Pohodzhennya that character named lion. Mystery of the name Leo

Pohodzhennya that character named lion. Mystery of the name Leo

Leo is a man of name, as if I can name the energy that is strong, having poured into the lot of people, giving them impersonal positive qualities. Vono maє tsіkavu іstorіyu and a great number of representatives of yoga. Especially popular is the current father. The meaning of the name Leo and Yogo Vlasnik is closely related. With the help of statistics, you can recognize a lot of things about this name form.

The meaning of that pohodzhennya name

Im'ya Leo is a man, there are two main interpretations. To understand the peculiarities of the form, it is important to remember the etymology. Pohodzhennya imeni Leo richly ascribed to the walnut root. And here it is translated as "king of the beasts". Other fahіvtsі stverdzhuyut, that it came from an old Jewish language, looming a trifle of other meaning of the name. Im'ya Leo in this version is translated as "heart". In the krains, it gets used to a trio of modified forms: Leon and Leo. Virmensky variant - Levon. Varto respect that in Russia the name Leo is not rare. Old men often call so fair-haired lads.


Im'ya Leo may have a lot of short versions of the movie. Tobto himself so the boy is called close and friends. For example: Leva, Levka, Leo and Leon. Changeful-motley forms: Levchik, Levushka, Levochka, Levenya, Levulya, Levusya, Levonka, Levusechka, Levushechka.

Patrons of that name day

Holy intercessors also think of a song meaning for the name Leo. The lion of the abductions of kіlkom by the saints. In the opinion of experts, tse promise lads a happy life. Patrons: Bishop Leo Katansky, Leo the Martyr, Priest Leo Yershov and Rev. Leo. Cholovik, like May take im'ya, celebrates the birthday of September 12, 2 fierce, 3 birch, 5 birch, 14 birch, 31 grass, 20 black, 14 lime, 31 sickle, 24 spring, 24 yellow, 25 leaf fall, 20 chest.


Success and good luck accompany Leva with the stretch of the life path. Preserve the friendly result of the fall and help the mascot of a person with such names at the sight of a diamond stone.

Vyvіtlyuє way Leva and hovaє vіd look at the house of trouble, fear and anxiety, yogo heavenly patron - the Sun. The light of the star can never deprive the "king of the creatures" and zavzhd zirki yogo great heart.

To give strength and energy to Lev Yogo, the strength that stands up is fire. The heat of a person is to melt the ice of malice, be it the enemy and burn the skin, who needs it.

The zodiacal sign of the lion and the name Leo, zrozumіlo, pov'yazanі mіzh itself. The greatest harmony grows in the middle of such a person.

It doesn't matter if you guess that the creature is the patron saint of a man named Leo. The meaning of yoga wear is already positive. Adzhe husky savets having bestowed the character of the people of the nobility and goodness. That's right, a good person.

The symbolic tree of Lev is the cedar. The number that escorts a person is 4. The best day of a leader of this name is Thursday. The ideal time for rock is winter.


Zavdyaks of the meaning of the name Leo, the character of one’s nose can be endowed with riches with good qualities. Through yaki, a person can be boldly called a unique specialty. A person with such names should sound his/her leadership inclinations - vyn povіdalny, vykonavchy, honest, straightforward, principled, fair. Lova is able to recognize nonsense and nonsense, shards to the stranger himself so draw. It is practically impossible for youma to fool. A person with such names can be called a good boss, father, man. Leo's character is heavily influenced by the wealth of additional officials, the main ones of which are the father's vihovannia.

Pori roku

The month of the people can make a memorial contribution to the character of a person and scribble the meaning of the name Leo. Im'ya Leo, or rather, I'm wearing it, lie down for the time of the coming rank:


The meaning of the name Leo is rich in what it invests in the share of the named person. A small one is an active and diligent child, who has impersonal born talents. Vіn z narodzhennya marvels batkіv pragnennyam knowledge. It doesn't matter if you read it, you will sit first month at the lists of the best students.

A lion of rewards with a rich mime and can parody whether someone, someone to please. Vіn duzhe comradely and kind, maє artistic zdіbnostі, for yakі yogo to love everything otchennya.

