Slush, love. Love Slissa, ex-vice-speaker of the State Duma: "I am even nice that the deputy is forget about me

Slush, love. Love Slissa, ex-vice-speaker of the State Duma: "I am even nice that the deputy is forget about me

Former vice speaker of the State Duma

Russian politician, a former member of the Supreme Council of the United Russia party. In 2007-2011, the vice-speaker of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the fifth convocation, earlier - the first vice-speaker of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the third and fourth convocations. Until 1999 - a permanent representative of the governor and the government of the Saratov region in the regional Duma and representative bodies of the local self-government of the Saratov region, the First Deputy Chairman of the regional government. The actual member of the Russian Academy of Advocate and Notary, was awarded the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" of the II degree.

Love Konstantinovna Sliska (translated from the Polish "Tears", "Tears"; in Major - Timoshin) was born on October 15, 1953 in Saratov.

After graduating from school, Sliska entered the book-moving technician, after which, according to one of the official biographies, she got a job in the department of personnel of the construction organization (the organization name was not indicated). According to another information, the labor path of the slice began as a secretary in "RosPeppat", after becoming an inspector of the personnel department. According to some reports, she became the deputy head of the RosPezti personnel department, but a number of publications reported that Sliska was first a lawyer, and later on her own words, in 1985 - the head of the personnel department. Some editions reported the third version: "Since 1977, he worked in the personnel service at the Union of Soyuzpechat, subsequently (after 1987) - liberated by the chairman of the trade union committee.

In 1990, Slisov graduated from the Saratov Law Institute of the Kursk in the specialty "Laws". After that, continued to work on the trade union line and in 1992 he became Chairman of the Committee of Trade Union of Heavy Engineering Workers of the Saratov Region. In 1996, it was included in the Saratov City Election Commission, where she became the Deputy Chairman of the Izbird ,. According to some reports, then she became acquainted with the vice-mayor of Saratov Dmitry Ayatskov, the future governor of the region, - as a number of publications noted, at the very beginning of the formation of his team.

Press data about the work of the slick during this period will differ, especially with regard to when exactly the slice began working with local media. It was noted that in September 1996, she was appointed the first deputy governor of the region, according to some reports, a deposit deputy deposit, and in November 1996, after conflicts with a number of local media, was removed from office, becoming a permanent representative of the governor in Saratovskaya oblamina . In February 1998, Slissar was taken by the post of deputy chairman of the government of the Saratov region, where, according to some editions, also oversees the press. Some publications, as well as the official website of the United Russia party, nevertheless, reported that Slissan on the eve of election to the State Duma in 1999 held the post of Permanent Representative of the Saratov Governor and Regional Government in the regional Duma and in local governments, and the post of deputy The chairman of the regional government took it before.

In 1999, Slissia entered the List of Movie "Unity". In December 1999, she was elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the third convocation on the list of movement (for which journalists later dubbed her "big bear"), and in January 2000, her candidacy was put forward by the first vice-speaker of the State Duma. It was noted that her coming to this position contributed to the wishes of President Vladimir Putin more actively put forward women to senior posts ,. According to the same size, Putin paid attention to it during one of its speeches at the party congress. It was noted that her candidacy was so unexpected that many thought - for the proposal to choose a slot to the leadership of the Duma, an attempt lies to facilitate the passage of others, "famous spare options available from the Kremlin," but these predictions were not justified, and it was precisely the first vice speaker State Duma.

On December 7, 2003, Slissa was again elected to the State Duma of the Fourth convocation, where he was again elected first Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation ,,.

In the summer of 2006, after the unexpected resignation of Vladimir Ustinov from the post of the Prosecutor General of Russia, a number of media wrote that, according to some data, Sliska could take the freed place, because and her candidacy was discussed. However, this was not happened, and the former head of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation Yuri Seagull was appointed the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation.

