Bloggers were caught by the creator of the movement "Our" Vasily Yaquenko in sex with minors. Vasily Yaquenenko created the book "Pyramid Yakimenko our

Bloggers were caught by the creator of the movement "Our" Vasily Yaquenko in sex with minors. Vasily Yaquenenko created the book "Pyramid Yakimenko our

Vasily Yaqueenko Photo: Alexander Miridonov / Kommersant

He worked in construction firms by the financial director, was engaged in leasing helicopters.

In 1992 he became a co-founder of Tandem-Ros LLP (the field of activity - "Editorial and publishing house"). A year later, he headed Vento LLP (Design and Assembling Fans). In 1994, established Akbars LLP (mediation in trade in public consumption goods). (MK, September 10, 2002),

Vasily Yakemenko on the air "Rain" TV channel. Screenshot from

In 1999 - Director of the Music Lying Group. In Izvestia, for December 14, 1999, an open letter "Director of the group Yakmenko V.G." was published on the rights of advertising. With the accusation of some "supporters of Primakov" in the fact that they were heated on December 3, 1999: "Apply ... a closed brain injury in the entrance of my house."

According to Yaquenenko, the cause of beating was the song of his group "Old trash", in which there are words about the old primus, adopted by "Primakov's supporters" at the expense of a Holy Kumir. In an open letter, the full text of the song ("is immediately quietly old primus sees dreams, and in them deception - you wanted to be all more necessary, and now you are written off in the trash. ... you got sick and broke, do not fit change, poor, wise , Old primus, you got into the fear of captivity, the kerosene was evaporated, you didn't need it completely, you were before all the example, you were before Superman. "(Izvestia, 13.12.2003).

In March 2000, the organizer was organized by the manifestation of prostitutes in defense of the dismissed Prosecutor General Yuri Soscaratov.

From March to May 2000 he was the head of the Division of Relations with Public Organizations of the Office of the Administration of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation.

In May 2000, he created the organization "Going together."

Best days

He played for the prohibition of the books of Pelevin, Erofeev, Sorokina, against the group "Hands up", "Laskovaya May", Gazmanova.

The group "Leningrad" (cord) considers it necessary to "crank in prison".

On May 7, 2003, a rally was held on Red Square on the occasion of the 3rd anniversary of Putin InaUGRATION. In the news of NTV, it was shown as television journalists pursued by people in black suits on the heels and did not let them ask questions to ordinary rally participants; And then Yakimenko himself - who claimed, looking into the cameras, that this could not be and was not.

On April 15, 2005 he held at the All-Russian Congress of the Youth Democratic Anti-Fascist Movement "Ours" in Moscow, which was attended by about 700 commissars and supporters of Movement of more than 45 cities of Russia and the countries of the former USSR. At the congress was elected one of the five federal commissars of the movement (four others: Alexey Filonov, Natalia Lebedeva, as well as Nikita Borovikov and Alexander Idinov).

In October 2005, in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, the term "sovereign democracy" ("we advocate for sovereign democracy, where the freedom of man and the freedom of state is necessary and equivalent" - KP, 10.26.2005).

On December 22, 2005, he stated that "ours" began the all-Russian campaign to combat racism: at the invitation of members of the movement, foreign students will be given in the schools "Tolerance Lessons".

In July 2007, a 26-year-old graduate of the Law Faculty of the Vladimir State Pedagogical University of Nikita Borovikov was elected at the game elections in the camp at Lake Seliger, V. Seliger's successor (became the official leader of the movement since 2008).

As if relatives Surkov on the maternal line - the source of this version.


Database "Propyrograph - Descriptor of Persons";

database "Labyrinth"

"A family"



V. SEMENKO: Dmitry Medvedev is not on the "political map"

The former leader of the Prosrelevsky youth movement "Ours" Vasily Yaqueenko commented on the resignation of Vice Prime Minister Vladislav Surkov and expressed doubt that this step was made to weaken the Government of Dmitry Medvedev. He told about this in an interview with the Moscow Komsomoltsu.
Read fully: 15/05 / 2013/857574.shtml # top_ editors_choice

Vasily Yakemenko: We have no people with dignity and money

Why the former head of Rosmolodezh failed to create a party
Link: http: //www.Vedomosti. RU / POLITICS / VIDEO / 81_1981

Yaqueenko put Gelman for 100 thousand

Galerist Marat Gelman pays 100 thousand rubles to the ex-head of Rosmolodezh Vasilia Yakemenko for putting a suggestion about his involvement in the attack on the journalist "Kommersant" Oleg Kashin. The Moscow City Court left the decision of the Simonovsky court. Gelman's defense does not yet know whether the decision will appeal.

In Moscow, set fire to the cafe Vasily Yakemenko

Former press secretary of the youth pro-creek movement "OUR" Kristina Stepper reported in his blog that in Moscow, attackers set fire to one of the institutions of the cafe network "Eat Pie"
Read fully: 02/07 / 2012/657811.shtml

"Seliger" changes the image

The first after leaving Rosolodezh Vasily Yaquenenko The Seliger Forum will be held in an updated format: the opposition leaders are invited to the procremit activists. But far from all agreed
Link: Politics / NEWS / 2234893 / Lager_ Nenashih

Sponsors refused to spend money on Seliger

The organizers of the Youth Educational Forum "Seliger" in 2012. They failed to attract a sufficient number of sponsorship and were forced to seek financial support to federal authorities. On the blacksmith of pro-city youth, 280 million rubles of budget funds will be spent this summer.
Read fully: 06 / 2012/657584.shtml

Former Deputy Jacmenko will head Rosmolodette

Rosmolodets will be divided and finance financing

The Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, June 13, was deprived of the head of Vasily Yaquenko, in a short time it can be fragmented. In the Kremlin, they wondered about the "reformatting" of the strategy of work in the field of youth policy, they write today Izvestia.
Read fully: 06 / 2012/655124.shtml

Yakmenko left the head of the head of Rosmolodezh

V.Kamenko goes to politics to confront the "new aristocracy"

Vasily Yakemenko, June 13, liberated from the position of the head of the Federal Agency for Youth Agency (Rosmolodezh), thanked Vladimir Putin's president and Chairman of the government of Dmitry Medvedev for the knowledge he managed to get.
Read fully: 06 / 2012/654891.shtml

D. Medvedev liberated V.Kamenko from the post of head of Rosmolodege.

06/13/2012, Moscow 13:26:22 The Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev liberated Vasily Yaquenko from the post of head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs at his request. The appropriate Order of D. Medvedev signed on June 9, the government's press service was reported today.
Link: 20120613132622.shtml

V. SEMENKO: Neither I, nor my friends, O. Kashin beat

Ex-head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodet) Vasily Yaquenenko once again rejected accusations of involvement in the beating of the journalist "Kommersant" Oleg Kashina. This was announced by V.Kamenko in the evening on Sunday on the air of the NTV television channel.
Read fully: 05 / 2012/652282.Shtml

Yakemenko about "Ridus" joked

Statements about hacking Mail Yaquenenko in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Moscow, Feb. 8 - RIA Novosti. Specialized units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation did not receive statements about hacking e-mail head of Rosmolodezh Vasily Yakemenko, the head of the Bureau of Special Technical Events of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Alexei Moshkov reported on Wednesday.
Link: 20120208 / 560382180.html

Russian Anonymous hacked the mail of the head of "ours"

The head of the Rosmolodigi Vasily Yaquenenko was subjected to a hacker attack, as a result of which part of his personal correspondence appeared in the network in open access. In particular, in the letters it was about the purchase of elite real estate in Moscow and the coordination of video scenarios against blogger Alexei Navalny.

