Magnetic flow switching systems. Basics of calculating systems with permanent magnets Addition of external magnetic streams with a permanent magnet

Magnetic flow switching systems. Basics of calculating systems with permanent magnets Addition of external magnetic streams with a permanent magnet

There are two main types of magnets: constant and electromagnets. Determine what a permanent magnet is, on the basis of its main property. Permanent magnet He got his name for the fact that his magnetism is always "included." It generates its own magnetic field, unlike the electromagnet made of wire wrapped around the iron core, and requires current flow to create a magnetic field.

History of study of magnetic properties

Centuries back people discovered that some types of rocks have original features: attract to iron objects. Mention of magnetite is found in the ancient historical chronicles: more than two thousand years ago in European and much earlier in East Asian. At first he was assessed as a curious thing.

Later, the magnetite began to use to navigate, finding that he seeks to take a certain position when he is provided with freedom of rotation. Scientific research conducted by P. Overiry in the 13th century showed that steel can acquire these features after rubbing magnetite.

The magnetized objects had two poles: "Northern" and "South", regarding the magnetic field of the Earth. As the overein found, the insulation of one of the poles did not seem to be possible, if you cut a fragment of magnetite in two, - each individual fragment was as a result of its own papers.

In accordance with today's representations, the magnetic field of permanent magnets is the resulting orientation of electrons in a single direction. Only some varieties of materials interact with magnetic fields, a significantly smaller amount is capable of maintaining a constant MP.

Properties of permanent magnets

The main properties of permanent magnets and field created are:

  • the existence of two poles;
  • the opposite poles are attracted, and the same names are repelled (both positive and negative charges);
  • magnetic force imperceptibly distributed in space and passes through objects (paper, wood);
  • there is an increase in the intensity of MP near the poles.

Permanent magnets support MP without external assistance. Materials depending on magnetic properties are divided into main types:

  • ferromagnets are easily magnetized;
  • paramagnetics - magnetize with great difficulty;
  • diamagnetics - tend to reflect the external MP by magnetization in the opposite direction.

Important! Magnetic-soft materials, such as steel, carry out magnetism when attaching to a magnet, but it stops when it is removed. Permanent magnets are made of magnetic solid materials.

How does a permanent magnet

Its work is associated with the nuclear structure. All ferromagnets create a natural, albeit weak, MP, thanks to the electrons surrounding the nuclei of atoms. These groups of atoms are able to navigate in a single direction and are called magnetic domains. Each domain has two poles: northern and southern. When the ferromagnetic material is not magnetized, its areas are oriented in random directions, and their MP compensate each other.

To create permanent magnets, ferromagnetics are heated at very high temperatures and are exposed to strong external MP. This leads to the fact that individual magnetic domains inside the material begin to navigate towards the external MP until all domains are leveled by reaching the magnetic saturation point. Then the material is cooled, and the aligned domains are blocked in the desired position. After removing the external MP, magnetic solid materials will hold most of their domains, creating a permanent magnet.

Characteristics of permanent magnet

  1. Magnetic power characterizes residual magnetic induction. Denotes Br. This is the force that remains after the disappearance of the external MP. Measured in tests (TL) or Gausses (GS);
  2. Coercivity or demagnetization resistance - ns. Measured in a / m. Shows what should be the tension of the external MP in order to demaging the material;
  3. Maximum energy - BHMAX. It is calculated by multiplying the residual magnetic power of BR and the coercivity of the NA. Measured in MHSE (MegagaussaSted);
  4. The temperature coefficient of residual magnetic force - TC of BR. Characterizes the dependence of Br from temperature significance;
  5. Tmax is the highest temperature value, upon reaching the permanent magnets lose properties with the possibility of reverse recovery;
  6. TCUR - the highest temperature value when the magnetic material irrevocably loses its properties. This indicator is called Curie's temperature.

Individual characteristics of the magnet vary depending on temperature. At different temperatures, different types of magnetic materials operate differently.

