You have to pay for everything in life. Life has to pay for everything

You have to pay for everything in life. Life has to pay for everything

I am again brought to turn to one of the outer stones of the pagan svetorozuminnya. Life has to pay for everything. This is one of the main laws of the light, and we urge you not to talk about those that are out there, the light of the light, the axis is so quarrelsomely vlashtovano.

Shvidsche, ce more similar to the law of conservation of energy, the balance of the opposite. Deyakі bring for equalizing the emnist іz water: it is not possible to add a refilled vessel, even if I want to drip. Shchab otrimati, it is necessary to see. Hundreds of generations of people cherished this principle in ancient times, and just like simple workers fought to manifest this law in vain: if you don’t dig the field, don’t plant it, don’t break your back and don’t achieve m’yazi-breeding, then magicians, priests, sorcerers, who victorious in their practice and practice with the essence of Іno, they took a whole troch іnakshe-at once simpler and folded.

I have had occasion to carelessly dwell with the spirits about the victoriousness of that rank of the other, and here already, like in the market, without a long-term delusional price, you won’t propagate anything. And as if you had forgotten about this subtlety, you won’t have a “few-free sir” all the same. Possibly, your prohannya and vykonyut, protanatomist take those stylki, which th skіlki vvozhatimut for the need. So, what “capital” can not be beaten. The concept of "freebies", pragnennya otrimati "for nothing" was formed from the ruins of the pagan svetoglyad and the establishment of "light" religions, especially Christianity. It’s cool to sound: just cross yourself and go periodically to the church, and all of you will be for you: and defend against evil, and eternal life, and forgiveness of sins ... It was clear, and there really is nothing without cost. Goduvati egregor to come. And here is the same principle: without a contract, for nothing, do not confirm the “services” (how do you know, did you really get your sins, did the priest just give you such good encouragement?), Egregor take the stilki, the siliki himself zabazhaє. І benefits of energy payments.

Credits can be taken not only at a penny equivalent, but the hour for rozrakhunkiv will come early. And it’s better, it’s too early ... Pagans (right) don’t check for the “confiscation of the lane” for the Borg. Itself on the law, pay it yourself, understand the bringing of the demand. At the same time, some pagan techniques were asked for understanding and compromised dosі. It’s vague, if a person is not wise: inconspicuous, crooked-sided, ale sintered with wet hands, a bare one (and even if you grind it with your hands!) You can’t replace hundreds of shop-bought kilimok, high wind it with gyrations and sacred chirs. You can't charge a penny for a spiritual equal. Single "currency" Ino-life force, energy. She is worthy of perfumes in payment for our services. And you can’t pay us with wet blood, for days and months of your life, you don’t bring “warm” needs, so be kind, wanting to put your work, your diligence, a part of your spiritual strength in the offering.

Why, well, little real prohannya, but as a sign of povaga zіyde. Not less important is the mind-proportionality of the requirement. Small offerings of little cigarettes are conceivable perfumes, too great we burn their appetite, and in the future the stench will increase more and more significant “additives”. Here you need to turn on the softness and feel. Even a rich super-chek vinikaє dovkol brought to the gods. Gods are not spirits, and even more so, not people, the essence of unworldly power, in principle, is filthy fooled by our mind. We really can't give them anything that the stinkers couldn't take themselves. It is foolish and ridiculous to say that at home the pagans worship the Gods. Spirits, so, in order to truly “pray” God, not to draw out all the strength of life, like a person has. Too inconsistent pledges.

Mi antrohi are not able to repay the Gods for those who want to stink for us. For all spiritual reasons, rites for the awakening of special energy, “warmth” and other requirements, a drop of sweet blood in the best in order to gain the respect of the Gods, zatsіkaviti Їх. It is worthy and worthy of the need at once from the lands to ease the establishment of a connection with the Gods, as with the skin of a new time all mіtsnіshatime. And even if the stench is important, that the people of Varta have their respect, they can be satisfied with these meager (from this point of view, no matter how majestic the stinks were not given to us) gifts in exchange for their defense and help. However, we can’t take anything away, and the stink-the law of light is indestructible. Ale, the Gods marvel, how a person is arranging for the "loan of trust." Intenseness has grown rapidly and real successes can turn the practice’s head, and winding the way to the winding paths of Krivdi, without suspecting that everything that happens is less likely to be tested, and wine is not seen. Three people, dressed up with the trust of God and having ceased to call out their interest, feed hard and mercilessly for new art. Without payment lines.

