Podmaster (Dwarven Fighter). Quests in the starting location of the gnomes how to get C-class crystals

Podmaster (Dwarven Fighter). Quests in the starting location of the gnomes how to get C-class crystals

As it comes in one old Soviet cartoon: "We are gnomes, gnomes, gnomes, gnomes, gnomes! All fabulous treasies are familiar to us. " Or somehow like that.
And really who is it? What do we know about these bearded dwarfs?

For an ordinary gnome player, it is undoubtedly "Sax", "Laja", "UG", "GIMP", "Freak", "bearded stool", well, the granddaughters of the gnomes (Dwarfs), so finally, the dream of Korean PE * OU .

And really a character, a rostic meter in a cap, is very specific and from that so I miles. When I meet the real gnome (not after the mushrooms of the overseas, and in the game, of course) the feeling of respect for me appears on a number with the question: "And what is it for this, you don't really like to play?"

Only the fans of this class play them and have never been involved in anyone. Gnome can not be and it is impossible to love, the dwarf should be born, well, at least in the shower \u003d). And then all game process; All virtual life will be you and your wallet on a kaif.

In the conditions of the original gaming economy (without a bright manifestation of bots), the mountain people are more focused on pork enrichment, for the means of creating objects and trade. Well, purely in our time, all the gnomes were transformed into Jews, Georgians and Armenians. "Hey, Daraga, Padkhada, shuffle, pacuades!"

In the gnomes, the passion for the root case is inferior to love for noble metals. Dwarves do not like clasons of combat steel, they love the monotonous blows of the hammer on the hot metal and adore the ringing of heavy coins in their thick pockets!

So if you want not to depend on the global crisis: prices for oil and jarny, you wish to shine in fashion armor and occupy a key role in the siege of the castles - this is your choice. Consider, maybe he will like it. After all, there is no worse, in a fight 1 to 1, a dwarf with a box of livative riders or cp of jars. It is impossible to kill this creature!

And now no less informative information from professional gnome french, the patriot of its class and just a cute gnome \u003d)

Little kawai girls and bearded old men. Some of the most beautiful characters. And one of the most useless. Nearly. At least, most players believe that way. After all, few choose characters, just because they look beautiful. Priority are support classes and appreciating the greatest damage. And the dwarves there are no such. So why do they generally need?

In fact, not everything is so bad. Dwarves can be two species - creators and collectors.

Creators Studying recipes, make various types of weapons and armor - and only they can create items. They also use golems to combat monsters and other players, as well as for the destruction of the walls and the gate of the castles. For example, gnomes like real sammones can call for mechanical creatures that will help them in battle. Mechanical golem will completely replace any warrior, and can apply a very good damage in a pair with a dwarf. A large bomb will help cause damage to the huge clusters of monsters. And the siege guns will help in the capture of the castle - the siege goal "with a bang" will destroy the gate and walls, and the wildworker will destroy all the protection in the courtyard of the castle. Also, only the creators can use spells that increase the combat characteristics of other players - the shooting range for archers, the chance of stunning the enemy, for the military warriors and the rate of recovery of magical energy for magicians.

Collectors Use special magic on monsters to obtain additional resources after their murder. At high levels, they easily produce various billets to create better armor and weapons, as well as enchantment scrolls, to increase the attack of weapons and protect the armor.
Only the gnomes are available to use the "Crystallization" skill - splitting objects on crystals, which are used to create various items or charges to enhance weapons.

All the gnomes can have decent resistance to the enemy, but still collectors it turns out worse. Another gnomes are perfectly owning peaks and less than the rest depend on support classes - and thanks to this can in small groups to destroy large quantities of monsters with the highest speed and receive a large number of Experience in less time than other types of groups.

If we play more or less highly used servers, you should not bother with these quests (well, if only this is not the first character on the server and help in development no one), but if it is a low-ray, then you have to be confused and work already with starting location.

By the way, and not only in Lowe Rayti have to do them. At the deliberate "Erica", the admins were so cut off all the flights on Aden, Drop and spoil, that despite the fact that the project was stated as X10, at the start, everyone had to do all quests, including even 1 profune, although NPC was worth everything 100k, even such money was impossible to collect (not, I certainly collected 100k to 20 Level, but then I would have running rapidly, I had to go).

Since we are gnomes, all quests are taken in the village of Dwarves and are performed in the village itself and around it.

