Polypropylene pipe kayak. PVC pipe boat

Polypropylene pipe kayak. PVC pipe boat

A boat made of pipes with their own hands is made with minimal cash costs and for a rather short period of time. Ready-made floating use can be used for walking in natural reservoirs, fishing and so on. How to make a boat yourself? What materials will be required to build construction? Answers further.

Homemade plastic pipe boat

Select design

From plastic pipes can be made:

  • an ordinary single or double boat (drawing above);
  • a catamarant type boat that is capable of moving from an oar, a small motor or a pedal drive.

Catamaran type boat on oars

The advantages of catamaran before the ordinary boat are:

  • minimal amount Materials. Catamaran from PVC pipes can not be sewed, do not equip a keel and other structures providing comfortable use;
  • low weight, which contributes to facilitating transport;
  • the strength and reliability achieved by the balance of the floodedness;
  • the ability to develop high speed;
  • ability to install multiple seats.

Catamarans unlike ordinary boats made of pipes, can be equipped with small engines, which will increase the usability.

Making catamarana

To make your own hands to make a self-made catamaran type boat, you need:

  1. develop a drawing of construction;
  2. prepare materials and tools;
  3. build construction.

Preparation for the manufacture of catamaran boat

In order to ensure the maximum level of security when using a self-made boat, it is necessary to develop design drawings in the first stage and determine the overall dimensions of the board.

Its dimensions depend on such factors as:

  • the number of seats;
  • method of control.

If it is planned to build a single boat, then its length should not exceed 1.5 - 2 m. Double swimming agents can be made by a long 3.5 - 4 m. Three and more local catamaran boats can be made up to 6 m long. If the floating has Large length, the indicator of maneuverability will decrease and the complexity of management will increase.

The width of the boat when choosing a most expensive control method should not exceed 1.2 m. If you plan to make a catamaran for the installation of a motor or sail, the width of the plaeliness can be increased to 2.5 - 3 m.

Catamaran scheme

For manufacture, you will need:

  • plastic pipes, the diameter of which depends on the length of the catamaran. Make a catamaran can be made of aluminum pipe, but the cost of the design will increase significantly;
  • knee with a bend of 120 ° - 2 pieces;
  • bruks from wood, metal corners or plates, small diameter pipes for fastening float pipes;
  • clamps, self-tapping screws and other types of fasteners;
  • sealant;
  • seat;
  • oars.

Assembling catamaran

The order of assembly is as follows:

  1. knee with bends are attached to the pipes. Joints reliably seal;
  2. the main float pipes are installed on a flat surface strictly in parallel relative to each other and are bonded by cross;
  3. installation of plugs;
  4. installed seat.

Catamaran type boat assembly

The process of manufacturing a more complex catamaran design with the ability to control is presented on video.

Process of production

To make a conventional boat from PND pipes of large diameter or other types of pipes, it is necessary:

  1. make a boat frame;
  2. sheathe the frame of pipes with any waterproof material;
  3. make your own hands from pipes and plastic or purchase oars.

Additionally, you can:

  • make and install a kil for a boat facilitating the management process;
  • make a trolley for the carriage. The trolley for a boat from pipes is manufactured in accordance with its overall dimensions.

Means for transportation

Assembly of the carcass

To make a frame of sewer pipes, in the first stage will need to develop a drawing of a future design. The fundamental shape and dimensions do not have, therefore, can be defined by the user independently, based on the level of comfort when used.

The boat can be equipped with one or more seats. To give the design of additional strength and sustainability, it is more expedient to equip a rigid base, for example, a wooden flooring, the fastening of which is made using clamps (screeds).

When assembling the frame, you can use:

  • , distinguished by a large margin of strength and tightness;
  • adhesive tape. Least durable design that is characterized by the workmanship.

Base for boat

After complete assembly of the frame, you can start setting the seats. A chair in a boat from PVC pipes can also be made independently. Most often used:

  • seats from chairs;
  • wooden boards;
  • metal plates.

Ready base for homemade boat

All connections should be maximally sealed.


To cover the frame, you can use:

  • tarpaulin. The material is of greater durability and durability, but with this and the greater value;
  • transparent polyethylene film. The material is less durable, then the finished boat looks original.

To attach the selected casing material:

  • adhesive tape;
  • plastic clamps;
  • plastic rings.

Before covering, the material is checked for the integrity and lack of damage capable of leading the formation of leaks. When attaching the trim, it is recommended to smooth out the external way as much as possible from the outside, and all the folds that prevent the free move are removed inside.

Boat ready for use

You can build other designs of homemade boats, which are based on pipes. It all depends on the fiction of the builder and its ability to work with these materials.

PVC is a modern material with a lot of positive qualities. It is rather inexpensive, lightweight, durable, durable, resistant to different climatic conditions and environments. In addition, plastic pipes are easily and quickly connected, providing absolute tightness of the joints.

Due to this, the use of plastic pipes has been widely popular not only when installing water pipes and sewage systems. Of these, "folk craftsmen" do with their own hands make a lot of useful "pieces", ranging from racks and drinkers and ending with sleds and flooders.

In this article we will tell you how quickly and inexpensively make a catamaran from plastic (with your own hands.

