Merchandising gold and the rules of retail trade. Merchandising as a secret of sales stimulation: from setting targets to choosing effective technologies

Merchandising gold and the rules of retail trade. Merchandising as a secret of sales stimulation: from setting targets to choosing effective technologies

Alyoshchey for help merchandising, which helps to distribute goods in trading point in such a manner that its distribution is consistent with the behavior of buyers. And for this there is scientific evidence, there are facts, and there seems to be no contradiction to the facts.

The popularity of going to stores, so called shopping, is traded for the popularity of people's favorite TV. We love to switch TV channels, selecting the right programs, and we also go to stores, looking for something delicious to eat or something to try on and buy.

We have recently learned that when we go shopping, only 30% of our purchases correspond to those planned for that particular store, 6% of goods are purchased because we had already planned to buy those goods, 4% of purchases are an alternative to those planned, and the axis is i 60% of our purchases are impulsive! You see, more than half of all purchases are made without any consideration for the goods at the display! Just think about how we can make it possible to make at least half of the impulse purchases! Ale now not about...

And why do we worry about making so many thoughtless purchases? Perhaps, is the packaging beautiful, the smells, the product layout original? Yes, and everything is the same. But the worst thing is that we are worried about buying, so merchandisers play on our customers and stereotypes.

They recently conducted a study of the behavior of customers in stores, the results of which were the conclusion that with additional merchandising in retail stores it is possible to increase sales by an average of 10%. This confirms the axis of this film:

How do you like it? Just like that, with minimal effort and expenditure and +10%!?

So what is it, merchandising? Merchandising(Inodі Zustrochita "Merchandizing") - the warehouse is part of the marketing, and the maximum is hidden on the maximum of the iztensuvna of the product in the Rodribni Torgivі (near the number I in the wholesale Torgіvlivі, Internett Torgіlivі). In other words, merchandising can be compared to a scientific method, which allows you to increase sales through additional knowledge of the psychology of buyers. They have proven that 80% of goods are bought not by those who are more expensive than others, but by those who, at the very moment of purchase, have directed the most friendly hostility at us. Thus, merchandising, in addition to our knowledge, creates a pleasant shopping environment.

I would have thought that, without straining ourselves, we would find the necessary goods in the store, buy them, and take them away. And in this case, without pressing on us, without suggesting, but unobtrusively and gently directing us, we were deprived only of extending our hand and placing the goods at the cats. That's all.

In order for the buyer to develop something like hostility, the store needs to deal with the situation merchandising concepts:

  • pay attention to the development of the retail outlet;
  • carry out visual merchandising (focus on the planning of the sales floor, display, display, retail display, product presentation strategy, product display);
  • carry out product merchandising (organize the sale and delivery of goods, arrange inventory in groups according to the assortment, arrange goods according to price categories).

If you choose the correct presentation of the product, you can increase its sales by 15%, and if you focus on accentuation techniques (color, shading), then by as much as 25%. Prote, the traders sing that for the sake of equal minds, sales in a store with advanced merchandising rules can be as much as 200-300% higher than in a similar store! What kind of rank can you achieve?

Perhaps, we will finally find it.

The main and additional racks are being moved around the sales floor due to the increasing flow of buyers. Purpose additional point- once again increase the buyer’s respect for any product, so It is necessary to grow them in addition to the main one, duplicate the most popular products. Additional points are usually located outside the outer perimeters of the trading floor.

The placement of goods must be carried out in such a manner as to make the search for the required product as easy as possible: at the police it is necessary to create groupings for brands, packaging, and product groups.

The book is also responsible for strengthening the popularity of weak brands over the strength of the strong ones, which is why strong types and brands of products are recommended to begin and end the ranks in the police. In this way, more weak brands will be surrounded by “castle walls” for additional goods that are sold, which will ensure the additional respect of buyers.

If you are selling, keep in mind that products that carry a small tag must be available to buyers first.

With particular respect, pay attention to the price tags - they are to blame for it to be clearly visible, read and purchase immediately under the goods, since people are now more actively buying goods on which the price is clearly indicated.

The retail outlet must be kept clean, the display windows are not guilty of spotting marks, and the goods are spotting marks.