The first thing we do, appearing in the starting location (it will not even be called a quest) - come to Nubo-Hellpery, he will suggest a little to wave a knife, we go to beat Gremlinov, until Blue Gemstone (falls usually from the second rat), raise, go Boil to Hellperes. It will give 200 nogrees of sourshotov for noobs and send to the NPC, which stands nearby, with the mouse in Togo and choose the first line, the NPC will give some more nipples and send to the village to the village of Nubo-Hellperu.

We are not particularly drunk, running, Nubo-helper in the village gives more sourshotov, gives 12 novelo-tokens, with the help of which we can teleport between the starting villages (they will help you to choose the recipes for resources). TP with their help from the same nutper (last line). Note that on 20 levele it is already impossible to use them. We have already solved the problem with TP on starting logs.
By the way, remember this NPC, starting from 8 levela we will be bugmed, on the eighth bafaet only Wind Walk, then vampire, and Life cube will be the 15th leisure. On some servers, the Buff is given only to the first character on the account, some can be baptized.

Next, consider the quests, with the help of which we will receive a sufficient number of soursotov, not bad for noobs a Greed Topor, a pair of know-grade oscillats (beautiful such), a hundred Nubskiy Salil and another garbage, which will still help us brighten the first hours of stay on the server.

Now pay attention to the round house opposite teleport, it is called Elder Council.. They gathered wise gnomes that you and you will receive almost all tasks.

MINER "S Favor
Quest takes U. Miner Bolter. (from the second levela), which stands along the way from Gremlinov to the village, stands on the road on the left side. He will ask to run into the village, collect his little things and bring him. We need to visit the following NPC:
Trader Shari - Veapon Shop
Trader Garita - Magic Shop
Warehouse Chief Reed - Esse - But in Warhause
BlackSmith Brunon - Forge
Return to the miner and get as a reward Necklace of Knowledge. The joke of the Koreans is interesting, because the starting NPC gives you to attribute to the village of his smelly socks (Bolter "S Smelly Socks). That's even what we have to do)).

Into The World
To do everyone! Quest is taken from the third leisure Silver Scale "s Balanki In a circular house, about which I wrote above. We run to Warehouse Chief Reed, then to Priest Of The Earth Gerald (stands at the entrance to the village at the first house), then we return to Rida, and then to the balance. Get award: Scroll of Escape to Giran Castle Town - Scroll just needed spoilers during the passage of the quest to the first profune, well, the crafters are useful if you need to urgently fly to the Hyran for the sale of recipes and resources, and then return back. Traveler also gives Traveler, so that Trader Galladucci in Luxor Gianana helped you go back to our village.

The Road Home.
This is just a response quest for returning to Dwarven Village, in the giana we run to Luxor, Barga Galladucci will send us to three NPCs in different parts of the city, will give us a reward Scroll of Escape to Dwarven Village.

Brigands Sweep
Given on the fifth levele NPC Spiron. In a circular house in TP. Quest In general, you need to beat all sorts of goblins, awards - a little adena, but let him go to the heap, when we leave the starting village, we will give up the Items in Quest and give up it.

The Hidden Veins.
Everyone must do! Quest is taken from the sixth level in the house of elders from the NPC Filaur. (Extreme to the right of the entrance), according to Quest, you need to beat Utuku Orcs (their three types, including, from which the recipe for the Kraft resource), the next 6th leisure stand around the village. CrySolite Ore and Torn Map Fragments will fall with them (the map fragments fall very badly, but if you collect 4 pieces, then Priestess of the Earth Chichirin can glue them to Combined Map, for which 1000 adenok will give). But this is garbage, as soon as you like a few CrySolite Ore, we go to the starting NPC, and when the quest is first putting it, it will give NG nipples (the last time I received 6000 soullots for beginners). You can further abandon the quest, but let it be, we still wear it here, falls a little adenok.

