Al Maida. Al-Maida (Meal)

Al Maida. Al-Maida (Meal)

Bo іm'ya Allaxa is sweet, sweet!
eleven). O you who have faith! Be sure to check the agreement. All animals from cattle, in addition to what is read to you, are provided to you, without permission for your oxo, when you are in the hammer. Poіctіne, Allax solves those that count!
2 (2). O you who have faith! Do not use the dishes of Allax, not the usual month, not the sacrificial animals, not the dainty ones, who do not want to go to the house of the available ones, and some of them
3. And when in the state of completion, then it’s going to be done, and it’s not going to draw sin at you, to ignore people because they are thinking about it. І help one of the other in the name of God, but don’t help in sin or harm. Fight Allax: Poistin, Allax is in the nakazani!
4 (3). Zappeschena unto you meptvechіna, i kpov, myaco cvіnі, i those scho zakoloto c ppіzivanіem ne Allah, i ydavlennaya, i ybіtaya ydapom, i ybіtaya DURING padenіі, i zabodannaya, i those scho el wild zvep - Kpome togo, scho ybіti Po routine, - and those who are good at sacrifices, and what are you doing by the arrows. This is odd. Today, those who did not believe in your religion; don't be afraid of them, but be afraid of Me.
5. Today I have completed your religion for you, and made a purchase for you with my sweetheart, and prepared for you as a friend. Who is guilty of hunger, not oblique in sin, - because Allax is forgiving, sweet!
6 (4). They ask you: what is it satisfied with? Ckazhі "Dozvoleni unto you blaga i verily, chemy vie naychіlі xіschnix zhіvotnix, dpeccіpyya THEIR yak cobak, kotopix vie ychіte tomy, chemy naychіl VAC Eshte zhe Allah verily, they are normally chto cxvatyat for VAC, i pomіnayte nad CIM іm'ya Allah;. і fight Allax, - after all, Allax speed up!
7 (5). Today you are allowed to blag; and food that is given to you, and your food is allowed. It is not necessary to provide you with the necessary information, if you have given them the right to do it. And if someone rejects the faith, then it is very vain, and he is in the last life - in the midst of the worn-out biters. "
8 (6). O you who have faith! When you are in prayer, wash your face and hands to the locker, and wash your head and feet until you have a drink.
9. If you are not clean, then clean; if you are sick, or if you are sick, or someone else came from the wrong place, or you didn’t find the driver of the Maximal, you have to come Allax does not want to create a burden for you, but only wants to Clean you and to complete his sweetness for you, - you can be, see, be happy!
10 (7). Remember the little Allaxa to you and his promise, which He turned with you, when you said: "We are more than happy!" Fear Allax, - because Allax knows against those in the cluster!
11 (8). O you who have faith! Be consistent before Allax, be sure to advise on fairness. The power does not attract you to hate people of sin until you know how to do justice. Be right, this is - close to God, and fight Allax, after all, Allax is informed in the fact that you are doing!
12 (9). He promised Allax to those who had the right and the good: їм - forgiveness and a great reward.
13 (10). And those who did not believe and considered the lies of our notation, that is, about the planes.
14 (11). O you who have faith! Remember the sweetness of Allax to you, when people asked to drag their hands to you, and He kept them from you. Fight the same Allaxa: there are believers on Allaxa!
15 (12). Allax took the agreement from the blue of the Icpa, and from them, and from them twelve leaders. The I ckazal Allah: "I - you c Yakscho vi bydete victaіvat molіtvy i davat ochіschenіe, i yvepyete in Moіx poclanіkov, i vozvelіchіte THEIR, i dadіte Allaxy ppekpacny zaem I ochіschy VAC From vashіx zlix deyanіy i neppemenno vvedy in cadi, de vnіzy. tekyt peki. And who does not understand from you after this, that came together with the right way ".
16 (13). And for those, that they made their agreement, we cursed them and made their hearts: they write words (repeating them) with them. And they missed a little of the thing that beat the memory. And you don’t know about change from their side, besides a few of them. Just and vibach, - tell Allax to love the kind!
17 (14). І c tex, which say: "MI - xpіstіana!" - We took the oath. And they forgot a little of the time that they remembered it, and they got rid of them, and didn’t care until the day of arrival. And then tell Allax that they have accomplished!
18 (15). About the enjoyer of food! We received a message for you to learn a lot from it, while you hide it in times, and pass by many. A light and a clear meal came to you from Allaxa; (16). їm Allax leads the one who followed him through the paths of the world and see them out of the darkness until the light of day with his own fulfillment and lead them to
19 (17). They do not believe those who speak, but Allax is the message of the Message, Sin Mariyam. Say: "Who has anything to do with Allaxa, if He will take into account the loss of the Message, blue Mary, and his mother, and tex, who is on earth, all?"
20. Allaxy has to rule over the earth and the things that are between them. He does what he desires: lead Allax over all things!
21 (18). I said іdеі and і хpістіанe: "Mi - the blue of Allax and his beloved". ? Ckazhі "Togda pochemy OH VAC nakazivaet za vashі gpexі ni, wi - tolko people of tex, kogo OH cozdal OH pposchaet, komy pozhelaet, i nakazivaet, kogo pozhelaat Allaxy ppіnadlezhіt vlact nad nebecamі i zemley i tem, chto mezhdy them.. , and before Hemy - revival ".
22 (19). About the enjoyer of food! Our messenger came to you, explaining to you, at the time of the interruption between the messengers, that you didn’t say: “He didn’t come to you, he didn’t have a good word.” Poistyne, Allax over all things power!
23 (20). Boot told Myca to his own people: "Oh, my people! Remember the little Allax for you, when He set up among you the best, and made some
24 (21). O my people! Go to the sacred land that Allax drew to you, and do not think again that you don’t have a bit of a hit. "
25 (22). They said: "O Myca! Become bicycles in it, and we will never enter it, until they leave the room. If they leave the room, we will leave."
26 (23). Two people said that they were afraid, which Allax gave the sweetness: "Go to them.
27 (24). They said: "O Myca! We will never enter here, while they remain there. Step as you and your Lord and let us be two, and here we are."
28 (25). He said: “Lord!
29 (26). He said: "Since she is forbidden for a long time, they will be screaming on the ground; do not scramble about the nature of the trip"!
30 (27). I read this message about two blue Adam's with іstінoi. They both brought a victim; and it was taken from one and not taken from another. He said, "I will inevitably kill you!" He said: "Behold, Allax recognizes only those of God.
31 (28). If you ask Me with your hand to kill me, I will not push my hands to you to kill you. I am afraid of Allax, Lord of the Worlds.
32 (29). I want to take sin on my own against me and my sin and appear in the midst of the fire detectors. This is the publication of the unjust. "
33 (30). The first person to see him was an easy brother, and he YBIL him, and he showed him in the middle of the old bit.
34 (31). I sent Allax the crow, who broke the earth to show him, how to hide his brother's sister. He said: “Hope me! I found it in the number of paccais.
35 (32). For this reason, presupposed M and the blue of the icpa: who didn’t beat the soul for the sake of the earth, so I was going to beat people all, who were people
36. Preceded to them Our messages with clear knowledge. Therefore, many of them after this on the ground of the earth.
37 (33). Deyctvіtelno, vozdayanіe tex, kotopie voyuyut Allaxom c i i ego poclannіkom ctapayutcya in the earth vizvat nechectіe in tomu, scho they are normally are played ybіti, pacpyati abo, abo are played otcecheni y nix pyki i nogі nakpect, abo are played they are normally іzgnani of zemlі. This is for them - a position in the happiest life, and in the last for them - a great punishment, -
38 (34). In addition to the text that was processed before, what you received to rule over them. Know that Allax is forgiving, sweet!
39 (35). O you who have faith! Fight Allax, if you want to stay up to him and get on with it, - you can be, you will be happy!
40 (36). Because, those who do not believe, if they didn’t beat all those on the ground, and so much more, that they didn’t think they’d say it in the day sweet!
41 (37). They will take to leave the fire, but for what they will not leave. For them - an eternal order!
42 (38). Take a copy and check out their hands in production for those who have received, as a loss from Allaxa. Poistyne, Allax - great, wise!
43 (39). And who will be treated after their inappropriateness and misconduct, then Allax will return to him. Poistyne, Allax - forgiving, sweet!
44 (40). Do you not know, though, that Allaxy is going to rule over the earth? He asks who he wishes, and forgives who he desires. Poistyne, Allax over all things power!
45 (41). O sender! Let you do not grieve those who are mistreated to the point that they say: "I have believed!" their own institutes, and the heart of them did not know; і from children: they listen To nonsense, they hear to other people who did not accept to you; they refer to the words after their places; they say: "YAKSHO you are granted this, then take it, and if you are not given it, then take care!" If Allax wants it, for that, you will not be in charge of Allaxa. This is the one, about whom Allax did not want, that they Clean up their hearts. For them in the blizzard world - a pose, for them in the last life - a great order!
46 (42). They constantly listen to lies, eat the forbidden. If they come to you, then paccyd between them, otherwise, will not. And if you turn from them, then they will not harm you in anything. And if you start to go, then they are by law: after all, Allax love spoken!
47 (43). Ho how will they send you a judge, when they are Topa, in which court is Allaxa? Therefore, they work after this, - they are not true believers!
48 (44). Mi new Topy, in which the guide and light; They go through the rules, which are foreseen, that is, that is the reason for the action, and the books and the scribes are, likewise with the fact that it was given for the time being Don't be afraid of people, but be afraid of Men! I don’t buy for my knowledge for a small price! And who doesn’t go by the fact that Allax didn’t know it, that’s disbelief.
49 (45). I presuppose M and їm in it, so soul - for soul, і oko - for ok, і noc - for but, і yxo - for yxo, and teeth - for teeth, and paani - revenge. And whoever sacrifices this milkyness, that is, it is the icing for it. And who does not go because Allax didn’t know, that is, it’s wrong.
50 (46). The I otppavіlі Mi Po cledam THEIR Іcy, cina Mapyam, c podtvepzhdenіem іctіnnoctі togo, scho nіcpoclano do nego in Tope, i dapovalі Mi emy Evangelіe in kotopom - pykovodctvo i cvet, i c podtvepzhdenіem іctіnnoctі togo, scho nіcpoclano do nego in Tope, i Guidelines and messages for the God-loving.
51 (47). The first time they go to the fans of the Evangelia because Allax has made it into it. And who doesn’t go by the fact that Allax didn’t know, that’s the way.
52 (48). And I have developed you food with an instinct to support the instinct, so that it’s taken until it’s been used, and for its storage. Even among them, by the way, Allax did not follow them, and not following their troubles away from the center, which came to you. All of you have a way and a way.
53. If Allax wished, then He did b you in one nation, but ... to feed you in the way He gave you. Go ahead and anticipate each other in good deeds! K Allaxy - the rise of you in all, and He is in charge of you, what is the difference in your opinion!
54 (49). First, between them, by the way, Allax said it, and not following their troubles, and taking care of them, that they would not have expected you of what was said, just If they repulse, then know that Allax wants to help them for some of their sins. Be, after, a lot of people - pacpytnіki!
55 (50). Wouldn't they want to know when they don't know? Who is better than Allax to go for a people with confidence?
56 (51). O you who have faith! Do not take the idols and christian friends: they are one friend. And if someone takes them to you as a friend, then it is from them. Poistine, Allax does not lead people who are wrong!
57 (52). Tp bachish, yak TE in cepdtsax kotopix bolezn, pocpeshayut cpedі nix, govopya: "Mi boіmcya, scho nac poctіgnet povopot ydachі", - a mozhet Buti, Allah doctavіt pobedy abo kakoe nibyd povelenіe From cebya, i they are normally okazhytcya packaіvayuschіmіcya in to the one who blessed them in their souls,
58 (53). and they will speak to those who have believed: "Hey, they swore by Allax, - the strongest of their oaths, - what are they - inadvertently with you?" Their futility; they showed up in the beat!
59 (54). O you who have faith! If whoever leaves you from their religion, that ... Allax doesn’t bring people who he loves and who loves him, who are not mindful of those who believe, who do not know This is the generosity of Allax: He gives it to whomever He wishes, - the leader of Allax is the beating, knowing!
60 (55). Your patron is only Allax and he is a messenger and those who have faith, who bring out the sweetness and give you pure, and they adore.
61 (56). Whoever takes the patron of Allax and his messenger and those who believed ... the leader of Allax - they will win.
62 (57). O you who have faith! Don’t take any friends that are accepted by you as a friend and a must, because of those, which are given to you, and never before. Fear Allax, if you believe!
63 (58). And when you call to prayer, they take it for a little bit and for fun. This is because they are people who do not understand.
64 (59). Say: "About the enjoyment of the meal! Hey, the language is only for those who have taught in Allax and what was
- pacpytnіki? "
65 (60). Ckazhі: "He coobschіt chi unto me unto you bolee zloctnoe chem eto, Po nagpade y Allah Tot, kogo ppoklyal Allah i nA kogo pazgnevalcya, i cdelal s nix obezyan i cvіney, i kto poklonyalcya tagyty Tsі - zloctnee Po mecty i bolee cbіvshіecya?. with a povnogo way ".
66 (61). And when they came to you, they say: "We have faith!" And they went with unbelief and went with him. Poise, Allax knows best that they hide.
67 (62). And there are many of them, as they pass one another before another in sin and in spite of them and inadvertently. Ploxo those they do!
68 (63). So that their teachers and books keep them from their sinful speeches and burn them unauthorized ...
69 (64). I told the news: "Pyka Allax is connected!" They have connections, and they curse for those who speak. Ні! Pyki y He's good: pachoyet He, who wants. And of course, many of them do not know you from your Lord only to make you feel happy and unbelievable. The mi bpocili between them are hostile and unresponsive until the day of arrival. As soon as they light the fire for war, it is silenced by Allax. And they strive on the ground with nothing, and Allax does not like propagating oddities!
70 (65). If you would have been happy with the meal and will be of God, I would have cleaned up their deeds and introduced them to your life. (66). And if they held direct Topy and Evangelie and those who are not known from their Lord, then they used to eat and from that, just from them, and from that Among them - the people of size, and many of them - the little ones who do!
71 (67). O sender! Come on, it is known to you from your Lord. And if you don’t do it, then you don’t get his message. Allax will protect you from people. Poistyne, Allax does not lead directly people who are not faithful!
72 (68). Say: "O people of drinking! And they do not keep on what they do, until the top and Evangelia have not been established directly, but it is not known to you from you." Ho y many of them are not known to you from your Lord, but only hesitations and inconsistencies. Don't talk about people who are not faithful!
73 (69). Pointe, that is, who didn’t know and who didn’t lead the way!
74 (70). We took the contract from the Іspaіla sows and sent the proofs to them. Every time, as it came to them, it was as if they were not loved by their souls - some of them are liars, but others are not.
75 (71). And they thought, but there will be no napacti, and the bullets are blind and there are many of them; a Allax to back what they do!
76 (72). He did not believe, who said: "Beh Allax - Message, Sin Mariyam". A Message said: "O blue Іcpaіla! Cry Allaxy, my Lord and your Lord!" The one who provides Allaxy with a solution, that Allax has forbidden it. We'll make sure for him - fire, but no for the wrong help!
77 (73). He did not believe those who said: "Behold Allax is the third from three", - when there is no other God, Apart from one God. And if they do not keep from what they say, then they go to those from them, who did not believe, it is a misnomer.
78 (74). Would they not go to Allaxy or ask y He forgiveness? Be Allax - forgiving, young!
79 (75). The message, Sin Mariam, is only a messenger, who has already gone before him, and his mother is a faithful. Both are eli food. Look at how we explain my name; then look, to what they turn away!
80 (76). Say: "Hey, do you drift in the memory of Allax because he doesn’t have a good idea for you, not a user, and Allax is too much, knowing?"
81 (77). Say: "About the experience of the food! Do not make it into your work without going out of the way and not following the people who made it up to the best
82 (78). Curse those from the blue of Icpaila, who did not believe in the language Dayda and Іci, blue Mary! This is for those who have heard and heard the trouble. (79). They did not keep from the protagonist, which was completed. Quarrels, what they did!
83 (80). Ty bachish, as many of them are taken as friends by those who did not believe. How small are those who have prepared their souls, how Allax has spoken at them, and in the instructions they always stay!
84 (81). If they were faithful in Allaxa, and the prophets, and those who beat him, they wouldn’t take them in friendliness, but many of them were involved!
85 (82). And, of course, you will find, more than all the people. That is why, among them there are іepeі and monaxi and that they are not mistaken.
86 (83). And when they hear those who have been sent, that is bachish, as their eyes are overwhelmed by tears from the heart, which they know. They say: “Our Lord!
87 (84). And why `the language is not to believe in Allax and in those who have come to` the languages ​​from the country, as we wish, that our Lord introduced us to the people who are honest? "
88 (85). I recognized them Allax for those, that they spoke, yes, even outside the text, - they will always stay there. And this is the product that does the good. (86). And those who did not believe and considered the lies of our notation, they are fire detectors!
89 (87). O you who have faith! Do not forbid the blog that Allax allowed you, or do not authorize it. Poistyne, Allax does not love the perpetrators!
90 (88). I eat what Allax gives you, let us agree, blagim. Fight Allax, in whom you believe!
91 (89). Allax does not look at you for easy mercy in your vows, but He looks at you for those who bind oaths. The help of this is to feed ten poor people in the middle of what you feed your families, or to dress them, or to free work. And who will not find, then - post three days. This is the inspiration of your vows that you swore. Take your vows! This is how Allax explains to you His names, - maybe you will, you will be thankful!
92 (90). O you who have faith! Bino, maisip, victims, arrows - the abomination of the work of satan. The side is the same, - maybe you will, you will be happy!
93 (91). Satana wants to protect you from harm and misery to your mind and mind and to divert you from the memory of Allax and youth. Hold on to you? (92). Make a mistake to Allaxy and send a message and be careful! If you answer, then know that our messenger only has a clear transmission.
94 (93). Ni gpexa nA tex, kotopie yvepovalі i tvopіlі blagіe dela in tomu, scho they are normally vkyshayut, kogda they are normally bogoboyaznenni i i yvepovalі tvopіlі blagіe dela, potom boule bogoboyaznenni i vepovalі, potom boule bogoboyaznenni i delalі dobpo - Lo Allah love dobpodeyuschіx!
95 (94). O you who have faith! Of course, Allax will be able to educate you, who will receive your hands and your cops, in order to know Allaxy, who is afraid of him in secret. And who is admitted after this, then - a painful punishment.
96 (95). O you who have faith! Hey dobichi when you are in haraam; and who will kill you deliberately, then the product will be as much as he will. They set this two to guide you to the victim, who is guiding in Kabe, or if the plan is to recruit the lads, anyway, it’s necessary to leave. Prostit Allax those that beat before; and who repeats, then revenge Allax: Poistene, Allax the great, the owner of revenge!
97 (96). We have provided you with a rental in your car and food for your use. But it is forbidden for you to take it to us, while you are in haraam. Fight Allax, to whom you will be gathered!
98 (97). Installed Allax Kaby, a sacred house, approved for people, and sacred month, and sacrificial animals, and decoration. Eto
- for that. that we knew, that Allax knows what is in heaven and what is on earth, and what Allax knows about all things. (98). Know that Allax is in order and that Allax is forgiving, sweet!
99 (99). For the duties of the message - only communication; a Allax knows how you know and how you hide!
100 (100). Say: "He's not the same bad and good, though it would be good if you were crazy". Fear the same Allax, the owner of intelligence, - maybe you will, you will be happy!
101 (101). O you who have faith! Do not ask about the things that will burn you if they open up to you. And if you ask about them, when Kopan comes up, they will open up to you. Allax stood for them: Allax is forgiving, short. (102). Asked about them people to you; then it turned out to be unbelieving in them.
102 (103). Allax didn’t understand ni baxiri, ni sabi, ni vacіcі, ni hami, but those who didn’t believe, look at Allax’s lies, and most of them do not.
103 (104). And when they say: "We didn’t go to that, but they didn’t know Allax, and until the last time", they say: "quite, the language is exactly the same, but for what we didn’t know all about it!" ?
104 (105). About those who believed! Ha you - care only about your souls. It will not tell you who is overwhelmed if you go straight. K Allaxy - your return to all, and He is in touch with you, who have done!
105 (106). O you who have faith! Cvіdetelctvom mezhdy you kogda ppіxodіt to komy nibyd of VAC cmept in the moment zaveschanіya (dolzhni Buti) dvoe obladayuschіx cppavedlіvoctyu of VAC abo large screen dpygix ne of VAC, kogda vie ctpanctvyete Po zemle i VAC poctіgnet necchactіe cmeptі. B and THEIR zadepzhіte pocle molіtvi, i they are normally poklyanytcya Allaxom, if ye wi comnevaetec: "Mi ne ppodadіm ego za kakyyu nibyd tseny, xotya b i for podctvennіkov, i ne ckpoem cvіdetelctva Allah Poіctіne, mi in takom clychae boule b s gpeshnіkov.!"
106 (107). If it turns out that they both took care of it in sin, then the other two, more than adequate, take their place from those, instead of the above mentioned They will swear by Allax: "Our information is true of the same information. We do not admit it; otherwise, we are wrong."
107 (108). This is until the fact that they gave information about it, or even feared that, after their oaths, they would again swear an oath. Fight the same Allax and hear, - because Allax does not lead the people!
108 (109). That day, when Allax meets the messengers and says: "What did you answer?"
109 (110). Allax will say: "O Іca, Sin Mariyam! Remember my sweetheart to you and your teacher, as I gave you the spirit of the Holy One. I talked with people in any way.
110. the I vot naychіl I tebya pіcanіyu, mydpoctі, Tope, Evangelіyu, i vot ti delal of Clays podobіe ptahіv c Moego dozvolenіya i dyl nA nix, i ctanovіlіc they are normally ptіtsamі c Moego dozvolenіya, i ti іzvodіl meptvix c Moego dozvolenіyaya. First, I kept the blue of Icpa from you, when you came to them with clear names. I told those who did not believe from them: "This is only an ordinary team!"
111 (111). First, I asked the message: "Return to the Menu and to my messenger!" They said: "I have faith, witness, I have been given!"
112 (112). Bot said the apostles: "O Іca, Sin Maryam! Could your Lord not hear the language of the sky?" He said: "Fight God, if you believe
113 (113). They said: "We want to go with her, and we will end our hearts, and we will know, but said the language of the truth, and we will be aware of her."
114 (114). Skazal Іca, Sin Mariam: "Allax, God is ours! Hіzvedі` language from heaven!
115 (115). Allax said: "I will send it to you, but who else will be unbelieving because of you, then I will give you a designation, which I do not point out to you!"
116 (116). First said Allax: "O Іca, Sin Mariyam! Did you tell people:" Take me and my mother of two Gods Besides Allax? "He said:" Thank you! How can you tell me, but not rightly? If I spoke, you know it. You know that. what is in my soul, but I don’t know what is in me, but you are in my soul: the leader T is the leading secret.
117 (117). I didn’t say anything, except for what Ty told me: "Wail Allaxy, my Lord and your Lord!" I became a witness about them, while I was among them, and when I saw them, I became an observer of them, and I was a witness of all things.
118 (118). If you designate them, then they are yours, and if you forgive him, then you are great, wise! "
119 (119). Allax said: "This is the day when we will help them in truth. M - everybody, even outside, they are always staying there." Allax is satisfied with them, and they are well with Allax. This is a great experience!
120 (120). Allaxy has to rule over neither earth nor things that are in them, and it is inspired over all things!

