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Other do not play a significant role. Watch what is "does not play roles" in other dictionaries

Old title Najas Microdon.
Najna family - Najadaceae.

Widespread throughout America.

One of the most persistent and unpretentious plants. Forms thick openwork thickets in the thickness of the water. It is widely used with aquariums as a substrate for spawning fish. Located in the background, Nasas creates a beautiful background for plants with large leaves. It grows evenly throughout the year.

The temperature of the water at which Nasias feels satisfactorily, can fluctuate in fairly wide range - from 18 to 30 ° C. It can be kept in tropical and moderately warm aquariums. The rigidity of the water does not play a significant role, but in very soft water the plant develops slightly slower. Active water reaction can be any. The substitution of water is desirable 3-4 times a month, as Nasas is growing better in fresh water. To the lighting conditions, the plant is relatively undemandingly, it can withstand long shading, but beautiful thickets of juicy green colors are formed only with strong lighting.

For the lighting of the aquarium, where Nasas is growing, both natural and artificial light. When using fluorescent lamps of the LB type, the optimal power of the illuminators should be approximately 0.4 W per 1 liter of volume. You can use luminescent lamps such as LD, but in combination with incandescent lamps of low power. The duration of the daylight may vary in very wide limits and depends on the illumination of the aquarium.

The nature of the soil does not play a significant role for this plant. Nasas can be grown by floating water.

When planting in the soil, it forms a slightly massiferous root system, which serves mainly to attach the plant. Nutrients Nasas sucks all its surface. In this regard, neither the degree of cureness nor the nature of the substrate has a significant impact on its growth.

Mineral feeding nasha is not needed, the plant is enough of those substances that enter the aquarium with food for fish.

Najas very easily multiplied with cuttings. It is enough to take one of the numerous shoots and create it more or less suitable conditions to get a new thick thicket.

The plant can be recommended by novice aquarists not only due to the fact that it is simply contained, but also due to the fact that it can actively influence the metabolism in the aquarium, to provide fish with oxygen and prepare water for many demanding plants.

One of the types of social roles, a set of expected samples of behavior (or norms) for men and women. The role in social psychology is defined as a set of norms that determine how people should behave in this social position. First ... ... Terms of gender studies

Nonna Mordyukova: Best Roles - Nonna Mordyukova died in Moscow on Sunday evening at 83 meters of life. The funeral of the People's Artist of the USSR will be held on Wednesday at the Kuntsevsky cemetery. For his career, Nonna Mordyukova starred in about 60 films. Her debut in the movie took place in 1948 ... ... Encyclopedia Newsmakers

Main roles, Russia, film studio "Agat", 2003. TV series (12 episodes). The main heroines of the television series are two girlfriends Ira and Zhenya, who came to Moscow from Voronezh. They dream of conquering the capital, Ira dreams of becoming an actress, passion of the car. In Moscow, they ... Encyclopedia of cinema

Sex role - - Differentiation of activities, status, rights and duties of individuals depending on their sexuality. Differentiation P. R. It manifests itself in a period of age division of labor, the system of sex stratification, the distribution of power and ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

Contents 1 Releases of Show 1.1 on Bi Bi 1.2 on Thames Television ... Wikipedia

Administrative division of Rajasthan Population Rajasthan is distinguished by the presence of a large number of ethnic, ethnok ... Wikipedia

It doesn't matter, it does not matter, nothing means, it is not important, the thing is tenth; badly; All the same, Nevaznets, worse, precomply, bad, griegy, all one, coupled, on the drum, is unnecessarily, disgusting, poorly, Krenovo, indifferent, well ... ... Synonym dictionary

Patrick Uoberton Patrick Warburton ... Wikipedia

Market - (Market) the market is a system of relationships between the seller (manufacturer of services / goods) and the buyer (consumer of services / goods) the history of the market, the function of the wound, the laws of the market, the types of markets, the free market, state regulation ... ... Encyclopedia Investor

