Soy lecithin - for strength and youth needed! What is E322 and whether soy lecithin is harmful to this supplement is harmful.

Soy lecithin - for strength and youth needed! What is E322 and whether soy lecithin is harmful to this supplement is harmful.

Phospholipids as micellar surface active substances are widely used in the modern food industry to improve the quality of food as a dietary supplement. Lecithin, or natural nutritional supplement E322 just refers to the group of natural phospholipids.

Lecithin from Yuvix-farm is low-fat sunflower lecithin with a high level of phospholipid concentration having a low residual oil content in powder form with a clean taste and odor profile. The powder of sunflower lecithin is characterized by good flowability parameters, does not contain additives, carriers, impurities and agents that improve the parameters of the flowability.

Sunflower lecithin is widely used as an additive in the food industry. It helps to significantly improve the quality of finished products, facilitates the maintenance of the technological process, reduces the number of expensive ingredients (egg products, fatty products) as part of various flour confectionery and bakery products.

The main functions of the lecithin emulsifier in the food industry

  • Emulsifier - chocolate, milk powder, margarine.
  • Stabilizer - Dry powdered products.
  • Solubilizer - taste and aromatic additives, food dyes.
  • Dispersant - milk powder, cocoa powder.
  • Antioxidant - margarine, chocolate.
  • Liofilizer is dry cream, milk powder, cocoa powder.
  • Anti-adhesive - caramel masses, cheeses.
  • The defoamer is the production of alcohol and yeast.
  • Water binding agent - chewing gum.
  • The viscosity sludge is glaze, cream fillings.
  • Water crystallization inhibitor - dough for dumplings, frozen dough, ice cream.

Sunflower Lecitin LLC Yuviks-Farm corresponds to the special criteria for cleanliness established by the Regulations (EU) of 231/2012, all specifications and regulations established by FAO / WHO, the EU, the Food Code and Tr Ts 029/2012.
In any case, priority should be given to the regulations of local legislation.

Composition of the product

  • Sunflower lecithin emulsifier (E322).

Physico-chemical parameters
The appearance of industrial sunflower lecithin LLC Yuvix-Farm is small powder.

Benefits of powder lecithins for the food industry

  1. This is their aggregate state - lecithin is a dispersed bulk powder product with a particle size of 20 to 150 MK.
  2. This product contains from 85 to 97% of phospholipids (in fact, these are phospholipid isolates).
  3. They are very comfortable and easy to dose.
  4. Possibility of pre-mixing with dry ingredients.
  5. Best dispersibility.

Industrial Emulsifier Lecitin LLC Yuvix-Farm

Our sunflower lecithin is produced in the process of isolating the active components of lecithin obtained from sunflower oil in order to increase the concentration and content of phospholipids.

Degreased lecithin is widely known for its unsurpassed emulsifying ability. The purity level of the product allows it to be recommended to use in the production of pharmaceutical preparations and food products of diet food.

Due to the high concentration of highly efficient active food substances, including choline, polyunsaturated fatty acids, inositol, etc., Lecitin LLC Yuvix-Farm has a high nutritional value and is uniquely recommended as an important biologically active additive in the food end user, especially Indispensable in special diets in order to increase nutritional value, in particular, in order to reduce cholesterol in the blood.

Storage Lecitin

Lecithin from Yuvix-Farm LLC is characterized by increased hygroscopicity. It should be stored a product tightly closed in original packaging, in a cool and dry place, without access of direct rays of sunlight.

The total storage period is 18 months subject to the maintenance of packaging integrity and compliance with the required storage conditions.


Cardboard boxes with polyethylene liner.

ATTENTION: Prices are shown without shipping costs.

Since at the beginning of the last century, a person opened nutritional supplements, the food industry has changed forever. Producers of food products understood that they could affect their taste, appearance, aroma, extend the implementation period and thereby make them more attractive for the consumer. In the modern world there are many additives with the most different functions: they improve the texture, stabilize the color, make the taste saturated, struggle with harmful microorganisms. There were many prejudices around these substances that sometimes contradict each other. Someone considers additives unconditionally the desired component in products, and someone is more negative.

Nevertheless, additives are used in the overwhelming majority of products. Their use regulates the Special Commission, consisting of international experts. Experts collect relevant information about these substances and, according to the results of the discussion, make a decision, maybe the additive is used in production, being conditionally safe, or it should be prohibited. It is a serious and large-scale activity, but the discussions in society do not subside.

This article will discuss one of these additives - soybean lecithine. We will understand its properties, features of consumption, biological role, as well as potential benefits or harm.

Nutritional value of soy lecithin

Lacitins are complex compounds, according to the chemical formula, resembling fats with a small percentage of impurities. They are contained in egg yolk or soybean oil. What is the technology of the process in the second case?

Soy cultured a few thousand years ago in the eastern region, cultivating and eating. The plant contains an indispensable amino acids that are well absorbed by man. For this reason, in the year before last, breeders drew on it. Setting the goal to make soybeans bring profits and was available, they opened another application. Soybean seeds began to prepare and obtain raw oil - brown liquid, with a specific smell, saturated with many substances:

  • Saturated fatty acids - palmitic and stearin.
  • Oleic monounsaturated fatty acid (omega-9).
  • Omega-3 and Omega-6 polyunsaturated acids.
  • Iron and zinc.
  • Vitamin B4 (Holine).
  • Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol).
  • Vitamin K (Fillaxinone).
  • Sterols included in the cell membrane.

The energy value of the substance is 899 kilocalories. In international classification, the additive appears under the E322 code, which is always indicated by the manufacturer on the package.

Application in the food industry

Soybean oil, which includes lecithin, in the global industry is in second place after palm. It happens a few species:

  • Cold spin - it is obtained directly by the press of soy seeds and are not subjected to processing; It is considered the most useful and rich in valuables, including a large number of lecithin;
  • Unrefined - this is a raw oil that has passed the hydration process in order to extend the shelf life; Here, as in the cold spin oil, a lot of lecithin is contained; It is actively used in nutritional purposes, but heated the substance is not recommended, since carcinogens are formed under the influence of temperature.
  • Refined - such oil usually has a pleasant smell and is often used in the food industry.

Confectionery production

In this food subproduction, lecithin is used in a variety of products. The main function is to be an emulsifier, that is, to force the substitution substances to be mixed, facilitating the production process. Why is it necessary? For the test, sometimes needed fluids, which under normal conditions due to different chemical properties simply cannot form a mixture (usually aquatic and fat). Lecithin is capable of simultaneously enter the reaction and with fats, and with water and thereby provokes their interaction. In the preparation of what products is it important?

  • Bakery bakery. Here, lecithin performs two tasks at once: substances that creates water-oil emulsions, i.e. emulsifier and as an important element of confectionery fat. In addition, Lecithin, by virtue of its origin, is able to replace the egg yolk as part of the test. Thanks to the lecithine, it is possible to obtain the structure of the ball with the structure of the ball and do not worry about the appearance on the surface of irregularities. As a result, the manufacturer gets a smooth smooth product of a homogeneous color and proper texture. This method of application is distributed worldwide.
  • Waffles. In their preparation, lecithin is added both in the dough and stuffing. When baking the waffle sheets, lecithin in the test contributes to the waffles not adhere to the forms. The filling for them is preparing for a fat basis, therefore, in this case, lecithin will retain a light homogeneous consistency for it, helping evenly distribute the aqueous and fat components. The finished product is obtained by crispy and does not lose these properties throughout the entire storage period, it does not crumble and does not break. Similarly, lecithin acts in cones for ice cream and custard creams.
  • Cookies. The dough base for it should be elastic, which becomes possible due to lecithine. The substance makes the product crumbly and helps to reduce the content of fats (since it relates to zeal-like). In addition, lecithin is able to attach uniform color and homogeneous, without cracks, surface. The product cooked on lecithine is usually soft and has a delicate taste, since it takes much less time (and the time factor for the confectionery industry means a lot).
  • Pancakes. The dough for pancakes should be moderately viscous so that baking is successful. This feature helps to control lecithin. Using the additive greatly simplifies the production process, makes the flow of products consistent and easily controlled.
  • Biscuits and cupcakes. For these confectionery products, careful distribution of fats is especially important, which just provides lecithin. Its addition makes it easier to mix the test and eliminates the product from sticking to a metal form for baking - so that it does not lose aesthetic look.