Klopit іz yogo vyhovannyam batkіv not vinikne, prote varto remembrance, that the manifestation of various talents in Levi can lead to the vindication of Marnoslavism, through which the boy can stop all the time to accept irritating people. The fences and the system of punishment will not give the necessary effect for the correct vihovannya, as if blindly trampled to all primhams.

The transitional period calms Lev. A new one has such a characteristic of character, like sincerity. Compared to his inner "king of creatures", the lad can be wise, prote Lov does not try to become a leader and does not swear by people. Aggression is alien to you, but you can’t allow yourself to imagine.

Before Leva's advances, one can see the distance. Vіn obov'yazkovo vikonaє whether I was given an obіtsyanku, rob it for every price. Tolerance helps young people to know their language from the outer world, to get along with the restless. Magnanimity and generosity allow young people to change with a number of comrades;

At the old city of Lvov, it will gradually suffocate;

The lion, who has grown up, will borrow a lot of money in the future, and the vrіvnovazhenіst and energy will help the person to defend it. Regardless of those who are ambitious youngsters, they should be guided by whatever, for the good of their causes.

The lion is always ready to come to the rescue of whoever deserves it. Years of people and children forever can pay for a person with such names, they can’t in any way instill wine. Prote varto remembrance, that in order to try to infringe on Leo's vanity, you can drink the wrath of the "king of creatures" in the future.

Vishukanіst and elegance are the most famous drawings of Leva. Vin is admired by the manners of a true gentleman, loves to look smartly, to please the most aesthetically pleasing and charming people.

Kohannya ta slub

A man, who is proud to wear the name of Leo, sayings on the permanent sharpening of the garnih girls, through which, with a choice, you need to be careful. At the link with the cym vin, you can make friends with each other, which is why the number of batkivs will join. Shvidshe for all schlyub cholovіk to join not through strong pochutya. Regardless of the price, the companion can embellish your life and remind you with new farbs.

Zavdyaks of the meaning of the name Leo do not gain their own feelings and often suffocate, especially in the early days. Being friendly, a person writes with his squad. Vybir pade on yaskravu that extraordinary specialty from a decent homeland. The woman of the heart Leva can be vihovana and reasonable. Until then, I should learn to learn the boots of the garne of the state, to the fact that the head of this will be without exception the uniqueness of his household shoes.

To love the children of Leo and to be happy to spend an hour with them.


The person who wears the name Leo, has a non-abyak physical strength, which allows him to overcome the robot, be it folding. Vіn vіdpovіdalno go to the choice of specialty, after which the building povnіstyu dedicate a profession to himself. Zavdyaki tsyom vin can reach success and reach professional heights. The phenomenal memory of Leo and the high ground in mathematics and linguistic sciences stand behind the success of the political gatherings.

Leo's best talent can be demonstrated in the sphere of management and management. A person should be just right to practice leadership, and the winds of natural pride of the wines of the building on the creation of a powerful enterprise. Business acumen to help you reach the most efficient economic development for any lucrative project.

V_dom_ individuals z im'yam Leo

Among these:

Form in culture

Im'ya Leo often celebrated the creation of characters in literary works, and inspired by robots with various creative projects. Among the most beautiful applications can be called:

  1. "Lev Gurich Sinichkin" - a film by Oleksandr Belinsky, filmed in 1974. Є ekranіzatsiєyu one-named creation of Dmitry Lensky.
  2. Prince Lev Mishkin is the central figure in Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky's novel "The Idiot".

Harmony according to father

The fathers, who are planning their family rebirth, are praying for us in front of the future child. The life of the child will be accepted in the distance by the name of the father. They gave a number of performances of the best harmony in the father's way for children on the name of Lev.

  1. Mikolayovich.
  2. Egorovich.
  3. Іllich.
  4. Kostyantinovich.
  5. Kuzmich.
  6. Mikhailovich.
  7. Pavlovich.
  8. Semenovich.

Mensh harmony according to the father:

  1. Aristarkhovich.
  2. Opanasovich.
  3. Vasilovich.
  4. Viktorovich.
  5. V'yacheslavovich.
  6. Volodymyrivka.
  7. Evgenovich.
  8. Maksimovich.