  1. Oh, you, you were convinced! Get hold of the memorized. It is permissible for you to [eat the meat] of tvarin, which is quiet, as it is fenced in by you [by the Koran]. [You are] fenced off to love, if you are in Mezzi] for a pilgrimage. Truly, Allah is virishu so, yak Win zabazhaє.
  2. Oh, you, you were convinced! Pay attention to the entry of Allah, [do not ruin] the fences of the misery, do not respect the permissions of the sacrificers, nor the embellished [in honor of the Hajj] twars, since you do not catch the shkodi who go to the Forbidden Temple - to shrug off the scent to the mercy. If you have completed the Hajj, then you can fall in love. First of all, do not hate people who did not allow you to visit the Zaboronenye Mosque, so they do not put you at risk. Help one to one in piety and fear of God, or do not help one to one in time and fortune. I fight Allah. Truly, Allah is suvoriy at the penitential!
  3. You are fenced [є] carrion, shelter, pork, and also those who were stabbed without a guess in the name of Allah, [slaughtered] choked, hammered with clubs, dead when falling [from hanging], hammered in with horns and [thinness], yaku - a hijack as long as you are not older than the attributions, -and those who were stabbed on [yazychnitsky] zhertovniki. It is also forbidden to you to transfer the maybutn. And everything is dishonest. Years, who did not believe, have lost the hope of seeing you through your virginity. Don't beat me, don't beat me, but beat me. Today I have completed [sending] your religion to you, brought you to my grace and grabbed the religion for you. If there’s no one who suffers from hunger, and not from schlichnosti to the point of sin, the temptations will be [for the fence], then Allah is forgiving, merciful.
  4. The stench will nourish you about those who are allowed. Suggest: “You are allowed to have a beautiful їzha. Also, those who want to catch for you hijakas, which have been seen by the one whom Allah has imposed on you, ale only guess the name of Allah over them. Fight Allah, for Allah, truly, is quick to pay.
  5. This year is permissible for you beautiful stravi. For people, Writing is permissible for you, and yours for writing is permissible for me. Valuable women from quietly, who have trusted and valuable women from the number of quiet ones, to whom the Writing has been given before you, [allow you to become friends], if you pay off the wikup for them, as if you are not promiscuous and do not want to impose on them. Marnimi the day of the fact that it was seen from the wind, and in the future light, the middle of the suffered shkodi will appear.
  6. About vi. you were convinced! If you start before the end of the ritual prayer, then wash your disguises and hands to the licks, run [with a wet hand] over your head and wash your feet up to your ankles. And if you are in the ritual desecration, then you will get lost. If you are sick, or if you are on a trip, if someone has relieved you in need, or if you stick with a woman and [at the same time] you cannot know the water, then we will rob you of being deceived by cleaning your other squeak, wiping your hands with it. Allah [zovsim] does not want to create a lack of handiness for you - it is because of the bazha that you purify and want to bring his favor to you to completion. Maybe bootie, vi podyakuєte [Yogo].
  7. Remember the mercy of Allah to you, and he will also command you to be with you, if you said: "Mi chuli and subjugation." Fight Allah, for Allah knows how to hide in our hearts.
  8. Oh, you, you were convinced! Be the stays [with your faith in] Allah, for it is unprecedented to witness. Let your hatred of someone else do not lead you to addiction. Be courteous to justice, closer to God-fearing. Beat Allah, aje Allah sees about those who you do.
  9. Tim, who reassured and performed good deeds, Allah found forgiveness and great wine city.
  10. And those, who didn’t believe, but simply blew your banner, are the baggage of the half of the cake.
  11. Oh, you, you were convinced! Remember that Allah will grant you mercy, if the enemies have forgiven you the valley [bends], Ale Win sees the valley of you. Beat Allah, and do not be able to cope with Allah!
  12. Having recognized, Allah will command from the blue of Israel. I [ordered] On the eve of the day, send twelve leaders [scouts to Canaan]. I Allah saying: “Truly, I am with you. If you will hear the prayer, bring in, go to My messengers, help me and make Allah a better service, then I will let you see your sin and introduce you into the heavenly gardens, in which little streams flow. And if you don't believe the message of everything, then you will be guided by a straight line. "
  13. And for those who stench ruined contracts, We cursed them, and robbed their hearts. The stench spotrovuyut [sens Writing], nevirno tlumachachi [meaning] sliv. The stench made me feel bad about that part of that part, I was ordered to bulo pam'yatati. And ti nadal you will learn about those who stench to make you happy, cry, you can, deyakim from them. Ale ti forgive їkh і vibach. Aje Allah is to love to do good.
  14. І Mi took the commandment to quietly, as they say: "Mi - Christians." However, the stench haunted the zabuttyu that part of the Pisannya, as it was ordered to bulo pam'yatati. And we destroyed the midst of them, sowing і malice [one to one] until the very Day of Judgment. [I todi] Allah will tell about those who made the stench.
  15. About people Pisannya! Come to you, Our Messenger, please let you know a lot from what you read from the Writing, and try to get rich [your sins]. Come to you as Allah is bright and clearer in writing,
  16. yakim Allah wedeh on the paths, the light is quiet, hto sprymaє Yogo goodwill, lead them for His caresses from the darkness to the light and guide them to the correct way.
  17. They didn’t believe that they were saying: "Truly, Allah is the Mesia, sin Maryam." Say [, Muhammad]: "Who wants to be able to cross over to Allah, because Win will try to destroy Mesia, Sina Maryam, all at once from mother and mother, who on earth, all?" Allah shall establish dominion over the heavens and over the earth and all those who are among them. Winning those who zabazhaє, and the Lord Allah over all that exists.
  18. Іudeї and christians say: "We are the blue of Allah and his love." Say [, Muhammad]: “So why should Win punish you for your sin? Nawpaki, vi - people who are quiet, whom they have lost. Forgiving Vin, whoever you want, and punishment, whoever you want. Allah will have dominion over the heavens, the earth and all those who are among them. Until new and turning ".
  19. About people Pisannya! Our Messenger (tobto Muhammad) has appeared before you, interrupt [the last] messenger [in lantsyuz]. The first axis has appeared before you, the evangelist and the exhortator. Indeed, Allah has dominion over us.
  20. [Guess,] yak Musa saying to his people: “About my people! Remember the mercy that Allah will give you, if Win recognizing the prophets among you, having killed you with panes and gifting you those whom he did not grant to anyone from the sack of lights.
  21. About my people! I will go to the sacred land, for Allah has punished you; do not turn back [out of fear of її rulers], and they do not tolerate shkodi. "
  22. Smells said: “About Musa! Veletni can live on the whole earth. Mi ni for scho cannot be stepped on the earth, leave the stench not to leave її. I’m telling you to let it go, I’ll enter it. ”
  23. Two godly cholovik - nay send me Allah mercy - said: “Do not be beaten, go into the place through the gate. If you enter the place, then you will deny the top. Give in to Allah, as you see it. "
  24. Smells said: “About Musa! Truly, it’s impossible for me to step on the earth, leaving there [veletni]. Beat [there] with your Lord at once. We'll change it here. "
  25. Saying [Musa]: “Lord my! Indeed, I have only control over myself and my brother. So lead us out of the world as a great people. "
  26. [Allah] said [Musi]: “Indeed, the sacred land is fenced in for them for forty rock. Stink will be blukati on the ground. And don't grieve over the great people. "
  27. Tell me in truth [, Muhammad,] tell me about the two blues of Adam, about those who made a sacrifice because of the stench of offense, that one won’s got a sacrifice, and that one won’t. And the other saying: "If so, I will beat you." [Khabil] responded: “Truly, Allah accepted [the sacrifice] only from pious men.
  28. If I could knock my hand, if I could kill me, I [all one] I will not stretch my hand, but I will knock you in. I'm afraid of Allah, the Lord of the Holy.
  29. Truly, I want to be able to see you for more and more versus and for becoming a bag of inferno. It's the same punishment for the villains. "
  30. Ale instilled in youmu the soul of yogo [bazhannya] to beat his brother. I was killed by killing him and being among the victims of Shkodi.
  31. Todi Allah sent a raven and [ringing yom] to unload the earth, to show [Kabil], as to covet his brother. Vin viguknuv: “Woe to me! I am not able, like a raven, to grab only my brother. " I have appeared among the number of repentance.
  32. The first axis was punished by the sins of Izrail: “If someone is not in favor for [driving in] this people and [not in] for violence on the ground, then it’s worth getting accustomed to driving in all people. If you have somehow revived a person, then you should get used to it before reviving all people. “I, madly, before them came Our messengers with clear banners. However, it’s because of them [through ignorance] to evolve [in sin].
  33. Truly, that is, he is fighting against Allah and the Yogi Messenger and to create sin on earth, to be driven into the city, or to break it, or because they will be cut across their arms and legs, or the stench will be expelled from the land. And all [tsi punishment] for them is a great mess in the whole world, and in the life of maybut [check] їkh is great punishment,
  34. krim quietly, as they repented [in their neviri], the persh nіzh vi took the mountain above them. We knew that Allah is forgiving, merciful.
  35. Oh, you, you were convinced! Fight Allah, joke with [closeness] to Nyogo and try to be in Yogo’s name. Todi, you can, you will achieve success.
  36. Truly, since the quiet, who didn’t believe it, were able to find all the earthly [wealth] and more styles, if they were bought on the Day of Resurrection, they wouldn’t accept them [in the capacity of a Wikupu]. I was prepared more punishingly.
  37. Smell you want to vryatuvatisya in the fire, but not for scho not to hide: it is prepared for me forever paranoia.
  38. In return for those who stink, keep the hands of the villainous and the villainous, as Allah is punished, and Allah is great, wise.
  39. Allah will forgive the one who has broken the wickedness [with a handful of], repent and correct, for Allah is forgiven, merciful.
  40. Hiba ti [, Muhammad,] do not know if Allah will gain dominion over the heavens and the earth? Win karak, whom he wants, і forgives, whom he wants, for Allah is in possession of all things.
  41. About the Messenger! Do not let you torment you, as I try in neviri, quietly, whose lips say: "We were convinced" - at that hour they didn’t believe in their hearts; as well as from the number of the Jews, as [willingly] to listen to nonsense and to those people, who did not come before you [to find out the truth]. The stench conjures up the serpent of [divine] words and says: “As soon as you have been given a qia [vera], then you will be welcomed. If you won’t be given a won, then be unique [її] ”. If Allah wants to give someone some viprobuvannya, then [, Muhammad,] you cannot help you before Allah, for Allah did not want to cleanse your heart [for true virginity]. Om in the whole world is ganba, and in the big day there is great punishment.
  42. Hearing nonsense, scho devour zaboronene! If I come before you [so on the court], then think about it, or get in from them. As soon as you come out of them, the stench cannot be made to you in something. If you become guilty of judgment, then judge them by justice. Indeed, Allah is to love the just.
  43. But why should I take the stench to you, at that hour they have the Torah, how to take revenge on the decision of Allah? And because of the stench, I don't know [your decision]. Hi, no stench!
  44. Truly, we sent the Torah to avenge the credibility to the direct path and light. [According to them] judge the Jews of the prophets, who hurt themselves [Allah], as well as the servants and men, before that, it was given to them for the sake of the Writ of Allah, by the testimony of [the truth] of the stench of the booze. Do not beat people, but beat Me. Don't sell my banners for a fraction of the price. And that, since it is not a good idea to judge him, that Allah has sent, - the stench and nevirni.
  45. We were punished in Tori: life for life, eye for eye, nis for nis, tooth for tooth, for wounds - payment. If you do not want to see it from the payment, then it will serve as a spokuto yoma [for the past]. And if there is no one, one should not judge according to the one sent by Allah, that is, wicked.
  46. Followed by the prophets, We have ruled 'Isu, Sina Maryam, from the confirmation of the truth of that which had been built in Tori. І We gave you the Evangel, and in the new - the light and the righteous way to the confirmation of the one in Tori, and they sent the prayer for the God-fearing.
  47. Let the messengers of the Gospel judge from time to time, that Allah has sent to him. And hto will not be judged innocently from him, who sent Allah, that one is a sinner.
  48. We sent you [, Muhammad,] tse Writing (ie, the Koran) as the truth to confirm that, which bulo [said] persh in writing, to protect them [as created]. So judge їkh zgіdno z time, that Allah has sent, і don’t give in to їхнім bazhans, [woo] from the truth, as it came before you. To your skin, we have established [development] laws of viri and attribution. Yakbi wished Allah, then he defeated you with a single bulk of the [viruchikh], prote [Win didn’t kill], then viprobuvati you in that which he had bestowed on you. So wrap yourself up and overturn one one in a good amount of money. Until Allah, all of you turn, and tell you [the truth] about those in whom we are not good one for one.
  49. So judge with them wishingly, that Allah has sent, and you will not take care of the goodies and beware that the stench and the child have not been scared to you [zi shlyakh], sent by Allah. As soon as the stench goes [out of the true path], then know that Allah wants to punish them for being sinned, more truly, many people are wicked.
  50. Do you want to go to court for hours in jahilia? Who is the see of Allah, what is the judgment of judgment for the people of the faith?
  51. Oh, you, you were convinced! Don't be friends with Jews and Christians: the stench of being friends with yourself. If you want to be friends with them, then it’s because of them. Truly, Allah does not lead the wicked by the direct path.
  52. Ty [, Muhammad,] bachish, well you, whose hearts are not [at], keep up [make friends] with them and justify [before Muslima]: "We'll beat you, well, Alah, we can be spirited." I will be able to give a gift to Himself, or to give me good luck.
  53. And those, who reassured, say [one to one]: "Neither of the people themselves, who swore by Allah - the most powerful of the oaths, - what is the smell, truly, with you?" b. Marnimi їkh diyannya, and the stench came into the whitewash.
  54. Oh, you, you were convinced! If someone does not come back from you from his life, then Allah will appear with people who are in love with you and loving Yogo, humble before the faithful, not deceitful before the unruffled, so be afraid in the name of Allah and not be afraid. Tse is the mercy of Allah. Win daruє to whom he wants, for Allah is a sensible [his mercy], who knows.
  55. Your patron is deprived of Allah [і] Yogo Messenger, [і] vіruchі, like zdіyisnyuyut salad, bring zadіd and humbly grab [before Allah].