According to the radio station "Echo Moscow", the archive published unknown people who call themselves the Russian division of the worldwide network of Anonymous hackers.

Hackers Anonymous: We are punishing the crimes-nasteners

Russian hackers from the Anonymous group, who hacked the post of head of Rosmolodezh Vasily Yaquenenko and the spokesman for "our" Christians, held this "special operation" in the framework of the struggle for freedom in RuNet. This was stated in an interview with owners of the Twitter account of Op_russia, where references to the materials of the correspondence of Yaquenenko and the wrapper were published. The same group of hackers hacked mail employee of the Presidential Administration Oleg Horokhordin.
Link: M.195461.html

"Why did I drive LJ, if I won't get anything?"

The Russian grouping of Hackers Anonymous hacked mail and posted on the Internet the content of the personal mail of the head of Rosmolodezh Vasily Yaquenenko and the spokesman for the Agency Christina Perematik. The authors of the letters are discussed the cost of the content of the procremit bloggers and pay for posts in popular diaries, agree on each other scenario of the meeting of Dmitry Medvedev at Zhurfak MSU and give good to provociate for the shares of "For Honest Elections" on Bolotnaya Square on December 10. Hacking mail is a criminal offense, but the case will not be initiated, the lawyer believes.
Read fully: 2012 / 02/06_a_3990869.shtml

Hackers Anonymous took responsibility for hacking mail to Rosmolodezh

Sobchak told about the meeting with Yakemenko in an expensive restaurant

Ksenia Sobchak posted on Twitter a video of his inappropriate meeting with the head of Rosmolodezh Vasily Yaquenenko in the road restaurant "Mario" in Moscow. The journalist tried to take an interview from the official for the GQ magazine and wanted to find out why he lies in such a restaurant, and not spends all the money for the youth movement "Ours." Yaquenenko refused to interview. What exactly he said, it was not heard on the record, but judging by Sobchak's responses, he suspected her in advance.

Vasilia Yakemenko refused visa to Italy

Many know that at one time the leader of Nasilists Vasily Yaquenenko, now working in the government, was included in the black list of "non-mail" authorities of Estonia. The reason was the persecution by activists of the Kremlin youth movements of the staff of the Estonian embassy, \u200b\u200bwhen a monument to the Warrior-Liberator was moved to Tallinn from the central square. Representatives of the Kremlin movements then disappeared the press conference of the Ambassador of Estonia and even threw the building of his residence fecians.
Link: 28762.htm

The head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs of the Russian Federation Vasily Yakemenko "Fucks Seliger in his tent schoolgirls"

The fact that Yaquenenko sleeps with Naski, hardly someone will surprise. But the fact that he himself praises in LJ, which fucks on Seliger in his tent schoolgirls - Do you know ...

Here, thanks to Twitter for the link, I saw in LJ Anastasia Korchevskaya photo, on which she stands with Vasya, and signature: "Seliger-2008. Yaquenenko still thinks that I am in love with him in love. " Next, we look at the comments and see the comment from Vasi: "Korchevskaya, if you came twice for me at night in a tent, i.e. On the 1st time it turns out in a year, and we had something, it does not mean that I think you are in love with me. Understood? ".
Link: 29711.htm


The head of the new structure was the former subordinate Surkov - Head of the Relations Department with Public Organizations Vasily Yakimenko. In March 2000, the future leader of the "walking" has already organized one share for the presidential administration - the manifestation of prostitutes on Tverskaya in support of Yuri Skratov. Then the seven Moscow students were hired, which, however, turned out to be bad actresses and were not at all like prostitutes. This action was the first pancake Yakimenko.
Link: 10774.htm

Investigators checked the connection of Yakemenko with bandits

In November last year, the press appeared on the fact that the current head of Rosmolodezh Vasily Yaquenenko was listed by one of the founders of Akbars LLP, which was created by the leaders of the criminal group "29th Complex" from Naberezhnye Chelny. The press secretary of Mr. Yakmenko in connection with this stated that it was included in the founders "without his knowledge and consent", his passport data "illegally used". Meanwhile, the oppositionist, Chairman of the Solidarity Movement Bureau, Ilya Yashin, sent an appeal to the law enforcement agencies about the possible involvement of Yaquenenko to the activities of criminals. The results of the inspection of this appeal, conducted by the investigative department for the city of Naberezhnye Chelny of the Investigation Department of the SC in the Republic of Tatarstan, were at the disposal of "MK"
Link: article / 2011/03/21 / 574112

The Kremlin showed opposition how to mobilize young people

The action was preparing for several months, says the press secretary of "Our" Ivan Mostovich. The leader of the Movement of Vasily Yakemenko and the four federal commissars met with all regional commissars. "Technical Directors" responsible for the city instructed 10-20 activists who provided the collection. For example, in Moscow, each of them had to lead no less than 40 people to "our victory", says Alexey Commissioner, student of the University of Bauman. A total of 1,000 commissioners were involved.
Link: 16774.htm

The head of Rosmolodezh and the founder of the "Our" movement Vasily Yaquenenko in the 1990s was listed by the founder of the company, founded by the gangsters who rubbed people heads and hands

The attempt on the journalist Oleg Kashin made me remember the procremal youth movements. "Vedomosti" considered how many "ours" are received from the state, and they found out that in the 1990s, the ex-leader of Our "Vasily Yaquenko was listed by the founder of the company founded by the gangsters.
Link: 30141.htm

"Seliger cost 17 million euros." Estimates of the expenses of the movement "OUR"

On the evening of July 18, a young man called me to the editor, introduced himself and explained that he was kicked out of the "ours" camp on the Seliger because of ideological discrepancies personally with Vasily Yaquenenko, and he now wants to take revenge on the leader of the movement and all "mutasts", taken together. He called from the city of Ostashkov, located 24 kilometers from the camp. During the conversation, it turned out that when the money was expired, he selected, so how he will reach Moscow, he still does not know. But if I am interested to learn about the plans of the movement and financial streams, he is ready to come, subject to the preservation of his name in secret. I agreed. By phone, he said that he held a small post in one of the regional departments, he was not going to return to return, he was 19 years old, a student.
Link: 21169.htm

Commissioners "ours" are reported to

Member of the Public Chamber Boris Yakemenko (Brother of the leader of the movement "Our" Vasily Yakemenko) headed at the federal level the Orthodox corpus of the movement "Ours". Boris Yaqueenko argues that the goal of the project is the support of the Russian Orthodox Church. And although the church of pickets and rallies does not hold, "ours" will find how to help Orthodox.
Link: 22358.htm

"Ours" against the newspaper "Kommersant"

