Mixing equipment for warm conditions: rules for installing a collector. Correct connection of the warm base manifold - ensuring the effectiveness of your robot Solder the warm base manifold

Mixing equipment for warm conditions: rules for installing a collector. Correct connection of the warm base manifold - ensuring the effectiveness of your robot Solder the warm base manifold

When the water preheat is removed from the substrate, a number of pipes are laid - a number of sections, which are called contours. All smells are started on a device that distributes and collects coolant - a collector for a warm substrate.

Purpose and see

The heat of the water substrate is reduced by the large number of pipe contours and the low temperature of the coolant that circulates in them. Basically, it is necessary to heat the heat transfer fluid to 35-40°C. The only boilers that currently operate in this mode are gas condensing boilers. Ale stinks are rarely installed. All other types of boilers produce hot water at the output. However, with such a temperature in the circuit, it is impossible to start it - even in a hot environment it is uncomfortable. To reduce the temperature and the required mixing units. In these proportions, hot water flows from the supply and reaches the return pipe. After this, through the manifold for the warm substrate, it is supplied to the circuit.

Collector for warm floor with mixing unit and circulation pump

To ensure that all circuits have water at the same temperature, it is supplied to a warm substrate comb - a device with one input and several outputs. A similar comb collects chilled water from the circuits, which goes to the boiler inlet (and often goes to the boiler). This device - the supply and return combs - is also called a collector for a warm substrate. You can go with a knot underneath, or you can go without a comb without any additional “want.”


The collector for the warm base is made from three materials:

When installed before the comb that supplies the manifold, the inputs of the heating circuits are connected, and before the comb of the return pipeline, the outputs of the loops are connected. They are connected in pairs to make it easier to regulate.


It is recommended to operate all circuits in one day. This is necessary so that the heat transfer to the skin loop remains constant. Skoda shoino tse ideal option comes up infrequently. Much more often than not, there is a lot of activity after dinner, and it’s worth it.

To verify the heat transfer of all circuits on the supply comb, install vitratomers, and control valves on the return comb. Vitratomy is a device with a clear plastic cover with graduated gradations. The plastic body has a floater, which means that the liquid flows around this loop.

It turns out that the less heat transfer occurs, the room will be cooler. To adjust the temperature regime, change the vitrata on the skin contour. With this configuration, the collector for a warm bed must be removed manually using the control valves installed on the gate comb.

Change the vitrata by turning the knob of the auxiliary regulator (there is a stronger stench in the photo white color). To make it easier to navigate, when installing the collector assembly, all contours must be labeled.

This option is wrong, but you have to regulate the heat, and then adjust the temperature manually. Don't forget about it too much. To automate regulation, servo drives are installed at the inputs. The stench comes from a couple of room thermostats. Depending on the situation, a command is sent to the servo drive to close or open the flow. With this method, maintaining the set temperature is automated.

Budova zmіshuvalnogo vuzla

The mixing group for warm conditions can be based on a two-way or three-way valve. Since the burning system is mixed - with radiators and warm substrates, then the unit also has circulation pump. Since the boiler has its own circulation system, it is not possible to “squeeze” all the loops of the warm lining. So put another one. And the one in the cauldron works on the radiators. In this case, this group of inodes is called a pumping-mixing unit.

Diagram of a three-way valve

A three-way valve is a device that mixes two streams of water. In this case, the supply water and cold water in the return pipeline are heated.

In the middle of this valve there is a rotary regulating sector that regulates the intensity of flow. cold water. This sector can be controlled by a thermal relay, manual or electronic thermostat.

The scheme of the mixing unit on a tri-way valve is simple: the hot water supply and return are connected to the valve outputs, as well as the output that goes to the comb that supplies the manifold for the warm substrate. After the three-way valve, a pump is installed that “presses” water into the back of the comb, which supplies (important!). Just behind the pump, a temperature probe was installed from the thermal head installed on the three-way valve.

It’s all like this:

  • Hot water comes out of the cauldron. At the first moment, it is passed through the valve without mixing.
  • The temperature sensor transmits information to the valve about whether the water is hot (the temperature is higher than the set one). The three-way valve opens the water supply from the return.
  • In such a system, the system operates until the water temperature reaches the set parameters.
  • The three-way valve cuts off the cold water supply.
  • In such a system, the system pumps until the water becomes too hot. Then the mixture opens again.