Features of merchandising in retail trade:

  • Focus(smut) product there may be distributions at the focal point of the store, and the central part itself is right-handed. At large retail outlets, there is a “shop within a store” concept, so that customers are not swayed by them in large areas.
  • Restoration of the product may indicate a disruption in the eyes of buyers. At first, the buyer is surprised at the right upper corner, then his glance is revealed by reading the side of the left to the right of the animal down to the bottom.
  • The flow of buyers through the trading floor flows against the anniversary arrow behind the outer cordons. To increase sales of the main products, place them in the market zone. Arrange the racks so that the retail outlet has a good all-round view.
  • 90% of shoppers only go to a third-party store. To prevent the buyer from rushing out of the store, the main products are stocked in a visible area near the entrance with a clear passage to them. Therefore, the goods that sell the most need to be placed in the back part of the store, so that the buyer can get around the entire sales area.
  • Items that are inconsistent with their image and characteristics cannot be issued. In one of the supermarkets the following order was allowed - carbonated water was put out in a row toilet paper. What are the results in your opinion? In two years they sold only three dances, although the weather during this period was specky. Axis like this.
  • All goods must be shipped in the hand-stretched area. Products for children should not be placed too high - the stench will be there, but children can easily smell them. Apparently, the more people drink river, the more they want their mother. Therefore, any product can be easily removed.
  • Do not confuse goods for the upper and lower polices. As soon as a product is raised from the lower level to the highest levels, its sales will increase by more than half. Therefore, goods from the lower states are sold best. However, in the lower regions, large and important speeches are well distributed, which will alleviate the problem of preserving goods at the store. On the top floor, consider placing goods with a high trade mark-up and low turnover.
  • After selecting the goods, pick up a few pieces. Psychologically, the buyer is not ready to ruin the integrity of the display and can buy the product if everything is laid out perfectly.
  • Locomotive principle. A young, unknown product of similar quality can be purchased at its own price, if the order is issued by the leading brand
  • Emphasis on the additional color. More emphasis can result in an increase in sales of retail outlets by 20-30%. With the help of accent colors (red, orange, yellow) and with the help of accent colors (green, blue, white), you can save significantly on sales incentives.
  • Music at the store. The melodies that sound outside the store can make shoppers nervous, more active, or relax.
  • Smells. Smells in the middle of a store can provoke emotional purchases and change the mood of shoppers.

Getting busy merchandising In general retailing, it is important to remember that the main job of a merchandiser is to get a friend to choose and buy a product that is leaking. I don’t want to miss it. Merchandising- This is a chance to influence the buyer to make a larger purchase, buy more than one product, thereby promoting the image of the product in the eyes of your partner.

In retail trade, a large amount of money is spent to increase sales - on new trade properties, reconstruction of store facades and halls, advertising in various forms of mass media, sales promotion for discounts, gifts and raffles, with additional bonuses for workers. And all this is for the sake of a 2-5% increase. Why not start with the basics of merchandising and get better results?

By correctly placing product categories and consumer behavior in the store, you can increase sales by an average of 10%. The correct calculation is to increase profits by another 15%, and to add accentuation (color, shading) by another 25%. In other words, sales to a store that adheres to the principles of merchandising can be 200-300% higher than at a similar retail outlet, where the goods are well laid out.

Let's look at the key principles of merchandising:

“Focal point”: Given that the proposition is visible from a distance, the main product may be distributed in the center with displaced right-handers.

"Rukh of eyes." The buyer's eyes on the police are guessed by reading the side with the epigraph. This is how the judges taught us this in our schools. The first glance is at the upper right corner, then the furious movement of evil to the right and downwards.

"Great Year" Most of the shoppers are rushing around the trading floor opposite the anniversary arrow, bypassing its outer perimeter. Therefore, the main goods must be moved in the rukhu area and the internal racks must be arranged in such a way that the stench is reduced good look the process has a buyer. Please note that the goods must be delivered close to the entrance (point to the right) and will become unmarked. Let your buyer “arrive before you”, after that, once you arrive at the sales floor.

"Golden trikutnik" or "3/90". About 90% of shoppers get through one third of entering the store and decide to leave. Therefore, it is necessary to place the main goods in the visibility zone at the entrance, to ensure their easy access and visibility. The input itself, the main product (for example, meat, milk or bread at a grocery store) and in relation to the creation of a “golden trikutnik”, on the surface of which you can place a product that is not necessary for immediate sale (expensive, new, second-hand, which is very popular). The rule of the “golden jersey”: the greater the area between the entrance, the interface and the product that sells the most, the greater the sales requirement. Apparently, it’s a “favorite” product, for which people are ready to walk through the entire store, optimally placed in the back part of the store, which prevents the buyer from crossing the hall and getting acquainted with the entire assortment. Don’t forget about thoughtful navigation for clients - wrapping around one point or passing one way two days in searches for the goods for the buyer.

"The principle of madness." One of the most dangerous trade-offs when investing is distributing goods from the immediate vicinity, which is not important for the image and associates. In one Moscow supermarket, the products of the leader in the market of sweet carbonated waters were placed under the instruction of a toilet paper. As it turned out this year, only three dances were sold for two years, although there was a speck on the street.

