Responsibility for this.

Responsibility for this.

If you take responsibility for your life, gradually everything will start changing. Only for this you must be talked seriously and decisively.

Indecisiveness in this case is perhaps the worse. How often we sail downstream without disposal of your life, allowing external circumstances to determine our fate.

This is what the famous entrepreneur and Life Coach Anthony Robbins advises.

  1. Take a decision at the time of the tide of enthusiasm.
  2. Take the obligation to bring the case to the end.
  3. Tell yourself that your decision is final and everything will happen as you planned.

Unfortunately, most of us constantly violate the data of yourself promises, that is, licks themselves. And if you do not trust yourself, you just can't change anything in your life. How to be?

Throw a challenge

Do not disappear from this article. Do not delay everything for tomorrow. Take a decision today. Let it be what you have long wanted or planned to do. Promise yourself that halfway. Tell yourself that you already have all the necessary qualities. After all, otherwise this idea would not torment you all this time.

According to the researchers, if we take some obligations, especially publicly, the desire itself seems consistent encouraging us to act in accordance with the decision CAN COMMITMENT CHANGE BEHAVIOR? A Case Study of Environmental Actions..

Taking some decision, we build a certain idea of \u200b\u200byourself, corresponding to our new behavior.

We are starting to perceive themselves in accordance with this decision. If in the end, our behavior for quite a long time (about 4 months Commitment, Behavior, and Attitude Change: An Analysis of Voluntary Recycling.) Compliant with the decision, also change our installations.

Pretend until it becomes true? Not. Take the decision to change and follow it. It is necessary not to pretend, but.


Take the decision, take responsibility for its execution and inform others. Make an exemplary action plan. Think what you want to achieve and what will need to do for this.

And then create the conditions in which you will inevitably follow the intended. Do not leave a loophole. Over time, the responsible attitude towards life simply will be in habit.

Personality can succeed only when it takes his life into his own hands when he sits at the wheel of a car called "My fate."

Why often people can not solve their problems?

In all my life

Responsibility for your life Key to solving life tasks

The whole snag is that you need to start a solution to any problem with adoption responsibility For her for himself. After all, if a person says: "This problem is not mine," he will not decide it. He believes that someone else should do it: society, state, team, parents, spouse.

Only by recognizing his problem, making responsibility for her decision, the personality will be able to achieve her decision. And to solve it exactly as needed to her.

Kate 32 years old. She has problems: excess weight, weak muscles, reduced tone, bad.
She is unhappy with its appearance.

Is it possible to arrange your personal life with such a figure and weight? She complains a friend.

Katya, I suggest running together in the morning - lose weight and merry!

Well, that you, Marisha, I always am going for a long morning, and if you still start to run, I will be late for work.

Wrong in the fitness club and go 3 times a week. You have him next to the house.

No, no, it's expensive for me. There are no current salaries for anything.

Yes, you are right, not cheap. May be better at home To do? On the Internet are full of different courses, choose to taste.

Good to you, Marina to offer this, you live alone. And I have a mom and brother. No, it will not work, they will not let me work out.

Familiar situation. Often it happens. A person has no purpose and responsibility to solve the task. Rather, it is worth - to find the reason why I can't do, find excuses to my inactivity.

A good thought belongs to Eldridge to Clovera:

"If you do not participate in solving the problem, you participate in its creation."

Take responsibility for yourself, it means to really evaluate your strength, to understand that you are able to solve it, have strength, desire, you know what the end result is what you achieve.

The same happens with our time. We complain that we lack of timeWe do not have time to do all the necessary affairs, and they are still added every day.
But mine is the area of \u200b\u200bmy personal responsibility. Only I can decide what to spend and how to organize my , as .

And if I work, without raising my head, and for a whole day I can break away from work only on a 30-minute break, then this is the result of my choice. I agreed to such working conditions, plus in the course of the case took the bunch of additional duties.

Why is it difficult to take responsibility for yourself?

A person wants to avoid trouble, discomfort, which are always connected with responsible behavior, with the need to choose. And shifts responsibility to another person, organization, state. In fact, gives his rights and freedom: "Take. Are ordered. This is not my task. "

Freedom of man is that he himself has the opportunity to consciously make his choice. In any situation there is this freedom, freedom of choice. And a person can take advantage or refuse. This is his responsibility.

I advise you to catch yourself "for the gills" in any situation when you feel the victim of circumstances, start to cry and complain about fate.