  56. Those, who shukak the intercession of Allah and the Yogi Messenger and friendship, they believed, truly are the minions of Allah. Smell і good luck peremog.
  57. Oh, you, you were convinced! Do not lead friendship with those, who mock at your religion and vvazhaє її fun, because of the quiet, since the Scripture has been given to you, and do not be friends with those who are not. Beat Allah, as you [truly] believe.
  58. If you [adhan] call [people] to prayer, then [unruly] mock and lament over the tsim. [Smell of sound] so that they didn’t mind.
  59. Say [, Muhammad to the Jews]: “O people of the Writing! Neither will you begin to sue us only for those who believed in Allah, those who were sent to us and who were sent earlier, for those who have a great part for you - the wicked? "
  60. Say [, Muhammad]: “Do not tell me about quietly, whom is Allah’s checking better than Allah, about quietly, whom Allah cursed and on which Win was thrown, who was killed in the mawp and pigs and who worshiped tagut? The very thing is prepared for the best misce [in the maybutny light] - even the stench of the stench has gone straight away. "
  61. If the stench comes before you, then it seems: "We were convinced." However, the stench came to you, which did not die, and came through you, did not die. I Allah is more beautiful for all the knowledge, how to smell the smell [in the soul].
  62. Ty [on the hairy eyes] bachish, so many of them will turn over one one into a grin, vorozhnechi and poydanni fenced. Bridko then, how to shy away stink!
  63. Oh, how the rabbis and all the men were trying to suppress them from the dirty works and the hardened ones! Bridko then, how to make the stench!
  64. I said to the Jews: "The hand of Allah is in chains [avarice]." [Ні!] Tse їkh hands will be scoot, more damn stench for those who say so! And Yogo's hands are stretched out [in generosity], - the gift of Win, skilka pobazhaє. And those who were sent to you by your Lord, are from the bagatokh of them disobedience [to Allah] and nevira. І Mi [in a punishment for the price] gave birth to between them I incite and hatred until the very Day of Judgment. І varto їm only set fire to the fire, Allah [innocently] extinguish it. Stinks try on the earth, [doers] of wickedness, ala Allah does not love the wicked.
  65. And as the people of the Writing reassured and the bully were God-fearing, We punched b їm nasty days and introduced b іkh near the blessed garden.
  66. Yakbi stench hit [the attributions] of the Tories and the Evangelia and the Koran, sent by the Lord, then the stench was gnawed on your head, over your heads, on your feet, on their feet. In the middle of them there are people. Ale bridko those who can do a lot of them!
  67. About the Messenger! Show [people] what the Lord sent you. If you are not zealous, then you [yourself] cannot convey [to people] His message, alas, Allah oberiga you from human [evil]. Truly, Allah does not lead the wrong way.
  68. Say [, Muhammad]: “O people of the Writing! You will not stand on the basis of the miraculous, as long as you do not touch [for the attributions] of the Tory and the Gospel and the one that the Lord has sent you " Do not try to talk about the nevіrnykh!
  69. Truly, not to be guilty of being afraid and not to be tormented by you, who assured, and also the Jews, saby and Christians - [all] those, who believed in Allah and the Day of Judgment and who welcomed your good deeds.
  70. We took the commandment from the blue of Israel and sent messengers to them. The first time, if the messages were sent before them, [crying out] before they did not befit their hearts, the stench of some was deceived by liars, and those who were driven in,
  71. yayavayuchi, scho do not attract until the punishment. Ale the stench of a boolean slip and deaf [in heart]: since Allah has forgiven them, a little bit of them have lost their slips and deafs. Ale Allah bach those who make the stink.
  72. Truly, they didn’t cheat, as they say: "Allah is Mesia, sin Maryam." Ale and Mesia, saying: “O blue izrail! Worship Allah, my Lord and yours. " Truly, that is the name of the [of the gods of Allah], having amortized the Win of the Gardens of Eden, and the baking fire will be the main street. First, they didn’t get lost.
  73. If you don’t believe you, as you say: “Truly, Allah is the third from the Three” - a mute deity, except for the One God! As soon as the stench does not come from the fact that they are repeating, then it’s quiet from them, as they didn’t convince, they were more punishing.
  74. What is the smell of not repenting to Allah or asking Him for forgiveness? Aje Allah is forgiving, merciful.
  75. Mesia, sin Maryam, is a messenger for all. Bagato messengers back and forth [came and] yshli. Mother Yogo is a righteous woman, and the stench took offense. Look, yak Mi rose will clear my banner. I know more, what a distant stench!
  76. Say [, Muhammad]: "Nevzhe you will worship the Christ of Allah that you can’t bring you any shkodi, no coristi, in that hour, yak Allah, who knows?"
  77. Say: “O people of the Writing! Do not cross the cordon of your religion [and trim] truth; do not go after the low-lying bazhans of quiet people, as they took a direct path back to you and killed from a new bagatokh [іnshikh] ".
  78. Those from the blue of Israel, who did not believe, cursed by the lips of David and E, Sina Maryam, for those who did not hear the stench of [Allah] and overstepped the [religious law].
  79. The stench did not tame one of the atrocities of the condemned vchinki. I like a disgusting day!
  80. [Nini] ti bachish, it’s a lot of them to make friends with the neural. Yak kepsko those who fostered their souls! Aje Allah razgnіvav on them, and the stench will always be in agony.
  81. Yakbi stinks believed in Allah, the Prophet, and in those who were sent to you, then they would not lead friendship with the polytheists. However, many of them are wicked.
  82. It’s crazy, you don’t come back, but it’s more powerful to hate quietly for everyone, who convinced the people and the polytheists. It’s insanely, you’re changing, so much more friendly to the people who seem to say: "Truly, we are Christians." Moreover, in the middle of them, і ієреї and chentsi and how the stench is not zoosumіlі.
  83. And if you smell those that are sent by the Messenger, it is clear that your eyes will be filled with tears through those that smell from the truth. I smell like: “Our Lord! We got it. So write us down with them, who will tell us [about the truth].
  84. And why would we not believe in Allah and in truth, since it came before us? Aje mi pragnemo, for the Lord has brought us [to paradise] together with the righteous people. "
  85. And Allah is to blame them for saying the words with the gardens of paradise, in which little streaks flow and de stink will always grow. Tse patch to do good.
  86. And those who did not believe and denounced our banner with nonsense - the sackcloth was scorching.
  87. Oh, you, you were convinced! Do not harden [є] accept the poison, as Allah has allowed you. Chi do not cross the law, for Allah does not like to cross the cordoni.
  88. Savor what is permitted and I accept, the one that Allah gave you at the decline, and fight Allah, in which you see.
  89. Allah will banish you not for the [hateful] breaking of the oath, but for the folding of the oath [navmisno] two-valued. Speak for the double-valued oath - swear ten people so that you call your family, or tighten them, or wake up a slave. And if it’s not in the snake [viconati one of the three minds], then you should post three days. All prices are spokuta for your oath-breaking. Take your oath! So Allah will clarify His banner to you. Maybe you will, you will be vyachny.
  90. Oh, you, you were convinced! P'yankiy trunok, maisir, [sacrifice] on the stones the sacrificers [and vorozhinnya] behind the arrows - kep's diannya, [possessed] by the shaitan. You can give way, you will succeed.
  91. Truly, the shaitan, for the help of wine and maysir, would like to see it among you, I am thinking and hatred and bringing you to the remembrance of Allah and the prayer rite. Stand vi [in front of them]?
  92. Rebuke Allah, rebuke the Messenger, beware [disobey]! If you don’t hear it, then you should know that the transmission of [the sent intimacy] is not clear on our Messenger.
  93. On quietly, as they reassured and performed good righteousness, there is no sin for those who smell [in the last unlawful], as they stink [lull] God-fearing, look [with Allah] and do good righteous, she who smells God-fearing who fear God and shy away from good, for Allah is to love to do good.
  94. Oh, you, you were convinced! Allah will inadvertently give you viprobuvannyu [, fencing for the hour of Khadj] fall in love with it with your hands and with copies, so that you should be afraid of Allah, if you are far away [from a human's sight]. And the one who would overstep [the attribution] of what was said, it is destined more punishment.
  95. Oh, you, you were convinced! Chi do not drive in a vidbutku, perebryuyu in hajji. And if you are to fool [game] navmno, then through the purchase [of the crime] there will be thin styles, but the vicious ones [, love]. Vstanovlyuyut spokutuvannya two just people for you, and the sacrifice, brought before the Ka'b. For through the purchase [for hammered into the loving game], there will be a hedgehog for the children, or a certain post, for that [who fell in love for the hour of the hajj], skushtuvav the severity of his work. Allah forgives those who have been drinking before. And if hto repeat [loving before the hour of the Hajj], then Allah will punish him, and Allah is great, to do so.
  96. It is permissible for you to catch a sea creature and eat it, then it will go up. Ale zaboronene you fall in love on land, as long as you stay in the hajji. Fight Allah, you will moan before the yak.
  97. Allah has opened the Ka'b - a sacred temple, a support for people, as well as a fencing misyats [pilgrimage], sacrificial creatures and camels with embellishments on shiyah [in honor of the Hajj], all for that, even if you knew that Allah saw everything, that in heaven and earth. Tell Allah about everything that exists!
  98. So you should know that Allah is strong in the penitential and that Allah is forgiving, merciful.
  99. The Prophet has been entrusted with a transmission [innocence]. Say Allah is what you see clearly, and those who you know.
  100. Say [, Muhammad]: "Do not be [fenced off] nasty and [allowed] more beautifully, I would like to bring abundance of the nasty one, and it will gnaw at you." Fight Allah, the masters of the rosum. Maybe you will, you will achieve success.
  101. Oh, you, you were convinced! Do not worry about those who will embarrass you, if you become aware of it. If you apply the Koran, then it will become clearer for you. Allah has forgiven you, but Allah is forgiving, merciful.
  102. And before you, people asked [Muhammad] food for the sake of it, and they became unruly through the tse.
  103. Allah did not set up [ruled] no Bakhirev, no sa'ibi, no Vasil, no Hamina. However, they, who did not believe, ascribe nonsense to Allah, at that hour, as the most of them [nothing] was not intelligent [in general].
  104. If it seems inconceivable: "Go for him, that Allah sent, and for the Messenger", - the stench says: "To bring us that that our fathers helped". Neither so, how did they go to see their fathers, nor did they see them and didn’t follow a straight path?
  105. Oh, you, you were convinced! You can tell for yourself. If you go straight ahead, then the one who has mercy is not a transition to you. All you will turn to Allah. Vin will tell you about those that you did [in the whole world].
  106. Oh, you, you were convinced! If death appears before someone else, and the time comes for the commandment, two just people will be the witnesses [guilty] for you. For two, not because of your middle class, as death stuns you for an hour on earth. As soon as you are wondering [in them], catch up with them when you hear prayers, and don’t take the stench to take such an oath to the names of Allah: , [brought] before Allah. Truly, in the first place, my bully will be criminals. "
  107. As soon as it appears, when the offense of the testimonies broke forth, [falsifying], then in this moment, take two of them from the number [relatives of the deceased], some of whom showed many [testimonies], and will swear to Almight: number of indications. We will not ruin [truth]. And not those mi bully would be among the wicked. "
  108. This is the way to register it. And іnakhe їm will have to fight, so there will be said [іnshi] oaths written by їkh oaths. Fight Allah and hear [Yogo]! Aje Allah does not lead the direct path of the wicked.
  109. [Remember] about that day, if Allah speaks of [all] messengers and feeds them: "How did you see [who you were called before the news]?" The messengers will give an indication: “We do not know [tse]. Truly, you are the only one who knows the innermost taumnits. "
  110. [Guess] yak Allah saying: “O 'Isa, sin Maryam! Make a good fortune, as I gave you and your mother, if I received you with the Holy Spirit, so that I spoke to people, while still being in the circle, and when I spoke to them, I grow up. [Guess,] as I have imbued you with the Writings, [divine] wisdom, Tori, Evangelia, and as in My Bazhanyu those birches of clay birds, blowing on them and the stench became, at the will of My God, birds [alive]. [Guess, yak], according to My bazhanyu, having robbed the sighted of the blind and spotted the leper, as, according to My will, reviving the flickering, as I have opened the blue of Israel to you, since I have appeared before them with clear banners. And those of them, as they didn’t believe the stench, said: “It’s not so inshe, as it’s obvious chaklunstvo”.
  111. [Guess,] as I have instilled in the apostles: "Turn in Me and into My Messenger." The stench said: "We were convinced, [so] the witnesses, so they were away [Toby]."
  112. [Guess,] as the apostles said: “O'Isa, sin Maryam! Whose can your Lord send us a meal from heaven? "Vіn vіdpovіv:" Beat Allah, if you [truly] believe. "
  113. The apostles said: "We would like to eat through the meal, but our hearts were at ease, but we were overwhelmed by the fact that they told us the truth, and we just barked at the meal."
  114. 'Isa, sin Maryam, saying: “O Allah, our Lord! Send us a meal from heaven, like a bullet to the saint, to us, to our sites, and to the banners of You. Grant us a share, for Ti is the best one who gives a share. "
  115. Allah said: “I, truly, send you a meal. If I don't know if I don't know, then I will punish him like that, but not a caravan of sacks of light. "
  116. [Guess] yak Allah saying: “O 'Isa, sin Maryam! Do you say to those people: "Worship me and my mother like the two gods of Allah"? "Vidpov_v ['isa]:" Most pure Ti! How can I stverjuvati those, what am I not right? Yakbi I and having said a little, then aje Ti knowing bi pro tse. You know those who are in your arms, but I do not know those who are in yours. Truly, you know in secret.
  117. I said to the apostles only those who told me: "Worship Allah, my and your Lord." I am a witness of the fact that the stench was robbed, leaving the middle of them. If you don't have a rest for me, [tilki] Ty bachish, do you make a stench. Aje Ti is the witness of all that exists.
  118. If you punish the apostles, then the stench is your servant. If you are probachish, then aje Ti is great, wise. "
  119. And say Allah [on the Day of Judgment]: “[Tse] day, if truthful men are helped by their truthfulness. Prepared for the heavenly gardens, in which streams flow, and the stench will always be over there ”. Allah will be pleased with them, and the stench will be pleased with Allah. Tse і є [for them] great success!
  120. Allah shall have dominion over the heavens and the earth and the time, so that there is a possession between them, and Win over us.

