TV presenter Dmitry Gubin. Dmitry Gubin

TV presenter Dmitry Gubin. Dmitry Gubin

Dmitry Pavlovich Gubin - Soviet and Russian journalist and TV host. The former leading program is "temporarily accessible" on the TVC channel.

Birth name:
Dmitry Pavlovich Gubin
Journalist, TV presenter, Radovist, Columnist
Date of birth: March 22, 1964
Place of birth: Ivanovo, USSR
Citizenship: CSR → Russia

Born in Ivanovo in 1964. In 1981 he entered the faculty of MSU journalism.

After graduating from the university, on the distribution, he worked in the Volokolam newspaper "Covenants Ilyich". Having worked there a year, was demolished in correctors with the wording "for professional unfortunate."
In 1987 he went to Leningrad, worked in the journal Aurora. Since 1990, he worked as an official correspondent of the magazine "Ogonjek" in Leningrad. In 1995, he was the editor of the Russian version of the magazine "Pulse St. Petersburg. From the autumn 1997 to the summer of 1999, he worked on Radio Russia, led daily talk show "Persona Grata". From the autumn 1999 to winter 2000 - in the program "Vesti" on the RTR, and then again at the Radio of Russia. Since 2002, he led the daily show "Telephone Law" on the Radio Station "Lighthouse 24".

In 2004, six months worked in London producer of the Russian service BBC World Service, led the New Day program.

In the same year, after returning to Russia, the fhm russia magazine was headed. After the sale of the IDR magazine, according to his own words, he applied to the president of the holding Alexei Volin, which was repeatedly spoken in an interview (, 2011):

"He told me:" No, no, no, no, no. " Why? Lyosha is a funny cynic, and I appreciate him for the easiestness of his cynicism and do not even put cynicism to him in reproach. He was extremely honest with me. He told me something about the internal structure of the IDR, which I can not pass, because after that, either Rodionov should be imprisoned or me. I realized that I would never go there. "
C 2008 to 2009 was the chef editor of the Russian version of the Robb Report magazine.

In 2010-2011 I led the morning program on the radio station to lead FM "Morning with Dmitry Rubin", from where he was dismissed, according to him, for the sharp criticism of Valentina Matvienko. The leadership of the radio station, however, called "sighty intonation on the air" as a reason.

Since 2007, he collaborated with the "author's television", was one of the leading programs "times", co-supporting programs "temporarily accessible" (together with Dmitry Dibrov) and "Big Family" (together with Dmitry Kharatyan). In 2011, after a while after dismissal from the Ether "Westa FM", the channel unilaterally terminated relations with Rubin without explaining the reasons, and all frames with a TV presenter were cut out from the already filmed programs "Big Family" during installation, which caused a perturbation Ksenia Larina.

"When I learned that I am no longer" temporarily accessible "(and in June they assured me that everything is OK, and that at the end of August recording will be resumed), then, just in case, N.
N. Wonderful what everyone loves him - both right, and left - and no one dares to refuse him. I asked N. To find out what the matter is. Is this the requirement of the old area or reinsurance of that Ponomarev himself, with which I am not familiar? "Old man, congratulations! - Once in an hour in the tube, the chicken voice N. - You can even not sit on the central channels. You have a complete ban, aunt Valya tried. And all the television knows it. "

Here, in fact, the whole story, and I don't even want to add that "So the USSR returned," and I don't want to write about the ban on the profession, "in a word, I don't want to write about Tempores, nor o Mores.
- "How I got into the black lists"
Since 2007, he worked as a browser of the magazine "Ogonek", in 2014 left the magazine, being not agreed with the editorial policy, but it remained to work in the publishing house "Kommersant" by the browser of the radio station "Kommersant".

Since 2011, the leading program "Our time" on the television channel "Top Secret" and the Face of the Channel.

He collaborated as a columnist with several printed and Internet publications, including GQ, Snob, Geo, Rosbalt magazines.

Since 2010, the invited teacher of the Faculty of Journalism of MSU, and from 2014, a guest teacher of the Higher School of Economics. Member of the Expert Council of the Festival "Together-Radio", an expert "Radio Corporation" (, teacher of the Radio School in St. Petersburg.

According to the worldview, there is an absolute atheist and the Bible considers as "Header Folklore: a curious mixture of fairy tales, chronicles, laws, fantasies and subsequent implications", although it claims that she had previously been baptized and at the age of 30 years.

