Conversations with a psychologist onanism at a small child. What to do? Topping topic: a serious conversation about children's masturbation with a famous psychologist the child masturbates in kindergarten what to do

Conversations with a psychologist onanism at a small child. What to do? Topping topic: a serious conversation about children's masturbation with a famous psychologist the child masturbates in kindergarten what to do

Health and hygiene issues are inextricably linked with the emergence of bad habits in children. To such examples relates onanism in children. Onanism is artificial irritation of the genital organs - especially harmful due to the harmful effect on the development of the child's body, on the state of his nervous system. Such children are usually pale, with blue circles under the eyes, sometimes with a slightly edema face. Eyes lose their shine, the child hides them, no direct, open look. These children are sluggish, quickly tired, are not interested in games, peers, share the team, children's society. Long-term onaning leads to a delay in mental development, to the dullness of the memory, a sharp decrease in abilities and to bad academic performance in schoolchildren, and in emerging cases - to serious mental illnesses.

The reasons for children's onanism can be the following:

1. Molds. Do not everyone know that worms, and especially some of their species, often serve as the harmful habits in children. This refers to small-mounted grips-sharp. They live in the rectum and usually crawl into the skin of the crotch at night, causing unbearable itching. An insomnia appears, the child is nervous, combines the skin in this area. In girls itching becomes even more common, since the molds are quenched on the outer region of the genital organs.

Provided by itching rasacks in the crotch and genital organs lead to the emergence of onanism. That is why it is absolutely necessary to preserve health and in order to prevent this bad habit to thoroughly treat glitters. In addition to the use of anti-shine treatment, it is of great importance to observe the adherence to the child's hygiene. Clean hands, neatly trimmed nails, daily shift of panties, boiling them and stroking with a hot iron, tooling the child before changing panties is no less important than the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

2. Long-term loneliness of a childWhen he is granted himself and demonstor. It is indicative of one example: a child under 3 years old remained alone unattended in the room where it was locked. Subsequently, when the circumstances changed and the child was put in the best conditions, noticed that he was hiding, looking for solitude. It turned out that the child is mast. It will take a lot of patience and tact to cope with the bad habit.

3. Masturbation Often occur in children, doomed for a long stay in bed (bed mode) with a relatively good or just good general condition. This especially applies to children suffering from some diseases of the heart, such as a rheumatic edge, when often without sufficient reasons hold a child for a long time in bed, not trying to even take it with anything. Some parents, too much to explore children, holding them down in bed over measures when it is not shown by a doctor: after influenza, angina, runny nose.

However, one should not go to another extreme and not to lay a child when it is necessary for his health. While finding a child in bed, you also carefully watch him, as we used to do this towards children on the street, in the park, public places.

Tips for parents: what to do, how to deal with children's maidenism, treatment

  1. To prevent the appearance children's onanism, Watch out for compliance with the correct mode at all, and especially sleep mode - spend strictly installed and always at the same time.
  2. Before bedtime, allow children only calm games and outdoors; Noisy games and conversations, long-lasting reading, spectacles, including television are unacceptable.
  3. Dinner two hours before sleep, without sharp dishes, strong tea, strong coffee.
  4. Before bedtime, empty the bladder.
  5. Sleep on a tough bed, in a well-ventable room.
  6. Sew a night shirt long.
  7. During falling asleep, make sure that the hands of the child were on top of the blanket or under the head.
  8. Watch that in the morning the child did not get into bed for a long time, and, waking up, quickly got up. Write it always at the same time.
  9. After lifting-morning charging (even for small), then water procedures (wiping or druising). Cold water treatments, like all hardware events, play a huge role in the prevention and treatment of children's maidenism.
  10. Children suffering from masturbation, cancel a daytime sleep, replacing it with a walk in the air. Walk and playing the air is useful to all children, and especially suffering from masturbation. Take them out to walk into any weather.
  11. If the parents of a child suffering from masturbation will take care of his daily physical charging, moving air games, and older children - to sport, then this way you can successfully overcome this habit. Healthy, cheerful, hardened child will not be engaged in masturbation.
  12. Very important link in prevention and treatment of children's onanism- work. Take a child to help your home, seek purposeful, properly organized, carried out always at the same time work on the preparation of homework. Such a child is constantly occupy, let's give him various tasks (draw, cut, loose something and so on).
  13. Keep track of your speech, show restraint in conversations, do not speak in the presence of a child what he does not need to know.
  14. Be delicate, tactful and modest in our intimate relationships so that the child does not witness the fact that he should not observe and what, being incomprehensible, can leave the traumatic trauma on his children's psyche.
  15. Struggling with masturbationdo not humiliate child, do not shout at him and do not punish it.
  16. Do not go for children attending kindergarten, special clothing (for example, tied special panties, etc.). Such a constant testimony of its vice leads to a humiliating conversation, ridicule, which will even give a child from peers. But the society of children, team, joint games and classes, which are useful to captivate such a child is one of his means of treatment.