The robot's algorithm is clumsy and intelligent. However, this scheme has one drawback - it is possible that in case of failures, hot water will be supplied to the heating circuit immediately, without mixing. Since pipes in a warm environment are laid mainly with polymers, with a strong influx of high temperatures, stinks can collapse. Unfortunately, this little bit of this scheme cannot be included.

Please note that on the diagram, the jumper - bypass - is painted in a green color. This is required in order to operate the boiler without wasting money. This situation can occur if all shut-off valves on the warm floor manifold are closed. The situation will not be at fault if there is no loss of heat transfer at all. In this case, since there is no bypass in the circuit, the boiler may overheat (it may overheat) and burn out. If there is a bypass, the water from the supply through a jumper (using a pipe whose diameter is slightly smaller than the main one) will be supplied to the boiler inlet. There will be no overheating, everything will operate in normal mode until loss occurs (the temperature in one or more circuits will not drop).

Diagram of a two-way valve

A two-way valve is placed in the cauldron supply. A balancing valve is installed at the junction between the supply and return pipelines. This control device is adjusted to the required supply temperature (adjustable with a hex key). Vn indicates the quantity of cold water that is supplied.

The two-way valve must be installed with a temperature sensor. As in the front scheme, the sensor is placed after the pump, and the coolant pump is placed at the back of the comb. Only then does the intensity of the hot water supply to the boiler change. Apparently, the temperature of the water supplied to the pump inlet changes (cold and stable flow).

As you know, the addition of cold water in such a scheme is always necessary, so in this scheme it is impossible to drain water into the circuits directly behind the boiler. Then the scheme can be called reliable. Alternatively, the mixing group on the two-way valve can ensure heating of up to 150-200 square meters of warm water substrate - there are no valves with greater productivity.

Select valve parameters

Both two-way and three-way valves are characterized by flow capacity and productivity. This is a value that reflects the amount of heat transfer that you can pass through in one hour. Most often it appears in liters per hvilina (l/hv) or cubic meters per year (m 3 /year).

In general, when designing a system, it is necessary to develop a design - to determine the throughput of the heating circuits, tighten the hydraulic support, etc. If you assemble the collector for a warm cover with your own hands, you rarely have to worry about unraveling. Most often we rely on preliminary data, but they look like this:

  • valves with a volume of up to 2 m 3 /year can provide the needs of approximately 50-100 sq.m. warm underlays (100 squares - stretched with good insulation).
  • Since the productivity (also referred to as KVS) is from 2 m 3 /year to 4 m 3 /year, they can be installed on systems in which the area of ​​the warm substrate is no more than 200 square meters;
  • for an area of ​​over 200 m2, the required productivity is over 4 m 3 /year, but it is more common to use two mixing units - this will be simpler.

The materials used for valves are two-way and three-way valves - brass and stainless steel. When choosing this element, take into account the firm’s and verifications – from their robots, keep in mind all the warm reasons. There are three obvious leaders behind the yakist: Oventrop, Esbi, Danfos.

NameCustomized sizeBody/rod materialProductivity (KVS)Maximum water temperaturePrice
Danfoss three-way VMV 151/2" inchbrass/stainless steel2.5 m3/year120°C146 € 10690 RUR
Danfoss three-way VMV-203/4" inchbrass/stainless steel4 m3/year120°C152€ 11127 RUR
Danfoss three-way VMV-251" inchbrass/stainless steel6.5 m3/year120°C166€ 12152 RUR
Esbe three-way VRG 131-151/2" inchbrass/composite2.5 m3/year110°C52€ 3806 RUR
Esbe three-way VRG 131-203/4" inchbrass/composite4 m3/year110°C48€ 3514 RUR
Barberi V07M20NAA3/4" inchbrass1.6 m3/yearregulation limit - 20-43 ° C48€ 3514 RUR
Barberi V07M25NAA1" inchbrass1.6 m3/yearregulation limit - 20-43 ° C48€ 3514 RUR
Barberi 46002000MB3/4" inchbrass4 m3/year110°C31€ 2307rub
Barberi 46002500MD1" inchbrass8 m3/year110°C40€ 2984rub

There is one more parameter that requires choosing between regulation of the heat transfer temperature. The characteristics indicate the minimum and maximum temperature. If you live in Srednyaya Smuza, or on a daily basis, during the off-season period, the temperature in the room is comfortable, so that the lower control range is 30°C or less (at 35°C it is already special). In this case, the range of regulation can be as follows: 30-55°C. For outdoor regions or with poorly insulated underlays, take the adjustment limit at 35 degrees.