The TV journalist almost died, having quarreled with his wife

One of the most educated and non-standard journalists in Russia, Dmitry Gribin this year a lot of important events. But the main ones he calls two. First, I exchanged the sixth tens. And secondly, began to cooperate with the TV channel "Komsomolskaya Pravda", where for the first time in many years I felt comoin.
It is from the conversation with Dmitry about the state of the current TV, we thought it would be very correct to start this special issue. You will not hear so anywhere else.

Choosing a profession of a journalist, many go to television, because they pay more here. Although I am extremely surprised by the use of this outdated industrial product in a modern course. I agree that TV is the perfect tool for marketing promotion, but only those who are trying to make money on it can now discuss him seriously.
"But after all, millions still look every day, you will not tear off the ears ...
- And I do not advise anyone to do it! Bored, flat, slaughter. News programs more resemble some Kalyaki-Malyaki performed by the talentless Pathasnikov. There is not a single professional frame on the central channels, not a single professional angle, not a single normal mounting gluing, not a single professionally asked question. All the best TV presenters are now turned either in absolute insignificance or in speaking twisers.

- Do not condensed, Dmitry? Surely, in your opinion, have no real stars left? Well, Pozner, for example ...
- I like Pozner in itself. But it works on the channel - one of the worst in the quality of the channels in the world! For the program "Posner", by the way, I have no complaints. Let it be the most immaculately sewn buttons on an ugly costume that cannot be worn.
- And Vanya Urgant? Many people consider talented.
"I will say more: many decent people say that he is very talented in the genre that is engaged in. Ivan Ivan is deeply alien. Ksenia Sobchak I like. I consider it one of the best interviewers in our country. Fortunately, she left "House-2", removed her from other channels, and now she is engaged in serious affairs and gives a good product. I would still allocate Ksenia Sokolov, Natalia Rostov, Ilya Azara ... In general, I like the French TV. Sometimes I watch American, English. Here you say that I condense paints. But compare the BBC news and the first channel. I am sure that after English television programs you will never watch the news of the first! It is unpleasant to eat a pierced sole under the guise of the Schnitzel in the dining room, after you went to a good French restaurant ... If as a whole, then it seems to me that the only pleasant exception in Russia is now presenting small local channels.

- Probably, so you quickly agreed to work on the Komsomolskaya Pravda TV channel?
- I was offered an hour of direct ether ( talk Show "Gubin-Live" comes out every Friday at 18.10). And it's like you feed you all the time dry food and suddenly make a good and delicious food. Of course, I did not miss this opportunity. And very happy to work in this team.
- Frankly, for me your departure from "temporarily accessible" has become a shock. You were so harmonious with Dibrov. Guests were invited to guests, it was impossible to tear off from the conversation. Even Alina Kabaev you managed to bring to a very frank conversation ...
- I won't say anything concrete about your care. Somehow I came into the dressing room, and they informed me that I don't work anymore. And all! To my greatest surprise, this program that seemed to me shallow and frivolous, was loved and respected by people. In general, the phenomenon is unclear why people are watching TV, spend their time?! Reviews about the program "Temporarily Available", I will not hide, I was given some pleasure. Dima Dibrov I am grateful. He taught me certain techniques. If I put a point, I think it will appreciate it.
- Scandals, intrigues?
- I am not interested in the scandals in Telemir. And I do not want to delve into them. The last straw was Arcasha Mammoths. He is a neurotic, absolutely mad. With him unbearably talking.

All life on wheels

I do not ask about the series - I can predict your answer. And what do you love movies? This is where you agree, not such a darkness!
- I watch movies strictly by lists. Like the music hearing, and books that I read. To get into this list, they must be mentioned by a person several times, with whose opinion I am meant. In addition, some directors are interested in me, I watch all their films.
- For example...
- Andrei Zvyagintseva love. Alexey German. I consider it the best film "Crustalev, Machine!". From the overseas shocked the painting "Corporation" Holy Motors "Leos Karaks.
- Sharing your opinion. And you did not surprise me.
"I will not surprise you about my personal life - 20 years married to one woman." And everything in my personal life satisfies me! My spouse is a synchronist translator and a wine critic. Talks on the TV channel "Petersburg" about wine, about varying cuisine. We love to travel. I worked at one time in Glyanza, and the main editors of such editions are only engaged in the fact that they are driving around the world, and in breaks produce their magazines. And I was no exception. We traveled to my wife a lot. It seems all life on wheels. This year I had the 50th anniversary. Met him in Moscow - Peter. For me it is characteristic. By the way, I now have a book "entrance or not outbound" - about travels. 20 countries, 20 Russian cities.
- Adventure, probably, was there a lot?
- The most lingerie was waiting for me on Sardinia, on the beach of Cala Moon. There, in the bay, there are caves with orange-red soil, which the sea is washed. I quit my wife and proudly swam alone on the boat. Tamara remained sunbathing on the beach. And I was sitting in the cave. And watched how the sea hits. After an hour of bad weather, it was blocked and caught almost impossible. With a high probability, you can crash about stones, as the surf has increased, the entrance to the cave is only from the water and only by stones. When I realized that I had gotten and that the last boat would be squeeed now, all the liberals were fastened with themselves ... so we are 20 years old and solve problems. Or, more precisely, they are solved with themselves.

