IF - Marlin - how and where to catch marlin? Black marlin: Black Marlin, white marlin (Japan), silver marlin (Hawaii), Makaira indica; blue marlin: photography, appearance, description, habitats, average and maximum size, best times and methods of fishing.

IF - Marlin - how and where to catch marlin? Black marlin: Black Marlin, white marlin (Japan), silver marlin (Hawaii), Makaira indica; blue marlin: photography, appearance, description, habitats, average and maximum size, best times and methods of fishing.

The marlin fish represents the species "Ray-finned" fish and the "Marlin" family. This fish has a relatively low percentage of fat and is therefore of commercial interest. In addition, marlin is a popular sport fishing target.

Two centuries ago, the French ichthyologist Bernard Laseped described this species using a drawing of this fish. After that, various species and generic names began to be assigned to marlin fish.

Currently, marlin has one name, recognized by all experts, "Makaira nigricans", which means "Short dagger" in Greek.

The most popular are "Blue Marlin" or Atlantic Blue Marlin. The size of adult females is four times the size of adult males. As a rule, the weight of adult males is about 150 kg, while the weight of females is at the level of half a ton, with a body length of up to 5 meters. The distance from the eyes to the tip of the spear is about a fifth of the total body size of the marlin. It is known about the record weight this fish possessed - 636 kilograms.

Important information! Blue marlin is distinguished by the presence of two dorsal and two anal fins, which are based on bony rays. The first dorsal fin has up to 40 rays on average, while the second has much fewer, only 6-7 rays.

The first anal fin resembles the second dorsal fin in shape and consists of 15 rays. The pelvic fins are relatively narrow and long, while they can be retracted into special grooves located on the sides of the fish body. The pectoral fins are somewhat shorter than the pelvic fins, but their membrane is not too developed, and a depression can be seen inside the ventral groove.

The dorsal region of the Atlantic blue marlin is characterized by a dark blue color, and the sides are light, in silvery tones. On the body, you can also see several rows (more than 10) of stripes that have a greenish-blue tint. However, they can be diluted with round dots and thinner stripes. The first dorsal fin is dark blue or almost black in color, without any interspersed dots or stripes. Other fins are lighter in color. There is a silvery tint at the base of the anal fins.

The body of the marlin is covered with thin but elongated scales. The spear is long and strong, and small, file-like teeth grow on the lower and upper jaws.

Interesting fact! In the process of hunting, marlins quickly change their color with the acquisition of a bright blue hue. This is possible thanks to substances such as iridophores, which contain pigments, and also thanks to special light-reflecting cells.

Thanks to the sensitive lateral line, the fish captures all movements in the water, and also senses changes in atmospheric pressure. Behind the first anal fin is the anus. The blue marlin has twenty-four vertebrae.

Marlin fish generally prefer to stay close to the surface of the water and away from the coastline. When moving, this fish can swim at a significant speed, while often jumping out of the water several meters in height. If you take a fish from a sailboat, then it easily accelerates to a speed of 100 km / h, or even more. Therefore, representatives of this species are among the fastest fish that live on our planet.

Marlin is a typical predator and leads a solitary life, overcoming up to 75 kilometers during the day. Representatives of this family are more prone to seasonal migrations. During these periods, fish travel thousands of kilometers. According to numerous observations of experts, the movement of marlins in the water column strongly resembles the movement of sharks.

How many marlins live

Females of blue marlin live 25% longer compared to males who live to around 18 years of age. Females can live up to 25 years. A sailfish fish lives no more than 15 years.