According to the materials of the magazine "Family and School", 1962

Probably it is difficult to find a mother who would say that her child is voluntarily or unwittingly did not do onanism. Most likely someone could not notice. But it is unrealistic - do not pay attention to, accompanied by certain television. So, Mom saw it, but did not give importance. Or maybe he was ashamed to take the child to a specialist. Or did not want to touch the topic at all, they say, turns, it will take place ...

Is such a false parental dangerous? We will now begin to calm down from everywhere. They say no, not dangerous, this is a natural process. And in general, with young children often happens, because the phenomenon is common and non-hazardous. And what doctors? Do not panic ...

But, nice, now, in childhood, is the case, and with the correct behavior of parents from the attack you can get rid of. Although in our employment it is in doubt. Well, what in adolescence and in adult life? Harmful pathology, which we call the habit, will turn into neurosis and radically change the person. She spoils his life, negatively affects the psyche and physiology.

What if you noticed that your the child is engaged in a macobrud? What are causes of developing onanism in children? Is it possible to somehow stop this process?

About masting in children

Yes, before starting talking about the causes of the development of onanism in children, etc., you need to know what kind of beast it is.

If briefly, we are talking about artificial irritation of the genital organs to obtain pleasure.

At what age, children begin to masturbate

It is terrible, but, as practice shows, there is no age of children's onanism. Some attentive mothers paid attention to the fact that their baby began to engage in the first year of life, almost three to four months ...

What does child onanism look like

Classical manifestations of children's maidenism is enough. And one of them, as we have already noted, this is an artificial irritation of the genital organs. But to find out if your child suffers from this whipping, it is necessary to watch him. Here are signs that may indicate that the child is engaged in masturbation:

  1. baby regularly rubs the leg about the leg, crossing them and throwing together one on the other, blush and groachty;
  2. it can focus with a distinguished look to swing, while actively and long rub on the surface;
  3. the child is a little older, knowing his body, can regularly touch his sexual handles;
  4. the kids caress all the body and kiss with her mother, touching their genitals at these moments.

Causes of the appearance of onanism in children

There are many of them, and each attentive mom will complement a list of typical (physiological, psychological and spiritual) reasons. But let's stay on the key.

  1. Curiosity. Yes, children know themselves. And this is natural when they touch everything that comes across arm, but this interest should not go into the habit.
  2. Hygiene violation. Yes, the child can produce different actions in response to a constantly emerging itching in genitalia.
  3. The child wants to the toilet. These are constipation including urine delay. As a result, the voltage caused by the tide of blood to the genitals goes into the genitals, and children begin to search for a way of discharge.
  4. Allergy. She can also cause a child a desire to again shove the handles in the panties.
  5. Too tight swaddling or lowerwear of smaller sizes.
  6. Unsuccessful experience of teaching pots. The child was punished when he endured and wrote.
  7. Neuroses of obsessive actions. It can be caused by the divorce of parents, long parting with mom and the like moments associated with experiences.
  8. Imitation. Seeing how adults are engaged in a macruff, children who are able to imitate, can try out of interest and then show it constantly to their bodies.
  9. Lack of attention of parents. As a rule, we are talking about large families and conflict families. Children, feeling a deficit of love for them, feeling unnecessary, drown out their grievances, constantly holding hands in the pants.
  10. Cruel punishment. Especially if children are punishable regularly and for a long time, they are protected by masturbation games, dischargeing so nervous tension. Children at such moments can unwittingly be sexually excited.
  11. Forced feeding. Surprised? Meanwhile, forcing the child, when he does not want, you involuntarily activate the genital zones that are associated with the mucous membranes and the mouth.
  12. and non-church life of parents. No comments…

Your reaction to the manifestations of children's onanism

They say that children is not a diagnosis. Perhaps at a certain age - yes. But, if you notice that the child is regularly experiencing certain sensations with some stimulation, take action. This is how parents should act at such moments.

