How to make a beads blooming apple tree. Jablocks from bead

How to make a beads blooming apple tree. Jablocks from bead

- Wood is rare, I saw them all a couple of types on the Internet, and usually several colors of beads are mixed for it and pins with looping weave. I wanted to create my flowering apple tree From bead, and that's what happened.

Let's remember this flowering tree. When the apple tree blooms, the leaves on the tree are almost very big, because it blooms late when the apricots have already been blowing away, and the cherries flow or in full bloom. The leaves of the apple tree are pretty blonde, it is not bright green and gentle-green. Standing colors pink buds, flowers themselves white with a yellow wedense.

I'm tired of looping a looping weaving, I wanted to try something new, and I wanted to create tree from bead Maximum realistic. And long ago, I wanted to try one of the types of weavers of the leaves, I saw him in one book on beading, but I have never seen to enjoy them. I will not say that I liked creating such a sheet, this process is quite laborious, but the leaves in the form are very similar to the real.

I offer a master class of blooming apple tree from beads with step-by-step photos for beginners. The tree is not the complex, but the work is very painstaking and time-consuming.

For work it will be necessary:

Beads petty (Chinese) light green, white, yellow and pink;
Most of all needed white and green (no less than 100 grams), and about 30 grams of yellow and pink;

Wire for weaving (for colors it is very desirable to take silver color);
- fat, but flexible wire for the trunk;
- yarn or brown thread to wind branches;
- Gypsum;
- acrylic paint;
- Acrylic varnish.

Blooming apple tree bead. Master class with step by step photos in details

Let's start a master class with leaves. On the wire you need to ride more light green beads, about 30 cm (it is very convenient to do this with help).

Separate 7 biserin from the edge of the wire, leaving the tip from the beginning of about 6 cm. Bend the wire in half, one bisper in the middle.

We do for the middle beerin and twist the wire, making one round.

Under all the beads, we twist the wire on 2 turns.

Watching the wire 1 time around a separate first row bead.

Pencing the bead so much to lay on the other side of the sheet.

Wires are tightened down at the bottom.

Do not cut the wire, retreat about 4-5 cm from the first sheet (this distance is well measured along the length of the finger of two upper phalanges, and it must be the same one that the leaves are at the same distance) and make the next leaf.

The next sheet is made in the middle, tighten the wire under it to the previous sheet and make a leaf on the other side.

Here is such a leaf should turn out.

Green leaves need to do as much as colors, one sprig, the flower will have to have such a branch with leaves. I have about 60 sprigs with leaves and 60 sprigs with flower leaves.

Well, now we make branches with flowers. Here, in general, everything is simple, looping weaving, we will do on one branch "buds" - pink beads, and 3 flower.

On the wire of silver color we ride beads in such a sequence:

30 white bisper;
5 yellow;
30 white;
5 yellow;
30 white;
5 yellow;
18 pink.
From the edge must be pink beads.
You can immediately drive several rapports.

From the edge, we make 3 loops of 6 beads from pink beads, the base of the looping should be at one point.

Twist the ends of the wire on a centimeter down, make a loop out of 5 yellow beads.

Here to make 5 loops of 6 beerin white color, all bases at one point.

Wire ends spin, out of the looping flower: yellow loop in the middle, white in a circle.

We twist the wire on the centimeter down and make the second flower.

Next to the second we do the third flower.

Wire ends spin, trim.

We form branches with leaves and flowers. As I spoke on every flower there is a leaf, but you can combine as you like.

For the crown, we make the basis of thick wire from the loop below. To the base, we admire our branches, you can use an additional thick wire to form branches.

We make the basis of plaster and cover the trunk of plaster (in more detail how to make the basis and a gypsum trunk can be viewed in my master classes of birch and bonsai from beads).

Prayer trunk and the basis of acrylic paint. It is advisable to glue with silicone white and pink beads with silicone glue (fallen petals).

And at the end of the trunk and the base is covered with varnish on an acrylic basis. Everything! Master class with a step-by-step photo on weaving a blooming apple tree from beads over! I hope that I explained everything clearly and everyone will succeed.

I will add that the trunk does not necessarily do it, it can be wired by wire, yarn or floral ribbon. It is also not necessary to make a gypsum base, you can plant a tree into a finished form.