Jumble, Tumble, Diamond Fuss
Quest is taken from the NPC Gouph. (from the tenth leisure), which stands in the distant house at the exit from the village on the left side. He will send you to dangle on the village from the NPC to the NPC, changing any quest items, I will not list all, everything can be seen on the quest tab, I will only say that when you look for Carrier Torocco, it is worth it or in Warhause, or behind him, If you look at the house from the other side where the passage is littered, you will see it there, but if you hang a house on the other hand, where there is a passage, you can not see it. Do not matter, go to the WX to the place where he approximately stands behind the wall and write in chat twice / target torocco
From the first time it will be caught in Target, a dialog box with it will appear from the second.
We run so while BlackSmith Brunon will not send us to beat Goblin Goblin Brigand Lieutenant 10th Level. They are located in Western Mining Zone, the easiest way to reach the path, which comes out of the far end of the village (where the starting NPC is located on this quest Gouph). We run to the very end of the trail, running the river and see goblins. In general, on these glades, all three types of mobs (goblins, bats and flying muzzles with ears are needed by quests, so immediately take all the available quests, and only after that we go to Mobs.
I knock out 10 Aquamarines and 10 Chrysoberyls from goblins, we return to the blacksmith and pass the atems. We are wearing a village again while Airy in Warhauz will not send Star Diamond from Blade Bat (all on the same glade, where and goblins). After receiving a diamond, we return to pass the quest to the starting NPC Collector Gouph.
Award on Quest: 7000 NG SOULSHOTOPS for beginners, 50 musical crystals (10 each species) and 100 small garlic. And of course the hatch Silversmith Hammer. - 14 attacks, not so what, but go to start.

Covert Business
Starting NPC - Keef. (All in the same house of elders), you need to kill Blade Bats (watch the previous quest, where to find them), for such a mouse, they give from one to three quest items Bat Fangs, and if you go further and go through the next river, then there live there Barbed Bats, for which they give up to four atems. You need to fill 100 things, when the quest will give a ring Ring of Raccoon. And some SP, with the following SP and Adenka.

Dreaming Of The Skies
Takes off from the eleventh leisure from the NPC Black Anvil "S ARIN (everything is in the same house), you need to beat mobs Magical Weaver 11 Levela (these are the most muzzles with ears that I wrote in previous quests), that is, we run there, where and in the quests above. It is necessary to fill 50 floating Stone.
The award is the same as in Quest above, only with the first passing the other ring Ring of Firefly., pretty such.

In general, of course, these rings and nafik are not needed, but if you do not have one of them, you will not be given to make the following quest:

Tarantula "s Spider Silk
Given at the Fifteenth Level Trader Mion. We go to Western Mining Zone (all the same location. As in previous quests, only a little further and the right on the map), hunt for packs and (16 and 17 Level). From mobs will drop Tarantula Spider Silk and Tarantula SpinnereTte. The first Aepete will go to the quest immediately, and the second is changed by Defender Nathan on 20 stacked Tarantula Spider Silk for each Atem. When you get tired of beating the mobs, we return to Mion, we rent a spider school and get an adenka.

Go Get The Calculator
Quest to get a calculator. Nafik is needed? And to be)).
We get a quest from BlackSmith Brunon (in forge) from the 12th level. He will send to the house to the elders (we have already imagined them there with their sympathy - and nothing, we had to immediately give a lot of adena and profune, and now it's late, let them suffer). All NPCs choose the item about the calculator, at the NPC Elder Spiron, when he will ask us, what guild is the best (Which Is the Best Dwarven Trade Guild?), I answer "Golden Wheel". Balanki will ask for money (in reality, and more Elder), give him 100 Aden. Speaking there with the people, we go to the Blacksmith Silvera (in the forge, this is the Gnomka, which we teach the skills), she wants to have 10 atems from us, which fall from Mobile Gemstone Beast c. You can reach the mine on foot, come out of the village through the bridge, which is just opposite the forge and run right until the mine. There are already in the first room, but in the next there are much more. From the same, the mob is falling. Putting 10 crystals, return to Silver, it will change them to the calculator. But this is not the one that we need. Immediately, in the forge, approach Brunon, who took the quest, praise the thing, he begins to convince us that his calculator is much better, and offers to change. What is already there, change). Everything, the quest is made, you can or count, or immediately sell it. Quest is repeated, if that.

GateKeeper "s Favor
Quest to do everything! Takes on the 15th levele Gatekeeper Wirphy.. Killing whinstone golems. Mobs find easy, by quest on the calculator we ran to Abandoned Coal Mines. That's not coming to this mine, the road will be descended to left, run a little on him and at the first snowy mountain turn to it on the left side. There will be two types of golems 14 and 15 levels and agra of the Goblins of the 15th Level. You need to knock out 20 Starstones, they fall badly, but from the same golem, recipes on the coke synthetic, and from Goblins Varnish with a good chance, so you are patient. As you get 20 Atemov, we go to pass the quest, we will give GateKeeper Token, with which you can teleport right away in the Gludin, which we need to complete quests on the professional.
On the last server I was given even two tokens, one gave spoilers (and you can sell). To stumble into the glove with a token, the Gateper has a special string.