Building articles

Why catamaran?

There are mass options, as well as their destinations. For those who live near the reservoirs, especially for those who have to overcome the water barrier is a vital necessity, the catamaran will fit perfectly. Such an option of the vessel has a lot of advantages Before kayaks, boats or yachts.

  • for the manufacture of catamarans from plastic pipes, a minimum amount of material is required. In addition, remnants from the recent installation of sewerage or water supply can be used;
  • catamaran has a small weight, so does not cause problems in transportation issues;
  • due to the features of the design - two cylinders connected by deck, such a floating has high seaworthy qualities, strength, reliability and sufficient speed;
  • the ability to accommodate the required number of seats;
  • on the catamaran you can install the engine of any type.

What is the catamaran?

Catamaran has a large number of Design features, in comparison with other plaques.

That's why it is necessary to know its components in detail, Before proceeding to drawings and installation work.

  1. The first, and the most important, part of the catamaran - floats. These are two chamber structures located on the sides of the Floor. Their immediate task is to hold the ship afloat. Cylinders can be made of different materials that limit the external perimeter of the float. To do this, use the film from which inflatable cylinders, foam or PVC pipes are manufactured.
  2. Connecting frame. It can be made of any materials, ranging from all the same plastic pipes and ending with wood or metal. The easier the frame of the catamaran, the smaller the size can have floats.
  3. Deck. This part is created to accommodate passengers, baggage and other things that will be transported by water.
  4. Steering wheel. The function of the steering wheel in any flooding performs a submarine blade, which is directly installed for the movement, parallel to the movement, for rotation is rejected into one direction or another using a rotary handle derived on the deck.
  5. Pedals, motor, motor or any other device, leading catamaran in motion.

Calculation of the sizes of the vessel

The diameter of floats, as well as the width and length of the vessel depend, first of all from where and how it will be operated. The more the crew is supposed and the more cargoes will be transported, the greater the size of the board and the diameter of the float should be.

Increase the vessel's carrying capacity by increasing the cross section of cylinders or their length. The decisive factor in this situation is the volume of air inside the cylinders.

Optimal parameters for calculating floats, Based on the crew and loading capacity:

  • single catamaran must have a length of 2-3 meters with a transverse section of a cylinder 0.3-0.4 meter;
  • for the manufacture of a double vessel use cylinders with a length of 3.5-4 meters at a diameter of 0.45-0.5 meters;
  • three and four-seater floodeds have a length of up to 6 meters when the float diameter is 0.5-0.6 meters.

Catamaran is not recommended for more than 6 meters long, as he will lose almost completely his maneuverability. Although if you are going to swim mostly in a straight line, there is no restrictions on the size of such a "boat".

The larger the size of the vessel, the greater its permeability and stability, but less maneuverability. This applies to both its length and widths.

The width of the catamaran, first of all, is determined by its purpose and the way to act. If you make a catamaran for alloy along the river on the messengers on the principle of kayak, its width should not exceed 1.2 meters. IN otherwise, Water capture in the oars becomes impossible. If we plan to land rowes to cylinders, the width of the vessel can be increased to 2 meters.

If the catamaran is fishing or pleasant and it is planned to equip a sail, a motor or pedal blades, its width can be increased yet.

The width of the catamaran should be at least one and a half times less than its length.

Production procedure

To make a catamaran with your own hands, you need to decide on its purpose and, based on From this, calculate dimensions. We will look at two vessel options: the simplest single and tourist raft based on catamaran.

Single catamaran.

The manufacture of the simplest single catamaran is starting from the manufacture of floats. We take two pipes of the same diameter and length (based on the calculations given above, we will need plastic pipes for the outer sewage with a diameter of 0.4 meters and a long 2 meter). On the one side of both pipes are fastened. This will be the back of the catamaran.

The front part, for greater passability and maneuverability, you need to lift. To do this, we use two plastic knees with a bend of 120 degrees. Confirm them on the second end of the pipes and also close the plugs.

When assembling cylinders, pay special attention to the tightness of the joints. The slightest depressurization can lead to the cooler of the vessel on the water.

Floats are ready. You can start assembling.

To connect floats to one "whole" catamaran, you can use anything. Plastic pipes of small diameter are suitable, Wooden bars, metal corners and so on.

  1. From the material you choose, we make 1.2 meters wide width.
  2. We establish cylinders strictly parallel to each other so that the bends look up and in one direction.
  3. Fix the transverse strips over the cylinders. For fastening, both clamps and self-tapping screws can be used, which can be screwed to the floors for greater strength.
  4. We set any comfortable sitting on the transverse beams, take in the hands of the oars and rowing, where we want.

Single catamaran from plastic pipes with their own hands (video)

Tourist raft

The basic principles of the manufacture of these two plaels with their own hands do not have special differences. The only difference is that The walking raft will be calculated clearly not per person. And even better, if there is a cargo in the form of provisions, an umbrella from the sun, clothes of dishes and other things.