On December 2, 2007, the Slisian took part in the elections of the deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the Fifth convocation as a candidate from "United Russia" in the Kemerovo region (the list was headed by the Governor Aman Tuleyev). According to the results of the vote, "United Russia" won, gaining 64.3 percent of the votes of the voters, and the slice once again became a deputy of the Russian parliament. At the first meeting of the parliament, she was elected one of the nine deputy chairmen of the State Duma Boris Gryzlov.

In September 2008, Sliska received a diploma of a valid member of the Russian Academy of Advocacy and Notary (Raan) and agreed to lead the Board of Trustees of the Academy.

In July 2011, Slissan announced that she no longer intends to run into the State Duma. The media associated this decision with her conflict with the Deputy Prime Minister, the head of the Government Office of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Volodin. In addition, at the end of the same month, Slissar criticized the decision of the Velsky District Court of the Arkhangelsk Region, which refused to conjecturely early release of the former head of the Menatep MFO Platon Lebedev. According to some browsers, including the correspondent of Kommersant Oleg Kashina, it was a "incredible demarisha", despite the fact that "the entire career of the slice has always been absolutely opposite to any demarchams." According to Izvestia, after the end of the work of the State Duma, the Slissa was going to become a "simple notary".

In the spring of 2012, Sliska wrote a statement about the exit from the party "United Russia", stating that she did not need a political movement, since the uninieces had not attracted it to the party work for several years, and in the State Duma "stamped" the bills lowered on top.

Before his exit from the Slis Party was a member of the Supreme Council of the United Russia party. She was awarded the Order "For merit to the Fatherland" of the II degree.

The believing slick, Orthodox, which was repeatedly emphasized in the press ,. Seraphim Sarovsky considers his heavenly patron.

Slissar is married to the second marriage, she does not have children. The media wrote about the hobby of the deputy - fishing and the game for harmony. Male Slices, Sergey German Sliska - In the past, the judge in the Tatischevsky district of the Saratov region. According to 2003, he worked in the Moscow Regional Court ,.

Slissar has a brother - Sergey Timoshin. In 2003, the media reported that he was working as chairman of the Registration Chamber in the Saratov region and, according to some information, "Brother L. K. Sliska" attributes to his signature.

Used materials

Alexandra Bayazitova. Parliamentarians are looking for work and collect things. - News, 22.11.2011

Oleg Kashin. "Maybe those who arranged this dullness, listen to Slisl and will be ashamed." - Kommersant-FM., 29.07.2011

Love Slissa criticizes the court for refusing to Fo Platon Lebedev. - Vedomosti, 28.07.2011

Vice-Speaker of the State Duma from EP Love Slissa will not be elected to the next convocation. -, 01.07.2011

Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Love Slissa became academician. - RIA News, 24.09.2008

Boris Gryzlov: The main task of the Duma of the Fifth convocation is a solution to social issues. - United Russia (Party official website), 24.12.2007

List of registered deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the Fifth convocation. - Russian newspaper, 19.12.2007

In recent years, hear the name of the former policy of loving plus can be rarely. She concluded her rather short, but bright political career, but her fate continues to worry a wide public. Questions about what the Lyubov of Konstantinovna is engaged in what she works, where she works, what was her way to politics, people still ask people. Let's try to answer them.


Love Konstantinovna Tyomina was born on October 15, 1953 in Saratov in a very simple family. Father worked, but he quickly disappeared from the life of Timoshy. Mom raging two children alone, there was no special wealth in the house. Since childhood, any privileges were granted to anyone and her brother Sergey, so they had to make their way. Mom worked as a seller, an incomplete family helped Uncle - Colonel Militia. Timoshin lived on the outskirts of Saratov in a private house, the mother tried to raise children in rigor.


