Sergey Troitsky (spider). Sergey Troitsky Sergey Spuirl

Sergey Troitsky (spider). Sergey Troitsky Sergey Spuirl

Sergey Troitsky (Spider) was born in Moscow on May 29, 1966. In 1983, the spider graduated from high school and began working in the printing house "Red Proletarian". Also among the places of his work, the editorial office of the Moscow News newspaper.

In 1984, Sergey Spup Troitsky based on the Metal Corrosion Group, and five years later creates a "heavy rock corporation" (CRT). The goal and task of the CTR are the association of informal music teams in a "trade union".

In 1993, Troitsky nominates the mayor of Moscow from the party However, the elections did not take place due to the dispersal of the Supreme Council of Russia. Sergey "Spider" ranklotted by Sergey and the State Duma, however, due to the low voter turnout, the election results were annulled.

In 2007, Trinity elected the mayor of the village of Bar in the Moscow Region, but now the Spider himself refuses the post due to the unprofitable location of the settlement.

Scandals with Spider

The loudest scandal who provoked Sergey Spup Troitsky, occurred in May 2002 - the musician was accused of extremism. The case under the article "The incitement of national, racial or religious hostility" was initiated due to the suspicion of spider's involvement in the release of the magazine "Britokolovye", as well as due to the content of some of his songs. A similar process was spent already in 2015, and again prosecutors did not suit dubious texts. So, for example, prosecutors paid special attention to the song "Bey devils", in which allegedly contained calls for the destruction of national minorities in Russia. However, the Trinity himself, and the fans of his work in one voice denied that the songs have an extremist subtext.

In 2014, Sergey Spup Troitsky, submitting documents for nomination of the mayor of Novosibirsk, decided to go to the selected city by plane. However, the addiction of the spider to the alcohol has already played his evil joke for the first time - the musician was filmed off and received a commitment to pay compensation for insults and broken office equipment.

Books Pauka.

Sergey "Spider" Troitsky is known not only as the founder and a permanent participant of the Metal Corrosion Group, but also as a writer. At first glance, it seems awesome that the scandalous rocker is the author of ten books. "Negro and Skinhead", "Swimming champion", rock on barricades "- the author of these and many other leaks about informal cultures and other life situations is Sergey Troitsky, Spider.

The book "Swimming champion", for example, talks about three women who have come to relax on the Crimean resort of Gurzuf, and search for a man "like from the Titanic film" who could sacrifice his life for his beloved. Troitsky himself considers this book in the chit of 2009.

Spider's popularity on the Internet

Purchase spider life

Rock musician is always charismatic and bright person. No matter how strange and mummaged is his image, crowds of fans are formed around such people who want to receive at least a part of the attention of the idol. Often we use and do not hurry to associate ourselves for marriage.

On the personal life of Spider until recently it was known regarding little. The first, extravagant image and behavior distracted fans and press from questions about the availability of wives and children, and secondly, and the musician himself preferred to hide this information. However, it turned out that Trinity was still married to a certain Irina Trinity, what he said himself, putting forward his wife to the next election of the mayor. Judging by the reports in the press, a couple have a good relationship, which means that Sergey's rampage lifestyle does not affect family life. However, for fans, the musician is still not an exemplary family man Sergey Evgenevich, but a scandalous rocker and an extraordinary personality Sergey Troitsky, Spider. Personal life is likely to be the sphere of life in which Trash Metalist will never let a single severity, continuing, nevertheless, please be literary and music.

By quoting the spider himself, a really administant story happened to him, for example. The leader of the "metal corrosion" unobtrusively went in the footsteps of Varga Vikarnes and was sentenced to 10 months in prison for arson at home in Montenegro. It is assumed that he arranged a fire in removable accommodation, after which he tried to hide and leave the country. In prison conclusion, the musician is busy in that he actively writes a gonzo reportage and accompanies all drawn in notebook comics.

Sergey Spup Troitsky talks about the court with his own drawings.