Dwarves are a race created by the goddess of the Earth. They have high physical indicators and a unique ability to create objects. After the fall of the giants, the gnomes rushed from one race to another, trying to join the winners, and as a result they earned the reputation of dishonorous fadepers. At the moment, they settled in the north of the Kingdom of Aden, in the kingdom of eternal cold, endless rocks and having snow.

    Special features of the race: The volume of the backpack near the dwarves is several times more than that of other races, they are also able to transfer heavier things.

    Characteristic of the race: Gnomes - recognized masters of creating a variety of items, also the indicators of their health and protection are quite high.

Warrior Tira
Tyrr Warrior.
Rogue Odala
Othell Rogue.

Podmaster (Dwarven Fighter)

Dwarfs are not available magic, so they rely only on their weapons and armor. Due to the special opportunity to extract resources from dead monsters and the ability to create things the gnomes are indispensable assistants in any of the areas of activity, including trade. It is there that they comprehensively show their talent of the "greatest traders in the world." Dwarves can enjoy a variety of weapons and wear any armor that they need.

Basic characteristics of the apprentice

Str. Dex. Con. Int. WIT. MEN.
87 53 85 39 37 40

Artisan (Artisan)

The collector and artisan perfectly complement each other - while the first is busy searching and collecting the necessary elements to create objects, the second is able to create weapons, armor or jewelry. Craftsmen do not differ in special combat performance, but only they can create mechanical golems that help them on the hunt and in battles against other players.

Kuzmith (Warsmith)

The main difference between the blacksmith from the artisan is the ability to collect unique combat vending machines, used both when hunting for monsters and for the siege of locks. Also, only Blacksmith is capable of making rare and especially valuable equipment of equipment, providing them with those they need.

Master (Maestro)

Get the title of Masters - the cherished dream of any blacksmith. Its feature is the opportunity to learn new combat skills, allowing the gnomes to finally stand in one row with other warriors and have decent resistance on the battlefields.


The collector is an extremely useful and necessary class. It is available only for the apprentice. Collectors have a unique ability to extract additional resources and key materials to create game items from the bodies of the monsters killed. Collectors respect and appreciate in any clan, because it is often precisely exactly how well the clan is.

Bounty Hunter)

Only the reward hunters have the ability to produce high-level elements to create equipment from bodies of defeated monsters. As a rule, each collector seeks to improve their skills and get a hunter title for a reward, because this will allow it to extract previously inaccessible resources. If the situation on the battlefield will begin to go out from under control - the hunter for the award always can pretend to be dead and avoid danger.

Fortune Seeker

Get a chair title - the cherished dream of any hunter for a reward. Its main difference is the opportunity to learn new combat skills, allowing the gnomes to finally stand in one row with other warriors and have decent resistance on the battlefields.

Race Dwarves are not so popular among the players mainly, because the dwarves have no magic, as such, and for the game Gnome need a lot of patience and good economic grip. In this article we will try to consider the gnome from all sides of his life. We learn a little about the economic side, and how to give the start of his wealth.

Gnome the richest race in the game is a fact.

Of course, it will not argue with this fact, because in independence from his profession, whether it is a blacksmith (Artisan, Warsmith) or a resource collector (Scavenger, Bounty Hanter), they are best prepared for making money. Now briefly about each of the professions.
Blacksmiths - they are ready to always make a special thing for you that cannot be bought in stores or if you cannot knock out possible. In addition, only they can create "cartridges" for any weapon starting from the D-class. The players, of course, will buy their will-unillires, because to receive new levels without Soulshot, Spiritshot and Blessed Spiritshot in some cases are simply not possible. If a good fighter earns 100k-400k per day during the exhaust hunt, then the gnome can earn 100k-700k per day without going off the place.
Resource collector - specializes in resource mining and specials. Materials necessary for "craft". We produce resources mainly with the SPOIL and SWEEP robbery skills. The very necessary class in the game, since it is their work in the end that it is possible to provide the materials of the gnome blacksmith. In addition, some resources cannot be produced in a different way in addition to applying Spoil skill at collectors, and the rest though falling out of the mounted monsters, but little and irregularly. In other words, in the clan, they always enjoy success, and in the course of their professional activity Get experience.

blacksmith craft

After receiving 20 levels of the Gnome, either Artisan "Ohm or Scavenger" Ohm. Let's stop at the Kuznez class in more detail.
Everything starts with the Passive Creat Item skill, which will develop depending on the level of the gnome to create things and weapons up to the B-class. This skill is used if the gnome has a specific recipe, a set of necessary resources, specials. Materials and a certain stock of magical energy. After all proportions are observed, you can safely press the inscription in the Creat Recipe. But we will come back to this.