When collecting, the mixing group is installed in front of the warm substrate collector. Then the coolant of the required temperature is lost to the circuit.

Installation of a warm substructure is already carried out on the right, even though it will be necessary to spend not only on the heating circuits that will be installed in the substructure, but also on the additional equipment for safety normal work heating systems. Such equipment includes manifolds, pumps, valves and sensors. In this situation, we understand how to select a collector for a warm lining on your own, saving your money.

What is a warm lining collector?

The collector is a set of parts that allow heat transfer to flow through the core: mixing and distributing heat from parallel rings. A large overflow and low liquidity allow mixing the hot coolant that is supplied from the boiler and the warm one that comes out of the scorching pipes, which allows the temperature of the coolant to be adjusted to the required values.

In order to properly mix the return (cooled water from the circuits at the bottom) and hot water to the required temperature, various sensors are installed on the system: a water temperature sensor, a heat sensor on the street and a temperature sensor in the middle of the system. Sensors provide information to valves that mix coolant. A warm manifold assembled with a pump and a special sensor can control the pressure on the system.

To better understand the principle of operation and the necessity of this system, pay attention to the next step: the heating system, heating radiators and showers are connected to the boiler. The shower draws hot water at a temperature of approximately 70°C, the scorching radiators draw out coolant at a temperature of 75°C, and to warm up the substrate a total of 50°C is required so that the temperature of the finishing surface does not exceed the sanitary standard of 30° C.

Collector details

For stable operation of the mixing unit you will need:

  1. The mixing valve, which we’ll talk about below;
  2. A pump that allows you to control the pressure of water (more details:);
  3. Close and balance valves;
  4. Sensors: pressure gauge and thermal head with thermometer;
  5. The air that accumulates in the system requires stable operation and must be vented with an air vent.
  6. You will need a variety of plumbing connections: triplets, fittings, etc.

Mixing valves

In general, there are two types of mixing valves that are installed in the manifold unit for a warm substrate: a two-way valve and a three-way valve. They are convinced by the principles of their work, as the report reveals.

How a two-way valve works:

  1. The thermal head with a temperature sensor detects the heating of the coolant located near the circuit;
  2. If the water temperature exceeds the norm, the thermal head closes the valve to change the supply of hot water;
  3. If the heating water temperature is lower than necessary, the valve opens and the amount of hot water in the circuit increases.

As you know, the operation of the two-way valve is responsible for controlling the supply of hot water, so that in a steady stream. This valve has a low flow capacity, which ensures smooth heating of the substrate. If the room in which you are going to install a heat exchanger is less than 200 square meters, then you can replace the mixing valve.

To make an entrance and date: connect the mixing valve to the separate manifold for a warm base, then install it through the connector with a suitable coupling, which will allow you to easily make a replacement if the valve becomes faulty.

Three way valve operation:

  1. The three-way valve simultaneously balances the boiler and hot water from the boiler in the middle through the bypass;
  2. In the middle of the valve there is a special flapper, installed perpendicular to the hot water and return pipes;
  3. The position of the damper changes, which regulates the end temperature of the heat transfer fluid, which changes.

Such a valve is ideal for large scorching systems, for example, for use in a number of scorching circuits. It is also recommended because the collector group for warm water is designed to automatically regulate the water temperature. The system operates automatically; servo drives are installed on the valve, which is monitored by weather and temperature sensors.

The three-way valve has two sections:

  1. Changing the substrate temperature must be done abruptly;
  2. Due to the high throughput of the building, it is difficult to regulate the temperature, and even a small change in the position of the valve can lead to large temperature changes. Read also: "".

Chi varto automate the system

First of all, we should talk about weather sensors. The stench allows you to adjust the temperature of the cool air, spreading to the temperature outside the window of your booth. You could do this on your own, if frosts come uncontrollably, for example, if you are sleeping, then going into the cabin can become significantly colder, and in such situations the weather sensors themselves will not allow you to freeze.