Thus, the use of lecithin in this area gives the product (at the stage of the test) fluidity, color uniformity, smooth and homogeneous texture and crumbly. All listed features can be achieved by adding 1-2 percent of lecithin.

Oil and fat production

Emulsifying properties of this supplement are used in the production of margarines, spreads, confectionery fats and special fats for frying. The properties of lecithin allow it to make a fat mass of a softer, homogeneous and accelerate the manufacturing process. Confectionery fat, on the basis of which the fillings often prepare, should be as high as possible, and lecithin allows it to provide.

Lecithine plays a special role in the production of Margarine. It is margarine that is often used in the production of bread and other baking, since compared to vegetable oils provides a more stable texture of the product and a soft surface. Margarine is better adapted to temperature change in the cooking process. Without lecithin, it would be impossible. Therefore, its role in the manufacture of margarine for puff, products from sand and whipped dough, creams and stuffing can not be underestimated - the oil and fat and confectionery industries are very related.

Dairy industry

In dairy products, lecithin shows the same emulsifying properties. Due to its addition, the texture of ripples, kefirs, sour cream, yogurts, milk creams and desserts becomes smooth, homogeneous, and taste is more gentle. In addition, it significantly accelerates the manufacture of products.


Medicine actively uses the natural possibilities of lecithin. Experts consider him peculiar "fuel" for our body. It is part of the cell membranes, need neurons of the brain and liver cells, is important for the normal level of cholesterol in the blood. Therefore, the preparations based on lecithin are so common. They are prescribed in the pathologies of the liver - hepatitis, intoxication, obesity.

It is not necessary to miss the antioxidant properties of lecithin. It is able to remove the accumulated harmful substances - for example, with poisoning, abstineent syndrome, helping the liver to cope with toxins, regenerate cells and stimulating the production of bile. Doctors prescribe preparations to patients with lipid metabolism disorders, for the prevention of atherosclerosis and after suffering serious cardiovascular diseases.

Usually the drug has a form of capsules, but for children it is produced in a more convenient form. With breastfeeding, the baby receives lecithin necessary for development, together with milk. Older children are given in the form of gel (often enriched with vitamins and having a pleasant fruit taste).


Lecithin is valuable in the cosmetic industry. It is put in creams, serums, emulsions, tonic, souffle for the body, masks. Here he plays the role of a unique multifunctional component:

  • As the active ingredient, protective functions of mature skin, as well as damaged and nutrition in need, is restored. In addition, antioxidant properties are pronounced.
  • As an emulsifier, converts fats that are included in the composition of cosmetics, in microclux, gives them the desired texture (for example, thick "sour cream"). Such a texture is equally distributed over the skin and is better absorbed.
  • Another curious task of additive is a kind of "vehicle". For this substance that cannot overcome the barrier of the epidermis, is placed in special capsules from lecithin and they transport them to the skin. So lecithin makes cosmetics act as efficiently as possible.

As a rule, if lecithin is included in the composition of this or that cream, it has moisturizing properties and a pleasant texture. Often this substance is combined with vitamin complexes, which only enhances its useful effect.

Use E322.

Disassembling the scope of lecithin and its biological properties, we describe its positive effect on the body.

Improves cholesterol levels

The cholesterol level (organic compound) in the blood demonstrates how adequately lipid metabolism occurs. It is customary to divide on "bad", that is, low-density lipoproteins and "good", i.e. high density lipoproteins. Lecithin, according to research, helps to increase the level of "good." The substance is able to prevent cholesterol deposition on the walls of the arteries, which means that atherosclerosis resists, improves the overall health of the heart and blood vessels.

Acts as a source of choline

Choline is called vitamin-like substance, which, although it does not stand in one row with vitamins, plays a crucial role for the body:

  • it is included in the composition of neurotransmitters, due to which signals are transmitted between nerve cells, as well as from nerve cells to the muscles; In other words, a person is capable of mental activity and physical activity due to Holin;
  • ensures the normal functioning of the brain area responsible for memory and learning ability;
  • acts as a substance forming the shell of nerve cells; Sometimes it is compared with an insulating coating of electrical wires;
  • it helps to be saturated with oxygen and remove carbon dioxide out blood.

Also, scientists found out that choline is important for the proper intrauterine development of the fetus, when the nervous system is being generated and future mental abilities are laid. Holine has a positive effect on neural cells, genetically predisposed to Alzheimer's disease, therefore products containing it are important for diet - soybeans, as well as beef, turkey, chicken, cod, chocolate and bread from coarse grinding.

Can strengthen immunity

The antioxidant action of lecithin is important when it comes to the immune system. It opposes the effects of free radicals (especially this is relevant for those who live near environmentally unsafe enterprises), protecting the body from stress and overload, including intellectual.

Other substances that lecithin rich helps to improve the quality of breast milk, prevent degenerative changes in muscle and nervous tissue, strengthen capillaries, contribute to digestion, protecting the thin walls of the gastrointestinal tract and helping absorbing fat-soluble vitamins. In fact, he has few contraindications: it is allowed even to people suffering from allergies to other fats, as well as those who have arthritis (in this disease there are nutritional restrictions) and diabetes mellitus (lecithin reduces insulin need).

  • pregnant women developing all fetal life systems;
  • babies and children of preschool age for the development of intellectual abilities;
  • adolescents during the actual growth of the body;
  • athletes and those who do a lot of physical exertion;
  • elderly, since with age, the content of lecithin in the body decreases;
  • people with leather diseases like dermatitis and psoriasis, when the lipid surface of the skin suffers (lecithin helps to restore it in comprehensive treatment);
  • those who have liver and gallbladder disease.

There is a lecithin intake rate - 3-4 times a day before meals. If you have chosen a granular additive, the dose for an adult is one teaspoon (5-6 grams) with a glass of water. For a child - half a teaspoon.

Helps the body to cope with physical and psychological stress

With significant physical exertion, depression, mood and other psychophysical deviations from the norm, the general well-being of a person is significantly deteriorated. Irritability, insomnia, pain in the muscles, the fall in the total physical tone - the total decline in the forces will develop into a chronic state of depression. In order not to become a hostage of drug treatment in a similar situation, first of all, attention should be paid to its diet and concentrate on proper nutrition.

Soy lecithin is recommended to use neurites, neurosis, pathological fatigue and muscle overloads. The brain substance consists of lecithin by almost a third. The peripheral nervous system contains about 17% lecithin. Therefore, the regular use of soybeans helps to cope with depressive disorders and a decrease in muscle tone.

Can improve cognitive function

The ability of a person to reason, learn, to make decisions - the main property, distinguishing a person from other representatives of the fauna of our planet. Cognitive, they are cognitive functions - this is the basis of a human worldview. Cognitive abilities include memory, attention, intelligence, perception, speech and ability to control and organize their own motor activity. The violations of cognitive functions include:

  • Loss of attention, the inability to focus on thoughts, actions or objects.
  • The loss of the ability to build holistic images based on data that comes from sense organs.
  • Loss of memory of varying severity.
  • The loss and weakening of intellectual abilities (including senile dementia).
  • Difficulties with speech function, loss of ability to formulate and utter statements.
  • Disorders of the central nervous system with the musculoskeletal system.

As prevention of listed deviations, proper nutrition specialists are recommended to include products containing lecithin in their diet. Soy lecithin contributes to the normalization of the functioning of the brain:

  • Enhances the transport function of nerve fibers.
  • Improves the blood supply to the brain.
  • Prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.
  • Stimulates tissue updates and improves general metabolism.

Due to the integrated effects, lecithin is really able to significantly affect the cognitive functions of a person and stimulate their recovery after crises.