For your information
* Dmitry Gubin Born in 1964 in Ivanovo. In 1986 he graduated from the Faculty of MSU journalism and went to work in the Volokolamsk newspaper "Covenants Ilyich". Having worked there a year, was demolished in correctors with the wording "for professional unfortunate."
* In 1987 he went to Leningrad, he worked in the journal Aurora.
* In the 90s, she worked with the Magazine "Spark" in Leningrad, was the editor of the Russian version of the magazine "Pulse St. Petersburg ", led the talk show" Persona Grata "on" Radio Russia "and" News "on RTR.
* In 2004 he went to London, where he worked on BBC radio. Soon returned and headed the magazine FHM Russia, he was the chef editor of the Russian version of the Robb Report magazine.
* From 2007 to 2011, collaborated with "author's television", led "times", "temporarily accessible", "Big Family".
* Married to the translator and wine criticism of Tamara Ivanova-Isaeva.

Dmitry Pavlovich Gubin (Rod. March 22, 1964, Ivanovo, USSR) - Soviet and Russian journalist and TV presenter. The former leading program is "temporarily accessible" on the TVC channel.


Born in Ivanovo in 1964. In 1981 he entered the faculty of MSU journalism.

After graduating from the university, on the distribution, he worked in the Volokolam newspaper "Covenants Ilyich". Having worked there a year, was demolished in correctors with the wording "for professional unfortunate."

In 1987 he went to Leningrad, worked in the journal Aurora. Since 1990, he worked as an official correspondent of the magazine "Ogonjek" in Leningrad. In 1995, he was the editor of the Russian version of the magazine "Pulse St. Petersburg. From the autumn 1997 to the summer of 1999, he worked on Radio Russia, led daily talk show "Persona Grata". From the autumn 1999 to winter 2000 - in the program "Vesti" on the RTR, and then again at the Radio of Russia. Since 2002, he led the daily show "Telephone Law" on the Radio Station "Lighthouse 24".

In 2004, six months worked in London producer of the Russian service BBC World Service, led the New Day program.

In the same year, after returning to Russia, the fhm russia magazine was headed. After the sale of the IDR magazine, according to his own words, he applied to the president of the holding Alexei Volin, which was repeatedly spoken in an interview (, 2011):

"He told me:" No, no, no, no, no. " Why? Lyosha is a funny cynic, and I appreciate him for the easiestness of his cynicism and do not even put cynicism to him in reproach. He was extremely honest with me. He told me something about the internal structure of the IDR, which I can not pass, because after that, either Rodionov should be imprisoned or me. I realized that I would never go there. "

C 2008 to 2009 was the chef editor of the Russian version of the Robb Report magazine.

In 2010-2011 I led the morning program on the radio station to lead FM "Morning with Dmitry Rubin", from where he was dismissed, according to him, for the sharp criticism of Valentina Matvienko. The leadership of the radio station, however, called "sighty intonation on the air" as a reason.

Since 2007, he collaborated with the "author's television", was one of the leading programs "times", co-supporting programs "temporarily accessible" (together with Dmitry Dibrov) and "Big Family" (together with Dmitry Kharatyan). In 2011, after a while after dismissal from the Ether "Westa FM", the channel unilaterally terminated relations with Rubin without explaining the reasons, and all frames with a TV presenter were cut out from the already filmed programs "Big Family" during installation, which caused a perturbation Ksenia Larina.

"When I learned that I am no longer being" temporarily accessible "(and in June they assured me that everything is OK, and that at the end of August the record will be resumed), then, just in case, called NN was remarkable by all - everything And right, and left - and no one dares to refuse him. I asked N. To find out what the matter is. Is this the requirement of the old area or reinsurance of that Ponomarev himself, with which I am not familiar? "Old man, congratulations! - Once in an hour in the tube, the chicken voice N. - You can even not sit on the central channels. You have a complete ban, aunt Valya tried. And all the television knows it. "

Here, in fact, the whole story, and I don't even want to add that "So the USSR returned," and I don't want to write about the ban on the profession, "in a word, I don't want to write about Tempores, nor o Mores.