Sergey Troitsky was arrested on September 3 in the Montenegrin city of Sutomore. On that day, Spider was removed from the train on which he tried to get to Belgrade, and accused of arson at home, which happened literally on the same day. After the musician detention, the Bar was delivered to the city of Sizo, and there he spent about a month throughout the investigation. Already after the proceedings, the court began, the results of which you are already known.

After the sentence of the sentence in the group "Metal corrosion" in VKontakte appeared message:

"I inform everyone: the forces of evil gave the order - depriving the freedom of Spider for 10 months. Soon the mail address will soon be known for correspondence, as well as for anniversary parcels with books, newspapers, movies, music and other things. Please put the reverse envelope for the answer. The list of permitted things for the parcel and address will be informed additionally. Spider personally expresses great gratitude to all people who support him in difficult times, gives a big hello and wishes to be a good spirit ... ".

After the news of the prison term, the community of fans in vk was noticeably revived:

Now the soloist "corrosion of metal" is in Zatvor Spuž prison (which the spider itself continues to be called Zatvor Spug). The correctional institution is close to the unexpectedly picturesque mountain town of Looking in the south of Montenegro. According to Dochetsky's daughter, Catherine, at the moment he has already started receiving parcels from friends and fans.

Chernogorsk prison zatvor spuž. But the town of Spuž, located near the prison

Among other things, he was delivered to notebooks, handles and pencils, with the help of which Sergey began to make absurdist gonzo notes about his life behind bars. Basically, he tells the stories about the murder of a local mafia don right in his eyes and the desire of the Montenegrin junta to accuse him of terrorism and attempts to the state vehicle. How close these records are close to reality - judge yourself.

All this creativity is accompanied by funny sketches in the spirit of Mitkov. So, apparently, Troitsky as a whole examines the conclusion as a source of inspiration. If everything continues in the same spirit, then for 10 months, the spider risks the author of the novel or graphic novel, or both at once.

What do we have in the end? Sergey Spup Troitsky is not only Varg Vikresnes of our generation, but also the Spider Jerusalem, whom we deserve.

Online store
KTR-Shop. Sergey "Spider" Troitsky: "Surgeons asked:" Why do you need a spine? " And inserted me in the back of the iron pipe "

On January 27, in the Tula Rock Club "M2", a permanent leader of the "Metal Corrosion" group Sergei "Spuirl" of Troitsky with the program "Spider Orchestra" was performed under the recovery of the audience.

Two burst plates

Spider in Tula was very expelled. The event was planned at the end of last year. However, literally a few days before the trip to Tula, Sergey was hospitalized with a serious spinal injury. Almost immediately after the operation, he identified the concert date in Tula - January 27.

The photographer with the photographer with the "m2" just during the Soundchek. Sergey looked cheerful. Having learned that the press wants an interview, Sergey quickly approached me, carefully touched the elbow:

You're not trembling anywhere? Now we are fast. Finish here, snacks. Wait please. Ten and fifteen minutes.

After Soundchek, the musicians from the "Orchestra" and the accompanying spiderman sat down in the hall at the table there are borsch with mayonnaise. Borsch artists really liked: some were happy to eat two plates, and some and three. Soon the club administrator came to us: "Let's go to the dressing room."

Thank you, Sergey, for example!

Top on the steps upstairs.

Now, now, - I nods Sergey. For our spins, two joyful young people suddenly appear. In the hands of one - vinyl "corrosion of metal".

Guys, let's go later! Now we will change back, and there will be autographs! - Warning musicians.

We do not need any photos, nothing! With Sergey, he was written off in January when he had to come to Tula! - Scream guys.

Oh ... - Spideline sighs tiredly and goes to fans. - Let's, let's-let's ...

December month was! - The young man holds up a trinity plate. - We just sign a record, and no longer need anything! And you can write: "Evgenia and Mikhail"? Mikhail is my brother ...

Wild, for example!

Thank you, Sergey, for example!

Now there will be a cabipper

According to plan, the performance should have started at 20:00. However, almost nine in the evening - on the stage empty. Spectators sealed the bar.

