What to buy from the shopping center. My Malt Island

What to buy from the shopping center. My Malt Island

  • Fast food – traditional hamburgers and hot dogs, pizza, mlintsi
  • Cold drinks - cocktails, water, sparkling water
  • Gadgets and accessories – cases for phones, headsets, key fobs, gaiters
  • Jewelry – anniversaries, women’s and men’s embellishments
  • Cosmetics and perfumes
  • Souvenir products – designer T-shirts, kitchen items, badges, themed souvenirs
  • Kavyarnya - kava to take with you or drink at the bar
  • Car accessories - key fobs, seat heaters, souvenirs for the control panel, any car device desired by the client

When choosing an assortment, consider the specifics of the shopping center. For example, accessories and perfumes will be needed in centers selling clothes, and drinks and fast food are universal and suitable for any shopping center with good distribution. Also, when choosing, you need to pay attention to the center itself, often the status of a shopping center includes barriers to the operation of trays selling exotic hedgehogs or perfumes, as the smell will spread throughout the trading floor. Take into account the specifics of such trading platforms and the center where you plan to work in order not to be disappointed with the business during the first month of work.

An important factor is competition, especially from the side of big stores. For example, it makes no sense to sell vzutta on the island near a shopping center that specializes in selling clothes. The most effective solutions will be the implementation of accessories and ways to look after the clothes in such a place.

Also, when choosing an assortment, take into account customer demand, the type and characteristics of the shopping center, the presence of competitors who offer a shorter assortment, added prices and other advantages.

Place Ostrivets: select shopping center

The growth of retail outlets is immediately pouring into. The selection of shopping centers is based on the following factors:

  • Directly to the shopping center to suit the selection of assortments.
  • Availability of handy squares near the shopping center (foyer, hallways, passage corridors between shops).
  • The visibility of the minds of a shopping center when designing a shopping island can be reduced to the type of construction, the visibility of the sealed structure, the identification of other parameters that indicate the underground style of the stores.
  • The presence of a shift in the permitted sales of products in shopping centers, such centers prevents the sales of food products, souvenir kiosks and the expansion of other goods.

The main factor in the choice is the location of the shopping center. You can get acquainted with the numbers by looking at the shopping center statistics that are published on official websites. It’s not like you’ll be chasing great advances again. Renting shopping malls in centers with greater distribution than competitors. From the very beginning, the issue of the lease is given priority and it is easier to give priority to the smaller mortgage, because at an affordable price rent payment.

In addition, the most popular shopping centers are moving forward until the establishment of shopping islands. We rely on visual materials for the development of the island in the sales area. Preparing sketches and visualizations in a design bureau is expensive and can be unnecessary.

When signing a lease agreement, clarify the possibility of installing additional islands on the territory of the shopping center. Once the business is successful, you can expand your ability to withdraw additional income and it is necessary to consider options for renting additional money.

Pay attention to the presence of security near the shopping center, as we are careful not only behind the surrounding stores, but also behind the island near the shopping area. The availability of goods makes them easy money for criminals.

When choosing, focus on the quality of the order, the possibilities of developing your business and the clarity of the rules of the shopping center.

Merits of a trading island

Trade Island is an optimal space that does not require a large contribution to the rent. Ostrivets has the following achievements:

The positive features of the islander include his hand-held platform for trading and working with clients. With attractive decor and bright decor, you will be in the center of respect, attracting clients to you and not allowing them to just walk through.

Islands for shopping centers, equipped with wheels, used, for example, for the sale of grub products, manually for moving by a shopping center. Having chosen such a square, you can get a home from the shopping center about the benefits of mental health, and the rent will be minimal. In addition, the wheelbase allows you to move behind the clients, ensuring the importance of different divisions different periods day.

Possible shortcomings

In addition to the obvious advantages, the trade island has shortcomings that need to be addressed during the planned work of the Maidan. Zokrema, the downsides include:

  • The number of warehouses in Ostrovytsia means that it is impossible to maintain a stock of goods and products
  • Reduced trade when choosing the wrong trading positions - a small area means there is little space for displaying goods and there are goods on display that are not suitable for customers but are not yet updated, res can shvidko zniknuti
  • Hardly possible to arrange the assortment of products in most shopping centers, Ostrovets is guilty of replicating the style of other stores, pouring into the underground.

All the shortcomings are reduced to the limit of space, which must be competently explored. Consider exactly what products earn the respect of customers who display them in a visible place. Change the layout options and assortments to find the best solutions and attract loyal customers with new products. In trading there is a place for experimentation.

To avoid most of the problems, get to know the benefits of shopping centers to accommodate island residents. Until the end of the year, the landlord’s norm includes and allows you to calmly work, eliminating the income.

