Apple tree in color from beads. Weaving scheme. Apple color from beads

Apple tree in color from beads. Weaving scheme. Apple color from beads

- Wood is rare, I saw them all a couple of types on the Internet, and usually several colors of beads are mixed for it and pins with looping weave. I wanted to create my blooming apple tree from beads, and that's what happened.

Let's remember this flowering tree. When the apple tree blooms, the leaves on the tree are almost very big, because it blooms late when the apricots have already been blowing away, and the cherries flow or in full bloom. The leaves of the apple tree are pretty blonde, it is not bright green and gentle-green. Standing colors pink buds, flowers themselves white with a yellow wedense.

I'm tired of looping a looping weaving, I wanted to try something new, and I wanted to create tree from bead Maximum realistic. And long ago, I wanted to try one of the types of weavers of the leaves, I saw him in one book on beading, but I have never seen to enjoy them. I will not say that I liked creating such a sheet, this process is quite laborious, but the leaves in the form are very similar to the real.

I propose a master class flowering apple tree From beads with step-by-step photos for beginners. The tree is not the complex, but the work is very painstaking and time-consuming.

For work it will be necessary:

Beads petty (Chinese) light green, white, yellow and pink;
Most of all needed white and green (no less than 100 grams), and about 30 grams of yellow and pink;

Wire for weaving (for colors it is very desirable to take silver color);
- fat, but flexible wire for the trunk;
- yarn or brown thread to wind branches;
- Gypsum;
- acrylic paint;
- Acrylic varnish.

Blooming apple tree bead. Master class with step by step photos in details

Let's start a master class with leaves. On the wire you need to ride more light green beads, about 30 cm (it is very convenient to do this with a spinner).

Separate 7 biserin from the edge of the wire, leaving the tip from the beginning of about 6 cm. Bend the wire in half, one bisper in the middle.

We do for the middle beerin and twist the wire, making one round.

Under all the beads, we twist the wire on 2 turns.

Watching the wire 1 time around a separate first row bead.

Pencing the bead so much to lay on the other side of the sheet.

Wires are tightened down at the bottom.

Do not cut the wire, retreat about 4-5 cm from the first sheet (this distance is well measured along the length of the finger of two upper phalanges, and it must be the same one that the leaves are at the same distance) and make the next leaf.

The next sheet is made in the middle, tighten the wire under it to the previous sheet and make a leaf on the other side.

Here is such a leaf should turn out.

Green leaves need to do as much as colors, one sprig, the flower will have to have such a branch with leaves. I have about 60 sprigs with leaves and 60 sprigs with flower leaves.

Well, now we make branches with flowers. Here, in general, everything is simple, looping weaving, we will do on one branch "buds" - pink beads, and 3 flower.

On the wire of silver color we ride beads in such a sequence:

30 white bisper;
5 yellow;
30 white;
5 yellow;
30 white;
5 yellow;
18 pink.
From the edge must be pink beads.
You can immediately drive several rapports.

From the edge, we make 3 loops of 6 beads from pink beads, the base of the looping should be at one point.

Twist the ends of the wire on a centimeter down, make a loop out of 5 yellow beads.

Here to make 5 loops of 6 beerin white color, all bases at one point.

Wire ends spin, out of the looping flower: yellow loop in the middle, white in a circle.

We twist the wire on the centimeter down and make the second flower.

Next to the second we do the third flower.

Wire ends spin, trim.

We form branches with leaves and flowers. As I spoke on every flower there is a leaf, but you can combine as you like.

For the crown, we make the basis of thick wire from the loop below. To the base, we admire our branches, you can use an additional thick wire to form branches.

We make the basis of plaster and cover the trunk of plaster (in more detail how to make the basis and a gypsum trunk can be viewed in my master classes of birch and bonsai from beads).

Prayer trunk and the basis of acrylic paint. It is advisable to glue with silicone white and pink beads with silicone glue (fallen petals).

And at the end of the trunk and the base is covered with varnish on an acrylic basis. Everything! Master class with a step-by-step photo on weaving a blooming apple tree from beads over! I hope that I explained everything clearly and everyone will succeed.

I will add that the trunk does not necessarily do it, it can be wired by wire, yarn or floral ribbon. It is also not necessary to make a gypsum base, you can plant a tree into a finished form.

Greetings all the readers of the blog Alena Kravchenko. My name is Olga Andreeva. Tell us about yourself. I live in Transnistria, in the city of Tiraspol. The edge is wonderful, beautiful, sunny. The city is located on the banks of the Dniester River, drowns in greenery.

I love my city very much, here was born, raised two daughters, now I help to raise my granddaughter. At least, I'm not enough for years, but in my heart I feel young, especially next to his granddaughter. We are creating with her, fantasize, read fairy tales, play and walk. The grandmother was once bored very close to the perky and a mischievous girl who is very pleased with us.

I don't have much time because I work. But I love to do needlework and creativity. It helps me relax, calm down, distract from problems. For me, something to create with your own hands is a kind of therapy. I love to knit, more spokes, but we gradually mastering the hook. We make various crafts for home with children. For the third year, I am leading your blog "Children and Grandchildren," where I tell about our hobbies with children. We try to just like everything that we are interested. So much fascinating, I want to learn a lot.

