Phraseologisms with the word “mouth” have the same meaning (with butts). The significance of the gaping mouth of the great current Tlumach dictionary of Russian language The significance of the gaping mouth

Phraseologisms with the word “mouth” have the same meaning (with butts). The significance of the gaping mouth of the great current Tlumach dictionary of Russian language The significance of the gaping mouth

That’s what they said before the 1991 Rizdva, if humanitarian aid is not enough to come to St. Petersburg, organized by the countries of Zahod... Dictionary of Petersburgers

mouth- Mouth open or open (rozg.) trans. speak, speak, speak out. A person from the city of Bordeaux, even a company has opened, may luckily bring fate to all the princesses. riboids. He doesn’t let anyone take charge. The mouth of the neide (rozg.) has a stronger sitiy...

- (Innosc.) Kind of presentation; but it will be a waste to show Porivn. He carried such a vengeance that the major himself opened his mouth and spread his fingers. Dahl. Saveliy Grab. Porivn. Everyone hears him, his mouth open. Krilov. Mishok. Porivn. The pen and the ink in itself are: So I am so... Mikhelson's Great Tlumach-Phraseological Dictionary

adv. yakosty. go. rod lower; = Open-mouthed Tlumachny dictionary of Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Today's Tlumachny Dictionary of Efremova

Div. What's wrong with inserting? ... V.I. Dahl. A message to the Russian people

ROSE, open your mouth, plow, cracks, open, open, expand, pivdenny. rozzyaviti, rozzyaviti. The sea has cleared its abysses and its abysses. Don’t let the company say a word or say a word. Well, why are you plowing open, why are you screaming, rehearsing, posihaesh. Standing there gaping... Dahl's Tlumachny Dictionary

ROZZINUTI, open, open, absolutely. (Before rozzyavannya), scho (rozg.). Open your mouth wide (mouth and plow). Stand with your mouth open (not understanding anything). “Vin with an open mouth, cheered, marveling at his aunt.” Gonchariv. “The dandy had his eyes wide open and his mouth wide open.” Chekhov. Tlumachny Dictionary of Ushakov

rosekriti- Rozinya (or open) mouth (rti) (rozg. fam.) trans. 1) disrespectful, no big deal. Pratsyuvati, robiti scho n., open mouthed company. 2) rewards. They all stood with their mouths open. Everyone hears him, his mouth open. Krilov... Phraseological dictionary of Russian


  • Eniki-Beniki. Branch of twins, Shemyakin Valery Kostyantinovich. The novel "Eniki-beniki" is a motor-driven mystical dystopia, an unkind caricature of modern Russian sovereign harmony, on those who take part in the master’s games and on those who guard for...
  • Historical traveler on Moscow's walks. Part 1. Lavrushinsky. Pismennitsky Provulok, Vaskin Oleksandr Anatoliyovych. "Chervona is a hut with pies, and Moscow is with butchers." So, our capital is rich in stone chambers and mansions. Don’t even glance at this street - here and there there is an ancient monument...
  • Historical traveler through Moscow byways Part 1 Lavrushinsky Pismennitsky byway, Vaskin A.. “Chervona hut with pies, and Moscow with butchers.” So, our capital is rich in stone chambers and mansions. Don’t even glance at any street - here and there there is an old monument hanging...

A person’s mouth is used both for receiving food and for meeting with other people for help. These very functions of the mouth are connected by phraseological units with the word “mouth”. Their greatest concerns are lower. An explanation and application is given for all phraseological units.

Mouth to woo
About a joyful person who laughs widely.

Mishko has his mouth shut. What a sleepy lad!

Smіshinka has worn out his mouth
So talk about the situation if you want to laugh endlessly.

The funny woman smacked Lyuba in the mouth.

Trimati mouth shut
Be careful not to reveal any secret or secret place.

In this ambiguous situation, it is best to keep your company shut.

Put it in your mouth
Talking about people like that is a waste of time.

Mikhailo Kasyanovich mumbled, otherwise he typed it into his mouth.

Marvel at the mouth (komus)
To get ahead of another person, to show her your loyalty.

The distinguished engineer marveled at the commander up to the company.

Stitch up your mouth
Stop talking.

Sew up the neighbors' mouth? Axis miracle thought!

Rouse and put in mouth
It’s really nice to explain in detail.

There’s no point in turning up yourself! You could chew it all up and put it in your mouth.

Do not subordinate the company
Don't talk.