We work independently or as a franchisee

Starting a business on your own, selecting and purchasing goods can be done at a reasonable price, without exceeding the budget. However, by trading under your name, you lose the main component of trade - brand recognition. Clients should use your trading platform, rather than rely on new advertising that is familiar with the logo, it does not include the effect of trusting the verified brand, which means you risk being left without buyers for a long time before you earn a positive reputation Yu.

To immediately start a successful trade, you can quickly use robotic propositions. There are a lot of great brands that operate in the sphere of trade in food products, cosmetics, perfumes, clothing and jewelry, and offer franchises. In addition, there are many proposals for small Maidans, such as shopping islands for shopping centers.

By operating as a franchise, you immediately lose the opportunity to promote products under a verified brand and the ability to use the same logo when designing the island. By operating a franchise of a trusted brand, you can ensure an effective and steady influx of customers from the very beginning. Franchising companies offer a wide range of options and solutions for the design of trade islands, the client can receive a ready-made design at his disposal, bypassing the stage of design and preparation of the maydanchik for purchase.

Regardless of the chosen option, ensure your financial possibilities and options for immediate business return.

Before making any trading agreements, pay attention to the recommendations for starting a business:

  1. Important pros and cons of the islanders - this trading platform is handy for cobs, is characterized by simplicity in place and an unfavorable equal profit with the correct registration of information.
  2. Carefully select the assortment, ensure the interest of clients and directness to the shopping center, and avoid waste
  3. Do not marry high rental rates when choosing a shopping center, it is better to choose a profitable rental rate and the number of clients per day and on weekends
  4. Choose a better design of the island, providing more space for displaying goods, adding design to the structure, creating a place for saving product inventories.
  5. Take a look at the option of starting a business with a franchise - a familiar brand will help you launch a successful trade from the first day.
  6. Take part in sales - you can initially work as a seller independently or control the work of sellers, which will allow you to better understand the needs of clients, make changes to your business strategy.
  7. in other shopping centers, design features, methods of working with clients and other cursory speeches.
  8. Renew the assortment or replenish stocks before the weekend, when the pumping capacity is at its maximum.
  9. Consider renting warehouse space on the territory of a shopping center - a warehouse nearby will allow you to eliminate barriers to trade.

Business requires constant participation and control. Keep your heart and soul in order, and you won’t be overwhelmed by positive results. Retail space on the territory of the shopping center is inexpensive, so you can further expand the installation of additional stores or rent a full-priced store.

Write your nutrition in the form below

They are in the distance and not far away. As successful stories run out of steam, then soon we will no longer be added. But in the near future you can learn the most important lessons. We respect that negative evidence is still evidence. Tom magazine IQ Review opens a series of articles on the topic “how you don’t have to work in business” with this story. She will tell you a thousand other stories. There is merit in the fact that she explains in detail what a stranger will not tell you about. We pass on the word of the heroine as the revelation of the whole truth. Read and get started.

How I discovered the island with tsukerki at the shopping center

Where do you live? little place with a population of no more than 250 thousand, then the problem of a consistent choice is not urgent - for the simple reason that there is simply no such thing. Shops in the towns of Krasnoyarsk, which did not require repairs and renovations after hours of collapse Radyansky Union, show us the same type of goods and Chinese goods at discounted prices. Emerging shopping centers also do not take up space on new rhubarb, that is why the same frames with the same assortment, or even larger sizes, have been created.

Looking for business ideas in a small place

I live in one of these places near the outskirts of Rostov-on-Don. My decision about self-righteousness came suddenly. My name is Hanna, I’m 27 years old, I’m a mother on maternity leave, and before starting a business I didn’t have anything to drink. No one in my family or family has ever gone into business, we are all just working people.

And here, at the stage of inception of the idea, I encountered the first difficulties. On cob sauerkraut, some support is important - whatever it is that that tension gives strength. Ideally, this is a person who has already achieved great success in the field of education and can date good luck. Even if you are a person in isolation, you may also be unaware of the online space. In extreme cases, you can find like-minded people with friends or relatives.

I had to do without anything. The idea was new within the framework of my place, and this itself gave me less confidence and confidence in the success of my enterprise.

Franchise "Suchna dopomoga"

A proposal about purchasing a franchise for the Smachna Dopomoga brand appeared in the form of contextual advertising. I was captivated by the name, the numbers and the hundreds of payouts.

The company offered a markup of 100-200% on its goods and a payback in 3 months with only 100 thousand rubles spent. When I went to the site, the light on my profile went off.

These were tsukerki, and not just tsukerki, but European malts, sealed in jars of 50, 150 and 250 ml with stickers on which the garnishes were adorned. The unique concept for the brand is a jar of tsukerok instead of tablets as a solution to confusion. Cream of tsukerok, the assortment included chewers from the 90s, a stove with piercings and ready gift sets. On the promotional page, everything looked impressive, bright, and the photos show the successful points. I felt compelled to give my place a similar spark of joy, to give people the opportunity to experience something similar.