Neutral according to father:

  1. Ivanovich.
  2. Oleksiyovych.
  3. Bogdanovich.
  4. Anatoliyovich.
  5. Romanovich.
  6. Stepanovich.
  7. Eduardovich.

Names of children according to father Lvovich/Lvivna

The grown-up Lion, thinking about the continuation of the family, is guilty of naming his future child as a fault. Krym bazhannya, it is necessary to understand, as if I were harmoniously moving along with my father Lvovich / Lvivna. The largest in the distance, the links become like this:

  1. Athanasius.
  2. Antonina.
  3. Valentine.
  4. Elizabeth.
  5. Kostyantin.
  6. Margarita.
  7. Semeniv.
  8. Novel.
  9. Rodion.
  10. Kuzma.
  11. Tetyana.

Now you know everything about the beautiful and sonorous name Leo.

3 and 5 birch, as well as 20 breasts celebrate the names of people whose name is Lev. Pohodzhennya that meaning of some kind of duzhe tsіkavo. The choice of the name has always been given great respect by people, the skin of them has its own little history. Let's look at the ancient times and garne of the name Leo, the similarity of that meaning, which at first glance does not attract riddles.

The meaning of that pohodzhennya name

The two simplest versions of the adventure. As far as the meaning, it doesn’t matter to guess what the name Leo means. Prote analysis of the name of the rozpochat is necessary for the trip. Im'ya may be Latin root, look like the word Leo, which means lion. There is also another version about those that Leo is named after, like a ancient Greek root. Greek word "leon" and may mean "king of the beasts". Yak bachimo, tse garne historically im'ya maє maєchnu power, yak priblyuє success. A person z cim im'yam can reach a lot of things in life, even if the royal nature is guilty of living in luxury.

I'm a child

Vlasnik of this name is to blame for the mother of such a figure, like nobility, courage, otherwise it can be a mother of a significant character. If it’s worth it to choose a name for it, it’s a good option, but only in that mood, like the fathers are enthralled, that they can writhe a child of a strong spirit and will. On the right, in what is more beautiful, that nobler im'ya imposes a serious viability. If you think better, raising Leo in his youth, he is guilty of developing self-sufficiency in himself, then his nature will harmonize with his names, and in the future, we’ll gratify on yoga melancholy. If the situation is proliferating, then the boy will become suspicious and unbearable. It’s not easy to make a decision, it’s not easy to make a decision for a child, but there are a lot of pluses for the melancholy of this beautiful historical name and there are no minuses.

Leo: characteristics of the name

The person is tolerant of pardons, diplomatic, equal doti, docks її do not know about yourself. Close people know better than to anger Lev. If you think about it, then Leo - I'm like to speak for myself. Representatives of this name often forget about safety, shyness to the point of risk, often go in for extreme sports. Lion - іm'ya, pojzhennya yode to that vin is guilty but the first and best of all, especially when choosing a companion. Women feel the inner strength of Leo, for they may always sympathize with you. Podkoryuvach zhіnochih hearts, razumnitsa and blush Lion, not zaznavatim, wanting to razozumіlіlі yomu true pritamanna. Nation panuvati, Leo will not become neither in this, nor on the robot. Yogo motto: if you make friends, then on the best, if you practice, then on a prestigious posh, that worships your talents.

The meaning of the name for children

Im'ya Leo (similar to that meaning of yoga) pours into the character of the boy who wears yoga. A child, like a right natural lion, is calm, problems are rarely blamed on her, she is always important to fathers, she does not stoop to manipulation and capriciousness. Significantly, that Leo is vulnerable in the soul, often worries, as if to remember the infamous to oneself from the side of the sick. Child z tsim im'yam, ring out the name of the class, yoga is respected by the school and the lads by the yard. The fathers are forever satisfied with the son, do not get blame for bad beats and windings, more streaming and tolerant. The lion turns his zdіbnosti literally to all objects, it’s easy for him to choose cohangs: the stench is easy for him. The lion of a child is more attached to his mother, with her in the new one, in no way can you make light welds, they are called unique. Ale did not care that Leo is quiet, vin, navpaki, always take an active part in both school and family life. Zavdyaks to his vibes Leo often becomes a leader, best of the class in the company of friends.