  • Do not panic, reacting violently to what you saw, attract the attention of the child to the problem or beat it. After all, children are clean and innocent. Therefore, the main thing here is the tactfulness and excerpt that will help switch their attention to another and talk to them later. And in general, the reverse effect will give excessive attention.
  • No need to intimidate if you found a son or daughter for the occupation - he is so ashamed, and indeed, the threats are terrible to the veryanism itself. Naturally, do not try to beat and punish. On the contrary, it is necessary to calm down, assure that you still love.
  • Do not emphasize the attention of the child on what happened, take the conversation to the side (it is now useless), reducing the increasing interest in habit to keep hands in the pants - a lot depends on your reaction.
  • Answer his questions, even the most, in your opinion, ridiculous.
  • After telling the child who can understand this, however, this habit is harmful, specify how the grinding of this sin before the Lord and that it must be confested, fruits repentance.

Having understood in the situation, do not let it on samonek - it does not disappear by itself. Yes, the best way to go through this period of manifestation of physiological onanism will be your love and attention, as well as a plan of action.

What to do

So, you realized that your child did not pass the trouble. What to do? Much depends on age. After all, some recommendations will be given a croching, which from three months to three years, others - the boy or the girl who has already been for 6-7 years and further. Schematically, your actions may look like this.

  • First of all, understand the reasons -. And they, as we know, a lot, and in each case - different tips. If you briefly, you just need to carefully read the chapter above about the reasons for the development of the Ramobluddy in children.
  • The second, immediately exclude the reasons for the stimulation of the genital organs associated with diseases and age, among other things. For example, it is more likely to pay attention to, showing your love, not punish severe, follow health and for natural departures, buy comfortable underwear, not allow the child to see intimate scenes, sleeping for a long time or poured, etc.
  • Explain to the child an affordable language, which is what he does is ugly and harmful. More adult kids can be told about physiological processes causing itching (for example, the allocation of Smerage (lubrication).
  • Try, showing affection to the child, do not cross the borders - so that he is not excited.
  • Find ways to stimulate the switching of Chad activity in good direction. It can be sports or in the circles of interest, mobile games, communicating with peers, talking to interesting topics, joint hiking in the theater, etc.
  • If these measures did not help, and the child continues their classes, it is necessary to reduce it in the clinic - a pediatrician will give direction to the necessary specialist (this may be a psychologist, a neurologist, and a specialized doctor, etc.).
  • It is important to organize a church life to a child so that it becomes older to confess and bring the fruit of repentance.

So, the main thing in this problem is ours, parental, shortcomings. And if we handle them in time, our children will grow without bad habits and will take place in this life.

Very often, many parents literally immediately "grab their heads", having caught their child for those or manipulations with the genital bodies. But is it always a sign of a child's predisposition to children's enzyme? Of course not. If you say smart, correctly and briefly, onanism is a conscious action (any manipulation) with sexual authorities aimed at obtaining pleasure. Naturally, catching the baby for this occupation about what kind of children's enzyme is not speech. This is a normal manifestation of interest in his body, to its structure. If the actions are targeted, if the child is really engaged in masturbation and you do not have doubts, then it is necessary to properly approach the situation and, that is very important, not provoking the receipt of psychological injury. All actions should be directed to the preservation of the natural, normal attitude of our treasures to their body, as well as to ensure its sexuality in the future.

Common causes of child maternism and parental behavior rules

First of all, it is important to correctly determine the reasons for which the child began to engage in masturbation. They can be diverse and individual, but there are several basic, which are primary sources:

Methods of getting rid of bad habit

Many sexologists do not see anything bad and catastrophic in mastanism, but it is a habit of harmful, and it can provoke obsessive behavior and in the subsequent exit to control. It is necessary to fight with her, but gently, gradually and as calmly as possible.

More materials of the software and with him you will find in the sections of our club of parents, by going to the relevant links.

Children's maternity: causes and ways to get rid Was Last Modified: July 22, 2015 by Koskin.

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"Scary," we answer and ask to write even more and more often. After all, despite the promotion of modern moms, the abundance of various literature on the topic, questions and myths we have a mass.