  1. We make floats specified in the method above. But take a pipe with a diameter of 500-600 mm and 6 meters long. This will make it possible to make a steady and passable vessel on which you can reiterate without experiencing the crew.
  2. We make a solid frame size 6 * 2 meters. Since the frame not only must hold the cylinders in proper positionBut also serve as a platform for deck, it is better to make it from metal corners.
  3. On the pipes from which the floats are made, the clamps are dragged to which, in turn, the frame is attached using bolts.
  4. On the frame they make flooring from the boards.

This design allows you to install any driving device on the catamaran, ranging from the blades driven by pedals, and ending with gasoline engines.

In addition, this platform allows you to fully sunbathe in the sun, heals the fish, in general, fun and fruitfully relax in a narrow circle of the best friends.

The original idea for the summer for lovers of recreation on the water. Do not bother with complex engineering calculations and not using expensive materials, make yourself a small boat. Perhaps this is not suitable for traveling by sea, or another extensive water. But for fishing or resting on the water it is accurately useful.

This option is more like Aleutian kayak. Kayak, as well as kayaks has a body closed from above, which protects against the pouring of the boat with water.

PVC kayak.

Connecting parts and assembly of the case, as they say on the knee. PVC pipes were used to create a frame, and the connections were made using adhesive tape.
If you doubt the strength of the structure, then remember, the tape wound into several layers cannot be broken.

In addition to pipes, two are three large bobbins with a wide adhesive tape.

The finished frame is winding up with a waterproof tarpaulin, which is tightened from above, just with practically infirous means. Kayak turns out sufficiently durable and easy, due to the flexibility of PVC pipes.

On the pipes lay a piece of plywood for the seat.

The oars are collected from a piece of pipes with a plywood blade attached at the end. It is even easier to do.

Canoeing plastic pipes.

Another design of the self-made swimming agent, from the site instructables.com. Classic canoe was done in this way, though from other materials.

The frame is collected from plastic pipes, using adhesive tape.
The waterproof tissue is tensioned on the body and is fixed with a solid cord.
There is actually not even fabric, but a durable polymer film.

For safety, large empty cylinders are fixed in the nose and feed than five liters. In addition, be sure to wear a life jacket, especially if children are in the boat.

And remember, such boats are still not intended for long walks, their place is no further than several meters from the shore.
I would like to add more, a similar boat is going for several hours. You can take in advance the prepared parts with you, and collect the product in place.

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PVC is a modern material with a lot of positive qualities. It is rather inexpensive, lightweight, durable, durable, resistant to different climatic conditions and environments. In addition, plastic pipes are easily and quickly connected, providing absolute tightness of the joints.

Homemade plastic pipe catamaran

Due to this, the use of plastic pipes has been widely popular not only when installing water pipes and sewage systems. Of these, "folk craftsmen" do with their own hands make a lot of useful "pieces", ranging from racks and drinkers and ending with sleds and flooders.

In this article we will tell you how quickly and inexpensively make a catamaran from plastic (polypropylene) pipes with your own hands.

There are mass options, as well as their destinations. For those who live near the reservoirs, especially for those who have to overcome the water barrier is a vital necessity, the catamaran will fit perfectly. Such an option of the vessel has a lot of advantages Before kayaks, boats or yachts.

  • for the manufacture of catamarans from plastic pipes, a minimum amount of material is required. In addition, remnants from the recent installation of sewerage or water supply can be used;
  • catamaran has a small weight, so does not cause problems in transportation issues;
  • due to the features of the design - two cylinders connected by deck, such a floating has high seaworthy qualities, strength, reliability and sufficient speed;
  • the ability to accommodate the required number of seats;
  • on the catamaran you can install the engine of any type.

What is the catamaran?

Catamaran has a large number of design features, in comparison with other plaques.

The basis for the catamaran is plastic pipes of large diameter

That's why it is necessary to know its components in detail, Before proceeding to drawings and installation work.

  1. The first, and the most important, part of the catamaran - floats. These are two chamber structures located on the sides of the Floor. Their immediate task is to hold the ship afloat. Cylinders can be made of different materials that limit the external perimeter of the float. To do this, use the film from which inflatable cylinders, foam or PVC pipes are manufactured.
  2. Connecting frame. It can be made of any materials, ranging from all the same plastic pipes and ending with wood or metal. The easier the frame of the catamaran, the smaller the size can have floats.
  3. Deck. This part is created to accommodate passengers, baggage and other things that will be transported by water.
  4. Steering wheel. The function of the steering wheel in any flooding performs a submarine blade, which is directly installed for the movement, parallel to the movement, for rotation is rejected into one direction or another using a rotary handle derived on the deck.
  5. Pedals, motor, motor or any other device, leading catamaran in motion.

Calculation of the sizes of the vessel

The diameter of floats, as well as the width and length of the vessel depend, first of all from where and how it will be operated. The more the crew is supposed and the more cargoes will be transported, the greater the size of the board and the diameter of the float should be.

Increase the vessel's carrying capacity by increasing the cross section of cylinders or their length. The decisive factor in this situation is the volume of air inside the cylinders.

Optimal parameters for calculating floats, Based on the crew and loading capacity:

  • single catamaran must have a length of 2-3 meters with a transverse section of a cylinder 0.3-0.4 meter;
  • for the manufacture of a double vessel use cylinders with a length of 3.5-4 meters at a diameter of 0.45-0.5 meters;
  • three and four-seater floodeds have a length of up to 6 meters when the float diameter is 0.5-0.6 meters.