Pros and cons of the franchise

I was inspired by the idea of ​​​​buying a franchise, because the company offered the opportunity to supply goods in bulk. There were fewer pluses and fewer minuses. For a price of 250 thousand rubles, the franchise also gave the right to a 3% reduction on the contract and a mythical support for managers, as well as the status of an official representative, which, no less, did not allow me to be the only representative in my isti. I also relinquished the right to trade in other goods at my own discretion, and for my money I made myself look at something that I respected with a great disadvantage.

Business plan for a malt store

Malt shop

Starting capital for opening a retail outlet

I didn't have any pennies. Ale bula credit card with a limit of 120,000 rubles. I respected what could be done.

There was no price markup, however. For the separate price of a large jar of 290 rubles, the purchase price became 162 rubles. So, the markup is 80%, the ruble equivalent is 128 rubles per unit sold. For chewers and smaller jars, the markup ranged from 50 to 60%.

I found in the distance, in my opinion, a place in a shopping center, in which the main sellers of the company "Children's World", "Letual" and "TsentrVzuttya" were. Price 1 sq. meters became 5 thousand karbovantsіv, and the total amount of 3 sq. m I took. m. - 15 thousand per month.

Expansion of the term of occupancy

With my money, for an average daily income of 1 thousand rubles, I will pay back my expenses in 8-10 months. This is my entire business plan for that hour. And this pardon itself caused all the problems that followed. I did not emphasize the important factors that are the foundation and the first pillar of a successful project.

I made a contract for 100,000 rubles. The washed-up woman was carrying around jars, bits of chewers, and a box of “Pivnyata” ice packs. I paid the bank by transferring the card, which automatically added 4% commission to my bank, and that was not less than 4 thousand. rubles Delivery by a transport company added another 2 thousand rubles to the cob costs.

After searching around and signing the contract, I came across the concept of “deposit”. This meant that I needed to pay for two months at a time - the first and last under the contract, in other words, to make a security deposit. My 15 thousand turned into 30. I had to add money from the family budget.

The next step was cleaning the windows. The stinks cost 30 thousand. I took these pennies from a friend. Dribnitsy in the form of registration of an individual entrepreneur, a bunch of companions, empty spaces, and offices emptied my already meager budget by about 4 thousand.

Thus, making a small point of malt cost 170 thousand rubles. This significantly increased the terms of absorption, equalized with cob pods. It was already too late to arrive.

Business in numbers: sales, revenue, profit

Krapka gave her robot 1 chernya 2014 to rock. At the initial stage, I decided to trade myself, without hiring sellers, in order to learn and paint a portrait of a potential buyer. It is necessary to say that the product is truly in great demand.

What can drink and give turnover?

At my great celebration, the biggest drinkers were the products of the 90s - “Love is”, “Turbo” chewers, “Yuppie” and “Zuko” retail juices, and they even bought a lot of ice cream for the children.

Before “Savory Help,” the production was even more wary, but there was constant interest. Every other person had to explain that this is not dietary supplements, not liquids, fish food. When the people realized what the zucchini was, food was blamed for the high price. In fact, at prices of 290 rubles per 250 grams, the price per kilogram exceeded 1100 rubles. At the same time, I provided evidence about the fact that the zucchini is unheard of, including the European one. The emphasis was placed on the gift packaging option and the unimportant reasons that made the tsukerki both a stand-alone gift and an acceptable addition to the gift.

As a result of all the ups and downs, the proceeds for the first month amounted to 70 thousand, which more than doubled my recovery. My joy did not exist between.

During this difficult first month, I have made such unpleasant memories:

  1. For a successful startup, there are still more beautiful types of activities that are well known to most people. It’s enough to make a little more money. And if the product is already needed, it will be drunk immediately, with minimal drying.
  2. It is easier to develop new types of business due to the obvious availability of funds, great amount In good time, I would like to work as an advertiser, or I would like to get some additional news.

Expanded assortment of retail outlets

After paying the rent for the linen, having decided to replenish the stock of goods that were very much out of stock, I caught those that were immediately known to the police - beetles and ice pans “Pivnyata”. I had regular buyers who asked for more products from the 90s at that time, singing “Dr. Pepper." I found the postmasters of a good American drink and made a deal worth about 20 thousand. After all the losses, 25 thousand were lost to repay the loan, of which I contributed 17, the rest of which I wanted to treat myself to new clothes and a few trips to the restaurant.

Another month of work brought 60 thousand rubles to the market. Moving positions ended, non-moving ones hung like dead weight. I, of course, wanted to sell, so I had to buy popular cans of “Savory Help”, “Yuppies” and chews for a sum of about 30 thousand. Contracted by “Dr. Pepper" rose, and despite the low markup (30 rubles) and the cost of delivery, the real benefit was practically zero. At the beginning of the next month, I advertised for a sales vacancy, since there were signs of elementary work during the month without days off from 10.00 to 21.00. Following the 2/2 schedule, the salesperson’s salary generated 8 thousand in revenue. Of course, I didn’t even pay for the cob nuts.

