Which was Majid Hussein AS. Saddam Hussein - Biography of the former dictator

Which was Majid Hussein AS. Saddam Hussein - Biography of the former dictator

Saddam Hussein is his real name Al-Ticriti - Born on April 27, 1937 in a small town of Tikrit, located 160 kilometers north of Baghdad on the right bank of the Tiger. His father is a simple peasant, who has developed the land all his life, - died when Saddam was nine months. On the local custom, his uncle al-Hajj Ibrahim is an army officer who fought against the British domination in Iraq, married the widow of his brother and took Syrota to his family in which there were many children and little money.

However, the official biographers of Saddam these details have always lowered: according to them, the Al-Ticriti clan was considered taking place directly from Imam Ali, the son-in-law of the prophet Mohammed.

In 1954, Saddam, a student of the Baghdad College "Hark", joined the secret cell of the Baas party, the ideas of which are a bizarre mixture of socialism and Arab nationalism ..

In 1959, he took an active part in an attempt to overthrow the dictator Abdel Kerim Kasem, for which he was sentenced to death, but managed to flee first in Syria, then in Egypt. After the fall of Kasem's regime, he returned to Iraq, he was elected a member of the POSI regional leadership and became one of the organizers and managers of revolutionary events on July 17, 1968 (one of the results of which was the coming to power POS).

In 1968 he became a member of the Revolutionary Command Council.

In 1969, he graduated from Baghdad University of Muntasiya, received a lawyer's diploma and took the position of Deputy Chairman of the Council of the Revolutionary Command and Deputy Secretary General of the POSI leadership.

In 1971-1978, he was trained in the Military Academy in Baghdad. During these years, from Iraqi Kurdistan deported from 300 to more than 350 thousand people, 250 Kurdish villages burned. Along the border with Iran, the so-called "Arabic belt" width of 25 km was created, where Iraqis of Arabic origin moved. Commanded Operation Saddam.

From July 16, 1979, he became the president and commander-in-chief armed forces of the Iraqi Republic, Chairman of the Council of the Revolutionary Command, General Secretary of the Regional Guide of Pasp.

The first thing that Iraq's new president did, having achieved the Supreme Power, turned out a large-scale cleaning, ordered to arrest leadership leaders of the ruling Baas party, almost all ministers and close friends, with whose help he came to power. Each was charged with "treason and conspiracy against the nation", specifically, in the "transmission of secret information of Syria".

Yesterday's companions Saddama threw in a single chamber, their children were thrown into neighboring cameras, who, as installed, tortured in their eyes, destroying whole families. After long interrogations and torture, in which the President participated, his former comrades were executed. He personally led the execution ceremony.

In 1980, on September 22, the large-scale war of Iraqi against Iran began, the purpose of which was annexation of the rich oil of the province of Khusistan, which Baasists called "Arabistan", and establishing full control over the aquatic path al-Arab. On the eve of Hussein promised to leave on vacation to the Soviet ambassador, that in the near future there will be no major military operations against Iran.

At the end of February 1984 there was a so-called. The "crazy battle" for the islands of Majnun in a swampy area in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of El Kurn, which was involved to half a million people on both sides. Iraq used chemical weapons in this battle (IPRIT).

In August 1988, Ayatolla Chamenei agreed on a truce with Iraq. Irano-Iraq war led to huge human victims (the number of those killed - from 0.5 to 1 million people). Iraq had a huge external debt (according to different estimates, from 60 to 80 billion dollars). But on August 9, 1988, he was declared Hussein "Happy Victory Day." The foundation began in the country, during which the president was called the Savior of the Nation.

Saddam himself threatened her blood for three years in a row in a row, and when she had a half-liter, the scribes were rewritten by his blood Koran, placed then in the Baghdad Museum, where they did not interfere with him and for a thousand years. During the last war in the Persian Gulf, words appeared on the coat of arms of state: "Allah Akbar!"