ALCOHOLISM "The term for the first time established by the largest Swedish fighter for the sobriety of Magnus Huss OM (1852), to Rya understood everything under it. Changes in the body developing under the influence of alcohol consumption. Over time, this term in the works ... ... Big medical encyclopedia


  • Work with risk. It is difficult to be macho. Messenger. Classmate. RU, Andrei Kyvinov. The major construction supermarket "Planet House" is in the epicenter of criminal events. In this explosive background, passionate love of the head of the security service and ...
  • Work with risk (collection), Andrei Kiwin. It is difficult to be Macho, a large construction supermarket "Planet House" is in the epicenter of criminal events. On this explosive background, passionate love of the head of service unfolds ... electronic book
  • Bibliography in my life: scientist, writer, worker, engineer about the role of bibliography in their work and work ,. The editorial office of the scientific and practical journal "Soviet bibliography" turned to scientists, writers, engineers, local arts, working with a request to tell, what role the bibliography play in their lives and ...

Although formally the draw of the numbers of lists to choices in the Sejm is of great importance, the order of bulletins is likely to significantly affect the results. The fact that a kind of number can bring good luck, or, on the contrary, "drown" is some kind of party, exclude all experts surveyed by LTV journalists.

"The fact that these lists have a one or another figure - I do not think that it has some meaning," the head of the Central Election Commission ARNIS CIMDARS.

Sociologist Arnis Cothens noticed that numbers have no meaning that could affect the outcome of elections.

The voters are primarily the personality, and the party or party program, which these people represent, most often secondary.

"We know that many voters who come to the polling station, there is no one choice in the head. Many choices are made at the polling station. But, as we know, in most cases they already have a fairly short list in the head. They know that they could vote for the party A, for the party in or C. and then these three choose from the pile of bulletins, and they look at these three - what are there for people, "Ktinsh added.

"We have increased the font, and if earlier it was gray, now they made it black - for those people who have bad vision, so that they can take a newsletter without help," said Cimanders to LTV7 journalists.

The amount of work of the Central Election Commission will grow by increasing the lists and the number of candidates for deputies - compared with the elections in the 10th, 11th and 12th seam. This means that you will have to print much more newsletters. According to the head of the CEC, this is an extra paper truck.

As already rus.lsm.lv, on Friday, August 10, a meeting of the Central Election Commission (CEC) was held in the Red Hall of the Seja, which took place the draw numbers of the candidate lists of parties in parliamentary elections. They will be held on October 6th.

Rubber control to sections 1 and 2.

Comprehensive testing

under the discipline "Social Studies (including the economy and law")

1 course, 1 semester

Option 1.


With the development of science and technology, the emergence of cars in industrial production,mental ( physical) labor has become increasingly replacedphysical ( mental) .

2. Ending the missing concept.

Distinguish two types of communication:

    speech communication;

    ………………… .. . ( snesh communication)

    Correct errors in the sentence .

Mythological worldviewproclaims ( denied) The possibility of comprehending and explaining the world.

Several cultural functions isolated:

    regulatory function;

    ……………………… ...; ( educational function)

    educational function;

    ………………………… ...; ( unifying function)

    …………………………… . ( relay Function)

    Fill the table.

Laws of students

Responsibilities of students

1. The right to gain knowledge.

2. The right to transfer from one educational institution to another.

3. The right to enter the university.

4. The right to receive scholarships, material assistance.

5. The right to accommodation in the hostel, preferential passage.

6. The right to postpone from service in the army.

1. The responsibility of compliance with the learning discipline, implementation of learning activities

2. The duty of the implementation of educational standards and standards.

3. The duty of the careful attitude towards the property of the educational institution, compliance with the purity and order in the premises.

    Correct errors in the sentence .

The sciencenot ( not - too much) associated with practical activities, therefore (not - add) learning are the relationship of science as a whole and a scientist in particular with society.

Option 2.

    Correct errors in the sentence .

Satisfying needs isactor ( purpose) Labor activity.

    Ending missing concepts.