Another month allowing you to earn such rewards:

  1. Beginning with any business that is transferred to the victorious business of hiring workers, it is necessary to eliminate basic knowledge in the field of personnel management. I tried to give advantage to girls for 25-30 years due to the fact of work. But this did not disappoint me in the face of unpleasant situations related to incompetence and banal hopelessness.
  2. Poor people are more important than keruvati. The duty to protect the salary will cause most losses to reduce the salesperson’s productivity and the practice of “staying for a year.”

In the third month, sales continued to go well, but at the end of the month they reached 50 thousand. It would seem that in just three months it would be possible to pay off the Borg, or I would like to significantly change it. In truth, half of the Borg was paid off. The police were empty again. Before it was spring, sales fell. I was tossing around throwing everything at the bastards, teasing another place (we don’t have that much of that in our place) or going all-in. Thoughts about the approach of the New Rock, which meant a great purchase, were endlessly repeated.

Sales of malts during the Holy Day

Hopes for love were sacredly fulfilled. I bought a lot of new malts for a sum of about 40 thousand, the stench looked very beautiful, dark, Christmas-like. I collected kits, tried to sell more myself, and didn’t trust the sellers. Absolutely everything was bought up. Viruchka 31 breasts were very pleased - 12 thousand. The display cases were completely empty. Those that I invested from him and will buy from me turned back. Ale no more.

After the recent holidays, overwhelmed by the front-line sales, I assumed that the lute and birch saints might also bring in some nasty profits. Well, here I’ve already lost my mind. Chergova's purchase before Christmas practically did not attract buyers. The saints had passed, the shelves were filled with goods, people were no longer short of pennies. The amount of lost proceeds ranged from 50 to 500 rubles, which could not cover the rent and salary.

As a result, my bank in front of the bank has not only remained unchanged, but rather increased. The sum bank account reached 140 thousand, and now it has increased by hundreds - about 4 thousand rubles per month. I also didn’t give any obligations to my friend. Deposits of 170 thousand became unpaid. Finally, I closed the lid.

What lessons have I learned from the process of operating a retail outlet, mainly after it was closed?

  1. The capital, investments from the owner and the original store, will never return. This is an investment that needs to be pledged to a business plan, without paying it off.
  2. A business plan is the main springboard for a future project.
  3. In addition to offline sales, it is necessary to conduct online trading at the same time. This could be a side in social networks, a simple one-sided page or a full-fledged site. For rich people, shopping on the Internet is the best option, if you can spend a few days looking back at the product you are looking for.
  4. You need to learn how to delegate to the robot. It is impossible to be a real trader, seller, vandal, or for that matter a successful entrepreneur. And it’s definitely worth it for young mothers.
  5. It’s impossible to follow people’s wishes if you don’t know anything about your business or your life. There is a lot of confusion and confusion in thoughts, but it doesn’t lead to anything.
  6. It’s not good to get hung up on your project, as it is the first and the only. You need to be mindful of immediately leaving the place you are in, which you are renting, without forgetting about the possibility of scaling, as far as costs allow.
  7. Golovne has faith in herself; without it, the most promising initiative will fail.

Whose materials:

How to open your island near the shopping center? Anyone who thinks a lot about business, opening points in a shopping center can be the beginning of the successful development of a new business.

Why take off better from the outskirts of the island near the shopping center? The reasons for this may include the following:

  • the amount of investment in the project at the very beginning is small;
  • a great flow of buyers, as a result of increased sales.

Of course, everything will be left to your ambitions, but organizing one island will not require large-scale expenditures. The end result is to find a similar product. From now on you can sell copper gifts or fresh juices. To start such a business, you don’t need a large investment.

Register your status. Some entrepreneurs find it easier to open an IP, while others prefer to apply for a patent more quickly.

Find a reliable shopping center, or better yet, browse through several centers. Return to the directorate, find out about the prices and the minds of the order.

Many shopping centers can distribute free shelving to entrepreneurs. By choosing this option, you will save a lot of money.

The presence of the powerful island will help to determine the impact on the goods. Do you know how to introduce Varto's products to your colleagues? This is the ideal way to introduce a business to the market. If you have enough money, add your wealth. Later, you can easily transport the island to another shopping center, distributing it to a larger place. This way you will increase the profitability of your business.

How to move income from the island?

Have a drink first. The most important thing for buyers is to ensure profitability of business. Showcase those that are missing in other sections of the shopping center. Of course, the market needs to introduce a product that is no longer relevant.

Renew the assortment, attract attention with promotions. Add respect to your window display design. It would be great if you could introduce products to customers that accompany goods from local stores.