Catamaran is not recommended for more than 6 meters long, as he will lose almost completely his maneuverability. Although if you are going to swim mostly in a straight line, there is no restrictions on the size of such a "boat".

The larger the size of the vessel, the greater its permeability and stability, but less maneuverability. This applies to both its length and widths.

The width of the catamaran, first of all, is determined by its purpose and the way to act. If you make a catamaran for alloy along the river on the messengers on the principle of kayak, its width should not exceed 1.2 meters. Otherwise, the seizure of water with oars becomes impossible. If we plan to land rowes to cylinders, the width of the vessel can be increased to 2 meters.

If the catamaran is fishing or pleasant and it is planned to equip a sail, a motor or pedal blades, its width can be increased yet.

Catamaran on Veslakh

The width of the catamaran should be at least one and a half times less than its length.

Production procedure

To make a catamaran with your own hands, you need to decide on its purpose and, based on from this, calculate dimensions. We will look at two vessel options: the simplest single and tourist raft based on catamaran.

Single catamaran.

The manufacture of the simplest single catamaran is starting from the manufacture of floats. We take two pipes of the same diameter and length (based on the calculations given above, we will need plastic pipes for the outer sewage with a diameter of 0.4 meters and a long 2 meter). On the one hand, both pipes are plastic plugs. This will be the back of the catamaran.

The front part, for greater passability and maneuverability, you need to lift. To do this, we use two plastic knees with a bend of 120 degrees. Confirm them on the second end of the pipes and also close the plugs.

When assembling cylinders, pay special attention to the tightness of the joints. The slightest depressurization can lead to the cooler of the vessel on the water.

Floats are ready. You can start assembling.

Making seats for single catamaran

To connect floats to one "whole" catamaran, you can use anything. Plastic pipes of small diameter are suitable, Wooden bars, metal corners and so on.

  1. From the material you choose, we make 1.2 meters wide width.
  2. We establish cylinders strictly parallel to each other so that the bends look up and in one direction.
  3. Fix the transverse strips over the cylinders. For fastening, both clamps and self-tapping screws can be used, which can be screwed to the floors for greater strength.
  4. We set any comfortable sitting on the transverse beams, take in the hands of the oars and rowing, where we want.

Single catamaran from plastic pipes with their own hands (video)

Tourist raft

The basic principles of the manufacture of these two plaels with their own hands do not have special differences. The only difference is that the walking raft will be calculated clearly not per person. And even better, if there is a cargo in the form of provisions, an umbrella from the sun, clothes of dishes and other things.

  1. We make floats specified in the method above. But take a pipe with a diameter of 500-600 mm and 6 meters long. This will make it possible to make a steady and passable vessel on which you can reiterate without experiencing the crew.
  2. We make a solid frame size 6 * 2 meters. Since the frame not only must hold the cylinders in the right position, but also serve as a platform for the deck, it is better to make it from metal corners.
  3. On the pipes from which the floats are made, the clamps are dragged to which, in turn, the frame is attached using bolts.
  4. On the frame they make flooring from the boards.

Can look like a tourist raft

This design allows you to install any driving device on the catamaran, ranging from the blades driven by pedals, and ending with gasoline engines.

In addition, this platform allows you to fully sunbathe in the sun, heals the fish, in general, fun and fruitfully relax in a narrow circle of the best friends.

Plastic Bottles and PVC Boat

Soon summer, which means the swimming season. It would be nice to make a simple boat using plastic pipes. To create such a boat, approximately one month will be required, and the school pool will be suitable for its tests.

Step 1. Required materials

For boat:
Plastic pipes (PVC) - 122.5 cm
Plastic pipes (PVC) - 401.3 cm
Tree board - 1 × 0.5 m
Plastic clamps - 50 pcs.
Adhesive tape - 2 rolls
Foam block - 2 pcs.
Porolon - 30 × 30 cm - 2 pcs.
Nylon thread
Chair - 1 pc.

Manufacturing instructions:

Step 2. Boat frame

You need to add support pipes frame.

Step 3. Fastening chair and foam rubber

Wooden board must be fixed to the bottom of the support frame using plastic ties. To do this, it is necessary to drill several holes in it. Also, several holes need to drill through the chair and boards, and fix the chair on the frame, with the help of screeds.

Step 4. Saving frame

The tarpaulin is fixed with ribbons on both sides and fasten with plastic clamps to the frame. In case the lining with rings, they can also be fixed to the frame, for this, the holes should be done on the frame.

To avoid excessive resistance while swimming, it is important to most easily straighten the folding folds.

The foam is added to the bottom after fixing the plating, but carefully, to not spoil it.

Step 5. Making Pun
For the manufacture of the oars, 2 meters of aluminum pipe are needed, in which two holes are drilled from two holes, at a distance of 10 cm from each other. Cut 2 pieces acrylic with dimensions of 20 × 40 cm and spin the edges.

Acrylic is fixed using nuts, bolts and washers, pre-drumped the corresponding holes on the pipe and plate. Need carefully and gently tighten the nuts on the plate, because Acrylic can crack.