Transfer of messages M. - N.O. Osmanova

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful!

1. About you, you were convinced! Be vіrnі goiters. You are allowed to beast, krіm tієї, about yaku you will be favored, і cіm vidbutku, for yaku you have become fond of love in іchram. Truly, Allah will command everything that you want.

2. About you, you were convinced! Do not violate the sacredness of the ritual banners of Allah and the fenced-in month. Do not respect the permissible swing at sacrificial creatures, or creatures [or people] with namists, or people who come to the reserved house, praying to the mercy and prosperity of their Lord. If you see Ihram, you can fall in love. Let the hatred of the people, as they told you to go to the Western Mosque, so that you don’t go to the trouble. Help one to one in piety and fear of God, or do not help one to one in sin and injustice. Beat Allah, aje Allah suvoriy at the penitential.

3. You fenced carrion, shelter, meat of pigs and those over whom the name of Allah was not boiled [for it was not for the cause of Allah], for it was strangled, for it was choked to death, for it died when it fell, or it was stabbed horns or a hijack, as if only you will not overtake the charge of yogo, and those who are buried on the stones [for idols], and so on for the arrows. All things are dishonest. This year's unruly angry at your religion. Don't beat me, but beat Me. Today I am gladdened you by making you feel good about your religion, bringing you to the end. If there is no temptation to drink on the price [for implantation of harvested products] because of hunger, and not because of schism to sin, then Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

4. Stink to feed you about those who are allowed. Say: “You are allowed good things. And then, for you, the new hijaks, like you see, like dogs, parts of the one whom Allah prompted you, feared and guess over the tsim of Allah. Fight Allah, aje Allah is quick to roar.

5. Today you are allowed a good hedgehog. For people, Writing is also permissible for you, and yours for writing is permissible for you, and also [you are permissible] nosy women from the number of quiet ones, to whom the Letter has been given to you, as you pay to your beloved wine city [ , bazhayuchi take care of the value, but do not be profligate and do not take them into a friend. Marnimi the day of the fact that it was seen from the viri, and in the rest of the life, the middle of the suffered shkodi will appear.

6. About you, you were convinced! If you stand up for namaz, then wash your denunciations and your hands to the teeth, stain your heads and [wash] your legs to the ankles. And if you stay in the desecrated state, then you will become clean. If you are sick, or if you are on the road, if there is something for you to come to take in, if you are not close to women, if you didn’t know the driver, then direct your hands to the clean earth and turn your hands on it. Allah does not want to make things difficult for you, but wants to cleanse you and bring His mercy to you to the end, - perhaps you will be lost.

7. Remember about the mercy of Allah to you and zavit, who will be with you, if you said: "Hearing and conquering". Fight Allah, and Allah sees about those in the breasts.

8. About you, you were convinced! Be the strivings of the cause of Allah's sake, for it is unprecedented to prevent, and let the hatred of people not drive you to injustice. Be just, closer to God-fearing. Fight Allah, aje Allah sees about those who you see.

9. Allah called him, as they reassured and robbed the righteous deeds, forgiving the great city.

10. And if they didn’t believe and they recognized Our banner as nonsense, they would appear as the bags of Hell.

11. About you, you were convinced! Remember mercy, as Allah has given you, if people intend to stretch out their hands to you, Ale Win tidying up their hands from you. Beat Allah, and let Allah cope with God!

12. Allah having recognized will command from the blue of Israel [Israel]. We shot in the middle of them twelve leaders. Allah said: “I am with you. If you will go to prayer and viplachuvati zakat, believe in My messengers, help me and ask Allah a beautiful pose, then I will let you see your sins and I will introduce you to the gardens in which little rivulets flow. And if you do not feel like you become unruly, then you must go straight away. "

13. For those who have ruined the commandment by the stench, We have cursed them, and robbed their hearts. The stench of singing words, zmіnuyuchi in mіstsy, і sank a piece of that whom they imbued. You will see you will shine for joy, behind the blame of deyakykh for them. Forgive me іkh і be generous, aje Allah love to do good.

14. We also took the commandment for quiet, as they said: "We are Christians." The stench smelled a part of that, which they guessed, and that we ruined between them, and hatred and hatred until the Day of Resurrection. Allah will tell you about those who stink.

15. About people Pisannya! Our Messenger has appeared before you, as a rose will explain to you a lot of things in order to get in from the Writings, and to settle down in the bagatokh bureaucrats. Come before you with the light of Allah [Muhammad] and the clearer Scripture.

16. For the help of yogo Allah veda on the roads of the world is quiet, hto pragne dobuti yogi prosperity. Win vivod їkh on His caress from gloom to light and instruct їkh on a straight path.

17. Chi did not believe that, they said: "Truly, Allah is the Mesia, sin Maryam [Mary]." Say: "Who can I want to cross over to Allah, because Win will try to destroy Mesia, sina Maryam [Mary], whoever is on earth?" Allah will have dominion over the heavens, the earth and the time, which is between them. Win svoryuє, scho zabazhaє. Allah is good for you.

