Designation of a sound in position after a consonant before a vowel. Russian lesson on the topic "positional alternation of sounds" Morphological principle of spelling

Designation of a sound in position after a consonant before a vowel. Russian lesson on the topic "positional alternation of sounds" Morphological principle of spelling

Phonological positions are the conditions of use, the realization of a phoneme in speech: in different positions, the same phoneme appears in different sound forms. Positions can be strong or weak. In a strong position, the phoneme performs its function best. In a weak position, the phoneme's ability to perform its functions is limited. The phoneme has two main functions - perceptual and significative: to facilitate the identification and differentiation of significant units of the language - morphemes and words. In this regard, the positions are differentiated between perceptually strong and weak and significant and weak.

In a perceptually strong position, the phoneme appears in its basic sound appearance: the sound does not experience reduction and the influence of neighboring sounds, it is as independent of the position as possible. In a perceptually weak position, the phoneme is represented by other sounds. They are associated with this particular position and are the result of reduction or influence of adjacent sounds. So, in words tea, bake, stove-maker the phoneme / h "/ is realized by the sound [h"] - its main representative. The deafness of this sound, which appears at the beginning and at the end of a word, in front of a vowel and a sonorant consonant (like other qualities of this sound) is a sign that appears in these positions, but is not conditioned by them. For / h "/ these positions are perceptually strong. Before a voiced noisy consonant, the position for / h" / is perceptually weak: here there is a mandatory replacement of the voiceless [h "] with a voiced [d" z "]: ne [d "f"] is burning. The sound [d "zh"] is due to this position and is used only in it. If you record the pronunciation of a word with the sound [ch "] on a magnetic tape, and then erase part of the recording, leaving only [ch"], and listen to this sound, then all Russian speakers will easily recognize it. If you do the same with the sound [д "ж"], then many will not recognize it, will not be able to determine in which words it is pronounced: it does not occur outside its position before a voiced consonant.

In the significatively strong position, the phoneme differs from other phonemes, it is realized by a special sound. Significantly weak position is the position of nondiscrimination of phonemes. In significatively weak positions, phonemes are limited in their ability to distinguish between words and morphemes. So, the phonemes / o / and / a / under stress after a solid consonant are realized by the sounds [o] and [a]: b [o] k, b [a] k. This is a significatively strong position for vowel phonemes. In the first pre-stressed syllable / o / and / a / ns differ, being realized by the same sound [a 0]: b [d d] bbq (barrel and tank). This is a significatively weak position for / o / and / a /.

The same position may be strong for some phonemes, and weak for others. So, the end of a word is a meaningfully strong position for hard and soft consonants and weak for voiceless and voiced ones. For example, flat /t / u raft"/ differ and raft/ and flat /d / - match: raft].

A perceptually and significatively strong position is called an absolutely strong position. In this position, the phoneme is realized by its main representative - dominant. According to this sound, the phoneme is called: phoneme / a / by sound [a], phoneme / 6 "/ by sound [b"].

In significatively strong, but perceptually weak positions, the phoneme is represented by its own variations. So, in a word sleep the phoneme / s / is represented by the variation [s °], in the word five the phoneme / a / is represented by the variation [a].

In significatively weak positions, the phoneme is represented by its variants. So, the sound [s] in the word nose - variant of the phoneme / s /, and in the word frost - variant of the phoneme / s /.

All sounds that realize the phoneme (and its dominant, and its variants and variations) are also called, in general, variants of the background or allophone.

The sound Y is indicated by:

a) using the vowels I, Y, Y, E at the beginning of a word or before a vowel (apple, lighthouse, Yura, cabin, spruce, blowing, hedgehog, singing);

b) using the letter Y at the end of a word or before a consonant (May, T-shirt);

c) with the help of dividing soft and hard signs and letters of the letters Я, Е, Ю, Е between the consonant and vowel sounds (blizzard, edible). The spelling of the separating b and b signs is studied at the morphemic level after studying the topic "Composition of a word" in grade 2.

Thus, more attention is paid to these writing rules mainly in the 1st grade. In subsequent classes, spelling is consolidated and improved.

In most cases, the Russian writing system provides unambiguous match between sounds and letters, however there is a few exceptions, which are the reason for graphic spelling.

