The differences between Shiites and Sunnis. What do Russia have? There are still three rocks in Central Asia, and in Tajikistan itself, instead of creating peace and tranquility in the Muslim world, we are on guard against the outbreak of war between the Sunnis and Shiites and will continue to

The differences between Shiites and Sunnis. What do Russia have? There are still three rocks in Central Asia, and in Tajikistan itself, instead of creating peace and tranquility in the Muslim world, we are on guard against the outbreak of war between the Sunnis and Shiites and will continue to

In connection with conflicts in the Arab world, as in the rest of the time stay at the center of respect for snakes, terms “ shiїti"ta" suniti”, which means the two main pillars of Islam, is well known to non-Muslims. At that very hour, not everyone understands what one does or another. Let's look at the history of these two directions to Islam, their importance and the territory of expansion of their followers.

Like all Muslims, we believe in the messenger mission of the Prophet Muhammad. This movement is politically rooted. After the death of the prophet, a group of Muslims was formed in 632, who respected the power of the community, including their fortunes, to which the stench of their cousin Ali ibn Abu Talib and his children and daughter Muhammad and Fatimi. Initially, this group was merely a political party, but over time, political differences between Shias and other Muslims became apparent, and it developed into an independent religious-legal current. The infection will become approximately 10-13% of 1.6 billion of all Muslims in the world and recognize the rule of Ali as a divinely appointed caliph, respecting that only a few from the number of pads.

According to the Sunni version, Muhammad did not recognize the aggressor, and after the death, the bulk of the Arab tribes, recently brutalized by him from Islam, faced collapse. Muhammad's followers hastily recruited their successor themselves, recognizing Abu Bakr, one of Muhammad's closest friends and tests, as caliph. The Sunis respect that the community has the right to choose its own caliph from among its representatives.

According to the data of the Shiites, many Muslims respect that Muhammad recognized Ali, the man of his daughter, as the protector. The crisis began around that moment - those who supported Ali, and not Abu Bakr, became Shiites. The name itself is similar to the Arabic word, which means “party” or “followers”, “followers”, or more precisely, “Ali’s party”.

The Sunis respect the righteousness of four of the first caliphs - Abu Bakr, Umar ibn al-Khattab, Uthman ibn Affan and Ali ibn Abu Talib, who captured this seat from 656 to 661 riq.

The founder of the Umayyad dynasty, Muawiya, died in 680, recognizing his son Yazid as caliph, transforming the rule into a monarchy. Sin Ali, Hussein, was inspired to swear allegiance to the Umayyad house and tried to oppose. On the 10th of June 680, 2007 was driven into Iraqi Karbala in an uneasy battle with the army of the Caliph. After the death of the Prophet Muhammad, the Sunnis increased their political Vlad And the followers of the Ali family, although they flocked to the martyr Hussein, lost ground.

For data from the Preslednitsky Center for Religious Information married life Pew Research Less than 40% of Sunnis in most countries around the world believe that Shiites are not true Muslims. They often call Sunnis a supernatural dogmatism, which can become a breeding ground for Islamic extremism.

Significance in religious practice

In addition, there are 3 prayers per prayer, and 5 prayers per suniti (both require 5 prayers), and between them there are implications for Islam. The grievances are based on the beginning Holy Quran. Another most important principle is the Sunnah, the sacred text that lays down the life of the Prophet Muhammad as a message and guidance for all Muslims and as a hadith. Shia Muslims also view the words of the imams as hadith.

One of the main differences between the ideologies of the two sects is that they respect the imams as mediators between Allah and the believers, who absolved the righteousness of the divine order. For the Shiites, the imam is not just a spiritual leader and a form of prophet, but his representative on Earth. Therefore, the Shiites do not only perform the pilgrimage (Hajj) to Mecca, but also to the graves of the 11th of the 12 Imams, who are considered saints (the 12th Imam Mahdi is respected as “worshippers”).

Sunni Muslims do not put themselves before imams with such reverence. In Sunni Islam, an imam runs a mosque or is the leader of a Muslim community.