"For everything in life you need to pay" - the phrase is albeit zazhdzhena, but has not lost its actual relevance to the earthly essence. And do not have mercy, calling її into one of the outer stones, on which no more than a hundred of people among people are grounded, but you are still alive.

Zagalny mutual rozrahunok

The child was born, they look after her, yearn, start, shy everything, so that she grows up healthy and stuck to life in the household. Batkivsky obov'yazok at all beauty. come out, fathers with their turbotoy for shchos and whom they pay .

Lyudina ruined her career. Vіdbuvayuchi number s 9 to 18, about high schools of service gatherings you could b and not dream. For success paid with supplementary courses for fach, overtime for a robot, which vibrate from the routine row of zusills and bring favor to conscience .

Asking for a small service to the court, we know in advance that the moment will come when you happen to borg.

Wherever you throw it, scrape, and for everything in life you need to pay. And not only in the shops for groceries, clothes and equipment, but for the fiscals - donations, but GREATLY FOR EVERYTHING! And as you pay, so you take it back.

If you want order in your life, pay for cleaning up with zusils; happy vіdnosin - razuminnyam and compromise; hvatsko їzditi by car - dosvidom accident; prestigious robots - rozcharuvannyam and try rudeness on spіvbesіdі.

Insolence is not a friend of happiness

Not rozrahuvshis povny entry, we steal. І to steal, shvidshe, not so “loha”, like yourself. І for the following warning.

Applied - the sea. The axis of a pair of them.

Marina virishila intrigued against Jeannie - the super-nice for the job of the chief, who called. I paid. To Zhanna, I didn’t think about a new place, the head of the “advertisement” had lost the respect of the director, and she became a church worker for the poor Marini. Why "violent" understood without words.

Uncle Vasya is immeasurably healthy, picking up the banknotes that bled from the swarms of the passerby. On the next day, a jacket from a hamanz was stolen from a new car. There was a salary.

І not obov'yazkovo payment immediately and proportionally. To marvel at the sight, how many of the people, like to take everything and at once, not calling on the lonely. І skіlki from them unfortunate, skryvdzhenih for the whole world and punished share ("/unhappy?").

And for cautions, zdebіshkogo shkoda zavdaetsya themselves on the mental level. The same uncle Vasya, having left the gamanets at the car, even though he hadn’t been timid before. Why?

Why do you have to pay for everything?

Everything in nature is pragne jealous (“jealous. How not to waste a fulcrum”):

  • the water flows there, where it can swell;
  • the mountain rises until I stand, until the beans fall nowhere;
  • creatures and people - to a blissful canoeing.

Having let everything go on self-fuel, how do you think, where will you stop? Adzhe navit sofa - a symbol of negligence - you need to buy it for now.

The more you want to live, the more you need to pay. І cunning at the sight of the thief does not fail here. Payment - only to your own people, otherwise - just a punishment.

Axis de root of "bezkorislivyh" turbot about children, people of the frail age of fathers, wives and friends. The business of pure water!

Paid for a yacht

Good, but why do people feel so free, like they “chop” pennies on an unholy path and sail on luxury yachts near warm climes?

I’m looking forward to getting food: are you happy with it, living on your salary and spending your vacation at the resorts of Turechchiny / at the country house / just at home?

For whom our life is not enough kazkoy. But we only know how rich it is for us to live and how much is the proportionate price paid to the occupied.

Now let's transfer our situation to the "happy" oligarchs and viznovki.

Life has to pay for everything. І not obov'yazkovo penniless chi servitor. It is most often to give generous gifts and readiness to give good for good (“Your and give the joy of life”).

They taught us a little more, that you have to pay for everything. Just don't do anything. If you behave well - you will show cartoons, if you have manna porridge - you can take a walk, you will save your toys - you will take away the zukerku and so on. Behind the steps of our growth, minds become more powerful.

And so step by step we begin to ascertain that for everything in life you need to pay. For zukerku - dyakuvati, for frost - pay a penny, for an evening cartoon - clean up the room. And the phrase of all grown-ups is in love - “You laugh a lot, you cry.” Possibly, batkiv, they were tired, and the children’s laughter was fighting, but they didn’t bring for the whole punishment.

It’s good, I’m talking, it’s necessary to pay for what you need to pay, to work and work at the police. But to pay for kohannya, friendship, respect, laughter - it's not ethical and it's immoral.

For whom the Poles have a head pardon for Vihovanni. Stand firm, what do you love, think, what are you listening to fathers, learn well, clean up your toys, don’t be friends with filthy lads, graduate from the university, in a word, you really douvatimesh ochіkuvannya batkiv.