Our movement in the near future will be exposed to large-scale reorganization, stopping their existence as a centralized federal project. According to Nikita Borovikov, the leader of Nikita Borovikov (he headed the movement after the appointment of Vasily Yaquenenko, the head of the State Committee on Youth Affairs of the Russian Government), at the Conference of the Regional Leaders of Our "it was decided that from almost 50 regional departments would be saved only Five: Vladimir, Ivanovo, Tula, Voronezh and Yaroslavl. Activists from other regions will be able to participate only in fragmented special projects created by "our", "Our Army", "Voluntary Youth Druzhina", "Orthodox Corps", "Friendship Lessons" and others. Mr. Borovikov considers such a scheme "The most effective way of existence." "The threats of the" Orange Revolution "are no more, so we can focus on other things. But we will not disappear. We just grew up from children's pants, "he says.
Link: 22293.htm

False compromising from ours

The conference organized Ilya Yashin, the ex-head of the youth "apple", and now the member of the executive committee of the opposition movement "Solidarity". But Mr. Yashin did not plan anything like that - he was reported that a supporter of Kasparov from Yaroslavl is ready to admit that he is a paid informant of the movement "OUR", and show the video on which Vasily Yaquenko explains its admission schemes to opposition structures . But Volkhonsky instead brought the video to a press conference, allegedly climbing "apples" in the seduction of minors, and the "left front" (a number of left organizations include a number of left organizations) - in the use of cocaine. After a little coming to myself after shame, Yashin explained that Volkhonsky was pre-"scrolling" to him with a video with Yaquenenko, but he did not give him his hands. And at the last moment replaced the discs.
Link: 23985.htm

Vasily Yaquenenko sues Kashin due to publication in the blog

The head of Rosmolodezh Vasily Yaquenenko through the court demanded from the journalist Oleg Kashin to refute the information about the involvement of the ex-leader of the pro-Cretary movement "Ours" to attack on the Kommersant correspondent in November last year, after which Kashin was in the hospital for a long time.
Link: 30640.htm

Vasily Yaquenenko dropped in dignity

The lawsuit on the protection of honor and dignity Vasily Yaquenenko filed on April 4, 2011, after the political scientist Alexander Morozov wrote in his blog that, according to his information, the case of the November attempt on Oleg Kashin can "persist in the youth of the idiocy period", mentioning this The context of Vasily Yaquenenko. At the same time, Oleg Kashin wrote in his blog that she had no doubt "in the Yakmerenkov version" attack on him, and the newspaper "New Izvestia" quoted the blogs of both authors.
Link: 30928.htm

Appetitis Yaqueenko has increased twice

Only one paint for hair and make-up, according to his calculations, two hundred thousand was required: according to the scenario, the crowd with painted persons was supposed to be a carnival on the prospect of the world. And more money on costumes, feeding one hundred thousand people, tickets here and back ... also ensuring security, to avoid provocations. In general, Yakimenko asked twice as much. "Even Surkov, who loves all sorts of massive colorful acts, from such an impudence of Obomall," the source in the Moscow headquarters said "Life". - Yakimenko advised to temper the appetites and threatened to find him a worthy replacement, more modest. As you know, we do not have indispensable.
Link: 18336.htm

"Jacmenko just Stroxy"

Today at 12.00 in the editorial office of Gazety.Ru should take place online interview with the head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs Vasily Yaquenenko. The upcoming interview caused great interest of readers - in the evening of December 1, more than 400 questions were asked. However, on the eve of Online Yaquenenko refused to answer questions about the readers of "Gazeta.Ru", referring to the "urgent workshop." Name the new date of the interviews, representatives of Yakemenko could not.

"... another curious detail - the visitors of Surkov and the ex-leader of our" Our "Vasily Yaquenenko, the latest news about which were still in those days when his cafe "Eat Pie" broke. Since then, he has completely disappeared somewhere. Surkov Yaquenenko came to the company of two ex-nastyists: with the leader of the "Young lawyers of Russia" by Sergei Broyev and Chairman of the Russian Style Foundation Ivan Kosovo. Sergey Vashurkin shortly before the meeting sent Surkov Summary, where it is as a general director of Kameshkovsky Mechanical Plant OJSC. Nikita Kurkin positions itself as a historian and a journalist, soon after the meeting, he sent Surkov a file with a project called "Birth of the IV-y nation" about Novorossia with a budget of 1 million rubles. What connects the whole of this material as a company is not very clear.

Vasily Yaquenenko and Vladislav Surkov binds, it seems, not only politics . This can be judged on the basis of the investigation of the "New Gazette", dedicated to the postcases laid out in open access ... "...

  • August 1st, 2015, 11:11 am

  • January 30th, 2015, 10:10 am

The original is taken by W. tsarev_alexey In the first river komom

The fairy tale of "Kolobok", if someone does not remember, begins with the fact that the grandmother with the grandfather did not have children, but in old age suddenly she wanted. The traditional conception arose problems, so they went "special" by. Screeching on Souskam, they blinded the bread monster, the difficult fate of which constitutes the plot of this well-known drama. The history of the creation of pro-creek youth movements has much more common with folklore than it seems at first glance.

I found out that I have a huge family

In the role of the grandfather, who offered the ruling party to rush under Soussekam, spoken "Gray Cardinal" from propaganda Vladislav Surkovwho led to the policies of the village from the settlement Lyubertsy Vasily YaquenenkoWhich at that time worked by the director of the group " Music lying" He began to create a new movement by the methods of "network marketing": each new member obliges to recruit another five more people (

And path and fishing rods, in the field every spikelet,

This is how the Vasily Yaquenko himself described this creative flour: " You take five fans of the dech, and by any ways forcing them to read them Anna Karenina - this is your business, how do you achieve this. And any paths they go to Suzdal. And any paths they go to your 2nd concert Rachmaninova» ( L.Parthen "Namedny-2001"). But the technology of Dr. Frankenstein was imperfect, and, as the vital activity showed these experimental, Dell in their heads left more than enough. Kolobok turned out to be aggressive and stupid. Fabulous bakery products all the time narrowed to bother some malicious beast, while our God's hostitude suggested on trouble. However, the overall spirit of joyful Darwinism remained in both cases.

River, blue sky - it's all my native,

Mainly, these saints with wings remembered the population with their struggle with the manifestations of Russian culture that they did not like. At first, they for some reason made public a list of harmful, in their opinion, literature. It was not interesting to anyone except themselves, but they did not care. The list fell works Victor Pelevina, Vladimir Sorokina, Viktor Erofeev and for some reason Karl Marx. If Pelevine and Marx was lucky, and they were quickly fast behind, the passion for Sorokin, who had worked out by our seraphim, did not leave them until the death of motion in 2005. In 2002, they set a huge foam toilet to the Big Theater in which Throwing the books of Sorokina and flowers. In the future, they were submitted to the writer claims for pornography and slander.

This is my homeland, I love everyone in the world!

However, it was not possible to completely repeat the tragic fate of a kolobka "Going". Realizing that the whole couple went into the whistle, Yaquenenko in full compliance with the saying "to paint and throw away!" He began to promote a new project, which would be discussed in the next post, providing "going on" their own destiny.

It did not come out with the party of power, create a party to Salty!
Request, suddenly, friend, - Peka with raisins of pies.

And it will not work with you a pieder, we need a shoemaker.