Weather sensors are most often installed using temperature sensors in the middle of the room, in order to displace the valve by 1/20 part, if the temperature in the cabin is lower than necessary.

Collapsible manifold

Having selected all the parts of the heating system, you can proceed to folding. You can install a mixer in the external or internal cabinets, please remember that the external cabinets can accommodate a system up to 16 cm wide.

The diagram of the warm base collector is shown in the photo. It is important to familiarize yourself with it and choose your system according to this scheme.


The collector is necessary for lining the heating system in the cabin, you may be charged only the price, by connecting a warm substrate to the collector it will significantly reduce the energy costs for heating the water.

When vikoristanna autonomous scorching In a private booth, situations sometimes arise if the system is insufficiently effective. Such a problem, if all the elements of the system are correctly designed and installed, and the temperature in the booth does not reach the required level, is extremely unacceptable and will require improvement.

The most suitable option for solving this problem is to install a separate manifold. Such collector groups for scorching can be added to the finished product, or you can protect and create them independently. This article is about how to make a separate scorching collector with your own hands.

Purpose of the scorching collector

Any burning system must adhere to one important rule - the diameter of the pipe that comes out of the boiler must be a little less than the total diameter of all circuits connected to that boiler. This rule will consistently lead to an uneven distribution of heat transfer.

For the butt, you can look at the system, to which three reinforcement circuits are connected:

  • Radiator not scorched;
  • Warmth of the sublogue;
  • An indirect heating boiler will provide hotter water than the water supply.

The diameters of the pipes at the outlet from the boiler and at the inlet of the boiler can be increased, but the total value of the remaining pipes will be an order of magnitude larger. As a result, a very simple phenomenon arises - the boiler, which is subject to renewed pressure, simply unable to simultaneously ensure the operation of all connections to new circuits. Through this, there is a decrease in the temperature in the room.

Of course, you can try vicorising all the circuits so that the stench does not invade the boiler overnight. Theoretically, such entries seem possible, but in practice the stink appears no more than just one step at a time - the constant “juggling” of contours cannot be called an attribute of comfortable living in a booth.

To avoid such problems, you need to install a separate manifold. For the production of such collectors, use stainless steel pipes, or you can use other options - for example, polypropylene collectors for burning are often used.

The structure itself is a structure with a set of pipes for the inlet and outlet of heat transfer, as well as for the subcircuit along adjacent circuits. Regulation of all operating parameters is carried out using additional shut-off valves, which are equipped with any manifold.

The main function of the split manifold is reflected in its name - the pump distributes coolant along adjacent circuits, and the supply intensity can be adjusted at the skin pipe. Through the war there emerges a number of contours that are independent of each other, the skin of which operates under a humid temperature regime.

Of course, it is possible to forgive the robot and get a ready-made collector, otherwise the solution may be short-lived. Thus, the production of scorching collectors at a factory simply cannot take into account the peculiarities of the skin scorching system, so it will be necessary to compensate for the characteristics of the collector with additional elements - and at the same time waste. Self-propelled devices can be programmed with factory ones for versatility, but are therefore much more suitable for customizing individual projects.

Collector attachment

Both the factory metal and the self-made polypropylene manifold includes two parts:

  1. The first element ensures the connection between the supply pipeline that leaves the boiler and the pipes of the scorching circuits that are supplied. This part of the collector distributes the hot coolant. This element of the collector is also important because it has the ability to make the circuits independent, which will simplify maintenance and repair. If the collector is damaged, in order to repair one of the circuits, it is enough to shut off the outlet valve, which shuts off the supply of coolant to the entire pipeline.
  2. The other part of the collector ensures regulation of the pressure on the skin contour, the scale of which determines the intensity of the coolant circulation. The efficiency of all scorching systems depends on the correct setting of the hot water circulation in the mains.

Lack of understanding often requires a set of additional elements to be added to the system, ensuring that these devices can optimize the combustion process. Most often, such a decision turns out to be a mistake, even if the unreasonable reasons for the decrease in the efficiency of heating do not allow the heating to be properly applied. Assembling a collector made of polypropylene with your own hands is most often the most necessary, optimal solution to the problem of low heat output.