In the dressing room on the table - plastic cups and kochan cabbage. The organizer of Tula rock concerts and festivals Nastya Asfandiyarov, who came to conduct an event, trying to speed up the process:

So. Let me go on the stage, I will start some tricks.

Hear, Evgenich, who is this? - inadverticts one of the assistants of Trinity, Konstantin Volkov in Nastya.

This is Nastya, she previously did concerts. And now escaped from LTP, - answers the spider, pulling out a combing combing out of the backpack.

I was 15 years old, you were 25! - says Nastya Spider. - Remember, damn, as you took me to myself (in the "Corrosion of Metal" group - approx. Ed.

That is, then could everything be? - Wolves do not lose.

I can say absolutely honestly, and Seryoga will not give to sit, - continues Nastya. - While I was in the "corrosion", dulling with them, how many concerts were - no one touched me in life.

What, non-dual?! - explodes with laughter of wolves.

In fact, just another relationship. Everything is all, - Nastya calm. - Friendly, correct team. Nobody, no one ever. So, okay, - refers to one of the assistants, - we go on the scene. Take this knife, take this cabbage. Now we will have a cabbage.

Nastya would be water, - offers spider.

No, I still work! - Nastya runs away.

From somewhere from the corner the question:

Hear, spider, do you drink singers already?

Yes, maybe champagne cramps? - drawn Trinity to one of the vocalists.

No-no-no, after champagne headache hurts, - the girl refuses.

Do you drink vodka? Will you? - turned the spider to us.

We sigh.

And after 15 minutes, Sergei Troitsky responds to our questions.

Bear Bear Shatu

In Tula with this program, you were going to come at the end of last year, but were injured. What happened?

In the media there were left-handed carts that someone did something there, with someone ... was dug. But in fact, the story was as follows. At about the end of November, we drove into Altai under the leadership of the Russian geographical society. To make the modeling photographic shooting of Ussuri tigers, which our President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin lobbies, is called. And, as you remember, last year all the trains were outlined by Ussuri tigers. But instead of catching the Zaitsev, the Ussuri tiger sat down with ... AT on Berorga, the bear is called. And when cats with ... Ut, they are the paws so, the head-chum. Okow ... Al all Berloga is called. Woke a bear-connecting rod, called. The bear ran out, began to catch the young Ussuri tigry. FSBSHNIs immediately about ... They say: "Spider, what to do?". Naturally, I had to stand on the defense of the crucible and join the fight with a bear-connecting rod, called.

At first, it was necessary to give a trumpeter, the local Altai Balzam, 65 degrees. Mahaned, called, took a club, from ... Yachil Bear. Arranged a few terrible blows. He also rolled me with a paw - the spine was broken in half. But the MES helicopter was quickly delivered to the Moscow Region Military Hospital. Where are the great Russian surgeons, looking at the film "Terminator", as he is arranged, immediately said: "Sergey Evgenievich, why do you need a spine? Let us deliver the iron tube to you. And you can ... to go with bears as much as you like, called! " I agreed.

Dance with girls

How is your well-being now?

So far, not to the end recovered, called. Instead of the spine, I have, like the Terminator, the iron tube is called. Now constantly calling the airports wildly.

The operation took place in the Moscow Region Military Hospital. The chief doctor allowed me to smoke, as I could not walk, called. I smoked right in the ward, it was great - it was immediately amended. Thank Russian surgery, called - she put me on his feet. Although, of course, I will now put a special corset, called. But you see, I can even dance and dance with the girls.

What are the restrictions with such an injury?

I can lie, walk and have sex only in the corset, called. Otherwise, if I have sex without this special German corset, it is called an iron stick may not be fighting with the bones.

Full Collection Writing Spider

Your book "Acquained in the USSR" is unrealistic - in the printed version it is nowhere to find and not to buy.

A large circulation was made in the USSR. But since this book was wildly liked, the circulation is all sold, called. Some time ago, I accidentally found one instance at home. A bunch of people appeals to us, want to buy. In the spring, in connection with the release of my new book "Escape from Montenegro", dedicated to my finding in Montenegro, in an international prison, a number of my books will be reissued, including "Express in the USSR", "New Year's UGAR". But at the moment these editions do not exist on the market.