Graphic spellings are solved using certain rules. Consider the spelling studied in grades 1-3.

  1. Graphic spellings or ofograms indicating a phoneme in a strong position. 1-2 grade

The reason for graphic spelling is that the same sound that does not need to be checked can be denoted by two different letters. For example, after always solid F, W and after always soft H, Sh a vowel sound can be denoted by any of the paired vowels. The letters E, Yu, I are practically not used after sibilants.

Attention should be paid to the graphic spelling associated with the alternation of soft and hard consonants. The spelling belongs to the group of dental consonants and is solved according to the rule. In elementary school textbooks, there is practically no emphasis on this spelling, which leads to frequent mistakes.

The reason for the spelling: some sounds are always pronounced the same (hard or soft): In this case, the first soft sound has an improper softness. The designation of the softness of consonants is also studied in the 1st grade of the 3rd and 4th quarters.

spelling "dangerous place" examples
The soft sign is written 1) to indicate softness [L ’], [T’], [P ’], [P’], in the case of one dental [S ’], [Z’] before hard, steel, teach, mother, notebook, swamp, bittern, fight, dawn, elk, letter, carving, request October (but: January!)
No soft sign 1) to denote soft consonants Ч and Щ, in combination with hissing ones: ChK-ChN-ChT-ShchN, NCH-NSCh-RShch. 2) in a combination of two soft dental consonants T, D, Z, S, N (NT, ST, CH, ZD, ZN) 1.pen, urgent, mail, donut, powerful, drummer, lamplighter 2. umbrella, Nastya, Kostya, song,
Separating soft mark (does not indicate soft consonants) serves to denote the sound Y between a consonant and a vowel and is written before the vowels I, YU, E, E, I. 1.written in native Russian words: trees, fox, wolf, pouring, drinking, sewing 2. in words of a foreign language origin: play, monkey 3. in words in -LON: medallion, postman, broth.

The soft sign (as noted above) is not always an orthogram and can be written by ear: horse, album... There is no choice of spelling, since you cannot read a word without a soft sign. Only the variant when both dental consonants are soft is considered an orthogram.

  1. Letter spellings associated with phonetic alternation.

Weak vowel phoneme position.

Unstressed vowels at the root of the word are spelling, that is, they are not written by ear, but require preliminary verification. The reason for the spelling is the phonetic alternation of sounds denoted by the letters A-O and E-Z-I when the stressed (strong) and unstressed (weak) vowel positions are changed. A strong position for vowels is the stressed position.

Spelling task

General solution to spelling problem Ways or ways of solving a spelling problem (grade 2)
Attention danger: sounds [a], [and, e] in a weak position! 1.What part of the word? 2.If in the root, I am looking for a test word: · change the word "one-many", "many-one" ) · I will pick up a single-root word for the questions (what to do? - what? What is doing? What to do? What to do? What to do?) · To look at the meaning of the word (bitter-bitter) Rhythmic rule for first graders: If a vowel letter is in doubt, Put it under stress immediately. 1.Change the word form: word-word 2. "I will say the word kindly": starling 3. words-objects, words-signs and words-actions help each other to search for the same-root test word; help questions: - who? what? - what? old man- old, sea - sea - what? - what to do? P laska - dance 4. words-actions help each other to search for the same root test word; help questions - what to do? - what is he doing? pull - pull - what have you been doing? What did you do? lucky - delivered, brought out - brought 5.words with a letter Eat the root, which is verified by the letter Yo: sister-sisters 6.Words with two unstressed vowels are checked with two test words: gold-gold-plated 7. establishing the etymology of the word (for example, the origin of the word ink) 8. observation of homophonic roots: reconcile, try on, lick, peel off

Weak position of a consonant phoneme.

The spelling of consonants is associated with their phonetic alternation in strong and weak positions. Strong the position for most consonants is the position before the vowel (tooth aboutto)or before a voiced consonant (tooth noh).