In 1961, love went to school, which she graduated in 1971. In school years, she was a little engaged in a music school, but quickly threw. Odnoklassniki and teachers remember that Lyuba Tymoshin studied at school far from brilliantly, "five" in her diaries appeared extremely rarely. In the eighth grade, she even got a two-fourth in mathematics. But on her defense stood up the class head of Maria Maksimovna Derbenev, she helped the girl to graduate 10 classes, and not to go into vocations. Almost all classmates of the Slices at the end of the school entered the universities, but she was able to pass only to the book-selling technique. It was not a bad choice at all, in the Soviet Union the books were a big deficit, and the work in the store promised slick good prospects.

But over time, the love of Konstantinovna still received a higher education. It happened when she was already 37 years old. She entered the evening branch of the Saratov Law Institute. In the group she was the eldest, performed the duties of the headman. Thanks to his work, she could assist teachers in making a subscription to scarce journals and books, it made her learning process easier. In 1990, she received a diploma of higher education in the specialty "Laws".

The beginning of the way

After school, Lyubov Timoshin worked at several industrial enterprises, which are rich in the Saratov region. In 1977, she comes to work in the "Soyuztens" first secretary, then the personnel. She was always very active, and it helped her to start promoting the trade union line. In 1987, she became liberated by the chairman of the trade union of the enterprise, it was then that she thought about obtaining higher education. According to the slic, she tried several times in his life to join the ranks of the CPSU, but she was denied, prevented too direct and independent.

Parish in power

In 1996, the Lyubov Lyubov Konstantinovna was invited to work in the Saratov City Election Commission. She was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Election Commission, and it was there that her fateful meeting with Dmitry Ayatskov, the vice-mayor, who intended to become the governor of the Saratov region in the future. After successfully passed elections in April 1996, Ayatskov Decree of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin was appointed head of the administration of the Saratov region. After that, there were prosperous elections of the governors, and Ayatskov sat in the desired chair. During these elections, Sliss and Ayatskov together worked on the discredit of the operating governor and became close associates. So, the Saratov region found a new manager, and he needed a team. And Konstantinovna love moved to a new level, she was appointed deputy governor. Her leader decided that she had experience in "Soyuz-Protection," would best work with the media, and prescribed her to oversee the press. But she quickly broke up with this place due to permanent conflicts with representatives of local media (she was convinced that they had to write what she would tell them) and became the permanent representative of the governor in the regional Duma.

The State Duma

In 1999, Lyubov Konstantinovna was included in the election list of the Unity Party, and in December 1999 she became a deputy of the State Duma of the third convocation. In January 2000, she was chosen by the Vice-Speaker of the State Duma, its nomination is associated with the call of V. Putin more promote women to senior posts. For most of the deputies, such an appointment has become a surprise. Slissan Lyubov Konstantinovna, whose position now required confirmation, after a year she defends thesis on the topic "The experience of the formation of representative bodies of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 1990-2000". The theme of its work was formulated in the best traditions of Soviet science, when party functionaries wrote work in their regions. So, the candidate of historical sciences of Slissa defended the study of work, which she was a member.

In 2003, Slissa again became a deputy of the Duma, now from the party "United Russia", and again sat down in the chair of the Deputy Chairman. In 2007, the story was repeated. But in 2011 it became known that the slice would no longer participate in the elections in the Duma. Journalists suspected that the reason for the refusal was in an open conflict with the Deputy Prime Minister Vyacheslav Volodin. Its activity in the Duma has repeatedly attracted the attention of the media, she voted, for example, for the ratification of the Treaty on the transfer of river islands in the Khabarovsk Territory, for the law on the abolition of elections on single-member districts, it was expressed for the introduction of direct presidential rule in Chechnya after the murder of A. Kadyrov.


When Konstantinovna love also worked as a team in Ajakov in the Saratov region, she was known for his incontinence in words. Talking even with the press, she did not hesitate in expressions, and about her scandal with Alexander Miroshin on one of the banquets still run by the bikes in Saratov, then they expressed their claims loudly on each other in selected obscene Russian.