"Corrosion" will arrive in Tula in the spring. If you want.

Fans of "Metal Corrosion" are waiting for a new album. When already?

On March 30, the Corrosion Metal Group issues a new album, called. It will be a double album in which 14 of the boiled compositions will enter, plus 12 dance. Accordingly, March 30 will be a presentation in Moscow, called. If the administration of the club "M2" agrees, called "metal corrosion" with pleasure in April or in May will come again to the Hero Tulu's city.

Battle for South Korea

You brought with you cool t-shirts with the inscription "Battle for South Korea-2018". Is it about what?

Yes, today the first day of sales of T-shirts "Battle for South Korea-2018". I remember, about 3 thousand years ago, when the first Olympiads were held in Greece, then people were ..., a man of wine fell heded or did not cut himself, Meldonia devied or not. The most important thing - he had to run forty kilometers, called. And all that other is called. Now they came up with a fake scheme to carry out any corruption ... nu. As a result of Russia, they do not give to perform under their flags in South Korea.

Therefore, a hard rock corporation conducts an action against the boycott of South Korea. In the Olympics do not need to participate. Just need to occupy South Korea. And then each of us will receive 10 naked koreans. Maintain our flash mob, called: invasion, victory and occupation!

Honeymoon in the local morgue

Your first love, Katya, about which you are so romantically telling in the book "Express in the USSR," knows that he became a literary heroine?

Hard to say. We have many people in the party who are nearby, and then disappear, and there are no connections with them. Maybe she knows, and maybe not. Or maybe she learns when it becomes an old woman or a witch called. Or falls on the table to Igor Martha - a person came with us who works by the pathologist in forensic medicine is called. It will organize and promote sex tourism in different cities, including Tula. Because tourism needs to be developed.

How will it look like?

For example, let's say any young couple can come to Tula and a honeymoon spend in the local morgue, called. And there have sex, for example, in general. Is it great, right?

What other items will be in this tourist program?

But only that. The rest does not need, called. Only sex tourism and eating Tula gingerbread is called. And what else can you offer, called?

Best gift spider

On the first day of the new 2018, Sergey Troitsky received the best gift: January 1 at 4:40 pm Sergey Ekaterina Lakhtinen's daughter, living in Helsinki, gave birth to a girl.

"Joyful news on the first day of the new year! And what could be even better?! - Shared spider with his subscribers of VKontakte. - In the good path of Agniya Helena Lakhtinen, you are waiting for a joyful and amazing life! "

Sergey "Spider" Troitsky

Sergey Evgenievich Troitsky. Born on May 29, 1966 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian musician, songwriter, writer, artist, producer, socio-political figure. Leader of the Tresh metal group "Metal Corrosion". Pseudonym - "Spider".

If you believe the stories of Sergey Troitsky himself, then his ancestor was a ring, which convened Rusich to Kulikovsky battle. Although most likely it is a legend.

He also told that among his ancestors - the priest, who allegedly presented the icon himself John Kronstadt.

Grandfather was a doctor, grandmother teacher. They lived in Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod), where Sergey regularly conducted school holidays.

In Moscow, his family lived in Sevastopol Prospect.

In adolescence, became interested in rock. His idols were Kiss and Led Zeppelin groups. In 1981, Trinitsky decided to learn the game on the guitar, went to the Poland of Pioneers in the class of acoustic guitar. Together with the friends of Andrei "Bob" and Vadim "Morgom", they created a self-made team at the Poland of Pioneers. However, since the Rock was not welcomed in the USSR, they were banned in public.

He studied at school, although he had a good word, composed poems. He received a diploma of secondary education in 1983.

Next, I tried to enter MSU at the Faculty of Journalism, but failed. He himself stated that he was not accepted on ideological reasons. He worked in the printing house "Red Proletari" and the editorial office of the Moscow News newspaper.

According to Troitsky, the failure at admission to Moscow State University and pushed him to the creation of the Rock Group.