"Zone of the stretched arm." It appears that products for children are not recommended to be placed very high, for the sake of the child. It may please them as much as they want. Even better, like a child playing with toys.

This thesis works just as well with children. Dotik is the oldest and one of the first forms of claiming the right to power. That's why the mother's day is important. Failure to comply can lead to a decrease in sales. If the client does not understand how to obtain a product with a folding design, for all that, there is no way to purchase the price.

“The tops can’t, the bottoms don’t want to.” If we take the sales indicator (merchandise turnover) in the middle areas as 100%, then sales in the upper areas become 62%, and sales in the lower areas - 48%. According to research from the French retailer Carrefour, when a product is rearranged from the level of the article to the level of points of sale, sales increase by 78%. And between hands and eyes – by 63%. The lower police are respected by the greatest mister. However, buyers instinctively said: the more important the goods and the larger their packaging, the easier it is to buy from the lower authorities, and at the same time, such a distribution of goods on the sales floor will alleviate the problem of saving them.

It is appreciated that it is important for the top authorities to be good at procuring goods with high prices and low turnover. Zazvichay, this product is of high quality with garnish from the outside looking in. First of all, we have the rules for self-service stores. However, on an emotional and psychological level, the stench is relevant at retail outlets, where there is a counter and a seller. For the sake of them, you can create a singing image in the viddalia.

"Vinigrette effect." Too much great quantity brands or types of packaging often lead to loss of visual focus on any product. It is therefore important to repeat packaging of the same brand, and then place no more than 2-3 brands that are leading. In connection with this, the “one-piece clearing” technique is more relevant - as a rule, we have introduced practical precautions. When updating any display, you still have to take away only a few units of products, while the buyer is careful not to ruin the integrity of the display.

"The Locomotive Principle". In accordance with this rule, in cooperation with a popular brand, introduce a new or less popular brand. The growing popularity of leading brands and the fact that they occupy a lot of space and attract the respect of buyers can really increase sales of outsiders, which can add at a low cost. This is called the rule of preference, if the rule states that a multi-brand store entrusts the goods of a well-known brand without compromising on the price and price of a small-scale company, then the aura of success expands to the resentment of the group.

Correction of color - with the use of the “color accent”, the increase in sales can be increased to 90%. For example, with the help of color accents (accent colors - red, orange, yellow; accent colors - green, blue, white), the increase is 20-30%.

Sound support. Sound effects are widely explored. But you can’t be separated from your sleep by your stunned sleep. Sound effects can create a different atmosphere in different sections of the store (for example, dynamic music in a sports department) or a moody mood (for example, the shopper is collapsing every day, however, crawl).

Aromatherapy. To stimulate the mood of the buyer and provoke him to make purchases, often introduce different smells in the middle of the store. Science Center Monell in Philadelphia has launched pilot projects aimed at capturing the influx of such and other odors on customers. For example, I think this product has a flowery-fruity smell, which is similar to that of a jewelry store, so you can soak in there longer. And even a low level of certain odors can change the individual course of thoughts and moods (for example, relaxation and trust). In the UK, sellers of household goods use the smell of a bakery/café to entice customers to buy products that do not smell like anything else: clothes, lighting equipment, etc. For the sake of fairness respectfully: in supermarkets, the smell of fish soup is due to the aroma , which is expanding. freshly baked bread rolls. However, there is still a need to create a unique atmosphere in the trading floor.

Rational giving. People cannot leave the gloomy zone for more light, but dim light, like in an antique shop; they cannot shop in a supermarket. During emotional purchases (when the client is faced with a rational choice), playing with light can cause irritation.

The depletion of residents often results from the arrogant, or more precisely, inadequate efforts of merchandisers and promoters. A classic example: the supermarket is promoting broths and soups under a new brand. For her, one of the main considerations is the position of the flow of buyers passing through the trading floor. The presentation will be carried out by long-legged beautiful models in short shorts and tight tops.

Satisfied virobnik - it was very presentable! So far it's been taken care of the finest hourі the best place trading floor. Vlasniks are pleased with the store - everything goes so smoothly and pleasantly. The main buyers of broths and soups in supermarkets are housewives who are 35-45 years old. I just can’t stand the flamboyant and incredibly naked airy girls of seventeen or twenty! As a result, our purchases always try to get around the presentation site without being noticed by the girls-promoters. Based on the approaches, different methods of merchandising are divided.

The merchandising method is a set of methods, techniques and operations of a practical and theoretical nature, associated with current merchandising activities. To the greatest effective methods Merchandising can be divided into the “impulse sales method” and the “ABC method”, as well as the “method of mutual purchases and cross-trading” and the “visual merchandising method”.

