Plugin for Mozilla Firefox Audio and Vkontakte download. Plugin for downloading video with VKontakte in Firefox

Plugin for Mozilla Firefox Audio and Vkontakte download. Plugin for downloading video with VKontakte in Firefox

Many music lovers annoy when the audioist is reproduced online in the player on some website (well, for example, in VK), but links to download it, no. And, of course, they are immediately wondering what, in fact, to take in this case. After all, the song, the composition of the beloved artist, the beloved group still want to get into the personal collection (not the word!).

We are in a hurry to delight you. The answer to this question, and in a detailed form, is set out in this article. From her you will learn about popular Firefox add-ons to download music in VKontakte and on other websites.

Attention! All the extension reviews under consideration for downloading music can be downloaded on the official website of additions for FF (

Addons to download in VK

Well, get acquainted - additions to download tracks from the pages of the Megapopular social network VKontakte via Firefox. Statistics immaculately states that they are most in demand by users.

Plugin for downloading music in Mozilla Firefox and not only ... He also knows how to "suck" at a decent speed from PC gifs and video. What, of course, without any reasoning is a fat plus to the user functionality.

By the way, the intelligibility of the social network pages - here I can download, and here there is no, - he "does not suffer." Tracks in publics, groups, personal profiles - all one for him. The "download" cherished button (arrogant down), as well as the bit rate of the audio track will be displayed. So, the user with it can download all the tracks liked.

Also on the files "omnivorous" program-addon. Of the additional features in it - download photos and video (in addition to audio). Runs the load of one single mouse click.

Provides on files all the necessary information: bitrate, size, duration (minutes / seconds). Saves the original names of the tracks. Upon completion of the injection, you do not need to rename them, will be displayed as in the VK player.

Pretty decent analogue of previous considered solutions. In its functionality: download audio and video files while saving preset parameters, display links in the frame (in the video player), download all tracks located on the current page.

Plus, in the latest version of the addon, an option is available for filtering by the same name, quality (removes tracks with bitrate less than 320). And also the ability to receive direct links to download on Youtube video hosting.

Universal "Rocking"

The following presented addons-loaders intended for obtaining audio tracks and other mediaContacts not only from VC, but also from other social networks, video strokes and websites. In essence, in different extent, they are universal tools.

Supplement from the popular online service to receive direct links. Host and respect among ordinary users of PCs.

The secret of its stay in the top is a convenient interface, maximum process automation. And even a very solid base of supported web resources: VKontakte, YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, Souncloud, etc. Total - more than 40 sites.

In addition to the URL, addn provides all available formats of the quality of the file. Among its additional options is to save playlists in the computer's memory with the ability to play in the player.

The developers of this audio and video load assistant from the network declare that it is hardly to meet the site from which he would not be able to get a direct link for the file. Its interface has a built-in player to view uploaded media files (including video in Flash format).

On functions - everything, as they say, with it: Displays the size of the file, its quality, automatic activation of the button for loading.

This supplement safely retrieves flash video, audio online playback (in frames, web players). Recognizes over two hundred sites. But his creators assure that this figure is not the limit.

It is endowed with additional functional "chips": control "hot" keys, assigning a folder for downloadable files, the search option, the simultaneous loading of multiple tracks, rollers from the current web page, display all available formats of the quality of the requested content.

This addon can be safely called the "vacuum cleaner". He "pulls out" everything and all - music, video - from the subsoil servers.

It has a unique property - knows how to transfer the resulting link to download the external rocking program installed in the OS. Also allows you to configure filtering by extensions (which files need to download, and which no). In the societies of avid music lovers and kinomans walked a steep addition to replenishing his own media library.

Everything! Our brief overview, dear reader, went to the end. Naturally presented selection of only the "top", a tiny part of the huge number of FF extensions for downloading audio tracks from sites. With analogues can be found on the official Firefox web portal. In any case, the "rocking chair" for the media system in the browser will never be superfluous.