Immediately ask yourself a question: "Why and what liability I avoid at the moment?" This will help gradually eradicate the desire not to be responsible for their lives, for its own.

About thinking of a responsible person read.

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Do not take responsibility for the happiness of a person ..

I'll explain now.

Sometimes there are situations when we for some reason we solve "save" " man. Conditionally save and conditionally unhappy, of course.

You met a guy, and I recently threw the girl, the heart is broken, you need to cure. And come on the full program to treat it. Or a girl erased someone's soul, and you came to his place the Savior. I do not give you advice, just listen, please, I will say:

Healthy relationships start with two healthy people.

And this rule.

You must first heal yourself, you can partly help, but do not rush to get closer until the person has figured out.

A healthy personality is a normal, adequate person who knows about his advantages and does not implect them (everything is fine with self-esteem), but also honestly sees its shortcomings. Every person has weak and strengths, so arranged by nature. There are no perfect people, but perfect neurotics - at least debug.

A healthy person is aware of his needs, knows how to talk about his feelings, express emotions, constructively approaches the problem of problems in relationships (and they always arise, problems - an integral part of life on the path of anyone growing as a person's personality), knows how to love and most importantly, a healthy person Takes responsibility for his own happiness in relationships. Do you feel the difference? We must not make anyone to make sure that no one should do anything.

It is clear that not all of us are at such a level of awareness, but! Choose a couple yourself in your maturity. Try at least. I will explain now why it is important.

When you understand that he has grown much, you begin to be especially acutely able to feel responsible for every word said for each perfect action. At a certain stage of development, it is not difficult for you to fall in love with a person - it is very easy, but you never do it. How in sports, understand? The higher your discharge / dan, and the more responsibility for the action, especially in relation to the one who has no relation to sports. If professional karate will hit ordinary person, the punishment will be followed (not always, of course, but the course of my thoughts you caught, I think).

If you save someone all the time, all the time sacrifice something, live for someone, something else is happening, stop a little. Understand yourself, analyze past relationships, child-parent hooks. Maybe you looked at some repetitive scenario?

Each of us pleases, if someone is experiencing positive emotions in relation to us, it is always very nice, I agree. But look at what an algorithm, if one person is slightly more mature than the other (it is clear that exactly those who are always attracting to each other who are worthy to be near at this point in time, but still there is something to think about).

For example, you are a mature person, inside free and, in principle, the presence or absence of someone else does not make you strongly happy or unhappy. Of course, a loved one is a big happiness, but rather, this is an additional happiness to your own happiness. If he leaves, you will still live happy life, and his choice will take. Immerse, naturally, but in general, life will not collapse. If the second person is the same mature, then you begin the relationship consciously very much (with the desire to be together for life), and end, if it happened, they are also consciously. But if the second person is not very mature, then another situation arises.

At first he / she delighted with your maturity, you are admired, etc., but gradually he / her is formed strong affection. And it seems like not very bad, everyone lives, it's even nice to hear all these "I can't live without you," "I die without you", etc., but at some point you start to get tired at some point. That is, for a person he himself and his way, his development center in life is, and you. And if you suddenly decided to move away or get out of his life, then everything collapses. And like a mature man you understand that it is hurt, hard, etc., but you will not stay with him because of pity or something else. Do you understand what I mean?

"Proligating" love once begins to take a mature man. Yes, of course, you can save, you can raise the other, and often it happens - someone gets someone. But I know in my own: while growing the other, they are trampled on the spot very often. People for some reasons have a different level of development, and in one more mine (not confirmed by anyone) theory, they have different tasks. Someone to play in the professional league, someone in amateur. And there is no option worse or better. Just two players from a professional league can show a stronger game, motivate each other for growth, etc.

If two personalities are not very mature - this is not such a big trouble :))) There is a dramatic story there usually, with experiences, partings, insults, etc. - We all go through a similar stage. But when it passed, be attentive to the heart of another person! You must always be attentive to the heart of another person, but before you take responsibility for his happiness, understand with your scenarios and injuries.

Do not take responsibility for the happiness of an unhappy person. This applies not only to your woman or man, but also your parents, sisters brothers, friends, grandparents, etc. Compassion, help, but do not become a crutch for them. "No one makes your inner work for you." You will not be able to live for another his own life. Once such stories become an unbearable wear for someone who outlined high goals on the way. Of course, this does not apply to all people living in this light. But so those who do not concern, I think, never read this post.