Lion at a grown-up life

Sound at the robot Levi's diligent, goal-directed and lucky. In the life of people, s tsim im'yam check for success, that glory is known. Zhittєvі heights reach quickly, kar'єrne growth of the naked. Levy is more practisedatnі, vmagayut everything that is necessary for them.

Levi's marriage is good, love is fair. The character manifests a desire to protect innocent images. Levi is gracious. To love beautiful and absolutely dissimilar women one on one. The stench does not care for the singing type, the stench loves diversity and values ​​kindness, fidelity, and prudence in ladies. The Levi themselves are non-scandalous people, but the squads may always be more impulsive.

Im'ya Leo

L. Tsimbalova also speaks about the adventure of the name Leo - the name of the king of the beasts. In biblical history, Leo is a symbol of the Colin of Judy, which the mustache of the Jews (Jews) looks like.

L. Tsimbalova describes Lev as an intelligent person and jokes to himself. There is truth in his words: the nature in young Leo is super-cheerful, we can be merciful, and at the same time, more timid. Little Levi, as written by L. Tsimbalov, is often afraid of the darkness, the fathers need to explain to the children that they should fight with their fears, even as the character becomes more bright. So L. Tsimbalova insists that it’s better not to spoil the little Lions, otherwise, if the stench grows up, then pretend to be right tyrants. Before їх vyhovannya next come respectfully and seriously. The share is given to the Levs by panuvannya over the mustache living essences. Carrying out the enemy's name, lead the people behind you. Lviv itself is called the creators of history.

Major professions

If I am a child Leo, then it is easy for him to be trained, no matter how long it is, he was given the following respect for such professions: doctor (radiologist, oculist), aircraft designer, writer, journalist, kravets.

So important is the rice of Lvіv polagaє in that the stench may garni garnіzatorski zdіbnostі.


Shlyub for Leo is more respectful, vin dovgo shukaє gіdnu companion, yak ruled yogo for all parameters. Spiritual closeness to him is even more important, to him, for one noble tribute, to work for his own choice, wanting, no doubt, the woman’s friendliness plays a primary role, like that її manners, enlightenment, culture and tribute to yourself. The lion is guilty of writing with his image.

A lion can boldly build a hat for afar with girls named after Aurora, Anna, Agniya, Ada, Dina, Veta, Olga, Victoria, Ella. Varto beware of stosunkiv from Lydia and Agnes.


Im'ya Leo is suitable for people who were born under the signs of Terezi, Leo and Cancer. It is not recommended to name them after Div, Avniv and Scorpio.


All Levi should try to be the best in their right, to rob them as universal leaders, to achieve glory, moreover, in all honest ways from the stagnation of creativity. I'm even stronger and more popular, attracting success, so among celebrities there is even more "Livok":

Football player Yashin, the best goalkeeper of Radiansky, and possibly, light football;

Count Tolstoy is a prominent Russian writer, and a thinker;

Prigunov is a popular actor in theater and cinema;

Shcherba is a dreamer;

Durov - Radiansky and Russian famous actor;

Gumilyov - radian and Russian teachings;

May - Russian poet, translator;

Landau is the legendary Radianian teaching.

So I would like to add that even a lot of saints wore tse im'ya.

Yak mi bachimo, Levi balakuni fortunes, lucky ones, how luck always laughs. Your prerogative is a good job, a miraculous career, a faceless woman, as if you voluntarily give your heart to the successful and self-made beautiful Lev. In the name of one plus, say thank you to the child, as if to call it maєmo. And what could be better for the loving fathers, the lower nobility, that your son will be good in power in his world.

Names: pozhennya that form

a lion- (Type of Greek) lion, king of animals.

Let's go: Levushka, Levunya, Levusya, Lviv, Lyonya, Lyosya, Lyok.

Dovіdnik of Russian names

a lion(Z walnuts).

Self-sufficient, vcheny, far-sighted. Shvidky, rishuchy. Chesny. Dobrosovistny. With organizational zdіbnosti. As a rule, one does not achieve self-sufficiency in a woman's life.