  • March 1st, 2014, 09:52 am

"... convicts for the murder of lawyer Stanislav Markelov and Anastasia Baburred Nikita Tikhonov and Evgenia Hasis today re-actively give testimony. The leader and ideologue of Born in these testimony is very different people, and the inspirations and organizers of the murders are completely different people.
In interrogation protocols, for example, it is possible to find the names of the head of the Prosrelevsky youth movement "Local" Leonid Simunin, the Creator of the Kremlin Youth Policy of Vasily Yakemenko, is mentioned there and the recent "gray cardinal" of the Kremlin Vladislav Surkov. What does this mean?..

Goryachev does not recognize himself guilty of complicity in murder, and Tikhonov, who has nothing to lose - more that he was memorized for the murder of Markelov and Baburova he would not receive, "he says and a lot. He not only recognized his guilt in the murder of Ryukhin's anti-fascists, Filatova, Japaridze, spoke about the murder of Azizov and Khalilov, but also gave detailed testimony about his actual complicity in the preparation of the shootings of Anti-Fascist Ivan Khutorsky and federal judge Edward Chuvashov (the last two killings were committed after Arrest Tikhonov and Hasis). At the same time, he directly calls Goryachev.

Non-Study Protocol December 19, 2013 Between Tikhon Nikita Aleksandrovich and Hotlya Ilya Vitalevich. Moscow:

"... Goryachev repeatedly said that he had connections in various power structures, right up to the administration of the President of the Russian Federation (...)

I turned to Goryachev with a request to use my connections in power structures in order to help me remove suspicion of murder. After some time (...) Our next meeting took place with Goryachev (...) He told me: "In the money, my acquaintances in power structures are not interested, but if you are ready to provide certain kind servicesthen they may assist you, can help you. " I asked what kind of services. He said: "It seems to make football hooligans, which consist in the movement" ours ", the fact that you are doing both Romor Verbicky nominator" prickly ". That is, it is an attack on opposition representatives, the provision of physical pressure on them, beating, intimidation. " (...) I replied that the participants of the "march of dissent" (...) for me are not enemies. And neither the natball nor the people of Kasparov, I'm not going to attack them. Goryachev said: "You are engaged in shares against" Antifa ", it is also levia." I replied that this is a completely different case, because (...) "Antifa" is my enemies. Approximately on this our conversation was interrupted. "

"... Goryachev shaped a negative attitude towards Markelov's personality. (...) Goryachev pointed all the time: "Markelova will not - a criminal prosecution will be with you". In addition, he urged me that the underground combat group would be created from persons of radical views, which would be directly pointing stocks - the killings of the leaders of the Anti-Anti-lapse of Markelov from the circle. "

"Specific orders for the murder of Markelov sounded from the mouth of Goryachev repeatedly. My deep conviction that he was not in his will, but with the filing of representatives of the authorities ".

"I am his orders, his orders, including orders for the murder, performed (...) Because I trusted him to politically a little, his conviction. (...) I have believed to the last thing that he acts in itself, after all, he is not such a scumbag, in order to kill people to kill themselves, to decide who to live, and who to die. So, it is true that there are some representatives of the power clans, to whose patronage of which Goryachev often referred. The descent of the trigger, I felt, behind my shoulders, support for influential people at the highest level. Allow the same Kadyrov to kill their enemies, why not allow Goryachev. "

The same was confirmed at an embezzlement, while the killer added that he always recognized the intellectual superiority of Goryachev. The latter was so dumbfounded by the testimony of his friend, which during a full-time bet was answered: "No, I do not agree, I do not confirm."

As for the relationship with people from the presidential administration or having some attitude towards it and the procent youth movements, then Lonid Simunun is mentioned in the testimony.

Tikhonov willingly talk about his acquaintance with him. "Some money he (Goryachev. - MG) passed, but it was, in fact, the hand. And I was forced to (...) Use the money of the magnitude. (...) Here he offers me: "I can't give you money now, but there is the opportunity to earn them with your usual way." I say: "What, what kind of killerism?". He says: "No, not by killerism, but there are people who need to be punished, to beat, intimidate them to damage them, and they will pay well for it." I say: "And who?" "There is such a person, a curator, an employee of the Presidential Administration Leonid Simunun. He himself was a former leaving from Lyubertsy (...), so he was twisted, he entered the service to the state. Now he oversees the Kremlin youth and is superfluous. This, says one of those with whom I now communicate through which I got my contacts. I.e, a man is reliable, influential, if that, and bother you" Well, I say, I say, I know me with him. I, in principle, was more interested in looking at all these mysterious patrons of Goryachev than the real opportunity to earn money. You never know what. We agreed with the hot drive to the Syrmoun's office, it is in the station Baumanskaya metro station. In my opinion, it was the "Local" traffic office, I don't remember exactly. But this is some kind of Kremlin youth (...) Simunun was frank, saying that he has debtors who do not pay for debts and that they should be punished. (...) Someone to beat, burn the car, such a plan (...) there, says two people. Both you need to beat...

It seems that the testimony that Nikita Tikhonov and Eugene Hasis are now given can lead to the dock of the defendants of the figures much larger than Ilya Goryachev ...

Surnames that flashed in interrogation protocols, too famous for this sooner or later did not cause a political scandal.

It will be solved at the very top.

Is it really interested in the Kremlin in the fact that the names of people who spent yesterday internal politics surfaced in such a context?

Nikolai Polozov:

Higher guide is interested in maintaining some balance. The head is the highest moderator. And I do not exclude that the hooks that throw in different directions will not be used. But at some point it will be possible for them. So far, in my opinion, the final decision is not accepted. Dana sanction - digit, collect evidence ... "...

See original material on the site "Top Secret":

  • October 31st, 2013, 06:48 pm

"The Rospatriot Center established by the Federal Agency "Rosmolodet" can become the coordinator of a new youth movement. Experts suggest that the Kremlin intends to fill the empty niche of the Motion "Our" analogue of the Komsomol - conservatism, patriotism and keeping will come to the place of aggressive confrontation of the "orange threat".

Previously, a little-known organization of the FBSU "Rospatriot Center", in just a few months, became one of the main conductors of the State Youth Policy ...

According to
president of the Foundation "Center for Political Technologies" Igor Bunin, the government intends to fill out the empty niche of the All-Russian Cross-Union Youth Organization.

"What will create something patriotic, such as Komsomol, is quite accurate. Our "Ours" were a copy of the Hungybins, but this idea was completely outlined. Now they will create something very patriotic, something very national,to interest youth, create a career ladder. " According to the expert, real weight and influence, the organization will not receive anyway: "There is nothing from above - it creates when there is emotions. And they can only create a career organization. Some young people will go there to advance. And nothing will happen anymore. "

  • September 23rd, 2013, 09:03 pm

Edge: Together with Surkov, Demidov and Ivanov will return to the Kremlin

Deputy Minister of Culture Ivan Demidov and Senator Nikita Ivanov will soon be returned to work in the Kremlin, reporting "Izvestia". Both officials are known as the long-standing associates of Vladislav Surkov, who was appointed assistant president on Friday. Surkov will oversee the relationship with the CIS countries, Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

Boy Nikita grew up? ..