What is "crafting" and what not?

Of course, not all things need to be "crafting" based on the economic value of a particular thing. Or in other words, many things make it simply harmful to your pocket. Why is that? Now we will deal with what the case is here. Many resources are spent on the manufacture (especially for the manufacture of things class with or higher). Being the necessary ingredients, to create enough expensive and rare things, many resources have a high market price. In other words, before clicking and parting with a bunch of resources, you need to compare the amount spent on its manufacture and expected benefit from its sale. It is worth indicating what is most valued and sold on the "Hurray" things that cannot be bought in the store, or rather things consisting in one of the sets (SET). The kit is a set of certain things that provide additional properties to its host with simultaneous dressing. You can cite such an example: when dressing Brigantine, Brigantine Gaiters and Brigantine Helmet will give its owner an additional health supply extra 5% of physical protection (p.def), etc. It is reasonable that the players do not seek with all their forces to push themselves more "top shoes", but they collect a good set. And everything would be fine, if it were possible, running to the store, buy a selected "Set". Alas, even within a D-class at least one thing is absent on the store shelves. And you get up before choosing, or this thing "knock out" (which is often not possible because of the almost zero probability) from the monsters, or, to go to the blacksmith, do not regret Aden. And, of course, with respect to things and weapons of a higher class - especially.
But what should be "craft" constantly, so this is the consumables "Cartridges". Indeed, for a good approach to the destruction of monsters, the magicians spend 2-3 thousand cartridges, the fighters of 10 thousand. Given the fact that the gnomes are always less than representatives of other classes, the demand for "cartridges" will always be stable.
You can give such simple assembly recommendations for the gnome. This is basically "network" things:
From C-class almost any helmets (because they are missing in the Luxury Store), Karmian Glovies, Composite Shield, Full Plate Helmet, Full Plate Armor, Full Plate Boots.
Of course, Avadon, Zubei, Doom, Blue Wolf kits are of course.

What other resources?

Resources are all sorts of pieces, pebbles, skins, fragments of the like little things, serve as raw materials for the production and release of things to the market. They can be divided into universal and special. Universal are used in any recipe and their number is usually very large to create one thing. Special are used when creating well-defined things, which excludes their use when creating another thing. So we can understand that the gnome blacksmith is needed in order to bonding once a whole thing together, abundantly covering paint and polished to the brilliance, to give it for a new one.
Well, consider typical universal resources: Animal Skin, Cokes, Cord, Varnish, Iron Ore, Silver Nugget, Stem, etc. But this is what special resources look like: Composite Shield Fragment, Brigantine Helmet Design, etc.
From universal resources, you can get more complex, by the "crafting" on the recipe from simple. You can bring a simple example on the "crafth" leather, which is obtained from 6 Animal Skin; Further, Crafted Leather is from 4 leather. Some complex resources fall when killing monsters, but many can only be "scaffolding" (Silver Mold or Artisan "s Frame).
You can stay at the stability of resource sales. After all, this is the only way to earn for a collector (Scavenger, Baunty Hunter). The first place is occupied by Animal Skin, Leather, Crafted Leather. If you are a gnome - buy these resources for immediate processing and stock for future "craft". Then goes COAL (this resource is also needed for the production of crafted leather), Cokes, Mithril Ore, Oriharukan Ore, Steel, Stone of Purity, Iron Ore.
You can also remember about such resources that are not produced and not "spoil" this:
Soul Ore, Spirit Ore: They can be found in any magic store.
Gemstone D, C, B: These consumables can also be found in the magic bench
Crystal D, C, B: Operate when placing (splitting) of the appropriate class things.

Recipe (Recipe) - What is it?