Find out more about sales technology. Propose to your companions to complete the goods. You can sell accessories and additional parts, for example, sell cases or batteries together with equipment. Good results There is a promotion when 3 products can be purchased for the price of 2.

Try dividing the ostrivets into several pieces, and place the following products in the skin section. So the buyer does not have to wait, but start to bypass the island in search of the products they need.

Staff, advertising and ownership

Show respect and discipline to your staff. Tse important moment As a result, the cost of service directly affects sales. However, if you plan to work in a shopping center on your own, you will need at least one sweatshirt per shift. The number of workers can be increased whenever the business develops successfully. Call 2 individuals for 1 island, then use the robot in shifts.

It’s good to say something about varity. You can open a trade kiosk with a starting capital of 1500 dollars. Of course, there is a lot to be found right next to the shopping center itself and its growth.

For the cob, add the following steps:

  1. Showcases and shelving.
  2. Computer.
  3. Cash machine.
  4. To avoid thieves, install a video camera. There is also a need for transaction control.
  5. Whiskey and advertising materials.

The remaining two points are important, but you can check them until the moment when the business begins to generate profits. So you’ll spend a little time vitrati.

Remember that you will have to pay the rent for the accommodation. In addition, there is a fee for telephone and Internet. Costs are needed to carry out an advertising campaign. Fakhivtsi recommend asking about business protection, for which you need to select a primary insurance company and issue a policy.

Naturally, a small business works better than the activity of its ruler. Therefore, do not sit with clasped hands, do everything to ensure the dynamics of trading. Instantly adapt your assortments to customer requests. Follow the trends of this season, concentrate on the most profitable areas. For example, at the end of the day, new paraphernalia is being purchased well, and drinks for juices, milkshakes and ice cream are moving in.

Most of your income comes from rent. If you do everything correctly, then your pennies will increase over time. You must first recoup your investment, and then you will receive a stable income.

If it is true, it is possible to open the islands of other shopping centers. The creation of trade kiosks will increase profits. Cob entrepreneurs often open island franchises. And the parent company helps them get started here. Vaughn provides advertising materials, specialists from the head office advise on the nutrition of the trade organization. The curator's assistance is especially respectful. There is greater confidence that you will successfully start and develop your right.

Now you know what to discover in the shopping center. Your ostrivets will work at the hour when the shopping center is working. Sometimes it is necessary to collect the goods at the end of the day and put them on display, but in most shopping centers there is no need to collect the products from the police.


The appearance of the island in the shopping center can be called a miraculous way to try your hand at business. In the beginning, your strategy will be self-sufficiency, and later you will earn a regular income. Remember that if you have to pay the rent, there will be other expenses. To increase your profits, work on your sales techniques, and don’t forget about advertising your products.

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How to open a store near a shopping center: a step-by-step plan

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Many small business owners are faced with a difficult choice - open a large independent store or rent a small point in a shopping center.

Both options have their pros and cons. St. Petersburg entrepreneur Dmitro Ogorodnik was faced with such a choice - he had already decided to go ahead and decide to take a test drive at the “island” format at the shopping center.

We think that rich small business owners will find this evidence very disappointing.

Dmitro Ogorodnik, 34 roki, immigrant from St. Petersburg, general director of the Karelshungit company, which operates stores "MineralMarket"і "Planet Shungitu".

Lighting: Ryazan Institute of Airborne Forces. Dmitro Ogorodnik – author business blog, in which way to share with a powerful message entrepreneurship.

Until the end of 2020, the company will have a small independent store; A retail outlet opened near the Cherven shopping center.

Think over the design, create a perfect presentation

The advantage of shopping centers is that there is already traffic there. You won’t need to spend money on getting people to know about your store’s location and start coming to you. You immediately deny access to a mass audience.

The first thing you need to understand is that you want to sign a lease agreement, but in fact you do not need the lease itself, but access to maximum capacity people who are “loitering” at this or that shopping center.

Therefore, you need to start by setting your mind - you don’t just fit into any shopping center, but find a good place in any shopping center.

The first thing you need to do is create a presentation. Almost all shopping centers will ask you to send a presentation to your project; without it, your proposal will not be seen. The presentation may have the following warehouses:

    Design of your store. You need to catch him up ahead even before you start making jokes about the place.

    Competitive advantages. Write why you are a wonderful option for a shopping center. Here you have to use your imagination and use your arguments.

    Portrait of your target audience.

    Plan the average receipt for your store.

    Secret information about your company.

The most important point is about design. Obviously, you will need to know an agency that will deal with the design of retail outlets and stores. There are not so many such agencies (taken from Peter), but they stink.

You need to think about how sketchy the store looks. How the windows will be expanded, what the windows will be like, where the checkout area will be, etc.

Since I don’t have any thoughts on my mind, I would like to walk through shopping centers and marvel at the places that are already doing business.

And praise the decision, as you deserve, for your vision.

Then the designers will be responsible for converting your hidden scheme into 3D visualization.