Several forms of communication are distinguished:

    ………………………… .; ( household)

    business conversation;

    ………………………… .; ( persuading)

    ………………………… ..; ( teaching)

    cultural communication;

    …………………………… ; ( intercultural)

    …………………………… ; ( scientific)

    ritual communication, etc.

    Correct errors in the sentence .

Spiritual productionin no way ( directly) associated with the production of material.

    Ending missing concepts.

Distinguish the values \u200b\u200bof several species:

    …………………… .; ( values \u200b\u200bof society as a whole)

    values \u200b\u200bof individual social communities, classes, groups.

5. Fill in the table.

Laws of students

Responsibilities of students


Science arose historicallyearlier ( later) other types of human activity.

Option 3.

    Correct errors in the sentence .

In modern society, the role of knowledge, qualifications, moral qualities is essentialreduced (rises) .

    Ending missing concepts.

Depending on the methods of interaction, communication is distinguished:

* …………………….; ( perceptive)

* verbal;

* ……………………. . (interactive)

    Correct errors in the sentence .

The level of education and the overall culture of the individual directly affects the consumption of spiritual values. The higher the human culture, the higher the level of its education, theless ( more) He seeks to highlight the means and time to satisfy spiritual needs.

    Ending missing concepts.

Distinguish between several forms of culture:

    ……………………… .; ( folk)

    ……………………… .; ( elitar)

    mass culture.

5. Fill in the table.

Laws of students

Responsibilities of students

6. Fix errors in the proposal .

The question of the social responsibility of the scientistnot ( not - too much) Playing substantialoh ( substantial) Rolland ( role) none in one ( in some) from the fields of science.

Option 4.

    Correct errors in the sentence .

During the period of the formation and development of industrial production, the worker began to be considered along with machines asactive subject production ( pot Machine) ; Such an approach excluded initiative in the performance of labor duties.

    Ending missing concepts.

Communication performs several important functions:

    information function;

    …………………………… ..; ( educational Function)

    educational function;

    ………………………… . ( the function of maintaining joint activities of people)

    Correct errors in the sentence .

Spiritual production is aimed at satisfactionmaterial ( spiritual) human needs.

    Ending missing concepts.

The main elements of culture are:

    ……………………… ; ( colloquial)


    ……………………… . ( norms)

5. Fill in the table.

Laws of students

Responsibilities of students

6. Fix errors in the proposal .

Science classesnot ( not - too much) require special training, the presence of basic knowledge and skills of ownership of special means of research, special education.

Agglutination occurs with all interactions, except:2. A + B.

The agglutinins α and β are included in the following component of the blood:four . Plasma

Agglutinogens A and B are in:3. Horrocytes

Agranulocytosis is characterized by:4. Activity or significant decrease in the absolute number of all types of granulocytes

The activity of the fibrinolytic system is estimated by:5. Definition of antithrombin III

Alimentary factor increases the peptic activity of the gastric juice:5.Fast use of meat food

Arrhythmias are a consequence of property violations:4) their combined violations

Arterial hypotension can develop at:3.Serdic insufficiency

Arterial hypertension divided depending on:5) all listed right

An atrioventricular blockade of the III degree is characterized by:5) Complete disunity of prechard and ventricular rhythms

Pallor and lowering the temperature of the skin in patients with stagnant heart failure is associated with: 3. The test of the tone of the sympathetic nervous system

Depending on the minute size of the heart, arterial hypertension happens:2.Gype and eukineotic

In the protection of the gastric mucosa from the acid-peptic aggression of the gastric juice plays a role:2. SECRET OF BIKARARBONATOV

In cardiomyocytes, an excess of CAMF is accumulated as a result:5) Reduced to-ATPase Plasmolemma

In the blood of the second blood group contain:3. A-agglutinogen and B-agglutinin

In the blood of the third blood group contain:2. agglutinogen B and agglutinin A

The fourth group contains in the blood:2. agglutinogens a and b

The mechanism of platelet-vascular hemostasis is important:1. Adhesion, platelet aggregation and the allocation of BAV (thromboxan- a2, etc.)

