of architectural universities, as well as future specialists of the railway industry.

The winners are departed annually for the best sectoral exhibitions, where they get acquainted with advanced technologies and innovations of the industry, meet with specialists, communicate with students from other countries of the world, visited master classes, etc..

According to the organizers, such contests stimulate the guys to obtain new knowledge and career growth.

In addition, in 2014, the priority for the Boris Kolesnikov Foundation was the program for the restoration of Donbass. The program provides support for students in secondary educational schools in the Donetsk region; restoration of ice arena and the organization of hockey and figure skating sections for children 5-12 years old (together with HC Donbass); Providing material assistance to residents victim during ATO.

On December 16, 2015, Boris Kolesnikov made a pledge of 2.5 million hryvnia for the Ex-Deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine Yuri Ivashchenko, who is a lawyer of Ex-Minister of Justice of Ukraine Elena Lukash. "Today, Boris Kolesnikov made a pledge for my friend and defender Yuri Ivashchenko. I express my deepest appreciation for it. Thank!", - Written Lukash on the social network Facebook. She noted that herself asked Kolesnikov to make a deposit for his lawyer. Thus, Ivashchenko will not be placed in the SIZO.

Hockey Club "Donbass"

In 2010, Boris Kolesnikov became the owner of the Donbass Hockey Club, which allowed the Donetsk region to become the most real hockey capital of Ukraine. In the first season, headed by Boris Kolesnikov "Donbass" for the first time in its history won the gold medals of the championship, issuing a record for the country a victorious series in 27 matches in a regular stage, and then in the final beat the capital "Falcon" (1: 0 and 3 : 2). Subsequently, Donbass was confirmed by the Country Champion title twice by twice, raising the FSU's head in the 2011/12 and 2012/13 seasons. In the summer of May 31, 2011, in Moscow, at the general meeting of the Highest Hockey League, the HC "Donbass" was adopted by a unanimous decision in the members of the NHL non-profit partnership. To prepare for the performance in the highest hockey league for the first time in the history of independent Ukraine, the domestic club went to Canada. And on the return to Ukraine, I organized and spent at the highest level the first international tournament "Open Cup of Donbass", which also took part three clubs of the Continental Hockey League - Cak (St. Petersburg), Dynamo (Minsk) and Dynamo (Riga ). Season 2011/12 in VHL Donetsk team completed in a step from the Brother Cup final, giving way to the future champion - Neftekamsky Torosu. In July 2012, the decision of the Continental Hockey League leadership, the Donbass HC was adopted as part of the participants in the strongest hockey league of Europe. According to the results of its first regular season, the club took the 9th place in the Western Conference and did not manage to get into the playoffs, giving all the Atlanta.

In January 2013, Donetsk Donbass was the first and so far the only Ukrainian club who won the prestigious European tournament under the auspices IIHF is the continental Cup of the season 2012/13. In the superfinal, whose matches were held on the Donetsk arena "Friendship" from 11th to January 13, at that time another two-time champion of Ukraine, the Belarusian "Metallurg" beat (1: 0), Italian "Bolzano" (3: 0) and French Rouen Dragon (7: 1) by typing the maximum possible 9 points.

Improve your results in KHL "Donbass" was already the next season. Lots of 54 matches, the first part of the championship in the fourth place of the Western Conference completed the first part of the championship in the fourth place of the Western Conference, becoming a record holder on the minimum number of missed sails per season - 99. As a result, on March 7, 2014, Arena "Friendship" for the first time in the history of Ukrainian hockey took the game Playoff Round KHL . At stage 1/4 of the final, Denamians were knocked out from the further struggle of the Riga Dynamo, but in the semifinals of the conference as a result of the sixymaticheye series they missed the Prague Lion in the final. It is noteworthy that then "Donbass" only once was able to play on the home stage - due to the tense political situation in Ukraine, the KHL Board forbade Games in the Friendship Arena in Donetsk.

Another record KHL "Donbass" was already installed in the playoffs, playing with Prague "Lvom" the longest match, which lasted 126 minutes and 14 seconds. Then the decisive washer scored a defender Donbass Andrei Konev, and the game itself entered the story as "Prague Marathon."

In 2013, HC "Donbass" created the largest school fan sector in the KHL, which he had more than 1,500 fans from 22 schools by Donetsk and Lugansk regions. Fan association participants along with the Donetsk club visited different cities of six countries - Russia, France, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Latvia and Croatia.

In the summer of 2014, due to the enlightened political situation in Donetsk, the club was forced to refuse to participate in the seventh seasons of the KHL, and the main team of the club was sent to the "Academic Vacation". The same fate waited for the team "Young Guard", which took part in the youth hockey league, and Donbass-98.

In the same summer, Boris Kolesnikov decided to preserve the Ice Children's Youth Sports School, transporting it to the city of Druzhkovka with training on the basis of the Ice Arena "Altair". From September 1, 2014, more than 900 children from Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, Konstantinovka and Druzhkovka, which began to engage in hockey and figure skating, were involved in the DOSSSH HC "Donbass". The club provided every young athlete with the necessary equipment, a qualified coaching train, as well as comfortable club buses, which are brought and dismissed children in La Altair and back to their settlements. The set of children continued in 2015.