For all types of marlin, a characteristic feature is an elongated body shape, a spear-shaped snout and a rather rigid dorsal fin. There are the following types of marlin:

  • Indo-Pacific sailing ship, which represents the genus "Sailboats"... Sailboats differ from other types of marlin by the presence of a high and long first dorsal fin, which looks more like a sail. This "sail" begins directly at the back of the head and runs along almost the entire back of the fish. The back is black with a blue tint, the sides have the same tint, but at the same time they are painted brown. As usual, the belly is silvery-white. On the sides of the fish, you can see medium-sized pale blue spots. The length of young individuals is at least 1 meter, and adults grow up to 3 meters in length and gain weight up to 100 kg, or even more.
  • Black marlin... It is of commercial interest, although only a few thousand tons are caught annually. This species is also of interest for sport and amateur fishing. The black marlin has an elongated body, although not strongly compressed from the sides, covered with reliable scales. There is not a large gap between the dorsal fins, and the caudal fin has a month-like shape. The back is dark blue, while the sides and belly are silvery white. On the body of adults, there are no characteristic spots, as well as stripes. Adults grow to a length of almost 5 meters, with a body weight of about 750 kilograms.
  • West Atlantic or lesser spearman represents the genus of "spearmen"... The body of this fish is quite powerful, elongated and strongly compressed from the sides. In addition, she has a long and thin spear, round in cross section. The pelvic fins are thin, the length of which is the same or slightly longer than the pectoral fins, which can also be hidden in a depression on the belly. The back color is dark, with a blue tint, and the side color is white, with randomly located brown spots. The color of the belly is silvery white. Small spearmen grow up to 2.5 meters in length, while their weight does not exceed 60 kg.

In addition to these species, there is also the Short-necked spearman or the short-nosed marlin or the short-nosed spearfish, the Mediterranean spear-bearer or the Mediterranean marlin, the South European spear-bearer or the North African spear-bearer.

Including Atlantic white spearman or Atlantic white marlin, Striped spearman or striped marlin, Atlantic blue marlin or blue marlin, and Atlantic sailboat.

Natural habitats

The “marlin” family includes three main genera and dozens of different species, which differ in habitat conditions. Sailfish fish are more common in the waters of the Red, Mediterranean and Black Seas. At the same time, they penetrate into the Mediterranean Sea through the Suez Canal, after which they easily appear in the Black Sea.

Blue marlins are considered representatives of the waters of the tropical and temperate Atlantic latitudes. Their main habitat is represented by its western part. Black marlins prefer the coastal areas of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. There are especially many of them in the waters of the East China and Coral Seas.

Spearmen are marine pelagic oceanodromous fish that lead an isolated lifestyle, although sometimes they form small groups of fish of the same size. This species prefers open waters, with depths of up to 200 meters and a temperature regime of about +26 degrees.

All types of marlin are classic predators, whose diet includes other types of fish, squid and crustaceans. Within the territorial waters of Malaysia, the basis of the diet of marlin is anchovies, various species of horse mackerel, flying fish, and squid.

The main food of sailboats is small fish that live in the upper layers of the water, including sardines, anchovies, mackerel and mackerel, as well as crustaceans and cephalopods. Atlantic blue marlin fry prefer to feed on zooplankton, as well as eggs and larvae of various fish species. Adults eat fish, as well as squid. Within coral reefs, blue marlins hunt small coastal fish.

West Atlantic spearmen hunt fish and cephalopods in the upper layers of the water, and their diet is much more varied. In the southern waters of the Caribbean Sea, their diet includes herring and Mediterranean tarsier. In the western waters of the Atlantic Ocean, the diet is based on Atlantic sea bream, snake mackerel and various cephalopods.

Spearmen, representing the northern subtropics and tropics of the Atlantic, primarily feed on fish and cephalopods. Up to 12 species of different fish were found in the stomach of the caught marlin.

Lesser spearmen, representing the northern and southern hemispheres, mature in the same calendar terms, which indicates the homogeneity of this species of marlin. Females of this species spawn only once a year.

Black marlins are sent to spawn in conditions when the water temperature reaches +28 degrees, while the spawning period depends on the climatic conditions of the entire region. Representatives of the waters of the South China Sea go to spawn in late spring or early summer, and within the territorial waters of Taiwan, this process begins in August and ends in September. The northwestern waters of the Coral Sea are characterized by the fact that marlins spawn here from the beginning to the end of autumn. The female lays eggs in stages, while she is able to lay up to 40 million eggs.