In August 1990, Saddam gave an orders about the invasion of Kuwait, proclaiming him 19 of Iraq. His refusal to leave Kuwait led to war in the Persian Gulf in 1991. Allied troops under the leadership of the United States launched the "Storm in the Desert" operation against the Iraqi troops and put Saddam on his knees. Despite the defeat in the war in the Persian Gulf Saddam remained with the authorities. As the only presidential presidential candidate in October 1995, he won from 99.96% of the vote and was scheduled for another seven-year term. In May 2001, he again was chosen by the Secretary General of the regional leadership of the Baasist Party of Iraq. In October 2002, Saddam received 100% of the votes on a national referendum that he described as opposition to the Iraqi people threats from the United States. In March 2003, Iraq's failure in collaboration with UN inspectors in the field of nuclear weapons led to the invasion of the US troops aimed at the overthrow of the Saddam Hussein regime. Since March 2003, when the United States began military operation against Iraq, was forced to hide, but on December 14, in his native Tikrit was detained and arrested.

On June 30, 2004, Saddam Hussein, together with 11 members of the Baasist regime (including the former Prime Minister of Taris Aziz and the Minister of Defense, Sultan Hashimi) was transferred to the Iraqi authorities, and already on July 1, the first meeting of the court in the case of the ex-president was held in Baghdad. who were charged with crimes against humanity and war crimes. Among the latter, in particular, the destruction of about 5 thousand Kurds - representatives of the Barzani tribe in 1983, the use of chemical weapons against Halabaji residents in 1988 (about 5 thousand people who led to death), the implementation of the military operation "al-Anfal "In the same 1988 (with the destruction of about 80 Kurdish villages), the unleashing of war with Iran in 1980-1988. And aggression against Kuwait in 1990.

The lawsuit over Saddam Hussein takes place in Baghdad on the territory of the Baza of the US Armed Forces "Camp Victitory", located in the closed area of \u200b\u200bthe international airport.

On November 5, 2006, Gadam Hussein was sentenced to the death penalty on charges of massacre over 148 Shiites, perfect in 1982 in Ed Dujale (besides, a few days later, another process was initiated over the ex-president - in the case of Kurds genocide in the late 1980s.). Applying was filed, subsequently rejected by the country's judicial authorities.

On December 26, 2006, the Court of Appeal of Iraq left a sentence in force and decided to lead it within 30 days, and on December 29, an official decree was published on December 29.

Saddam Hussein has 4 wives (in the last of which - the daughter of the Minister of Defense Industry of the country - he married October 2002) and 3 daughters. The sons of the ex-president - Kusai and Uda - were killed in July 2004 in Mosul during a special operation of the troops of the Anti-Arak coalition.

Saddam Hussein (real last name Al-Tikriti), a leaving from the Sunni peasant family, was born 28 (and according to some sources, on April 27, 1937 in Tikrite, located 160 km north of Baghdad on the right bank of the Tiger. Saddam's father died when the boy was only 9 months old. According to the local custom, Uncle Saddam Al-Hajj Ibrahim - an army officer, who fought with British dominion in Iraq - married his brother's widow and took the Syrotot in his already large-scale, but very well-secured materially seven. According to the official biographers of Saddam Hussein, Al-Ticriti clan dates back to the direct heirs of Imam Ali - the son-in-law of the Prophet Mohammed.

In 1957, being a student of the Baghdad College "Hark", joined the ranks of the Arab Socialist Renaissance party (PAS) Baas.

In 1959 he took an active part in an attempt to overthrow the dictator Abdel Kerim Kasem, for which he was sentenced to death, but managed to flee first in Syria, then in Egypt.

In 1962-1963 - studied at the Faculty of Faculty of the Cairo University.

In 1963, after the fall of Kasem's regime, he returned to Iraq, he was elected a member of the POSI regional leadership and became one of the organizers and managers of revolutionary events on July 17, 1968 (one of the results of which was the coming to power of PAS).

In 1968 he became a member of the Revolutionary Command Council.

In 1969, he graduated from Baghdad University of Muntasiya, received a lawyer's diploma and took the position of Deputy Chairman of the Council of the Revolutionary Command and Deputy Secretary General of the POSI leadership.

In 1971-1973 and 1976-1978 Passed training at the Military Academy in Baghdad.

From July 16, 1979 - President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Iraqi Republic, Chairman of the Council of the Revolutionary Command, General Secretary of the Regional Guide of Pasp.