Do not control your mouth because you do not respect the legality of your diet.

Turbo open mouth, open mouth turbot
About the situation, if a lot of unknown food and unknown certificates have accumulated.

Irina has a big mouth, she won’t be able to deal with the weeds at all.

You can't take it to the company
I'm talking about hedgehogs that are impossible to eat.

What kind of mush is this? Hedgehog? You can't take her to death!

Shut my mouth
Don't let anyone talk.

Do you want to shut her mouth? You can't see it! You don’t have to admit it, but it’s within your power!

Do not subordinate the company
Save money.

The best thing to do is not to obey the company - everything you say will be against you.

Porridge at the mouth
It’s too absurd to talk about people.

That's the speaker! You don’t understand anything. Someone has porridge in his mouth.

With the feet of the white company
About the people, it’s too long to bring up, I can’t resist.

Vasil Makarovich informed his mouth that there was more straw from the wound.

There was no poppy dewdrop in my mouth
About the situation when a person has not eaten anything and is even hungry.

Does Anastasia have a headache? So she didn’t have a drop of poppy dew in her mouth.

Don't put your finger near your mouth
About a cunning, cunning person, from whom one can expect a nasty reaction to any kind of behavior.

Don’t put your finger near your mouth, let her grin.

Mouth rozvyavity
It’s amazing to see what’s enemy.

Having answered the company in battle, Vitrov sat down in Uzbekistan.

Let's open our mouths
It is very important to listen to anyone, it is buried.

I heard an old man with an open mouth.

Catching a raven with your mouth
Stay away from the situation.

It’s not in Yogi’s rules to catch crows with your mouth.

Carry the clothes in your mouth
Miss out on a friendly opportunity and get away with it.

So how could he carry such a lassy piece of clothing into his mouth?

Open your mouth wider
I’m glad to have no plans and settle down for now.

To share with you - open your mouth wider!

ROZYAVATI RIT. ROSSINUTI RIT. Sorry. No praise. 1. Start saying your thoughts, start talking. - “Who’s going to open up the company,” said the directory sternly(Pushkin. Dubrovsky). 2. Be extremely rosy, disrespectful, uncharacteristic. When crossing the street on Haggai, a rice bag and a cyclist crackled over his ear. Haggai escaped unstoppably. - Don’t open your mouth! - Sinitsin shouted(A. N. Tolstoy. Mriynik). 3. Iron. Viyavlyati nadzvichaine having marveled, divuvatisya. - Until then [Khoma] write tops... Mothers before the name day, I judged in such a way that our only mouths revealed: with mythology there, and music flies(Dostoyevsky. The village of Stepanchikovo and yogo meshkansi).

  • - Open your mouth, plow, cracks, open, open, expand, open. rozzyaviti, rozzyaviti. The sea has cleared its abysses and its abysses. Don’t let the company speak out, don’t let the words be said...

    Dahl's Tlumachny Dictionary

  • - ROZYUVATI div.

    Tlumachny Dictionary of Ozhegov

  • - ROSE, I open, I open. lack of thoroughness. until the critics...

    Tlumachny Dictionary of Ushakov

  • - open your mouth. trans. Open wide, open wide...

    Tlumachny Dictionary of Efremova

  • - ROSE YOUR HANDS. ROZZINUTI RUZHKA. Sorry. Iron. Just marvel, marvel. Pavlo called the hull of the ship to the valley - maybe even more... “Nothing, I’ll finish it - more beautifully, as soon as possible!.. All hands are open!” ...

    Phraseological dictionary of Ukrainian literary language

  • - ROSE YOUR MOUTH. ROSSINUTI RIT. Sorry. No praise. 1. Start thinking your thoughts, start talking. “Who’s going to open up the company?” the director said grimly. 2...

    Phraseological dictionary of Ukrainian literary language

  • - ROSIVATI HILO. ROSINUTI HILO. Roughly sorry. Contempt. Scream, scream; speak loudly. - Ege, the woman is vocal... - Chiya tse? “Mine,” Stump mutters gloomily. - Show her your fist: why did she say hello? ...

    Phraseological dictionary of Ukrainian literary language

  • - Sorry. 1. Start thinking about your thoughts. 2. Be extremely rosy, unusual. FSRY, 380...
  • - Mord. Scream loudly, scream. SRGM 1980, 44...

    Great dictionary Russian orders

  • - 1. Psk. No praise. Start screaming loudly. SPP 2001, 60. 2. to whom. Jarg. speaking Start being rude, get in touch with someone. Vakhitiv 2003, 155...