In 1984, together with Sergey, highly created a group "Corrosion of metal". According to him, the name of the group came up with a school during a chemistry exam: delivering a ticket, he saw the rows "Metal corrosion corrosive machines and nuts, prevents the construction of communism."

His first concert "Metal Corrosion" conducted in the basement of the Zhweg in 1985. But after 10 minutes after the start of the event, the police arrived, dispersed the public and arrested the participants of the group, perceiving their actions for hooliganism. Next, the group repeatedly got into the field of vision KGB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In 1987, "metal corrosion" joined the Moscow Rock laboratory, but its fame remained scandalous due to the proving performances in make-up and aggressive texts. In the same year, the first video clip of the group on the song "AIDS" was removed. Then the concert album "Life in October" was recorded at a joint concert with a group "Black Obelisk" in DC "Red October".

Metal corrosion - AIDS

In 1988, the band starred in the film of Karen Shahnazarov "City Zero", where the musicians performed the roles of wax dolls.

Three debut magnetoalbom "Order of Satan", "Russian Vodka" and "President" (when the vinyl publication was renamed to "Cannibal") were recorded in 1988-1990. With the help of Stas Namina and illegally distributed by pirates. Only in 1991, "metal corrosion" issued its first legal plates in SNC, Sintez Records and Ritonis - Remake "Order of Satan" and "Cannibal".

In 1989, the spider founded a union called "Corporation of hard rock" ("CRT"), which occupied the organization of metal festivals. At the festivals and solo concerts, the group arranged shocking kitchers with stripteys, statis in monster costumes and pyrotechnics. "CRT" at different times was engaged in a set of festivals (such as: "Iron Marsh", "Russian Metal Balmads", "Rock against drugs", "Rock against AIDS", "hellish abortion", "Tresh Your Mother", "Trash -Epidemia, "Punk Revolution", "rap is Cal"), the release of various collections ("Iron Marsh", "Russian Metal Ballads", "Punk Revolution", "Hymns of football hooligans", "Brithogol"), and magazines ("Iron march", "britheads go", "Rock-sight", "Moscow Democrat").

Through the "CRT", many informal rock bands of the 1990s were held, some of which were as a result of wide fame.

Due to the considerable popularity of the Industrial-Metal and the subculture of the skinheads in the CIS of the 1990s, Troitsky decided to use similar topics in his texts. Despite the frank and causing humor, it led to the popularity of the group among the informally thinking, as well as the ultra-right youth, skinheads, the National Bolts.

Golden Composition of the Metal Corrosion Group (1989-1995):

Sergey Troitsky "Spider" - bass guitar, vocals, words, music;
Sergey highly "Borov" - vocals, guitar, music, words;
Roman Lebedev "Kostl" - guitar, backing vocals, music;
Alexander Bondarenko "Lizard" - shock, backing vocals, music;
Kirill Lobanov "Lucifer" (show);
Vladimir Tyshenkov "Black Hobbit" (show);
Alexander Shishkin "Hitler-Shishkin" (show);
Sergey "Chivers" (show);
Sergey Tydakov "Bald" (sound);
Evgeny Troin "Zhenya" (sound);
Sergey Dolgov "Sereny" (sound);
Oleg Salkhov (Block Four) (sound);
Oleg Ivanov "Yakut" (sound).

"Metal Corrosion" actively participated in political activities, performed at the festivals of the "Rock against Drugs", "Rock against AIDS" ("Antisyid"), went to Yugoslavia during bombing.

In 2006, the Panel took part in the project "Manowar - Russian Tribute", performing the Wheels Of Fire.

In 2008, on the American label "Vinland Winds", the Corrosion Metal Group released a collection of "Russian Vodka - American Release".

Metal Corrosion - RUSSIAN VODKA (Russian Vodka)

In November 2012, in connection with repeated rude copyright violations by the Boroff Band group, the founder of the Corrosion Metal Group Sergei Troitsky banned someone without his permission to use the compositions of his group at commercial events.