Well now, just all, good luck!

How beautiful trees flowers in spring: apple trees, cherries apricots. They, as if dressed in the dress of the bride, attract attention to themselves and cause joy in the soul of every person.

It is a pity that their bloom lasts very little. Through time, the flowers fall out and a delicious fruit is formed in their place. And that's fine! Only such beauty earlier than in a year you will not see anywhere. And so I want to admire this natural splendor over the year.

Of course, we are not wizards and can not influence the nature. But to make a small tree from the beads with your own hands to us completely.

For the manufacture of an apple tree in color from the bead, we will need:

Beads of two shades of green, as well as pink and white.
War for bead
-Floride tape brown color
-Gype or spatle mixture
-flower pot

Weaving technique We will use the one that is often used in the manufacture of trees from beads. Namely looting. She looks beautifully in the ready-made result, easy to perform, so even a beginner master will be able to master it.

We will weave apple trees in the spring color.

For its manufacture, I took the 4rd type of beads.

Cut a piece of wire long about 50 cm and type 7 beery on it.

Place them on the middle of the wire and twist the first loop.

Type 7 bispers on both ends of the wire and twist the loops of about three turns.

On one twig there should be 9 kettops.

The twig is ready. In total, we make 9 twigs of 9 pellets for the top, 1 twig of white beads, 4 branches made of green beads and 4 of white with pink.

To make a twig from white and pink beads, you need to dial 1 beerink of pink, 5 white and again 1 pink and twisted loop. Similarly, we form the loops for the whole twig.

Splits can do as much as you like. The more twigs, the more fluffy the tree. If you plan to make it big, then leave the wire at the ends of the twigs in longer, as it will serve as a stem.

I made 10 green twigs of 11 kettles, 4 for 9 loops, 10 twigs of 11 white and white loops, 20 branches of 11 loops of white and pink beads, 6 twigs of 13 loops from white and pink beads for the lowest tier of the apple tree.

When all twigs are ready, you can proceed to their assembly.

We first take those branches that we did for the top of the tree and twist them between themselves three things.

The same is done with the rest of the branches.

Now every one has received a twig you need to wind the floral brown ribbon.

You can collect in one solid tree with one barrel or make branching in the form of two connected.

We collect sprigs so that with a smaller amount of looping there are upstairs, and with a large bottom of the tree. If the branches are obtained hard, and the barrel is thin, then the twigs need to wet on a thick wire that will keep all the tree.

Then we break separately the gypsum mixture and pour into the pot.

Separately, you can make bushes and "plant" them near the apple tree. It is possible to re-establish the gypsum by building an acrylic paint of black color or falling asleep with the beads of the same colors as a tree.
If you do not like that the trunk is too thin, then mix separate gypsums separately in the capacitance and plow glue 1: 1, and, having closed the foil sprigs, cover this mixture the entire trunk, thickening it and giving the desired shape. Then give it a realistic view with paint and cover with varnish.

Our apple tree from Bead is ready and will remind you of spring throughout the year, pleased and giving the memory of the beautiful warm spring days.

LORI weaving from sequins. Tree of happiness "Blooming magnolia" - review

The blooming magnolia is a miracle as good, but the manufacturer of Nakosyachil ((I tell how to fix the shoals and get a cool result. Happiness tree with their own hands.

Soon spring and I had inspiration by Handmade, I want to create something beautiful and comfortable after a long break. After the crystal swan, how to order got me in a hypermarket "Magnit" box for manual creativity. It was not embarrassed that it was more for children, interested the result, namely, the tree of happiness from the sequins. The tree I love to do, I have them 3. Previously there were the Duma about the work of Topiaria from Bead, but this is not one week of work (and even months), I don't exhale so much, but I want beauty to quickly. Therefore, I immediately bought a set of LORI.

Where can one buy : Magnit hypermarket, children's stores.

How much time goes: I, adult, gone two days (not complete).

Here is a box, small, with simpotted blooming magnolia:

The factory offers more models from the series: orange tree, yin-yang, apple tree. In the magnet there was only magnolia, it was a pity there was no choice, but I do not regret, the result pleases.

So, open the box. Inside that's what:

  • beads
  • sequins (leaves and flowers)
  • brown yarn
  • wire
  • pack of plaster
  • form for a stand.
  • All meaning on the box in full set. Here is just something in Lauries, about it below.