All these are noisy (and many others), as it is easy to guess, tell about masturbation. Now in them, of course, there are already few who believe.

And, nevertheless, this is a fairly frequent query: "What to do? The child is engaged in self-satisfaction!"

The boys touch the genitals, girls rub about different surfaces, while tightened very much, and evil if they are trying to distract.

Parents seem to have heard that everyone through it pass, but still do not understand what to do, how to wean, how to react?

Someone is even puzzled by "How to make a child stop masturbating?" I will immediately say that the answer to this question is: "No way. That is, it is possible to stop masturbating, probably, but it can lead to neurotic, psychosomatic reactions and other troubles. By the way, once for such purposes, leeches, special devices with springs and tight bandages were used. And near the beds of children put a special device with bells, so that parents could hear every movement of the child and control the process. There were still many sophisticated ways that I recommend, of course I will not) ...


Children's masturbation is characteristic of almost all children.

And in most cases it is harmless and is not a deviation. Sometimes it can be when parents (or other adults) exhibit high attention to this issue. They begin to scribble, control, scold a child, talking about it, as they are unacceptable, make fun, whisper, beat hands and so on.

All these reactions tell a child that he is wrong, not like that. They are fixed as painful experience and create strong emotional tension. And how is this emotional tension remove? Right. The easiest and most effective way to remove emotional stress is the stimulation of genital organs.

At the early age of touches the child to their genitals are called infantile masturbation. Until the adolescence, it does not end with orgasm, is not considered a full-fledged adult masturbation. And even need children.

What is it needed at different ages?

  • Approximately one and a half or two years for the baby, it is not even just getting pleasure. Practically from birth, the child finds his body with handles and starts studying it. So far unconsciously. Study different sensations. So the sensuality is formed, so he knows himself. Where he likes, he touches himself more and is filled with pleasant sensations that can be said, "invested in its piggy bank of resources," accumulate in the body.
  • At the age of active knowledge of themselves (approximately 3-5 years), the child continues to study himself already understanding that his body and feelings belong only to him. They differ from the bodies of other people. The process of studying its "details" is vital for him. And at the same time, the age of three years is the age of crisis. It is associated with a large voltage emotional and physical. And this tension need to somehow shoot. The most affordable and most effective way to remove the tension for the child is in his body. Touching to genitals soothe, so children resort to this method often.
  • In adolescence, masturbation is already becoming full, ends with an orgasm. Of course, this is the way to remove the tension (crisis, hormones). And a way to study yourself, sensations, sexual potential. Plus, masturbation for a teenager is a safe way to satisfy sexual desire. We will talk about teenagers in the next article. I just say that many sexologists believe that people who have not been masturbated in adolescence may have missed an important element of sexual development.

Still, if ...

If you saw that the child is engaged in self-satisfaction often, first of all, check the presence of worms, infections and everything that can cause itching in genitals and anus or irritation.

It is important to understand that sometimes we ourselves provoke masturbation in a child, for example, careful arms.

In addition, the frequent touch of its sexual organs may be a neurotic reaction. When it prevents any other classes, the child cannot distract or the impression is that he just thinks about it. If a child does it too often - it is worth contacting a psychologist. Sometimes it should be done in order to cope with your alarm and do not create an increased voltage around this delicate theme.

And such a child behavior can be a way to attract attention. You will not be mistaken if you show more of interest, tenderness, once again hug, read the book together or just talk. This is a recommendation for any age :).

He masturbates: what to do?

If you see that the child is engaged in stimulating intimate organs - gently remove it at the body level: hug, give a toy, try to switch it attention. More bodily contact

If the child shared with you what he is pleased to touch the siblings, it is very important to recognize out loud that it is really nice.

The child is looking for your support in the fact that it is very intimate and so far maybe it is incomprehensible. And such conversations, of course, suggest that he really trusts you. And this is a great value that you can save your calm adoption. It is important to tell him that you understand his feelings.

Therefore, already tell that such actions are only his secret. What can be touched on the genital organs, you can only where others cannot see this - in the toilet, bathroom or in your room.

Basic functions of masturbation - This is a study of yourself, getting pleasure and removal of tension. If the child will receive it in other ways, "tilting" the topic will gradually leave.

And in conclusion.

The question from the participants of the seminar "The secret to the letter with / about sexual adulthies":

Or maybe such a child does not do it?

