Dmitry Tymchuk: Military expert and the leader of opinions suspected of spreading disinformation. Dmitry Borisovich Tymchuk - biography, compromising, photographs deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Dmitry Tymchuk

Dmitry Tymchuk: Military expert and the leader of opinions suspected of spreading disinformation. Dmitry Borisovich Tymchuk - biography, compromising, photographs deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Dmitry Tymchuk

June 19, 2019, People's Deputy of Ukraine Dmitry Tymchuk received a fatal wound in the frontal part over the left eye. As journalists figured out, from the pistol, which the pendep killed himself, he was very often killed by Vladimir Putin in a dream.


Born on June 27, 1972 in Chita (Russia). Childhood spent in the GDR, where his father in 1978-1983. He served as part of a group of Soviet troops. Youth spent in Berdichev at Zhytomyrchin.

He graduated from Berdichevsky Polytechnic College, in 1995 he graduated from the Lviv Higher Military Political School, the Faculty of Journalism, where he received a "military journalist" profession.

In the period from 1995 to 1997, Tymchuk serves as war-ended troops.

In 1997, he moves to the headquarters of the National Guard of Ukraine, where he served until 2000.

The next 12 years, from 2000 to 2012, Dmitry Tymchuk was served in various departments under the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. During official business trips, the Ukrainian contingents of the UN peacekeeping forces in Iraq, Lebanon and Kosovo visited.

Since 2008 - the chief editor of the fleet of the fleet-2017, the head of the Public Organization Center of Military-Political Studies.

In 2014, with the emergence of the Crimean crisis, Tymchuk activates its activities, regularly writes various types of materials on the topic of events in the Crimea.

In 2014, he was nominated by the National Deputies of Ukraine from the Popular Front.

Since November 2014, People's Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine VIII convocation.


He became one of the initiators that created a group "Information Resistance". This independent group includes a number of journalists, analysts and former military who set a goal of creating a strong information resource, with which all confrontations between Russia and Ukraine will be covered objectively. The group focuses on the fact that it has non-governmental status.

After the activities of Dmitry Tymchuk became very active, the Russian side began to actively promote the version that Tymchuk is a fictional character. Say it is a virtual character that actively uses NATO in cybervar. As arguments, the Russian side suggests that no one has seen him that there is no detailed information about Thymchuk. These accusations disappeared by themselves after the activist appeared on the Gulp television.

Private bussiness

June 27, 1972 - June 19, 2019
  • Childhood spent in the GDR, where his father in 1978-1983. He served as part of a group of Soviet troops.
  • Youth spent in Berdichev at Zhytomyrchin.
  • He graduated from Berdichevsky Polytechnic College.
  • In 1995, in Lviv Tymchuk graduated from the Higher Military Political School. I studied at the Faculty of Military Journalism.
  • In 1995, Tymchuk Dmitry Borisovich went to the army and served two years in the troops of the anti-air defense.


From 1997 to 2000, he worked at the headquarters of the National Guard of Ukraine.

From 2000 to 2012, Dmitry Tymchuk worked in various structural divisions of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

Since 2008 - the chief editor of the fleet of the fleet-2017, the head of the Public Organization Center of Military-Political Studies.

During office business trips, Dmitry Tymchuk visited the Ukrainian contingents of the UN peacekeeping forces in Iraq (three times), Lebanon and Kosovo.

The journalistic activity of the opposition nature Dmitry Borisovich began on Euromaidan. With the emergence of the Crimean crisis, he activates its activities, regularly publishes materials on the Crimean topics.

From March 2014, Dmitry Tymchuk is the coordinator of the Information Resistance Group, the task of which is to obtain, processing (verification) and the dissemination of operational information regarding the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The main goal is to oppose lies of Russian propaganda facts and create a real picture of events in information space.

Dmitry Timchuk became one of the most popular Internet figures in Ukraine. In particular, on the social network Facebook, the number of those who follow his page with topical news from IP exceeded 190,000 users.

It is noteworthy that in the Russian media there was idea that Tymchuk - "fictional virtual" character, which is used in "Cybervar". Such accusations have lost their relevance after the activist appeared on television.

Since November 2014, People's Deputy VIII convocation. At the early parliamentary elections of 2014, Tymchuk first passed to the parliament from the Party "People's Front" at number 13.

In Kiev on Wednesday, June 19, 2019, found the Dead Coordinator of the Informational Resistance group (IP), People's Deputy of the Flat Front faction Dmitry Tymchuk. "Based on the testimony of loved ones, the investigation has information that recently the deceased was depressed, and in the last week he did not leave the house at all, as well as on the day of death," said the press secretary of the Kiev Prosecutor's Office. Nadezhda Maximets. "Was seamless from hand, parts of the body, the clothes of the deceased and women, which was in the room - for the identification of traces of powder gases," they told in the prosecutor's office.