The "impulse selling method" is based on the harmonious potential of the zone of rotation and impulsiveness of behavior of salespersons-buyers of a trading enterprise during the current purchases. The use of the method of impulse purchases transfers the distribution of the trading floor in the trading zone to adequately become knowledgeable resources of distributors, meaning the importance of the elements of merchandising: “products - trading zones - purchasing behavior”. The main meta-promotion of this method of merchandising lies in the increased sales of goods that are impulsively added, in the area of ​​​​turning around the potential of the merchandising approach when forming an assortment, and control of exhauster flows.

The "ABC Method" explores the potential of "product-sellers" and "hot zones", which is based on the division of roles and the place of each product group in the trade and technological process of the store, the nature of their features and level of importance for those with living conditions. The essence of the method lies in the fact that all goods are divided into three groups depending on the placement of their partners, marketing characteristics, the place of formed income and the organization of the trade and technological process of the enterprise: goods of group A, goods of group B, Commodities of group S. Place them like this This means that “commodity-sellers”, coupled with the behavior of the sellers and other factors, have increased sales of goods that will require support and may be important for the functioning of the enterprise.

Products of group A consist mainly of “goods of primary necessity”, which is seen in the frequency of purchases, the minimum amount of purchases and the availability of a new card for transfers of brands, sometimes and sometimes sales before the time of consumption, as well as low prices.

Products of group B are characterized by a high level of earnings before purchase and the presence of a pronounced brand map; they are purchased very rarely.

Products of group 3 include widely available goods that the buyer does not know about or is not interested in purchasing. The buyer does not have a clear indication of their or expressed need, the seller is obliged to work hard to activate their sales.

The “method of mutual purchases and cross-trading” transfers the market to additional products, related products and services. The essence of the method lies in the placement of the main and additional goods on the sales floor in such a manner that they are separated or ordered one by one, and buyers can easily move from one product group to another associated with it.

This approach eliminates the need to remove the molded material from the main purchase of the active purchase and sale of related, related and mutually related goods. To determine the interconnection of purchases, you can use the matrix method to adjust the frequency of purchases of different pairs of goods.

“The method of visual merchandising” is a method of intensifying sales at places of sale of goods, which revolves around the design, color, background of the product and possession, theatrical images, architecture and other visual effects, present in local sales, connected to the product distribution system. The addition of elements of visual merchandising helps stimulate sales in different areas of the store's sales floor. Also, products and their brands can detract from competitive advantages depending on the visual elements that accompany them.

The customer can achieve better results with comprehensive merchandising methods and coordination of the company.

Abstract: In order to increase the profit per store for increasing sales of goods, the store needs to know and put into practice the methods of merchandising. The smell was created to help the retailer achieve sales of their products as quickly as possible.

The buyer's flow. Butt plan. Strong and weak areas

“First of all, the over-the-top shopper scatters their offal all over the place, multiply that number and twist your head. In other words, it is more expensive in all directions to triple the size of the location in their eyes. Thirdly, they will be troubled by passing through those places where they would not set foot, and there they will get all sorts of tranquility. The axis of the stench is in our hands.” (E. Zola, novel “Ladies' Happiness”).

Axis to you and merchandising from the first hands! Organizing the flow of customers is the most important warehouse for merchandising. This was realized already in the 19th century. Managing customer flows in the 21st century is one of the main topics in merchandising. Once you have realized this mystery, you will now be able to direct your store’s sales staff in the right direction, get them to the most profitable products, stock them in the store and, as a result, promote sales.

Flow of buyers- this is the route through which most shoppers pass at the store. This flow can be effectively organized with the help of the basic physiological characteristics of people.

? Most buyers are right-handed. It is important to take goods with your right hand, and to krokut, robbing yourself with your right foot more than kroku. Thus, the main flow goes against the anniversary arrow - left-handed. Therefore, it is optimal to place the entrance to the store right-handed, and the exit - left-handed.

? Galmivny way of the buyer. 95% of shoppers who enter a retail outlet quickly “jump” through the store and then begin to choose goods. A store with wide aisles, especially at the entrance area, mother of the great galmivny way, a small store in Zagali may not be mother of yogo. Golovnya - to speed up this route as much as possible, the percentage of sales of goods at the entrance zone may appear even low.

Change the galley area for additional turnstiles and turnstiles at the entrance to the trading floor, pallets, goods on sale, carriages and bags, advertising materials, island possessions, ATMs, etc. Be careful not to do any harm in this way.

Hiding on your special evidence, I respect that buyers have a unique place in the immediate vicinity of the entrance to service areas, near gatherings, technical and sanitary facilities, equipment that makes noise.