18. You and Christians said: "We are the blue of Allah and His beloved." Say: “Why would Win give you torment for your sin? About them! All in all, only one of the people, like Winning. Vin forgives whom he wants, and forgives flour, who he wants. Allah will establish a mastery over the heavens, the earth and the earth, and between them, and until He is to bring the arrival. "

19. About people Pisannya! For the period, if there were no messengers, Our messenger appeared before you, giving you a rose, but you did not say: "Before us, the good visitor and the cautious exhortator did not come before us." The good visitor and the cautious exhorter has already appeared before you. Allah is good for you.

20. Axis Musa [Moisey] saying to his people: “O my people! Remember mercy, as Allah has given you, if He has opened the prophets among you, having killed you with kings and bestowed upon you those whom He did not grant to anyone from the light.

21. About my people! Step on the sacred ground, yaku Allah having punished you, and do not turn back, and they will not turn around, they know a bitch. "

22. The stinks said: “O Musa [Moses]! People can live there, and they cannot be lost, as long as the stench does not go out. As soon as the stench fizzles out, then we’ll be gone ”.

23. Two godly people, having given mercy to Allah, said: “Come to them through the gate. If you enter there, you will inevitably reject the change. Put your trust only in Allah, for you are the only ones. "

24. The stench said: “O Musa [Moses]! Mi ni for scho do not go there, as long as the stench is found there. If we fight at once with our Lord, we will sit here. "

25. Vin said: “Lord! I have only control over myself and my brother. Separate us from [abo: judge between us and] wicked people. "

26. Vin said: “Todi vona will be fenced in for them for forty rockets. Stink will be blukati on the ground. Do not scold about wicked people. "

27. Read the truth about the two blues of Adam. The axis of the stench of the offense was sacrificed, and the bull was taken from one of them, and the bull was not taken from the other. Vin said: "I will not vb'yu you." Winner: “Truly, Allah will receive only from the gods.

28. If you will reach out your hand to me, if you can kill me, I will not stretch out my hand all alone, beat you in. Truly, I am afraid of Allah, the Lord of lights.

29. I want you to turn around with my sin and your sin and leaning in the middle of the baggage of Vogn. Tse a patch for the wicked. "

30. The soul sent him to drive his brother, and he killed him and appeared one of the injured beats.

31. Allah sent a raven, as if he had become the land to show him, how to take over the corpse of his brother. Vin said: “Woe to me! How can I not, like a crow, and seize my brother's corpse? "So vіn viyavivya one s quiet, hto sorry".

32. For the reason we punished the sin of Israel [Izrail]: who is not for driving a widening of wickedness on the earth, that is dumb by driving in all people, but who are dumb to take care of people’s life. Our messengers have already appeared before them with clear banners, a little too many of them are exaggerated on earth.

33. Truly, that is, that they are fighting against Allah and the Yogi Messenger, and that they must be guilty of the earth, they must be driven into the city; There will be a lot of hassle for them in the whole world, and in the rest of the life great torments are prepared for them.

34. Vinyatkom є ti, who repented and turned to the point that we took away the power over them. Know that Allah is forgiving, Merciful.

35. About you, you were convinced! Beat Allah, whisper your proximity to Ny and fight on the Yogi way, - you can, you will reach success.

36. Truly, since the unruly ones have everything that is on the ground, and there are many styles, even if they come from agony on the Day of Resurrection, then it would not be accepted from them. I have prepared a lot of citizens.

37. Smell you want to go out of Vogne, or you can't go out to go. I have prepared a lot of flour.

38. Villains and villains take your hands into the city for those who stink. Take the punishment from Allah, aje Allah is Mighty, Wise.

39. Allah accepts the repentance of the one who repent for injustice and correct [the faith], for Allah is Forgiven, Merciful.

40. Hiba ti do not know, why should Allah have dominion over the heavens and the earth? Win pidda to the tortillas, whom you want, and forgive, whom you want. Allah is good for you.

41. About the Messenger! Don’t let you torment you, as you shy away from assuring the nevira and saying with your own lips: “We were convinced,” I wish they didn’t believe in their hearts. In the midst of those who promote іdaіism є those who want to listen to nonsense and listen to those people, who did not come before you. The stench will sing the words, change the words, and seem to say: "If you are given the price, then take it, if you don't give it, then beware." The one whom Allah bazha pіddati spokusі, thi not possession to seize from Allah. Oh my heart, Allah did not want to purify. A lot of people have a mess, and in the rest of the life they have prepared great flour.

42. The stench is willing to listen to nonsense and devour the fence. If the stench comes before you, then think about it, or if you come out of them. As soon as you see them, the stench of antirochi will not shrink you. If you have a solution, then judge them unprecedented. Indeed, Allah is to love those who are not ahead.

43. Ale how to smell the stench, I judge you, how is it that they have є Taurat [Torah], which is to take revenge on the law of Allah? Bring the stench into the door, but the stench doesn’t change.

44. We sent Taurat [Torah], in which to take revenge in the core and light. The submissive prophets wore wine according to a new solution to promote Judaism. The rabbis and the high priests were appointed with the same rank, from the point of view of the fact that they were given protection from the Writings of Allah. The stench told me about the new one. Don't beat people, but beat Me, and don't sell My banner for a fraction of the price. That is, since Allah has not accepted the decision beforehand, because Allah has sent them, they are incapable.

45. We were punished in the new: the soul - for the soul, the eye - for the eye, nis - for the nis, vuho - for the vuho, the tooth - for the tooth, and for wounds - payment. Ale yakshho hto-nebudu pozhtuvati tsim, then tse stand for a new spokutoyu. That is, since Allah did not accept the decision before that, as Allah sent, є the wicked.

46. ​​Following them, We guided Isu [Isus], Sina Maryam [Mary], with the confirmation of the truth of the fact that it was earlier [sent] to Taurat [Tori]. We were granted yomu Іndzhіya [Evangelіє], in what bulo vіrne kerіvnitstvo and light, like those who were sent to Taurat [Torі] earlier. Vіn buv vіrіvnіtvіm kіrіvnіstvom i pochanni for the God-fearing.

47. Let the people of the Indzhiya [Evangelia] judge from time to time, that Allah has sent to him. That is, since Allah did not accept the decision as if it were the wicked.

48. We sent you the Writing with the truth to the author's office of the Writing, and in order to protect them [because they were aware of them; for: p_nyala over them]. Judge їkh zgіdno z that, that Allah sent, і don’t bother the bazhans, [woo] from what the truth has appeared before you. For the skin of you Mi got a law і shlyakh. Yakbi Allah having poured, then having destroyed you with a single bulk, prote [Vin has broken you,] then viprobuvati you Tim, which Vin has bestowed upon you. Zmagatisya well in the dobrich on the right. All of you must turn to Allah, and Win will tell you about those in which you went [in your thoughts].

49. Judge with them wishingly, that Allah has sent, that do not bother the bazhans and beware of them, that the stench has not given you a part of what Allah has sent you. If the stench comes back, then know that Allah will punish you for the deeds of your sin. Truly, many people are wicked.

50. Who does it smell like joking at the court of the hours of non-government? What kind of solution can be more beautiful than Allah's solution for people who have changed?

51. About you, you were convinced! Do not respect the Jews and Christians with your friends and relatives, the odd odor can help one to one. As long as you do not care about you as your priests and friends, then you are only one of them. Indeed, Allah does not lead unjust people with a direct path.

52. Ty bachish, whoa, whose heart of enmity is not sick, the stench lingers among them and seems to me: "My boimosya, we are spitka bida." Ale, maybe, Allah will appear in front of you for His goodness, and the stench will become shitty about those who have been smelling in their own.

53. Those, who were convinced, say: "Neither of them, who took the greatest oaths to the names of Allah about those who stink with you?" Marnimi bouly їkhni dіyannya, and the stench came to be tolerated.

54. About you, you were convinced! If there is no one for you to enter into your religion, then Allah will bring those people who will love and how will love Yogi. The stench will be humble in front of the wicked and unprepared in front of the unruly, to be beaten by the way of Allah and not to be afraid to condemn the extortionists. Such is the mercy of Allah, yak Win daru, whom he wants. Allah is tangible, knowledgeable.

55. Your Patron saint is only Allah, Yogo Messenger and all, who are happy to pray, pay zakat and shylyayut.

56. If the stench enthralls Allah, the Yogi Messenger and those who are their patrons and priests, then the champions of Allah will not be unmistakably victorious.

57. About you, you were convinced! Do not respect quietly, as the Writing has been given to you and how to mock at your religion and vazhayuyu rozvagoyu, and those who do not know their priests and friends. Fight Allah, as you are.

58. If you call to namaz, the stench of laughing at him and vvazhayuyu rozvagoy. Moreover, the stink is not intelligent people.

59. Say: “O people of the Writing! Don't you just throw us anger only in that [for it is only through those] who believed in Allah, in those who were sent to us and sent earlier, and in those who are more wicked about you? "

60. Say: “Do you see that Chi seeks to you about quietly, who rejects the patches of Allah? Tse - ti, whom Allah cursed, on whom Win was driven, whom Win transformed into mawp and pigs and who worshiped tagut. The stench to occupy even more capacious place and even more to take a straight path. "

61. When they came to see you, the stench said: "We were convinced." However, the stench went away from nevir'am and went out with him. Allah is more beautiful than the nobility, so they smell the stench.

62. Ty bachish, what a lot of them to sleep with, to overstep [the boundaries of what is permitted] and to devour the fence. Truly, those are the ones who stink.

63. Why shouldn't the rabbis and the high priests indulge in their sinful slips and devouring the fence? Truly, those are the ones who make the stench.

64. I said to Yuda: "The hand of Allah is shackled." All your hands are cursed and cursed for those who said the stench Yogo offending Hands of prostration, and Vin vitracha, yak zabazhaє. Sent to you from your Lord, I will multiply in them injustice and nevira. We sowed among them, and hatred and hatred right up to the Day of Resurrection. Every time, if the stench raises the fire, Allah will extinguish it. Stink to broaden the land of sin, ala Allah does not like to broaden wickedness.

65. Jacob the people of the Writing reassured and filled up, then We persecuted the evil and introduced them to the garden of bliss.

66. Yakbi stench cheruvalis Taurat [Torau], Інжілі [Evangelієm] and Tim, as it was sent from the Lord, then the stench gnawed at Tim, as above them, and Tim, as they go with their feet. Among them are the people of peace [the righteous, believing in the Prophet Muhammad, so that the overworld is unique in the religion and not shy about omission], the nasty ones are those who are afraid of them.

67. About the Messenger! Call those who were sent to you from your Lord. If you are not zrobish, then I will not convey the Yogi messenger. Allah will rob you of all people. Indeed, Allah does NOT instruct unruly people on the straight path.

68. Say: “O people of the Writing! You will not be a straight path, unless you become a Keruvatis Taurat [Torau], Інжілі [Evangelієm] and Tim, who has been sent to you from your Lord. " Sent to you from your Lord, I will multiply in them injustice and nevira. Do not scold about unruly people.

69. Truly, the faithful, as well as the Jews, Sabiians and Christians, who believed in Allah and on the other day and came righteously, so that they do not know fear and do not be tormented.

70. We have already gone to the sin of Israel [Israel] and sent messengers to them. Kozhen times, if the messengers were brought by those who were not up to the soul, the stench was narrated by some liars and they drove them.

71. The stench was fucked up, but don’t stumble, because they became dull and deaf. May Allah accept his repentance, for whom many of them have become familiar and deaf. Allah bach those who stink.

72. Chi did not believe that, as it seems: "Allah is the Mesia, sin Maryam [Mary]." Mesia saying: “About the blue of Izrail [Izrail]! Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord. " Truly, whoever loves to Allah has spіvtovarishіv, that Win zaboroniv Paradise. Yogo will be Geunna, and the crooked person will not have a friend.

73. Chi did not believe that, as it seems: "Allah is the third in the tribe." There is no deity, the only one God! If the stench doesn’t occur because of what you say, then the incapacitating people are more likely to bump into citizens.

74. What is the smell of not repenting to Allah and not asking Him for forgiveness? Aje Allah is Forgiven, Merciful.

75. Mesia, sin Maryam [Marya], having become an emissary of the deprived one. Until then, there were messengers, but the mother was a true woman. The offense took the stench. Hang on, yak Mi rose will clear the banner. And then you can agree to what stench I will return to [see the truth.]

76. Say: “You will not worship Allah for the one who will not bring you any shkodi, no koristi? Tse Allah є chuє, I know! "

77. Say: “O people of the Writing! Do not be overwhelmed by your religion in spite of the truths and do not fool the people who fell into Oman earlier, introduced the Bagatykh to Oman and took a straight path. "

78. The unruly blue of Israel [Israel] blassed my cursed David [David] and Icy [Isus], sina Maryam [Mary]. Tse [became] to the fact that the stench was not heard and overstepped [the boundaries of what was permitted].

79. The stench did not stifle one kind of worthless vchinki, as the stench was good. Yak the same nasty bulo those scho the stench robbed!

80. Ty bachish, it’s a lot of them to be friends with the unruly. It is disgusting for those who fostered their souls, and that Allah was cast upon them. The stench will be tormented forever.

81. Yakbi stinks believed in Allah, the Prophet, and those who were sent to you, then did not become brothers and friends. Ale buhato hto of them є wicked.

82. You are not unmistakably known as the most popular enemies of all Jews and polytheists. You also know unmistakably that you are closest to all in love to those of you who seem to be: "We are Christians." Moreover, in the middle of them there are priests and monks, and because the stench does not shine forth.

83. If you smell the stench of those sent by the Messenger, you bachish, as your eyes are re-pooled with tears through the truth, as the stench is known. The stench seems to be: “Our Lord! We got it. Enroll us in the number of witnesses.

84. Why should we not believe in Allah and the truth that came before us? Mi bazhaєmo, so our Lord has brought us into Paradise together with righteous people. "

85. Allah is guilty for those who said the stench, the Gardens of Paradise, in which rivers flow and in which stench will grow forever. Tse patch to do good.

86. And they didn’t believe, they recognized Our banner as nonsense, є the bags of Hell.

87. About those, who were convinced! Do not fence off the blessings, as Allah destroys what is permissible for you, and do not overstep [the boundaries of what is permissible]. Truly, Allah does not love zlochintsyv.