The basis of the compensatory mechanism of Frank-Starling lies:1. Enlargement of cardiac voltage in response The myocardium voltage

In the pathogenesis of leukemia, crucial importance for the formation of a malignant autonomous cell clone has:the formation of malignant genes or activation of oncogenes in stem cells 11-111 orders

In the pathogenesis of edema with stagnation of heart failure, it matters:4. Increased content in the blood of Aldosterone AI Vasopressin

The pathogenesis of the peptic ulcer of the stomach does not play a significant role mechanism:2. Parasympathetic influences on the gastric mucosa

In the pathogenesis of primary arterial hypotension does not matter:1. The removal of the adrenal cortex, accompanied by a decrease in glucocorticoids

In the pathogenesis of sinus (respiratory) arrhythmia matters1) the formation of an ectopic focus of impulsation 2) oscillations of tonus Vagusa

In the pathogenesis of sinus bradycardia matters1) slowing down the spontaneous depolarization of the cardiomyocyte membrane

The first group of blood contains:4. A- and B-agglutinin, there are no agglutinogens A YV

In the first phase of coagulation hemostasis takes place:5. Education of promotinase

As a result, the second phase of coagulation hemostasis occurs:five . Thrombin education

In obese cells and basophilas, an active anticoagulant is produced:2. Heparin

An important difference of hypertension from other arterial hypertension is:5. Against the background of the absence of significant organic lesions of the internal organs involved in its regulation

Substances blocking various phases of blood coagulation are called:4. Anticoagulanta

Extra case manifestation of enteritis:2. Restable reduction in body weight

Possible cause of the development of the arterial hypotension:2) Hihydrantation of the body

Possible causes of intestinal autoinoxication can be:5.Asolia.

The possible reason for the development of left-oscillatory failure is:1.Infarct side wall left ventricle

The possible cause of the development of right-hand deficiency may be:1.Dext of the interventricular partition

The possible consequence of chronic arterial hypertension can be:5. All listed

Possible causes of reducing the secretory activity of the pancreas are:1. Deflection of the production and selection of secretine

The occurrence of steatonea determine the following digestive disorders:3. Estabilities of the synthesis of intestinal lipases

The absorption of Caich Vitamins deteriorates significantly at Aholia:2. Vitamin B2.

Always for leukemia in peripheral blood, blast forms can be found.? 2) No

Choose manifestations characterizing the erectile shock phase:2) arterial hypotension

The release of leukocytes from the depot leads to distribution leukocytosis at:1. Adjustion of a wandering nerve

The following types of pathological leukocytosis are distinguished:2.Travamatic

The following types of shear of neutrophils to the right are distinguished:degenerator

The following forms of essential arterial hypertension are distinguished:5) all listed right

Hematomas are characteristic of:4. Plasma factors deficiency

Hemodynamics in heart failure is characterized by:1. The extension of venous pressure

1. Following the sensitivity of adrenoreceptors to pressor factors

Hypernatryemia contributes to the development of arterial hypertension through:3. The extensions of the vasomotor component of the vascular tone

The hyperegenerator shift to the left manifests itself:2. Welding the total number of leukocytes 20-25 x10 / 9

HyperSecrement in the small intestine arises as a result:2. Full-capacity Gastrin products

Hypidation (Ahilia) is the cause of insufficient absorption of ions:2.Zholeza

Hydosection and Ahilia in the stomach is most often observed at:4. Atrophic gastritis

Hypotension is characterized by:2) a decrease in the tone of the vessels

Hormonal mechanism providing an increase in vascular tone with heart failure is: 1. Deposit mineralocorticoids

Hormonal mechanism ensuring an increase in the vascular tone during heart failure is: 3. Activation of a cortico-hypotolam-pituitary system

Gumoral factor inhibiting stomach motility:4.Serotonin

The humoral factor that enhancing the stomach motor is attributed:2.Gastrin

ActHelicobacter.pylori. The mucous membrane is determined:1. Ureazuas

the dissociation with interference is:4) Reducing the generation frequency by the sinoco-atrial node of excitation impulses below the norm with the same intervals between them