Mystery of the name oculus.ru

a lion- lion, king of the beasts (old Greek).
In the middle ages, wines were a symbol of the Resurrection, the shards of antiquity were conceived by the thought that the children of the lion, if they were born, for a stretch of three days they were dead, until the father turned them to life, zavdyaki to his soul in their muzzles.
I'm going to finish it wider.
Name zodiac: A lion.
Planet: Sunny.
Name color: golden.
Kamin-talisman: diamond.
Roslin is friendly: cedar, shipshina.
patron of the name: a lion.
happy day: week
Happy time to rock: summer
Basic rice: strength, kindness


Leo I of Rome, tato, 3 birch (18 fierce).
a lion, holy martyr, 20 (7) chest.
a lion, saint, bishop of Katansky, 5 birch (20 fierce). Vin was famous for his kindness to the merciful to the zhebrakіv and mandrіvnikіv, by the power of prayer he healed the sick. At that hour, the sorcerer Iliodor is alive, who attacked the people with hib miracles. Once Iliodor took him to the temple, the de bishop performed the divine service, trying to rule the lazy. Bachachi people, who are scandalous for chaklun navіyuvannya, St. Leo viyshov from vvtarya i, having tied the enchantress with his omophorion (part of the church garrison), vivіv yogo from the temple on the square. There, having punished the vines to build a bagattya and without a wagon, he wielded the fire together with the sorcerer, comforting the enchanter with an omophorion. Iliodor died, and St. Leo, by the power of God, became unmarried. He died close to 780.


I believe that it is impossible to marvel at Leo of Katansky at the falling stars, otherwise you will be toiling at the sights.


Little Levko can be super-cheerful in authority: he’s good, but he’s afraid, for example, drive or be dark, he’s not dark, he’s a lazy, kind, generous, or he can be his mystical and zhorstok. The fathers are guilty of the nobility, because with fences that are punishing, especially humiliating, the stench cannot reach anything. Shards to the numerous bajans of Levushka, mother and tato to take away the domestic tyrant and serve his filthy service - far from everyone is given command in a grown-up life.

L'ov's school also shows contrasts. It is easy to learn from you, but you are lazy, it is better to add practicality and perseverance to you.

Good waving Leo is a sumly person. Endowed with a rose and a touch of humor. Napoleglivy at reach meti. Mostly calm and phlegmatic, kind to people. However, it’s better not to anger him, you can become angry, it’s hard and harder to put a fake on a plate. Vtіm, zazdrіsnikіv and dobrozichlivtsіv u. yoga may not be, the shards are all winnowing kindness, readiness to come to the rescue. Leo especially loves old children, ready to help the weak and helpless, sensitively, with a strong heart, to reach the sick.

Most of all, Leo chooses the profession of a doctor, radiologist, oculist. You can become an aircraft designer, a radio telemaster, a military serviceman, a journalist, a writer. The lion becomes a handsome man or a woman’s perforator, and a sparkling and fashionable master. Lion of honor, maє organizatorskie zdіbnostі, authority, but in unsatisfactory situations can be ruined.

From his early youth, Lev had a great inclination to the protileous state. Growing up, vin turbovaniya stateevimi problems, and the least failure zhakhaє. The lion does not change the woman, the value of the mіtsnі stosunki. The status of closeness at the new obov'yazkovo is tied with spiritual closeness. Leo's friends more than once: youmu's squads often trapleyutsya impulsive and nevirnі. The lion among the squad most values ​​loyalty, kindness, patience, sexuality. For a happy love, Leo is kind, sensitive, chuyny, he receives guests from satisfaction, loves to go to the theater, to concerts. It is hard to love children, their ailments are hard to bear. Successful way of Leo's courage with Aurora, Anna, Ada, Viktoria, Irina, Claudia, Olga, Polina, Tamara, Eleonora and Elloy.

According to the father: Lvovich, Lvivna.

I'm in history and mysticism

Lev Samoylovich Bakst (1866-1924) - artist, graphic artist, theatrical decorator, member of the largest inter-city association "World of Art".