- "How I got into the black lists"

Since 2007, he worked as a browser of the magazine "Ogonek", in 2014 left the magazine, being not agreed with the editorial policy, but it remained to work in the publishing house "Kommersant" by the browser of the radio station "Kommersant".

Since 2011, the leading program "Our time" on the television channel "Top Secret" and the Face of the Channel.

He collaborated as a columnist with several printed and Internet publications, including GQ, Snob, Geo, Rosbalt magazines.

Since 2010, the invited teacher of the Faculty of Journalism of MSU, and from 2014, a guest teacher of the Higher School of Economics. Member of the Expert Council of the Festival "Together-Radio", an expert "Radio Corporation" (, teacher of the Radio School in St. Petersburg.

According to the worldview, there is an absolute atheist and the Bible considers as "Header Folklore: a curious mixture of fairy tales, chronicles, laws, fantasies and subsequent implications", although it claims that she had previously been baptized and at the age of 30 years.


  • "Real Estate Petersburg" (in collaboration with Lvir Lurie and Igor Poroshin, 1999)
  • "Tax on the Motherland" (2011)
  • Dmitry Gubin. Notes of grinding, or what we will (not). - M.: Publisher K. Tubin, Limbus Press, 2011. - 480 p. - (Taste's instance). - ISBN 978-5-8370-0546-6.
  • "Paper Radio" Assistance for radio and television journalist (2013)
  • "Entrance and (not) exit" (2014)
  • "10 lectures on television and radio journalism" (2014)
  • Dmitry Gubin. Gubin on AIR: internal kitchen radio and television. - M.: Alpina Publisher, 2016. - 322 p. - ISBN 978-5-9614-5490-1.


  • Prize of the magazine "Ogonyok".
  • The magazine Prize "Elle".
  • Radiomanization Award "Gold Microphone" in the "Leading Program, Show" nomination ("Lighthouse 24", 2005).
  • The Golden Beam Prize in the "Best TV host" nomination.

- In my opinion, the name of the program "Big family" sounds mocking. Stars - they are egoists. Friends, love diagonals. Can they have real families?

- I don't know what Makes Andrei Konchalovsky, but during filming, his big family was taken by the whole studio, and the younger ran, jumping and periodically climbed at me, so I looked with them on my hands, as a warrior in Berlin Trepps Park. And the six children of Joseph Prigogine and the singer Valeria are like, not a family? Our program makes it possible to look at the stars as for family people.

- And if we talk about "temporarily accessible", why are guests to the lead so arranged? Tatyana Tarasova was the first to tell you how her sister died, as she was not allowed to communicate with her grandchildren.

"When Mikhail Porechenkov admitted that he had an adult foulless son, his either did not pull him for the tongue. Nikolai Valueva, who told how, having drank a little bit, with tears he looked from the balcony behind his wife, walked in the courtyard, and he was as easy with his growing railing, as another step over the step, - no one forced him to talk about him Personal. Perhaps they believed that they would be treated with respect to their privacy, and they would not come out with the announcement "Drunk Valuev almost fell from the balcony."

In some transmissions, in which I myself, by stupidity, people simply use people. We do not do it. And if a person sees that he is not trying to smear on the screen, do not exhibit an idiot and not interrupt in a half-word, but give to answer, it opens.

Unable to manage dibrov

- Do you change your opinion about the guests after the program?

Best days

- To me before writing a program with Kobzon, the familiar said: "You must smear it!" I heard the same thing on the eve of my meeting with Mikhalkov. But I liked both.

- Due to charm?

- May be. I heard about this skill Mikhalkov, and he is really charming ... Or, say, Boyarsky I, to put it mildly, disliked his support for the Gazprom skyscraper, but I had the opportunity to ask about it, and he was explained. It is very important - to hear another position.

- It is noticeable that you are on the program not only for the guest, but also for dibrov. What for?

- Did I drive a dibrov? In addition, unlike me, he has no "ear" on the program - he cannot hear the director's commands. They cannot be controlled.

- Why is that?

- As far as I know, it was the condition of Dmitry Dibrova itself. He is not a journalist who, by performing the director's will, asks the questions that are necessary. He is more interested in the observer, commentator that comes into conversation when it seems principled.

- You do not infringe the position of the coppish? Dream about solo project?

