Take over all responsibility.

Take over all responsibility.

Take responsibility for your life - it is written in many respected sources.

What does this mean at all? And who else besides me is responsible for her? This is my life, I have already been responsible for her. What is incomprehensible here?

I want to say when I read clever books, I did not really understand this term: responsibility.

Responsibility, responsibility ...

A lot is talking about her. All of it for some reason is afraid! In stock, the loader is afraid to become a storekeeper. It would seem that the work is easier, and walk in pure, but he does not want to be responsible for what is happening in stock. I ask the past storagekeeper very much suffered from responsibility? No, but you know how the chief is fought on him ... so what? Yes, nothing ... He, in principle, always relevant ...

And why are people so afraid of her? Why avoid?

Even Google removes all responsibility. And Yandex, and Apple ... They all remove responsibility: load some app, even paid, and there is a whole contract of refusal. That is, your problems if something has not happened. So, the fool itself!

And the users, on the contrary, want as much guarantees as possible. "What guarantee do you give?" - Ask before buying. As a rule, the most courageous sellers give the smallest warranty, which is not obviously performed.

Once collaborated with one company for the production of floor coverings, so they had a whole department to combat guarantees. The warranty was 25 years old. Improvingly, isn't it? But if you even retreated from the instructions at least on iota (and this is 99%, unless you create your own instruction execution department), all - warranties disappear! Thus, they also remarked responsibility.

I remember in school lessons at school: - Hu from he Duty Tui?

Everyone looks out the window and pretend that the first year is taught English. Translated "Duty" means duty, duty. And duty is responsibility, so all of her diligently avoid, waiting when someone else will "Duty" and wash the floors after lessons. Everyone wants more rights and smaller responsibilities.

Previously, I naively thought that the less you work, the less tired. It was one of the most important mistakes in my life ...

Recently, during the morning jogging, I caught myself thinking: But in the army I was completely interesting to me. Now you think: I wish me more time, I would run 10 km away every day and as a result prepared although b to the half-marathon.

And in the army was a steep feat - during a run, unnoticed from the sergeants to get out of the order and smoke for the barracks, while everyone runs! Another thing, to drive for a moonshine in the village! 8 km of pure trail in soldiers' boots in the winter forest! Run out of the Saint Paradise with a temperature of 38 and have time in 45 minutes. Together with the purchase of moonshine! The next day, Ural took me to the hospital - it turned out that inflammation of the lungs.

Trailranning (English Trail Running) is a sports discipline that implies running on natural relief in a free pace or in the framework of the competition. The main difference from the cross run - in the landscape. For trailransning, hills usually choose and even mountains, as well as deserts and dense forests.

Thus, seeing from jogging, from duty, from any duties, we are seen from life.

When I was young, I met with girls, but I did not want to marry - the same responsibility. Suddenly, then you will have to divorce, but what about the children and jointly acquired property? What if I can not feed the children? For me, it was a very painful question - children.

Starting to meet with another girl, I asked myself a question: Do I want to take responsibility for this person? And he married when he answered this question positively! Of course, the decision was made not quite reason (who generally marries on the basis of logical conclusions?), But since then I have an additional incentives for moving forward.

And I noticed if a person cannot take responsibility for what is happening in his life, a certain inner emptiness appears, which he begins to fill in the measure of his understanding: someone meets with everyone in a row women, someone drinks, uses Different substances, someone's mindlessly watching TV or plays the night. Nut computer games. There are many ways. Thus, he tries to be cut off from the fact that he himself is the owner of his life.

To justify in your own eyes, we often convince ourselves that it is no power to achieve the goal; In fact, we are not powerless, but softless.
Francois de Larochefuko

In such people, someone is constantly to blame, external circumstances, the government, not in that country we live, not in that family was born, there is no talent, it's too late to change something ... I think you will learn in these statements of someone from familiar . And add a lot of excuses that hear every day.