Important! All permanent magnets lose the percentage of magnetism when the temperature is lifted, but at different speeds depending on their type.

Types of permanent magnets

There are five types of permanent magnets, each of which is made differently based on materials with different properties:

  • alnic;
  • ferrites;
  • rare-earth SMCO based on cobalt and samarium;
  • neodymium;
  • polymer.


These are constant magnets consisting mainly of a combination of aluminum, nickel and cobalt, but can also include copper, iron and titanium. Thanks to the properties of alnico magnets, they can work at the highest temperatures, while maintaining their magnetism, but they are easier to migrate than ferrite or rare-earth SMCOs. They were the first serial permanent magnets replacing the magnetized metals and expensive electromagnets.


  • electric motors;
  • heat treatment;
  • bearings;
  • aerospace devices;
  • military equipment;
  • high temperature loading and unloading equipment;
  • microphones.


For the manufacture of ferrite magnets, known as ceramic, strontium carbonate and iron oxide are used, in a ratio of 10/90. Both materials are abundant and economically available.

Due to the low production costs, heat resistance (up to 250 ° C) and corrosion of ferrite magnets are one of the most popular for everyday use. They have greater inner coercivity than alnic, but smaller magnetic power than neodymium analogues.


  • sound columns;
  • security systems;
  • large lamellar magnets to remove contamination with iron of technological lines;
  • electric motors and generators;
  • medical instruments;
  • lifting magnets;
  • sea search magnets;
  • devices based on the operation of vortex currents;
  • switches and relays;
  • brakes.

Rare-earth magnets SMCO

Cobalt and Samaria magnets work in a wide temperature range, have high temperature coefficients and high corrosion resistance. This species retains magnetic properties even at temperatures below absolute zero, which makes them popular for use in cryogenic installations.


  • turbotechnics;
  • pumping clutches;
  • wet environments;
  • high temperature devices;
  • miniature racing cars with electric drive;
  • radio electronic devices for work in critical conditions.

Neodymium magnets

The strongest existing magnets consisting of the neodymium, iron and boron alloy. Thanks to their huge strength, even miniature magnets are effective. This provides universality of use. Each person is constantly next to one of the neodymium magnets. They are, for example, in a smartphone. Making electric motors, medical equipment, radio electronics based on heavy-duty neodymium magnets. Because of their superplication, huge magnetic power and resistance to demagnetization, it is possible to manufacture samples up to 1 mm.


  • hard drives;
  • sound reproducing devices - microphones, acoustic sensors, headphones, loudspeakers;
  • prostheses;
  • magnetic connection pumps;
  • door closers;
  • engines and generators;
  • locks on jewelry;
  • mRI scanners;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • aBS sensors in cars;
  • lifting equipment;
  • magnetic separators;
  • herkeh switches, etc.

Flexible magnets contain magnetic particles inside the polymer binder. Used for unique devices where the installation of solid analogs is impossible.


  • display advertising - fast fixation and quick deletion at exhibitions and events;
  • signs of vehicles, training school panels, logos of companies;
  • toys, puzzles and games;
  • masking surfaces for coloring;
  • calendars and magnetic bookmarks;
  • window and door seals.

Most permanent magnets are fragile and should not be used as structural elements. They are manufactured in standard forms: rings, rods, discs, and individual: trapezoids, arcs, etc. Neodymium magnets due to the high content of iron are subject to corrosion, therefore coated on top of nickel, stainless steel, teflon, titanium, rubber and other materials.


a) General information.To create a permanent magnetic field in a number of electrical apparatuses, constant magnets are used, which are made of magnetic solid materials having a wide hysteresis loop (Fig. 5.6).

The operation of a permanent magnet occurs on the plot from H \u003d 0.before H \u003d - N with.This part of the loop is called the demagnetization curve.