In 2000, after the election in the State Duma, the Communist Party of the Communist Party of Elections in the Saratov region was trying to protest the election commissions with the right of a decisive voice, Sergey Timoshin. But the scandal was gradually pressed.

A loud scandal broke out in 2006, when the Sliska received free of charge a package of shares of OJSC Transmash, the cost of which was estimated at 50 million dollars. At the same time, the slice did not even pay the tax on such a gift, saying that she had no money.

Life after Duma

After leaving the Duma and United Russia, the Lyubov, Lyubov Konstantinovna declared that she intends to engage in his health. But even a few years later, she no longer returned to the public sphere. Journalists claim that she left in Saratov, where she has real estate and high-order business. It is known that she was a member of the attestation commission in the Native Legal Institute.


For its activity, Lyubov, Lyubov Konstantinovna received several awards, including the Order "For Merit to Fatherland" and the Order of Honor, several orders from the Orthodox Church, has the title "Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation". In 2003, she became the owner of the Olympia Prize for the achievements of women.

Personal life

Love Konstantinovna's personal life speaks of his personal life. She is married to Sergey Germanovich Slina, half the Pole, half the Russian. He worked in the judicial bodies, then was a judge in the regional Saratov court. This is the second marriage of the Slices, nothing is known about her first husband. Konstantinovna's children have no children. Next to her name is also constantly the name of her brother Sergey Timoshin, who after the election of the sister in the State Duma became a representative of the governor and thanks to this position acquired a variety of business in the field.

Love Konstantinovna Slissia (in Maiden Timoshin; Rod. October 15, 1953, Saratov) - Russian state and politician. Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor.

In 1971 he graduated from Saratov secondary secondary secondary school No. 71 (10 classes).

After school, Lyuba Timoshin entered the Saratov Book Trading Technical Academy (now - Saratov College of Book Business and Information Technologies).

According to one of the official biographies, it got a job in the department of personnel of the construction organization (the name of the organization was not indicated). According to another information, the labor path of the slice began as a secretary to "RosPeppat", after becoming an inspector of the personnel department. According to some reports, she became the deputy head of the RosPezt Personnel Department, but a number of publications reported that the Sliska was first a lawyer first, and later in her own words, in 1985, the head of the personnel department. Some publications reported the third version: since 1977, he worked in the personnel service at the Union of Soyuzpechat, subsequently (after 1987) - liberated by the chairman of the enterprise trade union committee.

He arrived at the evening office in the Saratov Law Institute. D. I. Kursk. In 1990 he graduated from the Institute with a degree in law. After that, continued to work in the trade union and in 1992 he became Chairman of the Commander of the Union of Heavy Engineering Workers of the Saratov Region.

Career in the Saratov region

In 1996, she, as chairman of the trade union, was included in the Saratov city election commission by the Deputy Chairman. It is probably precisely then she met the Vice-Mayor of Saratov Dmitry Ayatskov.

On April 15, 1996, Ayatskov was appointed Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin by the head of the administration of the Saratov region, and on September 1, 1996 he was elected governor of the Saratov region. And in September, he appointed love Konstantinovna his deputy. However, as the post of first deputy governor of the Saratov region, she worked for a short time - until November 1996. Appointed permanent representative of the governor in the Saratov Regional Duma. This position worked for 1998.

In 1998-1999, the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Saratov Region. Some publications, as well as the official website of the United Russia party, report that the Slisian occupied only the post of Permanent Representative of the Saratov Governor and the Regional Government in the Regional Duma, without being deputy chairman of the regional government.

In 1999, the Love of Slissa entered the electoral list of the "Unity" movement and in December 1999 was elected by a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation of the third convocation on the general behavior list of the Bear electoral bloc (the interregional movement "Unity").

Moscow. The State Duma

In January 2000, the Delica candidacy was put forward to the first vice-speaker of the State Duma. From 2000 to 2003 - First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Gennady Selezneva.