Conversations with a psychologist

Onanism at a small child. What to do?

Your baby will grow up, and one day you notice that the son or daughter touches his genitals. What is it? Natural child curiosity or pathological habit - onanism (masturbation)?

If the child is easily distracted from looking at and feeling his body parts, openly asks questions (for example, the structure of the body, about the difference between a man and a woman, between a girl and a woman), he has no behavior, a normal sleep, then it is a natural step of development Psyche, knowledge of the surrounding world and himself. A splash of such interest falls at age from 3 to 6 years, then comes off to the adolescence. In this situation, parents are enough to behave tactfully, not to shame for natural curiosity, respond to children's questions.

But if such a child's behavior is normal and even looking at the children of the opposite sex is considered quite admissible, what then is considered onanism then? When is the norm goes into pathology?

Let's start with the fact that in 2-3 years the baby does not yet understand what maternism is, does not know what to touch himself and others in some places is considered indecent, so at that age talk to masturbation?! (Masturbation) early. Onanism is a way of self-satisfaction, when the child brings himself to an emotional discharge (before bedtime, hiding in a secluded place) and does it regularly, then you can talk about a pathological habit.

In an open, noticeable adult form, this habit is found in 5% of boys and 3% of preschool girls (according to A. I. Zakharov).

Prerequisites for onanism


  • Active, indomitable temperament (choleric) and as a result, an increased need for the discharge of mental stress.
  • If a girl does not like to play with dolls, prefers to be friends with boys; If the boy is brightly pronounced boyfriend behavior.


  • Incorrect education: excessive rigor, activity restriction, a large number of prohibitions, physical punishment (especially slap on the pope, spanking belt).
  • Problems of emotional contact with parents: lack of caress, attention, positive emotions, early excommunication from the mother (when the child is sent early to Nurserie, Mom goes to work and reclaims the care of the baby to another adult). Such children hide their feelings, emotions, experiences, often live in their invented world.
  • The family appears the 2nd child, and the elder feels unnecessary, unloved.
  • Nasive feeding also contributes to the emergence of masturbation. In this case, a complex compensatory process takes place: the reflex zone of the mouth and lips "silent" (the child does not enjoy the food), while starting to "speak" a genital zone that creates a voltage requiring discharge (according to A. I. Zakharov).
  • Psychological infection - adults often take a child to themselves into bed, they are excessively caressing, kissing her lips, or even carefully observed hygiene (frequent arms, etc.). It happens that the child repeats seen from peers or on TV.

    The manifestation of neuropathy is sleep disorder, poor fallback - leads to the accumulation of anxiety, which is thus eliminated. Excessive shutting, close clothes.

    What else can provoke the appearance of onanism?

  • The only child in the family, isolated from children's society.
  • High emotion of the child.
  • Increased excitability.
  • Pregnancy pathology, unwanted pregnancy.
  • When parents wanted a child of the same sex, and "turned out" - another.
  • Excessive parent principle.
  • The impulsiveness, the incontinence of the father.
  • Mother's coldness.
  • How to help your child?

    First of all, find out the reason for the habit of (see).

    In no case do not fit, do not punish, do not scold.

    You can not even talk to the child on this topic, but in the root to change educational methods, the relationship with the baby.

    Give the child more freedom, the opportunity to act independently.

    Quickly praise.

    The family atmosphere should be calm, friendly.

    If a child wants to run, jump, do not hold it, but, on the contrary, provide physical exertion (walks in the fresh air, sports or dance section).

    Create more often to neutral themes, avoiding notations, teachings.

    In time, treat the peel, diathesis, wicking diseases; Urological and gynecological diseases.

    The clothes should be a clean, free, not rubbing body.

    Do not frighten the kid by the terrible consequences of his "dirty" actions! This will lead to a complex of inferiority that in the future will turn into problems with the knowledge of his body, problems with sex in adulthood.

    Do not humiliate the child with interrogations, inspection, discussing this topic for outsiders.

    Recover power (less sweet, sharp, salted).

    Contact your neuropathologist and psychologist for help, they will help find the cause and develop a set of measures.

    Remember! Onanism is a way of discharge of nervous tension. If you cope with tension, masturbation "will leave."

    Love your child! Most often, the children in orphanages are affected by masturbation, which are not needed by anyone, do not love anyone, do not have the possibilities of self-expression. Make the output !!!


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