Can prevent osteoporosis

With a lack of calcium, osteoporosis develops in the bone tissues. As a result, the bones become less durable, thinning and easily break during loads that first seemed ordinary. Turn the leg in a flat place or break your hand from the shock about the door jamb - such troubles often pursue people with osteoporosis. According to statistics, women after menopause suffer from the luxury of bones. For men of older, osteoporosis is also very dangerous. Another sign of the upcoming osteoporosis is fast fatigue.

Prevent the risk of developing a lack of calcium in bone tissues, it is possible at the expense of regular use of soy lecithin. Some calcium preparations are not enough, since this mineral is poorly absorbed by the body. Lecithin is a hillone-like substance and contributes to the dissolution of calcium compounds. The presence of soy products in everyday food can exclude the possibility of manifestations of osteoporosis for a long time. Mandatory condition - use food rich in calcium: milk, cheeses, cottage cheese.

Softens the symptoms of menopause

When a woman is just 50, the transitional period is in her life - Climax. Menopause represents the state of the female organism after the cessation of regular menstruation and ovulation cycle. Although monthly bleeding, few people bring joy, it is the menstrual cycle that helps maintain women's beauty and attractiveness. Menopause immediately reflects on the general condition of the body:

  • Possible frequent blood pressure drops.
  • Many women at the beginning of menopause are often gaining weight.
  • Grinding heat due to changes in the hormonal background.
  • The condition of hair and skin is worse.
  • Possible manifestations of depression and other nervous disorders.

Lecithin contains two vitamin B - inositol and choline. These vitamins, subject to regular use, help the body cope with a variety of stressful factors. Soy Lecithin has a positive effect on the general state of a woman in a difficult period of menopause:

  • Ensures frequent headaches and other violations in the work of the CNS.
  • Improves the condition of the skin, helps to get rid of dermatitis and allergic manifestations on the skin.
  • Normalizes heartbeat.
  • Stimulates intestinal peristalsis.

Lack of lecithin during menopause brings direct harm to the body. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully draw up the menu so that food contains all the necessary vitamins and trace elements, and contributed to the replenishment of the lack of vital substances.

Can prevent cancer

Cancer cells lead to tissue atypism. The reproduction of tumor neoplasms causes a change in histology and form in tissues and internal organs. A healthy body is able to recognize mutant cancer cells and determine them. In the state of stress and with a lack of vital substances, immunity to recognize and destroy cancer agents decreases to a critical level.

Lecithin is a vehicle for the supply of vitamins and minerals to internal organs and tissues. In addition, lecithine rich foods contribute to the withdrawal of toxins and have an antioxidant effect.

In the early stages of cancer development, the regular use of the E322 exemption contributes to the improvement of the general well-being of patients and is able to prevent the development of benign and malignant tumors.

Soy lecithin in baby food

A frequent problem with which young parents face - the kid suffers from diarrhea, allergies or stomach disorders in the use of dairy products. According to WHO statistics, the intolerance of the dairy protein is a problem with which about 8% of children are faced worldwide. The manifestation of the symptoms of the intolerance of the milk protein can be excluded using a special diet.

Manufacturers are added isolate soy protein into baby food in order to reduce the risk of developing allergic reactions to cow's milk. Soy-based mixtures are suitable for feeding kids who cannot eat dairy products. Practice shows that the child with constant use of soybeans is normalized by the state of the intestine and the overall condition of the body is improved.

Eating soy lecithin also helps cure or alleviate other systemic nutrition disorders in children:

  • Lactose intolerance is most often developing in premature babies. Products with soy lecithin are suitable for replacing milk nutrition for kids with lactose intolerance.
  • Galaktozhemia is a genetic mutation as a result of which a child when using milk-containing products is experiencing problems with the functioning of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract. Soybean isolate is suitable for the replacement of milk in a child's diet and provides a lack of vitamins and nutrients in the body.
  • Coleciakia - congenital intolerance to gluten, in which the baby cannot be used bread. To replace conventional dry mixtures with celiacs, soy analogues are used.

Before entering food with soy lecithin content in the kid's diet, be sure to consult the therapist. He will warn about possible contraindications to the use of soybeans, if any.

Application in health problems

Food lecithin is a mixture of lipids, essential fatty acids and carbohydrates. Lecithin is necessary for the healthy functioning and growth of cells of the human body. It is embedded in cell membranes, forms a protective shell around the nerve fibers, prevents cholesterol inside the blood vessels, increases the concentration of lipids in the blood. The impact of lecithin on the body is complex, therefore it is recommended as a biologically active additive in neurosis and physical fatigue.

Soy lecithin should not be considered as a panacea from all diseases. However, the regular use of products containing this substance has a beneficial effect on the condition of the separate organs, the nervous system, the brain and the whole organism as a whole. Nutritionists and proper nutrition specialists recommend using soy products in a daily diet for people with tract disorders, a common decrease in immunity, kidney and liver diseases. For vegetarians and people leading a healthy lifestyle, soy protein is necessary to replenish the deficit of the Vitamins of Group V. during pregnancy, lecithin helps to keep the health of the mother and child.

Lecithin deficiency in the body

The human body in a modern technogenic medium is subject to the effect of the mass of negative factors. Regular stresses and depressive states, disorders of food behavior, high physical exertion lead to the development of a lack of lipids in the blood and the appearance of lecithin deficiency. The lack of this substance is manifested in different ways. Headaches, fast fatigue, irritability, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, violations in the work of the endocrine system, jumps of blood pressure - lecithin deficiency can cause the development of any of the listed symptoms.

Immediately determine the source of the problem is not immediately given. As the prevention of such states, doctors and nutritionists are recommended on a regular basis to introduce soy lecithin in the daily diet. If after 2-3 weeks of the introduction of biologically active additive or soy products, the general condition of the body began to improve, lecithin should be used additionally on an ongoing basis.

Harm and side effects E322

Lecithin is sold in pharmacies without a recipe (in the form of syrups, capsules or in the composition of multivitamin complexes), but take this additive better after consulting with a specialist. In excess doses of this substance, the body can respond with the following manifestations:

  • labored breathing;
  • dizziness;
  • increased sweating;
  • salivation;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • digestion disorder;
  • heart pain and joints.

Thus, surplus lecithin makes a disorder into the work of those systems that support its acceptable quantity. Therefore, the dosage should be selected with the doctor. You can independently include products rich in lecithin in the diet. A good alternative to synthetic vitamins will be cedar nuts, soybeans, bran, beer yeast, cereals and podcol beans. It is difficult to overdo it with their amount, so nutritionists approve such a strategy.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the universal contraindication to the reception of lecithin - allergies to soy. There is also the opinion that pregnant and early children should not use soybean, which can negatively affect the development of the child. However, this controversial statement in any case refers to Say, and not to lecithine. Therefore, there is no reason to remove the useful vegetable products from your menu (beans, beans, nuts, necessary for the body). It is also important to attach other natural dishes to them (so as to balance the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates), to observe the power and rest mode and not neglect moderate physical exertion.

Recently, more and more often on the pages of printed publications, and reports about soy lecithine appear on television. Today we will talk in more detail about soy lecithin, use in products, harm and benefit from it, which will tell.

Soy lecithin is a tasteful and biologically active additive for food. It produces with low-temperature processing from purified soybean oil. It consists of vitamins, oil, phospholipids. The beneficial properties of soy lecithin are little known to people. Therefore, the truthful, and not quite accurate rumors are distributed around it.

Soy lecithin or E322, participates in the human body in the exchange of fats and cholesterol. It has a lipotropic effect, contributes to the slowdown of the accumulation of fats in the liver and leads to their rapid combustion, has a strongly pronounced choleretic effect. Lecithin inhibits the development and formation of stones in the bustling bubble.

An indispensable lecithin will be for those who live in unfavorable areas, with an increased radioactive background. It contributes to the removal of radionuclides and salts of heavy metals.

Soy lecithin, contained in the products, helps people suffering from allergic diseases for fatty proteins, get full nutrition.