Such statements we pronounce about ourselves or loud, often without even noticing it.

- I have some circumstances! - Tell each of us.

"But you know, I had the circumstances even worse when I was all lost and started again ....

- But you have, and I don't have everything like everyone else! I have it all the bad! But how many people tried to change something - they did not succeed!

And thus collect "the history of failures".

And you try just to believe that you will succeed! And collect even small stories, but success! Because we are all created in the image and likeness of God - he worked this world, and we will create your own! It is written / rewritten, but it is very difficult to understand and most importantly - to accept.

Take the moment you yourself created your life. His thoughts, decisions and actions!

Of course, there is also the impact of the source data - it will not work from a good football player to become a champion among healthy. But he can become a champion in Paralympics!

Everyone has his own path.

Do not look at others when you carry your cross. You need to look forward, uphill. It is often very painful and difficult.

We must answer for three questions:

  1. Who is my worst enemy?
  2. What kind of obstacle do I get harder to overcome?
  3. Who can change my life for the better?

This hobby of our generation is a whining and stupid chatting about nothing. Unsuccessful relationships, learning problems, assistant-asshole ... This is all complete garbage. There is only one asshole - that's you. And you will be very surprised if you find out how much you can change, just taking off the ass from the sofa.
George Karlin

It's hard to live, yes? In general, nothing complicated if you want a decision to take responsibility for your life.

Tell yourself out loud: - this person, and all that surrounds him, invented and created. But I do not want so much. I want to change my life. She does not suit me. I change it for the better! I will become the best version of myself! I am the owner of my life!

And start with small. For example, read at least one page per day, make a single charge / raise a bottle in the park and put in the urn.

After all, to be the owner on his land - this does not mean to argue about politics and criticize others, but to treat her like the owner. Just like to your life. Who, besides you, will bring order in it?

Take commitments in front of me and other people to change your life. After all, you can do it, and no one else.

An important link in the formation of each personality is such a thing as a responsibility. Those who can be called a responsible person deliberately show the power of will to fulfill the requirements for them, focus on the result of the activity and are responsible for any consequences.

But what is the difference between true responsibility from false? How to distinguish this responsibility from following someone else's will?

Responsibility involves the adoption of certain obligations with the constant tracking of its own interests. The responsible person always acts according to its internal attitudes and beliefs, can make such decisions that help him develop and improve. True responsibility always assumes the presence of sanity and the ability to quickly find a way out of the most difficult situations.

False responsibility pushes us into a trap in non-free and dependence on other people's desires and requirements. Of course, the responsibility helps to develop discipline and the power of will, but in contrast to the true responsibility, (when we own themselves restrict themselves for the sake of achievement), the responsibility is false - this is the limitation of our freedom by third parties in order to use us in their own interests.

Any responsibility assumes the presence of a conscious desire for any activity, the formation of motivation and installation on its implementation, and not forcing a person with the help of a sense of guilt, shame or sense of duty.

That is why it is so important to understand whether our choice is a volitional responsible solution, or our activity is initiated by someone from the outside and we take extra obligations.

For that in this life, we definitely do not accept responsibility:

- Emotions and feelings of other people

no one calls us to be smaller to other people, but at the moment when we feel the feeling of awkwardness and shame for the actions of another person or call us answer for someone's resentment, you need to clearly understand where the personal zone of our responsibility ends;

- Decision assistance

we can have any experience with experience, distribute the advice to the right and left, anyway, for choosing a final decision, everyone responds himself, and this is already the personal responsibility of another person. So answer for the choice made by someone else, it's like to put a deuce for the dictation, illiterately written by a neighbor in the desk;

- Expectations and failures of our parents

maybe in the dreams of parents, you walked over the scene in a ballet pack, and in the end teach rhythmics junior schoolchildrenAnd perhaps generally forced mom not to get out of maternity leave, but dad - work on two works. All these facts do not make you a person who is now obliged to respond to decisions that have once adopted adult responsible people, as well as for the unrealized hopes that they feed;