    Spetrally was afraid to take, the beads last kept in college, I didn't really like this trifle to ride, all Izmatic. Here he goes only in the cores of Magnolia, which pleases: the torment will be a little.

    So: how to make a tree of happiness.

    Inhaled, began to weave the leaflets. The first twig was preparing for a long time, leaves to make a lot, but the flowers could not understand how: In the instructions, not a word about it, it suffered an hour, then adapted its method, or it can be the method inexplicable: the petals contain 2 holes: first to make the tu Closer to the middle, then to the one with the edge. As stated, 9 branches with a flower and 3 splash with leaves:

    Combined them in three large branches:

    But everything is all: from these three large branches is proposed to make a tree. So few?? It is good that I read a review about a similar tree (orange) from a girl, so, she notes that out of three branches of a beautiful lush product will not be released.

    The wire ended, but the sequins and petals were still left, so I found our similar wire and surcedured another big bunch. So I got 4 branches that connected to one barrel.

    Next, by finishing the cooking of a tree, it is proposed to take a form of plastic and pour it with plaster. I did not like this option, I know that you can make the basis more beautiful. Therefore, I decided to find a suitable pot and put a magnolia there.

    Happiness took to Fix Price, found and keramogorsk The desired size and grass, which was sold with him. The grass looked down, dispelled plaster, planted a tree and poured the mixture, and until she hardening, he ponked the grass in the gypsum: it came out great.

    The tree of happiness turned out to be: my gift myself. There are 4 branches, with 5-6 will be even more lush and more beautiful.

    The last stroke was the decoration of a pot of harness and bobby. Here you can come up with anything.

    In my opinion, very beautiful, in the spring, such a tree will become a pleasant gift for the soul mom, a friend or any lady, which you want to please.

    Personally, I would be happy, having received such a tree, and a gift made by hands always has a special value. Not in vain it is called the "Tree of Happiness."

    And now lay out in detail on points, how not to be disappointed in the obtained magnolia, because, if you do according to the scheme, there are chances of getting Kutsae and the root.

    1. Wires in the set are enough exactly at 3 branches. I noted that three this is not enough, the tree will turn out to be more like a minimum one branch for a magnificent crown, which means you will buy or find the same wire. I got out of the old battery. In addition, the manufacturer advises to cut 40 cm for each branch, I would advise 50 cm, so they are obtained in a largest, longer for the trunk and not bent. Wires do not have enough wire. (+ percentage of marriage).

    2. Yarn also regretted, bought motors as brown, it costs 30r, I advise, if there is no same color, buy a similar and use it first of all. And the typical wrap is already a finished tree.

    3. When you make the leaves, twist the sheet around the wire, and not on the contrary, it turns out evenly. And hold the wire slightly stretched between two fingers.

    4. I still have a couple of petals and a bunch of red "core" sequins. Why they stumble so much, I did not understand. But you can make flowers for the decor pot or leaving new magnolia, the truth of the petals and leaves will also have to buy, they end up faster.

    5. Gypsum grabs half on a typical shape and my stand, so you take a little water, less than half a cup.

    6. Well, and if you want a beautiful pot stand, look at the price list, there are many molds in the form of hearts, etc., as well as pebbles, grass, crafts for the decor of the finished product.

    Tips visually to pick up:

    Here are my advice and comments. By the way, this applies to all sets of "trees of happiness" of this company, judging not only in my review.

    Warm spring and more creative inspiration!

    Still crafts from sets:

    Tree from beads "Apple tree in bloom"

    Sets for weaving Will be interested in girls older than 7 years. They can do it yourself Making a beautiful original souvenir from beads "Tree of happiness"which symbolizes love, beauty, good luck and harmony.

    Weaving from bead very interesting needlework, and tree making with their own hands - This is truly creative work.

    Before work, you must familiarize yourself with the instructions. The base-stand is made of plaster, which is mixed in a special container and poured into a mold for pouring. The barrel and branches are twisted from the wire. Flowers and leaves are created from blanks and decorated with beads and sequins. All components for performing a fascinating task are included and are safe and environmentally friendly.