Since March 2003, when the United States began military operation against Iraq, was forced to hide, but on December 14, in his native Tikrit was detained and arrested.

On June 30, 2004, Saddam Hussein, together with 11 members of the Baasist regime (including the former Prime Minister of Taris Aziz and the Minister of Defense, Sultan Hashimi) was transferred to the Iraqi authorities, and already on July 1, the first meeting of the court in the case of the ex-president was held in Baghdad. who were charged with crimes against humanity and war crimes. Among the latter, in particular, the destruction of about 5 thousand Kurds - representatives of the Barzan tribe in 1983, the use of chemical weapons against Halabaji residents in 1988 (about 5 thousand people who led to death), the implementation of the military operation "Al- Anfal "In the same 1988 (crowned with the destruction of about 80 Kurdish villages), the unleashing of war with Iran in 1980-1988. and aggression against Kuwait in 1990

The lawsuit over Saddam Hussein takes place in Baghdad on the territory of the Baza of the US Armed Forces "Camp Victitory", located in the closed area of \u200b\u200bthe international airport.

On November 5, 2006, Gadam Hussein was sentenced to the death penalty on charges of massacre over 148 Shiites, perfect in 1982 in Ed Dujale (in addition, a few days later, another process was initiated over the ex-president - in the case On the Genocide of Kurds in the late 1980s). Applying was filed, subsequently rejected by the country's judicial authorities.

On December 26, 2006, the Court of Appeal of Iraq left a sentence in force and decided to lead it within 30 days, and on December 29, the official decree was published.

Former President of Iraq Saddam Hussein (Saddam Hussein, the full name of Saddam Hussein Abd Al-Majid AT-Tikriti) was born on April 28, 1937 in a small village of Al-Audja, 13 kilometers from Tikrit, in the family of a peasant. Brought up in the Uncle's House of the Mother Line Hyrull Tulfach - the former officer of the Iraqi army, a convinced Nationalist. Uncle had a great influence on the formation of a nephew worldview.

After graduating from high school "Hark" in Baghdad, Saddam joined the ranks of the Arab Socialist Renaissance Party (BAAS).

In October 1959, Hussein took part in an unsuccessful attempt by Baasists to overthrow the Prime Minister Iraq Abdel Kerim Kasem, was injured and sentenced to death. Fight abroad - in Syria, then to Egypt. In 1962-1963 he studied at the Faculty of Law of the Cairo University, actively engaged in party activities.

In 1963, Baasists came to power in Iraq. Saddam Hussein returned from emigration, continued education in a law college in Baghdad. In the same year, the Government of Baasist Palo, Saddam was arrested, spent several years in prison, from which he managed to run. By 1966, he nominated leading roles in the party, headed the party security service.

Saddam Hussein took part in the coup on July 17, 1968, who again led to power the Baas party, and became part of the Supreme Body of the Government - the Council of the Revolutionary Command, which was headed by Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr. Being deputy al-Bakra, Hussein oversaw organs and gradually focused real power in his hands.

On July 16, 1979, President Al-Bakr resigned, his successor in this post became Saddam Hussein, who also headed the Iraqi branch of the BAAS party, became the chairman of the Council of the Revolutionary Command, the Supreme Commander.
In 1979-1991, 1994-2003, Saddam Hussein also held the post of chairman of the Iraq government.

In September 1980, Saddam Hussein ordered the invasion of Iran. The resulting ruining war ended in August 1988. It is estimated that about 1.7 million people were killed during the conflict. In August 1990, Hussein attempted to Annexia Kuwait. The UN has condemned the seizure, and in February 1991, the multinational armed forces were supplanted by the Iraqi army from the Emirate.

In March 2003, US and Great British troops began military actions in Iraq. The pretext for the invasion was the accusation of the Iraqi government in the work on the creation and production of weapons of mass destruction and involvement in the organization and financing of international terrorism.

Former President of Iraq in the vicinity of Tikrit.

Saddam Hussein ABB Al-Majid AT-Ticriti during his life occupied various high-ranking state posts in Iraq, but he entered the story as a tough politician, the President of the Iraqi state (1979-2003), having achieved the highest level of development of the native country among the territories of the Middle East .