People suffering from diseases such as atherosclerosis of brain vessels, angina, myocardial infarction, hypertension are shown products with soybean content, as they reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, thereby carrying out the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Soy lecithin is recommended that are overweight, as well as people with diabetes mellitus. It will be indispensable and in case of such diseases, cholecystitis, hepatosis, pancreatitis, with chronic constipation, diseases of the musculoskeletal system: arthritis and arthrosis.

With the help of lecithin, the reception of vitamins and drugs in the human body increases.

It turns out that soy lecithin is used in cosmetology. The cream, which he is, helps the skin to keep moisture, thereby not allowing her for a long time to grow old.

Soy lecithin is part of many bodies used to treat and maintain the human body.

However, not everything is so simple and cloudless, as it seems at first glance. A biodo ship can also apply the unique harm to our body.

What harm gets a person using soy lecithin containing products for his body?

Soy lecithin has an oppressive effect on the organism's endocrine system. Especially suffering from this children who are often eating products with it. It can cause allergies in young children, the disease of the thyroid gland. Therefore, you should not give food-containing products to children, under three years.

Soy lecithin accelerates the processes of aging organism. Pregnant women should also limit the reception of soy products, because they adversely affect the brain of the embryo and increase the risk of premature birth.

In what products can we meet soy lecithin?

First of all, these are oils that are part of many bakery products, chocolate, sweets, sausages, dumplings, fast food products: hamburgers, boiler, blinker stages.

Recently, more and more often, soy lecithin is part of the margarines, light oil - spread, other dairy products. Often he began to meet in baby dairy diet.

Upon learning of the soybean lecithine, everyone will do certain conclusions for themselves. Undoubtedly, in small quantities, soy lecithin is useful, but do not forget about his harm. Buying one or another product in stores carefully read its composition. Enhanced use of it in food can lead to severe liver diseases, thyroid gland, brain. As they say, trust, but check!

Lesitin's vital for the body: how to use it. The benefits and harm of soy lecithin for the health of children and adults

Lecithin plays an important role in the development of the human body.

Its optimal content in the body ensures uninterrupted performance of protective functions and the ability to regenerate.

The lack of lecithin, the body begins to grow rapidly, is more susceptible to diseases and is worse than treating.

Lecithin: Composition and methods of application

The beneficial properties of lecithin for the body are due to the fact that due to it the cells give a sufficient amount of nutrients that are involved in cellular processes of absolutely all internal organs.

Lecithin, which is an active food additive, can be purchased in a pharmacy in the form of tablets, capsules or fragrant gel, which is designed for children. The composition of such a pharmacy includes:

Vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, D;

Folic acid;

Omega-3 and Omega-6;




Phosphoric acid;


Higher fatty acids;


It is right to notice that this is not the full composition of the drug. Soy lecithin, namely, under such titles, the drug has wide fame, contains auxiliary fats and fatty acids, proteins and amino acids, sugar.

Without resorting to chemicals, lecithin healthy health can be obtained by the use of such products as:

Eggs (yolk);

Fish caviar;

Sub-products meat;


Soya beans;

Nuts and seeds;

Cabbage of various varieties;

Vegetable oil.

The liver of man half consists of lecithin. With its normal functioning, it itself is a good manufacturer. But over the years, subject to poor ecology, drinking alcohol, harmful food and medicines, the liver loses such ability. In addition, the problems with digestion and the intestinal grinding are minimized to the suction of lecithin from food. Then comes to apply pharmacy soy lecithin.

Lecitin: What is the benefit for the body?

The sufficient level of lecithin is unusually important for the body of any age. After all, thanks to him, absolutely all organs and systems are preserved in a healthy state as long as possible. In addition, lecithin benefits are noted during the treatment of ailments, with prevention against a number of diseases and even when delivering from bad habits:

Restoration of the liver - phospholipids restore liver cells, remove excess fat and protect, returning the ability to perform their natural purpose for cleaning blood from harmful toxins;

Prevention of biliary disease - Lecithin prevents the thickening of bile, which reduces the risk of accumulation of solid fat deposits in the busty bubble and bile ducts. If the biliary disease already occurs to be, lecithin, along with key treatment, will accelerate the splitting of stones;

Prevention of atherosclerosis - lecithin deficiency is a good reason for the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood. Transforming into rather large particles for arteries and vessels, cholesterol sticks to their walls, causing obstruction and gap, as a result. Raising the level of useful lecithin in the body, a person reduces the risk of atherosclerosis. Lecithin rapidly splits the harmful cholesterol and displays it;

A decrease in the risk of infarction - the L-carnitine's amino acid is indispensable for muscle tissues are produced in the body with the participation of lecithin phospholipids. It makes the muscles of flexibility, durability and energy. This ensures the protection of the heart muscle from premature weakening;

Warning of diabetes and facilitating the course of the already existing disease - pancreas produces natural insulin, which eliminates the risk of improving the blood sugar in the blood of a healthy person, even with excessive use of carbohydrates. If sugar diabetes is already present, then lecithin optimizes the production of insulin the pancreas. It helps reduce the need for taking drugs lowering blood sugar levels;

The protection of the nervous system - a myeline, which forms the shell of nerve fibers, is produced by lecithin healthy. Under myeline protection nerves, impulses are properly allowed. With age, lecithin consumption should increase in order to maintain the optimal operation of the nervous system;

Ensuring good work of the lungs - under the influence of lecithin, surfactants are synthesized, on the basis of which the protective film of pulmonary alveoli is formed. It protects the lungs from toxins, prevents premature aging and reduces the risk of oncological formations;

An increase in the deadline for the functioning of the sexual system - choline and inositol included in the lecithin, actively dissolve cholesterol, which is the main component for the production of female and male genital hormones. It prolongs the reproductive age of a person and protects it from the oncology of the genital organs.

Follow the level of the lecithin entering the body is useful for the health of the one who wishes to get rid of tobacco dependence. The whole secret is that Nicotine annoys the same receptors as Acetylcholine, located in Lecithine. In the conditions of additional reception of soy lecithin, you can deceive the body at the physiological level and defeat the harmful habit.

Lecitin: What is the harm to health?

Speaking about the dangers of lecithin, it should be remembered that the raw material for its manufacture is soy. And now it should be noted that it happens both high-quality natural product and genetically modified. Lecithin from poor-quality raw materials is able to cause unwanted changes in the human body, from allergies to dementia in old age.

Pregnant women should avoid the use of lecithin from the genetically modified soybean. It is able to disrupt the development of the nervous system of the fetus and the formation of its brain.

The list of food additives international level includes soy lecithin under the E322 code. It is allowed to produce many foods. By purchasing a ready-made breakfast in a box or a packed cupcake to tea, you should familiarize yourself with the composition and avoid purchases in a product with poor-quality components.

Harning of high-quality soy lecithin has not been proven. In addition, it should be remembered that the liver consists half of it, and the brain is 30%. All organs and systems need useful lecithine.

Lecithin for children: is useful or harmful?

There is already a future mother to take care of a sufficient percentage of lecithin consumed, useful for her health and for the development of the future kid. Already in the womb, the child is important to obtain all the components that are part of lecithin, which will ensure the correct and timely development of all systems of its organism and the formation of organs.

In the first year of life, the kid form motor-motor functions, reaction speed and immunity. In this period of his life, he gets lecithin with maternal milk and mixtures.

Further, under the age of three, soy lecithin, as well as the one that comes with food, plays an important role in the emotional sustainability of the child, in the development of speech and ability to adequately respond to the surrounding stimuli.

The older the child becomes, the more loads he feels on himself. He has to assimilate the huge amounts of information daily, correctly perceive it and designate the most important thing for himself that in the future it immediately applies in practice.

Based on phosphatidylcholine, which is in lecithine, and vitamin B5 in the body appears amino acid acetylcholine. This is the most important neurotiator that causes a person to focus on specific tasks and find non-standard solutions.

You can raise the lack of lecithin if a child:


Scattered and forgetful;


Sleep well;

Often complains of headaches;

It has a bad appetite.

In this case, it will not be superfluous to visit the pediatrician to appoint them a lecithin useful for the growing organism with the correct dosage.