Recently, more and more people are interested in how to download music from the site Vkontakte. I decided not to bypass this problem and explore some ways to do this, due to the fact that there are no direct such function on the social network site.

After studying some materials and spending a lot of time, I had defined the following ways:

VKontakte plugins for search for Mozilla Firefox

If you constantly open new tabs, this is an extension without problems. Make your boot capabilities to the next level using this supplement. This can not only speed up the download with some backstage tricks, but also facilitate the pause and resume the download, as well as collect all links and images on the web page at a time.

It includes some convenient search, filtering and comparisons. This is another addition to managing your important sidebar. Sometimes the most simple ideas are the best. Shutdown. The headers activate the "Cinema" mode when you are watching the video on the Internet, the darkening of the rest of the screen to give you less eye tension and improve video viewing quality.

1. Using special programs. I will not list them, but you can find a couple of-trip. The method is not entirely reliable because you need to enter your username and password directly in the programs yourself, and I personally do not need it, because I don't want to become a spammer when my password will be stolen. Yes, besides installing an additional software and study it - these are additional troubles.

Regarding the safety, you can certainly register an additional "left" account and let yourself be selected there, but it is also unnecessary television.

2. Installation of scripts. Some do not even know what it is, and here they still need to use them. In addition, scripts are written not clear to whom and not the fact that tomorrow they will work as well as today. Also not suitable.

3. Online services. Good thing, only they grow like mushrooms and disappear too very quickly, and we need a reliable way.

4. Dig in a browser cache. A good way, where nothing needs to be installed, but very long and time-consuming. Who is interested, then you can read it in the article ".

5. What should be stopped - this music download with VKontakte with Mozilla Firefox browser. The only minus here is what noone who does not have to be installed. I advise everyone to go to this browser: optimal and speed and speed and safety.

If the browser is installed, it will be necessary to establish a plugin to it. I recommend installing from the official site. Here is a reference Install the plugin and restart the browser. In your lower right corner (not necessarily right and not necessarily lower), three balls had to appear, and in the tab of the browser "Tools" an additional item "".

If the installation has been successful, we go to the VKontakte website and we are looking for the desired entry there, click on the triangle so that the track begins to play.

Balls should start spinning. Click on them and from the drop-down menu select the item " Download».

We are waiting for a while so that the file is loaded, and go to check. Click the tab " Tools - download»

And it can be seen that the last file was downloaded from the site

If the file is run, then we will hear a song that they wanted to download themselves to the computer.

Download video or music with YouTube, Vkontakte very simple! You will need to expand downloadhelper and browser Firefox

Download music or video simple: downloadhepler to help

For download music or video (I repeat again) Firefox must be installed.

After Firefox we successfully installed, install downloadhepler. Run Firefox and go here and click Add to Firefox.

After installation, gray circles appeared on the panel, which will help us download video or music on computer!

To check how it works, let's get on Youtube and try to download the video. If we note when we start viewing the video, these circles begin to spin. When they circle it means that downloadhelper is ready to download video or music. To do this, just click the arrows nearby, choose quality and click Download!

By the way, this program is able, also download and convert video In one of the listed formats!

Ie the program will automatically make downloaded from the Internet video Under the iPhone format, or iPad.

By the way, we note that if you want, for example, extract only audio from any video, then use an article. Although in the program and there is this option, but it will cost you $ 30.

Also can download music in contact, video in contact and from other video hosting. In general, the program is very useful and worthy of attention!

Download video in Firefox 2016 Modification of design

Open any video after installation video Download Hepler.
Right-click and select the button. video Download Helpe.r -Tube can download video

How to swing in Firefox video C Youtube and Vk. Conclusion.