On December 7, 2003, Slissa was again elected to the State Duma of the Fourth Conversion, and again was elected first Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Boris Gryzlov.

Deputy Chairman of the State Duma from 2007 (in the State Duma of the Fifth convocation). Member of the Committee of the State Duma V Conversion on Safety, Member of the Commission of the State Duma to consider the costs of the federal budget aimed at ensuring the defense and state security of the Russian Federation. Deputy Head of the Fraction "United Russia".

In early July 2011 it became known that the love of slwa will no longer be elected to the State Duma and does not go to the primaries of United Russia. The reason for his solutions to the slim refer to the public refused, however, according to the information that leaving the press, the whole thing in her long conflict with his countryman who supervises the election campaign of United Russia, Deputy Prime Minister Vyacheslav Volodin.

Career after the State Duma

A family

Married to the second marriage.

Husband - Sergey German Sliska, younger for 5 years, from March 2001 on N / B - Judge of the Moscow Regional Court. No children.

Brother - Sergey Timoshin, Head of the Office of the Federal Registration Service for the Saratov Region. Tophew - Timoshin Denis Sergeevich.

Awards and titles

Scientific degree and scientist: Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor.

  • Order of Honor (June 17, 2002) - for active legislative activities and many years of conscientious work
  • Laureate of the National Prize of Public Recognition of Achievements of Women Olympia of the Russian Academy of Business and Entrepreneurship in 2003
  • Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation (May 23, 2005) - for a great contribution to legislative activities and many years of conscientious work
  • premium Weapon (Pistol)
  • Order "For Merit to Fatherland" IV degree (May 21, 2008) - for merits in lawmaking, strengthening and developing Russian statehood
  • Order of the Holy Equal-Apostles Princess Olga III degree (Russian Orthodox Church, 2003) - for the contribution to the restoration of Orthodox shrines in Sarov

Love Konstantinovna Slissa - Quotes

It was elected to the State Duma in the federal list of candidates for deputies of the State Duma, nominated by the All-Russian Political Party "United Russia" (Regional Group No. 46, Kemerovo Region).

Born on October 15, 1953 in Saratov. Higher education - graduated from the Saratov Law Institute named after D. I. Kursk, the specialty "Laws". Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor. Honored lawyer of the Russian Federation.

He worked as chairman of the Saratov sectoral council of the trade union of heavy engineering workers, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Saratov Region, a permanent representative of the governor of the Saratov region in the Saratov Regional Duma. He was elected by a deputy, the First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the Third and Fourth Conversion. In the State Duma, the fourth convocation was a member of the Defense Committee.

Member of the Supreme Council of the All-Russian Political Party "United Russia".

Deputy Head of the Unified Russia faction, a member of the Presidium of the faction. Deputy Chairman of the State Duma. Member of the State Duma Committee on Safety. Member of the Commission of the State Duma to consider the costs of the federal budget aimed at ensuring the defense and state security of the Russian Federation.

Coordinates the activities of the Committees of the State Duma: ownership, on the cases of the Commonwealth of Independent States and Relations with Compatriots, on the Affairs of Public Associations and Religious Organizations, on the Affairs of Nationalities.

Deputy Co-Chair of the Inter-Parliamentary Group of the Russian Federation. Head of the Permanent Delegation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in the NATO Parliamentary Assembly. Coordinator of the Deputy Groups on Relations with the Parliaments of the Italian Republic and the Republic of Slovenia. Member of the Inter-Parliamentary Commission on Cooperation between the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia. Member of the Interpalative Parliamentary Commission on Cooperation between the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the Majilis of Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

He was awarded the Order "For merit to the Fatherland" of IV degree, the Order of Honor, Medals, Honor of the State Duma "For Merit in the Development of Parliamentarism", Honorary Duma of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Honorary Diploma of the Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Certificate of Honor of the Government of the Russian Federation. He has gratitude to the President of the Russian Federation. Also awarded the Order of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Holy Equal-Apostles Grand Prince Vladimir III degree, the Order of the Holy Equal-Apostles Princess Olga II degree, the Order "For Merit to the Italian Republic" Degree of the Grand officer.