Yakemenko, Vasily

Former head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs

Head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs from July 2008 to June 2012. Earlier - Head of the State Committee on Youth Affairs (2007-2008). Former Federal Commissioner of the Youth Anti-Fascist Democratic Movement "Ours", one of the creators of youth movements "Going together" and "ours." In the past - Head of the Department for Relations with Public Organizations Department of Internal Policy of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation.

Vasily Grigorievich Yaquenenko was born on May 27, 1971 in the city of Lyubertsy, Moscow Region ,.

His father Grigory Vasilyevich Yaquenenko since 1961 he worked in the Kamov helicopter OKB (later - Kamov JSC), was the main designer of the legendary single combat helicopter Ka-50 "Black Shark", developed from December 1976 and launched in a series in August 1995 of the year , . Having received a place in 1996 with several other developers of Ka-50 State Prize of the Russian Federation, Yaquenenko's father continued to engage in the improvement of the "black shark": in 1997 there was a night version with a modernized viewing system ,. Since 2003, Gregory Yaquenenko taught in part-time at the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI): He was a professor at the department 102 "Designing helicopters", read the "Construction of the helicopter aggregates" and led the graduation design. The father of Yaquenenko died suddenly in July 2006. Jacmenko's mother worked as a translator in the same design bureau named after Kamov ,.

In the school years, Yaquenenko, like many of his peers from Lyubertsy, visited the rocking chair in the basement of the house on the Oktyabrsky Avenue, subsequently became the Lyuberetsky sports club "Titan". According to local residents, he treated the so-called "Luber". In the late 1980s, those came to Moscow and the coarse physical force "cleared the Soviet society from alien elements": beat hippies, punks and metalwors, selecting icons, leather bracelets and key rings. The club administrator in 2005 recalled that "Lubers" had a "normal public organization as Komsomol or Pioneers, only more interesting." It provided for "cells, brigadiers looking in every home. We must go on business - everyone, everyone quickly collected, threw off, drove." Many of the "Lubers" later replenished the ranks of the Lyubertsy organized criminal group (ODS). In 2005, in the club, along with portraits of Jean-Claude Van Damme and Arnold Schwarzenegger hung a photo of Vasily Zaitseva's narrow circles - one of the first professional Soviet Bodybuilders and the leader of Lyubertsy NGG named Halad, killed in the early 1990 x year According to local residents, later, when creating their own youth organizations, Yaquenko reproduced the structure of "Lubers".

In the same years, in Lyubertsy, on the memoirs of Jacmenko himself, he was a member of the Komsomol school committee and was responsible for the reception of new Komsomol members, the truth is not long. Once he was asked to convey in the Gorka Komsomola Questionnaires of the two in the VLKSM. Jacmenko immediately forgot about the instructions, putting the questionnaires in the table. Six months later, when he was asked about the candidates, Yaquenenko stated that those "while unworthy of admission", so he deliberately painted the questionnaire. After that, he was removed from his position. In 1989-1991 (according to other information, 1990-1992) served in the army ,.

In 1988, Yaquenenko graduated from school. In 1989 (according to other information, in 1990), the year was called into the army. Two years served by the link (radio telegraphist). In the army, Yaquenenko became the secretary of the Komsomol cell. For the time of payment, which was relying for each adopted in Komsomol, he managed to record a soldier in the VLKSM members, even before the meeting became the Komsomol in his village.

Immediately after the demobilization, Yakmenko took up business ,. In 1992, he became a co-founder of Tandem-Ros LLP, which was engaged in publishing. In 1993, he headed Vento LLP, which specialized in the design and assembly of fans. In 1994, Yaquenko became the co-founder of Akbars LLP, which was a mediator in trade in consumer goods. At the same time, the leaders of one of the largest organized criminal groups of Tatarstan "29 Complex" were turned out to be the other co-operations "Akbars"; Yakmenko himself subsequently argued that it was included in the founders without his knowledge and consent and participation in the activities of the company did not accept. In 2011, the investigation found that Yaquenenko really worked in this company and was familiar with its founders, but was not involved in the activities of the OGG. In July 2012, Rolling Stone magazine published an interview with Oleg Rutka's entrepreneur, allegedly a cousin Sister Yaquenko, who stood up the publication of some details of the proposed criminal biography of Yaquenenko. In the early 90s, the lokat, the owner of the large commercial association "Globus", according to him, arranged unemployed Jacmenko to his company as a system administrator. Having access to the company's documentation, Yaquenenko allegedly contacted the members of the OPG "29 Complex" ("actually entered their organizing committee") and helped them by extortion to assign a million dollars taken by the Swatom on a loan for one of the business projects. After that, the "Kazan", according to the certificate of the match, allegedly, "the Globus" took the "globe" in a matter of months, "and" Vasya signed on all documents. " At the same time, an interview with Larisa was published in the media, which introduced the former wife of Oleg, who argued that the businessman allegedly was associated with criminal structures and intentionally stated Yaquenenko.

In 1994, Yakmenko graduated from the evening office of the State University of Management. In addition, it is known that Yaquenenko was the financial director in several construction companies ,.

Yaquenenko acquired public fame at the end of 1999 as the director (producer) of the Moscow Music Group "Music Lying", which managed to record an album, take off the clip and appeared in the radio. First, the newspaper "News of St. Petersburg", and then a number of central publications, ,,, by each other they told their readers that on December 3, 1999, an attack was made on Yaqueshenko: he was hit by the head of the "blunt metal subject" ,.

According to Yaquenenko, an unknown person called him on the eve of the incident, advising to remove the song "Old Primus" from the air and not interfere in the big policy. After the attack, the leader of the group suggested that he got from the supporters of the former Prime Minister of the country Evgeny Primakov, who was one of the founders of the Block "Fatherland-All Russia" (HSR), originally as a favorite on the forthcoming parliamentary elections and the main political competitor for the procent movement "Unity ",. According to the director of the group "Music lying", supporters of the ORV leader decided that in the text of the song under the "Primus", "whom it's time to the garbage", was implied by Primakov.

Yaquenenko himself stated that he and his friends are not interested in politics: "Honestly, we all before Fenia, who is there ruled - well, not quite, of course, but by and large. In the first place we have rhythms and images - in this our Meaning and in this, sorry, our kayf. " He called himself and his surroundings, he called "supacanished wounders." At the same time, the newspaper "News of St. Petersburg" noted that Yaquenenko was distinguished by the "tireless energy and a congenital tendency to promotion" on the music market.

After the attack, Yaquenenko passed a medical examination. Doctors recorded his brain concussion. At the same time, Yaquenenko did not go to the police. According to the journalist of the newspaper "News of St. Petersburg", policemen could except to raise it on laughter or demand to bring another certificate - from a psychdispanceer.

In May 2000, Yaquenenko headed the youth movement "Going together" (in one of the interviews he told that "asked for a construction business partners ... to invest small money in the" walking together. "So we got the opportunity to bookmark moral values \u200b\u200b- leading young from Mata and beer "). The movement was registered in the Ministry of Justice in July 2000. His "founding fathers", according to some reports, were political technologies Gleb Pavlovsky and Marat Gelman). According to Yaquenenko himself, it was in connection with this initiative that he was invited to work in the Presidential Administration of Russia, becoming the head of the department of relations with public organizations of domestic policies. They noted that he was directly subordinate to the Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Vladislav Surkov. However, Jacmenko worked for a long time, only until November 1, 2000, quitted, as noted by the Moscow Komsomolets newspaper, "Just on the eve of a confused rally in support of Vladimir Putin" (Incen the rally "Youth for the President" on Vasilyevsky Descent Moscow on November 7, 2000).