Sailboats spawn in late summer or early autumn in warm near-equatorial or tropical waters. Individuals do not show any concern for their future offspring, especially since sailfish have pelagic eggs, which drift in the water column under the action of the current. All types of sailboats are also highly fertile. In the process of spawning, the female lays, in general, up to 5 million eggs, in several stages.

It's important to know! After birth, fry of marlin develop quite quickly and under favorable conditions, their growth is up to 15 mm per day.

Most of the offspring of marlin dies at the stage of eggs, as well as at the stage of fry. And this is not surprising, since caviar and fry are consumed by many species of predatory fish of the world's oceans.

Blue marlins, which are quite large in size, can attack at least large white marlin. And yet it is believed that the main enemy of marlins is man, since sailboats are of commercial interest. As a result of longline fishing, sailboats end up in nets along with fish such as tuna or swordfish.

An important fact! Off the coast of many countries, local fishermen practice spinning sailboats. This is a very interesting fishing that requires high skill and reliable tackle.

Population and status of the species

In our time, active harvesting of marlin on an industrial scale is carried out in the Indian Ocean. The percentage of the world catch of marlin is quite high, while Japan and Indonesia are the most active in fishing for this fish. For marlin fishing, special longline nets are used. Marlin is the dream of every sports angler and recreational angler.

Despite such a high interest, nowadays most of the caught marlins are released back. Marlin meat is considered gourmet, therefore they are caught commercially, which leads to a decrease in the total number of marlin. In this regard, this fish was listed in the Red Book as a “vulnerable species”.

This fish is known to chefs all over the world, since it is believed that the taste characteristics of marlin are similar to the taste characteristics of tuna. Therefore, marlin dishes can be tasted only in restaurants where they are prepared by highly qualified chefs. You can safely replace tuna meat with marlin meat when preparing various gourmet dishes, which is often done. The meat of this fish is used, and quite often, for the preparation of traditional Japanese sushi. In addition, marlin meat can be used to prepare delicious first courses, as well as bake it over charcoal.

Marlin fish meat is characterized by the fact that it contains a fairly low percentage of fat, so it is not recommended to deeply fry it. Due to this nuance, it is believed that the ideal way to cook this meat is to grill it. This is the only way to ensure that the finished dish turns out to be juicy, tender and soft. If the meat of this fish is fried in oil in a frying pan, then it will turn out to be no less tasty, but at the same time its energy value increases.

Raw marlin meat has a reddish tint, but during cooking, this shade changes to pink-fawn. The meat has a rather firm and dense consistency, including a pleasant taste.

Marlin fish meat, like many other seafood, is rich in various useful components, including Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. In this regard, it is recommended to eat meat in order to regularly replenish the body with vitamins and minerals, which have a beneficial effect on the work of many systems of the human body. The presence of useful substances can improve a person's mood, reliably protecting him from depressive conditions. Low fat content makes this meat indispensable for preparing dietary meals. Its energy value is at the level of just over 100 kcal per 100 grams of product. Therefore, for those who follow their figure, this meat is ideal. It will not hurt those who want to get rid of extra pounds.

To catch this kind of fish, many professional fishing enthusiasts spend huge sums of money and travel thousands of kilometers. The fact is that many countries make money on this by organizing this type of fishing. This is often very dangerous as the fishing takes place on the high seas. And the fish is not small, so if there is no proper experience, then it can easily drag the fisherman along with it. Unfortunately, there were such cases, but this does not stop true fans of extreme sports. There is a whole category of such fishermen who purposefully hunt such monsters and not otherwise.

Therefore, we can safely say that the main enemy of this fish is a person who does not think about the consequences.