The five pillars of Sunni Islam are declaration of faith, prayer, fasting, charity and pilgrimage.

Shiism has five main pillars - monotheism, faith in divine justice, faith in prophets, faith in Imamat (divine leadership), faith in the Day of Judgment. The 10 other steps include ideas found in the five Sunnis, including prayers, fasting, Hajj, and so on.

Shia pseudonym

Most Shiites live in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanonі Bahrain, Putting on the map of the world such titles as “Shiite mixture”.

In Russia, maybe all Muslims - suniti
In Syria, Russia is fighting against the Alawites (Shiite rebels) against the Sunni opposition.

The new site can become a guide to the Muslim expanse of the Friendship of Independent Powers. Nina regions, where members of the Ummah and the historical majority, are numerically more important among the SND. Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan become 6 out of 11 SND powers. And in Russia there are regions with a Muslim majority, especially Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, the Republic of the Upper Caucasus; A seven-digit figure reflects the number of Muslims in the Volga-Ural region and Western Siberia. Historically, most of Ukraine and Moldova entered the warehouse of the Golden Horde, and the Crimean Tatars, unmindful of all the tragedies, again turned to the frontier. Until Serednyovichch, the formation of a community of Belarusian Tatars must be formed. One cannot help but wonder about the mass and ever voluntary movement of Muslims as a result of industrialization processes in Russian Empire, and then from the SRSR, migration after the collapse of the SRSR.

Millions of people are transferred to the LIC countries under the visa-free regime. Although some of them are on short trips for tourism or visiting friends and relatives, although they interfere with their work, some of them settle in a new place, and families are expected to reunite. . The steady process of depletion of the Russian population results in a further increase in the number of migrants for our country. In this case, the SND, through the proximity of their religions, came from the other lands, giving the advantage of living in the Russian Imperial and Radian expanse, and this is the shortest option.

The current situation in the LIC countries need not be limited by the problems of migration and mobility between communities. Due to its natural wealth and the benefits of the geographical position of the region, the SND, especially with the Muslim majority, is an important official in secular politics and the global economy. The place of the “Great Seam Road” and the “Great Volz Road” was occupied by main gas and oil pipelines that connect them with Russia, Western Europe, China, and Iran. However, the presence of unstable conditions, especially in Afghanistan, sometimes internal instability, lack of regulation of low international authorities and the handing over of foreign powers do not allow for the development of all potential . We have a tendency to drive the population to poverty, and the growth of radical sentiments among them seems to be undermined.

Therefore, for the ultimate benefit, it is necessary to continue and expand stable trade in the Eurasian expanse of the SND. The “Great Seam Road” from China to the Black Sea and the “Great Volz Road” from the Baltic to the Caspian Seas were already formed over a thousand years ago. Here the powers of the Huns, the Great Turkic Khaganate, the Khazar Khaganate, the Golden Horde, the Kazan Khanate, and the Russian Power played a successful role in ensuring mutual connections between Entry and Exit. Fairs in Itil, Sarai, Kazan and Nizhny Novgorod were at the time the most important barometer of the development of the Eurasian economy. Now the integrative role is transferred to the SND within the framework of a single space that is taking shape. Our site will try to highlight the historical roots, current camp and prospects for the development of the Muslim and Muslim space in the SND countries.

Shi'i and Suni's are the two main pillars of Islam, representatives of which have been in conflict for centuries. The reasons for the fortuneteller’s thinking are that of a large number of officials who are also political.

Root of rift

The division of the Muslim ummi (community) into two heels was created in the 19th century, after the death of the Prophet Muhammad. Among yogo's companions, there is a superchka for the one who can accept yogo. Some Muslims supported the election of the caliphs, while others supported the new army of the ummi son-in-law of Muhammad Ali, and to calm down his rights.

The mischief was made against those who neither in the Qur'an nor in the Sunnah said anything about the divine recognition of Ali and her descendants, as well as about the validity of their claim to power. The Shiites insisted that sacred books encourage corruption: what is written in them cannot be taken literally.