Step 6. Fastening of remote bugs
If the boat is unstable rests on the water, you can attach 2 bottles on remote supports on each side. It can be limited to one side, also effectively.

The boat holds well on the water, but it is difficult to row on it due to the lack of space for the rope, the fishing line. Remote supports will be able to serve as an additional storage location.

Step 7. First test
For swimming, you can use the pool.

As the test showed, the boat is very stable without remote supports, but it is very difficult to keep balancing at certain points.

Remote supports provide better stability. To shift the center of gravity, you can shift the chair further from the nose of the boat, thus, the kayak will not be so tilted.

Thanks for attention.
It's time to go!
A source

Master himself

Homemade from PVC pipes: a storehouse of ideas!

It is unlikely that PVC pipes that are used mainly for drainage and sewerage, in your mind somehow connected with creativity and creative ideas. But it is time to begin to think differently, because with their help you can enlist the storage system, organize a workspace, decorate the house before the holidays, arrange a wine bar, make a frame for a bed and even make a table lamp.

Self-timers made of plastic pipes are made easy and simple. But all sorts of useful little things serve very long, because plastic is not subject to corrosion and racks to different kinds of influences.

Shelves and racks are going pretty easily:

Country tables and chairs for street use

Many have a question: " is it possible to replace PVC pipes on polypropylene?" Polypropylene tubes can be used, only in this case we will need a soldering iron.

Advantages of PVC pipes:
- snow-white color;
- connect pipes with fittings using glue, or without it without it;
- If you do not use glue, the design will be folded, and like the Lego constructor you can use fittings and pipes for the assembly of other structures.
Of course, polypropylene pipes are deprived of these advantages.

Matching chair chair

The author of the idea that is very respectful of music, as well as to the art as a whole, proposed to create original furniture from cropping plastic pipes and other building materials. So, using pipes in the form of legs, and on top of fixing the glass, it received a magnificent coffee table. The basis for the chair also served as part of the pipes, isolated in the form of an organ, in combination with a soft riding of dense packages with a polyerable crumb in. And what kind of exclusive it turned out.

And baby cot? In my opinion, it's just ingenious!

Children's 2-tier bed

Manege can be filled with balls and joy at the baby there will be no limit. And the material for the manufacture of this maneja is perfect - after all, polypropylene tubes are soft and the child will not hit if they accidentally fall on them.

Notebook Stand

Basket for garbage and dirty linen

PVC pipe dryer.

Tell me where you dry underwear and clothing at the cottage? And if you also have a swimming pool, then this design is absolutely necessary for drying towels. Stretched ropes are somehow in the past. Little work and here you have a dryer for underwear

holder for smallest

Embroideries are also not forgotten: frame for embroidery and machine.

Please, mini bar at your service

And little beauty:

All the lovers of creative lamps have been shared:

Our smaller brothers are not forgotten:

lenhing for dogs

And here the sewer pipes went to move. And the cat may peel at any time.

Wolter for birds with its own plastic pipes

Suspended swings for giving

Fences and fencing from plastic pipes

Lattice for grapes from plastic pipes which will always have a pleasant appearance.

From plastic pipes, you can collect hydroponics, you can use any pipes (including sewer)

Collapsible street tents and plastic pipe tents

The greenhouse from PVC pipes will serve you for many years, it is not necessary to paint, while it will not rot or rust, as usual happens with the greenhouses of their tree and metal.

It is more expedient to produce a greenhouse from PVC pipes, giving them an arched form, because in such a structure, the film sagging is excluded and its service life increases. The homemade greenhouse of PVC pipes can be coated as a polyethylene film and polycarbonate. Such tubers are not suitable for all-season use, but for early and late-year-old growing berries, vegetables and greens are quite suitable

Or make a pump for chickens

Attaching, the wheels we get very comfortable carts.

Children's car from plastic pipes

Sheds for cars from plastic pipes

As you can see, plastic pipes can be used in any industries (and not only for direct purpose), and where exactly to use them depends on your imagination.


In the first year of the university we decided to make a boat with a friend. Said - Made, after about a month, the vessel was ready, and we even managed to test it in the university basin 🙂

The boat was surprisingly successful, because I could stand in her, and at the same time she did not turn out 🙂

Step 1: Materials

Step 2: Make a boat frame

The base of the housing is made of 4 PVC tubes with a diameter of 2.5 cm., Two top and two lower. The length of the upper 2.5 m, the length of the lower 2.7 m. So that the pipes can be qualitatively combined with each other, you need to crop the ends of the pipes at an angle of 45 degrees.

These were longitudinal pipes, but we will also need transverse ribs of stiffness. 2 at 70 cm, 2 to 60 cm, 2, 35 cm, and 2 to 40 cm. Each end of each pipe should also be processed, or rather to make the "legs" (see photo).

Return to the main building. We connect two 2.5 m tubes together and secure adhesive tape. It is very important to glue them firmly firmly, otherwise the boat will fall apart and will pick up. If you have glue at hand, you can use it.

Then we connect the top pipes with the bottom, for this at the ends of both we do the holes and the fastener of the pipe with copper wire.