After dismissal from the administration, Yaquenenko focused on working with "walking together." Among other leaders of the movement were mentioned Paul Kassinsky (perhaps it was about the vocalist of the group "Music lying"), Maxim Yatsenko and Alexey Tikhonov. In the press, there was a fact that "going together" support presidential structures (Vladislav Surkov was attributed to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe organization of the movement). However, according to Yakemenko, assistance turned out to be "only moral". At the same time, from the very beginning of active performances of the movement, journalists wrote that the new youth movement was "miraculously found funds for collective campaigns to pools, gyms, internet salons and even free trips to the boarding houses."

The chief ideolog of the media movement was called the brother leader "Going together" - the historian Boris Yakemenko. In addition to President Putin, the press referred to the number of "idols of movement" Pavel Borodina, writer Boris Vasiliev and the Russian Orthodox Church (the cooperation with the ROC was told by Boris Yakemenko himself). Among the enemies of the "walking" were mentioned modern liberal writers, the Communists, America, in which "there are no such important components as spirituality and understanding of their own ethnicity" and the former Soviet republic, where "offend Russians." "Independent newspaper" among the "domestic forerunning of the century ago" movement called the Russian meeting, the Union of the Russian People, the Union named after Mikhail Arkhangel. Meanwhile, the movement became famous, mainly by the "cultural" shares of a scandalous nature ,,: for example, the exchange of books of Karl Marx, Viktor Pelevine and Vladimir Sorokina, declared "harmful", on the collection of Boris Vasilyev's leaders or a speech from the Bolshoi Theater against Sorokina as the author of Libretto to the new opera. Held "walking" and political actions, including the burning of the US Flag at the building of the embassy of this state during a rally in defense of the arrested Pavel Borodina and demonstration in defense of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, during which portraits of "traitors" were burned, including a number of opposition Russian politicians. Also, the press wrote that the clan principle was based on the structure of the "walking": the movement was divided into several buildings, which headed the leaders of informal associations of aggressively configured football fans. In 2002, the number of members of the movement was about 40 thousand people.

After some time, the movement "Going together" went to no. According to some reports, in February 2005, Surkov together with Jacmenko met on a certain removable apartment in St. Petersburg with activists of the youth movement created and stated that all existing parties had discredited themselves, so we need to create a new one. He suggested from a youth organization. On April 5, 2005, at the constituent conference of the movement "Our" Yaquenenko was elected one of the five federal commissars of the movement. In the same month, Yaquenenko left at his own request the post of head "Going together" ,. At the same time, the creation of a new organization Yaquenenko held a long time secret. So, when the constituent conference of movement was held in the suburban Pension "Sezhez", Yakmenko argued that it was only a "scientific conference".

The movement "Ours" immediately marked its proper presidential orientation. Yaquenenko himself said that the task of movement is "the fight against fascism in all its manifestations". He took the NBP to his representatives (later Skinheads, members of the rhenium and "so-called Wahhabits") were added to them, as well as the liberal opposition - "from" Apple to Khakamada, "acting with the NBP, and therefore, according to Yaquenko," Solidarity with its methods, symbolism ",, On the question of whether the "Our" analogue of "Going together", Yaquenenko himself answered negatively. He stated that "Going together" were a compact organization, founded by Personally, Yakemenko and solved certain tasks - "cultural, or construction, and so on." "Our", according to him, this is "the movement created by the guys," which was the "preparation of the generation of professionals" and "Wholesale change of the existing bureaucracy". In an interview with the Nizhny Novgorod telegraph agency, Yaquenko also touched on the issue of financing movement: "The major domestic business supports us. Some representatives of large domestic business, such as oligarch zelenin, provide us with open moral support."

Judging by the materials in the press, "ours" very quickly gained fame ,, Representatives of the movement were repeatedly accused of involvement in the attack on opposition and members of the left-radical organizations, however, the leadership of our "ours" was denied all such accusations,. At the end of 2005, analysts expressed the idea that by creating "ours", the federal authorities decided to raise the loyal young people, which can be used on their side in the case of an orange revolution.

The ideologist of the movement "Our" presses once again called Boris Yakemenko. Answering the question about the difference between the "walking together" and "our", he noted that the first, unlike the second, "never wade into such global goals as the modernization of society." In a number of scandalous stocks, the Movement of the press called the Boycott and the persecution of the Ambassador of Estonia in Russia, as a result of which Yaquenenko and several more activists of the movement "ours" were denied entry into Estonia and other countries of the Schengen zone, against the participation of the British ambassador Tony Brenton in the opposition action " Other Russia "and unprecedented event-shares, such as" our victory "(2005) and" Svyaznoy President "(2007). "We want to get a team in Moscow in Moscow in one day," said Jacmenko during the last action, during which the members of the movement proposed passers-by send SMS-messages to the head of state. Also reported on the Summer camps of our "Seliger and the meetings of President Putin with activists of the movement.

In October 2005, Yaquenenko first used the term "sovereign democracy" later, stated in one of the interviews "Komsomolskaya Pravda": "We spent for sovereign democracy, where the freedom of man and freedom of state is necessary and equivalent." In June 2006, Surkov, opposing its "manageable democracy", was fought on sovereign democracy, which is controlled by the political regime. It was he who was subsequently mentioned in the press as the author of this term.

While working with "coming together," representatives of the youth movement, headed by Yakemenko, were asked about what youth projects are needed for their leader. The view was expressed that Yaquenenko intends to run into the State Duma and seriously engage in politics. The youth leader himself expressed indefinitely, claiming that "the policy would involuntarily have to do," after which she stated that "he did not want to do it."

In the summer of 2007, during the "Ours" at the Seliger, Yaquenenko announced that he would soon leave the post of leader of the movement. On July 29, 2007, the elections of the new leader "our" won few people who the well-known Federal Commissioner of Our "Nikita Borovikov. Then there were assumptions that Yaquenenko may lead a new Youth Policy Agency under the Ministry of Education and Science. A few days before that, the president took the activists of the movement at himself in envy. During her, Yaquenko proposed to create "Special Office for Youth Policy", but then the idea of \u200b\u200bcentralized management of youth movements did not approve the president. On July 31, 2007, Yaquenenko said that the election of his successor was "not more than a role-playing game." "Kommersant" with reference to his source close to the presidential administration, said that, having organized the election, Yaquenenko, "Wa-Bank went, having prepared a change scheme for the leadership of movement and increasing his status." When Putin did not support the leader's leader's initiatives ("Deli to understand what is not time"), he had to "pass back." "Widely announced elections still had to be carried out, but now they will try to forget about them," the source of the publication noted.

Information that Yaquenenko may lead the Government Committee on Youth Affairs again appeared in September 2007. However, in this case, we were already on the independent executive body, the idea of \u200b\u200bwhich, according to the "merchant", belonged to Surkov. On October 10, 2007, Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov signed a decree on the appointment of Yakemenko by the head of the State Committee on Youth Affairs ,. It was noted that, in accordance with the presidential decree, among the responsibilities of Yaquenenko will be "the definition of state youth policy, creating conditions for ensuring a healthy way of life of young people, sports, moral and patriotic education, the realization of the youth of their professional opportunities." In addition, as the head of the Jacmenko Committee will coordinate the activities of the executive authority of the subjects of the federation in the field of youth policy.