Ensure that at the beginning of his journey the buyer is in the Russian country and is most amenable to impulse purchases. And smut - pennies are still worth it! In this way, on the cob of the stream you can more strongly influence the buyer (do not confuse the “cob of the stream” with the “galmivny way”).

What should be placed in the first quarter of the hall:

Movies on DVD, music CDs, etc.;

Food stores - confectionery products, tea and kava, fruits and vegetables, drinks;

Gift sets, seasonal goods;

Dear goods;

Products as follows;

Alcoholic drinks.

For the sake of Guzelevich. Wholesale for distribution

Create express routes. This is the category of people who run to the guests for a gift at the holiday. Organize an express route for them at the first quarter of the hall with a comprehensive display of confectionery items and souvenirs. These customers will likely be more satisfied if they know the products better and get everything in one place.

And don’t forget that the goods at the entrance judge the entire store! Introduce products that meet the needs of your target audience.

If you have a women's goods store, and there is a small assortment of men's goods (for example, white goods), then this product may be visible right from the entrance, at the display window. People should not joke about the product, so as not to spoil it immediately.

Remember the banal speeches that we all forget: buyers avoid loud, rude and filthy places.

Now about music. Light, unobtrusive music is good at relaxing the buyer and creating a good mood in the store. Don't vikorize the radio. Advertising break on the radio to show people in a state of bathing euphoria. Music for one range of stores may be in the same style, do not allow diversity. If there is a need to speed up the flow in times of need, the music may be more rhythmic.

For the sake of Guzelevich. Wholesale for distribution

Computer scientists have this concept - an intuitive interface. When you go to the site, everything immediately becomes clear to you: a catalog of products, a box for purchase, a form of payment. Visit your store and introduce an “intuitive interface” to your store. Even 90% of buyers want to know all the products they plan to buy, without going through great distances and without turning back.

Organize product groups in a reasonable and consistent manner, otherwise buyers simply forget that they came to buy bread, milk, etc.

Organize the flow of customers so that the stench goes through the entire store. For example, like IKEA: there it is impossible to leave the store without going through everything. The planning was designed in such a way that it is easier to follow the cue and the arrow and go through all the sections without wandering between them, orienting yourself along the line.

Strong areas near the trading floor:

By the entrance to the shopping center;

Bіlya prikasoї zone i great “anchor” orendarі;

A row of escalators and travelators;

The localities have a flow of streams;

First surfaces (the skin on top of the surface changes the flow approximately twice).

Up to the basement surfaces, in the presence of a tight “anchor” order (food supply to a supermarket) or a direct flow (for example, the exit from the metro), the guards are placed with care. To direct the flow of people there, you need to try harder. People have the power to make purchases in the first place, and not run up and down. This brings even greater peace to people (beyond the charge of the target purchase).

The butt of the garniy placement - examined earlier around the Metromarket stores near Moscow, looking at the store on Leningradsky Prospekt (Sokil metro station).

The solution is simpler and more effective. U tsomu shopping center There are no “weak” zones. And put a third on top and add up to the supply: about 3000 people per day.

Before the “hot” times:

The police are on the right side, directly facing the rush of buyers;

The beginning of the bathing flows - the expanse after the galm way: shelving at the first quarter of the trading floor, the beginning of the gondola then;

The perimeter of the trading floor;

The side lines of the racks (ends of the gondolas) and the intersection of the “stitch of buyers”;

Step on the shelves;

The place where the buyer “fixes his gaze”;

Prikasov zone.

The strongest zone is the perimeter of the trading floor. The most popular products (traffic makers) are located there. 80% of shoppers pass along the perimeter of the trading floor!

Mensh strong sales zones (“cold” places):

The police are on the left side, directly facing the rush of buyers;

Middle rows;

Dead ends of rows, entrance to the trading floor;

Kuti trading floor;

The expanse that adjoins the entrance (the buyer's walkway).

Do not place in the “cold” zones additional points selling goods and points selling impulse products.

Go to the “cold zones” of the store. Their buyers are simply unique. In Kutakh I recommend placing Kutov police with good lighting. The various nooks and crannies, narrow passages, and the police are not spared either. In these places it is not easy to place popular goods, additional points of sale of goods and points of sale of impulse goods.

When placing food and non-food items, the first ones are brought from a distant part of the hall. Food products are just a little bit of siru that will help the buyer to pass through the non-food zone. This is how you fix it in other situations. Click on the buyer to go through the process.

The priority location on the sales floor is determined based on the distribution of the main product groups - the goods that will be visited. For a grocery store, this may include milk, bread, and dairy products; for a grocery store, this may include household chemicals, light bulbs, metal products; for a clothing store, this may include a seasonal collection or a collection on sale (the rule of the “golden jersey”).