The dysfunction of the esophagus is characterized by:4. Education of the passage of food in the stomach

Diffusive esophagus spasm is characterized by:3. Reception of the smooth muscles of all departments of the esophagus wall with the preserved tone of the lower sphincter

For which of the listed diseases is characterized by pancytosis (increase in the blood content of red blood cells, leukocytes and platelets)? Eritremia (Vaca disease);

The following manifestations are characterized for left-deuded failure:4. Decision cardiac ejection

For leukemoid reaction, it is characteristic:1. A significant increase in the number of mature forms of leukocytes

For acute leukemia in the expanded stage in the peripheral blood characteristic:sharp shift formula left and leukemoid failure

For pancreatic Ahilia is not characteristic:1.Bulimia

For paroxysmal tachycardia atrium characteristic:3. CUrs exceed 250 / min

For the flow of all phases of hemokoagulation, the participation of ions is necessary:4. Calcium

For the disadvantage of intestinal digestion in case of insufficient or complete cessation of the arrival of bile in the intestine, it is not characteristic: 2. The extinguishing of the calibration and suction of fats

For regenerative shift, to the left is characteristic:3. Inventory segmented

For the third stage of hypertensive disease, it is characteristic:2) defeat the target organs and the violation of their function

The protective value of vomiting to the body is:1. Station from the body of toxic substances

Excessive obscurity with hypersion leads to:2. Painting the peptic activity of gastric juice

Appetite's perversion is called:5.Pararexia

Changes in the indicators of the gas composition and the COS with acute DN are the following:hypoxemia, acute respiratory acidosis;

The nuclear shift index reflects:1. The sum of all young forms of neutrophils

The intensity of the functioning of hypertrophied cardiomyocytes in the sustainable compensation phase:1. Looks to normal

The use of cytostatics for the treatment of leukemia in an insufficient dosage can accelerate the development of tumor progression, because: 3) the selection of leukemic cells is possible the most malignant clones

True leukopenia develops as a result:4. All of the listed

True leukocytosis is characterized by:4.Clocked changes in leukocyte

True leukocytosis:due to an increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood of the intestinal vascular after meals


The "symptomatic" arterial hypertension does not include:3.Senential

To the alimentary factors increase the peptic activity of the gastric juice include:5.Fast use of meat food

Alrichdimias include:4) all listed

The arrhythmogenic effects of increasing the extracellular content of ions are:3) reduction of cardiomyocyte cacurity threshold

The biological factors directly damaging digestion organs include:3.Fections or excess vitamins

To substances with hacking effects do not include:3. Aldosterone

Possible complications of arterial hepertenzia include:4. Infars myocardial


The possible consequences of chronic arterial hypertension include:3.Infark myocardial

The secondary anticoagulants include:antithombin IV.

The high-risk group of arterial hypertension is attributed to patients:3) with proteinuria and creatinee 1.2-2mg / dl

The group of very high risk of developing cardiovascular complications belongs to patients with:2) associated diseases (angina, heart failure, etc.), regardless of the degree of blood pressure

For intrapulmonal reasons, DN do not include:3) damage to the respiratory muscles;

To intrathulmonal reasons, DN belongs: 1) disorders of ventilation and perfusion ratios;

The clinical signs of Malabsorption syndrome do not include:3. Lifting body weight

Combined arrhythmias include:5) all listed right

To the compensatory mechanism associated with impaired heart function:2. Change of minute volume

The metabolites with the hypotensive effect include:1) nitrogen oxide

The mechanism for the development of hypertensive disease does not include:2. Histance the function of the adrenal cortex

The mechanism of urgent cardiac compensation of hemodynamic disorders during heart failure is not: 4. MyocardiumGridrophy

The mechanism of urgent extracarodia compensation of hemodynamic disorders in heart failure include: 2. The activity of the sympathetic nervous system