They are used mainly blacksmiths. Each of the recipes has a level that is purchased by the Dwarf Creat Item, if the recipe level is above your level of creating things, then you can only see what the recipe is written but you cannot create a thing even if all the necessary material you have in the inventory.
Many recipes in the game can not even read throwing them or just free selling to the store (see the section "What to craft and what not?"). If the recipe is valuable, then you need to see what resources are needed to create a thing. If this is something that can be worn, then there will be some special resources (immediately look at whom and how they need to get) and some kind of universal, sometimes crystals and gems are required (Gemstone). It is still necessary to take into account the following. Some recipes disappear after use (mostly it's B-class things). In addition, there is a chance that the process of crafting things will break: the resources that were necessary for the manufacture and will disappear the recipe itself.
There are still recipes that can be used in two options (Manufacturing Process): one requires less resources, but more risky. The other, on the contrary, is more reliable, but requires much more resources. The choice is yours.
What recipes are needed first? And we have an answer to this question - these are recipes for creating universal resources: Leather, Steel, Cord, Coarse Bone Powder, High Grade Suide, Braided Hemp, Compound Braid, Varnish of Purity, Cokes, Steel Mold, Silver Mold, Mithril Alloy , Synthetics Cokes, BlackSmith "s Frame, Artisan" s Frame, etc.
Also need recipes Soulshot and Blessed Spiritshot all classes available for you.
Recipes Complete Things (Manticore Skin Boots, Brigantine Helmet, Brigantine Shield, Mithril Boots, Composite Shield, etc.).
You can recall that if you do not accommodate the recipes of simple universal resources, they can make you a problem in the future when assembling, because They will spoil or get out of weak monsters. When your level is above the monster level, you will stop falling this recipe (it remains only to buy it in the young generation of the gnomes).

Crystals with what they eat them?

Crystals are the second currency in the world of Aden, but it is also used for the manufacture of things that require a mandatory embedding of some of their quantity.
Sources of splitting things on crystals in the game only two:
Spacking (CRYSTALLIZE). This skill has a gnome blacksmith to split things on crystals. The obtained crystals will be the same class as the thing itself (the skill skill increases depending on the level: D-class 20 level, C-class 40 level and in-class 52 level).
In the second way, it can be the destruction of things to crystals when using Enchant Armor scrolls on it for armor or Anchante Weapon for weapons. But, this method is an emergency, i.e. Crystals are obtained if the attempt to increase the efficiency of armor or damage is more than +3 fails. Example: You received due to the use of "sharpening" on the armor +3, then you want to increase its protective properties, but the operation fails and the D-class thing falls on the D-class crystals.
You can recommend buying more expensive things of a certain class, because when comparing the price of one crystal with the price that you paid for the thing, we see that it is much more profitable to break the expensive thing. It is also necessary to take into account the political situation in the world (where what taxes, if, for example, the castle was captured). The price of crystals will vary depending on the part of the state of Aden, where they are sold. It matters when buying or selling large batch of crystals.

How to get C-class crystals?

A paired weapon will come to your aid to help, because by purchasing two D-class swords, you can get when they are partitioned by C-class crystals! Here you can recommend such pairs like Sword of Revolution * Sword of Revolution - this pair is the most acceptable, because C-class crystals from it will turn out much cheaper than from the pair of Sword of Revolution * Saber. And if you find these swords and buy them from the hands, then the C-class crystals will cost you much cheaper.

How to get in-class crystals?

We follow a simple principle: we find, for beginnings, a large portion of the D-class crystals, then the two d-class swords are soldered along the above scheme and split into C-crystals. Further, we go to the Luxury Store in the giana, we buy two S-class swords, such as Stormbringer and Delusion Sword, we combine in the forge and immediately open. As a result, we have more than 900 B-class crystals. Costs can be calculated in the crystal currency: 1648-C and 8230-D.

And, at the end, it is possible to recommend recommendations on the selection of the place of trading, because this is not a member of an important question for all the gnomes.
Good trading "point" - any crowded area. But here too, there is a kind of trouble, where is still sitting? Let's give a few simple options:
1) You sell products for the same prices as competitors. In this case, you should sit so that the buyer will come to you last. Here is an example: a potential buyer passes through all sellers, studying prices and product range, he understands that the prices for the thing they needed everywhere are the same, he is wring down and buys it with you. After all, he will not go back to buy the same thing at the same price?
2) You spend your price policy and put the price lower than that of competitors. In this case, you need to sit in the most prominent place so that the buyer does not go past you. Then, having studied the rest of the prices in the market, he will certainly come back. But here you need to note the bad side of this phenomenon. If you reduce the price, it will cause anger and discontent of the rest of the dwarves. The situation is developing as follows ... Torgasha are becoming a choice or wait until you leave, or make the price below your. In both cases, they lose money. Further, seeing that they also reduced prices, you make a retaliatory move. Thus, the price is slow, but rightly crawling down. And, in the meantime, many buyers have time to get used to such a fall and raise it will be much more difficult, because the same coordinated actions of all merchants will be required.


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