- Not. Both programs I lead the rights of a dog on a walk. It's like, telling, Faina Ranevskaya walked his dogs, and when the ladies exclaimed in the subsidiary: "Oh, what dogs! Is it girls? ", Ranevskaya answered:" In the brothel, the girl. I, thank God, bitch. " So, I perform a certain role of a dog on a leash with that big team that the viewer does not see. I am released forward, because I can gavly. And together - because according to the script we have pair skating.

Today we will tell you who are Dmitry Gubin. The biography of it will be discussed in detail below. We are talking about the Soviet and Russian journalist and TV host. The former participant of the program called "Temporarily Available", which went out on the TVC channel.


Dmitry Gubin is a journalist who was born in 1964 in Ivanov. In 1981 he became a student of Moscow State University, chose the faculty of journalism. After graduation, the distribution began working in the Volokolamsk newspaper called "Covenants Ilyich". After the year, he was accused of professional unsuitability and kept in the proofreaders.


Dmitry Gubin in 1987 moved to Leningrad. There got a job in the journal Aurora. Since 1990, he became its own correspondent of the edition of Ogonosk. In 1995, he was the editor of the magazine called Pulse St. Petersburg (his Russian version). In 1997-1999, he worked in the state "Radio Russia".

At that time, this Russian journalist was the leading daily talk show Persona Grata. From 1999 to 2000 he worked in the "Westi" on RTR. Then returned to Radio Russia. Since 2002, he was a leading daily show called "Telephone Law", which went on Radio "Lighthouse 24". In 2004, he worked as a producer in London in the Russian BBC World Service service. He was the leading New Day program.

After returning to the Russian Federation, became the head of the FHM Russia magazine. He left post after the sale of the IDR edition. In 2008-2009 he was the chef editor of the Robb Report magazine (his Russian version). In 2010-2011 The morning program "Morning with Dmitry Rubin" on the radio station called "Watch FM". Was fired from this position. It was noted that the reason for this was a sharp criticism, expressed by Valentina Matvienko. The leadership of the radio station noted that the whole problem is in the sighteous intonation of the leading on the air.

From 2007 he worked on the "author's television". Led the program "Time -". Together with Dmitry Dibrov worked on the project "Temporarily Available". With Dmitry Kharatyan led the program "Big Family". In 2011, the channel ramorg relationship with our hero is unilaterally. The reasons did not indicate. From the captured programs of the "Big Family" cycle, all frames with a journalist were cut when installed. This decision caused a perturbation that participated in the shooting.

Since 2007, he worked as a browser in the magazine "Sponak". In 2014 left the publication. He expressed disagreement with editorial politics. At the same time, continued to cooperate with the Publishing House "Kommersant". He was a browser radio "B-FM". In 2011, became the leading program called "Our Time." She went on the channel "Top Secret." Since 2013, the author of the project "Point of View" on "100TV" in St. Petersburg. As a columnist collaborated with Internet publications, as well as magazines. Among them should be noted "Rosbalt", Geo, Snob, GQ.

Since 2010, an invited teacher of Moscow State University. Works at the faculty of journalism. Since 2014, our hero has been invited to the Higher School of Economics. He is a member of the Expert Council at the Festival "Together-Radio". Collaborates with the Radio Corporation. He is a teacher of a radio school in the city of St. Petersburg. According to the worldview - an absolute atheist. Although it claims that before was a believer, he was baptized at the age of thirty years.


Dmitry Gubin in 1999, together with Igor Poroshin and wrote the Book "Real Estate Petersburg". In 2011, his work was released "Motherland". In the same year, the book "Notes Grounds" appeared. In 2013, Dmitry Gubin issued a manual "Paper Radio". In 2014, the book "Entry and (not) exit" appeared. In 2014, "10 lectures on television and radio journalistic" are published. In 2016, the book "Gubin on Air" was published.

Awards and applications

Dmitry Gubin received a prize of the magazine "Okonok". Soon he was noted eLLE edition. Got the Gold Microphone Prize. His nomination - "Leading Program, Shaw". Awarded the Golden Beam Prize.

Our hero spoke out about his dismissal from the project temporarily accessible. He noted that it was a complete surprise for him, because he was assured that soon the shooting would be resumed. He managed to find out using his sources, about the causes of such a decision. According to him, Valentina Matvienko strongly tried and now he is closed on any central channels. In addition, the journalist hinted to return to Soviet practice.

It should also be remembered by the article "Mosque in Fire", which was published by our hero in the magazine "Spark". It caused a rapid reaction to readers. The author is asked about the future of the world and Muslim.


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