- Life of friends and acquaintances

friendship is built on mutual and mutually beneficial exchange, so we are in the right to expect help and support from each other. But to demand that someone take responsibility for our lives and solved our problems - this is from the field of overpriced expectations. And if you understand that you are starting to answer for what is happening not with you, but with someone from your friends and even scold yourself for their failures - you take too much on yourself;

- Fate of mankind

no one canceled such a hobby as a struggle against global warming or protection of architectural monuments. The main thing is not to dwell on the "Butterfly effect", when literally in every action you see a fateful act capable of changing the world, and begin to take responsibility literally for everything that happens around. Do not exaggerate your significance, not every way your way out is so significant that it can change the universe.

How to repulses to respond for everything in the world.

If you understand that daily anxiety and the constant feeling of guilt your faithful satellites, and in all the failures you blame only yourself - the moment has come to get rid of the cargo of unnecessary responsibility.

Surely since childhood you were given the role of the elder in the family, and the assessment of your actions was carried out without taking into account age characteristics. Each habit has its own principle, and the habit of being responsible for all and most often formed from those children who, due to life circumstances, did not have time to be realized and began to live an adult life with her need to plan, make decisions and responsible for the consequences. .

You can eradicate such a habit different ways. Maybe you will fit the game in little babyWhen for some time you allow yourself to be capricious, indulgent and act is irrational, absolutely not worrying about the consequences. Do not worry that you will drag such a lifestyle. For those people who from an early age were strict to themselves and did not allow too much, the internal locus of control is too developed, he will hold them away from the breakdown.

A similar experiment is best done on vacation when your new lifestyle does not prevent work, learning or family life organization. Yes, and when if not on vacation, allow yourself not to observe the regime, refuse unpleasant telephone conversations And indulge yourself with snacks and not the most necessary, but pleasant shopping. You can fix the result at home, allowing yourself once or two per month, irresponsible "burning of life."

Another way is suitable if your zone of responsibility is relatives, friends and acquaintances. Collect the will in the fist in advance and disconnect the phone for several days. Your task is not easy to come up with an excuse about the lost sim card and count the days before the end of unusual therapy. The whole period of silence you must focus as much as possible, carefully listen to what you yourself want and how you would dream to take a free time.

The result of such an experiment should be a new weekly schedule or an action plan that includes exactly your business, goals and plans. As well as the lack of a sense of guilt for reducing the interest ratio of cases necessary to meet your numerous acquaintances.

In addition to long-term experiments, you will use self-regulation and autotraining skills that you will be used in those moments when you will be afraid of worrying about everything in the world. Repeat how the phrase mantra "I am not responsible for the actions of other people" or "Do not require too much from myself." Sooner or later, you will reduce the level of your own anxiety and can rationally think, which will allow you to distinguish those moments that really require your responsibility.

Being a responsible person is great! There are not many people around people who can truly grow up and respond to the results of their activities. But if you consider yourself to this rare endangered mind, it is better to be responsible for the safety of your psyche, because you are a rare copy and you can teach people useful to a personal example.

Continuation of a series of articles about the mentality of the victim (MZ). Here we will discuss the idea of \u200b\u200bresponsibility for your life from another angle. More precisely, we will talk more about what is 100% or absolute responsibility for your life, and why it is important if you want to get rid of the offense forever.

But I have news for you. IN Each Situations related to your relationship with someone and in which you feel offended or any other negative emotions, responsibility for these emotions and for the dynamics in this relationship - by 100% yours.

This means that it is a nonsense to complain about anything in your relationship. If you are responsible for everything, you no longer have such a privilege.

The victims complain, and I advise you.

If you take the responsibility for everything that I listed and for everything else, with which you intersect in life, it will be enormous progress.

If you refuse to take responsibility for your whole life - you will suffer from the lack of results and on.