Birth: October 15(1953-10-15 ) (66 years old)
Saratov, USSR Birth name: Lyubov Konstantinovna Timoshin Mother: Anna Fedorovna Timoshin Spouse: Sergey Germanovich Slissa The consignment: "United Russia" (2001-2012) Education: Saratov book-moving technical school;
Academic degree: Candidate of Historical Sciences Scientist: assistant professor Profession: Politician, State Worker Awards:
Record Voice L. K. Slices
From the interviews "Echo of Moscow"
June 17, 2012.
Help on playback

Love Konstantinovna Slissia (in Maiden Timoshin; Rod. October 15, Saratov) - Russian state and politician. Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor.


After school, Lyuba Timoshin entered the Saratov Book Trading Technical Academy (now - Saratov College of Book Business and Information Technologies).

According to one of the official biographies, it got a job in the department of personnel of the construction organization (the name of the organization was not indicated). According to another information, the labor path of the slice began as a secretary to "RosPeppat", after becoming an inspector of the personnel department. According to some reports, she became the deputy head of the RosPezt Personnel Department, but a number of publications reported that the Sliska was first a lawyer first, and later in her own words, in 1985, the head of the personnel department. Some publications reported the third version: since 1977, he worked in the personnel service at the Union of Soyuzpechat, subsequently (after 1987) - liberated by the chairman of the enterprise trade union committee.

Received on the evening branch in. In 1990 he graduated from the Institute with a degree in law. After that, continued to work in the trade union and in 1992 he became Chairman of the Commander of the Union of Heavy Engineering Workers of the Saratov Region.

Career in the Saratov region

On April 15, 1996, Ayatskov was appointed Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin by the head of the administration of the Saratov region, and on September 1, 1996 he was elected governor of the Saratov region. And in September, he appointed love Konstantinovna his deputy. However, as the post of first deputy governor of the Saratov region, she worked for a short time - until November 1996. Appointed permanent representative of the governor in the Saratov Regional Duma. This position worked for 1998.

In 1998-1999, the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Saratov Region. Some publications, as well as the official website of the United Russia party, report that the Slisian occupied only the post of Permanent Representative of the Saratov Governor and the Regional Government in the Regional Duma, without being deputy chairman of the regional government.

In 1999, the Love of Slissa entered the electoral list of the "Unity" movement and in December 1999 was elected by a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation of the third convocation on the general behavior list of the Bear electoral bloc (the interregional movement "Unity").

Moscow. The State Duma

In January 2000, the Delica candidacy was put forward to the first vice-speaker of the State Duma. From 2000 to 2003 - First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Gennady Selezneva.

On December 7, 2003, Slissa was again elected to the State Duma of the Fourth Conversion, and again was elected first Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Boris Gryzlov.

In early July 2011, it became known that the love of slice would no longer be elected to the State Duma and does not go to the primaries of United Russia. The reason for its solution to the slim refer to the public refused, however, according to the information that leaving the press, the whole thing in its long-standing conflict with his countryman who supervises the election campaign of United Russia, Deputy Prime Minister Vyacheslav Volodyin

Career after the State Duma

On April 25, 2012, Konstantinovna love declared the exit from the United Russia party.

A family

Married to the second marriage.

Husband - Sergey German Sliska, younger for 5 years, from March 2001 on N / B - Judge of the Moscow Regional Court. No children.

Brother - Sergey Timoshin, Head of the Office of the Federal Registration Service for the Saratov Region. Tophew - Timoshin Denis Sergeevich.

Awards and titles

Scientific degree and scientist: Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor.

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  • - Article in Lentapedia. year 2012.