It should also be noted that today this fish is expensive and rare, so those who are going to cook and taste this fish will have to try hard to find this fish on store shelves. Although, on the other hand, our time is characterized by the fact that there is almost everything on store shelves, but there is nothing to buy it all for. No less important is the fact that marlin meat must still be able to cook, otherwise the next time all the desire to buy and cook it will disappear. According to those who have encountered such a problem, the main thing is not to overexpose it in a frying pan, then you will be able to feel all the charm of its taste. In addition, it is not recommended to get carried away with seasonings and spices, which can hamper the natural taste of the fish, and at the same time spoil the taste of the dish.

“The forest stretched more and more in length, and finally, the ocean surface in front of the boat swelled and the fish came out of the water. She kept going out and going, and it seemed that there would be no end to her, and the water flowed down from her sides in streams. She was all burning in the sun, her head and back were dark purple, and the stripes on her sides seemed very wide and pale lilac in the bright light. Instead of a nose, she had a sword, long as a baseball stick, and sharp at the end, like a rapier "(Ernest Hemingway," The Old Man and the Sea ").

The fish, with which the hero of Hemingway, old man Santiago, fought so long and hopelessly, is the sweet dream of all true fishing lovers. A giant marlin from the sailing squad is the real catch of the fisherman. After all, the writer himself was a fan of this sport, and therefore could give such a realistic description of the confrontation between man and marlin.
You will not find representatives of sailing ships near our shores - these fish live in warm seas. They keep not very far from the surface, but sometimes, carried away by pursuit of prey, they can dive deep enough.

Sailboats are predators, and this is easy to guess by the powerful long body covered with scales sunken in the skin, and the aggressive jaw, decorated with a rather long, spear-like growth. True, this build-up is not a weapon, its main role is to cut the water, to reduce the turbulent flows that arise around the body of the fish when it pursues its prey. Thanks to this build-up and the special structure of the body, sailboats are able to develop speeds of up to 130 kilometers per hour in water, which is quite enough to catch up with almost any prey.
People are not afraid of sailboats. Despite their formidable appearance and impressive size, the jaw teeth of these fish are rather poorly developed. Their main prey: tuna, squid and some other types of fish and marine animals.
On the back of representatives of this species there is a large fin resembling a Latin oblique sail. For this decoration, the fish were called sailboats.

The largest representative of the sailfish family, and indeed the so-called bony fish living in our time, is the blue marlin. The length of individual individuals is in the region of five meters, and the weight, according to some sources, is approaching a ton. Although the largest of the officially weighed specimens weighed "only" 726 kilograms, such monsters are extremely rare. Basically, fishermen can count on catching a marlin weighing about a hundred kilograms, and this will already be considered a good catch.
You can meet blue marlin in any hemisphere, but only in the upper layers of the ocean and in the tropics. He rarely strays away from his habitats. Blue marlin does not migrate anywhere and spawns in the same place where it lives and feeds. It practically does not go to the depth. He loves tuna and horse mackerel, and therefore fishermen who dream of catching blue marlin take these fish with them as bait.
A relative of blue marlin - black marlin - lives mainly in the coastal waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, often found in the East China Sea, in the inland seas of Indonesia, in the Coral Sea and off the coast of Mexico and Central America. It differs from its relatives by the pectoral fins sticking out to the sides, which, unlike other fish, cannot press to the body.

Another type of sailboat - spearmen - is not found in all tropical waters. For example, the striped spearman, so named for the well-visible stripes that cross the entire body, can be found only in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, in subtropical waters. At the equator, the striped spearman is practically not found.
In the Atlantic Ocean and in the Mediterranean Sea, the white spear-bearer is widespread, the body length of which reaches two and a half meters, however, the weight is only about fifty kilograms. Spearmen differ from marlin in that they undertake rather serious migrations, moving to higher latitudes in the warm season and returning to the tropics in winter.