Consider the main relations in a constant magnet, having a toroid shape with one small gap b. (Fig. 5.6). Due to the form of a toroid and a small gap, scattering flows in such a magnet can be neglected. If the clearance is small, then the magnetic field can be considered homogeneous.

Fig.5.6. Permanent magnet demagnetization curve

If you neglect by releasing, the induction in the gap IN &and inside the magnet INthe same.

Based on the full current law when integrating a closed contour 1231 fig. We get:

Fig.5.7. Permanent magnet having a toroidal form

Thus, the field strength in the gap is directed intensity in the body of the magnet. For an electromagnet of a direct current having a similar form of a magnetic chain, without taking saturation can be written :.

Comparing one can see that in the case of a permanent magnet N. C, creating a stream in the working gap, is the product of tension in the body of the magnet on its length with a back sign - HL.

Taking advantage of

, (5.29)

, (5.30)

where S.-The bottom of the pole; - The conductivity of the air gap.

The equation is the equation of direct passing through the origin of the coordinates in the second quadrant at an angle A to the axis N.. Taking into account the scale of induction t B.and tensions t N.angle A is determined by equality

Since the induction and tension of the magnetic field in the body of a permanent magnet are associated with a demagnetization curve, the intersection of the specified straight line with the demagnetization curve (point BUTfig. 5.6) and determines the condition of the core at a given gap.

With a closed chain and

With growth b. The conductivity of the working clearance and tGA Reduced, induction in the working gap drops, and the field strength inside the magnet increases.

One of the important characteristics of the permanent magnet is the energy of the magnetic field in the working gap W t.Considering that the field in the gap is homogeneous,

Substituting the value N bwe get:

, (5.35)

where V m is the body volume of the magnet.

Thus, the energy in the working gap is equal to the energy inside the magnet.

Dependence of the work In (-n) The induction function shows in Fig.5.6. Obviously, for a point with, in which In (-n) Reaches the maximum value, the energy in the air gap also reaches the greatest value, and from the point of view of using a permanent magnet, this point is optimal. It can be shown that the point C corresponding to the maximum of the work is the intersection point with the beam demagnetization curve OK,spent through a point with coordinates and.

Consider the effect of the gap b. by induction IN(Fig. 5.6). If the magnet magnetization was made in the gap b., after removing the external field in the body of the magnet, an induction is established corresponding to the point BUT.The position of this point is determined by the gap b.

Reducing the gap to the value , then

. (5.36)

With a decrease in the gap, the induction in the body of the magnet increases, however, the process of changing induction is not on the demagnetization curve, but according to the branch of the private hysteresis loop AMD.Induction IN 1 is determined by the point of intersection of this branch with a beam conducted at an angle to the axis - N.(point D).

If we increase the gap again to the value b.then induction will fall to the value IN,moreover, addiction In (H) A branch will be determined DNAprivate hysteresis loop. Usually private hysteresis loop AMDNA.enough narrow and replace it direct Ad,which is called a direct return. The slope to the horizontal axis (+ H) of this direct is called the return ratio:

. (5.37)

The definition characteristic of the material is usually not fully given, but only saturation induction values \u200b\u200bare set. B sresidual induction In gcoercive force H with. To calculate the magnet, it is necessary to know the entire curve of demagnetization, which for most magnetic solid materials is well approximated by the formula

Demagnetization curve expressed (5.30) can be easily built graphically, if known B s, in r.

b) Determination of the flow in the working gap for a given magnetic chain. In the actual system with a permanent magnet, the flow in the working gap differs from the thread in the neutral cross section (middle of the magnet) due to the presence of scattering streams and releasing (Fig.).

The flow in neutral section is:

, (5.39)

where the flow in neutral cross section;

The flow of bulking in poles;

Scattering stream;


The scattering coefficient is determined by equality

If you accept that streams Created by the same difference in magnetic potentials,

. (5.41)

Induction in neutral section will find by defining:


and taking advantage of the clarification curve Fig.5.6. Induction in the working gap is:

since the flow in the working gap is within times less than the flow in neutral section.