Design of a self-propelled collector

The first stage of the work is the creation of a self-propelled split manifold and its design. Properly creating a project is essential to simplify the work and allow the creation of a clear boiled manifold for combustion, which is optimally suited for specific purposes of operation.

Before removing the combustion manifold, you should evaluate a number of parameters of the combustion chamber:

  • The number of scorching circuits that require the supply of coolant;
  • The strength and parameters of the heat treatment (tension, heating temperature, pressure, etc.);
  • The need and possibility of further incorporation of additional elements into the burning system;
  • Number of additional elements of the system (pumps, valves, shut-off valves, etc.).

  • Electric and gas fired boilers can be connected to the combustion manifold or below;
  • Due to the presence of a circulation pump in the combustion system circuit, boilers can be connected from the end of the manifold;
  • The cut-in of indirect heating boilers and solid burning boilers at the manifold can only be removed from the end side;
  • The supply of the skin contour is connected to the collector or below.

To be sure to understand how to correctly select the scorching collector, display your project on paper or disassemble it, if the circuit was created on a computer. The presence of a clear image with a detailed scale and the necessary number of elements makes it possible to check during the working hours to make editing adjustments.

On the wiring diagram it is necessary to indicate the dimensions of the skin part of the collector. For example, stand between the pipes that serve and the gates, you need to be close to 10-20 cm - to accommodate the larger or smaller side of the servicing device. A similar connection exists between the part of the collector that feeds and the gate.

The main component of the collector is functionality, but it is not necessary to forget about those that the device can be compact and looks decent. Moreover, since it is possible to create an accurate device, please report to this point.

DIY folding combs

The technology of a folding collector includes the following stages:

  • Depending on the dimensions assigned to the project, a large number of materials are required;
  • The pipes are connected one by one as specified in the project;
  • All pipes need to be connected one by one, using a vikorist and a supporting tool;
  • The area where the pipes are connected must be carefully cleaned and sealed with sealant;

  • If you assemble the collector yourself, you need to check it for leaks, closing all the pipes except one, and ensuring the supply of water to the new one - there is no leakage in the closed pipes, talking about those that the device has been assembled correctly;
  • The finished separate collector is prepared and dried;
  • Once caught, the devices can be installed in a selected location.


The comb of the split manifold for scorching can be created with your own hands without any particular problems. To complete this task, you need to prepare competently, first create a design project, and then carefully and diligently carry out all the necessary stages of selection. Right collection collector We completely conclude all provisions on the new function.

The initial requirements when designing an autonomous combustion system are equal division thermal wear. The main task of the heat supply system consists of a control and regulation unit - a separate manifold.

A competent choice of device, clear installation and connection will greatly contribute to the uninterrupted operation and reliability of the burner circuit. If you want to install a separate scorching manifold with your own hands, it is necessary to carry out further developments and design dilutions.

We will help you with all your nutrition needs. We looked at the design of the collector group, identified the pros and cons of the heating system with a comb, and described the rules for the design and installation of a separate unit.

Material updated practical pleasures from the selection of components, assembly and connection of the collector to the heating system.

When lining up a water pumping unit, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules: the total diameter of all units should not be greater than the diameter of the supply main.

This law applies to the combustion system, otherwise it looks like this: the boiler outlet fitting with a diameter of 1 inch is allowed to freeze in a double-circuit system with pipes with a diameter of ½ inch.

For a cabin with a small cubic capacity that is burned exclusively by radiators, such a system is considered productive.

For auxiliary spaces it will be sufficient to install temperature regime at 10-15 °C, for living rooms a temperature of up to 23 °C will be comfortable, for warm-floor contours - no more than 37 °C, otherwise the main coating may be deformed

In practice, private cottage equipped with a more modernized combustion circuit, where additional circuits will be updated:

  • heating multiple surfaces;
  • placement of an auxiliary type.

When the power supply is connected, the working pressure in the circuits becomes insufficient for the warm heating of all radiators, and the comfortable atmosphere mode will be disrupted.

In such a situation for the uncoated fire line, place the balancing valve behind an additional separate manifold. With this method, it is possible to compensate for the cooling of heated heat transfer, which is powerful in traditional one- and two-pipe schemes.