Grown up, grown-up children are impressed, you have to pay for everything good in your life. In life, there are light periods, and dark ones. Ale dark periods in our life - not a payment for all those lights and happy days. The day is forever changing nothing. And in life there are folded situations, but the stench makes us stronger. Like in the sky, let the sun shine, and there will be no gloom - the earth will burn. So in life, if inaccuracies come, we begin to appreciate all the good that we can.

Being implied that for all the good things you need to pay, we start in a good shukati filth.

A man dbaє, help with everything, to bring a little star from the sky ready to go. De w" dog"? Possibly, vin characterless chi earns little! Don't smoke, don't smoke, lead a healthy way of life - you won't be sick! Garno watch, rob expensive gifts - a womanizer and a marnot!

And a normal woman becomes paranoid, playing like a detective, she seems to be stronger than bazhannya vikriti kokhanoy in nonsense. And if you don’t know the evidence for the sake of it, you won’t calm down, now, people will blame the verdict - homosexual, so the woman shouldn’t chirp.

For the bazhannya, you can know the darkness of the light and the knowledge of the hundred. If a partner does not go to the trouble of vikriti, then they are convinced of their rightness, start to provocatively - rudeness, rudeness, power scandals, roam hysterics in an even place. All to fight with one method to take the strain out of your eyes. I want to go to hell, and all the same only for the sake of bringing myself to know that the partner is far from ideal, and in some cases to change you have to pay for everything.

Sounds good, joden normal people The fee for a kokhannya does not show such a spread of predilections and pide. Ale and blindly trust, movchki forgive all the mistakes, tell the truth to all the partners of the partner - it’s not possible either. Nature is always pragmatic and jealous, henceforth, and we can reach the “golden mean”. Take it as a given, not everything in life is for sale and not you have to pay for everything.

Spravzhnі speech - love, friendship, dovira, prihilnіst and so gave us without cost and є at the skin.

I have two blues, an alemova in my opinion about the young one. The elder one, without any special folding, ruled his special life, and the younger one, as it seems, through the pain of that torment for happiness.

The first maiden of my son perished in her homeland in a car accident. On the blue, it was more marvelous, the lad closed himself and pishov at home, we all tried to help him, but as a result, nothing came of it, fortunately he ran into himself, sport plus the character of yoga dad and my uppert roiled his right.

І axis through a sprig of fates after the tragedies of the vines grow their new mess. A girl from a poor homeland, a grandmother wriggled, they lived stink, a disabled girl had serious problems with her bones (backbone and legs), plus she had a terrible allergy. They began to send stosunki, syn simply litav and shone in the light of happiness. By the mighty forces of the wines, putting it on the site of the foot, picking up the proposition, picking up pennies for the weight of that power apartment. Ale, not all people go through the test for the mіtsnіst pochutіv that love.

The girl got to know each other in a sanatorium (went there to see my son’s strength, and was already worried about her and her health) with a man and began an affair. On the back of the head, everything was a little bit in the leafing, but in the distance it spilled over into real zestriches and from behind. Syn about everything dіznavsya vipadkovo, repair of the computer was unsatisfactory vіdkriv іnshiy bіk yogo kohanoi іvchini. All of a sudden, we went through a rage, like a bov after the death of the first girl, scarlet once again to be terrible. Sin zlamavsya, having begun to drink that trickery, and then we call the sign.

The girl was crying, crying, blessing Yogo to work and give a chance, and if he was guilty, she didn’t lay a hand on herself (vryatuvali). In the middle of the night, there was not a little bit of a month, everyone just devoured. Let's sweat a sprig of dzvinkiv in the sun to us with this yogo girl. Having said to the girls, that after running through, you can’t turn back, and everything is broken between them, and having told us that the site is all good, they didn’t boast and didn’t worry. Step by step, we began to get along with each other, it turned out that we had gone with a friend in a different place and started everything from scratch there, starting to improve our lives and start to get back on our feet.

І axis mayzhe through three rocky blue turns home, not alone, with a squad and nemovlyam. All the same, the yogo kolishna maiden swayed, and її the psyche did not vithrimala, zlamalasya. The girl closed herself in herself, stopped talking and pretended to be a sheep, a year later she started having problems again with old sores on her nerves, and everything turned to the point where everything started. The girl is humanly shkoda, but there’s no one to call, she herself destroyed everything, and now she’s not alive, but to suffer. Give God one more chance for happiness, everyone has mercy, all people.