    The Great Dictionary of Russian Orders

  • - 1. I'm sorry. Start talking. FSRY, 380; SRNG 35, 203; Glukhiv 1988, 139. 2. Psk. Start screaming loudly. SPP 2001, 66. 3. Psk. Start singing loudly. SPP 2001, 66. 4. Psk. No praise. To feel, super-feel to someone; bark at smb. SPP 2001, 66.5...

    The Great Dictionary of Russian Orders

  • - Kursk. Zhart. I feel very amazed. BotSan, 111...

    The Great Dictionary of Russian Orders

  • - 1. Prikam., Sib. Start crying. MFS, 34; SFS, 156. 2. Shout loudly. F 2, 115; Mokienka 1990, 87...

    The Great Dictionary of Russian Orders

  • - Div.

    Glossary of synonyms

  • - grab your eyes, marvel, spread your arms, show your appearance, show your physiognomy, show roteness, raise your eyebrows, marvel, marvel, roll your eyes round, marvel, marvel, come to...

    Glossary of synonyms

"Open your mouth" at books


From the book by Volodymyr Visotsky. Above the abyss author Sushko Yuri Mikhailovich

“I’M AT THE THROAT, I’M DRIVING MY FRIEND IN MYSELF...” If you have converted your friends, then you can write a garni of speeches. And the Frenchmen marveled at the papers on which they wanted to scribble at night, tearing them up and saying: “I don’t want it, I don’t need it, I don’t want it.” I'm back at home again

“I’m in a gourd, I’m cutting myself off at the vein...”

3 books by the author

“I’m in a gourd, I’m cutting myself off at the vein...” If you have converted your friends, so that anyone can write a garni of speeches. And the Frenchmen marveled at the papers on which they wanted to scribble at night, tearing them up and saying: “I don’t want it, I don’t need it, I don’t want it.” I'm back at home again


From the book Enchanted Hawaii author Stingl Miloslav

A LOOK AT THE “CARD’S THROAT” Kilauea is a volcano about which one can say: “... the... the... the... the... the most.” I read from the editor; “The most active of all active volcanoes in the world... the most active lava fountains...” What I really wanted to keep in mind for several days

“The story of Yakir took me for granted”

From the books Thus Kaganovich said author Chuev Felix Ivanovich

“The story of Yakir took me for a gourd” Yakos Kaganovich learned about the many Jewish families in Kiev, from which a lot of Bolsheviks came out, Lazar Moiseyovich having created them, stinks got into his throat, and from year they were repressed. Blekhman, Lev Sheinin ... - Born in 1953

Mini in a gourd

How to vikhovuvat fathers or a new non-standard child author Levi Volodymyr Lvovich

Mini in a gourd And the axis is a leaf from Radyan's doby, written by Radyan's mine, from Radyan's grandfather, which, it is important to respect, has the same proportions characteristic of all eras and the phenomenon is as eternal as necessity. Shanovna editorial office of “This School”! We read the lesson


Z Lyudin's books for a ruble author Khodorkovsky Mikhailo

The whole gourd is called for in this need of one more stormy storm, the only poetic one - V.V. Mayakovsky, who also sinned in the task of spying. In New York, the girls and the weekdays of the difficult dowzhin sing, and not just the elevators, but the emergency ones and the courier, and the subway, and the wind. creepy

Z books 2008_39 (587) author Newspaper Duel

THE DEATH OF A LITERARY SKURO: “OSINOVIY KIL” - A REVIEW OF “DICHLO IN THE THROAT” Head of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin Shanovny Volodymyr Volodimirovich, for long fate I have heard from your ruler many bitter words based on your statements, the decision and reference. Zhodne z cich


Z books 2008_41 (589) author Newspaper Duel

THE DEATH OF A LITERARY SKURO: “ASP KIL” - A REVIEW ON “DICHLO IN THE THROAT” (Continued. Cob at No. 39) On the other side of “Literary Newspaper” - videos of the President, Patriarch, heads of both chambers For the sake of the Federation - Sergius Mironova and Boris G


Z books 2008_43 (591) author Newspaper Duel

THE DEATH OF A LITERARY SKURO: “OSINOVIY KIL AT THE GRAVE” - A VIEW TO “DICHLO IN THE THROAT”. Come on! It’s impossible not to know what happened to the deceased