Very often, the magnetization of the system occurs in a miserable state, when the conductivity of the working clearance is reduced due to the lack of parts from the ferromagnetic material. In this case, the calculation is carried out using a direct return. If the scattering streams are significant, then the calculation is recommended to be conducted on the plots, as well as in the case of an electromagnet.

Scattering streams in permanent magnets play a much larger role than in electromagnets. The fact is that the magnetic permeability of magnetic solid materials is significantly lower than that of magnetic-soft, of which systems for electromagnets are manufactured. Scattering streams cause a significant drop in magnetic potential along a permanent magnet and reduce N. C, and therefore the flow in the working gap.

The scattering coefficient of the performed systems varies in fairly wide limits. The calculation of the scattering coefficient and scattering flows is associated with great difficulties. Therefore, when developing a new design, the magnitude of the scattering coefficient is recommended to determine on a special model in which a permanent magnet is replaced by an electromagnet. The magnetizing winding is chosen to get the required flow in the working gap.

Fig.5.8. Magnetic chain with permanent magnet and scattering and releasing streams

c) determination of the magnet size for the required induction in the working gap. This task is even more difficult than determining the flow with known sizes. When choosing the size of the magnetic chain usually tend to ensure that induction is At 0.and tensions H 0in neutral section corresponded to the maximum value of the work H 0 to 0.In this case, the volume of the magnet will be minimal. The following guidelines for the choice of materials are given. If required with large gaps to obtain a great value of induction, the most suitable material is magnesium. If you need to create small inductions with a large gap, then you can recommend alnya. With small working gaps and a large induction value, it is advisable to use alny.

The magnet cross section is selected from the following considerations. Induction in neutral section is chosen equal In 0.Then the flow in neutral cross section


where does the magnetic cross section come from

Induction values \u200b\u200bin the work gap In R.and the area of \u200b\u200bthe pole is given values. The most difficult is to determine the value of the coefficient scattering.Its value depends on the design and induction in the core. If the cross section of the magnet turned out to be large, then several magnets turned on in parallel. The length of the magnet is determined from the condition of the creation of necessary N.S. In the working gap at tension in the body of the magnet H 0:

where b. P is the magnitude of the working clearance.

After selecting the basic sizes and the design of the magnet, a test calculation was carried out according to the method described earlier.

d) stabilization of the characteristics of the magnet. In the process of operation of the magnet, there is a decrease in the flow in the system's working gap - the aging of the magnet. Distinguish structural, mechanical and magnetic aging.

Structural aging occurs due to the fact that after hardening the material there are internal stresses in it, the material acquires an inhomogeneous structure. In the process of operation, the material becomes more uniform, the internal stresses disappear. At the same time residual induction In T.and coercive power N S.decrease. To combat structural aging, the material is subject to heat treatment in the form of a vacation. In this case, the internal stresses in the material disappear. Its characteristics are becoming more stable. Aluminum-nickel alloys (Alny, etc.) do not require structural stabilization.

Mechanical aging occurs when blows and vibrations of the magnet. In order to make a magnet insensitive to mechanical effects, it is subjected to artificial aging. Magnet samples before installing the device are subjected to such impacts and vibrations that occur in operation.

Magnetic aging is a change in the properties of the material under the action of external magnetic fields. A positive exterior field increases the induction in direct WHO Gate, and the negative reduces it on the demagnetization curve. In order to make a magnet more stable, it is exposed to a demagnetizing field, after which the magnet works on a direct return. Due to the smaller steepness of the direct return, the effect of external fields is reduced. When calculating magnetic systems with permanent magnets, it is necessary to take into account that in the process of stabilization, the magnetic flow decreases by 10-15%.