Excerpt characterizing slim, Love Konstantinovna

- To the note, your resolution is laid and re-posted in the Committee. I do not approve, "said Araqs, getting up and taking paper from a written table. - Here! - He filed Prince Andrew.
On paper, she was eager, a pencil, without capital letters, without spelling, without punctuation marks, it was written: "It is unreasonably drawn up so much as imitation is written off from the French military charter and from the military articula without the needs of the retreating."
- What committee is transferred to the note? - asked Prince Andrei.
- to the Committee on the Mortar Charter, and I am submitted to enroll your welfare to members. Only without a salary.
Prince Andrei smiled.
- I do not want.
"Without a salary to a member," Arakchev repeated. - I have the honor. Hey, call! Who else? He shouted, putting the prince Andrei.

Waiting for notifications about enrolling it in the Committee members, Prince Andrei resumed old dating especially with those persons who, he knew was in force and could be needed by him. He now experienced a feeling in St. Petersburg, similar to what he experienced on the eve of the battle, when his restless curiosity and insurmountable pulled into higher spheres, where the future was preparing, from which fate of millions depended. He felt on the border of old people, according to the curiosity of the uninitiated, on the restraint of the devoted, at the hoodiness, the concerns of all, on the countless number of committees, commissions, on the existence of which he again recognized every day that now, in 1809 meters, was preparing here in St. Petersburg, What a huge civil battle, which the commander-in-chief was unknown to him, the mysterious and brilliant, the face - Speransky. And he is a vaguely known case of transformation, and the Speransky - chief figure, began so passionately to interest him that the matter of military charter began to move in a secondary place in consciousness.
Prince Andrei was in one of the most profitable provisions in order to be well adopted into all the most diverse and higher circles of the then St. Petersburg society. The parties of the converters welcomed and lured him, firstly because he had a reputation as a great readiness, secondly because he was already a reputation of liberal on his reaches of the peasants. The party of old men is dissatisfied, right as the son of his father, turned to him for sympathy, condemning the transformations. Women's society, light, welcoming him, because he was a groom, rich and notable, and almost a new face with a halo of a nomanic story about his imaginary death and the tragic death of his wife. In addition, the common voice about him of all who knew him before was the one that he changed a lot for the better in these five years, softened and matured that there was no former pretending, pride and mocking, and was that calm, which purchased for years. They spoke about him, they were interested in and everyone wanted to see him.
Another day after visiting the Count Arakcheev, Prince Andrei was in the evening at the Circular Count. He told the Count his date with the power of Andreich (Kochubey so called Arakcheev with the same uncertain over something like a mockery, which Prince Andrei noted in the receptional military minister).
- Mon Cher, [My dear,] Even in this matter you are not sent by Mikhail Mikhailovich. C "EST Le Grand Faiseur. [Everything is done.] I will tell him. He promised to come in the evening ...
- What is the case of Speransky to military charters? - asked Prince Andrei.
Kochubey, smiling, shook his head, as if whatever the naivety of Bolkonsky.
- We talked about you the other day, - continued to the kernels, - about your free bumps ...
- Yes, this is you, the prince, let go of your men? - said the Ekaterininsky old man, contemptuously turning on Bologkoe.
"Little imbey did not bring anything to income," Bolkonsky answered, so as not to annoy the old man in vain, trying to soften his act before him.
- Vous Craignez D "Etre En Retard, [Afraid,] - said the old man, looking at the Kochubey.
"I don't understand one," continued the old man - who will plow the earth, if they will give them? Easily write laws, but it is difficult to manage. Anyway, as now, I ask you, the count, who will be the head of the chambers, when to keep all exams?
"Those who will stand the exams, I think," answered the kernels, throwing his leg to the leg and looking back.
"Here I have a hiking man, a nice man, a man gold, and he is 60 years old, will he go for exams? ...