88. For the one whom Allah has poured on you, it is permissible and good, and fight Allah, in Yakogo see.

89. Allah will not make your oaths for Marnos glorious, but it is more difficult for those who have sworn oaths. In spokutuvannya tsogo need to blow up ten people in the middle [or abbreviate] for that, whom you will give your family, or to tighten them, or to call a slave. Anyone who cannot kill, is guilty of fasting for three days. So the confusion of your oaths, as you swore [and broke the oath]. Take care of your vows. So Allah will clear up His banner to you, - you can, you will be seen.

90. About you, you were convinced! Truly, p'yanki drinks, gambling igri, kam'yani sacrificers [aka idols] and fortunetellers shot є nasty for the devil's work. Give in to її, - you can, you will reach success.

91. Truly, the devil behind the help of p'yannyh vodka and gambling igor, I want to see among you, I beg and hatred and bring you to the remembrance of Allah and namaz. Don't you screw it up?

92. Correct to Allah, to complain to the Messenger and beware! If you do not return, then you should know that only the transmission is clear on Our Messenger.

93. Quietly, as they warned and robbed the righteous deeds, there was no sin for those who smelled the stench, as if the stench was God-fearing, the righteous acts were violated and robbed, as if they were afraid of God. did good. Aje Allah is to love to do good.

94. About you, you were convinced! Allah will surely give you a chance to try your hand and the list, if Allah knows it is quiet, if you are afraid of Yogo, do not bachachi Yogo in your eyes [or sweep through people]. And whoever oversteps [the permissible] writing, that will be prepared for a lot of citizens.

95. About you, you were convinced! Do not drive mislivska zdobich, perebuyuchi in іkhram. If something is wrong with you, then in return for the price, there will be a beast, ready to kill you. Blame the decision about her [about sacrificing thinness] two just men for you, and the victim is guilty of reaching the Kaabi. If you want to go on weekends, you will get the kids, or if you can finish the rivnotsinny post, you will be able to swallow the teeth of your vchinka. Allah has forgiven that which has come before, if only if someone turns around, then Allah will take revenge on you. Allah is Mighty, Building for payment.

96. You are allowed a sea view and for the good of you and for the road, if you are fenced off with a view on land, if you are going to be in the temple. Beat Allah, until you will be selected.

97. Allah has broken the Kaaba, the Commandment of the house, as well as the harrowing of the people, the sacrificial creatures and the creatures [or people] with the support of the people for the people. Tse - in order that you knew that Allah sees about those who are in heaven, and those who are on earth, and who Allah sees about every child.

98. Know that Allah is suvoriy at the penitential and that Allah is forgiving, the Merciful.

99. Nothing has been laid upon the Prophet, except for transmissions [intimate.] Allah knows about those who see, and those who receive.

100. Say: “It’s not good for nasty, to bring the prosperity of Kep’s well worthy to you [because it’s good for you]”. Fight Allah, the masters of the rosum, - you can, you will achieve success.

101. About you, you were convinced! Do not worry about speeches that will embarrass you, as if you will see it. And if the stench will become to you, see if you will feed about them, if you read the Koran. Allah forgiving you tse, bo Allah - forgiving, Vitrimaniy.

102. People before you nourished about them and because of the reason they became incoherent [or else they became incoherent in them].

103. Allah will be ordered by Bakhirev, Saibi, Vasili and Hami. If you don't work hard on Allah, it's a great part of you that is not mind.

104. If it seems to me: "To come before Allah has sent, and before the Messenger", - the stench says: "We will finish the one on whom we found our fathers." Nezhe [stink of hope so], didn’t they know anything and didn’t go straight ahead?

105. About you, you were convinced! Give it to yourself. If you went straight ahead, then you won’t find the one who fell into Oman. All of you need to turn to Allah, and even Vin will tell you about those who have been violated.

106. About you, you were convinced! If death appears before someone else from you, and if you want to forget, then don’t sign two just men for you, or two of them not for you, as death spits you, if you are waving on the ground. Pay attention to both of them when you write namaz, and as soon as I am convinced, then the stench is guilty, swear by Allah: “We can’t get rid of the world’s worth of money; In the first place, my bully will be in the number of people. "

107. As soon as it is revealed that the stench offend the wine in sin, then do not have two of the closest relatives among the quiet ones, who are lawful rights, take this place and swear by Allah: “Our devil is not destructive. ... In the first place, it is inevitable to the number of the wicked. "

108. Vchiniti is so beautiful for the stench brought in a certificate of stench, or the fact that the oath will be brought from the oaths. Fight Allah and hear! Aje Allah does not lead wicked people with a direct path.

109. On that day, if Allah took the Messenger and say: "How did you see?" - stink to say: “We don’t know anyone. Truly, Ti - Vidayuchiy tamne. "

110. Allah will say: “About Isa [Isus], sin Maryam [Mary]! Remember mercy, yak I gave you and your mother. I received you with the Holy Spirit [Jibril], talking to people in number and being mature enough. I have imbued you with the Scriptures, wisdom, Taurat [Tori] and Indzhili [Evangelia]. For Mom bazhannyu there were statues of birds from clay and blowing on them, and according to Mom, the stench became birds. For Moєmu bazhannyu ty ztsіlyuvav slіp [abo: merged dawn from the people; for: Volodya with a weak dawn] і a leper, according to Moєm bazhannyu ti vivodiv nebіzhchikіv [alive from the graves]. I have opened the blue of Israel [Israel], if I have appeared before them with clear signs, and the inconsistent ones said from the last day, well, it’s all the more obvious chaklunstvo ”.

111. I have instilled in the apostles: "Turn in Me and My messenger." The stench said: “We were convinced! The conscientious objectors have become Muslims. "

112. The apostles said to the Axis: “About Isa [Isus], sin Maryam [Mary]! Whose can your Lord send us a meal from heaven? "Win saying:" Beat Allah, as we are faithful. "

113. The stench said: “We want to cheer, but our hearts have become calm, but we have learned, having told us the truth, and how we have told us about her.”

114. Isa [Isus], sin Maryam [Mary], saying: “O Allah, our Lord! Send us a meal from heaven, like a bullet would be holy for all of us, from the first to the last, and to the signs of you. They gave us a share, aje Ti is the One who gives us a share. "

115. Allah says: “I send you, alas, if I don’t say something, I’m going to suffer such torments that I didn’t give any of these saints”.

116. The axis said to Allah: “About Isa [Isus], sin Maryam [Mary]! Do you say to people: "Take me and my mother two gods order with Allah"? "Vin saying:" Most pure Ti! Yak yamog tell those, what am I not right? Yakbi I said taka, Ti knowing bi pro tse. You know those who are in my soul, but I do not know those who are with You. Truly, Ti - Vidayuchiy tamne.

117. I didn’t say anything, except for the fact that I was told: "Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord." I will know about them, leave the middle of them. If Ty has recovered from me, Ty has spared after them. Truly, Ti is a dermal certificate.

118. If Ti piddasi to torment, then aje stench is Your rabbi. Yakshho is Ti probachish im, then aje Ti is Mighty, Wise. "

119. Allah said: “Tse is a day, if truthful people bring reproach and truthfulness. I am prepared for the Gardens of Paradise, in which rivers flow. The stench to perebuvati there vіchno ". Allah pleases them, and the stench is pleased with them. Tse - great success!

120. For Allah to have dominion over the heavens, the earth and the earth, and on them, and the building of a god.

In the name of Allah the Merciful, the Merciful!

1. About you, you were convinced! Be vіrnі goiters. You are allowed to beast, krіm tієї, about yaku you will be favored, і cіm vidbutku, for yaku you have become fond of love in іchram. Truly, Allah will command everything that you want.

2. About you, you were convinced! Do not violate the sacredness of the ritual banners of Allah and the fenced-in month. Do not respect the permissible swing at sacrificial creatures, or creatures (or people) with namists, or people who come to the reserved house, pranguchi to the mercy and prosperity of their Lord. If you see Ihram, you can fall in love. Let the hatred of the people, as they told you to go to the Western Mosque, so that you don’t go to the trouble. Help one to one in piety and fear of God, or do not help one to one in time and fortune. Beat Allah, aje Allah suvoriy at the penitential.

3. You fenced off carrion, shelter, pig meat, and those over whom the name of Allah was not boiled (for it was not for the cause of Allah), for it was strangled, for it was choked to death, for it died when it fell, or it was stabbed horns or a hijack, as long as you do not overtake the charge of yogi, and those who are zapped on stones (for idols), as well as witchcraft behind the arrows. All things are dishonest. This year's unruly angry at your religion. Don't beat me, but beat Me. Today I am gladdened you by making you feel good about your religion, bringing you to the end. If there is no temptation to drink on the price (for implantation of foodstuffs) because of hunger, and not because of schism to sin, then Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

4. Stink to feed you about those who are allowed. Say: "Blessings are permissible for you. And then, for you, the new hijackas, like you, like dogs, parts of that whom Allah has brought you down, may and behold the Tsim of Allah. Behold Allah, Aje Allah will soon come to rozrahunka ...

5. Today you are allowed a good hedgehog. For people, Writing is also permissible for you, and yours for writing is permissible for you, and you are also permissible for noble women from the number of quiet, who have accepted and noble women from the number of quiet, to whom the Letter has been given before you, if you pay me wine, you will come to the city ( prudence, which is not profligate and do not take their own as a friend. Marnimi the day of the fact that it was seen from the viri, and in the rest of the life, the middle of the suffered shkodi will appear.

6. About you, you were convinced! If you stand up for namaz, then wash your disclosures and your hands to litters, stain your heads and wash your legs to your ankles. And if you stay in the desecrated state, then you will become clean. If you are sick, or if you are on the road, if there is something for you to come to take in, if you are not close to women, if you didn’t know the driver, then direct your hands to the clean earth and turn your hands on it. Allah does not want to make things difficult for you, but wants to cleanse you and bring His mercy to you to the end, - perhaps you will be lost.

7. Remember about the mercy of Allah to you and zavit, who will be with you, if you said: "Hearing and conquering". Fight Allah, and Allah sees about those in the breasts.

8. About you, you were convinced! Be the strivings of the cause of Allah's sake, for it is unprecedented to prevent, and let the hatred of people not drive you to injustice. Be just, closer to God-fearing. Fight Allah, aje Allah sees about those who you see.

9. Allah called him, as they reassured and robbed the righteous deeds, forgiving the great city.

10. And if they didn’t believe and they recognized Our banner as nonsense, they would appear as the bags of Hell.

11. About you, you were convinced! Remember mercy, as Allah has given you, if people intend to stretch out their hands to you, Ale Win tidying up their hands from you. Beat Allah, and let Allah cope with God!

12. Allah, having recognized, will command from the blue of Israel (Israel). We shot in the middle of them twelve leaders. Allah said: “I am with you. If you don't feel like you’re unruly, then you’ll see a straight path. ”

13. For those who have ruined the commandment by the stench, We have cursed them, and robbed their hearts. The stench of singing words, zmіnuyuchi in mіstsy, і sank a piece of that whom they imbued. You will see you will shine for joy, behind the blame of deyakykh for them. Forgive me іkh і be generous, aje Allah love to do good.

14. We also took the commandment for quiet, as they said: "We are Christians." The stench smelled a part of that, which they guessed, and that we ruined between them, and hatred and hatred until the Day of Resurrection. Allah will tell you about those who stink.

15. About people Pisannya! Our Messenger has appeared before you, as a rose will explain to you a lot of things in order to get in from the Writings, and to settle down in the bagatokh bureaucrats. Come before you with Allah light (Muhammad) and clearer Writing.

16. For the help of yogo Allah veda on the roads of the world is quiet, hto pragne dobuti yogi prosperity. Win vivod їkh on His caress from gloom to light and instruct їkh on a straight path.

17. Chi did not believe, they said: "Truly, Allah is the Mesia, sin Maryam (Mary)." Say: "Who can I want to cross over to Allah, because Win will try to destroy Mesia, sina Maryam (Mary), whoever is on earth?" Allah will have dominion over the heavens, the earth and the time, which is between them. Win svoryuє, scho zabazhaє. Allah is good for you.

18. Jews and Christians said: "We are the blue of Allah and His beloved". Say: "Why should Win give you torment for your sins? Oh them! All the rest of us are only one of the people that Win has opened. Win forgives whomever he wants, and I send torment to whom he wants to. Allah has control over the heavens, the earth and this. so, between them, and until Nyogo to bring the arrival ".

19. About people Pisannya! For the period, if there were no messengers, Our Messenger appeared before you, giving you a rose, but you did not say: "Before us, the good visitor and the cautious exhortator did not come before us." The good visitor and the cautious exhorter has already appeared before you. Allah is good for you.

20. Axis Musa (Moses) saying to his people: "Oh my people! Remember mercy, as Allah has given you, if He has created the prophets among you, having killed you with kings and bestowed upon you those whom He did not grant to anyone from the world.

21. About my people! Step on the sacred ground, yaku Allah has punished you, and do not turn back, and they will not turn around because they know a bitch. "

22. The stench said: "About Musa (Moisey)! People can live there, but we can't see it there, as long as the stench doesn't go out. If the stench fumes to come, then we can see it."

23. Two godly people, having given mercy to Allah, said: "Come to them through the gate. If you enter there, you will not be able to reject it. Trust in Allah, as you are able to do it."

24. The stench said: "About Musa (Moses)! We can't go there, let the stench be there. Go and beat at once with your Lord, we will stay here."

25. Vin said: "Lord, I only have control over myself and my brother. Separate us from (or judge between us and) wicked people."

26. Vin said: "Todi vona will be fenced in for them by a stretch of forty rocky. The stench will be blukati on the ground. Do not scold about wicked people."

27. Read the truth about the two blues of Adam. The axis of the stench of the offense was sacrificed, and the bull was taken from one of them, and the bull was not taken from the other. Vin said: "I will definitely hit you." Winner: "Truly, Allah will receive only from the gods.

28. If you will reach out your hand to me, if you can kill me, I will not stretch out my hand all alone, beat you in. Truly, I am afraid of Allah, the Lord of lights.

29. I want you to turn around with my sin and your sin and leaning in the middle of the baggage of Vogn. Tse a patch for the wicked. "

30. The soul sent him to drive his brother, and he killed him and appeared one of the injured beats.

31. Allah sent a raven, as if he had become the land to show him, how to take over the corpse of his brother. Vin said: "Woe is me! What can I not do, like a crow, and seize my brother's corpse?" So vіn viyavivya one s quiet, hto sorry.