The benefits of lecithin in cosmetology

Being a strong tool awakening in cells, their ability to regenerate, lecithin prevents wrinkles, smoothes already existing minor wrinkles, relieves irritation. In combination with vitamins A and E, the use of lecithin in cosmetology purposes is especially useful.

Lecithine regenerating mask is usually used for fading skin. Its not necessarily buy in specialized stores. Such a lecithine mask is easy to do at home. This will require:

Egg yolk - 2 pcs;

Glycerin - 6 ml;

Castorka - 25 ml;

Carbolic acid - 10 ml;

Alcohol is ammonia - 5 ml;

Lemon along with the zest - 1 pc;

Pantokrin - 1 tsp;

Folliculin 5000ED - 1 ampoule.

All ingredients should be gently mixed. At the same time, the four latter should be entered into the mixture in the above sequence at the very end. Keep such a mask on the face you need from 30 to 60 minutes. Then it is removed with a wet warm sponge over massage lines. The general course of such daily procedures is up to 25 days. At the same time, in two weeks, the result will be obvious. All sorts of pigment specks will be thrown away, the skin will acquire a fresh healthy look. Tissue cells will restore their natural ability to retain moisture. Excessive skin fat will also cease to be a problem. The mask will adjust the work of the sebaceous glands. Thanks to this, the skin will become matte and clean. Preparing at home regenerating face mask with useful lecithin, you can be completely confident as all components.

Soy lecithin harm or benefit for children?

All parents want their kids to receive everything the best. They wish the child to grow strong, healthy and, of course, smart. That is why moms give their children various fruits and vegetables, and also buy multivitamins. In the modern world, GMO products are increasingly popular, the utility of which for a growing body remains in question. Therefore, we will talk about soybean lecithine and about all aspects of its influence on children's health.

Our peripheral nervous system is approximately 15% consisting of lecithin, and in the central - the proportion of this element is all 30%. It is the main component of the myelin layer, that shell which protects the nerve fibers and cells. From this we can conclude that this substance is simply necessary for the normal functional activity of the central nervous system of the person.

Even during the intrauterine development of the fetus, Lecithin is actively involved in the formation of nerve tissues and brain. The nursing mother's milk contains approximately 100 times more than this substance, rather than in all cells of its organism. Agree, this is a fairly significant argument in his favor. The central nervous system, vitamin elements and lecithin are quite closely linked. This substance is responsible for memory, thinking and concentration, and after all, these qualities are very important for the development of each kid. Scientists are focused on the need for lecithin for the development of memorization and memory mechanisms, it is also able to increase susceptibility, which plays a particularly important role for children who are difficult to teach.

Lecithin is actively used to restore nerve tissues, while unlike other medicines, it does not give side effects. The recommended amount of this substance per day directly depends on the overall condition of the body, as well as on the intensity of the loads. So physical work or sports leads to the fact that lecithin enters into the muscles, thereby increasing strength and endurance. The deficiency of this substance can cause thinning the myelin shell, the appearance of irritability and failure in the work of the nervous system.

In premature babies, this substance significantly increases chances of survival. It prevents the loss of vision due to retinopathy, besides the prevention of respiratory disorders.

Another important property of this substance, which proves its utility for a growing organism, is that it contributes to the assimilation of such vitamins as K, E, A and D. In addition, lecithin provides the correct exchange of fats and stimulates the production of hemoglobin and red blood cells.

These properties are very important, since the deficit, for example, vitamin A causes a delay in development and growth, and the lack of vitamin E - hypotrophy (reduced body weight), vitamin D does not develop rickets, and vitamin is simply necessary for connecting and bone tissues.

From the point of view of chemistry, lecithin consists of 98% of phospholipids, among them are approximately equal shares of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylserine, as well as a slightly larger amount of linoleic and linolenic acids. Linolenic acid deficiency leads to a height delay, and the lack of linoleic causes hair loss and deterioration of the state of the epidermis.

Soy lecithin is very important for the normal functional activity of the liver, as it is a part of this organ. This substance helps to carry fats from the liver cells and normalizes the bile consistency.

A healthy person needs a five-seven grams of lecithin a day.

Soy lecithin occupies an important place in the composition of biological membranes, it also contributes to the production of energy, and this is very important in childhood. Pay attention to your child, it seems that he does not stay in one place in one place: jumps, runs and knows the world around. And soy lecithin will help feed the growing body of energy.

Soy is discussed quite a long period of time, and it is already practically inseparable from the concept of GMOs, but in fact it is not quite so. Despite the fact that this plant is a frequent participant in various experiments on genetic modifications, does not mean that lecithin on its basis may carry some potential danger. For its manufacture, the soybean oil is used, which takes place before this thorough cleaning and filtering. Scientists have proven that lecithines having plant origins are much more efficient than those who have an animal nature.

It is also important to take into account the fact that soy lecithin has its own minuses, so its excessive amount can inject the endocrine system of our organism, and for children it can be fraught with very unpleasant consequences. In addition, it can cause allergic reactions and lead to the disease of the thyroid gland. That is why physicians are not recommended to give it to the kids under the age of three.

In fact, lecithin is contained not only in both, but also in other products: grain crops, egg yolks, fish and beer yeast.

If you think about the introduction of soy lecithin into a children's diet, we once again think over all the pros and cons of such a reception. Be sure to consult a qualified physician and follow its recommendations. Buy drugs only in proven pharmacies, choosing famous manufacturers, specify the characteristics of the selected product on the Internet or the pharmacist.

Products that are used today as additives to food, in order to enhance taste or reduce production costs, quite a lot. One of the most consumable names are soy lecithin and palm oil. On the soil of these two ingredients that make up many products on store shelves, a lot of copies have long been broken. However, the question remains an open, which is more useful - soy lecithin or palm oil.

Biological supplements to food have a different degree of significance. But most of them are all used in order to make the production of products cheaper. However, a number of requirements in the manufacture of certain foods to break all the same cannot be disrupted, here are the manufacturers and are invented, as possible, not worsening the nutritional value of the product, make it production more profitable.

Soy lecithin

Soy lecithin is a taste of a biological supplement to food, which is made from purified soybean oil by low-temperature processing. Due to the fact that the oil is cleared, the inaders are usually concluded that it becomes unpleasant. However, experts assure that such an opinion is erroneous, and the soybean oil retains both vitamins, and directly oil, and phospholipids.

The benefits of soybean lecithin is that it actively participates in the exchange of fats and cholesterol, and therefore neutralizes the harm of oily food. At the same time, it also slows down the process of the development of stones in the gallbladder.

Often soy lecithin prescribe people living in areas with an increased radioactive background. This is due to the fact that it perfectly derives salts of heavy metals.

Soy lecithin is also good for those who suffer from intolerance to animal fats and various allergic reactions. However, not everything is so simple, as it seems at first glance. There are a number of situations where soy lecithin has a very negative impact on the human body.

So, for example, this product very negatively affects the action of the endocrine system. Lecithin inhibits it. His action is especially strongly affected by the children's nervous system. Therefore, children under 3 years of consumption of soy lecithin is contraindicated.

Pregnant women should also refrain from the use of soy lecithin, because This pretty negatively affects the development of the brain of the fetus. Often it can even lead to miscarriage.

To avoid problems, it is worth a very clear understanding where you can meet soy lecithin. It is usually added in the manufacture of bakery products, chocolate, sausages, dumplings and fast food products.

Palm oil

Palm oil is as well as lecithin, used in confectionery. It is ideal for products that require long-term storage. However, nutritionists are increasingly talking about its harm to human health.

Palm oil today is used in the manufacture of popular foods such as condensed milk, candy, cookies, chocolate paste, fast cooking noodles, chips, crackers, crackers, etc. Those who have a particularly acute sense of smell, claim that palm oil gives products an interesting taste notch.

It is worth remembering that palm oil is a product containing saturated fats, the main distinctive feature of which is long-term storage. But it is precisely the main danger of palm oil that lies. Fats provoke an increase in blood cholesterol and lead to the development of diseases such as atherosclerosis, thrombosis, heart disease, etc.