The reason for the spelling is the change in consonants in weak positions

  • voiced or stunned in front of a noisy consonant or at the end of a word (circles, prompts);
  • with a confluence of three or more consonants, some consonants are not pronounced (praZDNik)

Consonants in weak positions are spelling and require prior control in writing. For paired voiced and voiceless and unpronounceable consonants, the spelling is solved by changing the weak position of the sound to a strong one.

spelling name name of the studied topic spelling examples and solutions (check) familiarization with the spelling
Paired consonants at the end and in the middle of a word (doubtful consonants). Voiced and voiceless consonants. Their designation by letters. 1.tooth-teeth (one-to-many test method); jumping - jump ("many-one") 2. spoon-spoon (“say the word kindly” method); 3. friend - nofriend ("helper word" method) 1 grade 3-4 quarter
Paired (doubtful) consonants at the root of the word. Root of the word. 1. sweet - sweet (the method of checking "the same root word is an object"); 2. oak - oak (the method of checking "a single root word is a sign of an object"), timid - cork ("what is"); 3. slippery - to slide (the same root word is the action of an object); Grade 2 2-3 quarter
Unpronounceable consonants. Root of the word. 1.dangerous combinations of consonants [sn] and [s`n`] messenger - to lead, sad - sadness; 2. dangerous combinations of consonants [zn] [z`n`] starry - stars, serious - serious 3.words where the unpronounceable got lost in the combinations [nts] [rts]. happiness is happy, the sun is the sun, the heart is the heart 2nd grade 3rd quarter

Let's summarize the spelling and writing rules studied in grade 1 and fixed at subsequent levels. In accordance with the principles of the traditional methodology of the Russian language in elementary school, the logic of studying these spellings and rules is as follows:

1. Consonant sounds and letters. Soft and hard consonants of the letter. Consonant sound and letter J.

2. Hissing consonants Ж, Ш, Ч, Щ. Words with combinations ЖИ-ШИ.

3. Words with combinations CHA-SHCHA, CHU-SHCHU.

4. Words with combinations of CHK-CHN-NCH-SCHN, NCH-NSCH-RSH.

5.Designation of the hardness and softness of consonants by the letters I, Yu, Y (E, I)

6. Designation of the softness of consonants using a soft sign. Acquaintance with the dividing soft sign.

7. Impact. Stressed and unstressed vowels. Weak and strong sound position. Check word.

8. Consonants are paired voiced and voiceless. Weak and strong sound position. Check word.

When studying the spelling of unstressed vowels, attention is drawn to the spelling of words with combinations of JI-SHI, CHA-SHA, when the vowel is in a weak position, without stress: watch, belly.

Spelling taught in grade 2, is based on the morphemic composition of the word. The methodological logic of studying spelling is as follows:

  1. The composition of the word.
  2. Spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of the word.
  3. Spelling of paired consonants at the root of the word.
  4. Spelling of unpronounceable consonants.
  5. Vowels and consonants in prefixes.
  6. Prefixes and prepositions.
  7. Separating solid mark

Detailed material on the formation of these spelling skills is in the section Methodological piggy bank of the blog "Pedagogical workshop". (Russian language. Word composition. Grade 2)

3. Orthograms not related to the designation of phonemes

1. Spelling "Capital letter".

spelling examples start acquaintance
Start of the sentence. Hautumn has come. FROMthawed cold. literacy period
name, surname, patronymic: Anna Ivanovna Petrova 1 grade 3-4 quarter
Spelling proper names animal nicknames: horse Ryzhka, cow Zorka, cat Vaska 1 grade 3-4 quarter
Spelling proper names place names: Tallinn city, Pirita river 1 grade 3-4 quarter
Spelling of proper names. In addition to the capital letter, quotes are added. title of works: story "Bishka", name of firms, products: shop "Prism", sweets "Little Mermaid" 2nd grade

2. Spelling "Word hyphenation"

transfer rule sample familiarity with the rule
1.Words carry over syllables grass, bag, car, car, wrong: thunder ( there - not a syllable, it has no vowel) 1st grade 3rd quarter
2.One letter cannot be wrapped or left on one line wrong: Yulia, Yuli-ya, u-lei 1st grade 3rd quarter
3. The letter Y is not wrapped, it remains on the line ruler, build 1st grade 3rd quarter
4 the letters b and b do not wrap to another line small, se-my, Ul-yana, ru-whose, drive-in 1 grade 3-4 quarter
5. In words with doubled consonants, one letter remains on the line, and the other is wrapped classy, \u200b\u200bsub-bot, autumn 2nd grade
6. Morphemic transfer or transfer based on knowledge of the composition of the word prefix and root: over-went, warmed up root and suffix: desertion, estonian 2 - 3 grade