In addition to the installation of shut-off valves, the necessary indicators of heat transfer temperature for the skin line are adjusted.

Main characteristics of the collector system

Main difference between collector and standard linear method re-distribution of the thermal flow - distribution of the flows of a number of channels independent of each other. There may be various modifications of collector installations that vary in configuration and size range.

The collector circuit of the scorching circuit is often called promenovaya. This is due to the design features of the comb. When looking at the structure from the top point, you can notice that the pipelines that go out of it suggest images of sleepy exchanges.

The design of the welded manifold is simple. To the comb, which is a round or square pipe, connect the required number of pipes, which, in turn, are connected to individual lines of the heating circuit. The collector installation itself is connected to the head pipeline.

A valve is also installed and closed, which helps regulate the volume and temperature of the medium that is heated in the skin circuits.

The collector group, complete with all the necessary parts, can be added to the finished look or assembled independently, which will significantly reduce the output cost when designing heating

The positive aspects of operating a heating system, which is based on a separate collector, are:

  1. Centralization of hydraulic circuits The temperature displays are displayed evenly. The simplest model of a circular comb of two or more contour types can be used to effectively balance the displays.
  2. Regulation of operating modes of the heating main. The process is carried out due to the presence of special mechanisms - vitratomizers, a mixture unit, shut-off and control valves and thermostats. However, their installation requires correct structure.
  3. Availability of service. The need to carry out preventive or repair visits does not require switching off the entire burning system. Using the shell of a plug-in pipe fitting mounted on the skin-circuit, you can easily block the flow of coolant at the required level.

There are shortcomings in such a system. In front of us - the drainage of pipes is moving forward. Compensation for hydraulic losses is achieved by installing a circulation pump. It must be installed on all collector groups. Moreover, the solution is relevant including in burnt areas.

Modifications of collector units

Before you begin assembling a collector unit, it is necessary to consider its functional importance. The installation can be installed in several sections of the heating main. Based on this, the required equipment, dimensions and level of automation of the work cycle are selected.

In fact, for the full-fledged operation of such a node, two devices are required. Behind the additional comb, a division is carried out behind the contours of the thermal supply from the central pipeline that supplies it. The return collector channel represents the collection mechanism and the point of delivery of the source that has reached the boiler.

The collector firing circuit is selected based on the required functionality and installation location. The choice of material used in the production of the device does not affect a number of important mechanisms

Installation of a self-contained separate group may be necessary when treating a warm water base or for preparing a standard heating system with radiators.

Replacement rice for both options, their sizes and accessories:

  1. Boiler house. The welded manifold group is made from pipes with a diameter of up to 100 mm. A circulation pump and shut-off valves are installed on the supply side. The gate ring is equipped with overhead valves.
  2. Underfloor heating system. The same equipment is available in each unit. This will help to significantly save on thermal wear costs, especially if vitratomy is additionally installed. The report about the mixing node in the warm sublogue system was written in.

Each of these decisions transfers an individual installation scheme. Correctly installed All elements can be modified only after detailed adjustment of all operating point parameters.

The comb can be made from a material similar to that of the pipeline. As a matter of fact, adapters are used to connect the collector

The same applies to the required quantity. At the boiler room, the skin line is equipped with this device. For a subtext with heating, more than one installation is transferred.

Design of a subdivisional unit

There are no universal schemes for heating projects of the same type. The skin type is individual, so the uniform is equipped with the necessary equipment in a private manner. Please familiarize yourself with the official recommendations and rules.

Rules for installing the comb

Installation of the collector is cumbersome in the apartment. However, there is a problem with the rules - in some booths, when all communications have been cleaned, additional valves are installed, in addition to which the combustion circuits are connected. This device allows you to create individual dilution of the collector.

Schematically, the scorched area is laid out in such an order that the retouching was carried out on the comb. This option is considered optimal, because over time it is necessary to release more waste from the circuits.

Features of the promenev group

The exchange group of breeding has no nuances, but some of them are powerful and for burning other modifications.