Known by large-scale reforms, military actions with Iran, using his army during the war of chemical weapons. In 2003, when the invasion of world leaders in the face of coalition (USA, Great Britain) in Iraq, Hussein was overthrown, and subsequently the deadly execution of hanging was punished.

Childhood and youth

An interesting fact is the meaning of the name - Saddam, which means "opposing" translated from Arabic. This is how it is possible to characterize the hero of this biography. From the point of view of the European understanding of the surname, the former president of Iraq was not. The word Hussein is the name of his native father, who did not possess wealth and power during his lifetime, and was a simple landless peasant.

Saddam was born on April 28, 1937 in the city of Tikrit, or rather, in the neighboring village of Al-Audja. Shortly before his appearance, Father Hussein died, disappeared or one of the versions - threw his family. There is also the opinion that the politician was born outside the family, but these are only rumors.

Prior to the birth of the future ruler, Saddam's mother had another son who died of cancer at the age of 12 during the period when the woman was in an interesting position. The terrible tragedy led to deep depression. Mother did not even want to look at the newborn Hussein. A little boy for several years brought up his uncle on the maternal line, but after his placement in prison, as a member of the anti-British uprising, Hussein had to come back to his mother.

According to the traditions of the Arab people, if the deceased husband has a native brother, the widow becomes his wife. So it happened to the mother of Saddam, who took the brother of the deceased Hussein's brother - Ibrahim Al-Hassan. Turn the stepfather of a kind and bright person is difficult, he brought up a step in cruelty and strictest discipline: beat, forced hard work hard. This marriage has five more children (triple boys and two girls).

Hussein's childhood passed in extreme poverty, in a state of constant hunger. It is known that stepfather even forced the Yunz to steal cattle for its further selling on the market. Casual mockery of the boy put the appropriate imprint in his character, but Saddam did not close the society. He had many friends, buddies among different age categories of people.

Curious Hussein experienced thirst for knowledge, asked stepfather to give him to school, but he rested, not wanting to part with an additional pair of workers. Then the boy decided to escape to the city to his uncle - a devout Muslim, nationalist and fan, by that time left the place of conclusion. It was uncle who helped the nephew to become whom he was in mature years.

In Tikrita Saddam went school. Education was not easy for him, because at the age of 10 Hussein did not even know how to read and write. For comic bold tricks with peers and teachers, violation of the discipline of the future ruler was excluded from the school.

At 15, the young man experienced serious stress - the death of a horse, which was his faithful friend. This led to the boy's hand paralysis. After several months had to treat Hussein. From the memories of the adult Saddama sounded that then he cried the last time in his life.

When Uncle Hayrallah moved to Baghdad, the nephew decided to go after him and entered the Military Academy (1953), but unsuccessfully. Next year, Hussein enters the Al-Karh school, where finally the finished secondary education is obtained.

Party activities

The beginning of the political activity of Saddam Hussein was closely intertwined with his further learning. A young activist graduated from College "Hark", and later received a lawyer's diploma in the University of Cairo.

In 1952, the Egyptian revolution began, the leader of which became Gamal Abdel Nasser. This man was for Hussein Kumir, an example for imitation. Revolutionary actions led to the head of movement to the position of President of Egypt.

Gamal Abdel Nasser - Kumir Saddam Hussein

In 1956, Iraq's future ruler entered the ranks of the army against King Faisal II, but the coup was unsuccessful. A year later, Hussein became a member of the Baas party, and already in 1958, during the next uprising, the king was still overthrown.

At the age of 21, Saddam was imprisoned as a suspect in the murder of one of the high-ranking officials of the district administration. It is the opinion that the uncle policy gave his nephew The task is to kill the opponent, which he "worthy" fulfilled. At the scene, the local police did not find a single evidence, so after 6 months Hussein was released and in the future participated in a special operation against General Kasem.

Studying at the University of Cairo (1961-1963), Saddam showed himself as an active politician, having gained fame in the respective circles. In 1963, the Baas party won over the Caasem regime, Hussein returned to his native Iraq and got a post of member in the Central Peasant Bureau. According to the young activist, the main representatives of the Baan party recklessly performed the functions assigned to them, and Hussein did not hesitate to speak on universal Arab meetings. Soon, Baasists were removed from power, and Saddam took up the formation of his own association.