According to the leader of the youth "apple" Ilya Yashin, the appointment of Yakemenko may mean the elimination of "ours" after the presidential election. "Gazeta.Ru" noted that the movement by the end of 2007 was already "began to blur", which was indicated by its division into seven new attachments, the so-called contours: "Our Army", created with the blessing of the ideology of the ROC Metropolitan Cyril Orthodox contour (headed With Boris Yaquenenko), "Our Elections", Anti-Fascist Direction, Project "Svyaznoy President", contour "Pioneeria" and "Winter Seliger". According to forecasts of the publication, in December 2007, when parliamentary elections will be held in Russia, our movement activists will be held all the central squares of Moscow, in order to prevent the disposal of opposition on them. On the same days, "Gazeta.Ru" is expected Conducting constituent congresses of seven new movements, after which the organization of "ours" will cease to exist. On the other hand, on the site of the movement "Our" in the same period there was no mention of "contours", although the list of so-called "directions" was much wider: " Analytical direction "," Antifachism "," Elections "," Children of Russia "," DMD "," Ideology "," Information Direction "," Corporate Culture "," Mass shares "," Our Army "," Our Profi ", "NKO", "Education", "Patriotism", "Human Rights", "Orthodoxy", "Social Direction", "Sploomy", "Tourism", "Friendship Lessons" and "Economic Direction".

On December 25, 2007, Yaquenenko at the congress "of ours" declared the progress of the leader of the movement. The new Lidar "Ours" became Borovikov. Commenting on this event, Jacmenko expressed confidence that under the leadership of Borovikov "Our" will achieve "even more impressive victories" ,.

In March 2008, the First Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev won the presidential election. On May 7, 2008, he joined the President of Russia. On May 8, at a meeting of the State Duma, Putin was approved by the premier.

On May 12, 2008, Medvedev instructed to create a federal agency on the basis of Goscommolodes, which, unlike the State Committee, will be carried out by the newly created Ministry of Sports, Youth and Tourism Affairs. At the same time, Putin appointed the Minister of Sport to the head of the Russian Football Union Vitaly Mutko,. On July 6 of the same year, the Prime Minister signed a decree on the appointment of Jacmenko to the position of head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh) ,.

In December 2008, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at a meeting, which took place in Helsinki, raised the issue of abolishing the ban on entering the Schengen zone for Yakemenko. Lavrov noticed that Russia could also refuse a visa to some official from the EU. However, Estonia refused to exclude Yaquenenko from the "Black List" stating that any EU state had the right to issue a visa to visit a particular country.

In July 2010, the Yaquenenko brothers appealed to the New Gazette, Echo Moskvy Radio Station, Satirik Writer Sanderovich and Human Rights Defenders Alexander Podrapinku to the Persian Court of Moscow. The reason for the claim was the approval of the defendants about the involvement of the brothers to publish on the Internet video recordings, on which opposition representatives were filmed in situations of a compromising nature. In total, Yakimenko intended to recover from the defendants more than 4.5 million rubles. In October of the same year, the court partially satisfied their demands, recovered by 60 thousand rubles from the New Gazette and Echo Moscow, 20 thousand - with the newspaper and 10 thousand, with Shenderovich, who wrote articles of journalists. The suit to the sub-library, who argued in his blog that "sponsors of this film crew should be very influential people," the court rejected,. On December 10 of the same year, the Moscow City Court overturned the previous decision of the Perovsky court, directing the case for a new consideration ,. In July 2011, the Basmannaya Court of Moscow partially satisfied the Sanderovich brothers, "Ehu Moscow" and "New Gazeta": the court ordered Shenderovich to pay 10 thousand rubles, "new newspaper" - 70 thousand rubles, and "Echo of Moscow" was recognized as innocent .

In November 2010, he was beaten by unknown and gained injury to the journalist of the publishing house "Kommersant" Oleg Kashin. Soon after the incident in the press, suspicion of involvement in Him Yaquenenko were expressed: in particular, attention was paid to the fact that a few months before this, a photo of Kashin was published with the signature "will be punished" on the site, . The interim results of the investigation were not disclosed, but on his blog on March 23, 2011, Kashin stated that he had no other versions besides the one that Yaquenenko could stand for the attackers. In response, the head of Rosmolodezh filed a journalist to the court demanding to disprove the statement and pay one hundred thousand rubles as compensation for moral damage. On June 21, 2011, the Khamovnichesky Court of Moscow refused Yaquenenko in satisfying the claim, stating that "the court did not set the distribution of information that could be refuted" ,. At the same time, in February 2012, the Savelovsky Court of Moscow recited a hundred thousand rubles in favor of Jacmenko. Marat Gelman's galleryist, who had previously also publicly accused the head of Rosmolodezh in organizing an attack on Kashin.

Since the end of January 2012, in microblogging on Twitter-E "OP_RUSSIA" (the creators of which were stated that they were representatives of the Anonymous movement in Russia) began to publish references to the electronic correspondence archives, which, as stated, belonged to Yaquenenko, the press secretary of Our " Christine Perempchik and some people associated with them. From the letters, it was necessary that Rosmolodets and our "ours" paid some famous bloggers for their publications, numerous users of LiveJournal - for comments of the pro-government sense, organized DDoS attacks on the sites of the liberal media ,. Representatives of Rosmolodege and Our "ours" refused to comment on published materials ,,

In May 2012, Yakemenko in an interview with the writer and journalist Sergei Minaev admitted that he financed the news online portal "Ridus", in which the famous blogger Ilya Varlamov worked. However, the next day Yaquenenko refused his words, specifying that I simply "presented" Varlamov and Ridus "KAMAZ", which then gave funds to the project. Varlamov confirmed that Ridus belongs to "Kamazu", but said That did not know about involvement in the project Yaquenenko ,.

In the same month, Yaquenenko announced his intention after official care from the post of Head of Rosmolodezh to create a "batch of power", which could be the competition "United Russia". He believed that the party would be able to rely on the middle class, including participants in mass protest shares, which were held in Moscow and other cities after elections to the State Duma in December 2011. At the same time, Yakmenko did not hide that he discussed the creation of a party with the government (in particular, with Vice Prime Minister Vladislav Surkov) and the Kremlin. In the government, he, according to media, offered several posts, but he refused. Regarding his desire to create a party, he was supposedly said: "Want - do," ,,,

Also in May 2012, Yaquenenko reported his new business projects. According to Yaquenenko, he owned himself shortly before this open Moscow cafe "Eat Pie"; On its basis, it was further planned to create a network of pirogov. In addition, Yaquenenko declared an intention to engage in construction business ,.

On June 13, 2012, it became known that Yaquenenko Decree of the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev was released from June 9 from the post of head of Rosmolodege at his own request ,. His successor was Sergey Belokonev, who was previously deputy Jacmenko,.

Yaquenenko loves classical music, he is engaged in sports (plays table tennis) and musitis (plays the guitar) ,. In addition, it is known that Yaquenenko is an avid motorist. In 2007, the New Gazeta wrote that the youth leader is included in the so-called group of "especially malicious violators of the rules of the road". He is used to feel on the owner's road.