This picture needs to be inserted into the presentation - it contains 50% of those who decide to praise you.

Without the pictures, the people who make the decision simply cannot figure out how you will fit into the hidden visual concept of this shopping center.

I immediately want to advance: if you want an “island”, then immediately plan to work on it from the warehouse and plastic. Chi is out of the woods! There will be more chances to confirm you. The shopping center really loves plastic “islands”.

Once the presentation is ready, you need to compile a list of all shopping centers in your area. You need to do everything possible. And then choose from what to teach you.

All shopping centers handle rentals either through a contractual agency or through a rental agency. You need to find on the Internet all the contacts of managers from various structures. Then - call them, ask about the place, check their work emails and send your presentation.

Be prepared to the point where no one knows you right away. In a few days I will call everyone again, make a fortune for themselves, and ask them to admire your presentation.

If necessary, you need to call each person for 3-4 days until they tell you that “there is no place” or “you do not fit into our concept,” or you do not recommend any options.

Let's assume you got it right after all the call of the bell You will be advised of the options to choose from and request to speak with a manager.

And here is an extremely important point: before this happens, be sure to go to this shopping center, and you should go at least twice - once on weekdays, the other time on weekends.

Take a handy place to be careful and check the permeability. Count how many people pass through your upcoming store for 30 dollars or a year.

This allows you to measure potential traffic.

Also take into account the availability of parking, public roads, competition with shopping centers nearby, etc.

Read the contract carefully, bargain, ask about rental holidays

Let’s say they called you back, they gave you an option, you monitored everything, and you’re in control. The contract may now be signed.

Before this, as a rule, you sign a previous agreement or an agreement about our intentions (which, in essence, is the same). This document specifies the footage, the amount of payment, the cost of labor, etc.

Sign first - bargain. As a rule, 10% of the total value of the order can be discounted.

You must read the rental agreement with the utmost respect, taking into account every clause. Kozhen shopping center has its own lease agreement. And often there are a lot of different nuances “wired” there that can put you in a very unenviable position.

It is important that you are referred to as the holiday vacation. Call for a month, maximum two. It’s time for you to prepare your trade and equip your point. Since there is no clause in the contract about vacations, be sure to ask about it!

Since everything in the contract governed you and you signed it, then it’s time to launch the production of your retail outlet – hence the confirmed design.

Don’t forget that often the designers themselves are at the forefront of production – and can provide you with a good contractor.

If your designer doesn’t know anyone, then Google and Yandex will help you - for companies that produce equipment, always choose prices and benefits based on reasonable prices, and don’t forget to monitor the output.

Start hiring sellers, arrange acquiring, equip a point

While acquisitions are being prepared, at the same time, start the process of hiring salespeople. The one on the right is not Swedish, you can sleep on it for 1-1.5 months. To our knowledge, it is very important to find competent sellers.

Then you will immediately need to submit an application for registration and establishment of acquiring. It's likely that you'll have to drag it out - until you see the terminal, you can go through a lot of troubles.

Yakomoga first submit your copy of the agreement. The administration of the shopping center can pull against this - for example, transfer it to their directors and divisions for signature.

And you need to install a cash register. This will need to be obtained from specialized companies and placed on deposit with the tax authorities.

Nowadays it is necessary to purchase equipment from the trade. Our daughter has jewelry, so we wore tablets for rings, earrings and other items.

All installation work is completed overnight, so you will need to submit an application for installation.

If you have done everything correctly and carried out all processes in parallel, then in no time your outlet can issue a robot.

And now – our testimony

When we discovered our first island point, we had doubts. We launched this as a test format. Having said that, islands are not the format that suits jewelry. Having said that no one should approach them, whoever you don’t sleep on, all friends will ignore them. Nothing in itself is a zone of discomfort - you stand, choose, and invite people to walk.

On the other hand, in 2011-2012 I myself was trading on the “islands” - and selling badly. People come, shop, buy.

That's why I decided that I wanted to try it. Well, it’s not possible, rent is not that expensive, you can ask for it.

Golovne - understand that the format is suitable.

Well, we opened our first “island” at the St. Petersburg shopping center “Cherven” in 2020. The first month was spent “at zero”. For us, “zero” means 260,000 rubles in turnover.

The year 2020 has begun neither cleverly nor cunningly. The first eleven days after the revolution were again at zero. I walked around feeling very embarrassed. I thought it would continue like this. There were thoughts, but no, the “island” format is really not for jewelry.

But after the Holy Day the situation changed dramatically. Sales went up. As a result, the amount of 417,000 rubles was closed. And this is already a net profit - over 150,000 rubles. For us, this is an indicator that the format is sensitive.

And we have closed the figure for 750,000 rubles. Based on our research, we are ahead of our closest competitors, who have been trading timber at the same shopping center for nine months. Its maximum turnover at this point is close to 600,000 rubles per month.