Dear readers.

I invite you to the webinar

(Webinar, this is a seminar that takes place on the Internet. People who have a computer and access to the Internet can take part in it. The place of residence does not matter)

"Capacity. Are we responsible for the happiness of the dependent person? "

Capacity is a dependence on a person who himself is depending on alcoholism, drug addiction, gymnia, etc.
Most often, the relatives are relatively dependent people - children, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters of alcoholics, drug addicts, etc.
In the webinar, I will introduce you in detail with what the addiction is.
how it is formed and how manifests itself in life.
What problems are faced with a co-dependent person when choosing a partner, building relationships, upholding its borders, the formation of personal space, understanding and upholding its interests.
And how to solve the main problem - to be happy if a relative, a high man depending on.
Date of implementation: 04/23/2016
Time: 18:00 Moscow time
Duration - 2 hours (120 minutes)
The cost of participation is 500 rubles or $ 8

Send an application for participation:

I will send the requisites to all the applications to pay and link to register the webinar.

The ability to take responsibility for your life has nothing to do with biological age. This condition does not come with the onset of majority by clicking. If a person is allowed to drink alcohol and marry, it still does not mean that he can fully give a report to his actions and does not need outsiders. On the other hand, some 13-year-old adolescents stand out among their peers prudence and responsible behavior. Here are the harsh realities of life, which indicate that a person fully controls his actions.

The world does not rotate around you

Many of us love to feel the significance of your person. However, each individual is just a tiny fish in a collective plankton. This does not mean that we cannot influence the consciousness of other people. But it also does not give us the right to believe that the world revolves around us.

The harsh reality of adult life is such that there will be no educators or parents or teachers nearby at a difficult moment. None of them will come and does not cope with the words of consolation. To cope with the difficulties, you will have to look for internal resources.

Of great importance is the reaction to what is happening

An unforeseen event may happen at any time. Sometimes it oppresses, sometimes annoying. Situations can be the most terrible and unfavorable, but only your reaction dictates how these incidents will affect your life. Consider such a moment: someone insulted you. You can take an insult to heart, and you can skip it past the ears. The second option will not leave any negative loop after itself, the incident will immediately come true, and you can engage in ordinary affairs without prejudice to performance. If you are closer to the first option, an insult from another person will be accepted as a blow below the belt. All your further actions will be dictated by wild offend, and the remaining part of the day will go to the pump.

Fame not the main criterion of happiness

We live in those times when instant glory and recognition in wide circles seem easily achievable. Wild desire to become a famous inherent juvenile maximalism. Over time, you will understand that there are other, more significant values \u200b\u200bin life.

Distracting moments become an interference

Each of us exist things that we often do during the day. And they all interfere with the workflow. Checking emails, chats with colleagues, stupid calls on the phone, watching video on the network. We know how to put an end to this, but still repeatedly come back to this during the day. The more often you will recognize the detriment of distracting moments, the faster you will take concrete measures. Turn off the Internet and put incoming calls to forwarding. At that moment, when you learn to take responsibility for your actions, you put an end to the abstract moments.

Haters will always hate

When the first success comes to man, he immediately appears haters. This is a normal vital process. And with this you need to accept. Understand that no one can please everyone around. Be sure to find someone who will not like something or those who speak out against. There will be many such cases throughout your life. Mature man takes haters and allows them to experience these feelings. These people are impossible to prove something, so you should not spend your strength and time on them.

Accusations to the address do not work

Remember how in childhood we all loved to get blamed for a broken vase on your brother, sister or teddy bear? However, this principle does not work in adulthood. Now excuses "It's not me!" Or "Katya did it" do not work. You will have to realize that it is time to take responsibility for your actions. Sometimes we really feel like victims of circumstances or a bad eye, but the psychology of the victim never plays on our side. She plays on the opponent's side. And no matter who it is: random circumstances or negligent colleagues in service. At that moment, when you stop accuse others in all your troubles, you can change everything. In fact, in all the events that happen to us are just.

Man is where and should be

Another realization smoothly follows from the previous one. Sometimes it seems to you that life is unfair to you cost. Your work is not enough prestigious or income. Nevertheless, you think that you are worthy of more, but some circumstances are opposed to you. In fact, all your life, all events in it and all the achievements are nothing more than a chain of your past decisions. Once you have rolled out or hit your own illusions. And now you have what you deserve to have.