Features of the system with comb:

  1. The circuit is supplied with a volume of more than 10% of the total heat supply.
  2. The optimal way to install the expansion tank is on the return line in front of the circulation pump, because there is a lower temperature regime.
  3. If the thermohydraulic distribution is used, the circuit is designed so that the tank is located in front of the head pump, which ensures the smooth movement of water in the boiler circuit.
  4. The circulation pump is installed in a strictly horizontal position. If this rule is not adhered to, when the sample is first shaken, it is advisable to add cooling and oily material.

A separate group may be selected from various materials: polypropylene or metal. The selection depends on the beginner level of work and the availability of tools for joining parts.

The optimal heating temperature for radiators in a private cottage is 55-75 ° C, pressure up to 1.5 atm. The operating mode of the warm circuit warms up to 40 °C. Based on these characteristics, the resistance level of the pipes is selected

It is also important to consider the process of selecting pipes for installation of a separate group.

The main factors to consider when choosing circuit elements:

  1. Pipe fittings in coils. For the frame of which the connection at the installation site under the concrete screed is not required.
  2. Thermal resistance and level of temperature for ripening Responsibilities are assigned individually, based on the technical data of the incineration system.

For the transferability of the operating characteristics of the autonomous heating, you can be victorious. The stinks do not cause any harm and are sold in entire lines for 200 m-code.

The material is tested for heat resistance and heat resistance up to 95°C with a permissible pressure level of 10 kg/1 cm 2 .

Stainless steel pipe has high flexibility. The radius of the radius can be adjusted to the diameter of the virobe. Installation is carried out according to the diagram: the pipe must be directed to the fitting and secured with a nut

For richly on the surface It is important to choose a corrugated pipe made of stainless steel.

This material demonstrates the miraculous technical capabilities that allow one to achieve such ambitions:

  • heating of the coolant up to 100 °C, which is more sufficient for the combustion circuit;
  • vice up to 15 atm.;
  • vice for adjustment up to 210 kg/1 cm2.

Fittings designated for polypropylene can be plastic or made of brass. The connection fitting is equipped with a locking ring that is threaded onto the pipeline.

An important characteristic polypropylene pipes The memory of mechanical processing is important, as a result of which plastic deformation of the tongue occurs.

For example, when pipes are stretched with an extender and inserted into the fitting socket, after an hour the pipe is turned around and the part is pressed. The contact can be secured using a locking ring.

Rozrakhunok of the scorching manifold

In order to prepare a thermohydraulic comb, it is necessary to determine the main parameters - depth, cross-section diameter of the pipes and the number of pipes of the heating main. You can check these characteristics yourself or use a special security program.

Vysnovki and korisne video on the topic

Detailed technical process folding collector group:

Ready combs for cleaning warm underwear, equipped with the necessary functionality, due to their high quality, are inaccessible to the general public. Let's marvel at how you get budget option DIY designs:

The implementation of a separate group can be achieved with the help of polypropylene pipes. How to do this, you can follow the video:

The correct selection of storage elements and installation of the collector unit ensures the efficient and reliable operation of the scorching line. For rahunok minimum quantity reduce the risk of leakage of information to a minimum. An important plus is the ability to control and adjust the skin contour of the burn.

Share with your readers your knowledge of the folding and connection of the split manifold. Be kind, stop commenting until the end, start eating something to piss on you, and take part in the discussions. Form the call of the bell shaded lower.

If the installation of the water heating circuits of the subfloor is successfully completed, before pouring the screed, it is necessary to connect the pipes of the warm subfloor to the manifold. It is important to check the tightness of the circuits and identify the factory seal or possible pipe defects that may interfere with the installation process.

The operation of testing pipelines must be carried out in a strict manner, otherwise in case of an accident after the start of the fire, the coating will collapse. After the screed is broken, the connection is made to the main pipelines and the system is put into operation. How to correctly select a collector for a warm substrate and connect it with a mixing unit will be discussed in this material.

The role of the collector in heating systems.

The collector is an integral element, without which a scorched substrate cannot be avoided, before which all the pipelines from the circuits that are heated are added. Since the temperature of the coolant supplied through the boiler is too high for a warm substrate, then the mixing tank is mixed with the collector, which ensures the water temperature is between 40-45 ºС.

Mixing units and collectors for the warm substrate are designed to prepare heat transfer fluid at the required temperature and supply it to all circuits.