The spelling "Word transfer" is repeated and improved at each lesson of the Russian language, as it is the most difficult to learn. More often this is due to the problem of the syllable section. The transition to reading with whole words often leads to the problem of forgetting the division of words into syllables, breathing becomes confused, frequent mistakes: apt, joy, a position where several consonants accumulate, but there is no syllable. Transfer errors are also associated with the nondiscrimination of open and closed syllables (a typical mistake su-mka, red, hot). As an additional technique, it is recommended to use a vertical bar to divide words into hyphenation: amazing | tel |This allows you to save lesson time, differentiate tasks for practicing carrying skills. Each new topic of grade 1 involves an addition to the rules for hyphenation, for example, the separator b, b, or double consonants.

3. Orthogram "Space"

4. Orthogram "Punctuation marks".

Acquaintance with the spelling begins in grade 1 during the literacy period. At the end of a declarative sentence, a period is put, at the end of an exclamation point, an exclamation mark, at the end of an interrogative sentence, a question mark. In grade 3, when studying homogeneous members of a sentence, familiarity with a comma

§one. Positional interleaving

Surprisingly, in everyday life we \u200b\u200bregularly encounter different language processes. In this tutorial, we'll talk about one of them. Consider such a phenomenon as the positional alternation of sounds (vowels and consonants). We note right away that we will talk about the phonetic process, not about spelling.

In the flow of speech, the sounds we make undergo various changes. Why is this happening?

The fact is that the sounds of the same morpheme (part of a word) fall into different positions: strong or weak.

Positional alternation - replacing one sound with another when changing its position in the word.

Strong position - this is such a position in which the sound is clearly pronounced in the word, and in writing it is conveyed by the corresponding sign (letter).

Weak position consider the one in which the sound is heard indistinctly, not pronounced at all, or pronounced with changes. In this case, the spelling of the word differs from its pronunciation.

Let's take a look at the transcription of these words:

[marofrom] and [heat]

Now let's write these words in compliance with the spelling rules:

maboutros, heat

Please note that the spelling of the first word is significantly different from its sound, and the second word is written in the same way as it is heard. This means that in the word "frost" the first vowel and the last consonant sound were in a weak position.

§2. Positional alternations of consonants

Find out which positions are strong and weak for vowels and consonants.

Does not change, it is alwaysin a strong position the consonant [y].

Strong position for hard and soft consonants is their position:

at the end of the word: you [l] and ty[ l"];

before vowels:[ d] kill and [ d"] ate;

before hard consonants: ba [n] ka and ba [n "] ka.

Weak forhard and soft consonants is the position:

before soft consonants: for example, in the word pi [s "m"] envy;

before [w "], [h"]: for example, in the word baraba [n "w"] ik.

Voiceless and voiced consonants also have theirweak and strong positions .

The sounds [l], [l '], [m], [m'], [n], [n '], [p], [p'], [y] do not have a voiceless pair, so there are no weak sounds for them positions.

Strong positions for the rest of the voiceless / voiced consonants are the following:

before vowels: ox[ s] s or[ s] loss;

before consonants [l], [l '], [m], [m'], [n], [n '], [p], [p'], [d], [v] and [v "] : for example, in the words [z] loy and [ from] loy, [z] venet.

Weak positions :

at the end of a word: steam [s];

before voiceless and voiced consonants (except for [l], [l '], [m], [m'], [n], [n '], [p], [p'], [d], [v] and [in "]): po [with] ka.

§3. Positional alternations of vowel sounds

Now consider the positional alternations of vowel sounds.

Strong position for a vowel, the stressed position is always, and the weak, respectively, is unstressed:

in [a] p [about] that

Often this alternation is typical only for vowels.about ande .

Let's compare:

m [ó] kryi - m [a] krota and m [ú] other - m [y] drets

There are features in the pronunciation of sounds, which in writing are indicated by the letters E, Y, Y, Y.

Why do you need to know the cases of positional (phonetic) alternation of sounds? You need to know this for the development of spelling vigilance.

If you do not know these processes and do not recognize them in words, then you can make a mistake in the use of one or another spelling or in the morphological parsing of a word.