The molecular cell mechanism for the development of heart failure includes:1.Dects of genes and their expression

To the molecular cellular mechanism for the development of heart failure:4. When the membrane apparatus

The conduction disorders include:4) Changing the speed of the pulse (slowdown, blockade)

Nonhotopic arrhythmias as a result of the impairment of heart automaticism are not:1) atrioventricular rhythm

The complications of arterial hypertension do not include:1) reduced cardiac output

The main mechanism for reducing the contractile function of myocardium during heart failure is not:5. The aggregation of cells

The main manifestations of acute bottoms does not apply:1) Bradypna;

The basic properties of myocardium do not include:5. Glycolithic metabolism of carbohydrates

The peculiarities of membrane digestion include:1. The enzymes fixed on the intestinal brush gathering membrane

For the reasons for the development of heart failure at myocardial type do not include:5.Thenosis of aorta

The reasons for the development of essential hypertension include:3.Genestic defects of the vegan nervous system centers

The manifestation of mallabsorption syndrome includes a factor:5.Will listed factors

The following type of heart failure may result in the development of cardiac asthma:4.Ulder and Total

The distribution leukocytosis leads:2.Anafilactic shock

To the reflexively adaptive mechanism from the heart in heart failure include:2. Cardiac abbreviations (Starling Law)

Symptomatic arterial hypertension does not include:1.Sencial

The syndrome of the weakness of the sinus node belongs: 5 - all listed

Angiotensin 2 does not belong to the threshing effect:1. Fimuling glucocorticoid secretion

To the stage of compensatory hyperfunction of myocardium do not include:5. Soldered by miosclerosis

To standard changes in the number of leukocytes in a unit volume of blood include:leukocytosis

To strengthen the intestine peel leads:5.Ahilia

The risk factors of the development of hypertensive disease do not include:5.Kexia

The factor does not participate in the pathogenesis of belching include:3. Cardiospasm

To the factor, the power of heart abbreviations in the insufficiency of the heart include:5.Simpatic reflexes

The frefruition is increasing to the heart overload factor:3. Theaterical hypertension

The risk factor of the development of hypertensive disease does not include:5. Beat food

Physiological leukocytosis include:3.Travamical

The functional characteristics of lymphocytes include:3. Approach histamine

The endogenous substances contributing to the decrease in blood pressure by reducing peripheral vascular resistance are not referred to: 1.Catholaminics

The extrapulmonal reasons for the development of DN does not apply:miasti;

The emergency compensation mechanism of heart failure includes:2.TahKardia

How the bleeding and protein synthesis during liver failure will change:3 Reduced protein synthesis, proguagulant e increasing bleeding

How the evacuation of dietary masses from the stomach changes with increasing the secretion and acidity of the gastric juice:1. Released

How the amplitude is changing during the Gasping breath:decreases;

How does the amplitude of hasting-breathing change?greens up, then decreases.

What is the magnitude of hell in mm Hg.st. indicates the presence of hypertension in people aged 20 to 60 years:4.170/110

What types of arrhythmia refer to heterotopic: (6)5) idiovativericular rhythm

What types of arrhythmias are nomotopic:2) av-rhythm

What changes in the indicators of external respiration are characteristic of heavy DN (3 stages):raising modes;

What cells are descendants of in-lymphocytes:4. Blossomatic cells

What medical and social factors do not affect the increase in the development frequency: 3) decline in fertility;

What breathing is not terminal:hasping breathing.

What breathing is terminal?Biota;

Which of these medical and social conditions does not affect the increase in the frequency of respiratory failure (DN): widespread diseases of the cardiovascular system;

What a pathological condition that is accompanied by an inspiratory shortness of breath:diphtheria;

What state leads to an increase in the intestine penelatics:5.Ahilia

What phenomenon is based on a compensatory pause after the ventricular extrasystole? one) Reducing the excitability of the cells of the sinus-atrial refractoring unit 4) Positive drromotropic effect of the extrasystole

What type of hypoxia develops with acute arterial hypotension:2. Circulatory

Which of the listed options is most characteristic of typical flow of chronic lympholecosis?pronounced leukocytosis with absolute lymphocytosis.