24 years after the death of Muhammad, 656 years, Ali became caliph. He reigned for a short time: the power collapsed huge war, and in 661 years Ali will be killed in the final swing. The Emperor of Syria, Muawiyah, took control of the caliphate. He formed an alliance with his son Ali Imam Hussein. It was not appropriate for the rest that Muawiyah was planning to hand over the power of his son, which automatically led to the establishment of a decline monarchy.

The confrontation with Muawiya's advances led to the killing of Hussein and his sons at Karbala. According to Akbar Ahmed, a professor at the American University in Washington and the author of the book “The Road to Islam,” the Shiites recognized Hussein as a martyr for the faith, and the place of Karbala, where he was killed, became sacred to them.

After this, the split between Muslims took shape. Ali's followers were called "Shiites" (in Arabic - "Ali's followers"), and their opponents were called "Sunites" (adherents of a dogmatic approach).

Main functions

According to the words of the intercessor of the head of the Muftis of Russia Rushan Abbyasov, for the replacement of Christianity, the division of Orthodoxy and Catholicism became more religious basis, The disintegration of the united Muslim community was mainly due to political motives.

For the Sunit Caliph, it can be turned into a way of national voting. In addition, they share both secular and spiritual power: a religious leader may want to take care of the basics first. They, as the similar Arabist Oleksiy Chuprigin says, respect that Muslims can be ruled by Ali-Imami, and in their hands there may be both political and religious power.

Suniti respects what is suvore, the dogmatic, ancient order of the holy books - the credo of every Muslim. The Sunnah and the Qur'an do not say anything about the rights to power of Ali and his land, and if so, then the claims of the Shiites are respected by their opponents, and are baseless. According to the words of the President of the Institute of Religion and Politics Oleksandr Ignatenok, the Shiites respect the falsified Koran, which is corrupted by the Sunnis, firmly, so that they make a special collection of stories about the recognition of Ali as the successor of Muhammad.

Mediation between God and man, as, in the opinion of the Shiites, is a real world, but for the Sunnis, it is a heresy. For the mediators, the unpleasant Sunni dogmatism, which is believed to give rise to radical currents, is close to Wahhabism.

I'll pick it up in my hands

U to the current world Suniti is becoming the absolute majority of Muslims - close to 90%. They live compactly and it is important to live in Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Yemen. Religious differences, as well as the complex political situation at the Close Gathering, experts say, became the cause of serious conflicts that erupted at the turn of the century, between representatives of the two branches of Islam.

In 1979, the Islamic revolution broke out in Iran, which gave rise to the rise of Shiites throughout the Near Convergence. Across the Iraq River, most of the population was Shiite, but the ruling elite under whom was Sunni, voting war on Iran. This conflict itself became the first new stories the slashing of two nails to Islam on the battlefield.

The collapse of Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq in 2003 became the beginning of a "Shiite revenge": they began to take over their positions of power and establish positions in the government system, which aroused the dissatisfaction of the Sunnis. However, University of Michigan professor Juan Cole argues that the conflict between the two sides of Islam in this region has more to do with the struggle for power than with religious variations.

Syria became another point of contention between the Sunnis and Shiites. Since 2011, a huge war has been going on in the Arab Republic, as it may be, between creeds and sectarianism. According to data from the International Commission on Religious Freedom of the US Department of State for 2015, the majority of Syrian Muslims (74%) are Sunni, while less than 13% of the population adhere to Shiism. Whose Alawiti (gilka shi'izmu) should become the ruling elite of the republic.


Tajiks-iv; pl. Nation, brand of the population of Tajikistan; representatives of this nation.

Tajik, -a; m. Tajik, -i; pl. ed.-check, date-chkam; and. Tajik, -ah, -oe. T. mov. T-a culture.


people, mainly the population of Tajikistan (3172 thousand people), Russia has 38.2 thousand. Osib (1992). Live also in Afghanistan and Iran. The total number of people is 8.28 million (1995). The language is Tajik. It is important for Sunni Muslims to believe.