I thought for a long time, to take part in this competition. Such work has already sent serious and beautiful. But I decided to finish the fact that I started and send my modest work to your court.

I'll show you and tell you how I made a tree beads "apple tree." In our edge, a lot of apple trees. In the spring, these trees bloom very beautifully, and in the fall they pleased with their delicious and healthy fruits. I love these trees very much. So I wanted to make apple trees from beads.

From the beads of the needlewoman make such beautiful decorations, embroider paintings. This is an ancient craft. But now it is very popular. The process is creative, requires adequacy, patience, the ability to focus on a small painstaking lesson. But the result pleases everyone. Crafts from beads can be given. Great gift made by hand. You can decorate your home.

Beading tree »Apple tree." Master Class

Necessary materials:

  • green beads of different shades
  • red beads 40-45 pieces
  • copper wire
  • steel wire
  • floral tape brown color
  • acrylic paint brown
  • pVA glue
  • brush
  • gypsum Powder
  • scissors

Start making wood.

1. To the wood leaflers look more natural, mix the beads of different shades together.

Weep branches

2. We will need 39 twigs. Cut 70 cm copper wire for one twig.

3. We ride 11 beads on a wire and twist them in the loop, leaving at the end of 10 cm. We retreat from the loop of 8 mm and make such a loop, riding beads. Having done 3-4 peels, we ride a red bead on the wire, then 3 green beads and return the wire back to the bead. This we will have an apple on a branch.

And to the end of the wire, we make more loops from 11 beerini each. Leave from the other end also 10 cm. The twig is ready. On one branch, we place one apple on one apple, on some you can do two.

4. Twig in the form of the letter Y. There should be 39 such twigs.

We form a crown of wood

1. Start the manufacture of branches. To do this, connect our twigs at 2, 3, 4 pieces. Different branches are obtained. There should be three quadruple branches, seven triple and three double.

Total 13 pieces of branches.

2. Make even larger branches, connecting them two together. It turns out 5 branches and three pieces remain single. Total 8 branches of large.

3. From the floral tape, we cut off 15 cm and the branches of the apple tree are wrapped with a ribbon.

Barrel and branches of apple

1. We make a trunk for an apple tree. Cut from steel wire 45 cm (in order to cut it off, take the husband with a husband for metal), bent it in half, twisted and the trunk of the tree.

2. We form the trunk. They took a double twig, cut off 15 cm tape and adhere to the top of the tree. Further - to the main trunk of another 2 twigs, one above, the other below (single and double). On each branch there are 15 cm tape, just 3 branches-45 cm of floristic tape. The main barrel is ready.

3. Similarly, we make two side branches. For the first, cut off 15 cm thick steel wire and a 15 cm tape, we tying two twigs in turn, one double, other single. For this branch takes 30 cm tape (2 to 15 cm).

4. We do the second branch as well, but we already use two thick wires of 15 cm and three twigs, 45 cm ribbon for them. To one wire, take the top, just below another single one. To the other - one double. Branches twist among themselves.

5. A ribbon 20 cm is typing one branch to the trunk, and then another. Tree is ready. At the bottom we can crack the wire so that the tree is more stable.

6. Now our tree needs to be put in the gypsum. For 1 cup of water you need 1.5 glasses of plaster. Powder in bulk in water, stir so that the solution resembles a thick sour cream. They took the shape, put the tree and poured with plaster. The tree should stand exactly, correlating if necessary.

7. The barrel at the base is making it thorough, faulting with a solution of plaster with a brush.

8. When the gypsum will dry out, remove the shape, and begin to color the trunk of the acrylic paint tree brown. It helped me to do granddaughter, she loves to paint and draw.

To make such an apple tree you will need:

Leafs are natural, if used not one shade of green beads, but mix 2-3 shades of similar colors. It looks very nice if you mix the green cut with a round bead.

So, proceed to the manufacture of leaves. Cut the wire with a length of 45-50 cm. And we ride 6 bispers on it, bend the wire in half to make the ends of the same length and tighten the loop on 5 revolutions. Then again we ride 6 pcs. Bispers, twist the loop of 3 turns. To make the leaves naturally need to do them so that they do not get clearly opposite each other. When you twisted the first loop from the central loop, twist the wire for another 3-4 turnover and only then make the second loop on the other end of the wire. Holding to such a scheme, you will have every subsequent leaf below the previous one.

The leaf should consist of a central loop and 5 side loopes from the same side. Total leaves will need 40-45 pieces.
Now we make branches with apples. Cut a wire with a length of 50 cm., Fold it in half and we ride 1 round green beerink in the center. Then we take a bead and put it on at once on 2 end of the wire. It should work out like in the picture. Then we ride 6 reservoirs on one end of the wire and twist the loop under them for 3-4 turns. Similarly, we make a leaf and on the second end of the wire.