Which indicators with the greatest probability characterizes the violation of the systolic function of the left ventricular heart? 2) decrease in the impact volume of the heart (WOS)

Which of the EGG signs reflects the presence of necrosis in the myocardium?5) Snove segment st up from isolate

Which of the ECG signs reflects the presence of sub-endocardial ischemia in the myocardium?3) positive "coronary" teeth t

What process is a kind of form of infiltrative growth during leukemia?out of other hemopoiesis sprouts in the bone marrow;

What type of breathing develops during the stenosis of the larynx?rare deep breathing with a difficult breath.

What type of leukemia is most often characteristic of children's age:acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

What factor is usually more important in the pathogenesis of ulcerative disease of the 12-rosewoman:1. Cylinder-peptic aggression

The clinical manifestation of the lesion of the respiratory center is:appendic breathing;

Coagulative hemostasis includes the following steps:5. Formation of thromboplastin, thrombin, fibrin

Combined rhythm disorders are due to:4) a combination of changes in the properties of excitability, conductivity and automatic

A compensatory mechanism that provides a normal gas composition of blood at day.hyperventilation;

The bleeding in the early stages of acute leukemia is associated with:inhibition of megacariocyte sprout

Laboratory indicators for DVS syndrome in the hypocoagulation stage have the following values:3. Blood coagulation time and prothrombin time increased


The leukemoid reaction can develop with:3.Distrophy of the liver

The leukemoid reaction can develop with:3. Resource infectious process

Leukopenia manifests:3. Activation of myelopoeza

Lakeing is characterized by:1. The transaction characterized by an increase in the number of leukocytes in a unit of blood volume above 9x10 9 / l

Drugs that contribute to the development of leukopenia:1. Sulfanimamides

The mechanism of absolute red blood cells is associated with:activation of the sympathoadrenal system

The mechanism of the DVS syndrome in the step of hypercoagulation is associated with:3. Activation of both coagulation cascades

The mechanism of the formation of white thrombus is associated with:

The mechanism of the formation of white thrombus is associated with:2. Forgezia, aggregation and agglutination of platelets.

The mechanism of formation of a red thrombus is associated with:4. Activation of procoagulants.

The mechanism of formation of a red thrombus is associated with:4. Activation of procoagulants.

The mechanism of relative erythrocytosis is associated with:

The mechanism of primary red blood cells is associated with:stem cell mutation (type KEEE)

The mechanism for the development of the leukemoid reaction is:3. Focal Geperplasia of normal sprouts of erythropoietic fabric

The mechanism of the development of a leukemoid reaction is due to:1.GypeVolemia

The mechanism of intracardiac compensation when overloading blood volume (pressure) is:2.Gomeometric compensation mechanism

The mechanism of damage to membranes and the enzymes of myocardial cells during cardiac insufficiency is:5. Fully intensification of SPOL.

Myeloma disease (plasmacitoma) is associated with the advent of a mutant clone from:In lymphocyte

Myocardial heart failure develops with:2.Inoxication

Can neutropenia be combined with a leukemoid reaction? 1) Yes

Name the extralegal etiological factor in the development of the day:defeat of the CNS and the peripheral nervous system.

Name which cells are present in the leukocyte formula in chronic myelolomicosis:a large number of myeloblasts;

Name the cell exocitizing FNF (tumor necrosis factor):Tissue Macrofvg.

Name a cell that does not participate in the process of metastasis:Macrofag

Name the laboratory diagnostic methods allowing to detect clusters of blast cell differentiation:immunophenotyping using monoclonal ats;

Name the main method of diagnosing forms of sharp leukemia:cytoochemical study;

Name examples of diseases under which the likelihood of leukemia is increased:kleinfelter syndrome;

Name the reason for the secondary emphysema of the lungs: 4) Bronchial asthma.