Coils of electromagnets

The coil is one of the main elements of the electromagnet and must meet the following basic requirements:

1) to ensure reliable inclusion of an electromagnet in the worst conditions, i.e. in the heated state and under reduced voltage;

2) do not overheat over the permissible temperature for all possible modes, i.e. with increased voltage;

3) with minimal sizes to be convenient for production;

4) be mechanically durable;

5) have a certain level of insulation, and in some devices there are moisture, acid and oil resistant.

In the process of work in the coil, stresses occur: mechanical - due to electrodynamic forces in turns and between the turns, especially with alternating current; thermal - due to uneven heating of its individual parts; Electric - due to overvoltages, in particular when disabling.

When calculating the coil, you must perform two conditions. The first is to provide the required MDC with a hot coil and reduced voltage. The second - the temperature of heating the coil should not exceed the permissible one.

As a result of the calculation, the following values \u200b\u200brequired for winding should be determined: d. - diameter of the wire of the selected brand; w. - number of turns; R. - Resistance to the coil.

According to constructive performance, coils are distinguished: framework - winding is carried out on a metal or plastic frame; Frameless Bandaged - winding is made on a removable template, after winding the coil is bandaged; Frameless with winding on the core of the magnetic system.

A permanent magnet is a piece of steel or any other solid alloy, which, being magnetized, sustainably retains, stored portion of magnetic energy. The appointment of the magnet is to serve as a source of magnetic field, not changing noticeable over time, nor under the influence of factors such as concussion, temperature change, external, magnetic fields. Permanent magnets are used in a variety of devices and devices: relays, electrical measuring devices, contactors, electrical machines.

The following main groups of alloys for permanent magnets are distinguished:

2) steel-based alloys - nickel - aluminum with added in some cases cobalt, silicia: alini (Fe, Al, Ni), alny (Fe, Al, Ni, Si), magnesium (Fe, Ni, Al, CO);

3) Silver-based alloys, copper, cobalt.

Values \u200b\u200bcharacterizing a permanent magnet are residual induction IN R and coercive force N. c. To determine the magnetic characteristics of finished magnets, use demagnetization curves (Fig. 7-14), representing addiction IN = f.(– H.). The curve is removed for the ring, which is first magnetized to the induction of saturation, and then demagnetizes to IN = 0.

Flow in the air gap.To use the magnet energy, it is necessary to make it with an air gap. Component MDS, spent by a permanent magnet to carry out the flow in the air gap, is called free MDS.

The presence of an air gap Δ reduces induction in magnet from IN R to IN (Fig. 7-14) is similar to how if the coil, put on the ring, missed the demagnetic current creating tensions H.. This consideration is based on the following method of calculating the flow in the air gap of the magnet.

In the absence of gap, all MDS is spent on the flow through a magnet:

where l. μ - magnet length.

In the presence of an air gap Part MDS F. Δ will be spent on the flow through this clearance:

F \u003d F. μ + F. Δ (7-35)

Suppose we created such a magnetic magnetic field strength N., what

N L. μ = F. Δ (7-36)

and induction has become IN.

In the absence of scattering, the flow into the magnet is equal to the stream in the air gap

BS. μ = F. δ Λ δ = Λ l. μ λ δ, (7-37)

where s. μ - the cross section of the magnet; Λ Δ \u003d μ 0 s. Δ / Δ; μ 0 - the magnetic permeability of the air gap.

From fig. 7-14 it follows that

B / h \u003dl. μ λ Δ / s μ \u003d TG α (7-38)

Fig. 7-14. Magnaging curves

Thus, knowing the data on the material of the magnet (in the form of a curve of demagnetization), the size of the magnet l. μ , s. μ and the size of the gap Δ s. δ, you can, using equation (7-38), calculate the flow in the gap. To do this, hold on the diagram (Fig. 7-14) straight OB. at an angle α. Section bS. Determines induction IN magnet. Hence the flow in the air gap will be

When determining TG α, the scale of the axis of the ordinate and the abscissa is taken into account:

where p \u003d n / m - The ratio of the scale of axes in and H.