Along the perimeter of the sales floor there are the main products, on the island there is an additional assortment (extra items, products with a wider range of sizes, from past collections, etc.). The placement of the island structure has the function of directing the font flow along the entire perimeter.

Thickness of the secondary flow at the trading floor

Remember: you only have 5 seconds to formulate an enemy about your products! That's not a problem for the denunciations of the broods. There may not be another chance. Place ready-made sets of goods at the ends at the entrance to the section, use the principle of “crossover” merchandising, monitor the presentation of goods, and advertising materials. Carefully think through the order of distribution of product groups. Let it gradually flow from one section to another, and the goods will be sold one at a time: for example, bread, baked goods, confectionery products, ready-made products, salad cooking, sausage products, processed meats, and birds, birds, fish.

The use of fresh cheese is more important with wine racks and seafood delicacies, or just with dairy products: simple cheese dairy product gives the product status for connoisseurs.

This principle of product presentation is called the principle of “over-filing”, which we already mentioned in the section “Laws of Merchandising”. Show the buyer your ready decisions - and we will make you a purchase!

The butt of rotating product groups according to the principle of cross-merchandising

Some product flows at the store need to be separated. This method can be combined with a variety of international solutions that make it possible to clearly differentiate between groups of products. There are many clothing stores that sell both men's and women's assortments, creating two stores in one, dividing the space by the color of the tiles on the base and the color of the wall decor.

Typical favors:

There is no need for anyone to look around in the hall. High structures are located along the walls, and lower ones are located in the center of the hall. The height of the island structures is as low as the eyes of guides;

The narrow aisles make it difficult to move around the sales floor and look at the store's assortment. Recommendation: the minimum size of the passages is 1000-1200 mm, the minimum space for one person with a cat to pass is 87 cm, in order for two people with carriages to pass in the passage, it is necessary 1.7 m;

Neatly trying on clothes in stores, small in size and poorly lit;

The product is placed very high or very low. The top level of whiskey to the product may not be visible beyond 190 cm;

Chaotic rush of buyers.

Organize the collapse, insure everything is going well. Don’t forget about the peculiarity of people to scratch against the anniversary arrow. See the shopping path with colorful POS materials. Maintain cleanliness, keep the store hot and cold.

The “romance” with the store is just like life: the man is sultry, warm, has a delicious smell, and gives all sorts of brown objects to the place of decoration and kvitiv (“over-sawed”) - you already deserve it!

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All authorities in departmental sales know the word “merchandising”. Please accept that I am not yet in touch with an acceptor who does not know such a concept.

So, you know, you know, but that’s where the knowledge ends. We are deprived of the power supply, why should we know everything, otherwise we will deprive this tool from the other side?

And this, for a second, is one of the most important elements of business, which requires not only knowledge, but also vigor.

The topic of merchandising and presentation is so voluminous that it is impossible to fit it into one article. Full-fledged care will come out of 100-200 more boring pages with diagrams, numbers and the psychology of people.

Even though there is a great amount of information that needs to be dealt with from a special person, one often begins to not bring it to the end, or one does not even begin with the words:

And so come on!

Great merchandising people have a lot of respect for details.

If you are only getting into this area, then you first need to learn the basic rules of merchandising and display, and then move on to the tricks.

Therefore, today we are discussing what basic principles need to be improved to increase sales, and all without the unnecessary and standard values ​​from Wikipedia.

Before the speech, it’s worth mentioning that even a lot of people make excuses when writing your word. It is correct to write it with the letter “a”, and it looks like “merchAndising”.

Invisible and brown

Proper merchandising, as well as marketing, promotes customer loyalty and encourages them to make purchases.

And it’s a shame that the potential of merchandising is often underestimated, while the statistics are unimproved:

  • 80% of the choice of a partner is based on factors (price, design, brand, service, availability of accessories);
  • At 20%, the choice of a partner is determined by the main authorities of the product.

However, other statistics are more appropriate, as it seems that over 60% of purchasing decisions are made right on the spot. Then you have the option of 2 out of 3 options to transfer and buy from you at the site.

You can earn money both from assisting staff and from additional merchandising. However, there is an unspoken rule: good merchandising is bad merchandising. And then, do not be intrusive, so that the buyer does not develop an enmity with the so-called “sale” of the goods.

Believe me, the client buys from you himself, it is important to follow the rules, the essence of which lies in the flow of information to all five channels:

  1. Zorovy channel (zorovy information);
  2. Auditory canal (sound information);
  3. Dotik channel (tactile information);
  4. Smakovy Canal (smakovy information);
  5. Smelling canal (smelling information).

Moreover, these channels are removed based on priority. And first of all, you need to do everything so that people’s eyes are as satisfied as possible with your layout.