To understand how the entire plant works, let’s look at the collector device in the report. The pump consists of two horizontal tubes that are connected to the supply and return lines. The body and parts of the collector are made from the following materials:

  • brass;
  • stainless steel;
  • plastic.

Below is a detailed diagram of a warm-floor collector, which is supplied by the distributors for such a set of pipes:

On the supply pipe there is a recessed fitting with thermostatic valves (actuating mechanisms), and on the gate there are inlets for flow sensors. On top of the thermostats there are plastic cups for manual adjustment; they are twisted until they press on the rod and block the flow. Vitratomy or flow sensors, which are placed on the gate pipe of the collector for warm water supply, serve to visually monitor the amount of water that flows, and ensure hydraulic balancing of the system.

Note. In the cheapest versions of collectors, flow sensors may be daily.

To control pressure and temperature, a thermometer and pressure gauge are installed on the manifold, and a special tap is installed to drain the water. The kit also includes plugs, outlets, taps and brackets for fastening the unit to the wall or metal slats of the frame. Many installers practice re-equipment of the entire assembly, including a separate manifold in combination with a pump and a two-way or three-way valve.

The principle of dii

The operation of the unit is as follows: the coolant circulates through all the heating circuits, which is driven by the pump. The flow in the skin circuit is controlled by a valve either manually or automatically via a capillary or servo drive. If the temperature in the pipeline that supplies either the return valve (depending on the circuit) drops below the set value, the two-or three-way valve begins to mix hot water from the system, and the coolant from the return flows to the firewall. The little one shows a diagram of a robotic manifold with an overhead driver temperature sensor and a two-way valve:

The working diagrams of the mixing unit consist of a skeleton, various parts are stuck in them, and then the task becomes unchangeable: maintain the required temperature in the system for heating the substrate and soak up the wasted heat transfer in the Ilkah, what to serve.

The folding of the warm manifold, which comes with a new set, is difficult. The tubes for supply and return heat transfer are already secured with valves and loss sensors, they only need to be twisted at once, as the set includes a manifold of separations into sections of 2 or 3 sections. Then, for ease of further folding, the tubes should be mounted on standard brackets, so that the distributor will be a single unit. Then plugs, accessory elements, shut-off valves and control devices are installed.

Note. The delivery kit for the skin vibrator includes instructions for how to assemble and install the warm substrate collector.

The next step is to attach the manifold to the wall, and then you can install the circulation pump and valve. It’s not good to work in the turnaround order, then it’s difficult to attach the entire vuzol to the collection. The pump and valve with thermal head or servo drive are mounted in a continuous circuit, after which the main combustion pipes that go from the boiler are connected to them, and to the inlets - pipes from the circuits that heat. There are situations when the distributor is installed not in the boiler room, but in the corridor or in another area, then for installation it is better to use a decorative cabinet for the collector.

The quality of the factory-made manifold fragments is high, such a reservoir can be prepared independently. True, the pump and valve for the mixing part, as well as I will lock the valve It's all going to happen anyway. Samy popular method Selecting a self-contained manifold involves soldering it to polypropylene pipes and fittings. For which there will be required sections of PPR pipes with a diameter of 25 or 32 mm, tees and outlets of the same size and valves. There must be a number of fittings and valves in the number of circuits that need to be heated. The tools you need are a soldering iron for polypropylene pipes with nozzles, scissors and a tape measure.

First, to make a collector from polypropylene, you need to measure and cut the pipe sections in such a way that after connecting the tees are closer to one another, otherwise the pipe will not look aesthetically pleasing. Then taps and transitions are welded to the tri-pieces, and other fittings for connecting to the pump are welded to the manifold.

It should be noted that this is a self-propelled collector for a warm base, dividing with your own hands, and therefore not for long. For example, there are no thermostatic valves on the outlet mains, and there are no flow sensors on the return line. Due to this, the system will have to be adjusted manually, but this will not good results. Of course, all these elements can be installed and connected directly, otherwise the costs will be such that it is simpler to add a ready-made plastic material, which may be considered democratic.


Regardless of the foldability of the mixing-separating unit, it seems that picking it up is not so difficult. In a complete set with a virob, go ahead reporting instructions, it and the trace of keruvatsya. It is more important to prepare the distributor with your own hands, but not completely, because you still need to buy the components, and it is also difficult to adjust the manifold.