Z books 2008_45 (593) author Newspaper Duel

THE DEATH OF A LITERARY SKIN: “ASPENS KIL” - A REVIEW OF “DICHLO IN THE THROAT” (Completed. Cob at Nos. 39, 41, 43) Critic of a chronic capture: “I have always been at war with the masculinity of an unexceptional person... In in my husband - on Radyanskaya Vlada ,

ROSSINUTI RIT. Sorry. No praise. 1. Start saying your thoughts, start talking. - “Who’s going to open up the company,” said the directory sternly(Pushkin. Dubrovsky). 2. Be extremely rosy, disrespectful, uncharacteristic. When crossing the street on Haggai, a rice bag and a cyclist crackled over his ear. Haggai escaped unstoppably. - Don’t open your mouth! - Sinitsin shouted(A. N. Tolstoy. Mriynik). 3. Iron. Viyavlyati nadzvichaine having marveled, divuvatisya. - Until then [Khoma] write tops... Mothers before the name day, I judged in such a way that our only mouths revealed: with mythology there, and music flies(Dostoyevsky. The village of Stepanchikovo and yogo meshkansi). Rozg. Express Be heard; get very excited, hearing someone. Plavilniki was a marvelous diva, a wise man, a scholar, a writer, having completed a course at Moscow University; And more often than not, we used to talk about theatrical mystique, so the company grew up(S. Aksakov. Yakov Omelyanovich Shusherin and today’s theatrical celebrities).

Phraseological dictionary of Russian language. - M: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.

Wonder what “Open your mouth” in other dictionaries:

    rosy mouth- Div. have fun... Glossary of synonyms

    rosy mouth- Rozg. Call the owls. past vr. On the edge of it, chill out, chill out. Z noun zi meaning individuals: listener, chitach, yunak, lad... mouth open; open your mouth for what? from health, from lack of sleep, from news, from news... The boys... trimmed the yak in front of them... Basic phraseological dictionary

    Rotten mouth- Open (open) mouth (in Russian) due to swelling; buti have opened their teeth. Porivn. He carried such a vengeance that the major himself opened his mouth and spread his fingers. Dahl. Saveliy Grab. Porivn. Everyone hears him, his mouth open. Krilov. Mishok. Porivn. Feather and those. Great Tlumach-Phraseological Dictionary of Mikhelson (original spelling)

    rosy mouth- Rozg. 1) Say what l. 2) Get involved with all the people. sight, looking at what's going on, becoming disrespectful, looking up. 3) Zdivuvatisya, zdivuvannya... Dictionary of rich expressions

    Open your mouth- 1. I'm sorry. Start talking (often at an unexpected moment). FSRY, 380; SRNG 35, 203; Glukhiv 1988, 139. 2. Psk. Start screaming loudly (about the creature). SPP 2001, 66. 3. Psk. Start singing loudly. SPP 2001, 66. 4. Psk. No praise. Feel it, super read it to someone... ...

    Open/open your mouth to all eyes- Kursk. Zhart. I'm very surprised for some reason. BotSan, 111 ... The Great Dictionary of Russian Orders

    mouth- Mouth open or open (rozg.) trans. speak, speak, speak out. A person from the city of Bordeaux, even a company has opened, may luckily bring fate to all the princesses. riboids. He doesn’t let anyone take charge. The mouth of the neide (rozg.) has a stronger sitiy... Phraseological dictionary of Russian

    MOUTH- company (from the company, rozg. from the company, colloquially from the company), about the mouth, in the mouth, m. 1. Open between the lips. || Outline your lips, cut your lips. Great mouth. Crooked mouth. || About the creatures: grazing, ziv. The spyman fish opened its mouth and splashed with its swimmers. 2. Empty for... ... Tlumachny Dictionary of Ushakov

    mouth- company, sentence about the mouth, at the mouth; pl. roti, roti, roti; m. 1. The empty space between the upper and lower slits is closed with lips. Empty company. Cover your mouth with your hand. Dihati with your mouth. Get a cigarette from your mouth! The mouth is dry. Shut someone's mouth. (also: rod;… … Encyclopedic dictionary

    mouth- Mouth (lips), ziv, muzzle, pascha, rilo, hailo, dzyob. Wed... Glossary of synonyms


  • Spring combing. Part 1. Master class of Andriy Tarasov (DVD), Tarasov Andriy. For every girl, fun is the most important thing in life. On a happy day, you especially want to look happy and happy, and the stylist’s appointment at this special moment is...