On May 22, 2013, by decision of the Gagarinsky District Court of the Year of Moscow, the song of the group "Bey Dami" was recognized as extremist. In August 2014, by the decision of the Oktyabrsky District Court Tomsk, the Niger song was also included in the federal list of extremist materials. Always were recognized as extremist almost all Russian-speaking songs from the collection "Bey devils - Savior Russia".

On November 14, 2015, "Metal Corrosion" gave his anniversary concert dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the group.

In early 2016, all group albums were officially prohibited for sale and were removed from the popular international apple iTunes Store, Google Play Music and Yandex. Music. But some collections remained on sale. The group and Troitsky himself were recognized as extremist after they continued to play forbidden compositions, despite the warnings.

In the summer of 2017, the former musician of the epidemic group and vocalist LAPTEV "S Epidemia Andrei Laptev was assembled by the gold composition of metal corrosion: Sergey High" Borov ", Roman Lebedev" Kostl "and Alexander Bondarenko" Lizard ". The crutch switched from the guitar to the bass. The group is preparing a tour In Russia and abroad. Also, Sergey highly became the guitarist Laptev "s Epidemia and executed one of the roles of metal opera" The Lost Temple of Anii ".

The current composition of the Metal Corrosion Group:

Sergey Troitsky "Spider" - vocals, bass guitar, backing vocals, rhythm guitar, keyboards, music, words, shows;
Dmitry Gingul "Berserk" - Solo Guitar;
Alexander Skvortsov "Jack Sparrow" - vocals;
Alexandra Orlova - backing vocals;
Alexander Mikheev "Stalin" - Rhythm Guitar;
Vladislav Tsarkov "Diesel" - drums.

Sergey Trinity Criminal Cases

In May 2002, a criminal case was initiated against Sergey Troitsky under the article "Arctication of national, racial or religious hostility". The reason for the initiation of the case was the possible involvement of Troitsky to issue an audio cassette and the Samizdat magazine "Britocholovye", containing unacqualified calls for violence over representatives of national minorities, as well as the presence of signs of inciting an interethnic retail in the songs of Troitsky himself.

In the fall of 2003, Sergei Troitsky was aimed at a compulsory examination at the Serbian Forensic Psychiatric Institute, where he spent three weeks, after which in November 2003 was recognized as normal and released. Troitsky himself stated that psychiatrists recognized him with normal, the representatives of the clinic were refused to comment on the situation, referring to the secret of the investigation.

In early September 2016, in the Black Sea Resort town of Sutomore (Montenegro) in the house belonging to the Russians with the initials E.K., there was a fire. The investigation came to the conclusion that his reason was arson. The local police recognized the main suspect Sergey Troitsky. Law enforcement officers removed him from a train who followed Belgrade, and arrested. He himself denied his guilt.

He was threatened with 5 years in prison, Chernogorsk legislation, but on October 25, 2016, the period was reduced to 10 months. In March 2017, he was released on par.

Social and political activities of Sergey Troitsky

The candidacy of Sergei Troitsky was highlighted by the right-hand party for the post of Mayor of Moscow at the 1993 elections, canceled due to October events.

In December 1998, he was running on the reply to the State Duma of Russia in the Lublin electoral district, however, due to the low voter turnout (less than 25%), the election results were canceled, and re-elections were not appointed due to the elections in the State Duma of the Russian Federation in 1999.

In 2007, the spider won the election of the mayor of the village of the Support of the Moscow Region, but due to the unpromising location of the village, refused to rule.

In 2010, Sergey spoke in favor of cutting down the Khimki forest, on the basis of what is dirty there, and in 2011 he presented the book "Rublevskaya Massan".

In August 2012, he stated his intention to be elected to the mayors of Khimki, during the election campaign there was a number of provocative slogans. According to the results of the voting, October 14, 2012 scored 2.46%.

March 31, 2013 was running into the mayors of the city of Zhukovsky near Moscow, scored 2.29%. The elections were marked by a scandal with bribing of voters: Troitsky headquarters offered residents to become paid agitators and enter into contracts (500 rubles to elections, 500 rubles after). I agreed received a card with the name of the candidate. However, a few days before the election, the cards began to exchange on others, with the name "Vtytyuk" (Andrey Voytyuk eventually won the election). On the day of voting, all points of issue of money were closed by the police.