Spearmen, as well as marlins, are quite an attractive object of sport fishing, although the weight of the largest striped representative of these fish, caught on spinning, did not exceed two centners.

Spawning of spearmen in the Pacific Ocean occurs only on the periphery of the tropics in the summer of the corresponding hemisphere, so that the northern and southern populations of the species are completely different in season and place of spawning. The fertility of the striped spearman is about 14 million eggs.
And, finally, the sailboats proper, which, as already mentioned, differ from other genera by the highest and longest main dorsal fin, shaped like a sail, with the largest rays in the middle part. In these fish, like in marlin and spearmen, the back is colored dark blue, and the sides and belly have a silvery sheen. Numerous black specks are scattered on the bright blue dorsal fin.

The dorsal fin - "sail" - during a calm swim, retracts into a special niche in the back of the fish and is practically invisible. The fin unfolds to its full height only when the sailboat uses it as a stabilizer during sharp turns, for example, when chasing prey.

All sailboats, marlins and spearmen have very tasty and high-value meat and therefore serve as an object of intensive fishing. The main fishing method for these fish - longline fishing, in which they are caught with tuna and swordfish - is developed in all oceans. Marlin and spearmen are also hunted with bait fishing rods and harpoons. All sailboats are highly valued as objects of spinning sports, especially developed off the coast of Florida, Cuba, California, Hawaii, Tahiti, Peru, New Zealand and Australia.

By the way, in memory of Hemingway, amateur anglers' competitions are held annually in Havana, in which the prize for the largest catch of marlins and sailboats is played out.

Marlin is a representative of a fairly large family of marlin, which, in turn, belong to the order of perchiformes. This fish is known for its interesting features, which consist in a special structure of the muzzle, similar in structure to the muzzle of a sword-bearer and the ability to develop a speed of more than 110 kilometers per hour under water.

Appearance and varieties

Representatives of marlin have a powerful body, slightly flattened laterally. The fish has a spear-shaped snout, rounded in cross-section. The jaws and palatine bones are equipped with small sawtooth teeth. Marlin have 2 dorsal fins, which are relatively close to each other. The body height of marlin can be up to 4.5 times its length.

In nature, there are several varieties of the marlin family: black marlin, blue marlin, which is also called blue marlin and Indo-Pacific. Below will be presented a brief descriptive description of each of the varieties, accompanied by photos and videos.

Black marlin is the largest member of its family. The black marlin has a spear-shaped upper jaw. Black marlin has an elongated body, which is covered with small oblong scales, completely hidden in the skin. A characteristic feature of this species is the pectoral fins, which the black marlin cannot press against its body. Black marlin can grow up to 3 meters in length and weigh over 700 tons of kilograms.

The blue or blue marlin is a member of its family with one interesting characteristic. The maximum size of males is more than 4 times smaller than the size of females. For example, males weighing more than 160 kilograms are rarely found, while females can gain over 540 kilograms. Blue marlin has bony rays that support its fins. The body is dark blue in the dorsal region and silvery on the sides.

Distribution and habitats

This fish is an inhabitant of the ocean depths. Prefers water temperature over 23 degrees Celsius for living. As a rule, marlins are found in open waters, but they rarely enter the continental shallow waters and shelf areas. The fish does not form numerous clusters, however, and does not lead a solitary lifestyle. Marlins usually gather in small groups. Which include up to 10 individuals.

This fish is found in tropical and subtropical regions of the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Oceans. Most individuals prefer to live along the equatorial line. Very often it can be found almost at the surface of the water, at a depth of up to 50 meters. However, in some sources there is information that he is easily able to dive to a depth of more than 1800 tons.


As a rule, the fish menu includes epipelagigals, however, marlin can also feed on deep-sea representatives, such as, for example, glowing anchovies. Also eats large pelagic fish. Tuna, large squid, diving crab and shrimps are a special treat.