Tajiks, people in Central Asia (div. CENTRAL ASIA), mainly populated in Tajikistan (4.898 million people, 2000), also live in Afghanistan (7.698 million people, especially in the present land), Uzbekistan (1.32 million people), in the Russian Federation (120.1 thousand ., 2002). The number of Tajiks in the world is approximately 14 million people (2004). It is important for most Tajiks to speak Tajik language in order to reach the Western Iranian group of Indian European languages; The Pamir peoples and Yagnobians speak special languages ​​and dialects that belong to the similar Iranian group of the same homeland. Believing Tajiks are Muslims (mostly Sunitis, partly Shiites, Pamir Tajiks - Ismailis).
The advent of the Tajik people was driven by trivial ethnogenetic processes that marked the end of another - the beginning of the first millennium BC, when Iranian tribes came from the Eurasian steppes to Central Asia. The stinks mixed with the local tribes of the Late Bronze Age, and the population of Central Asia became largely Iranian. Near Ancient Bactria (the Amudar basin), Where (the Zeravshan and Kashkadar basin), the Fergana Valley, the agricultural tribes of the Bactrians, Sogdians, fences (the ancient Ferghans), lingered on the ancient and similar surroundings of Central Asia. Lambs are respected by the Sogdians (according to linguistic data); The Saka tribes played an important role in the formation of the Pamirian Tajiks. In another century before our era, the South or Tocharians penetrated into Bactria, which included the Saxon tribes. With the creation of the 6th century of the Turkic Khaganate, the penetration of Turkic ethnic elements into Central Asia was achieved.
For an hour Arab conquest(8th century) there were three main ethnic regions of the future Tajik people: Sogdian in the evening, Fergana in the evening, and Tokharsk in the day, populated by hundreds of thousands of people There was something special about culture and life. The Arab invasion disturbed the formation of the Tajik people. After the establishment of the independent state of the Samanids in the 9th-10th centuries, the formation of the ethnic core of the Tajiks was completed, which was associated with the expansion of the Tajik language, which became dominant in the era of the Samanids. Through my efforts, Tajik culture and science are developing, and a rich literature is being formed. From the end of the 10th century, political importance in Central Asia passed to the Turkic peoples, new Turkic, and then Mongolian tribes penetrated the areas of the settled Tajik population; The rich process of Turkization of the Tajiks began, especially in the plains, less in the mountains and in the great places. However, the Tajik language was not only preserved, but became the sovereign language of the Turkic rulers. In 1868, the desert regions inhabited by Tajiks were reduced to the territory of Russia, and the population of desert Tajikistan was lost under the rule of the Bukhara Emirate.
The most recent occupations of the Tajiks were agriculture, founded by a significant world on piece-growing, and gardening; bestiality has little auxiliary character. Tajiks have developed crafts, including artists, with many long-standing traditions (wood carving and alabaster, decorative embroidery). The Tajik people developed in conjunction with other peoples of Central Asia. Particularly close to the Middle Ages is the history of the Tajiks and Uzbeks - peoples who have mixed ethnic elements.

Encyclopedic dictionary . 2009 .

Wonder what Tajiks are like in other dictionaries:

    Tajiks… Wikipedia

    - (Persian Tadschik podkoreni). The lands of the ancient Persians, Medes and Bactrians, which formed the indigenous population of Central Asia with Aryan descent. Dictionary Foreign words, which have reached the warehouse of the Russian language Chudinov A.M., 1910. Tajiks pers. tadschik... ... Dictionary of foreign words of Russian language

    Suchasna encyclopedia

    The people mainly populating Tajikistan (3172 thousand people), in the Russian Federation 38.2 thousand. Cholovik (1992). Live also in Afghanistan and Iran. The total number of people is 8.28 million (1992). The language is Tajik. Believers are mainly Sunni Muslims... Great Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Tajiks, Tajiks, od. Tajik, Tajik, man. The people of the Iranian ethnic group, which became the main population of the Tajik RSR. Tlumachny Dictionary Ushakova. D.M. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Tlumachny Dictionary of Ushakov