Our net profit in the region is 300,000 rubles. This is much more for our recovery. So, we can definitely say that this is a working format, and we can easily understand it.

They have already begun to joke about a new place on another “island”. Once I get the format right, we’ll start working on the franchise. Ale tse maybutne.

How to open your own point at a shopping center?

The discovery of high-powered business is not uncommon these days. The easiest way is to spread your business in the sphere of trade in goods, as the demand never goes down. For example, they see bright and inexpensive clothes.

This article contains a disclosure code, which may be used by an individual business when opening its first outlet, as well as an attempt to date great recommendations Let your business have a good start.

Why bother?

Starting a high-profile business begins with the preparation of documents.

First of all, you need go up to tax and register as an individual contractor.

This is the simplest and most common registration option for the trade sector.

Please note that before submitting your application, you will need to pay the government and provide a separate receipt.

In other words, write it in layman's terms application for registration with the pension fund. There is no need to pay for it, otherwise you can easily be fined.

Thirdly, tell me about vіdkrittya rozrakhunkovogo rakhunku, necessary to pay for the services of postal employees. This term is not binding and will remain in the minds of postal workers.

For example, a lot of Russian wholesale companies demonstrate the cooking.

Within 5 working days after opening the account, you must notify the tax inspectorate and the pension fund so as not to be subject to a fine.

Upon completion of all procedures, which will take approximately 5 days, you will be officially treated as an individual contractor.


Selecting a recipient is already a matter of course. By choosing a reliable and reliable company, you will not experience any problems with supplies to a wide range of products.

Select a postal buyer, focusing on the product you plan to sell. Since this is an everyday inexpensive garment, you can purchase it directly in China, and this will involve difficulties with the national certification required for clothing.

Fortunately, the popularity of the clothes of ham pickers has not lost. Delivery and purchases are expected to be much faster.

For example, many wholesalers offer the opportunity to pick up a pre-ordered batch of goods directly from the warehouse or purchase all the necessary products via the Internet.

Until then, you will be able to independently contact the buyer and evaluate the quality of the product yourself before starting the disease.

Select location

The ideal point of sale for inexpensive clothing would be a small module at a shopping center. In this situation, you will not have the opportunity to deal with any additional organizational arrangements that will be handled by your landlord, the administration of the shopping center.

A great advantage is that the shopping center will provide steady flow There are a lot more clients, even if you are close to a local store. The larger and more prominent the shopping center, the better it is for you, and it doesn’t really matter where the shopping center is.

The choice of place to install your trading module at the located shopping center is carried out taking into account the following features:

  • It would be good if there would be one or two stores with similar themes. For example, if you are engaged in sales human costumes, try to rent a place from the human clothing zone so that your store reaches the target audience.
  • Make sure that the prices in your store will be approximately on par with the prices of your competitors. Wait a minute, the boutique with the green clothes is not very visible compared to the stores of cheap clothes for the whole country.
  • Try to choose a place no different from the other one at the top of the shopping center, where the flow of traffic will always be greater.

Prices for renting retail space are quoted per 1 sq.

Most often, they can be judged by the extent to which the module is being expanded and the extent to which the shopping center is located.

The more convenient the retail outlet is for buyers and the more popular the shopping center, the higher the rental price. For the beginning of production activity, a module of 50-100 sq.m. is suitable.

Installation of the bathroom

List necessary possession Not too great for specks in the shopping center.

In front of us, talk about the cash machine. Yogo can be rented. Also try to select a payment terminal that accepts bank cards. Every store that we respect can’t do without it.

To make the robot handy, install a computer. Inexpensive office models are entirely suitable for work due to the availability of goods and effective marketing. Before that, the computer will give your clients additional ways to contact you.

In order to present the goods to the buyer, you need racks or hangers. The stench can grow out of the walls or create small islands right in the middle of the hall. Be sure to place mannequins in the display windows so that you can clearly present the product to potential buyers.

Don't forget to install the appropriate obligatory attribute for any clothing store.


The Zhoden store cannot do without its staff. It is important that one germ can fall on every 50 sq.m area of ​​the store. It’s better to try it yourself in the store yourself.

This way, you can not only save money on payments, but also better understand what the store is missing, and how to save some money. Besides, there are no people who would be more invested in the development of your business for you.

In the future, you may need to hire one or two security guards.

The nutritional staff are once again exposed to the advantages of being located near a shopping center: you won’t be able to hire security guards and cleaners in abundance.


Singingly, it is your food that hurts you the most. Unfortunately, it’s too difficult to give an unequivocal confirmation.

Excessive expenses when opening a dry retail outlet consist of:

  • Vitrat for investment IP;
  • First purchase of goods;
  • Shopping chi orendi obladnannya;
  • Renting a retail space;
  • Spend everything else.