Taking into account the scattering, the flow F δ is defined as follows.

Spend straight OB. at an angle α, where Tg α \u003d\u003d λ δ l. μ ( pS. μ). Received IN characterizes induction in the middle section of the magnet. Flow in the middle section of the magnet

Air gap

de σ is the scattering coefficient. Induction in the working gap

Straight magnets.The expression (7-42) gives a solution to a problem for magnets of a closed form, where the conductivity of air gaps can be calculated with accuracy sufficient for practical purposes. For direct magnets, the scattering stream calculation problem is quite difficult. The stream is calculated using prototypes that bind the magnet field strength with the magnet size.

Free magnetic energy. This is the energy that the magnet gives the air gaps. When calculating permanent magnets, the choice of material and the required size ratios tend to maximize the use of the magnet material, which reduces the maximum value of free magnetic energy.

Magnetic energy concentrated in the air gap proportional to the product of the stream in the gap and MDS:

Considering that


where V is the magnet volume. Magnet material is characterized by magnetic energy, referred to a unit of its volume.

Fig. 7-15. To the determination of magnetic energy magnet

Using the clarification curve, you can build a curve W. M \u003d f.(IN) As V. \u003d 1 (Fig. 7-15). Curve W. M \u003d f.(IN) has a maximum for some values IN and H.that are denoted IN 0 I. H. 0. Practically applies a way to find IN 0 I. H. 0 without constructing curve W. M \u003d f.(IN). The intersection point of the diagonal of the quadrilateral, the parties of which are equal IN R I. N. C, with a demagnetization curve, quite closely corresponds to the values IN 0 , N. 0. The residual induction in R fluctuates in a relatively low limits (1-2.5), and the coercive force H c - in large (1 - 20). Therefore, the materials are distinguished: low-commissive, whose W. m small (curve 2), high-commissive, whose W. m big (curve 1 ).

Curves return. In the process of work, air gap can change. Suppose that the induction anchor was introduced B. 1 TG. a. one . With the introduction of an anchor, the gap Δ changes, and this state of the system corresponds to the angle but 2; (Fig. 7-16) and large induction. However, an increase in induction occurs not by the clarification curve, but according to some other curve b. 1 cD, named return curve. With full closure (δ \u003d 0) we would have induction B. 2. When changing the gap in the opposite direction, the induction changes by curve dFB. one . Curves return b. 1 cD and dFB. 1 are the curves of private cycles of magnetization and demagnetization. The width of the loop is usually small, and the loop can replace the straight line B 1 d. The ratio Δ. INN. It is called reversible permeability of the magnet.

Aging magnets. Under aging, they understand the phenomenon of the magnetic flux of the magnet over time. This phenomenon is determined by a number of reasons listed below.

Structural aging.Magnet material after hardening or casting has an uneven structure. Over time, this unevenness goes into a more stable state, which leads to a change in values IN and N..

Mechanical aging.Owing due to shocks, jolts, vibrations and the effects of high temperatures that weaken the magnet flow.

Magnetic aging.Determined by the effect of external magnetic fields.

Stabilization of magnets.Any magnet before installing it in the device must be subjected additional process Stabilization, after which the magnet resistance increases the flow reduction.

Structural stabilization.It consists in additional heat treatment, which is carried out to magnetization of the magnet (boiling the tempered magnet for 4 hours after quenching). Steel-based alloys, nickel and aluminum do not require structural stabilization.

Mechanical stabilization.The magnetic magnet is subjected to shocks, vibrations in conditions close to the mode of operation.

Magnetic stabilization.The magnetic magnet is exposed to the external fields of the variable sign, after which the magnet becomes more resistant to the effects of external fields, to temperature and mechanical effects.