Near the Hawaiian Islands, fishermen found big-eyed tuna in the stomach of a caught marlin. The victim weighed over 28 kilograms. At the same time, the young marlin himself, taking into account the weight of the victim, was 340 kilograms. Some sources provide information that the Indo-Pacific marlin uses its rostrum to stun its victim.


Marlin reaches sexual maturity in the third year of life. Before the first spawning, females can weigh as little as 44 kilograms, while young males can weigh up to 61 kilograms. Spawning takes place from August to November. Some females can spawn up to 4 times per season. An average female can spawn up to 7 million eggs.

The eggs are only 1 millimeter in diameter. With such fertility, a high mortality rate of eggs and larvae is characteristic, which is characteristic of all animals with high fertility. Plankton juveniles and marlin larvae move across the ocean in ocean currents. Most often, the larvae are found in the Atlantic, near Georgia, North Carolina, Florida. Jamaica, Bahamas and off the coast of Brazil.

Marlin larvae develop extremely quickly. The average growth rate is up to 16 millimeters per day. In the Bahamas, a marlin was caught with a body length of more than 250 millimeters and an age of only 42 days. The sides of the young are painted with a bluish tint, and the belly is white. The caudal fin and caudal peduncle are light in color.

Caught marlin is every angler's dream. Today, marlin fishing is one of the outdoor activities. This giant is a very strong and tenacious fish. Fighting with him will delight anyone, even an avid fisherman, indescribable delight.

Caught marlin

One of the most popular types of sport fishing is hunting for marlin fish, a representative of the ray-finned marlin family. A lone predator has impressive dimensions, tasty meat and a high fat content, for which it is especially appreciated in the fishery.

Marlin fishing is one of the most popular types of sport fishing

It is this wonderful fish that Ernest Hemingway described in his story "The Old Man and the Sea", its endurance, struggle for life, greatness and strength. Unfortunately, the catch was gnawed by sharks, and the old man got only a skeleton, but his courage and diligence, so colorfully described by the author, still inspire modern fishermen to conquer the sea.

External features

Atlantic blue marlin, also known as "blue marlin", which means "short dagger" in Greek, belongs to the group of perch-like marlin family, a genus of ray-finned fish.

All types of marlins have the same body structure - differences are visible in color and shape of fins ... Common are:

  • body elongated from the sides;
  • long, spear-shaped upper jaw, which makes up 20% of the entire body length;
  • sickle tail;
  • high dorsal fin;
  • bright attractive coloration.

Females are always larger and can reach 5 meters in length and 500 kg in mass, while the male grows 3-4 times smaller, weighing up to 160-200 kg. According to unreliable sources, a female weighing 820 kg was caught, but the data was not officially recorded.

On the back of a marlin there are two fins, the first has 39-43 rays, the second - 6-7 rays. The back is usually dark blue or light blue with dark transverse stripes, the belly and sides are silvery. The color changes depending on the emotional state of the fish, for example, when hunting, the back turns bright blue, and at rest it is dark blue. The fins are dark brown.

There are oblong scales over the entire surface of the body. The spear-shaped jaw has small sharp teeth resembling a file. The spear is very durable, there were cases when a sailboat attacked boats and pierced the skin through and through.

Varieties and their differences

Like all fish, marlin has its own varieties, slightly different in the shape of the fin and the shade of the scales. The principle of hunting and their lifestyle are similar, all species are also edible, and their meat is in special demand in restaurants in many countries.

  1. Black marlin is the giant of the family. The black fins are devoid of flexibility, the first dorsal fin is long with sharp rays, the second is located lower and smaller in size. The tail is sickle-shaped, with thin lobes. The color is dark blue, closer to black, the belly is silvery. The dimensions of the giant allow it to descend to a depth of two kilometers with a temperature of 15 degrees.
  2. The striped marlin differs from its congeners not only in its specific color, but also in the size of the nose. A medium-sized fish reaches a weight of 500 kg, has fixed fins and a more varied color: the back is blue, streaked with light transverse lines, they are blue on a silvery belly.
  3. Blue marlin, or cyan, has the ability to change hue when hunting. The back is dark blue with characteristic stripes, the belly is silver, the fins are dark, high, flexible, tucked into a special compartment on the back.