Maximets confirmed that there were two people in the apartment - "the deceased and woman, it was installed from the video surveillance cameras - in the corridor at the entrance to the apartment. Other persons in the apartment did not have.

Ranks, ranks, regalia

Member of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on national security and defense issues.

Officer of Ukraine in resignation. The stock has left, having the military rank of lieutenant colonel.

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  • "Informational Resistance"

    "Happy Birthday, dear!" It is so, with a slightly latched "Caucasian" accent, on June 27, we congratulated Dimka Tymchuk with his birthday. But 9 days ago it stopped fighting him ... June 27, 2019, 12:15
  • The investigation examines suicide as the main version of the death of the deputy Dmitry Tymchuk. This was reported by the spokesman for the prosecutor's office of Kiev Nadezhda Maximets, reports Moody. ... June 20, 2019, 23:27
  • The Informational Resistance Group will continue to activities in favor of Ukraine despite the death of the people's deputy, one of the founders of the Dmitry Tymchuk. "Group" information ... June 20, 2019, 11:51
  • Jewelry disappeared from the apartment of the deceased People's Deputy Dmitry Tymchuk. This was reported by the press service of the Kiev Police. "In the course of investigative actions source ... June 19, 2019, 23:25
  • The National Police considers several versions of the death of the People's Deputy Dmitry Tymchuk. Criminal proceedings on the fact of death Politics openly under Article 115 "Intentional murder ... June 19, 2019, 14:21
  • In Kiev, a deputy from the Party "People's Front" was killed, coordinator of the Informational Resistance group Dmitry Tymchuk. This is reported by Interfax-Ukraine. According to the interlocutors of the agency ... June 19, 2019, 13:17
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  • Coordinator of the Informational Resistance Group, Deputy Dmitry Tymchuk reported on preparing provocations during and after the procession, which will be held today in Kiev. About it ... July 27, 2018, 10:05
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  • Military expert, whose starry hour has arrived in 2014. Then he became the first to inform about the events in the Crimea and in the Donbas and began to resist Russian propaganda. However, he himself was accused of lies.

    Dmitry Borisovich Tymchuk was born June 27, 1972 In the city of Chita (Russian Federation). Dmitry's father served in the Troops of the Soviet Army. After the cheat, he was translated into Eastern Germany. At the age of eleven, Dmitry moved to the Zhytomyr region.


    Dmitry Tymchuk was not going to walk in the footsteps of his father and to associate his life with the army. In Berdichev, at the end of the school, he entered the localmachine-buildingcollege. There became the editor of the wall newspaper. For her, Dmitry spent First journalistic investigation. This has determined his future profession.

    Higher education Tymchuk went to receive in Lviv. In 1995 hereceived a diploma of a military journalist In the Supreme Military Political School. In addition, he was assigned the title of lieutenant. The next two years, Dmitry Tymchuk spent in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Served in air defense where he becamedeputy Commander Car Company.

    A family

    Dmitry Tymchuk married. Spouse is called Anna. There are no children from the people's deputy.


    After air defense for three yearshe worked in the press service of the National Guard. After disabling it in 2000, the next twelve years of Tymchuk spent in the Ministry of Defense.

    In parallel with the work in the Ministry of Defense, Dmitry Tymchuk led the National Political Research Center with a non-governmental organization, and also headed the editorial office of the fleet-2017 Internet edition.

    Already in 2008, after the Russian-Georgian war, the journalist foresaw the danger of the Russian Black Sea Fleet in the Crimea. As a military journalistrepeatedly visited hot spots: Iraq, Lebanon, Kosovo.

    Since March 2014, Dmitry Tymchuk became the leader of the Informational Resistance Group, which distributed information about the invasion of the Russian Federation's troops to Ukraine, as well as about the occupation of the Crimean Peninsula.

    At that time, the information vacuum was formed in the country. Ukrainian state structures did not tell anything about the events in the Crimea and in the Donbas. Russia distributed disinformation. Therefore, the main task of the volunteer group was opposed to untrue information from the Northern neighbor.

    That year, Tymchuk became one of the main news providers on the Internet.

    In the context of pressure on the media, Dmitry Tymchuk mentioned among others.


    In accordance with the electronicdeclaration which the People's Deputy filed in 2018, he does not have its own real estate. The spouse of Dmitry Tymchuk owns the metropolitan apartment with an area of \u200b\u200bfifty square meters. The apartment was acquired for three hundred fifty-two thousand hryvnias in 2013.

    Also, the spouse owns the only car in the family of the People's Deputy. Mitsubishi Outlander 2011 release Anna bought almost half a million hryvnia in 2016.

    The salary in the Verkhovna Rada for the year Dmitry Tymchuk was two hundred forty-four thousand hryvnia. His wife earned ten thousand hryvnia in the public organization "Center for Military Legal Research".

    Bank account at Dmitry Tymchuk and his wife there. There is no parliamentarian and cash. Anna Tymchuk has been declared four thousand dollars.


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