On June 14, 2013, Sergei Troitsky filed documents in order of self-nomination at the early election of the mayor of Moscow, which took place on September 8, 2013, but was not allowed to elections, since he did not prevent the Moscow Election Commission the necessary number of signatures of the inhabitants of the region, as well as his municipal deputies and chapters of municipalities. According to Troitsky himself, his signature is burned.

On January 23, 2014, the spider filed documents for a candidate for the post of mayor of Novosibirsk. On the same day, it was detained at the airport of this city, according to the transport police, "during the passage of suggestive inspection in hand-made bags of this citizen, fluids were discovered prohibited for transportation in the aircraft cabin. On the proposals of employees of the aviation security service, hand over containers with liquid into luggage, a man who was in a state of strong emotional excitement, responded with coarse obscene Braff, after which he damaged the airline office equipment. "

In 2014, he supported the return of the Crimea to Russia. He said: "Not Russia pressed the Crimea, and Khrushchev made a fraudulent decree, submitting to Ukraine Peninsula. If Kravchuk was a conscientious person, he would give in 1991 Crimea back in Russia. Or would have come up with a project, how to use this territory as possible to use this territory - would create a confederate republic some so that it does not become an apple of discord. "

In 2017, he got into the list of the "Peacemaker" site due to touring activities in the Crimea and for anti-Ukrainian propaganda.

At the same time, his supporters are fighting volunteers on the side of Ukraine. On this occasion, the spider said: "I am a supporter of National Socialism. Naturally, our people are fighting in the battalion "Azov" *, and in "Misantropic Divizhen" * (* - organizations prohibited in the Russian Federation). And at the same time, it is necessary to remember the Motorola, which, if not always, is very often, walked in our shirts "Bay devils - save Russia!". And when the trial in Orel in 2015 was against us, Motorola always, being in positions, put on our T-shirts to support the Metal Corrosion Group ... I would not speak in Mariupol or Kramatorsk. We, like other Russian groups, who also gave concerts in Ukraine, the dual situation: if we give a concert in Mariupol, we will be offended by our fans in the Sparta battalion, which created the deceased Motorola, and if you play in Donetsk or Lugansk, then in the offense will be in "Azov" and "Aidar". So we are in a stupid dual situation. "

Growth of Sergey Troitsky: 168 centimeters.

Personal life Sergey Troitsky:

Twice was married. He has two daughters.

The first wife is Zhanna. I met her in the Crimea - in Gurzuf. Zhanna worked as a leader in the Pioneer Camp "Artek". Marriage was short.

A couple had a daughter of Ekaterina Sergeyevna Troitskaya.

The second wife is Irina Troitskaya.

A couple had a daughter of Maria Sergeyevna Troitskaya, which the musician is clinging red.

In 2017, the marriage collapsed.

In the spring of 2018, on the page of Sergei Troitsky in the social network "VKontakte" and on the official page of the "Corrosion Metal" group, a message appeared that the concert appointed on April 27 will be canceled due to spider poisoning with a solution of potassium cyanide.

But later it became known that this is the revenge of the ex-wife of the musician Irina. In fact, the leader "Corrosion Metal" Group happened a heart attack. This was reported by photographer of the group Maria Runova. It caused the attack, she called weak health and strong overwork: "He has high pressure under two hundred. He has a bad heart, I forced it several times in such a state. Sergey recently recently distorted, he worked a lot. He has a fracture of the spine: he has to write - to reduce the tracks directly. It is really hard. In addition, you have to deal with all sorts of deeds by housekeeping. He still has problems with sleep. " Regarding the provocative communication in the social networks of Runov, explained that this was written by the former wife Sergei Irina: "She picked up the password to his account. They have some kind of family disassembly there, he divorced it, she is offended at him. I tried to suck not only me, but also his daughter Catherine, the girl Svetlana and so on, it wrote it not. "

Avid football fan. Sick for Moscow "Spartak".