In 1964, a new party leadership appeared (5 people), and Hussein entered its staff. The leaders decided to capture Baghdad, but the attempt was crowned with collapse. One of the main instigators, Saddam, was put in prison, but in 1966 the politician escaped, and after a few months he became the Deputy Secretary of State of the Baas party. The spectrum of his duties included operations related to exploration of special secrecy.

In 1968, the next coup in Iraq began, and in 1970, Hussein became the vice president of the country. Having serious influence, he conducted a number of reorganizations in the special service segment. The hard character of Hussein, formed in childhood, was reflected on the methods of his work.

All those who opposed the current power are cruelly punished: Above prisoners were mocked, using electric shock, acid, hanging, blinding, sexual violence, and also forcing unwanted to look at how tortured their relatives. Today, these techniques in Iraq, fortunately, are canceled, although some of them still remained in the use of local authorities.

Having the status of the second person of the country, Hussein paid advantage of such questions as:

  • Strengthening foreign policy.
  • Literacy of women and the entire population as a whole.
  • Private sector development, modernization of rural areas.
  • Stimulating entrepreneurial activity.
  • Construction of various educational institutions, hospitals, technical enterprises, etc.

Saddam became a popular and promising person in the country, having received respect among the simple people and achieving real economic boom in Iraq.

President of Iraq

In 1976, Hussein eliminated all his party competitors, created a strong army with the "right" ideology. Soon all the significant structures of the state apparatus, including ministries and armed forces, reported to the strict politician.

In 1979, Iraq's President resigned, and his position took his receiver - famous Saddam Hussein. From the first days of his reign, he began to build high plans for his native state, wanting to see him among world-scale leaders. Thanks to natural resources (oil) of Iraqi territory, it became possible to conclude agreements with various countries and to enter a new level of further development.

But Saddam was a warrior in their own way, he wanted to own and edit. Wars with Iran, initiated by Hussein, later led the economy of Iraq to decline.

Since 1991 (post-war period), the country has previously turned into a lair of devastation and hunger. The cities lacked food, water, "reign" various intestinal diseases. Many Iraqis left their homes in search of a better life outside the country. On Hussein, Davilo UN, and the president was forced to make concessions in oil export issues.

The period of the reign of Saddam is associated with different people distinguishing. Some proudly argue that he was a great ruler who provided his people's security, others, on the contrary, criticize the president for cruelty, and the third it is just home.

US invasion

In 2003, the United States united in a coalition with world leaders in order to overthrow the power of Saddam Hussein in Iraq. A military operation was organized, which lasted over several years (2003-2011).

The reasons for the invasion of the American army to Iraqi territory can be called the following:

  • Iraq's connection with international terrorism.
  • The destruction of chemical weapons (factory worked in Iraq).
  • Control over the country's oil deposits.

Iraq's president was forced to run and hide every three hours in different places, but in 2004 he was found in the hometown of Tikrit and arrested. At court sessions in Baghdad in the zone where the Armed Forces of the United States were located, Hussein was presented by many charges: antichelovic methods of government, war crimes, killing 148 shiites, etc.

Personal life

Saddam Hussein was married four times. His first choices was the girl named Sadhid, who had to ruler with a cousin. She gave birth to Hussein in marriage of five children: two sons (dyus and bite) and three daughters (Ragad, Halu and Wound). This union was organized by the parents of the spouses when Hussein was only five years old. The fate of all children and the grandson of the former Iraqi president was tragically (execution).

The second marriage of the announcer was held in 1988. The domineering and held man fell in love with the wife of the director of the airline. He suggested a husband of his beloved to divorce his wife peacefully. So it happened.

In 1990, Hussein married for the third time. His museum was a woman named Nidal Al-Hamdani, but she could not keep a liberal personality in a family shelter.

In 2002, the "Father of the People" again marries. This time, the 27-year-old daughter of the Minister - Iman Hulash became his love. In this period, hostilities begins by the United States, therefore, notes the wedding loudly and widely beloved were not. The ceremony was held in a quiet, friendly circle.