- Yes, it is difficult, in short, the formation is very little common, but ... - Circus did not negotiate, he rose and, taking Prince Andrew, went to meet the incoming high, bald, blonde man, forty years old, with a big open forehead and extraordinary, strange whiteness oblong face. On the included Blue Frak, the cross on the neck and the star on the left side of the chest. It was Speransky. Prince Andrei immediately recognized him and in his soul something drown out, as it happens in important moments of life. Was this respect, envy, expectation - he did not know. The whole figure of Speransky had a special type for which it was now possible to know him. No one of the society in which Prince Andrew lived, he did not see this tranquility and self-confidence of embarrassing and stupid movements, no one saw such a solid and together a soft view of half-closed and several wet eyes, did not see such a hardness of nothing insignificant smile , such a thin, even, quiet voice, and, most importantly, such a delicate whiteness of the face and especially the hands, somewhat wide, but unusually chubby, gentle and white. Such whiteness and tenderness of the face Prince Andrei saw only the soldiers who have long been in the hospital. It was Speransky, the Secretary of State, the Soviet Rapporteur and his companion in Erfurt, where he had repeatedly seen and spoke with Napoleon.
Speransky did not overcome through the eyes from one person to another, as involuntarily was done at the entrance to a large society, and did not rush to speak. He spoke quietly, with confidence that they would listen to him, and looked only on the person who spoke.
Prince Andrei especially closely followed each word and the movement of the Speransky. As it happens with people, especially with those that are strictly judged by their neighbors, Prince Andrei, meeting with a new face, especially with such as the Speransky, whom he knew on reputation, was always waiting for a complete perfection of human advantages.
Speransky said Kochube, which regrets that he could not come before, because he was detained in the palace. He did not say that his sovereign was detained. And this affectation of modesty noted Prince Andrei. When Kochubey called him Prince Andrew, Speransky slowly translated his eyes on Bolkonsky with the same smile and silently began to look at him.
"I am very happy to meet you, I heard about you, like everyone else," he said.
Kochubey said a few words about the reception made by Bolkonsky Arakchev. Speransky smiled else.
- Director of the Commission of Military Charters My good friend is Mr. Magnitsky, "he said, contracting every syllable and every word, - and if you wish, I can drive you with him. (He paused at the point.) I hope that you will find sympathy and the desire to contribute to all reasonable.
Near Speransky immediately the circle and that old man who spoke about his official, Ginicker, also appealed to Speransky.
Prince Andrei, without joining the conversation, watched all the movements of the Speransky, this man, a newly insignificant seminary and now in his hands, - these white, chubby hands, who had the fate of Russia, as Bolkonsky thought. Prince Andrew struck extraordinary, contemptuous calm, with whom Speransky answered the old man. He seemed to appease with an immeasurable height turned his indulgent word to him. When the old man began to speak too loudly, Speransky smiled and said that he could not judge the benefit or disadvantage of anything was a sovereign.
Speaking several times in the general circle, Speransky got up and, approaching the prince Andrei, withdrawing him with him to the other end of the room. It was seen that he considered it necessary to do Bolkonsky.
- I did not have time to talk to you, Prince, among that animated conversation, which was involved by this honorable old man, - he said, smiling contemptuously and this smile, as if recognizing that he, together with Prince Andrey, understands the insignificance of those people with whom He just spoke. This appeal was poisoned by Prince Andrei. - I know you for a long time: first, in the case of yours about your peasants, this is our first example, which would be so more followed; And secondly, because you are one of those chamber meters who did not consider themselves offended by a new decree on court ranks that cause such vessels and peres.
- Yes, "said Prince Andrei, - Father did not want me to use this right; I started service from the lower ranks.
- Your father, the man of the old century, obviously stands above our contemporaries, which so condemn this measure, restoring only natural justice.
"I think however, that there is a foundation and in these condemns ..." said Prince Andrei, trying to fight the influence of the Speransky, which he began to feel. He was unpleasant to agree with him in everything: he wanted to contradict. Prince Andrei, usually spoken easily and well, it was now difficult to speak, speaking with Speransky. His too observed over the personality of the famous man.


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