I understand that everything written is a very radical approach to life. And perhaps it seemed to you as if I mean, you blamein all, what happens to you. What I supposedly is your fault that you live in such a country that you have such genetics that an asshole crashed into you, and the bitch did not increase.

Far be it from me! there is a big difference Between responsibility and wine, and now I will explain it.

The difference between liability and wine

When I say you carry 100% responsibility for everything in your life, I mean that you are responsible for what you react to the circumstances in the present moment.

The victim will say that it is not able to start something to do because of all this negative from the past. " I had bad relationship, I had a bad family, circumstances. How can I overcome all this?! "

When you think so, you are not able to realize that in fact there are no problems from the past! The only place and time in which there may be problems - here and now. And all the problems here and now exist only in your mind here and now.

Creating a problem should dictate only by your intention, do you understand? It is for this intention here and now you are responsible.

You always have control over your intention, over your reactions, over your lifestyle, if you have a fairly high level of awareness.

But the problem with MZ is precisely that it is not compatible with high levels Awareness. Just on the contrary, it is always accompanied by a low level of awareness, because you are consciously you do not choose to be a victim.

The mentality of the victim operates on the subconscious level.
Moreover, the victim does not even want to believe that she has the power to respond in the situation as it is pleased.

Suppose you in the past caused offense. Whatever you think about this, you have the opportunity to choose how you react to it here and now. You can (subconscious) decide to be a victim. You can decide that you are unfairly enjoyed.

Ultimately, you can (subconsciously) make a conclusion that you do not deserve more, because you have the same difficulties from time to times.

But there is another option.

You can say that your life is here and now more important for you. And that you do not intend to allow your fictional problems to poison your life and hold back you.

"I will not allow what is even here here and now restrain me, as I choose how I react here and now. And since here and now - and there is my life, then I intend to take 100% responsibility for every moment here and now, and therefore - for my whole life ".

With this approach, you no longer need to read anything about the insult, ask about the offense or talk about your problems. If you are ready to take on absolute responsibility for your life, then the disposal of the offense is only a matter of technology. You just need.

In my opinion, the choice is obvious.

If you take responsibility for your life, gradually everything will start changing. Only for this you must be talked seriously and decisively.

Indecisiveness in this case is perhaps the worse. How often we sail downstream without disposal of your life, allowing external circumstances to determine our fate.

This is what the famous entrepreneur and Life Coach Anthony Robbins advises.

  1. Take a decision at the time of the tide of enthusiasm.
  2. Take the obligation to bring the case to the end.
  3. Tell yourself that your decision is final and everything will happen as you planned.

Unfortunately, most of us constantly violate the data of yourself promises, that is, licks themselves. And if you do not trust yourself, you just can't change anything in your life. How to be?

Throw a challenge

Do not disappear from this article. Do not delay everything for tomorrow. Take a decision today. Let it be what you have long wanted or planned to do. Promise yourself that halfway. Tell yourself that you already have all the necessary qualities. After all, otherwise this idea would not torment you all this time.

According to the researchers, if we take some obligations, especially publicly, the desire itself seems consistent encouraging us to act in accordance with the decision CAN COMMITMENT CHANGE BEHAVIOR? A Case Study of Environmental Actions..

Taking some decision, we build a certain idea of \u200b\u200byourself, corresponding to our new behavior.

We are starting to perceive themselves in accordance with this decision. If in the end, our behavior for quite a long time (about 4 months Commitment, Behavior, and Attitude Change: An Analysis of Voluntary Recycling.) Compliant with the decision, also change our installations.

Pretend until it becomes true? Not. Take the decision to change and follow it. It is necessary not to pretend, but.


Take the decision, take responsibility for its execution and inform others. Make an exemplary action plan. Think what you want to achieve and what will need to do for this.

And then create the conditions in which you will inevitably follow the intended. Do not leave a loophole. Over time, the responsible attitude towards life simply will be in habit.

Reviewed by. Vladislav Chelphenko ON JUN 14 RATING: 4.5

Hello, dear friends!