    Tajiks, ov, od. Ik, ah, man. The people who will become the main population of Tajikistan. | wives Tajik, V. | add. Tajik, oh, oh. Tlumachny dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Tlumachny Dictionary of Ozhegov

    - (Self-name Tojik), people. The Russian Federation has 38.2 thousand. osib. Mainly the population of Tajikistan. Live also in Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Iran. The language of the Tajik Iranian group of the Indian-European homeland of the language. Believers...Russian history

    Tajiks- (Self-called Tojik) people with a legal number of 8280 thousand. chol. Main regions of settlement: Afghanistan 4000 thousand. chol., Tajikistan 3172 thousand. chol., Uzbekistan 934 thousand. chol. Other regions of settlement: Iran 65 thousand. chol., Russian Federation 38 thousand... ... Illustrated encyclopedic dictionary

    Tajiks Ethnopsychological dictionary

    Tajiks- Representatives of the indigenous nation of the Republic of Tajikistan. Special research shows that Tajiks are most characterized by such national psychological components, such as a practical mind-set, a rational way of thinking, which revolves around... Encyclopedic dictionary of psychology and pedagogy

Today, if the powers of Central Asia and most parts of the world, including Russia and Europe, focus on stability and development, Tajikistan invariably instills hatred towards Iran and the Persian people.

There are still three fates in Central Asia, and in Tajikistan itself, instead of creating peace and tranquility in the Muslim world, we are wary of the ignition of wars between the Sunnis and Shiites, and the hatred of Iran and the Persian people is being instilled.

And this is despite the fact that the Muslims of Tajikistan are Sunni - adherents of the Sunni (tradition) of the Prophet Muhammad (Light be upon him!), living in such a way as an eye for inheritance.

The history of today preserves approximately 100 leaves of the prophet (SAS), written to his companions different people. He sent one of his like-minded people to preach the Islamic faith in Yemen, telling him: “Be gentle, not swearing.” Want good news, don’t give people fear.”

The Sunnis, who have 4 schools (madhhabs) of Sunni law, which compete with each other over theory and methodology, as well as over certain parts and features of the ritual, have always had a strong tolerance to the point of ideological diversity.

And today in Tajikistan, where the “Islamic Power” (ID) is recognized by terrorism and is protected by law, the harmful “virus of hatred” to Iran and the Persian people has been infected by government officials.

Do the government officials understand that by harboring a widespread “virus of hatred” to those who fight against ID, they themselves are helping the enemy forces that are trying to drive a wedge between Iran and Russia, between Turechchina and the neighboring countries Whom right away?

And why are those Muslims who today fight in battles and those who are infected with the “virus of hatred” by the Shiites a radical wing of political rather than traditional Islam?

It is completely obvious that the “virus of hatred” has not broken down in the information war, which has not taken hold, regardless of those who have reached homes since the creation of de-escalation zones in Syria.

Proof of information aggression is the penetration of the “virus of hatred” to Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan and the Caucasus.

On the right it has come to the point where the greatest enemy of the Muslim, the “Sunite,” has killed the Muslim, the Shia.

And this is true in accordance with the words of Allah Almighty, such as: “Truly believing brothers, then rule the world between your brothers! Be God-fearing, and may you receive mercy! (Quran, 49:10).

Well, as history shows, the division of Muslims is a matter of politics in the struggle for power.

In the 7th century, Muslims were divided into “Shiites” and “Sunites.” And this section these days is being victorious as enemies of Islam for their own selfish, political purposes.

And today, dozens of satellite channels are presenting the current turmoil and are trying to inflame hatred among the Muslim world.

The information war is being waged masterfully. Two groups of Muslims take part in the dialogue: on one side – the Sunis, on the other – the Shiites.

Dialogue behind the scenes. They look at the madhhabs of Sunni and Shia law. But the problem is that all the participants are radically connected and the dialogue is being conducted in an atmosphere of irreconcilability of the parties.

As a result, today hundreds of young people are transforming into mutual enemies, regardless of the fact that they have the same spiritual and moral guidelines, and at the same time they can perform prayers at mosques and celebrate The Elite Hajj is a pilgrimage to Mecca.