All species are real racers, thanks to their specific body structure, they quickly gain speed and easily maneuver, the type of swimming is similar to that of a shark.


Marlins are solitary fish and rarely flock in flocks of more than 3-4 individuals. They prefer to hunt on the surface of the water in the open sea - for fish, as well as squid.

Primary Habitat - Atlantic Ocean, its tropical and temperate waters are away from the coast, but some individuals can swim in shallow waters and in the shelf area. Fish rarely swim in waters with temperatures below 23 degrees and deeper than 50 meters, although, according to certain sources, marlin can dive even to a depth of 1800 meters.

Marlins are single fish and rarely flock into flocks of more than 3-4 individuals

He easily picks up speed of 100 km / h, in this he is helped by a body narrowed from the sides and a dorsal fin in the form of a sail, which is hidden in a special depression on the back.

It hunts mainly at high speed, piercing the fish with a spear - a modified upper jaw, for the sake of interest and fun it attacks ships and small yachts.

Nutritional basis

Being a predator by nature, blue marlin fish hunt mackerel, tuna, flying fish, and occasionally squid and cephalopods. Seeing a school of fish, the sailboat accelerates and attacks, stringing frightened prey onto its spear or swallowing along the way. Water caught in the mouth during hunting passes through the gills, enriching the body with oxygen and giving energy to the predator.

The mackerel spawning season is considered a real feast., then these places are literally teeming with ray-finned and other predatory fish.

The Atlantic giant is the largest bony fish and has practically no enemies; few dare to attack a 2-5-meter fish.
Tasty and valuable meat, as well as record sizes, motivate many fishermen to take a risky fishing trip, but after the photo shoot, most of the captured trophies were released back to sea. There are many rumors and legends about the giant fish, here are some of them:

Marlin reproduces, huddling in small flocks, individuals that have reached 2-4 years are considered sexually mature. The mating season falls at the beginning of autumn; after fertilization, the female is able to lay up to 7 million eggs.

Young fry are carried by the current to different parts of the Atlantic Ocean, many die from the attack of larger fish.

Niramin - Apr 26th, 2016

The famous Atlantic blue marlin or blue marlin (Latin Makaira nigricans) lives in the warm waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Closer to the equator, you can make a kind of fishing feat - to catch a blue marlin. After all, in order to become the owner of the "Grand Slam", but not tennis, but what takes place in a fishing environment, besides other conditions, it is necessary to catch this particular fish.

There are countries where marlin fishing is rather strictly regulated by local legislation. In some of them, the law requires that the entire catch be released. But the main thing for a person obsessed with fishing is not to eat the fish, but to defeat it. In the case of blue marlin, the fight will always be long, difficult and interesting.

Judge for yourself, the length of the fish can be up to 4 meters, and the weight of the beauty can be up to 0.8 tons. Precisely, beauties. Marlins are one of the few animals whose females are much larger than their male counterparts. The fish is dark blue in the upper part of the body and silvery on the sides, with unusually beautiful dorsal fins and a spear-shaped snout, capable of accelerating to 100 km / h. Some peoples call it the fish king.

Royal marlin fish prefer open water and shallow water. But, it can come up to the shore and go to the depths. They live in small flocks, about a dozen individuals. A predatory fish, it is believed that everything else prefers tuna, crabs and shrimp.

In the third year of its life, the marlin becomes sexually mature, that is, ready for breeding. The female lays eggs in large enough quantities, of the order of several million eggs. This happens up to 4 times a year.

Blue marlin in the photo:

Photo: Atlantic blue marlin.

Video: Blue Marlin Action - lots of jumps and fights

Video: Blue Marlin (Makaira nigricans)


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