Then you begin to work with hearing, then the tactile information comes. Well, let's get the list.


Small access

Here I would really like to see the outside group of retailers and their sellers, as well as merchandising, including in their own right, the product.

And they try their best to do everything correctly and everything “by hand.” Ale I think there is no effect. Clients often don’t buy, and sales tend to fall.

As a result, through such tests, a persistent thought is formed: “merchandising is powdering your head.”

In such situations, we see two benefits that contribute to the overall image of correct product display:

  1. Work in such a way that it is convenient for sellers, and not for clients;
  2. If it’s beautiful, then everything is correct.

Merchandising is not about “that’s how I say it”, it’s about a set of standard techniques and tools that you need to properly set yourself in your situation.

Ale є й folding. A food and grocery store does not have the same scheme. Therefore, the theory is a theory, and the understanding of its target audience and its behavior does not affect anyone. So, let's get back to the point.

Rules for merchandising what it sells

We are required to print out the folded “card to the client’s management” in advance. Value, analysis and design of client transfers at the point of sale.

And, kindly, don’t miss this moment, as you have small shops around the corner.

In addition, you need to record the average hour of the client's presence at control points (check points). This will also help to understand strategically important points.

It is possible that you have already passed this stage and your card is ready. Therefore, let’s move on to “visual marketing”, so that the correct display and distribution of goods, advertising materials and display design to achieve maximum results.

Rule 1. Roztashuvannya

The most popular rule in merchandising is the “Golden Trikutnik”. In fact, there is always a figure with three sides, which is called typical solutions.

The point is that our most popular product is in the far corner near the entrance. And kasa is a popular product in a distant corner.

The rule is the golden trikutnik

The simplest and most sensible example of implementation is a great hypermarket. Bread is always grown at the last corner. To get to the new one, you will go through the entire store. And in order to pay, you will also go through the entire store along a different route, including being in the other extreme bread bin.

The most important thing you have to take away from this rule is the most popular product, for example.

If you are respectful, you may end up with a client visiting you and not buying an unnecessary (popular) product.

I have a lot of respect for you. When a customer enters a store, both right-handed and left-handed are identified as dead zones. People are in adaptation mode and try to earn a few hours from the easy “trans”.

Even so, if you don’t need to place a bet on the placement bank after entering, the result will be small.

And after “turning on the purchase mode”, it’s time to place in the store products that are not popular, but that are useful for you.

Even if the client is already in the shopping phase, he has to go far, and the thoughts in his head are in the style of “The store has 100% of the pennies, which means you can buy something that is not needed.”

Rule 2. Rive of eyes

When a person enters a trading floor, his gaze is most often straight ahead. It’s a shame not to ignore this factor.

If you want to turn the client’s respect into a good product, treat it with equal consideration. And it is more correct to aim not at the same level as the eyes, but 15 degrees lower, which is why we psychologically heard a little downward when overexposed.

The rule is the rhubarb of the eyes

However, you can use it for other purposes, for example, to increase the respect of customers for a product that needs to be sold out or to gain respect for a new product.

In grocery stores, the companies that pay the most to supermarkets are on equal terms.

As you already guessed, the dead zones are the bottom (less than 70 centimeters above the surface) and the top (more than 2 meters below the surface).

Moreover, the lower placement is not safe, the lower is upper, so that in order to transfer the goods to the animal client, it is necessary to raise his head. And in order to obtain the goods from the forgery, you need to sit practically on the forgery, which will then lead to the most important (or lazy) actions.

Important! Be sure to record the average height of your ideal client to understand where they stand in their eyes. Even those who are more beautiful than grandmothers are more beautiful than basketball players. And just like that.

Rule 3. Product visibility

If everything is done incorrectly, then when looking at your products, the client will quickly take everything in and then refer you to another store. And the reason for this is that nothing was sealed.

Therefore, you will need to learn how to perform special actions in order to “get the client behind your eyes” during your run, you have options:

1. Lots of product. You can create a heap from the product and thereby increase the visual mass.

Tse vikliche thought “it’s rich, it means it’s popular.” Also, don’t forget to take a couple of items from the edges to eliminate the fear of ruining the composition and to show that the product may be damaged.

Lots of goods

2. Light. It’s a very popular technique in jewelry stores, where behind this backdrop you can see especially valuable pieces on the shelves themselves.
You will also need to work on it, bring the other lights (wall-mounted lamps) to the copies you need.

Illumination vision

3. Product on display. A good way to see the exhibition place and design. Popular use for high price category goods.

For example, Apple technology will forever stand close to everyone. If there is a way to get involved in these areas, use your imagination.