At the same time, palm oil has a property to enhance the taste of the product, as a result of which a person wants to eat it again and again.

At this point, when the dependence on the product is beginning to be formed, in which palm oil is added, it is worth remembering that this oil is still used to lubricate the metallurgical equipment, and the appetite will disappear.

Finding into the human body, the palm oil does not dissolve, but remains in the stomach in the form of a warm sticky mass, which flashes everything around. With heat treatment, this product turns into a dangerous carcinogen. Scientists have proven that there are no useful substances in palm oil.

It turns out that it is impossible to name whether nor other additive. However, if you compare them, the palm oil is noticeably losing soy lecithine. But, with his use, try not to overdo it. Let everything be in moderation.

Lecithin. Benefit and harm

Lecithin is a leaf-like organic matter, which is a complex of phospholipids. This, without exaggeration, fuel for the human body. It is a building material for cell membranes. Strengthens the nervous system, indispensable for the liver and brain. To establish a lipid exchange in the human body, normalize the level of cholesterol in the blood also helps lecithin. Indications for the use of this drug are very wide. It is necessary both for the development of the younger organism and to maintain the health of people of mature age.

Lecithin for liver health

This drug is the best friend of the liver. A larger number of lecithin in our body is contained in this body - 65% of the total. Therefore, lecithin preparation is prescribed with any pathologies of liver - hepatitis, obesity of the liver, intoxication, cirrhrodes.

With alcohol intoxication, lecithin will also support liver health and reduce the unpleasant symptoms of the abstinence syndrome (hangover). It activates the body's ability to resist to toxins and stimulates the production of bile, provokes active regeneration (restoration) of liver cells. Although lovers of drinking should be treated not liver, but head.

In addition, lecithin is a strong antioxidant capable of removing toxins from the body.

Lecithin against cholesterol

Since cholesterol is contained in the same products as lecithin, benefits and harm from the use of such products as it is equal. Lecithin holds cholesterol in dissolved form and, accordingly, prevents its deposits on the walls of blood vessels. Additionally entering lecithine contributes to the elimination of the cholesterol already launched, reducing its total level by 15-20 percent.

In addition, lecithin activates the work of fats splitting enzymes, stabilizes fat exchange, promotes better absorption of vitamins A, D, E and K. phospholipids activate blood microcirculation in the body. Therefore, lecithin, practically no side effects, indispensable for the prevention of heart disease and atherosclerosis. It is also discharged by patients during the recovery period after heart attacks and strokes.

For little geniuses

Lecithin needs a child from the first days of life - primarily for the formation and development of the central nervous system. With breastfeeding, the kid receives lecithin with mother's milk. If for some reason it is impossible natural feeding, lecithin deficiency needs to be eliminated.

It is especially important to get your mandatory daily dose of lecithin in the first year of life. Recent studies in Colombian University have proven: the volume of lecithin obtained in the first 12 months of the lifestyle of crumbs determines the amount of its memory in the future, and the stability of memory to age changes. And this means - successful study at school, interesting projects in the university and a decent career.

Also especially vulnerable to the lack of lecithin, a children's body during stress. The first serious experiences begin during the adaptation period first in the kindergarten, then at school. About first-graders Conversation separate. During this period, lecithin is simply needed. It stimulates brain activity, reduces fatigue. Improves memory, attention, increases stress resistance.

For schoolchildren, lecithin in the form of a gel is best. It is not associated with a child with pills, on the contrary, manufacturers make it pleasant to taste, with a fruit smell. Another option is lecithin in soluble capsules. From a vitamin drink, children rarely refuse. Most often, children's lecithin contains a complex of vitamins required by a growing body.

And for lovely ladies

Lecithin is useful for everyone, but women's health particularly depends on this unique complex of phospholipids. And most importantly is the healing effect of lecithin on the nervous system.

17% of nerve fibers consists of lecithin - not compared with the liver, but the percentage is serious. The slightest lecithine deficit in the body - and now insomnia, weakness, irritability, up to the full nervous breakdowns. And since the stress is the most permanent satellite of women's life (chief-feeder, boring colleagues, family cases, growing children, concerns about the budget), without lecithine feeding. He perfectly helps strengthen the nerves and successfully confront stress.

Lecithin is often prescribed to their patients and doctors, for prevention and as part of a comprehensive therapy of various female diseases: mastopathy, endometriosis, uterine misa - up to the uterus cancer. Lecithin helps to align the menstrual cycle, facilitates unpleasant symptoms when climax. Therefore, its reception is the full prevention of the diseases of the female sexual sphere.

For women's beauty, Lecitin is also indispensable - not just so world cosmetic brands actively include it in the composition of cosmetic products. Phosphatidylcholine - active substance in Lecithine - smoothes the skin of the face, makes it soft and tender. And it also helps to remove inflammation, allergic rashes, remove excess fatness and return the face of freshness.

And the most pleasant: lecithin provides full-fledged metabolism and helps to control the weight.

Universal, efficient, safe

The reception of lecithin is effective in many diseases, as well as in order to prevent them. For example, with physical and psycho-emotional loads, permanent stresses, lecithin will contribute to improving the overall condition of the body and nervous system.

Lecithin is able to protect the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract from harmful effects. Therefore, its reception is shown to people suffering from gastritis, colitis and ulcerative disease.

With psoriasis and dermatitis, the reception of lecithin will significantly reduce unpleasant symptoms. Therefore, it is often used in the complex treatment of skin diseases.

Another magical property of lecithin is the ability to normalize blood sugar levels. It strengthens the membranes of pancreatic cells, in particular beta cells that are responsible for insulin production. Thus, with diabetes mellitus of the first type, lecithin reduces the external insulin need. In diabetes of the second type compensates for the lack of phospholipids and essential fatty acids.

Immediate lecithin and brain. It has been proven that regular lecithin reception can suspend multiple sclerosis (disintegration of myelin cerebral shell), improve brain activity in Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's syndrome.

Such diverse and wide indications for the use of lecithin are explained very simply - it is contained in the cells of all organism systems. At the same time, it does not have serious side effects.

How does the organism respond to lack of lecithin?

The neural system suffers from the lack of lecithin. Memory disorder, constant mood change, decline in attention, insomnia - these are the main symptoms of lecithin deficiency in the body.

In addition, if lecithin coming from food, man is not enough, the digestion disorder begins - the rejection of oily food, frequent diarrhea and bloating. The work of the liver and kidney is knocked down.

Arterial pressure can increase, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and vessels, as well as joints, are progress.

If the body regularly misses its vital lecithin, a person seriously increases the risk of chronic diseases:

  • hypertension and ischemic heart disease;
  • atherosclerosis (there are no lecithin times, no one to control the harmful cholesterol);
  • ulcer - the gastric and 12-rosysome intestine;
  • cirrhosis of the liver and hepatitis.

Early osteoporosis, constant irritability, nervous breakies - all this consequences of lack of lecithin. The skin is also suffering from the deficit of useful phospholipids. Psoriasis, allergic rash, food dermatitis can also be provoked by improper power without the desired lecithine volume.

Natural sources of lecithin

The name of the substance has happened from the Greek "Lekithos", which means "egg yolk". Accordingly, lecithin is in sufficient quantities in eggs, as well as in products containing a large amount of fat, beef or chicken liver, seeds and nuts, fish, sunflower oil and meat.

One of the leaders in the content of lecithin is the flour of walnuts. This "flour" delicacy is a real storehouse of useful fats that are charged with energy, help to resist stress and keep a sharp mind. Walnut flour can be added to cottage cheese, morning porridge or vegetable salad (if you follow the diet), prepare cookies and cupcakes from it (for non-crushed sweets).

Some vegetables and fruits also contain lecithin. So, a lot of lecithin in legumes, in particular in Soy. The raw material for the production of industrial lecithin is most often the soybean oil, soybean and products of its processing. We are rich in lecithin phospholipids and fatty fruits - avocado and Asian Durian. And on our beds, except pea with beans, lecithine will provide you carrots, green salad and white cabbage.