One of the most famous paintings by Lev Bakst is "Long agony" (1908). On the canvas it is represented that the sea is flooded with a glare of gleams of an old stony land. On a smoldering landscape in the foreground, an archaic statue of a mysteriously smiled goddess is depicted. The picture can be understood like a flamboyant clouding of an old idea: "Life is short, mysticism is eternal."

The period of 1907-1917 is especially favorable for Bakst. Russian ballet seasons are being organized near Paris. The success of "Russian Seasons" was truly triumphant, and Bakst's scenery played a role in it. Already the first production of Bakst-Cleopatra (1909) celebrated the greatness of the eye. Bagatobarvna barvisty groaned at the peeping man. As written by A. Benois, artist, one of the founders of "The World of Mystery", "on this marvelous (granite-and-brown and gloomy-violet), brightly colored, hot and stuffy background, the purples of the costumes lit up so richly, gold shone, black summer feathers, Cleopatri's litter was poked so nastily...

The decorations and costumes on those ancient mythologies - the ballet "Daphnis and Chloe", "Afternoon of the Faun's Arms" were of a tinted-Vishukan style, they played music.

At the scenery until "Scheherazade" (1910), now, the farbies are buoyed by the images - important emerald-green draperies, which lay under the underlay of a crooked-red kilim and a dark blue day in the depths of the stage.

In sketches to suits, Bakst created the master's style. Vіn zobrazhuvav postatі in rusі, more active, energetic. In the light of this hair, it spreads out to the sides, light fabrics dress up the clothes ... The decorative art of Lev Bakst was the main point of the "Russian Seasons" near Paris.

The success of Bakst, the superb thoughtfulness and the decorativeness of the costumes, spurred the masters of the houses of fashion to turn to the new one from the designs on the designs of the costumes. The birth of Bakst's robot began with the current fashion dictator Poiret. For Russia, such a sphere of stagnation of artistic talent was still unknown, the public marveled at the drive of yoga "wonderful" and "unreasonable" interest to everyday speeches - an ode. Ale Bakst seriously approached the meeting of the models. Youmu costume meaning bigger, lower is just a necessary item. And in the last hour, and in the present, the costume, - saying wine, - "that spiritualized form of the whole period of civilization has been thinned out." The shards in the houses of the models were served only for the first time, even the narrowest of the coats, then the vishukan supremacy, the extravagance of the model was respected for the necessary quality. Bakst embroidered little ones for the cycles of costumes in the "similar", "Indian", "antique" styles. Bakst saw himself not as a craftsman-craftsman, but as an artist, who bestowed his creations on his own life, hobbed with honor, especially my own, who awakened the associations that help me.

Malovnichiy's gift, mastery of volodinny tekhnіkoy, freedom in choosing manners and lofty relish always challenged Lev Bakst's creations.

Published with kind permission to the project "OCULUS" - astropsychology.

Leo - in short, sonorous than a man, what he wears to a person, what to wear, by the power of that statue of the king of the beasts.

Podzhennya name

The ancient representatives of humankind - the Romans and Greeks - endowed the majestic lion with the building to revive their dead children: as a leftist from the pride brought lifeless lion cubs to the light, the head of the creaturely family was enough to breathe on a small tіltse, і royal heart.

Honorably and proudly, the fathers of a man of status wore the tse im'ya Lev. The meaning of the name for the child already from the childhood signified a її unpretentious, bullish character and promised a happy share.

Zagalna characteristic

In order to take into account the basic statement about the character of Leo, try to guess, what kind of rice can the straight nose of the sign - the king of animals: strength, serenity, fearlessness, line, importance, povolnist, nezalezhnist. The skin is the quality of a song, the fallow is more vihovannya, the world will be domineering to your little one.

The young Levochka is characterized as a kind, gray-living, rickety and trochic lad. Vіn can be shoveled into omentums, nazdoganyannya with one-liners, grati with soldiers and cars, ale trochs until the boring ones to take - for example, I’ll take it, or reading nabridli books - like to Lvov from nіzvіdki come drowsiness, pozihannya, vodzhe say more, exhausted.

Shouting at a cry in such vipadkas is not a varto, even a lad can’t do it, you just can’t rationally exercise your strength. The fathers have additionally reconsidered the tactics of drawing monotonous references from cheerful games, as well as the zhorst order of the day, which is to accustom Lev to planning.