    In the set: beads, acrylic beads, sequins, brown yarn, wire, plaster, polystyrene form for fill gypsum, detailed instructions.

    For children from 7 years.

    There are no reviews yet.

    Only registered customers who bought this product can publish reviews.

    Tree of happiness apple tree in the color of beads

    Order delivery is carried out within 2-3 days from the date of registration. You can discuss your wishes for delivery with the manager in the process of placing the order.

    Delivery cost in Moscow (within Moscow Ring Road)

    Fascinating set for children's creativity Lori "Tree of happiness. Apple tree in bloom » It will allow the young Creator to create an unusual souvenir - a tree of happiness, a symbol of love, beauty, good luck, harmony. Such a tree can be an interior decoration or a wonderful gift made by his own hands.

    Working with a set will be very exciting for the child and will contribute to the development of small motility, creative abilities, accuracy, attentiveness and perfection.

    The kit includes: beads, acrylic beads, sequins, brown yarn, wire, gypsum, polystyrene form for fill gypsum, detailed illustrated instruction.

    Package size: 21 x 13.5 x 4 cm.
    Packaging: Cardboard box.
    Weight: 350 g.

    Tree of happiness from beads: master class with step-by-step photos.

    Nowadays, they will rarely meet the house in which there would be a tree of happiness. This talisman firmly won the hearts of millions of people. Even if you do not believe in his magic propertiesThe tree of happiness is a good interior decoration. You can use such a handicraft as a gift for relatives and loved ones. We offer you a master class of creating this magic tree of happiness from beads.

    To create this craft to prepare:

    • Beads of your chosen color (for example, lilac) and necessarily green;
    • Thin wire, better from copper;
    • A small segment of thick wire rightest;
    • Brown twine;
    • Gypsum;
    • A small segment of foam;
    • Construction Scotch;
    • Acrylic paints.
    • If everything is ready, proceed to the creation of crafts and prepare a lilac beads.

      To drive a lot of beads in random order.

      We assign to the side of 10-11 beads.

      Hoall into the ring and transfer wire ends 2-3 times.

      We repeat the procedure. There should be a gap of 1-1.5 centimeters between the turns.

      We twist 13 such rings on the wire.

      Send the detail in the middle and connect the ends of the wire.

      Two ends together.

      Fill everything to the center. You can do it, stretching the twig through the fist. It turned out one twig for the tree of happiness.

      We prepare at least 30 such twigs.

      We do on the same principle of 10 sprigs of emerald color. The difference is the size of each ring - 5 pieces of beery.

      Three pink twigs twist with each other so that before the start of the rings, the 1-2 centimeters remains to be left.

      We add three more pink branches and two green. The ends of the wire tightly twist.

      Watching the twine or ribbon free end of the wire. Fix it. It turned out the billet. We make four more such elements.

      We connect all five blanks by twisting. We strengthen, wrapped the trunk of thick wire. The top layer is the twine.

      From the foam we make a slide with the help of construction scotch.

      At the resulting slide, we set the craft. The ends of the wire with straightening around, as if clapping the slide.

      We break the gypsum according to the instructions. We lay the gypsum mixture our foam slide, capturing the trunk of the tree. We are waiting for drying gypsum.

      Collect branches at the crafts of brown color.

      At the foot of the tree draw a glade. Polyfoam around it raise as stony soil. To create a realistic effect, we take different colors of the paints.

      "Sale" on the glade beady flowers.

      Flower blanks prepare on the same principle. Combine multicolored beads. Here is the connection of two parts.

      We insert them into the foam on the place of our glade.

      Wonderful I. original gift - "Tree of happiness" is ready to deliver its owner.

      How to weave a tree from beads? Step-by-step instructions with photos!

      Bead products have always fascinated by their beauty and unusual performance. Various bracelets and baubles made of glass balls and tubes gave the girl individuality, emphasized her unique style. It is noteworthy that such decorations originate from ancient times. Then the products made by means of glass and threads had the function of protection against the evil eye and damage, served as a guard from evil spirits. In the 60s of the 20th century, a real feature boom began thanks to the originating hippie movement. Almost all the clothes of the "Children of the Sun" were enjoyed by a variety of bead ornaments. Even on the day of the wedding between young people, there was not exchanged by rings, but miniature baubles.