In the 2015/16 season, the three teams of the DSSS HC "Donbass" were transported to the La Terminal Base in Brovary. Such a change in the permanent site of training was due to the participation of the teams "Donbass 2003", Donbass 2004 and Donbass 2005 in the Championships of Belarus and the appropriate reduction in the time spent on visiting the tournament's field matches. Most of the ice school continued its activities in Druzhkovka, a new season in its ranks over 300 pupils in the hockey and figure skating section. To date, the Sports HC "Donbass" is the most numerous in Ukraine, in which more than 1,100 pupils are engaged. In the summer of 2015, it was decided to revive the first team of HC "Donbass", which submitted an application for participation in the Championship of Ukraine of the 2015/16 season. In a short time, the club's management managed to collect the team that took the second "gold" at the traditional pre-season tournament Donbass Open Cup, adding to triumph in 2013 also win in 2015, and then won the fourth set of gold medals Donbass in Championship of the country.

In addition to the sports component, the Hockey Club "Donbass" participates in various social and charitable projects. Since 2014, together with the Boris Charitable Foundation, Boris Kolesnikova, the Club implements a social project dedicated to the World Wide Vental Day. In 2014, the first-graders of Slavyansk, Nikolaevka, Kramatorsk, Druzhkovka, Konstantinovka received 2,500 gift backpacks. A year later, the branded backpacks of HC Donbass received 2,400 first-graders from the schools of Konstantinovsky and Krasnoarmeysky districts, as well as Druzhkovka and Konstantinovka. Also annually new backpacks and educational supplies receive pupils of the DSUS HC Donbass

Every year on the day of St. Nicholas and on New Year's Eve, the Donbass Hockey Club, together with the Boris Charitable Foundation, congratulates students and teachers of schools and boarding schools in the Donetsk region with the winter holidays. This tradition takes its beginning since 2013, when in Donetsk HC "Donbass" began to congratulate his fan clubs around the city and beyond (Artemovsk, Druzhkovka, Zugres, Konstantinovka, Torez and Yasinovaya).

In 2014, despite the fact that the main team of HC Donbass; I missed the sports season, this did not affect the project. On the eve of St. Nicholas Ex-players Day; Ruslan Romashchenko, Vladimir Cherdak and Maksim Martyshko congratulated students and teachers of 11 educational institutions of Druzhkovka, Konstantinovka, Kramatorsk, Krasnoarmeysk, Nikolaevka, Svyatogorsk, Slavyansk, as well as Konstantinovsky and Krasnoarmeysky districts, giving Thus, more than 55,000 New Year's sweet gifts and souvenirs.

In 2015, the scale of the project increased, and already 60,000 children and teachers of schools, boarding schools and lyceums of Donetsk region received new year gifts from HC Donbass and Foundation. The project was attended by players of the first team of the Donetsk Club, among them there were repeated champions of Ukraine, hockey players of the national team, ex-players NHL, KHL and VHL. The official delegations of HC Donbass and the Fund personally visited 43 educational institutions of Druzhkovka, Konstantinovka, Krasnoarmeysk, Kramatorsk, Svyatogorsk, Slavyansk, as well as settlements of Konstantinovsky and Krasnoarmeysky districts.

A family

Kolesnikov married (wife Svetlana Kolesnikova), has two children - daughter Catherine, (born in 2004), and son of Constantine (1992).

Awards and titles


  1. League: Dossier, Biography (Neopr.) . Archived on December 4, 2012.
  2. Correspondent, biography (Neopr.) . Archived on December 4, 2012.
  3. "Opoflock" appointed Kolesnikova with the shadow prime minister "LB.UA", 03/28/2015
  4. Site Sergey Rudenko (Neopr.) . Archived on December 4, 2012.
  5. League: Dossier (Neopr.) . Archived on December 4, 2012.
  6. (Neopr.) . Archived on December 4, 2012.
  7. Olga Gerasimyuk's New Material Deputy Rides only with the driver, and her colleague on ... - newspaper "Facts and Comments"
  8. Renat Kuzmin: "Akhmetov could become poorer $ 2 billion" - In the GPU and the Ministry of Internal Affairs operated the criminal group engaged in falsification of the criminal case - LB.UA
  9. Euronews began broadcasting in Ukrainian (Neopr.) . Archived on December 4, 2012.
  10. EURONEWS will begin broadcasting in Ukrainian (Neopr.) . Archived December 20, 2012.
  11. UaTeka.com. (Neopr.) . Archived on December 4, 2012.
  12. Focus (Neopr.) . Archived on December 4, 2012.
  13. Nestor Shufrich: We are already starting to repeat Yushchenko's mistakes
  14. Vіkіpedіya євro-2012 (Neopr.) . Archived on December 4, 2012.
  15. (Neopr.) . Archived on December 4, 2012.
  16. Ilsole24ore, Interview "Euro 2012: In Ucraina 700mila Biglietti VENDUTI, Quasi Due Milioni Di Visitatori E Investimenti Per 5 Miliardi $" (Neopr.) .

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