What is responsibility? Why is it necessary for your height? What are the methods of training responsibility?

I will answer these questions and tell you how to achieve the awareness of my own life.

Are you responsible for your life?

Responsibility - one of of most important qualities man. It means being responsible for your life, which sounds frightening enough if you think about it. Responsibility comes from the Latin word "RESPONDERE", which means "promise" or "giving instead." Let's look at the main, in my opinion, the features of this topic.

What happens when you take responsibility? You perform the promised and change it on faith and energy. This also applies to you personally, and in relation to others.

What does it prevent us from take full responsibility for your life?Self-deception. The person is inclined to convince himself in goodbye to the troubles that happen to him. Usually use one of the strategies: throw the guilt to another (the head, colleague, employee, family, parents or the state), the unsuccessful confluence of the circumstances and faith in the fact that the next time it will be different - will not be!

What is the responsibility affect?Each person himself is to blame in his troubles and what happens in his life. Responsibility helps to reduce the number of "unpleasant" events and makes you look at them, as possible, and to other circumstances to be prepared.

Are you a responsible person?Look at yourself from the side. If you met with ourselves, whatever opinion do you have about yourself? Whatever your answer, we all have.

How to take responsibility for your life or how to teach yourself to be responsible?

I will give you several methods of training responsibility, but I want to warn you immediately: you should not apply them all right if you are definitely not sure what to stand.

  • Put the global mission. Remember the Great People: None of them set the purpose of a million dollars or succeed. They wanted to change the world, and the money and status came themselves. But do not limit yourself.
  • What do you do bring you to your goal? How does this affect you?A person does not stand still: he is either moving forward or back. Constantly check yourself and you can remove everything too much from your life. I advise you to make such a check at least a month, because with unusual you will constantly forget about it. But I am sure that it will change your life greatly.
  • What do you do every 15 minutes?I suggest you print and fill it throughout the day. Every 15 minutes must be fixed than you do. If any case takes you more than 30 minutes (that is, it should be fired 2 or more times), then the second and subsequent times enter your business only if you are distracted by something else. Thanks to this method, it is easy to see what you spend your life. You can reveal the potential to implement your time.
  • Conduct reporting.Get the diary in which you will briefly write about your day. He must show your situation at the moment and your emotions.

In one of I wrote that in no case should not blame yourself for what you missed, did not write or did not say. The vaccination of useful habits is a complex process and should not spend energy and time for self-vaccination, better go on - forward.

How to report?

I decided to pay more attention to this, as I think this method is one of the most efficient and I myself use it, especially in business, where it is critical. I recommend that you use the following scheme for your reporting:

  1. The impression of the day.It is important to specify your emotional condition. If you want to "rejoice", then do it and go on. Constantly watching your complaints you get tired of this occupation, and you will change your perception of the world. But try to look at life more positively. Try to find positive moments in Living Day.
  2. What did it (a)? Write specifically: I earned 10,000 rubles, or made a financial report for August, or 3 hours worked out english language. Write what exactly today has advanced you to goal.
  3. What did I think (a)?Write here your thoughts per day and what you have in your head. This may be not only a new invention or an innovative method of analyzing competitors, as well as negative thoughts towards the state or chief, thoughts on hopelessness and the like.
  4. What did it say (a)?Do you tell yourself that you will succeed? Are you friendly to the surrounding world? Write what information you sent to this world.
  5. What do you feel in relation to yourself?This item will show you your attitude to yourself. Realizing your problem (uncertainty, laziness, closeness or negative attitude) you can eliminate its root.

It is important to understand that each of these items leads to the complete awareness of your life. It will open you and the truth may be difficult to accept, but making it, you will forever change your life. In fact, this is enough to achieve personal and financial growth, nothing more needs.

I wish you success to those who decided to stand on the path of changing your life. This is a difficult task, but if you go forward, then achieve your goals.


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