About the love adventures of the Iraqi ruler go legends. It is said that girls who refused to ex-president in proximity, raped and killed. In the history of the personal life of a contradictory person, a woman named Mancia Khater was noted. She argued that their civil marriage lasted for 17 years, but Hussein asked to hold their relationship in secret. There are also other ladies who declared that they have children from Saddam, but now it is difficult to prove it.

Hussein's comrades have always considered him a legitimate wife only Nazhid, despite the constant hobbies and "imaginary marriages" of their comrade.


In 2006, the ex-ruler of Iraq was sentenced to the death penalty by hanging. On December 30, he was taken to place the massacre. Before the death of Hussein, he was subjected to various insults and even spit on the side of Shiitov's guards. Saddam tried to object, convinced that he wanted to save the country, but in the last minutes she had prii and began to pray.

Hussein did not suffer long, his death was instantaneous. The terrifying spectacle managed to shoot on the video from the phone alone from the guards (there are photos), so the execution of a bright historical person saw the whole world. The media was turned by Iraq's president into a despot, a rigid dictator, in the embodiment of the evil, with whom it was necessary to fight.

After his death, rumors appeared that allegedly there was no execution, and Saddam is alive. It was also said that Hussein died back in 1999, and instead of him in the country, the twin rules, who could not adequately bring the country from the crisis and defeat the war. On this topic on the book of Latif Yahai, the former Iraqi Kombat, director Lee Takamaori in 2011, filmed a film called "Devil's Double".

(-), Secretary General of the Iraqi branch of the Baas Party, Marshal (). In April of the year, as a result of the invasion of the troops of the multinational coalition, headed by the United States and the United Kingdom, and subsequently executed by the sentence of the Iraqi court.


Saddam Hussein was born in the village of Al-Audja, 13 km from the Iraqi city of Tikrit, in the family of the landless peasant. His mother, Sabha Tulfan al-Moussalat, called the newborn "Saddam", which in Arabic means "one who is opposed" (in one of the meanings). His father Hussein ADB al-Magid disappeared 6 months before the birth of Saddam. Brought up uncle on the maternal line by Hairallah Tulfach - a pious Muslim-Sunnith, a nationalist, an army officer - a veteran of the Anglo-Iraq war. The latter, according to the testimony of Saddam himself, had a decisive influence on its formation. He graduated from school in Tikritis, then Baghdad College "Hark". Once he tried to enter the Military Academy in Baghdad, but failed on the exam.


In 1962-1963 he studied at the Faculty of Faculty of the University of Cairo. At the same time actively engaged in party activities and soon became one of the most visible figures in the party.

Arabic journalist Said Aburish, in his book "Saddam Hussein: the policy of revenge writes that Stalin was ideal for him. According to Aburisha:

On all that Saddam did, the hidden influence of the personality of Stalin felt. In particular, this applies to the support more on the system of state security than the armed forces ... on criminal elements in the state security system. These people were small gloomy thugs, devoted to Saddam, without which they were nothing ... If Saddam wanted to get rid of someone, he just cleaned this man ... At one of the congresses "Baas", when the river fell on the river, the river was pulled out of the river, he suddenly pulled out the river Sexing party member from torture, which began to call one after another conspiracy participants, pointing to the hall. They were immediately arrested and executed. Methods of massacre Saddam love nontrivial: talk about baths with acid and rinks for laying asphalt. However, he is not just a sadist - he sincerely convince that only with the help of such horrors can be held in power. Therefore, unlike many other despots, he never denied that public executions were adopted in the country, and torture is a natural attribute of the investigation.

Came Saddam to the question of the correspondent "Newswood" about torture and execution answered with surprise: "Of course, it's all. And how do you think should come with those who oppose the power? ". In his "Report for 2001", the non-governmental organization "International Amnesty" so described the methods used in Saddam prisons: "Victims of torture were blinded, disappeared with them and for long hours hung them on the wrists. The electric shock was used on different parts of their bodies, including genitals, ears, tongue and fingers ... Some victims were forced to watch their relatives and family members in their eyes. " As Washington Post newspaper writes, at present, Iraqi jailers "in habit" continue to apply the same "interrogation methods", as in Saddam: electric shock, hanging out of the hands of hands (torture uses American soldiers), however, such "Eccentric torture forms preferred by Saddam Hussein" as the use of acid, sexual violence, group executions - left.