The next step is to attach transverse pipes. I think it's much easier to understand the scheme of their attachment just looking at the photo, plus I put the scanned copy of the boat drawing.

Step 3: Krepim Chair and Polyfoam

In the boat you need to sit like it, so? Therefore, we need to install an armchair than we will do.

To begin with, take a furniture shield that will be the bottom / floor, we will do holes in it, I will attach the shield to the transverse tubes of the frame. After that, I will attach a chair for it, you can on the screws, or on plastic holders (I do not remember their scientific name) as we did. Under the wooden bottom, we are empty by place, put a piece of foam in there, and put it on the glue - the foam will add buoyancy boat.

Step 4: Press the boat shape and give a human look

The backbone is ready, you can pull the tarpaulin on it. Make sure your tarpaulin is waterproof so that there is no unexpected causus on the trip 🙂

So that the boat does not look like a permanent bucket, it is necessary to smooth out the tarpaulin as much as possible. Ideally, probably, for a more aesthetic species, it is better to use several old rainies instead of a tarpaulin, but we did not have such, but buying new ones - not fiscal.

Step 5: Let's make oars

Step 6: Fresh Stabilizers

Step 7: Let's descend the boat on the water

Our coach allowed to test the boat in the university pool, which we did. At first we tried to ride on it without stabilizers, but the design turned out to be very unstable, it took a lot of strength to keep the balance.

With stabilizers, everything is much simpler, you can stand in the boat and it does not turn over. And one more remark - we placed the chair too far from the center, the boat turns out of an unnecessary, so if you repeat our experience - it is better to place the chair in the center.

PVC pipe boat with their own hands: photo, video

Fantasy our craftsmen do not occupy. As soon as they do not apply PVC pipes, and in the interior and in the country area, even the beds from this material are collected. There is so original ideawhich we want to tell you will be interesting for people who are fond of fishing, or just for those who like to spend time on the water.

No need for any complex engineering calculations, or any expensive materials, it suffices to take a plastic pipe, and the boat is ready. Do not think that you can do big swims on it, or you can travel on it for this she is not suitable. But to go fishing on the river, or just ride this boat just suitable. This product can be called kayak, because there is a great similarity. It is completely closed the body, preventing water from entering the boat, like kayak.

Plastic kayak

In order to create the body of this product, you need to take ordinary PVC pipes, we will be based on them with the help of ordinary tape. No need to think that this design will not be durable. Try to relyze the Scotch IV a few additions and break it. It is clear that you did nothing and when assembling, scotch in several layers will be perfectly held. Scotch must be needed three rolls.

In addition to pipes, two - three large bobbins with wide adhesive tape

And so we collected a framework, now it needs to be closed. To do this, we need a waterproof tar or awning on PVC boats from plastic pipes. When the tarpaulin stretch, we do not need any special materials, all this is done from the remedies. So, we had a very lightweight and flexible boat, you can get it on the water.

But before this you need to make the seat. To do this, the usual piece of plywood is suitable, you can adjust the seat from the broken stool.

Welaf we do the same out of the pipe and pieces of plywood, which is attached to the end of plastic.

Canoeing PVC pipe

We present another, fairly simple design of canoe. The framework will be collected according to the example of the first, as of the plastic pipe and scotch. We take a tarpaulin or another fabric that does not miss water, and secure it with a solid twine. You can take no material, but a polymer film that is also well suited.

The frame is collected from plastic pipes, using adhesive tape.

For greater security, it is necessary to secure five-liter bowls on the nose and on the stern. Cylinders must be empty. Before going to ride this construction, feed rescue vests, especially if you take with you children.

Do not forget that these boats are not intended to be able to swim on them, optimally for its several meters from the coast.

This design is going very quickly, so you can take the workpieces with you, and collect it right at the place of rest, you do not have to carry a finished product. Although it is light, but still volumetric. After you have rested, ride, it can also be disassembled and brought home without much effort.

From this universal material you can collect quite a lot of designs from the chair and to the bookshelf.

Computer table from PVC pipes do it yourself

PVC is a modern material with a lot of positive qualities. It is rather inexpensive, lightweight, durable, durable, resistant to different climatic conditions and environments. In addition, plastic pipes are easily and quickly connected, providing absolute tightness of the joints.

Due to this, the use of plastic pipes has been widely popular not only when installing water pipes and sewage systems. Of these, "folk craftsmen" do with their own hands make a lot of useful "pieces", ranging from racks and drinkers and ending with sleds and flooders.

In this article we will tell you how quickly and inexpensively make a catamaran from plastic (polypropylene) pipes with your own hands.

Why catamaran?

There are mass options, as well as their destinations. For those who live near the reservoirs, especially for those who have to overcome the water barrier is a vital necessity, the catamaran will fit perfectly. Such an option of the vessel has a lot of advantages Before kayaks, boats or yachts.

  • for the manufacture of catamarans from plastic pipes, a minimum amount of material is required. In addition, remnants from the recent installation of sewerage or water supply can be used;
  • catamaran has a small weight, so does not cause problems in transportation issues;
  • due to the features of the design - two cylinders connected by deck, such a floating has high seaworthy qualities, strength, reliability and sufficient speed;
  • the ability to accommodate the required number of seats;
  • on the catamaran you can install the engine of any type.