Chapter 8 Electromagnetic Mechanisms

Systems of switching magnetic fluxes are based on switching magnetic flux relative to removable coils.
The essence of the devices being considered on the Internet is that there is a magnet for which we pay once, but there is a magnetic field of the magnet, for which no one pays money.
The question is that it is necessary in transformers with switching magnetic fluxes to create such conditions under which the magnet field becomes manageable and we will send it. Interrupt. Redirect so. So that the energy on the switch is minimal or unhandone

In order to consider the options for these systems, I decided to study and bring your thoughts about fresh ideas.

To begin, I wanted to look like a magnetic properties of ferromagnetic material, etc. Magnetic materials possess the coercive force.

Accordingly, the coercive force obtained by the cycle or on the cycle is considered. Denote by I.

The coercive force is always greater. This fact is explained by the fact that in the right half-plane of the hysteresis schedule, the value is greater than, by the amount of:

In the left half-plane, on the contrary, less than, by magnitude. Accordingly, in the first case, the curves will be placed above the curves, and in the second - below. This makes the cycle cycle already.

Coercive force

Coercive force - (from Lat. Coercitio - retention), the value of the magnetic field strength required for the complete demagnetization of the ferro or ferrimagnetic substance. It is measured in the amps / meter (in the SI system). The magnitude of the coercive force distinguishes the following magnetic materials

Magnetic materials - low coercive materials, which are magnetized to saturation and magnetized in relatively weak magnetic fields with a voltage of about 8-800 cars. After reclamation, they do not show magnetic properties, since they consist of chaotic-oriented magnetized to saturate areas. An example is different steel. The more coercive power has a magnet, it is more resistant to demagnetizing factors. Magnetically solid materials - materials with high coercive force, which are magnetized to saturation and magnetized in relatively strong magnetic fields with voltage in thousands and tens of thousands of cars. After magnetization, magnetic solids remain permanent magnets due to the high values \u200b\u200bof the coercive force and magnetic induction. Examples are rare-earth NDFEB and SMCO magnets, barium and strontium magnetic solid ferrites.

With an increase in the mass of the particle, the radius of the curvature of the trajectory increases, and according to the first law of Newton, its inertness increases.

With increasing magnetic induction, the radius of the curvature of the trajectory decreases, i.e. The centripetal acceleration of the particle increases. Consequently, under the action of the same force, the change in the velocity of the particle will be less, and the radius of the curvature of the trajectory is greater.

With an increase in the charge of the particle, the Lorentz force increases (magnetic component), therefore, the centripetal acceleration increases.

With a change in the speed of the particle, the radius of the curvature of its trajectory changes, the centripetal acceleration changes, which follows from the laws of mechanics.

If the particle flies into a homogeneous magnetic field induction IN at an angle, different from 90 °, the horizontal component of the speed does not change, and the vertical component under the action of Lorentz's force acquires centripetal acceleration, and the particle will describe the circle in the plane perpendicular to the magnetic induction vector and speed. Due to the simultaneous movement along the direction of the particle induction vector describes the screw line, and it will be returned to the original horizontal at equal intervals, i.e. Cross it at equal distances.

The inhibitory interaction of magnetic fields is Eur suable

As soon as the circuit in the inductance is closed, two conjugated flows are beginning around the conductor. According to the Lenz's law, positive electric mass charges (ether) begin their screw movement. Hence the mono to explain the presence of magnetic action and counteraction.

By this, I explain to the braking of the exciting magnetic field and countering it with a closed chain, which slows down the effect in the electric generator (mechanical braking or countering the rotor of the electric generator mechanically applied strength and the opposition (braking) of the foco current to the incident neodymium magnet falling in the copper tube.

A little about magnetic engines

The principle of switching magnetic streams is also used here.
But it's easier to go to the drawings.

How this system should work.

The average reel is removable and works on a relatively wide length of the pulse, which is created by passing magnetic streams from the magnets depicted in the diagram.
The pulse length is determined by the inductance of the coil and the load resistance.
As soon as the time expires and the core becomes magnetized, it is necessary to interrupt, demagnetize or marked the core itself. To continue working with the load.


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