It is worth noting that many methods of torture, which were used in Saddamov Iraq, are widely used in the current Iraqi authorities (not only by the "former jalesmen", but also by the staff of the remaining powerful departments, including the international coalition soldiers).

An important milestone on Hussein's path to the leading position in the party and the state was the signing of the Barzani Barzan of the Treaty of March 11, who proclaimed the autonomy of Iraqi Kurdistan and, as it seemed that the end of the bloody 9-year war with Kurdish rebels. After strengthening its position, thanks to this Treaty, Saddam Hussein in the next two years focused on almost unlimited power in his hands, and Ahmed Hassan al-Bakra's nominal head and state of Ahmed Khasan Al-Bakra.

Huge income from oil exports allowed to carry out large-scale reforms (many - under the direct leadership of S. Huseyn) in the field of economics and in the social sphere. A system of universal education and healthcare is created. The result of the combination of illiteracy overthrown campaign was an increase in the level of literacy of the population from 30 to 70 percent, according to this indicator, Iraq enters leaders among the Arab countries. Electrification is carried out, the network of roads is significantly increased. The standard of living in Iraq becomes one of the highest in the Middle East.

President of Iraq

As noted, by the time of the entry of Saddam, the position of President, Iraq was a rapidly developing country with one of the highest in the Middle East. Two wars, initiated by Saddam, and the international sanctions caused by the second of them led to Iraq's economy into a state of acute crisis. As a result, as the Air Force notes:

In 1991, the UN declared that Iraq became the state of the pre-industrial period, and the reports of the following years showed that the standard of living in the country fell to the subsistence minimum.

Iran-Iraq war

After the Islamic revolution in Iran, Saddam Hussein, fearing the influence of the homaine ideology on the Iraqi Shiites, who occupied an unequal position, on September 22, he introduced troops to the territory of Iran. The reason for the beginning of the war was the failure to comply with Iran's obligations under the 1975 Algerian Agreement, according to which Iran had to transfer some border areas Iraq. Initially, the successful offensive of the Iraqi army was later stopped, the war went into the protracted stage, the Iranian troops switched to counteroffensiveness, in turn invaded Iraq and occupied FAO Peninsula. In August of the year, the Iranian Iraq war, which was worthy of both sides of the huge human and material victims, stopped on the terms of Status Quo.

During the war, Saddam's attempt was also reduced to the nuclear weapon: on June 7, the nuclear aviation was destroyed by Saddam in France a nuclear reactor.

Genocide Kurdov

During the war, Saddam Hussein implemented a shares of the Kurds genocide, called the Anfal Operation, during which up to 182 thousand Kurds (mainly men, but also some women and children) were exported in an unknown direction and, as it turned out, shot: With the fall of the regime of Saddam, their graves began to be discovered (earlier, in the city, similarly, all men of the Barzan tribe were destroyed from 15 years old - 8 thousand people). Some Kurdish girls were sold to Egypt and other Arab countries a number of Kurdish villages and the city of Halabja were also bombarded by chemical bombs (only 5 thousand people died in Halabje - see Gas Attack in Halabj). A total of 272 settlements suffered from chemical weapons. In addition, during the operation, almost all villages and small towns in Kurdistan (3.900) were destroyed, and 2 million people from the 4 million people of Iraqi Kurdistan were thrown into the so-called "exemplary settlements" - in fact concentration camps. .

Aggression against Kuwait

After the war, Saddam Hussein began to put forward claims to neighboring Kuwait. He stated that Kuwait exceeds the quotas of oil production, illegally pumps oil from Iraqi territory and generally exists illegally, because it was created in the city of English colonizers to "historically" Iraqi territory. On August 2, Iraqi troops invaded Kuwait and occupied the country without much difficulty. It was originally planned to create the appearance of the "revolution" in Kuwait itself; But, not found in the country of collaborators, Saddam directly announced the accession of the country and turning it into the "19th province of Iraq."