One of the clearest proofs of this statement isthe rule :

In order not to make a mistake in writing a consonant at the root of a word, you need to choose a related one or change the given word so that after the consonant being checked there is a vowel.

For example, do [p] - do [b] s.

§4. Lesson summary

Now let's repeat once again what we learned about such a phonetic process as positional alternation of sounds.

Alternation - replacing one sound with another.

Positional, i.e. depending on the position of the sound in the word.

It is important to remember:

The positional alternation of sounds is not reflected in the letter!

Sounds are characterized by strong and weak positions.

In a strong position, the sound is pronounced clearly and is conveyed in writing by the corresponding (own) letter.

For vowels, the stressed position is strong.

For soft and hard consonants, the strong position is the position at the end of a word, before a vowel, or before a hard consonant.

For voiceless and voiced consonants, positions are also strong before the vowel and before the sonorous consonants [m], [m '], [n], [n'], [p], [p '] [l], [l'], [in], [in "] and [th].

In other cases, in the stream of speech, sounds change, alternate - these are weak positions.

In a position not in front of a vowel, [y] is denoted by its letter - th, but before vowels - [y] is denoted by the letters E, Y, Y, Y, I, which in this case denote two sounds: [th] + vowel (I, beacon , will announce). Understanding the sound composition of words, in which the letters E, Y, Y, Y, I denote a combination of sounds [y] + vowel, develops phonemic hearing of shk-kov, is a prerequisite for a full-fledged distinction in the child's awareness of the sound and letter forms of the word. It is most difficult to hear the sequence of sounds [yi] in the position after the separating soft sign (nightingales), since the sounds [y] and [and] are acoustically close to each other. Hence, this combination should be considered last.

It is methodologically expedient to present the material on the methods of designating the sound [s] in a generalized way. To do this, the teacher can, during the lesson, draw up diagrams with the students, showing the dependence of the designation [d] on its position in the word.

When choosing words for exercises, it is best to use such letters in which the letters E, E, Yu, I are in stressed syllables - in unstressed, these letters can denote a sound close to [and], for example [yi] phenomenon.

Russian alphabet and sound composition. lang. In order to deepen the understanding of uch-xsya about the relation of the phonemic composition of russ. lang. and the alphabet, it is advisable to compare the ribbon of letters known to children since the time of learning to read and write with a table on which the entire composition of acc. Hanging next to the table acc. sounds a tape of letters, you can reflect with schoolchildren on the questions: why are the letters L, M, N, R, Y highlighted on the tape in a separate group? How many voiced consonants do not have voiceless pairs? (Answer: 9.) What sound among unpaired voiced voices does not have not only a voiceless, but also a solid pair? Why are the letters Х, Ц, Ч, Щ in a separate group on the ribbon?

Questions that help to better understand the relationship between the alphabet and the composition of phonemes:

1. What sounds are there more in Russian: voiced or deaf? How many voiced / deaf pairs are there in total?

2. How many sounds are paired in terms of softness and hardness?

3. Name voiced sounds that do not have voiced pairs and voiceless sounds that do not have voiced pairs.

4. What are soft sounds that do not have hard pairs and hard sounds that do not have soft pairs?

You can make your work with the table entertaining. Suggest to unravel the word by its characteristics: 1st sound - voiceless pair of sound [b], 2nd - vowel sound [y], 3rd - voiceless pair of sound [w], 4th - voiceless pair of sound [r ' ], 5th - vowel sound [and], 6th - solid pair of sound [n '].

Organization of phonetic and graphic analysis. Phonetic-graphic analysis is one of the types of sound-letter analysis. Its purpose is to find out the ratio of sounds and letters in a word. The task of phonetic-graphic analysis is for the student to observe the syllabic pr-p russ in specific words. graphics without being distracted by other questions. In this case, words should be used that consist of sounds (phonemes) in strong positions. First of all, the student listens and isolates the sound, then gives it a characteristic. In order for ml. shk. did not write down the quality of sounds in words, he is invited to place a conventional sign next to the transcriptional icon - a characteristic of the sound. A letter is placed opposite each sound (or sounds), which it is designated by. The recording is accompanied by oral commentary, for example:

In the word [s'em '] the 1st sound [s's's'em'] - [s'] is a soft voiceless consonant, etc., the 1st sound [s] I denote by the letter "ES" and etc.