We have excellent news for all those who do not suit the current state of affairs. Right now you can put the beginning of the Schedule of new events in the chain. But for this you need to start taking weighted and rational solutions. Change something is never too late. And if you once chose an unloved business as the main professional activityIt's time to donate with it. Just make sure that you are quite adamant in your desire, then drop in doubt and fears. Do not think about the problems that will meet you on the way. Guide common sense, not emotions. Regardless how difficult it is to achieve what you want, just go ahead, not paying attention to failures.

Marina Nikitin

Responsibility is formed, brought up and is given to the child as the necessary social skill. The baby is taught to understand and commit the obligations to respond to actions, actions, their consequences.

It is necessary to learn responsibility for themselves in childhood, and independently in adulthood, since the number of responsibilities in the process of life is increasing.

Responsibility as a socially determined skill is embedded in the personality structure of a person and becomes strong-willed quality.

The responsible person is a person who exercises external and internal control, with a sense of debt and responsibility.

Man learned to take responsibility:

aware that life, success, self-realization, happiness depend on it;
ready to fulfill its data and other people promises, makes it diligently;
knows how to make decisions in crisis situations;
knows how to take care of those who need help and support, or not enough independent;
it is clearly aware of the consequences to which the solutions lead. When you take responsibility, interpersonal relationships, implied the rights and obligations, a sense of duty and honor.

Marriage, parenthood, guardianship, work, other spheres of vital activity suggest those or other obligations.

Borders of personal responsibility

When a person learns to take obligations, he must clearly realize the boundaries and norms permissible.

Lack of liability, inability and unwillingness to take and execute obligations - irresponsibility. Excess liability - hyperemp.

Irresponsible people do not undertake commitments, wanting to simplify life, but they suffer from their helplessness, infantality, frivolousness, frivolity, failing.

Hypercable people suffer from anxiety, fears, irritability, criminality, excessive control.

Hyperopka is no less dangerous than irresponsibility. And the disadvantage and the overabundance of responsibility negatively affect personal life, because of them there are interpersonal and.

Responsibility in its normal manifestation:

regulates, organizes life,
, gives self-confidence
causes respect and self-esteem,
performs internal and external control,
fills life meaning
gives a feeling.

Ways to make responsibility

Those who wish to learn responsibility to take advantage of themselves to act in two directions:

To accept responsible.
To take the initiative and independently find commitments.

The first path is passive, the second - suggests activity, but they both produce skills and ability.

In the case of the adoption of responsibility, a person needs to force the will to force himself to fulfill the task, overcome reluctance, laziness, timidity and fears. Do not think about it as a hopeless position.

The responsible situation, affecting the person, arises by itself either on the initiative of another person and should be perceived as a necessity.

For example, systematically performing duties on the house on time and in the right form, a person will learn to be responsible for the actions taken. Both parents teach young children to fold scattered toys and an adult man independently learns to perform homework, Motivating itself the need to comply with cleanliness and order.

Independently creating conditions in which a person takes responsibility, he accelerates. In this case, he himself gives himself a task, performs and is responsible for the result. He artificially creates, models the situation of responsibility and learns to act in it, controls his emotions and desires, motivates itself.

Situations that develop a sense of responsibility

Extreme situations. These are situations where the life of a person and other people depends on the ability to take responsibility. These are complex, dangerous situations requiring the power of will and endurance. If a person is experiencing himself in a similar position, you need to act carefully and reasonable.

Example. A relatively safe way to develop responsibility in the extreme situation is sport.

Situations when it is impossible not to take responsibility. A person has no choice, he cannot refuse to reasons morality and morality, sense of duty, having a desire to help.

Example. A person is trusted to post for a child for a while, while parents are engaged in urgent matters, and the child is not left for anyone.

Situations providing new rights. Since there is no rightless rights, their acquisition will entail responsibility.

Example. By purchasing a pet and enjoying the right to play with him and get joy, a person takes responsibility for his well-being. Children give animals in the hope of learning to take responsibility for another living creation.

Positive situations. Man easily takes and is responsible for loves that he is expensive and important.

Example. When a person loves the other, he wishes to help him, take care, support - this is a manifestation of a sense of responsibility.

A mandatory person loves life, therefore it is responsible independently, manages himself, free to be the topics and live as he wants.

March 1, 2014, 16:30

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