Aggression against Kuwait caused the unanimous condemnation of the world community. The Iraq were imposed on sanctions, and the UN Mandatudis was created by the International Coalition, which was played by the United States, which enjoyed the support of all NATO countries and moderate Arab regimes. Focusing in the Indian Ocean and Persian bay, a powerful military grouping, the United States and their allies conducted the operation "Storm in the Desert", defeating Iraqi troops and freeing Kuwait (January 17 - February 28).

The progress of the coalition troops caused an universal uprising against the regime, both in the Shiite south and at the Kurdish north of Iraq, so at some point the rebels controlled 15 Iraqi provinces from 18. Saddam suppressed these uprisings, using the part of the Republican Guard released after the conclusion of the world. The cruelty, with which the regime was painted with the rebels, forced the coalition to introduce "curess zones" in the south and north of Iraq and in the fall of 1991 to expel Iraqi troops from the three Northworgic provinces (Erbil, Dohuk, Suleymania), where the Kurdish government was created under the cover of NATO troops (so Named. "Free Kurdistan" - more See Iraqi Kurdistan). Meanwhile, in the regions that returned under his power, Saddam continued the policy of repression: this was as to Kirkuk and other districts of Kurdistan, where "arabization" continued (the expulsion of Kurds with the transfer of their homes and land to the Arabs) and the Shiite south, where shelters The rebels - the swamps in the mouth of the Shhatt-El Arab - were drained, and the tribes living there were evicted there in specially built and entirely controlled villages.

Despite the victory of the international coalition, sanctions (both military and economic) were not removed from Iraq. Representatives of international organizations were sent to Iraq to control the possible production and storage of weapons of mass destruction. The sanctions regime was somewhat mitigated in the year when the UN Program was adopted "Oil in exchange for food", which provided for the sale of the UN Iraqi Oil, followed by the procurement (the same organization) of food, medicines, etc. This program, however, has become The source of corruption is both for the UN administration and for Saddam Hussein himself.

Saddam and Iraqi people

According to the report of the human rights organization "Human Rights Alliance France" for 2001, during the reign of Saddam, the country was left from 3 to 4 million Iraqis (the population of Iraq at that time: 24 million people). According to the statements of the UN Commission on Refugees, Iraqis were the second level of refugees in the world.

The witnesses describe brutal violence over civilians without trial and investigation. During the war with Iran, violence of Shiita Muslims were distributed. So a woman from Najap reports that her husband was killed for refused to support the invasion of troops in Iran. The authorities killed her brother, and she herself knocked his teeth. Her children aged 11 and 13 were sentenced to imprisonment by 3 and, respectively, 6 months.


A few years later, on September 9, in the published report of the US Senate Committee on exploration it was stated that Saddam Hussein did not really have any connections with al-Qaeda. This conclusion is contracted with repeated statements of George W. Bush on the long-time connections of Hussein's regime with terrorist organizations.

The court was held in the former presidential palace, which is part of the "green zone" - a particularly fortified district of the capital, where the Iraqi authorities are located and the American troops are quartered.

Saddam Hussein called himself as president of Iraq, did not recognize his guilt on anyway and refused to recognize the legitimacy of the court.

Many human rights organizations and international lawyers also doubted the legitimacy of the sentence made by Hussein. In their opinion, the trial organized at the moment when the presence of foreign troops remained on the territory of Iraq, it is impossible to be called independent. The court also charged the bias and violation of the rights of the accused.


Later, the information was appeared, according to which Muktada as-Sadda was one of the rules of Hussein; Official sources are denied. One of the judges urged those surrounding to order. Saddam said "Let Americans and Persians be cursed!", I again read Shakhada, and when he immediately began to read it again, the Eshaphot Platform fell; A few minutes later, the doctor stated his death, the body was removed and put in the coffin. Saddam was buried in his native village near Tikrita, next to those killed in sons and grandson.

In his death written written appeal to the Nation Hussein expressed hope for the fate of Shahid. He called on Iraqis "to abandon hatred, since hatred does not allow a person to act honestly, she blinds him and prevents thinking", and hate meant of any property - even "in relation to foreigners who attacked us, and to those who have ruled"


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