A couple more words. I recommend using several browsers. For example, Chrome as the main, and Firefox for certain purposes, for example, to download video and music. Although most browsers already have their extensions and additions, but they also brake browser. And the one when clogged, different plugins and extensions really 2-3 times slower works than without them

Many users of the Mozilla browser are interested in where to find plugin for downloading video with VKontakte in Firefox. In fact, there is a huge number of such extensions, each of which has its own characteristics. This article will consider the most convenient and practical ones. In the meantime, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the introductory information.

In the Mozilla store you will find a huge amount of extensions, with which it will be possible to load videos from the social network in the Firefox browser. But most of them are no convenience and functionality. Therefore, we will recommend only two additions: Assistant SaveFrom.NET and VK Media Downloader. First, consider the features of each of them, and then proceed directly to the installation procedure.


In essence, this addon is a universal tool that is compatible with a huge number of Internet services (classmates, YouTube, Facebook), including with the Patriotic Social Network. It allows you to save audio and video files to your computer without any problems, specifying quality in advance.

When you set it, under the view window, in the information band, where the likes are visible, etc., a new button with the speaking name will appear. Click on it, and then select the resolution for the downloaded roller. Then the saving procedure will start.

VK Media Downloader.

In the VK video player interface, a miniature icon appears a little relevant. If you bring the mouse cursor, then the quality selection will appear. Click on the appropriate to run the download procedure.


To begin with, visit the download page of your chosen addon by clicking on the relevant link of our article. We will look at all on the example of VK Media Downloader. On the opened site, click on the blue rectangular button with rounded edges.
And in the pop-up window, click on "Add". Then we strongly recommend restarting the browser by closing it and opening it again.

Judging by the statistics of visits to this site, the most popular browsers among my readers are Google Chrome. and Mozilla Firefox..
For these browsers there are extensions that allow download from Site.In contact with Music and videos. Today I will tell you how to install them, and how to use these extensions (plugins).

How to download music and video with VKontakte in Google Chrome

So, launch the browser Google Chrome.. We go to the site online store Chrome. Here in the column on the left, choose the section "Expansion" - "Social Networks and Communication". So that we do not look for a long time to look for the right plugin - enter on top in the search bar the phrase "Advanced Settings" and press the key ENTER:

After that, in the column to the right will appear the extension, which is called " Advanced settings VKontakte". To install - press the "FREE" button near it: a window appears in which click "Add":

Plugin installed!

Now let's try with it download music.

Go to your page In contact with. Open audio recordings.

When you hover the mouse cursor on the name of the musical composition, the image of the arrow appears on the right. If you delay the cursor on it, then the size of the audio record (in MB) will immediately appear.

Click on the arrow - and the song will be downloaded!

You can go to the folder with downloaded files and see it there (by default everything is saved to the "Download" folder). If you do not know where the downloaded song is preserved, then click on Google Chrome browser over the "Setup and Manage Google Chrome" button in the upper right corner: Then select "Downloads" - Used file name, click "Show in Folder":

Now check how to download vkontakte video. Go to "My Videos". Run any video. After that, under the video in the column on the right, the "Download" buttons will appear. Press one of them (depending on what quality video you need) - the video will immediately be downloaded!
Do not be surprised if suddenly under some kind of videos will not appear the "Download" buttons. The fact is that download links appear only from those videos that are posted on the contact server. This is a minus of this plugin (perhaps over time the author will improve it). If you need to download the roller urgently and notice - you can use the service that I have ever announced.

How to download music and videos with VKontakte in Mozilla Firefox

Run browser Mozilla Firefox.. We go to the page with additions. Find here the extension and click the "Add to Firefox" button:
In the window that appears, click the Set Now button:
Then restart the browser.

After that, the icon appears on the panel three connected balls: If you are currently on the page of the site, where there are no running audio or video records, it will not be active (and black and white). If you enable for playing any audio record or video - the icon is instantly activated and the balls will become color.