What is the catamaran?

Catamaran has a large number of design features, in comparison with other plaques.

That's why it is necessary to know its components in detail, Before proceeding to drawings and installation work.

  1. The first, and the most important, part of the catamaran - floats. These are two chamber structures located on the sides of the Floor. Their immediate task is to hold the ship afloat. Cylinders can be made of different materials that limit the external perimeter of the float. To do this, use the film from which inflatable cylinders, foam or PVC pipes are manufactured.
  2. Connecting frame. It can be made of any materials, ranging from all the same plastic pipes and ending with wood or metal. The easier the frame of the catamaran, the smaller the size can have floats.

  3. Deck. This part is created to accommodate passengers, baggage and other things that will be transported by water.
  4. Steering wheel. The function of the steering wheel in any flooding performs a submarine blade, which is directly installed for the movement, parallel to the movement, for rotation is rejected into one direction or another using a rotary handle derived on the deck.
  5. Pedals, motor, motor or any other device, leading catamaran in motion.

Calculation of the sizes of the vessel

The diameter of floats, as well as the width and length of the vessel depend, first of all from where and how it will be operated. The more the crew is supposed and the more cargoes will be transported, the greater the size of the board and the diameter of the float should be.

Increase the vessel's carrying capacity by increasing the cross section of cylinders or their length. The decisive factor in this situation is the volume of air inside the cylinders.

Optimal parameters for calculating floats, Based on the crew and loading capacity:

  • single catamaran must have a length of 2-3 meters with a transverse section of a cylinder 0.3-0.4 meter;
  • for the manufacture of a double vessel use cylinders with a length of 3.5-4 meters at a diameter of 0.45-0.5 meters;
  • three and four-seater floodeds have a length of up to 6 meters when the float diameter is 0.5-0.6 meters.

Catamaran is not recommended for more than 6 meters long, as he will lose almost completely his maneuverability. Although if you are going to swim mostly in a straight line, there is no restrictions on the size of such a "boat".

The larger the size of the vessel, the greater its permeability and stability, but less maneuverability. This applies to both its length and widths.

The width of the catamaran, first of all, is determined by its purpose and the way to act. If you make a catamaran for alloy along the river on the messengers on the principle of kayak, its width should not exceed 1.2 meters. Otherwise, the seizure of water with oars becomes impossible. If we plan to land rowes to cylinders, the width of the vessel can be increased to 2 meters.

If the catamaran is fishing or pleasant and it is planned to equip a sail, a motor or pedal blades, its width can be increased yet.

The width of the catamaran should be at least one and a half times less than its length.

Production procedure

To make a catamaran with your own hands, you need to decide on its purpose and, based on From this, calculate dimensions. We will look at two vessel options: the simplest single and tourist raft based on catamaran.

Single catamaran.

The manufacture of the simplest single catamaran is starting from the manufacture of floats. We take two pipes of the same diameter and length (based on the calculations given above, we will need plastic pipes for the outer sewage with a diameter of 0.4 meters and a long 2 meter). On the one hand, both pipes are plastic plugs. This will be the back of the catamaran.

The front part, for greater passability and maneuverability, you need to lift. To do this, we use two plastic knees with a bend of 120 degrees. Confirm them on the second end of the pipes and also close the plugs.

When assembling cylinders, pay special attention to the tightness of the joints. The slightest depressurization can lead to the cooler of the vessel on the water.

Floats are ready. You can start assembling.

To connect floats to one "whole" catamaran, you can use anything. Plastic pipes of small diameter are suitable, Wooden bars, metal corners and so on.

  1. From the material you choose, we make 1.2 meters wide width.
  2. We establish cylinders strictly parallel to each other so that the bends look up and in one direction.
  3. Fix the transverse strips over the cylinders. For fastening, both clamps and self-tapping screws can be used, which can be screwed to the floors for greater strength.
  4. We set any comfortable sitting on the transverse beams, take in the hands of the oars and rowing, where we want.

Single catamaran from plastic pipes with their own hands (video)

Tourist raft

The basic principles of the manufacture of these two plaels with their own hands do not have special differences. The only difference is that The walking raft will be calculated clearly not per person. And even better, if there is a cargo in the form of provisions, an umbrella from the sun, clothes of dishes and other things.

  1. We make floats specified in the method above. But take a pipe with a diameter of 500-600 mm and 6 meters long. This will make it possible to make a steady and passable vessel on which you can reiterate without experiencing the crew.
  2. We make a solid frame size 6 * 2 meters. Since the frame not only must hold the cylinders in the right position, but also serve as a platform for the deck, it is better to make it from metal corners.
  3. On the pipes from which the floats are made, the clamps are dragged to which, in turn, the frame is attached using bolts.
  4. On the frame they make flooring from the boards.

This design allows you to install any driving device on the catamaran, ranging from the blades driven by pedals, and ending with gasoline engines.

In addition, this platform allows you to fully sunbathe in the sun, heals the fish, in general, fun and fruitfully relax in a narrow circle of the best friends.


Soon summer, which means the swimming season. It would be nice to make a simple boat using plastic pipes. To create such a boat, approximately one month will be required, and the school pool will be suitable for its tests.