When you make 2 leafs under the apple, twist the wire for 3-4 turns and make the second, then the third leaf, etc. Ie scheme of weaving is the same as on the leaves.
When all twigs are ready, proceed to their assembly in the bundles. To make a bundle, twist 3 branches so that the branch with an apple is in the middle, and on the edges on the same side there were branches with leaves.

Now that all branches are collected in bundles, begin to form large branches of the tree. We take a thick wire and screw our bundles to it, forming them so that the branches are fluffy. Each fastened beam is fixed using a leucoplasty, glue with thin stripes.
I got 5 large branches. Now twist them into the tree, trying to place them so that the crown of the tree is like fluffy.

When the tree is assembled - put it in a suitable container. For the landing wept alabaster 1: 1 with water and be sure to put a pot of foil to the bottom so that it does not burst when pouring.
When the alabaster gets dry, you can proceed to the coating of the trunk. We divorce the alabaster with PVA glue to the consistency of sour cream and with a brush, we apply a mixture to the entire wood frame. When the first layer dries well, apply the second layer on the entire frame. After drying the second layer, the trunk need to paint brown paint. We put the moss on PVA glue and glue the moss from above on the glue "moment" 3 apple.

Gently straighten the branches and correct so apple so that they hang down. Red apples in yellow apples in yellow paint, and green apple sides - red. Here is Jablock and ready.

Master class conducted Zharne Zakharchuk.

Spring just started, and I already dream of a warm sun and the raw flowering of gardens. So I decided to speed up the process and make yourself such an apple flowering branch. Yes, and the color will continue for a long time.

Beads number 10 (small) - white, green, pink, slightly golden yellow;
Wire for beadwork;
Embroidery thread green;
double sided tape;
Floral ribbon brown (I replaced the construction scotch);
branch for mounting the product;
Vase with pebbles for mounting the composition.

How to make an apple flowering branch.

According to the scheme, the lumen of the petals of the apple color - 20 on one inflorescence.

Cut 20-22 cm wire, peel 7 white beads, place the wire in the middle and turn the ring, secure on 2-3 turns of the wire. One end of the wire bend - it will be stem.

On the second end, the wire consistently dial 4-5 white beads, 7 pink beads and again 4-5 white; Tightly wrap low around the first circle and secure in 2-3 turns of the wire. On the same wire tip, there are 1 yellow beads and tighten 1 cm from the petal - it will be a stitch. Excess wire tip Cut.


This is what the finished petals look like. Of the 5 petals, form a flower, out of 3 petals. Unpainted flower, out of 2 petals - bud. On inflorescences you need 3 full flower, 1 unapt and 1 bud.


According to the scheme, gossip 4-5 sheets on inflorescences.

Cut 25 cm wire, press 19-21 green beads; Shoot a row to the edge, form a loop and secure 2-3 wire turnover. The shortest end of the wire (7 cm) bent to the side, to a long end, dial the green beads in such a quantity so that it is enough to wrap over the first loop tightly, secure 2-3 wire turnover.

Also type the beads and wrap the third loop around the two previous ones, the wire tips twist together by 1.5-2 cm. The number of beads here I do not note - it depends on the quality of beads; The main thing is that the rings leaves were elongated and tightly fit to each other.


We collect inflorescences.

First, in a wire of a big green bisper on a wire, pull it up as closely as possible to the petals - it will be a cup of flower or bud.


Close to the green beads stir up a piece of double-sided adhesive (0.5 cm enough), then tightly wrap the stalk embroidered green thread; The lower end of the thread is also fixed on bilateral scotch. Flowers and buds prepared in such a way in inflorescences. At the bottom edge, glue the inflorescences of bilateral scotch (by 1.5-2 cm), wrap the green embroidery thread.


Also on bilateral scotch, turn the green thread of the leaf stalks (about 2 cm).


Position the sheets around the inflorescences, roll below the thread. Cleut the wire twist with double-sided tape and wrap the green embroidery thread also about 2 cm. Inflorescence is ready.


We form a flowering branch.

For mounting, I cut off the branch of this form; It can be located 6 inflorescences. The branch should be dry, I prepared the inflorescences for previous explanations. You can have another number of blooming bouquets depending on the shape of the branch. By the way, you can form a branch yourself, cutting extra tips.


Get inflorescences to twigs with a floral ribbon. Cut 8-10 cm tape, position the inflorescences on a short twig and tightly take it with a floristic ribbon from the leaflets to the end of the darts. Even the floristic ribbon of brown will be different in the color of the bark bark, so the formed branch will need to paint.

And in the absence of a floristic tape, you can use the construction scotch - it can be bought in any store building materials (buy thin, 1.5 cm). Painting the branch is better than a gouache, diluted PVA glue with the addition of water (1: 1).


I fastened my branch in a glass vase and pumped up with glasses, a sharpening approach. Such glassware created the effect of water in a glass vase. The glasses are easy to replace with decorative glass pebbles or just small pebbles.


If your vase is opaque, it is possible to simply pour the branch with a diluted gypsum solution, and on top of the pretty solution, beaded. You can come up with your own option based on the available vase and filler.

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