Among one-year-olds, and at times even older lads, Lvov is a non-perfect leader, “a team of guards”. Vіn vіdіznyаєєє vysokoyuєєєє іntelekt, pokoєm і nedityachoyu wisdom, yak opposing otochuyuschie grown-ups.

Vlasnik of a terrible name, talented and musical. You can show yourself at sports, inspire the career of a military leader of a great industrial company. And maybe, the lad will become a prominent surgeon, composer, actor or vocalist.

Positive character drawing

Integrity, the makings of a leader, spiritual harmony, that kindness will lead Lev for a share and direct him to the right path. Vіn is powerful to himself, even summіnny, and as a child to cope with congenital lenn, reaching his kar'ernih heights already in the first ten years after fullness.

The sanctity of the family fire is not transcendent for Levi, and the woman in the family, in my opinion, is an unspoken bat and guardian of the family. Napolevny, possessive and serious in a working atmosphere, Leo allows himself to relax at home, calm conditions and conveys to the kohaniy squads all the innovations to feel at home.

Negative drawings

For Leo, unacceptability in life can be blamed for its inconsistency and stubbornness to risky entrances. Gambling in the name of zahoplyuvatisya is not a trace, and it is proponed by colleagues from business that the adventure is more likely not to stray, as a part of the risk to spend hard-earned.

Zavazha Levi that yogo transcendental vpertist, at once from self-sufficiency. If a person is in the game, if it’s in his head, it will be folded smoothly.

Zodiac sign

The Vlasnik of the name is carried for life, like the fault of the people in the identical sign - Levi.
Clean up the royal power and make your heart proud, the patron of the name - the Sun.
Zhovtі tone clothes with elements of golden decor (or just golden robes) to reinforce charisma and stick to Levon's vdacha.
In the face of unkindness and misfortune at the risky right, the namesake of the king of the beasts should be defended against the supreme talisman - a diamond.


Leva, Levka, Levochka, Levka, Levik, Levshik, Levusya, Levenya, Leo, Leon.

Name options

Lyon, Levon, Leo, Leon, Lyo, Lionel, Linel, Levko.

Historical individuals

1828 - 1910 - Russian writer Leo Tolstoy.
1899-1970 - theorist of Radyansk cinema, film director Lev Kuleshov.
1905 - 1970 - Radyansk writer, screenwriter Lev Kassil.
1908 - 1968 - Radyansk theoretical physicist, academician Lev Landau.
1912 - 1992 - historian, archaeologist, writer of the USSR Lev Gumilyov.
1930 - 2005 - Radian theater and film actor Lev Milinder.
1931 - 2015 - Radian, Russian actor, teacher, director Lev Durov.
1933 - 2000 - Ukrainian actor Lev Perfilov.
1933 - 2011 - actor of the Radian and post-tradyansk hours Lev Borisov.
1940 - 2012 - American musician Levon Helm.
1958 - 2015 - Russian guitarist-virtuoso of Russian blood Levon Vardanyan.
1940 born - Russian pianist, actor, TV presenter Levon Oganezov.
1942 born - estradny spivak, merited artist of the RRFSR Lev Leshchenko.
1957 born – writer, political scientist from Ukraine Lev Vershinin.
1987 born - Argentine football player Leo (Lionel) Messi.


12 September
02 fierce
03, 05 Bereznya
31 grass
Episode 14
31 sickles
24 spring
24 days
25 leaf fall
20 chest.


  1. V. A. Nikonov (V. A. Nikonov). "Shukaє im'ya" (Stare at im'ya). View. "Radyanska Russia". Moscow, 1988. ISBN
  2. N. A. Petrovsky (N. A. Petrovsky). "Glossary of Russian Special Names" (Glossary of Russian Names). TOV Vidavnitstvo "AST". Moscow, 2005.

Leo - I have been more popular for ten years now. It's true, the power of that power is seen in the new one. Affectionate animal - Lova, Levushka. And don’t let the deyaks vvazhayut yogo old and don’t call the old Christians, so thoughts can be thrown out, shards of the stench of pardon, and even the name day of Leva, the kilka once on the river.