Okreme exhibition center

4. Color.“Colorful splashes” have always been a popular technique. You need to group products of the same color palette in one place

This way, it will be easier for clients to choose (for example, when a guy looks for a blue jacket), and it will collapse in stages.

Kolyorovi plyam

5. Markers. My favorite trick. You need to place markers “Hot selling”, “New”, “Remaining copy” etc. on the selected product. This will help to captivate the client’s gaze and draw the attention that the brothers require.

Markers on price tags

Rule 4. Hem

Arranging for groups is a very polite official. A person who looks for shoes is probably more likely to find them than a white woman.

Therefore, the product may be from this group, where it belongs. For example, accessories stand out from the rest of your home clothes.

If you don’t have such variety in your assortment, go for the product in the middle of the group. For example, separate travel bags from accessible ones. Or reinforce leather bags with gantry ones. You can also work for brands or looks.

Product category

Also, don’t forget that groups have a responsibility to be friends with each other. For example, there are light bulbs lying around the lamps, and hats, mittens and scarves are wobbling around the jackets.

In this way, V, the client, without leaving the place, buys everything he needs.

They are also worried about friendship between brands. Along with popular brands, we need to place products from less popular companies, in order for them to be even more relevant for you.

Then clients begin to purchase the selected product, and then inadvertently select other offers.

Rule 5. Rukh

It's no secret that most people are right-handed. Therefore, when entering any kind of premises, most people immediately turn their heads to the right and begin to move in confusion in the direction of the anniversary arrow.

There are quite a few problems associated with retail space. Ours is a right-handed movement in Russia.

The rule is rokh

Guess what, for example, supermarkets. This behavioral factor is used by almost everyone, with a small exception – right-handed in, left-handed out.

And in order to leave, you need to go through the entire store, having received a couple of speeches at the right time, which caught your eye, again, always using other methods of merchandising.

You need to provide your evidence with a stronger butt. And you yourself need to create a collapse in your store against the anniversary arrow.

At this point, transfer it so that the client goes through the entire store. So you don’t have to take short detours before leaving. We focus on the principle “Do you want to leave? Walk the whole store.”

Rule 6. POS materials

Point of sales or, Russian, place of sale - this is a merchandising tool to ensure that the respect of buyers is respected for the product.

In our article, we pointed out a number of examples of their implementation. In short, they can be victorious and need to be reported to the office.


A lot of fakers hide their secrets in distant merchandising. The smell depends on the scope of activity, the nature of the products supplied, and the level of its demand.

Prihovany merchandising

Naturally, a retailer who follows the constant progress of sales, as well as a retail outlet, in his activities is bound by such concepts as merchandising. With this help, and most importantly the correct formulation, you can easily achieve your goals in the sphere of sales promotion, merchandise circulation, obtaining potential buyers, creating a positive image of the brand, etc.

A lot of fahivts are mowing their secrets far away merchandising. The smell depends on the scope of activity, the nature of the products supplied, and the level of demand. Of course, the general manager pays little attention to the fact that his behavior on the trading floor is stagnant in practice. hobbies, ale chinniy merchandising. The whole point of this is to guide the client with an invisible hand before making a purchase, as if it is impulsive, and the buyer, while looking at the product range, will not require a specific item.

What does merchandising matter to visitors?

Shchob prikhovany merchandising Having the desired effect, store operators need to understand the basic principles, as they are called security merchandising:

  • The buyer is a lazy person, the same way he conducts himself in the store and supermarket, and much else around the world. In connection with this, the main manipulations damn merchandising may be direct to your information.
  • Most people are right-handed, so their hands in any situation begin with their right foot. With due respect to this fact, it is necessary that the entrance and flow of clients at the trading floor be in the right direction, and the flow proceeds against the year arrow.
  • The medical peculiarities of nationality indicate the fact that the reading of Europeans is moving to the right. Due to such trends occurring at the retail outlet, all clients read the information and provide information in this manner. Well, the guys can see the stink, starting from the left side.
  • Same in merchandising The golden police rule has been adopted. This is due to the people's love to admire or raise their heads and take a look at the products presented below or above. It has been statistically proven that the turnover of goods at the police station, which is constant, significantly exceeds the sales of other goods.
  • Prikhovany trading merchandising conveys competent week-by-day facing. To achieve significant sales of products, you can simultaneously install a number of facings for one position.
  • Creating space for the client to praise the decision. In some supermarkets, trading pavilions are located in the aisles, which is important for the attention of the customers. To solve this problem, it is necessary to fence them off and create a small entrance.
  • Wikoristanny of advertising possibilities. As part of the advertising campaign, producers create significant budgets for the creation of various advertising media. Among them, the most popular are stitching tapes, whiskey, stickers and other elements that allow you to attract respect and emphasize it on the singing position.

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