About those on such powerful satellite channels as “VISALI HAK”, “NUR”, “KALIMA”, “VISALI FARSI”, “AHLAL-BAYT”, “FADAK” and so on.

In the name of Sunnis and Shiites, information aggression is being carried out, witnessing and speaking out, clearly directed against Russia, Iran and Tajikistan. In which case the policy is not criticized at all Saudi Arabia, USA and Israel.

Active participants in the spread of the “virus of hatred” in Tajikistan are the mullahs who have received enlightenment from the Wahhabi and Salafis. primary centers Arab countries and Pakistan.

Therefore, today in Tajikistan we are wary of the radicalization of young people, who are little educated in historical and religious terms, as the whole year, 24 years to harvest, is susceptible to being bombed by the enemies of Islam.

I, as a result:

The decline of the Persian-Tajik culture, the Tajiks began to call their brothers in spirit and blood - the Iranians - “enemies” and occupiers of the Shiites;

Christians - “kafirs”, who can be driven into and taken into them;

Meaning the Mawlid of the Prophet (Svet yom!) is a disaster;

Svyatkuvati Navruz is haram;

Everyone sings - “lost”, so you can’t write or read the verses;

Monuments and museums need to be protected...

Tajiks are descendants of the Persian-Tajik culture,

Iran is our little car.

Over the course of thousands of years, the world's powers, the giants, arose from that very region of Tricha.

And the oldest of them is the Old Persian Power. This warehouse included Media, Virmenia, Assyria, Babylonia, Syria, all of Asia Minor, Egypt and Central Asia. The cordons of the Old Persian state expanded right up to India. And one of the leading roles in the created spiritual culture of the Old Persian Empire was played by the peoples of Central Asia.

Iran, the Aryan power, reached its greatest development during the reign of the Persian Sasanian dynasty.

At the end of 500 and at the beginning of 600 years of the first millennium of our era, the lands of Sassanian Iran already included the lands of Iran, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Virmenia, Afghanistan, etc. noi Turechchina, parts of the lands of India, Syria, Pakistan, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Arabian Peninsula Egypt , the land of Israel and Jordan.

І for the rule of Ismail Samani, the founder of the first Tajik state with its capital in Bukhara, and such major places as Balkh, Bactria, Khujand, Merv, Nishapur, Isfahan... the sovereign power, as before, "forsi" (perska).

Today there are only 14 million Tajiks in the territory of present-day Uzbekistan. More than 15 million Tajiks have settled in the territory that is now Afghanistan. Ale tse does not mean that we, Tajiks, do not agree with the Iranians.

There are such historical figures as Mawlana Balkhi, Hafiz Sherazi, Sa'di, Sherazi, Khayam Nishapuri, Firdovsi, Avitsenna, Kharazmi, Beruni, Farabi, Abulkasim Lakhuti. Who are not representatives of the Iranian people?

And, as we see them today, we see our history, culture, science, and we see ourselves. Even the history of the current powers Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Afghanistan has more than a hundred fates, not a thousand years.

Today, the population of the Islamic Republic of Iran has over 25 million sunits. Live calmly, peacefully, comply with all Sharia laws. It’s not like living in Central Asia, it’s forbidden to wear a hijab, it’s forbidden for young people under 18 to go to the mosque, it’s forbidden to deposit the Koran at mosques. It’s okay to sell the pot, allow women to walk around lax and sell their bodies.

Iran itself today stands in the position of preserving peace between the Sunnis and Shiites.

Therefore, in the Islamic Republic of Iran, it is strictly forbidden to destroy the food supply, as they will create unrest and burn the warlord. Today in Iran there are hundreds of copies of books from Sunism and Sufism, which are in conflict with Persian, English, Russian and other languages, and are relentlessly lunated through Embassies around the world.

And my joy to the youth: the need to live by their own, and not by the mind of Israel, America and the Wahhabis from Saudi Arabia, and always remember the words of the Prophet Muhammad (Light be upon you!) a new Muslim."

Khayriddin Abdullo