Check how the plugin works in In contact with.
To do this, go to your page in the section "My Audio Reference" (not necessarily on your own). Turn on any composition. Then we find on the panel of our multicolored spinning icon and click on the arrow to the right of it: the name of the audio recording of the audio record (is true in a somewhat inconvenient form - tieper-letter). We bring the mouse cursor and choose the item "Download":
Then it will only be left to select a folder for saving and click "Save". Everything! Music downloaded!

Video from VKontakte Downloads exactly the same way as audio. Perhaps I will not describe it.
By the way, Video DownloadHelper can download videos not only with, but also from other services (for example, YouTube.).

That's all. I hope that now for you will not be a problem download from Vkontakte Audio or Videoto my computer.

Any modern browser allows you to connect plugins that simplify work with social networks and other Internet resources. This article will talk about installing an expansion to download Music VKontakte on Mozilla Firefox. You can download audio recordings on a PC from a social network using third-party programs, scripts or online services. But the most convenient way will be a plugin - it is enough to add and turn on once, unlike other applications. Consider several popular extensions for Firefox.

Service is suitable for all browsers. It can be downloaded both through the extension store and on the official website of the developer. Follow the instructions for installation:

  1. Discover the link\u003d387 in Mozilla.
  1. Click on the "Download" icon.

  1. Next click on "Save File" to download.

  1. Run the installer.

  1. Accept the license agreement.

  1. Select Firefox Browser Settings and click Next.

  1. After the installation is completed, close the program window by clicking on "Complete".

Now restart Firefox. In the upper left corner you will see an extension icon. Next you need:

  1. Go to the social network site and log in.

  1. Open the "Music" section.

  1. Near the track Find the arrow icon. Mouse over it to see the size of the audio record. Click on the LKM icon to start downloading the file.

  1. Wait until the end of the process.

Now you know how to download audio from VC with the most popular plug-in. All songs are downloaded in mp3 format. Also available video download function from VK and YouTube.

Other extensions

We turn to the store supplements Mozilla. For this you need:

  1. Select the side menu icon, and then the "Add-on" item.

  1. In the Mounted tab, go to the search field and enter the name.

Consider several popular extensions.

VK Music allows you to download audio recordings from VKontakte, classmates and from Yandex.Musy. Follow these steps:

  1. In the search, enter the name "VK Music".

  1. Near the first item in the list, select "Set".

  1. Click "Add".

  1. Open the "Music" section and click on the arrow icon to start downloading.

Vk universal downloader

VK Universal Downloader is a simple and convenient service for downloading music. Follow the instructions for installation:

  1. In the settings, enter a search query called.

  1. In search results, click on the "Set" button opposite the first point in the list.

  1. Click on "Add", agreeing on the resolution of access to the browser.

  1. In the list of audio recordings, VKontakte will now appear the following icon, when you click on which the file is loaded.

Setup and deletion

Any connected plugin can be configured or deleted. To do this, open the "Supplements" window through the side menu or using the Ctrl + Shift + A key combination. The second tab contains a list of all connected services. With the help of the buttons screenshot, you can disable, delete and configure the parameters.

Alternative options

In addition to the described services, you can connect others. Find them quite easily by name - Vkopt, VK Tune, Video DownloadHelper and the like. Use the official catalog Mozilla on the link In the search, enter a request with the name of the social network and add "Download music":

In the list you will see all available for installation plug-ins. Familiarize yourself with the estimates and descriptions, then click on the button "Add to Firefox":

In the settings window, you can select the parameters of the display of the bitrate, the progress of downloading, the position of the icon for loading, etc. (depending on the application selected).

Pick up the appropriate parameters and use the service to replenish your musical collection. Most additions allow you to upload media files not only from VKontakte, but also from other popular sites.


We looked at the installation of several current additions to download files from social networks. All described plugins do not affect the performance and productivity of the browser, and also do not reduce the download speed of VKontakte pages. By connecting Firefox to the addition of once, you can regularly download mp3 by pressing the button.


Check out the thematic video, which addresses step-by-step actions from this instruction.


Save to classmates Save Vkontakte