18. Features of the designation on the letter vowel. after hissing and C. These sounds are not opposed to other acc. on the basis of hardness - softness. Therefore, the letter of the vowel after them loses one of its functions: it no longer indicates the hardness or softness of the previous consonant.

Experienced uch-la explain the spelling rule of the ZhI - SHI combinations in different ways. The first explanation is a grammatical tale in which the letters Ж and Ш quarreled with the letter Y, and Ч and Щ - with the letters I and Y. Since then, these letters never coexist in the syllable SG "The second explanation:" In the word skiing, the sound Л is solid , so after the letter L we write the letter Y. The sound Ж is also solid, but after the letter Ж you need to write the letter I: this is how people agreed among themselves. Once upon a time, the sound Ж in our language was soft, and since then there has been a rule: after the letter Ж, the letter Y is not written. " Then the teacher attaches a card on the blackboard on which ZhI - SHI is written in large letters with an underlined letter I, and the students begin to write down words with this letter combination, underline the letter I. (Ramzaeva TG "Russian language lessons in the first grade").

In the roots of words after C, I (and not Y) is predominantly written: circus, narcissus, compasses, quotation. Exceptions: gypsy, chick, tiptoe, chick, chick-chick (interjection), chicks and their derivatives.

After C it is written O: clatter, clatter, clatter. In foreign words, in an unstressed position, both o and e are written: Herzegovina, duke, duchess.

Due to the dynamic nature of the Russian stress, the pronunciation energy between the syllables of the word spreads unevenly. The vowel in stressed syllables is pronounced clearly, clearly, it is in strong position... In unstressed syllables, vowels are articulated less clearly and change their sound, they are reduced. The unstressed vowel position is weak.

Consonants can also be found in strong and weak positions. Strongposition for consonants is the position before vowels [a], [o], [y], [and], weak - at the end of a word, before voiceless and voiced consonants, in which the consonants paired by voicelessness do not differ, as well as the position of consonants before the front vowel [e], which excludes the possibility of hard consonants paired with soft ones. For the consonant sound [ ј ] strong position - at the beginning of a word and before stressed vowels (yul a – [ј st b], paradise about n - [ra ј about n], weak - the rest of the position of this sound in the word. The weak iota option is and non-syllable [i] (m a th - [m a i], m and ly - [m and ly i]).

[ј] appears in place of letters e, e, y, i, andwhen they denote two sounds [јэ], [јо], [ју], [ја], [ји].

1) at the beginning of a word: e st - [ј eh ] st, e f - [ј about ] well, yu nga - [ј at ] nga, i blocko - [ј a ] block;

2) after vowels: k ayu ta - ka [ј at ] ta, m ai k - ma [ј a ] k, m aboutand - mo [ј and ],

3) after dividing B and B: from be l c [ј eh ] l, solov band solov [ј and ].


Reduction(Latin reductio, from reducerе "bring back", "return"; "reduce, reduce") is a weakened articulation of sound and a change in its sound.

Reduction is typical for all vowel sounds. Reduction can be quantitative and qualitative.

Reduction quantitative - this is a decrease in the length and strength of the sound of a vowel in an unstressed syllable. Vowels are quantitatively reduced [and], [s], [y]: [son - sons - son inј a], [from atday - court a - court Λ in abouti].

Reduction quality- this is a weakening and change in the sound of vowels in an unstressed syllable.

Distinguish between the position of unstressed vowels in the first pre-stressed syllable (weak position of the first degree) and the position of unstressed vowels in the remaining unstressed syllables, i.e. in the second pre-shock, third pre-shock, in the first post-shock, second post-shock, etc. (weak position of the second degree). Vowels in the weak position of the second degree are subject to more reduction than vowels in the weak position of the first degree.

Unstressed vowels [uh oh uh] pronounced shorter and change their quality:

in a weak position of the first degree, that is, in the first pre-shock position, they are reduced by 1.5-2.5 times;

in the weak position of the second degree vowels [uh oh uh] are reduced by 4-5 times.

The degree of reduction depends on the style (manner) of a person's pronunciation, on his territorial affiliation.


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