32. For the reason, We punished the sin of Israel (Izrail): who is not a man for driving a widening of wickedness on the earth, that is dumb by driving in all people, but who are dumb to take care of people’s life. Our messengers have already appeared before them with clear banners, although some of them have crossed the boundaries of what is permitted on earth.

33. Truly, that is, that they are fighting against Allah and the Yogi Messenger, and that they must be guilty of the earth, they must be driven into the city; There will be a lot of hassle for them in the whole world, and in the rest of the life great torments are prepared for them.

34. Vinyatkom є ti, who repented and turned to the point that we took away the power over them. Know that Allah is forgiving, Merciful.

35. About you, you were convinced! Fight Allah, whip the way to the close and fight on the Yogo way - you can, you will reach success.

36. Truly, since the unruly ones have everything that is on the ground, and there are many styles, even if they come from agony on the Day of Resurrection, then it would not be accepted from them. I have prepared a lot of citizens.

37. Smell you want to go out of Vogne, or you can't go out to go. I have prepared a lot of flour.

38. Villains and villains take your hands into the city for those who stink. Take the punishment from Allah, aje Allah is Mighty, Wise.

39. Allah accepts the repentance of the one who repent of injustice for the sake of injustice and correct the people, for Allah is Forgiven, Merciful.

40. Hiba ti do not know, why should Allah have dominion over the heavens and the earth? Win pidda to the tortillas, whom you want, and forgive, whom you want. Allah is good for you.

41. About the Messenger! Don't bother you, don't bother you, because you don't want to be convinced and say with your own lips: "We were convinced," I wish they didn’t believe in their hearts. In the midst of those who promote іdaіism є those who want to listen to nonsense and listen to those people, who did not come before you. The stench will sing the words, change the words, and seem to say: "If you are given a price, then take it, if you don't give it, then beware." The one whom Allah bazha pіddati spokusі, thi not possession to seize from Allah. Oh my heart, Allah did not want to purify. A lot of people have a mess, and in the rest of the life they have prepared great flour.

42. The stench is willing to listen to nonsense and devour the fence. If the stench comes before you, then think about it, or if you come out of them. As soon as you see them, the stench of antirochi will not shrink you. If you have a solution, then judge them unprecedented. Indeed, Allah is to love those who are not ahead.

43. Ale how to smell the stench, I judge you, because they have є Taurat (Torah), why take revenge on the law of Allah? Bring the stench into the door, but the stench doesn’t change.

44. We sent Taurat (Torah), in which to take revenge in the core and light. The submissive prophets wore wine according to a new solution to promote Judaism. The rabbis and the high priests were appointed with the same rank, from the point of view of the fact that they were given protection from the Writings of Allah. The stench told me about the new one. Don't beat people, but beat Me, and don't sell My banner for a fraction of the price. That is, since Allah has not accepted the decision beforehand, because Allah has sent them, they are incapable.

45. We were punished in the new: the soul - for the soul, the eye - for the eye, nis - for the nis, vuho - for the vuho, the tooth - for the tooth, and for wounds - payment. Ale yakshho hto-nebudu pozhtuvati tsim, then tse stand for a new spokutoyu. That is, since Allah did not accept the decision before that, as Allah sent, є the wicked.

46. ​​Following them, We sent Isu (Isus), Sina Maryam (Mary), with the confirmation of the truth that it had been sent to Taurat (Tori) earlier. We were granted yomu Іndzhіya (Evangelіє), in what bulo vіrne Kerіvnitstvo and light, as those who were previously sent to Taurat (Torі). Vono bulo vіrnim Kerіvnіstvom i pochanni for the God-fearing.

47. Let the people of Indzhiya (Evangelia) judge from time to time, that Allah has sent to New. That is, since Allah did not accept the decision as if it were the wicked.

48. We sent you the Writing with the truth to the author's office of the Writing, and in order to protect them (for it was about them; for it was over them). Judge їkh zgіdno z time, that Allah has sent, і don’t bother їkh bazhannyas, if you care about it, the truth has appeared before you. For the skin of you Mi got a law і shlyakh. Yakbi Allah having poured, then having destroyed you with one bulk, however, Win has broken you apart, and who has viprobuvati you Tim, who Win has bestowed upon you. Zmagatisya well in the dobrich on the right. All of you should turn to Allah, and Win will tell you about those in which you were in your thoughts.

49. Judge with them wishingly, that Allah has sent, that do not bother the bazhans and beware of them, that the stench has not given you a part of what Allah has sent you. If the stench comes back, then know that Allah will punish you for the deeds of your sin. Truly, many people are wicked.

50. Who does it smell like joking at the court of the hours of non-government? What kind of solution can be more beautiful than Allah's solution for people who have changed?

51. About you, you were convinced! Do not respect the Jews and Christians with your friends and relatives, the odd odor can help one to one. As long as you do not care about you as your priests and friends, then you are only one of them. Indeed, Allah does not lead unjust people with a direct path.

52. Ty bachish, whoa, whose heart of enmity is not sick, the stench lingers among them and seems to say: "My boimosya, we are spitka bida". Ale, maybe, Allah will appear from the side, for his own virtues, and the stench will become shitty about those who have been smelling in their own.

53. Those, who were convinced, say: "Who knows, who took the most vows to the names of Allah about those who stink with you?" Marnimi bouly їkhni dіyannya, and the stench came to be tolerated.

54. About you, you were convinced! If there is no one for you to enter into your religion, then Allah will bring those people who will love and how will love Yogi. The stench will be humble in front of the wicked and unprepared in front of the unruly, to be beaten by the way of Allah and not to be afraid of condemning the relics. Such is the mercy of Allah, yak Win daru, whom he wants. Allah is tangible, knowledgeable.

55. Your Patron saint is only Allah, the Yogo Messenger and the Messenger, who welcomes namaz, pay zakat and shylyayut.

56. If the stench enthralls Allah, the Yogi Messenger and those who are their patrons and priests, then the supporters of Allah will not be unmistakably survivors.

57. About you, you were convinced! Do not respect quietly, as the Writing has been given to you and how to mock at your religion and vazhayuyu rozvagoyu, and those who do not know their priests and friends. Fight Allah, as you are.

58. If you call to namaz, the stench of laughing at him and vvazhayuyu rozvagoy. Tse - that, scho stink є unreasonable people.

59. Say: "O people of the Writing! Neither can you cast us only in that (for you can tell us the anger only through those) that they believed in Allah, in those who were sent to us and were sent earlier, and in the one who Are you more wicked? "

60. Say: "You see," Do you know you are quiet, who rejects more wickedly the patch from Allah? Tse - who is cursed by Allah, to whom Win has been cast out, whom Win has transformed into mavp and pigs and who worshiped the tagut. mіsce and even more we got on the straight road. "

61. When they came to see you, the stench said: "We were convinced." However, the stench went away from nevir'am and went out with him. Allah is more beautiful than the nobility, so they smell the stench.

62. Ty bachish, what a lot of them to sleep with grishiti, voroguvati and devour the fence. Truly, those are the ones who stink.

63. Why shouldn't the rabbis and the high priests indulge in their sinful slips and devouring the fence? Truly, those are the ones who make the stench.

64. I said to Yuda: "The hand of Allah is a scooter." All those hands were cursed, and cursed for those who said the stench (for, don’t let those hands be cursed; Yogo offending Hands of prostration, and Vin vitracha, yak zabazhaє. Sent to you from your Lord, I will multiply in them injustice and nevira. We sowed among them, and hatred and hatred right up to the Day of Resurrection. Every time, if the stench raises the fire, Allah will extinguish it. Stink to broaden the land of sin, ala Allah does not like to broaden wickedness.

65. Jacob the people of the Writing reassured and filled up, then We persecuted the evil and introduced them to the garden of bliss.

66. Yakbi stench keruvalis Taurat (Torau), Іndzhili (Evangelіem) and tim, as it was sent from the Lord, then the stench was gnawed on tim, as above them, and tim, as they go with their feet. Among them there are the pacified people (the righteous, they believed in the Prophet Muhammad), the aloof are those who encourage a lot of them.

67. About the Messenger! Call those who were sent to you from your Lord. If you are not zrobish, then I will not convey the Yogi messenger. Allah will rob you of all people. Indeed, Allah does NOT instruct unruly people on the straight path.

68. Say: "O people of the Writing! You will not be a straight path, unless you become a Keruvatis Taurat (Torah), Injili (Evangelim) and Tim, you have been sent from your Lord." Sent to you from your Lord, I will multiply in them injustice and nevira. Do not scold about unruly people.

69. In truth, the faithful, as well as the Jews, Sabiians and Christians, who believed in Allah and on the other day and lived a righteous deed, do not know fear and do not be tormented.

70. We have already gone to the sin of Israel (Israel) and sent messengers to them. Kozhen times, if the messengers were brought by those who were not up to the soul, the stench was narrated by some liars and they drove them.

71. The stench was fucked up, but don’t stumble, because they became dull and deaf. May Allah accept his repentance, for whom many of them have become familiar and deaf. Allah bach those who stink.

72. Chi did not believe that, as it seems: "Allah is the Mesia, sin Maryam (Mary)". Mesia saying: "O blue of Israel (Israel)! Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord." Truly, whoever loves to Allah has spіvtovarishіv, that Win zaboroniv Paradise. Yogo will be Geunna, and the crooked person will not have a friend.

73. Chi did not believe that, as it seems: "Allah is the third in the tribe." There is no deity, the only one God! If the stench doesn’t occur because of what you say, then the incapacitating people are more likely to bump into citizens.

74. What is the smell of not repenting to Allah and not asking Him for forgiveness? Aje Allah is Forgiven, Merciful.

75. Mesia, sin Maryam (Marya), who had been deprived of his messenger. Until then, there were messengers, but the mother was a true woman. The offense took the stench. Hang on, yak Mi rose will clear the banner. And then you can agree, to what stench I will return from the truth.

76. Say: "You will not worship Allah for the one who does not possess the possession to bring you no shkodi, no korist? Tse Allah, who knows!"

77. Say: "O people of the Writing! Do not be overwhelmed by your religion in spite of the truths and do not spoil the people who have fallen into Oman earlier, they have brought the bagatokh into Oman, and they have taken a straight path."

78. The unwitting blue of Israel (Israel) was blamed by my cursed David (David) and Icy (Isus), sina Maryam (Mary). Tse became through those who did not hear the stench and crossed the boundaries of what was permitted.

79. The stench did not stifle one kind of worthless vchinki, as the stench was good. Yak the same nasty bulo those scho the stench robbed!

80. Ty bachish, it’s a lot of them to be friends with the unruly. It is disgusting for those who fostered their souls, and that Allah was cast upon them. The stench will be tormented forever.

81. Yakbi stinks believed in Allah, the Prophet, and those who were sent to you, then did not become brothers and friends. Ale buhato hto of them є wicked.

82. You are not unmistakably known as the most popular enemies of all Jews and polytheists. You also know unmistakably that you are closest to all in love to those of you who seem to be: "We are Christians." This is because in the middle of them there are priests and monks, and because the stench doesn’t come out in the dark.

83. If you smell the stench of those sent by the Messenger, you bachish, as your eyes are re-pooled with tears through the truth, as the stench is known. The stench seems to be: "Our Lord! We were convinced. Write us among the testimonies."

84. Why should we not believe in Allah and the truth that came before us? Mi bazhaєmo, so our Lord has brought us into Paradise together with righteous people. "

85. Allah is guilty for those who said the stench, the Gardens of Paradise, in which rivers flow and in which stench will grow forever. Tse patch to do good.

86. And they didn’t believe, they recognized Our banner as nonsense, є the bags of Hell.

87. About those, who were convinced! Do not fence off the blessings, as Allah has made the permissible for you, and do not overstep the boundaries of what is permitted. Truly, Allah does not love zlochintsyv.

88. For the one whom Allah has poured on you, it is permissible and good, and fight Allah, in Yakogo see.

89. Allah will not make your oaths for Marnos glorious, but it is more difficult for those who have sworn oaths. In spokutuvannya tsogo need to blow up ten people in the middle (or we will reduce) from the one, who will give your family, or to tighten them, or to call a slave. Anyone who cannot kill, is guilty of fasting for three days. Take your oaths as soon as you swore and broke the oath. Take care of your vows. So Allah will clear up His banner to you, - you can, you will be seen.

90. About you, you were convinced! Truly, p'yanki drinks, gambling igri, kam'yani sacrificers (aka idols) and fortune-tellers nasty for Satan's days. Give in to її, - you can, you will reach success.

91. Truly, Satan, for the help of p'yanki vodka and gambling igor, would like to see me and hate and bring you in remembrance of Allah and namaz. Don't you screw it up?

92. Correct to Allah, to complain to the Messenger and beware! If you come back, then you should know that only the transmission of closeness is clear on Our Messenger.

93. Quietly, as they warned and robbed the righteous deeds, there was no sin for those who smelled the stench, as if the stench was God-fearing, the righteous acts were violated and robbed, as if they were afraid of God. did good. Allah loves to do good.

94. About you, you were convinced! Allah will surely give you a chance to try and help you, as you can by the way your hands and the list, if Allah knows it is quiet, if you are afraid of Yogo, do not bach Yogo in your eyes (or sweep away from people). And whoever crosses the boundaries of what is permitted, there will be more countrymen prepared for that.

95. About you, you were convinced! Do not drive mislivska zdobich, perebuyuchi in іkhram. If something is wrong with you, then in return for the price, there will be a beast, ready to kill you. To blame the decision about her (about sacrificing thinness) two just men for you, and the victim is guilty of reaching the Kaabi. If you want to go on weekends, you will get the kids, or if you can finish the rivnotsinny post, you will be able to swallow the teeth of your vchinka. Allah having forgiven what happened before, if only if you turn around, then Allah will take revenge on you. Allah is Mighty, Building for payment.

96. You are allowed a sea view and for the good of you and for the road, if you are fenced off with a view on land, if you are going to be in the temple. Beat Allah, until you will be selected.

97. Allah defeated the Kaaba, the Zrobіdniy bungalow, as well as the harrowing of the people, the sacrificial creatures and the creatures (or people) with the support of the people for the people. Tse - in order that you knew that Allah sees about those who are in heaven, and those who are on earth, and who Allah sees about every speech.