Lecithin like a dietary supplement

Food additives are an inevitable nightmare for each person. We are constantly looking for a table with useful and harmful additives, we teach the dangerous numbers under the code E, in stores you read the contents of packages, looking for insidious chemicals. And now the irony of fate - one of the most popular food additives is soy lecithin, the beneficial properties of which have long been not subject to doubt.

You can meet soy lecithin in a variety of factory products that have become an integral part of our life:

  • margarines, creamy vegetable oils, spreads;
  • almost all confectionery (candy, cookies, waffles, chewing candies, etc.);
  • bread and bakery desserts (buns, cakes, cupcakes, especially with cream);
  • baby food mixtures (starting from the first months of life).

So what is the nutritional additive "soy lecithin", the necessary and useful component or potentially harmful preservative? Let's start with the fact that lecithin phospholipids are thereby ingredient that makes familiar treats as we love them. They do not allow fat to crystallize (for baking with soft cream, it is very important), increase the shelf life of flour sweets, and still make the cupcakes, cakes and cookies to be easily separated from the form when baking.

This supplement is officially authorized in many countries, including those who particularly strictly monitor the quality and benefits of products - in the USA, Australia, EU and Russia. Lecithin is considered not just harmless, but also useful addition to products, and painstaking scientific research is still underway. Just in case, not to miss a potential danger.

The only question here is relatively soybean lecithin, which is often manufactured from the gene-modified soybean. This is the next item.

Where to buy lecithin?

Lecithin on an industrial scale is produced either from soybean oil or from sunflower seeds. Considering that soybean is often gennomified, we would recommend to apply lecithin, which is made from sunflower seeds, which, in principle, not exposed to genin modifications.

From the manufacturers known to us, we can recommend that our lecithin products can be recommended - this is the domestic manufacturer, work since 2001, their products are in many pharmacies and online stores and, most importantly, their lecithin is 100% of sunflower seeds. If we are not mistaken, this is almost the only company that produces lecithin only from sunflower seeds, the rest use soy. Take a look at their website:

How to use?

Lecithin enters various vitamin complexes, and is also produced by an independent drug in the form of capsules, gels, granules, tablets, liquids. In the liquid form, lecithin can even be mixed with food before use.

Daily dose of lecithin 5-6 grams for an adult and 1-4 grams for a child. This is not counting that lecithin, which we can get with food. Use it usually before or during food three times a day. The course of treatment (prevention) on average is at least three months, but may be continued and longer, up to several years.

The final dosage and duration of the reception determines the doctor.

With all the variety of lecithine forms of the most popular and demanded from buyers, lecithin remains in granules. An important advantage of such healing phospholipids: in this case it is very easy to trace the quality and suitability of lecithin.

If the therapeutic additive is incorrectly stored (or it is overdue), the taste of lecithin changes heavily, it becomes voiced like a real fat. If you swallow such a capsule, the trick will not feel, and the dubious taste of granular lecithin will notice right away.

In lecithin granules, it takes care and the fact that such an additive can be taken in different ways (as well as liquid lecithin). You can simply have it with spoons in the necessary dosage, drinking water or juice, and you can add to your favorite meal. A practically any dish is suitable - lecithin is allowed to interlace into porridge, muesli, cottage cheese and yogurt, sprinkle salads, and the benefits of him will not suffer.

Contraindications a little but they are

Who is contraindicated lecithin? Instructions for use says that the drug cannot be used only in the presence of individual intolerance. The problem is that lecithin allergies is quite frequent. Therefore, if you are susceptible to allergic reactions, try not to miss the first signs and stop taking the drug.

Peanut halva benefit and harm

Soy lecithin is a component that is known as the confectionery component. But this application is not limited - we will consider in detail other areas of use, we note the composition, benefits and damage to the product.

Definition and composition

Let's start an overview with what we will discuss what it is - Soyla Lecitin Emulsifier. The substance is a synthesized chemically additive, which is used in several fields of industry.

Emulsifier Soy Lecithin is a yellow liquid product with a viscous texture. It does not have a pronounced smell, poorly dissolved in water and alcohol. What makes a substance get? This is the result of the synthesis of soybean oil.

To finally deal with what is the Emulsifier lecithin soybean, you need to talk about the composition of the substance.

The composition of soy lecithin is such:

  • Group vitamins in;
  • Phosphates;
  • Phosphodietocholine;
  • Choline;
  • Inositol;
  • Linolenic acid.

We dealt with the composition and concluded that it is an emulsifier soy lecithin, the benefits and harm of the component will be studied in detail by us below, continue to read!

Benefit and harm

The benefits or damage of lecithin soybean were carefully studied by specialists - they came to the unequivocal conclusion that the additive has both negative and positive qualities.

Immediately, we note that only natural soy lecithin obtained from soybeans of natural origin can be useful. If the production was used by the generated soybean, the positive qualities can be forgotten.


To understand what kind of additive lecithin soybean, it is important to study the entire spectrum of the possible positive effect of the substance to the body:

Let's briefly note what role soy lecithin is playing for men and women:

  • Increases the functioning of the sexual system;
  • The composition includes inositol and choline, which dissolve cholesterol;
  • It is cholesterol that produces female and male sex hormones;
  • Thus, the reproductive period is extended and the risk of the development of the oncology of the genital organs is reduced.

The benefits and harm of soy lecithin for women during pregnancy and lactation Such:

  • In the process of tooling and feeding, the consumption of modified soybeans can lead to negative consequences;
  • Natural soy lecithin is needed by pregnant and lactating women for the correct development of all organism systems and the formation of organs;
  • In addition, the component affects the formation of motor-motor functions, generates immunity and reaction rate.

As you can see, the list of positive qualities is quite wide - we will remind you that they are all manifest only when using a natural substance. But the modified component can cause a number of negative reactions - below we will discuss in detail contraindications.


First, we note whether the soy lecithin E476 is harmful, produced from natural components. There is only one contraindication to use - this is the individuality of the intolerance to soybeans and derivatives. That's all, this is the only negative point that is worth noting.

But the substance synthesized by the gennodified manner has a number of negative qualities. They should be explored very detailed.

Soy lecithin E 476 was recognized as a safe substance permitted in the framework of the daily rate established by expected specialists. This figure is 7.5 mg per kilogram weight man. The additive is allowed to use in most European countries, in Canada and America, in Russia and the countries of the Customs Union.

If you comply with the rate of consumption per day, you can not worry - scientists unambiguously believe that this is a safe indicator that cannot harm. If you exceed the daily consumption and introduce into a ration too much of such non-trial products, risk to face the following unpleasant consequences:

  • Increase liver;
  • Failures in the work of the kidneys;
  • Disorder of the organs of the digestive tract;
  • Deceleration of metabolism;
  • May cause infertility;
  • Reduces the production of thyroid hormones;
  • Helps to reduce intelligence;
  • Leads to increased nervousness.

In addition, let's give an unequivocal answer to the question, this component is allergen or not. Unfortunately, this is so, the answer will be positive. The substance can cause the strongest allergies and increases the likelihood of developing such reactions. Do not consume a component if you suffer from allergies.

We recommend contacting your doctor if you doubt the possibility of consuming a substance or are afraid of negative consequences. The doctor will explain in detail the nature of the substance and will help you choose the optimal amount of consumption, and will also reveal possible contraindications if they are.

At-risk groups

There are several risk groups:

  • Consumption must be limited to children to twelve years;
  • The component is very harmful to the liver - and therefore contraindicated those who suffer from the diseases of this organ;
  • It is refrained to people who have diseases of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.

We studied the harm of soy lecithin for the body - we will remind, it was about a substance that is synthesized with gene technologies.

You learned that this is soy lecithin, the benefits and harm of the product. It's time to talk about what areas of application of this component - you will be surprised, but it is not only the food industry.


You already know what soy lecithin do, it's time to figure out what features this component has:

  • Reduction of yield strength;
  • Reduction of calorie products;
  • Obtaining homogeneous consistency;
  • Increased stability when interacting with water;
  • Preventing the formation of air bubbles and cavities;
  • Reducing viscosity;
  • Reducing the cost of raw materials.