      Beading is relevant to this day. And for beginners in this matter is considered interesting how to weave a tree from beads. Before you directly start the practice in beadwork, you need to stockpenter all necessary for this - wood, needle, hooks, spokes, and, of course, beaded. It is worth noting that various beads are needed for various decorations. Weaving is recommended for non-slip surface. To do this, you can lay a tablecloth on the table or a napkin from flax.

      All beadwork is reproduced in accordance with special schemes. To begin with, it is recommended to choose easier. It should also be ensured that the material will be enough to perform the entire product. After that, you need to get acquainted with the weaving method, for example, to see how to weave a tree from beads. Of the beads it is possible to build any ornament, but for beginners it is preferable to stay on a simpler and try to evan the flower. To do this, it will be necessary to have a wire, scissors, beads.

      It is worth starting the work from the product on the biserini through the wire and its fixing. Next, you need to properly so much and subsequent rows with a constant addition of another beading. As wept, the amount of beads will need to be increased - from 2 pink up to 5 red, and then, on the contrary, decrease. It is necessary to give the flower of symmetry. Also, the flower will need a middle, the execution of which is possible using a large bead. The last action will be the compound of the middle beads and flower petals by means of the wire.

      For weaving from the beads of a tree, you will need all the same objects and beads of green and pink. On the wire you need to make a loop, pre-retreating 15 cm from the end, and buses themselves on it. The interval in the half-meter should be splashing from 4 beads of the tree leaves. The leaves will need to be straightened, and then take another 5 such wire twisting. Following this twisting in one 3-wire. The resulting branches in 3 pieces also need to be twisted into one. The final action will be painting the trunk of a tree of brown paint. Spreads should be straightened.

    Made from beads are in great demand. These art compositions play the role of amazing interior decorations. They add any dwelling, as well as popular belief, bring good luck and joy to your owners.

    In this article we will tell in detail how to make a gentle and elegant apple tree from beads. Like a blooming miracle to make it easy, you only need to pay enough time to this lesson. The apple tree from the beads with a lush crown, the snapped looks simply amazing. Be sure to try to create a similar decorative tree. It will delight the eye with its charming beauty and create a special comfort in your home.

    What will required to perform crafts?

    In order to get an apple tree from beads, you need to prepare some materials and tools. Of course, you will need a bead of several colors (including green (50 g), white (40 g), pink (10) shades). We advise you to acquire Japanese or cheap Chinese and Taiwanese fibergus to use - it does not differ in high quality. In addition to beads, you will need two kinds of 0.4 mm thick (for twigs) and 1 mm (for the trunk). For the design of the village, it will take dense woolen threads, a building gypsum, a wide pot with low sides and decorative pebbles. After all the necessary materials are prepared, you can proceed to the product.

    Apple tree from beads: master class. We start work

    Our tree will be littered with small gentle flowers. Let's start making such a craft, as an apple tree from beads, from weaving white-pink inflorescences. We take a segment of a thin wire with a length of about 40 cm. We ride five white beads, we move them to the center, make a loop. We get the first petal. By the same principle, we carry out three more petals at the free ends of the working wire. Of the three pink beads, we make a middle of a flower. The remaining ends of the wire are well twisted. The first flower is ready. For the same principle, it is necessary to fulfill 90 similar buds (three for each twig). That a large number of Inflorescence is required to create a beautiful lush crown.

    Create an apple tree sprigs

    After the manufacture of all colors, you can proceed to the execution of leaves. To do this, we will apply the technique of circular weaving. We take a thin wire and cut off a piece of about 65 cm from it. How is the apple tree beyond? The scheme is: we ride seven green beads on wire. Then we form a loop and score for more than sixteen beads. Now let the working wire around the first small loop. You get the first leaf. Now, at one of the ends of the working wire, we carry out another exactly the same piece.

    Twist the ends of the wire several times. We take a white flower and gently screw it to the workpiece. Weeping on the wire there are two more sheets (by analogy with the first). Attach the second bud. Create two more leaves and attach the third flower. So, the very first twig of our apple trees is ready. In order for the tree to look lush and richly need twenty-nine such billets.