Name the extrapulmal etiological factors of the day:strokes;

Name what is the associated reaction "Transplant against the host":develops due to transplanting T-lymphocytes of donors;

Name what is a morphological substrate of chronic leukemia:relatively differentiated cells of the hematopoietic fabric;

Name what is the result of changes in the cell genome?transformation of normal hematopoietic cells in tumor;

Name, etiological factors leading to the development of leukemia:carcinogens;

The most common cause of the development of central arterial hypertension due to organic damage to the brain sticks is: 5) brain tumors

What cells in peripheral blood is characteristic of acute myeloblastic leukemia?2) Myeloblasts, Promoelocytes, Ragged Neutrophils, segmented neutrophils

What cells in peripheral blood is characteristic of chronic myelolecosis?1) Mieloblasts, Promoelocytes, Moelocytes, Metamielocytes, Ragged Neutrophils, Segmented Neutrophils, Eosinophils, Basophiles

Violation of the diffuse properties of the alveolo-capillary membranes plays a major role in the development of respiratory failure with: an interstitial edema of the lung;

Violation of the stomach motility does not lead to development:4. Registration

What properties of the heart lead to the development of arrhythmias lead to the development of arrhythmias?2) Automatim

Primary and leading link in the pathogenesis of respiratory distress syndrome of adults is:pulmonary edema;

The initial and leading link in the pathogenesis of the respiratory distress syndrome of the newborn is:reducing the number of surfactant;

It is not a risk factor for the development of blood circulation deficiency:4. Dead-in fats in the diet

The insufficiency of the heart of overload with an increased volume (preload) is developing in the following cases:2.Gypersia

1. Promcrothbinov (time to Kvika)

The activity of anticoagulants is judged by:5. Definition of antithrombin III

One of the reasons for the development of obstructive type respiratory failure is:amendment bronchiol with lightest elastic properties;

One of the mechanisms for the development of leukocytosis is:hemodology

One of the typical changes in the number of leukocytes in a unit of blood volume is:1. Sheicosis

One of the possible causes of leukopenia is:1. Tumor Activation of Lakeopoeza

The main reason for alveolar hypoventilation is:violation of central mechanisms for regulation of external respiratory.

The main cause of the intestinal digestive function disorders:4. Development of chilios

The main cause of the development of leukopenia as a result of the violation of the process of formation of leukocytes is:4. The large number of leukocytes from the vascular bed

The main reason for the development of the hypersecretion of the stomach is:1. Enlarging the mass of secretory cells

Main mechanisms of disorders of coagulation hemostasis:deficiency of one or more plasma factors

The main properties of a malignant autonomous clone of leukemic cells:selection of growth inhibitors, migration of malignant cells,

The main link pathogenesis of overload heart failure with heart defects is:1.Disbalance between the increased weight of the actomiosis and the mass of mitochondria, with an outcome in the relative energy deficiency

The main mechanism for the development of the "true" lymphocytic leukocytosis is:4. Strengthening the proliferation of agranulocyte cells

The main mechanism for the development of hypertensive disease on hypothesis E.Gelgorn is:1.giperement of renin south kidney

The main mechanism for the development of a leukemoid reaction is:admission to vascular channel excess blood shaped elements

The main mechanism for the development of leukopenia is:3. Hemokoncentration

The main pathogenetic mechanism for the development of dumping syndrome is:2. Dimension of the tank function of the stomach

The main factor determining the level of blood pressure is:4) Heart Emission and Common Peripheral Vascular Resistance

The main ECG-signs of Wolf Parkinson-White phenomenon is: 2 - the presence of "delta wave"

Features of the pathogenesis of chronic leukemia:most of the mutant blast cells are differentiated, there is no "leukemoid" failure

Relative lymphocytosis is accompanied by:3.Tuberculosis

Describe the concept of "leukemoid reaction":change in hematopoietic tissue and in peripheral blood, similar to leukemia;

Describe the concept of "leukemoid reaction":conditions characterized by changes in the hematopoede organs in peripheral blood and in the body as a whole, similar to leukemia.


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