Knowing that this is the soy lecithin E322 and its main characteristics, one can allocate the scope of application. The most popular component gained in the food industry - it is actively used in the production of the following types of products:

  • Baking and bakery products;
  • Confectionery - candy and chocolate (more about you can read in another article);
  • As a component of glaze for marshmallows and other sweets;
  • In margarine and spreads;
  • In sauces, ketchup and mayonnaise;
  • In patentah and fast cooking soups.

And the possibility of forming erythrocytes and the activation of energy generation makes it possible to use a component in baby diet - in the production of porridge, cookies and mashed potatoes.

The second area, actively using the substance - pharmacological. Since the human body needs a certain amount of component, and the shortage is difficult to fill in a natural way, dietary supplements were created that help.

Phospholipids are substances, without which the normal existence of the entire body as a whole and each of its cells is separately impossible. They are vital to man, as they are both building materials and a source of energy. The main source of fats, or phospholipids is lecithin. In large quantities it is contained in eggs, liver, meat, peanuts, some vegetables and fruits. In industry, lecithin is mined from and oil. This article will describe exactly soy lecithin. The benefit for the human body of this substance is enormous.

Beneficial features

Soy lecithin is a biologically active taste additive to food. Thanks to its composition in its composition, inositol and phosphatidylcholine occurs the transmission of nerve pulses. They are also lipotropic substances, that is, those that dissolve and burn fat. Due to the actions of inositol and choline, the liver, gallbladder and blood vessels are protected from cholesterol deposits, since these components prevent the formation of harmful plaques. Natural soy lecithin contributes to the dissolution and oxidation of fat, but, unlike medication, burns exclusively excess fat deposits. This substance has a pronounced choleretic effect. Lecithin prevents the development and formation of stones in the bustling bubble. In addition, with its help, the body of consumed by vitamins and drugs is improved. And the widest thing is widely used in cosmetology. Lecithin, which is part of cosmetics, helps the Derma to hold moisture, thanks to which the skin remains longer.

Application in the food industry

Emulsifier Soy Lecithin finds its use in a variety of food industry areas. This substance is used in the production of soluble dairy and plant products, margarine, finished glaze. Release and lubricating properties of lecithin are used in the manufacture of fats for frying and aerosol coatings. It is also used to change the viscosity of the glaze and chocolate products of various types. In the manufacture of bakery products, the substance under consideration improves the test of the test, increases the storage time. In the manufacture of crackers, cupcakes, cookies and cakes, lecithin facilitates the release of baking from forms. He can also act as an antioxidant, that is, substances that prevent oxidation.

Confectionery production

In production, soy lecithin performs the functions of the emulsifier of water and oil and oil emulsions and is an important component of confectionery fat. Preparation of emulsions, as a rule, is carried out separately, and then in the finished form, the mixture is connected to starch or flour. The main task of producers is the maximum substitution of the lecithin egg yolk (yolk also acts as an emulsifier).

Oil and fat production

Thanks to the use of soy lecithin, resistance to stratification, viscosity increases, the density, plasticity of products increases. Low-liquid products acquire increased oilyness, organoleptic characteristics are improved.

Dairy industry

Soy lecithin is widely used and in the production of dairy products, and all because the mentioned emulsifier has such properties:

    effectively dissolves dry whole milk;

    promotes hydration;

    accelerates the wetting process in hot or cold liquid;

    provides good functionality at low content;

    for a long time is capable of maintaining instantizing properties.

In the production of frozen desserts and ice cream in combination with lecithin stabilizers ensures uniformity of the mixture, controls the agglomeration of fat in the process of freezing.

Soy lecithin in baby food

The addition is widely used and in the production of baby food. This substance is an important building element of the central and peripheral nervous system. Lecithin is directly involved in the intrauterine formation of the brain and the nervous tissue of the fetus. In breast milk, the content of this substance is 100 times higher than its total number in the female organism. This once again proves his favor.

This is an essential element for the central nervous system: lecithin is responsible for thinking and concentration of attention, and the choline contained in it takes direct participation in the development of memory. An important feature of the substance under consideration is the ability to provide natural fatty exchange, stimulate the production of erythrocytes (red blood cells), improve the absorption of vitamins A, D, E, C. But for a growing body, this complex is of great importance. Thus, vitamin A deficiency provokes a delay in growth and development, vitamin E - a decrease in body weight, D is the appearance of rickets, vitamin K is a blood coagulation disorder. In addition, lecithin is one of the elements of biological membranes, it enhances the production of energy, so necessary in childhood. Lecitin is especially important for premature children. It raises their chances of survival at times, prevents loss of vision and prevents respiratory disorder.

Application in health problems

Thanks to the reducing and protective properties, soy lecithin is recommended for the most diverse diseases. The price of the means varies within 700-750 rubles. For 100 capsules. The cost of the product fully corresponds to its therapeutic qualities. About 300 rubles. For 170 g will have to pay for lecithin soy granular. Instructions with a detailed description of the drug, as a rule, is attached to this to the medium, regardless of the manufacturer, volume and form of release.

This substance is indispensable for people living in unfavorable areas where the radioactive background is elevated. Due to lecithin, radionucleides and salts of heavy metals are derived. The product helps people prone to allergic reactions on fat protein, get full-fledged nutrition. Soy lecithin is effective in atherosclerosis of the brain vessels, myocardial infarction, angina, hypertension.

In addition, the mentioned substance is shown in the following states:

    damage to the central or peripheral nervous system;

    chronic pancreatitis and diabetes;

    diseases of the chronic digestive system: gastritis, colitis, gastroduodenit;

    allergies and skin lesions: psoriasis, atopic dermatitis;

    chronic liver diseases: viral hepatitis, liver fatty;

    diseases of the spine and joints;

    eye diseases: retinal degeneration;

    teeth diseases;

    lungs and bronchial diseases;


    disintellation of the body;


    female diseases: fibroma uterus, fibrous-cystic mastopathy, endometriosis, breast cancer and uterus.

    Lecitin soybean: instructions for use

    Adults are usually prescribed one capsule twice a day. Lecithin soybean in granules is recommended to be used as a supplement to food. A substance is added to non-tech food (soups, salads, yogurts, sauces, etc.). Use it three times a day on one teaspoon. At night it is recommended to drink kefir with lecithin - it will help to relieve excitability and irritability, which contributes to the best falling asleep. In some states, the dose of the drug can be increased to three or five tablespoons per day. However, it is necessary only to appoint a doctor. Children lecithin add to the dairy mixture twice a day at a quarter (starting with several grains and gradually increase to the recommended dose).

    Lecithin deficiency in the body

    The consumption of this substance depends on the intensity of the physical activity and the state of the whole organism as a whole. With an increase in physical activity, the level of lecithin in the muscles increases, which makes them more enduring. The shortage of lecithin provokes the thinning of the shell of nerve fibers and cells, which, in turn, leads to a violation of the coordinated work of the nervous system. Blood circulation in the brain is broken, a person feels chronic fatigue, an increased irritability appears. All this can provoke

    Lecitin Soy: harm

    In large quantities, this product acts oppressingly on the endocrine system of the body. Allergic reactions can also develop, especially with increased sensitivity to the food additive. Extremely rarely appear such phenomena as nausea, dyspepsia. However, numerous medical studies have shown that people who use lecithin soybeans are damaged minimal (compared to other medical drugs) and much less often.

    special instructions

    Lecithin in granules must be used for two months after opening the packaging. Patients with biliary disease This substance must be taken with caution, as it can enhance biliary release and contribute to the movement of gallstones. With exacerbations of cholecystitis and pancreatitis, lecithin should be used under the supervision of the doctor. If there is a need to take high doses of the drug (three tablespoons per day or more), it is advisable to additionally introduce vitamin C, which protects the organism from nitrosamines, which are allocated as a result of the calcium exchange, and calcium, binding an excess of phosphorus formed in the lecithin metabolic process .

    Despite the numerous positive effects of soy lecithin, it is necessary to consult with the doctor before its use.


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