The meaning of the name Leo

For the meanings of the name, it is important to have mercy. The lion is the king of the beasts." Otherwise, you can designate yogo as "The Strongest".


To resemble the name of the Greek language, shards on the Slavic lands of such a creature, no one knew. Naming the child Leo, the fathers spodіvayutsya, scho blue virost strong and successful hut of human society.

In the epoch of the Serednovichchya, tse im'ya meant a symbol that would speak about the turn of life of the wind of one legend. It was said in her that the young people of the lions are born dead, but the Tsar’s breath will revive them to a new life.

If the church calendar is named after Lev

On the vіdmіnu bіlshostі khristianskih іnmen, Leo can celebrate the svyatіvі іnіnі rich times. It is necessary to remember that the day of the angel will be remembered by the saint, whose name is to be found in the calendar closest to the day of the birth of the child. So, saints can intercede for Leva, such days became such days:

Characteristics of the name

A person, who wears the name, is at the same time unique and transferable. Those, like everything will go to the new, cannot understand anyone.


Greater Lviv - people are active, they may have an enviable physical shape, protest the blame. If Leo is assiduous, not even temperamental, then it is possible to blame problems from the snow and ridge. Some of them can be powerful ailments that affect the heart-vascular system and nerves. With the weak muscles of Leva, you can pierce the bones and ligaments, the heart and the slack.

Buried and hobbies

Leo is a very passionate person. In sports wines, love the hour of activity, which shows itself individual vibrancy, strength, and tranquility. These are seen as:

  • struggle;
  • swimming;
  • fishing;
  • Mountaineering.

Irrespective of the passion of passion, Lev has a little more guilt than the world. You know for sure if the varto is snarling, so that you don’t make a fool.

Sim'ya that kokhannya

In young people, Leo often suffers from innocence in himself in the presence of women. With a century of wines, one sings at one’s abilities, but youthful fear can sometimes manifest itself by stretching a mustache life. Tse to bring to the point that Leo is trying to bring, that the fault of the miraculous cohanets is that bazhan man. At the link with cym, Leo often changes his partner, so as not to talk about inconsistency in character. Vіn can change, but only doti, do not look at the docks for the very one, ideally suited to this Leo woman. With her, Leo will be happy until the end of his life.

A woman, as if you become a beauty for Leo, is guilty of such a mother’s guilt:

  • neatness;
  • pomіrna partiality;
  • eccentricity;
  • love before experiments;
  • vidsutnіst bazhannya porіvnyannya cholovіkіv mіzh itself;
  • fidelity.

If the Lion sighed in a right way, then get bored in a slightly more povnistyu. Vіn gallantly watch for the image, inspecting everything for yourself. Even more jealous, in no way do not vibrate thoroughly for the sake of it.

Trying to know your unity, Leo can create this sprat once. The best woman often does not call out the vibe of addictions, which alerts a person. Doing this, Vіn just shows pedantry and tightness, which often plays the opposite. In addition, be it an encroachment on the supremacy of Leo in the booth, call out a negative reaction.

Regardless of everything, Leo is a miracle Sim'yanin. Vіn to the family obov'yazkіv go with the strength of vіdpovidalnistyu. Children of youmu are a special joy. The lion loves with his mustache heart, apparently, he tries to spend more than an hour with his own, priluchayuschie little ones to vlasnykh zahopleni.

If Leo knows his wife, then his fidelity is guaranteed. You will forever protect your pride and yoga members, becoming a right defender and a gang.


Nayaskravishі risi character:

  • take up less cіkavim yoma on the right;
  • gospodarsky, on the border with pedantry;
  • impressive as to himself, so to otchennya;
  • clear leader;
  • vmіє organize dozvіllya;
  • good smooth over superchki;
  • proud to the point of intransigence;
  • funny;
  • I have great strength of spirit;
  • sumlіnny;
  • fussy;
  • neat;
  • communication;
  • not more diligent;
  • often linear;
  • non-transfers;
  • generous;
  • talent;
  • dbaylivy;
  • stubborn;
  • passionate.

Let not all the evils be called good, but all the others peacefully coexist peacefully in one character, giving rise to a unique and unique specialty in the region.


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