Yaquenenko is married to Mary Sobolev. According to the information about the income of the official family, it is unemployed, in the press also in 2010 it was mentioned that she was the "face" of the program "run after me" Rosmolodezh,. Yaquenenko has two sons, it is known that the older of them, born, allegedly, in 1993, name is Vladimir,,.

Used materials

Evgeny Levkovich. Sky in Kamaz: Vasily Yakemenko. - Rolling Stone, 03.07.2012

Mountain gave birth to a mouse. - Christina Blog Pearl (, 03.07.2012

Sergey Belokonev officially appointed head of Rosmolodezh. -, 26.06.2012

Sergey Belokonev was appointed head of Rosolodege. - Russian newspaper, 26.06.2012

Vasily Yaquenenko dismissed from the post of head of Rosmolodege. -, 13.06.2012

Vasily Grigorievich Yakemenko. - Rosmolodezh, 12.06.2012

Oh Yakmenko V.G. - Order of government09.06.2012. - № 941-p

"Leaving the government, I said:" I would like to make a party. "I was told: you want - do." Exclusive interview with Vasily Yaquenenko NTV. - TV company NTV., 27.05.2012

Diana Khachatryan. "I'm forty years old. I have very little time." - New Newspaper, 24.05.2012

Vasily Yaquenenko denied the direct financing of Ridus and Ilya Varlamov - he simply "presented them with" Kamaz ". - Rained "Rain", 23.05.2012

Yakemenko: not only power, but also pies. - Interfax, 23.05.2012

Blogger Varlamov is ready to leave "Ridus" because of "ours." - Russian service BBC., 22.05.2012

Ridus. - Blog Ilya Varlamova (, 22.05.2012

Maria Zagronnova, Lilia Biryukova, Natalia Kostenko. Yaquenenko decided to arrange a social protest in state-framework. -, 22.05.2012

KAMAZ became the owner of the online media domain "Ridus". - RIA News, 21.05.2012

V. Yaqueenko creates a "batch of power" and calls for a revolution. - RBC, 21.05.2012

YAKEMENKO: "Party of Power" is agreed with the Kremlin. -, 21.05.2012

Vasily Yaqueenko sued 100 thousand rubles from Marat Gelman. - Rapese, 28.02.2012

Anastasia Karimova. Kremlin blog. - Kommersant Money, 13.02.2012. - № 6 (863)

Andrei Kozrenko. "Ours" change the angle of attack. - Kommersant, 11.02.2012. - № 25 (4810)

Daniel Torovsky. "We are doing what our conscience makes us." - Poster, 09.02.2012

Hackers reported on the attack on sites containing "Letters of Yaquenko". - RIA News, 09.02.2012

"Why did I learn LJ, if I won't get anything?". -, 06.02.2012

Rosmolodezh does not comment on the "Letters of Yaquenenko" laid out. - RIA News, 01.02.2012

Yakenko lost the court "Ehu Moscow"; "New Gazeta" and Shenderovich will pay compensation. -, 18.07.2011

The Basmannaya Court of Moscow rejected the claims of the Yakemenko brothers to the radio station "Echo of Moscow". - Echo of Moscow, 18.07.2011

Yaquenenko lost to Kashina in court. - Interfax, 21.06.2011

Khamovnichesky Court of Moscow rejected Vasily Yaquenko to Oleg Kashin. - Rapese, 21.06.2011

Yaquenenko sued Kashin, demanding 100 thousand rubles compensation for writing to LJ. -, 04.04.2011

Ivan Kozlov. TVNZ. - Salt, 25.03.2011

Case Kashin. - Oleg Kashin Blog (, 23.03.2011

Yulia Sadovskaya. The head of Rosmolodezh was in the center of a new scandal. - Independent newspaper, 23.03.2011

Zinaida Burst. Six hundredth Yakemenko. - New Newspaper, 20.12.2010

The Moscow City Court canceled the rossoud's decision on the suit of the Yakemenko brothers to the New Gazette. The case sent to a new consideration. - New Newspaper, 10.12.2010

The Moscow City Court canceled the decision on the suit Yaquenenko to Shenderovich and the New Gazette. - RIA News, 10.12.2010

Former head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs

Head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs from July 2008 to June 2012. Earlier - Head of the State Committee on Youth Affairs (2007-2008). Former Federal Commissioner of the Youth Anti-Fascist Democratic Movement "Ours", one of the creators of youth movements "Going together" and "ours." In the past - Head of the Department for Relations with Public Organizations Department of Internal Policy of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation.

Vasily Grigorievich Yaquenenko was born on May 27, 1971 in the city of Lyubertsy Moscow Region. He graduated from high school. In 1989-1991 (for other information, 1990-1992) served in the army.

Demobilized, Yaquenenko became the co-founder of Tandem-Ros LLP, in 1993 he headed Vento LLP, and in 1994 established Akbars LLP. In addition, it is known that he was a financial director in several construction companies.

In 1994, Yaquenenko graduated from the evening office of the State University of Management.

In May 2000, Yaquenenko headed the youth movement "Going together." Soon after that, he was invited to work in the administration of the President of Russia, becoming the head of the department of relations with public organizations of the Department of Internal Policy. However, it worked for this post for long - only until November 1, 2000.

After dismissal from the administration, Yaquenenko focused on working with "walking together." It was noted that the movement was famous, mainly by political and "cultural" shares of a scandalous nature.

In 2002, Jacmenko graduated from the Moscow State Social University.

On April 5, 2005, at the constituent conference of the movement "Our" Yaquenenko was elected one of the five federal commissars of the movement. In the same month, Yaquenko, at his own request, left the post of the head of the "Going together".

The movement "Ours" immediately marked its proper presidential orientation. Jacmenko himself stated that the task of movement was "Fishing with fascism in all its manifestations." Representatives of the movement were repeatedly accused of involvement in the attack on oppositionists and members of the left-radical organizations, however, the leadership of our "ours" was denied all such accusations. A number of analysts shortly after the creation of "ours" suggested that the new movement was intended to protect the current power in the case of an orange revolution.

On October 10, 2007, Russian Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov signed a decree on the appointment of Yakemenko by the head of the State Committee on Youth Affairs. On December 25, 2007, Yaquenenko declared that the powers of the Federal Commissioner of the Movement "Ours".

In March 2008, the first Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev won the presidential election. On May 7, 2008, he joined the President of Russia. On May 8, at a meeting of the State Duma, the Former President Vladimir Putin was approved by the Prime Minister. On May 12, Medvedev instructed to create a federal agency on the basis of the State Committee, which will be conducted by the newly created Ministry of Sports, Youth and Tourism Affairs. On July 6 of the same year, Prime Minister Putin signed a decree appointing Jacmenko to the position of head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs.

On June 13, 2012, it became known that Yaquenenko was released several days earlier from the post of head of Rosmolodege. Earlier, Yaquenenko said that he plans after the resignation to deal with the organization of his own "party of power", which could compete "United Russia".

Yaquenenko loves classical music, he is engaged in sports (plays table tennis) and musitis (plays the guitar).

Jacmenko married, he has two sons.


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