Step 1. Required materials

For boat:
Plastic pipes (PVC) - 122.5 cm
Plastic pipes (PVC) - 401.3 cm
Tree board - 1 × 0.5 m
Plastic clamps - 50 pcs.
Adhesive tape - 2 rolls
Foam block - 2 pcs.
Porolon - 30 × 30 cm - 2 pcs.
Nylon thread
Chair - 1 pc.

For support (optional)
Tree rails - 122 cm × 5 cm
Bottles (for water) - 4 pcs.
Super glue
Screws (for drywall) - 8 pcs.

For Visel
Aluminum tube - 225 cm
Acrylic sheet - 40 × 40 cm
Bolts, nuts, washers - any sizes, 4 pcs.

Manufacturing instructions:

Step 2. Boat frame

For the frame of the boat, it is necessary to cut plastic pipes into 4 parts: (for the upper part) 2 × 2.5 m, (for the bottom) 2 × 2.7 m. These parts are the carrier frame of the boat. Each pipe must be cut at an angle of 45 degrees.

For the reference part of the frame, it is necessary to cut 1.3 cm of plastic pipe for 2 × 70 cm, 2 × 60 cm, 4 × 35 cm, 2 × 40 cm. The photo shows how to cut the support pipes on each side to secure them.

For the manufacture of the frame, it is necessary to connect the ends of two trimmed pipes of 2.5 m with adhesive tape. They are fasten tightly "face to face" so that the boat will not break and drowned. You can also use epoxy adhesive for better fastening of the frame parts.

It is necessary to drill holes in the upper and lower part of the frame, and then connect them with copper wire.

You need to add support pipes frame.

Step 3. Fastening chair and foam rubber

Wooden board must be fixed to the bottom of the support frame using plastic ties. To do this, it is necessary to drill several holes in it. Also, several holes need to drill through the chair and boards, and fix the chair on the frame, with the help of screeds.

Step 4. Saving frame

In order to cover with a plastic skeleton, it is important to pre-make sure that it does not pass water. To begin, the kayak turn over, and then be covered with a barrane diagonally, all the extra, outstanding parts are laid inside the boat.

The tarpaulin is fixed with ribbons on both sides and fasten with plastic clamps to the frame. In case the lining with rings, they can also be fixed to the frame, for this, the holes should be done on the frame.

To avoid excessive resistance while swimming, it is important to most easily straighten the folding folds.

The foam is added to the bottom after fixing the plating, but carefully, to not spoil it.

Step 5. Making Pun
For the manufacture of the oars, 2 meters of aluminum pipe are needed, in which two holes are drilled from two holes, at a distance of 10 cm from each other. Cut 2 pieces acrylic with dimensions of 20 × 40 cm and spin the edges.

Acrylic is fixed using nuts, bolts and washers, pre-drumped the corresponding holes on the pipe and plate. Need carefully and gently tighten the nuts on the plate, because Acrylic can crack.

Step 6. Fastening of remote bugs
If the boat is unstable rests on the water, you can attach 2 bottles on remote supports on each side. It can be limited to one side, also effectively.

The boat holds well on the water, but it is difficult to row on it due to the lack of space for the rope, the fishing line. Remote supports will be able to serve as an additional storage location.

Step 7. First test
For swimming, you can use the pool.

As the test showed, the boat is very stable without remote supports, but it is very difficult to keep balancing at certain points.

Remote supports provide better stability. To shift the center of gravity, you can shift the chair further from the nose of the boat, thus, the kayak will not be so tilted.

Thanks for attention.
It's time to go!


Required materials for boats from PVC

In order to make such a boat with their own hands, polypropylene sheets are needed, three boards, several hundred bolts, a cylinder of silicone sealant, a jigsaw and a screwdriver. On the assembly of the model goes around a week, but the result is worth it.

Polypropylene, this is a sheet material used for 5mm swimming pools. Sell \u200b\u200bfirms engaged in the construction of swimming pools and water tanks - the price of 1M2 is about 750r and more. An 8m2 + tree on the scedes, fasteners and a tramer can be left for this boat.

Dimensions of boats can be smaller if single fishing is supposed.

From the experience of manufacturing PVC boats

You can use bolts when assembling the boat, and the welding, but then, when breakdown, it will be difficult to replace the damaged portion of the boat.

If bolts will be used in the boat assembly, then Kart must do. Polypropylene is pretty durable material, and it is simply impossible to bend it, but if you make a Cint, it will be easy to bend. A fairly conventional cutter make a recess of about 3 millimeters.

From the edge you need to retreat so that there is enough space to accommodate a bolt for 15 mm with a washer.

Working with a cutter, it is necessary to exercise caution, especially when the leaf is just starting cutting or at the end. These sections are critical, because the cutter can slip and cut through the sheet through.

The cutting sheet can be easily bend, and change its shape, no deformation of the material will arise. True, the use of glue for fastening boat seams is not advisable, still penetrates. You will need bolts or welding.

When you make a boat, you can start making an anchor for PVC boats with your own hands. But about this in the next article.

We wish you a pleasant pastime with the fishing rod. We are waiting for your feedback.


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