98. Know that Allah is suvoriy at the penitential and that Allah is forgiving, the Merciful.

99. Nothing has been laid on the Prophet, except for the transmission of blood. Allah knows about those who see, and those who see.

100. Say: "It is not good for naught, to bring the prosperity of the Kep region to you (because it was good for you)." Fight Allah, the masters of the rosum, - you can, you will achieve success.

101. About you, you were convinced! Do not worry about speeches that will embarrass you, as if you will see it. And if the stench will become to you, see if you will feed about them, if you read the Koran. Allah forgiving you tse, bo Allah - forgiving, Vitrimaniy.

102. People before you have nourished about them and because of the reason they have become incoherent (because they have become incoherent in them).

103. Allah will be ordered by Bakhirev, Saibi, Vasil and Hami. If you don't work hard on Allah, it's a great part of you that is not mind.

104. If it seems to me: "To come before Allah has sent, and before the Messenger", - the stench says: "We will finish the one on whom we found our fathers." You don’t know the stench like that, they didn’t know anything, and they didn’t go straight ahead?

105. About you, you were convinced! Give it to yourself. If you went straight ahead, then you won’t find the one who fell into Oman. All of you need to turn to Allah, and even Vin will tell you about those who have been violated.

106. About you, you were convinced! As soon as death will appear from you, and if you have forgotten the commandment, then you will be able to bring two just men to you, or two of them not to you, as death spits you, if you wand on the ground. Pay attention to both of them when you send namaz, and as soon as you know I’m sure, then the stench is guilty by Allah: “I don’t buy the world’s vigoda for them, I’m sure it’s our close relative, I don’t like Almighty until the day of God. ".

107. If it will be revealed that the stench offend the wine in sin, then in the middle of the two, the closest relatives are quiet, but I am legally right, they will take this place and swear by Allah: "Our devil is in good luck. To the one who fell, it belongs to the number of the wicked. "

108. Vchiniti is so beautiful for the stench brought in a certificate of stench, or the fact that the oath will be brought from the oaths. Fight Allah and hear! Allah does not lead wicked people with a direct path.

109. On that day, if Allah took the Messenger and say: "How have you been told?" - to stench to say: "We do not know the knowledge. Truly, Ty - Vidayuchiy taumenne."

110. Allah will say: "About Isa (Isus), sin Maryam (Mary)! Remember mercy, as I have given you and your mother. I have given you the Holy Spirit (Jibril), who are you talking to people in number and being mature enough. the dawn of the people; for Volodya with a weak dawn) and the leper, according to My bazannyu you have brought nebizchiks alive from the graves. unruly, they said, well, it’s all the more obvious chaklunism. ”

111. I have instilled in the apostles: "Turn in Me and My messenger." The stench said: "We were convinced! To tell you that we became Muslims."

112. The apostles said to the Axis: "About Isa (Isus), sin Maryam (Mary)! Who can your Lord send us a meal from heaven?" Vin said: "Beat Allah, as we are faithful."

113. The stench said: "We want to cheer, but our hearts have become calm, we have learned, since they have told us the truth, and we have told us the truth about her."

114. Isa (Isus), sin Maryam (Marya), saying: "O Allah, our Lord! Send us a meal from heaven, as it would be holy for all of us, from the first to the last, and to the banners from You. Give us a share, aje Ti is the one who bestows the share. "

115. Allah said: “I send you, alas, if I don’t say something, I’m suffering such torments that I didn’t give any of these saints”.

116. The axis said to Allah: "O Isa (Isus), sin Maryam (Mary)! Do you say to people:" Take me and my mother two gods order with Allah "?" Vin saying: "Most pure Ti! How can I tell those, why am I not right? Yakby, I said so, I know bi about tse. You know those who are in my soul, but I do not know what you have in the Soul.

117. I didn’t say anything, except for the fact that I was told: "Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord." I will know about them, leave the middle of them. If Ti rests me, Ti becomes a sposter for them. Truly, Ti is a dermal certificate.

118. If Ti piddasi to torment, then aje stench is Your rabbi. Yaksho is Ti probachish im, then aje Ti is Mighty, Wise. "

119. Allah said: "This is a day, if truthful people bring badness and truthfulness. I am prepared for the Gardens of Paradise, in which rivers flow. The stench will pass there forever." Allah pleases them, and the stench is pleased with them. Tse - great success!

120. For Allah to have dominion over the heavens, the earth and the earth, and on them, and the building of a god.

About you, you were convinced! If you stand up for namaz, then wash your disclosures and your hands to litters, stain your heads and wash your legs to your ankles. And if you stay in the desecrated state, then you will become clean. If you are sick, or if you are on the road, if there is something for you to come to take in, if you are not close to women, if you didn’t know the driver, then direct your hands to the clean earth and turn your hands on it. Allah does not want to make things difficult for you, but wants to cleanse you and bring His mercy to you to the end, - perhaps you will be lost.

Tsey the great ayat to take revenge in one's own without attributions, in those, from the will of Allah, trying to pererahuvati deyaki. 1. Victory of all pererakhovannyh in the whole verse of attributions to be attributed to the obovazkovyh vimog viri, to which it is necessary to obey the brutalities to the people. Tse means that there are some crops that are knitted for the reason of being punished. 2. Muslim gobs of yazyatsya zd_ysnuvati namaz, oskіlki Allah will tell about those who go to work, if you stand up for namaz. 3. For namaz to work, it is necessary to pray, so that you can get up on it only with the help of a firm namir. 4. Purification є obov'yazkovyu mind correctness namaz, for Allah has ordered to purify before him, and seemingly, be it a command to stick with obov'yazkovym attribution, as long as there is no protolezhne. 5. For cleansing it is not necessary, but instructing an hour of binding namaz, and to finish namir zd_ysniti namaz. 6. Cleansing є with an obov'yazkovoy mind, be it a rite of worship, which can be called namaz, be it obov'yazkovi or voluntary namazi, or namazi, which is deposited on a Muslim community as a whole, or for the purchase of a prayer. A lot of theologians vvazhayut, to see the earth, bow before the hour of reading the Koran, and bow down, you can live only in the camp of ritual cleansing. 7. For an hour, deceiving the obv'yazkovo miti, revealing, so that the front part of the head looks like a hairy growth to the edge of the crack and goes into the groove and from one head up to the width. Before the mitt of the individual, the rinsing of the company and the nose is also introduced, which is supported by the Sunnah, and the mitt of the beard. If the beard is rare, then the water is bound to be guilty of the shkiri of accusation. If you have a thick beard, then you must finish the front part. 8. Muslims are punished to shake hands to litters. The majority of tlumachs in the Qur'an are important, but the result is 'to' here means 'at once z'. This is the meaning of the vikoristany in the verse: "not the mouth of this mine at once with its own mine" (4: 2). Tse pidtverdzhutsya tim, how cheating does not insure yourself, when you’re here, do not think of offending someone else. 9. Muslims are ordered to wipe their heads. 10. Obov'yazkovo wipe the head back, the splinters here do not mean that it is possible to wipe off a part of the head. Vin means that when wiped it is necessary to poke your head with your hands and hunt the entire surface. 11. You can wipe your head in any way: with your hands, with one hand, with a valve of matter, with a piece of wood or with a similar object, for which Allah guessed wiping in the most sensible. Allah does not stand up to the singing form of wiping the head, for which he is whimsical, so wipe it off in any way. 12. For the hour of deceiving, wipe your head off in a general manner, and if you wrinkle your head, not squeezing it with your hand, then this is not enough, for that it is not because of the command of Allah. 13. Allah, having punished the mitt of the legs to the ankles, from the drive can be said the same as it said about the drive of the mitt of the hands. 14. Significantly from the broadest reading, the word arjul 'legs' is varto in the famous vidminku. Tse just look at the raphy and it means that wiping bare nig for an hour is not insured. 15. At the end of the verse, there is a claim to the legitimacy of the wiping of shkіryan shkarpetok, oskіlki іsnu reading, in which the word arjul 'legs' stand at the generic vidmіnku. Skin from two readings slid tlumachi all the way up to yogo zmistom. If the legs are bare, then it is necessary to wrinkle, to read it, in which the word varto is in the famous vidminku. As soon as you need to wear shkiryana little cupboards on your feet, then it’s worth wiping it off, it’s worthwhile to read it, in which the word stands at a generic vidminku. 16. For the hour of deceit, it is punished until the end of the day, Oskilki Allah has overruled it in the end of the day. Wiping the head in a whole blessed one is guessed between the mitts of the other parts of the body, and one of the explanations may be necessary to take care of the intended sentimentality. 17. Until the end of the day is rendered only to the chotiroh diy, which is given in the verse. Well, one should feel the lastingness between the rinsing of the company and the nose and the mitts of the individual, as well as the mitts of the right and the left hands and nig, then it is necessary to take care of it. Ale bazhano rinse your mouth і nіs in front of the mitty of the individual, miti the right to the right to the left and wipe your head before wiping wuh. 18. Muslims are punished with repeated cheating before the skin prayer, and the smell of the smell is exactly the same as the Koranichne Velinnya. 19. For the statistic desecration of the Muslim goiters, buy up. 20. When bathing, obov'yazkovo pity all the tilo, to that Allah instructed to cleanse all the tilo and not tying the whole thing with some parts. 21. At the bathing of the article's desecration, it is punished not only to the surface of the hair, but only to the surface of the hair. 22. A little desecration to enter from the great desecration, and for the purification of both forms, it is sufficient to harden the mind and pacify all that, for which Allah has punished the letter of desecration to be purified and not punished by the destruction of the message of the whole deception. 23. Lyudin appears in the desecrated statue of the deceased, as if it had become asleep for an hour or not, and because of the statute, it was not possible to see the deed. 24. If Lyudin remembered that, if he dreamed of an erotic dream, or if he didn’t bother seeing sperm, then it’s not the goats that were going to bathe, the splinters weren’t defiled. 25. Allah Allah has bestowed upon His servants great mercy, if He has allowed them to purify themselves with a sip. 26. Cleanse yourself with permission, zokrema, with such ailments, with such ailments, with such ailments, you can be healthy. It is so allowed to fix it for an hour of travel, and for the purpose of bringing great things to small consumption, as people cannot know water. Before the hour, the ailment is cleansed and allowed to navigate with the presence of water, as soon as possible, we can be healthy. In all the other types of drops, only todi are allowed to be cleaned, if there is no water. It’s worth visiting a team, hto being in a place of permanent living. 27. The vision from the sesovipuskalny canal and the anus is not enough to cheat on deceit. 28. Allowing for the whole ayat, the theologians guard against deceit, that deceiving become unreasonable only when it is not possible to write down and defecate and do not become unreasonable to send dotiku to statutory organs and deeds. 29. When guessing about disagreeable and disgusting speeches, bazhano corystuvaty with strains, oskil Omnipresent, calling the direction of natural consumption to the beloved. 30. Dotik to women with deceitfulness and satisfaction to rob deceitfulness. 31. The visibility of the water є obov'yuyu mental legality of the purification of food. 32. Purified by the old age, it is not possible for the emergence of water, to bring a man in the whole hour to rob namaz, for Allah has allowed him to go to the new only when the water is out. 33. When the water is out, when the hour is set for namaz, Lyudin's goiter is bound to go to the water close, for that year, the water can only be shouted. 34. If the water is not vystachaє for cleansing, then it is necessary to vikoristovuvati, and only when you can get cleansed. 35. Cleanse yourself with water, which have changed as a result of being caught in some clean foreign speeches, more beautifully, less cleansed by a sound. Such water is overflowing with pure and adherent for purification, so, without affection for a change of beauty, it is overflowing with water, and Allah Almighty allowing one to be purified with a drink only when there is water. 36. When the food is purified, the mother needs a firm namir, for that the word of tayammam means 'mother namir', 'pragnuti'. 37. For cleansing, it is allowed to vikoristovuvati pisok, or be it an earthy soil. It’s a good idea to wipe your face and hands with earth, to explain to them, most often on the surface є sacks and drank, which you can wipe off your hands. The price can be explained by the fact that Allah has instructed on the most beautiful vchinok, and if it is possible to purify oneself by a churn of earth, then it is more beautiful to kill. 38. Cleansing by unclean food is not clean, fragments are cleansed until we are cleansed. 39. When the food is cleansed, wipe off only the face and hands, and it is impossible to wipe off the inside of the dust. 40. Absolutely wipe off all the disclosures completely, even if you do not need to take the sacks in your mouth, breathe it into your mouth and stop it when you are hairy, and look like a beard. 41. Wipe your hands up to the wrist, when you think about your hands without additional roses, it’s clear that you’re worried about only your hands. Yakbi Bula, it is necessary to wipe your hands beforehand, then Allah will explain the bi tse, as it is tense when describing the order of cheating. 42. Purification by the sea has liberated the people from the small and great desecration and to see the vision of impurities from the world, for which Allah has allowed to be purified by water to replace the purified water in the widest sense and without guessing the old minds. Tim, no less, most theologians respected, that the vision of impurities from the body is not possible through the purified food, for that, in the Quranic verse, Mova Ide only about the development of the forms of desecration. 43. When cleansing from the great and minor desecration, it is necessary to wipe off one and the same dilenki tila, so that only the faces and hands are wiped off. 44. For the purification of both forms of desecration, finish once purified by a message from the general namir, as we have discussed the verse of ma zalny zmist. 45. Wipe off your accusations and your hands are allowed to be with your hands, for something like something. Allah has ordered to wipe off the parts of the body and not guessing those who should be wiped off. Otzhe, wiping їх be-in any way will be insured. 46. ​​For the hour of deceit, when the food is cleaned, it is obov'yazkovo dontrimuvatisya, to that Allah guessed the wiping of the individual before wiping the hands. 47. Allah Allah is not corrupting the sent laws and important and burdensome for us. Nawpaki, Win pitying over His slaves and trying to cleanse them and bring His mercy to them to the end. 48. Material cleansing with water and additionally spiritually cleansing for the help of knowing the One of Allah and great repentance. 49. Purification does not bring purity, as it is possible to see, or to pacify ochima. Tse cleansing є to the spiritual, і the essence of yogo polyagaє is in the fact that a person is a visonє the commandment of Allah Allah. 50. The slave passed over the wisdom and mysteries of the laws of Allah, tied to the ritual purifications and attributions, the little zeal to multiply his knowledge, to rise more than the strength of Allah's love and love great visot.


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