Sergey Troitsky filmography:

2012 - Babe - Kameo
2012 - term (documentary)
2013 - Cameo Poputball -
2015 - Londongrad - Kameo

Discography Sergey Troitsky (metal corrosion):

1982 - Viy.
1985 - Evil power
1988 - Order of Satan
1989 - Russian Vodka
1990 - I'm president
1990 - Cannibal
1992 - sadism
1995 - 1.966
1997 - Hitler Computer
2002 - Pagan gods
2003 - White Wolves
2010 - World War
2011 - Fire Kolovrat
2013 - 666 Like

Bibliography Sergey Troitsky:

1993 - 9 years TRESH UGAR
2006 - Girls, Music and Bow - 1
2008 - Niger and Skinhead
2008 - Swimming champion
2010 - Rock on the barricades
2011 - Rublevskaya Mass
2012 - New Year's UGAR
2012 - Express in the USSR
2013 - Spider Dictionary
2014 - Girls, Music and Bow - 2
2016 - Battle for Vodka

Equipment: 1. 1-2 local strippers (so as not to carry from Moscow) or several chicks that drink and who are willing to dance on stage, well, then we ourselves are destroyed. (Very important position !!!) 2. The market at the concert in the product "corrosion" - your trader him 15%. (In advance, in a convenient place to organize a table, take the goods 1 hour before the concert and report immediately after the event). 3. To attract the local keyboard player and a back vocalist (if possible). Texts and phonograms will provide in advance. 4. The presence of one guard, you can skin, to cut off left people and prevent theft. Warning Position for Russia !!! The presence of a paid copper machine near the entrance. The road in terms of the situation: - 7 tickets of the coupe or in the extreme case of Platzarkard with a whole block (minor crossing - placcard or express or bus) or aircraft, if far, presenting tickets (back and forth) to the concert. Accommodation and food: 1. Hotel (the simplest rooms with a shower) or the village of Tryshka (6 MUZ + those people) on 7 fish, immediately from the train or from transport, + transport in the city. If the house is at least 2 separate rooms + lounge and kitchen. If we arrive at half a day, you can one large hotel room or apartment for several hours + one owner. With the possibility of cooking. To do this, you need to mobilize the economic Gerlo, it must partially prepare all the ingredients in advance (the chemical food by type dosker is unacceptable). If we eat in the next city, preferably a demolition immediately after a concert and a buffet with a local party. Local sights, in the event of a start - the presence of a leisure specialist and all related phone numbers. 2. If the hotel, then the food in the club itself is the usual comprehensive dinners or dinner, standard European quality - type "Business Lunch". If there is no food in the club, the cafe should be in advance - normal high-quality food (there soup, second, etc.). If we eat at your own account, the price tag should not be such as in the center of Moscow or London on black caviar and lobsters. Chinese and the like kitchen - no. BUCH: in front of the concert - 3 battle of water, 4 Butla of Crimean (0.7) wines or 3 Batla of the Red Vermouth (1 liter) + 1 Battle tower (vodka, whiskey, rum, balm). Prepare in advance so that we do not run on the stores. Beer is categorically prohibited !!! 1. Crimean wine - white or red port wine, souro, sherry or semi-sweet dry. The labels are inscriptions: produced in Crimea - Ukraine. Manufacturers - Koktebel, Inkerman, Masander. 2. Vermouth - from cheap only "Salvator" about the cost of 120 rubles or any which are produced in Spain or Italy. 3. The most expensive and high-quality local vodka or balm on herbs !!! Or that type. Perhaps stupid types of whiskers, Tequila and Roma. Learning promoters: There are cases that in some cities, the local organizer (for example, the rich), in concerts just for a personal buzz, for them the main thing to bump with the artist, to excite, etc. These people do not care about normal advertising and fans will accidentally learn about the concert . For such cases, penalties are provided. If the organizer is notable for the organizer of people, it is obliged to release 200 women's tickets (marked by Gerls) and distribute them to the local women's voyage.


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