    We start assembly

    After registration of all twigs, we proceed to the assembly of parts. We take three blanks and fasten their ends together, and then screw the thick wire. Fix the resulting branch of a dense woolen thread of brown. It will not only securely secure the details, but also give the workpiece an additional volume. By analogy, we fasten all other twigs. The resulting ten blanks form in several large branches, and then decorate their thick thread.

    Design of the trunk of apple

    After the manufacture of large branches, you can collect them into a single whole, also fixing the thick wire, and on top of the thread. When creating the trunk, remember that your main task is to form a harmonious and as a realistic image as possible. Branches should be smoothly separated from the trunk, and not bent under unnatural or straight corners. Their scope should approximately equal to half the height of the tree. After the manufacture of the trunk decorate its floristic brown ribbon. Similarly, we decorated and branches. That's all, the blooming apple tree from the bead is practically ready.

    It remains only to put it in a pot and decorate ready-made elements. We make a gypsum solution. We place an apple tree trunk in the prepared container and fill with alabaster.

    We advise you to install the tree as much as possible in the pot. Strong roll can make the thing unstable and, of course, will significantly worsen her appearance. Now we leave the tree to dry. When plaster grabbing, close it with glass pebbles or sea pebbles. That's all, our amazing handicraft is ready. Now you know how the apple tree is created from the bead. Master class on the manufacture of this charming tree, we hope it turned out to be useful for you. Success in creative work!

    Greetings all the readers of the blog Alena Kravchenko. My name is Olga Andreeva. Tell us about yourself. I live in Transnistria, in the city of Tiraspol. The edge is wonderful, beautiful, sunny. The city is located on the banks of the Dniester River, drowns in greenery.

    I love my city very much, here was born, raised two daughters, now I help to raise my granddaughter. At least, I'm not enough for years, but in my heart I feel young, especially next to his granddaughter. We are creating with her, fantasize, read fairy tales, play and walk. The grandmother was once bored very close to the perky and a mischievous girl who is very pleased with us.

    I don't have much time because I work. But I love to do needlework and creativity. It helps me relax, calm down, distract from problems. For me, something to create with your own hands is a kind of therapy. I love to knit, more spokes, but we gradually mastering the hook. We make various crafts for home with children. For the third year, I am leading your blog "Children and Grandchildren," where I tell about our hobbies with children. We try to just like everything that we are interested. So much fascinating, I want to learn a lot.

    I thought for a long time, to take part in this competition. Such work has already sent serious and beautiful. But I decided to finish the fact that I started and send my modest work to your court.

    I'll show you and tell you how I made a tree beads "apple tree." In our edge, a lot of apple trees. In the spring, these trees bloom very beautifully, and in the fall they pleased with their delicious and healthy fruits. I love these trees very much. So I wanted to make apple trees from beads.

    From the beads of the needlewoman make such beautiful decorations, embroider paintings. This is an ancient craft. But now it is very popular. The process is creative, requires adequacy, patience, the ability to focus on a small painstaking lesson. But the result pleases everyone. Crafts from beads can be given. Great gift made by hand. You can decorate your home.

    Beading tree »Apple tree." Master Class

    Necessary materials:

    • green beads of different shades
    • red beads 40-45 pieces
    • copper wire
    • steel wire
    • floral brown ribbon
    • acrylic paint brown
    • pVA glue
    • brush
    • gypsum Powder
    • scissors

    Start making wood.

    1. To the wood leaflers look more natural, mix the beads of different shades together.

    Weep branches

    2. We will need 39 twigs. Cut 70 cm copper wire for one twig.

    3. We ride 11 beads on a wire and twist them in the loop, leaving at the end of 10 cm. We retreat from the loop of 8 mm and make such a loop, riding beads. Having done 3-4 peels, we ride a red bead on the wire, then 3 green beads and return the wire back to the bead. This we will have an apple on a branch.

    And to the end of the wire, we make more loops from 11 beerini each. Leave from the other end also 10 cm. The twig is ready. On one branch, we place one apple on one apple, on some you can do two.

    4. Twig in the form of the letter Y. There should be 39 such twigs.

    We form a crown of wood

    1. Start the manufacture of branches. To do this, connect our twigs at 2, 3, 4 pieces. Different branches are obtained. There should be three quadruple branches, seven triple and three double.

    Total 13 pieces of branches.

    2. Make even larger branches, connecting them two together. It turns out 5 branches and three pieces remain single. Total 8 branches of large.

    3. From the floral tape, we cut off 15 cm and the branches of the apple tree are wrapped with a ribbon.

    Barrel and branches of apple

    1. We make a trunk for an apple tree. Cut from steel wire 45 cm (in order to cut it off, take the husband with a husband for metal), bent it in half, twisted and the trunk of the tree.

    2. We form the trunk. They took a double twig, cut off 15 cm tape and adhere to the top of the tree. Further - to the main trunk of another 2 twigs, one above, the other below (single and double). On each branch there are 15 cm tape, just 3 branches-45 cm of floristic tape. The main barrel is ready.

    3. Similarly, we make two side branches. For the first, cut off 15 cm thick steel wire and a 15 cm tape, we tying two twigs in turn, one double, other single. For this branch takes 30 cm tape (2 to 15 cm).

    4. We do the second branch as well, but we already use two thick wires of 15 cm and three twigs, 45 cm ribbon for them. To one wire, take the top, just below another single one. To the other - one double. Branches twist among themselves.

    5. A ribbon 20 cm is typing one branch to the trunk, and then another. Tree is ready. At the bottom we can crack the wire so that the tree is more stable.

    6. Now our tree needs to be put in the gypsum. For 1 cup of water you need 1.5 glasses of plaster. Powder in bulk in water, stir so that the solution resembles a thick sour cream. They took the shape, put the tree and poured with plaster. The tree should stand exactly, correlating if necessary.

    7. The barrel at the base is making it thorough, faulting with a solution of plaster with a brush.

    8. When the gypsum will dry out, remove the shape, and begin to color the trunk of the acrylic paint tree brown. It helped me to do granddaughter, she loves to paint and draw.

    To make such an apple tree you will need:

    Leafs are natural, if used not one shade of green beads, but mix 2-3 shades of similar colors. It looks very nice if you mix the green cut with a round bead.

    So, proceed to the manufacture of leaves. Cut the wire with a length of 45-50 cm. And we ride 6 bispers on it, bend the wire in half to make the ends of the same length and tighten the loop on 5 revolutions. Then again we ride 6 pcs. Bispers, twist the loop of 3 turns. To make the leaves naturally need to do them so that they do not get clearly opposite each other. When you twisted the first loop from the central loop, twist the wire for another 3-4 turnover and only then make the second loop on the other end of the wire. Holding to such a scheme, you will have every subsequent leaf below the previous one.

    The leaf should consist of a central loop and 5 side loopes from the same side. Total leaves will need 40-45 pieces.
    Now we make branches with apples. Cut a wire with a length of 50 cm., Fold it in half and we ride 1 round green beerink in the center. Then we take a bead and put it on at once on 2 end of the wire. It should work out like in the picture. Then we ride 6 reservoirs on one end of the wire and twist the loop under them for 3-4 turns. Similarly, we make a leaf and on the second end of the wire.

    When you make 2 leafs under the apple, twist the wire for 3-4 turns and make the second, then the third leaf, etc. Ie scheme of weaving is the same as on the leaves.
    When all twigs are ready, proceed to their assembly in the bundles. To make a bundle, twist 3 branches so that the branch with an apple is in the middle, and on the edges on the same side there were branches with leaves.

    Now that all branches are collected in bundles, begin to form large branches of the tree. We take a thick wire and screw our bundles to it, forming them so that the branches are fluffy. Each fastened beam is fixed using a leucoplasty, glue with thin stripes.
    I got 5 large branches. Now twist them into the tree, trying to place them so that the crown of the tree is like fluffy.

    When the tree is assembled - put it in a suitable container. For the landing wept alabaster 1: 1 with water and be sure to put a pot of foil to the bottom so that it does not burst when pouring.
    When the alabaster gets dry, you can proceed to the coating of the trunk. We divorce the alabaster with PVA glue to the consistency of sour cream and with a brush, we apply a mixture to the entire wood frame. When the first layer dries well, apply the second layer on the entire frame. After drying the second layer, the trunk need to paint brown paint. We put the moss on PVA glue and glue the moss from above on the glue "moment" 3 apple.

    Gently straighten the branches and correct so apple so that they hang down. Red apples in yellow apples in yellow paint, and green apple sides - red. Here is Jablock and ready.


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