Costs for the establishment of an IP, which, before speaking, will be more than 800 rubles, costs for other items can be subject to change depending on the location of the shopping center, the area of ​​​​the location and as many as necessary One possession.

The article was prepared with the support of a trading company « Business fashion» - manufacturer and wholesaler of stylish and daily business clothes for men of all ages.



Organization of an island near a shopping center: how to open your business

How to open your island near the shopping center? Anyone who thinks a lot about business, opening points in a shopping center can be the beginning of the successful development of a new business.

Why take off better from the outskirts of the island near the shopping center? The reasons for this may include the following:

  • the amount of investment in the project at the very beginning is small;
  • a great flow of buyers, as a result of increased sales.

Of course, everything will be left to your ambitions, but organizing one island will not require large-scale expenditures. The end result is to find a similar product. From now on you can sell copper gifts or fresh juices. To start such a business, you don’t need a large investment.

Register your status. Some entrepreneurs find it easier to open an IP, while others prefer to apply for a patent more quickly.

Many shopping centers can distribute free shelving to entrepreneurs. By choosing this option, you will save a lot of money.

The presence of the powerful island will help to determine the impact on the goods. Do you know how to introduce Varto's products to your colleagues? This is the ideal way to introduce a business to the market.

If you have enough money, add your wealth. Later, you can easily transport the island to another shopping center, distributing it to a larger place. This way you will increase the profitability of your business.

How to move income from the island?

Have a drink first. The most important thing for buyers is to ensure profitability of business. Showcase those that are missing in other sections of the shopping center. Of course, the market needs to introduce a product that is no longer relevant.

Renew the assortment, attract attention with promotions. Add respect to your window display design. It would be great if you could introduce products to customers that accompany goods from local stores.

Find out more about sales technology. Propose to your companions to complete the goods. You can sell accessories and additional parts, for example, sell cases or batteries together with equipment. Promotions give good results when 3 products can be purchased for the price of 2.

Try dividing the ostrivets into several pieces, and place the following products in the skin section. So the buyer does not have to wait, but start to bypass the island in search of the products they need.

Staff, advertising and ownership

Show respect and discipline to your staff. This is an important point, since the service quality directly affects sales.

However, if you plan to work in a shopping center on your own, you will need at least one sweatshirt per shift. The number of workers can be increased whenever the business develops successfully.

Call 2 individuals for 1 island, then use the robot in shifts.

It’s good to say something about varity. You can open a trade kiosk with a starting capital of 1500 dollars. Of course, there is a lot to be found right next to the shopping center itself and its growth.

For the cob, add the following steps:

  1. Showcases and shelving.
  2. Computer.
  3. Cash machine.
  4. To avoid thieves, install a video camera. There is also a need for transaction control.
  5. Whiskey and advertising materials.

The remaining two points are important, but you can check them until the moment when the business begins to generate profits. So you’ll spend a little time vitrati.

Remember that you will have to pay the rent for the accommodation. In addition, there is a fee for telephone and Internet.

Naturally, a small business works better than the activity of its ruler. Therefore, do not sit with clasped hands, do everything to ensure the dynamics of trading. Instantly adapt your assortments to customer requests.

Follow the trends of this season, concentrate on the most profitable areas. For example, at the end of the day, new paraphernalia is being purchased well, and drinks for juices, milkshakes and ice cream are moving in.

Most of your income comes from rent. If you do everything correctly, then your pennies will increase over time. You must first recoup your investment, and then you will receive a stable income.

If it is true, it is possible to open the islands of other shopping centers. The creation of trade kiosks will increase profits. Cob entrepreneurs often open island franchises. And the parent company helps them get started here.

There is greater confidence that you will successfully start and develop your right.

Now you know what to discover in the shopping center. Your ostrivets will work at the hour when the shopping center is working. Sometimes it is necessary to collect the goods at the end of the day and put them on display, but in most shopping centers there is no need to collect the products from the police.


The appearance of the island in the shopping center can be called a miraculous way to try your hand at business.

In the beginning, your strategy will be self-sufficiency, and later you will earn a regular income. Remember that if you have to pay the rent, there will be other expenses.

To increase your profits, work on your sales techniques, and don’t forget about advertising your products.

A look at the business model: Ostrivets near the shopping center

The opening of the trading island is an attractive idea for small businesses. This is an economical type of retail that does not require high starting investments. One of the less risky options is working with a franchise.

In search of an economical, or convenient and functional place for sale, many entrepreneurs have a lot of respect for the island of the shopping center.

This interest can be explained: since there is not enough capital to open a store in an adjacent area, then it is possible to start a business without significant starting investments - installing a light modular structure in the central part of the hall, in the gallery And if you go through the shopping center, there are the most traffickers. Prote practice shows what this species is separate trade It has its own peculiarities, which serve as a guide to those who are considering your revelation.

Pros and cons of the islanders

Like any business, trading islands have their fortunes and shortcomings, about which the future rulers are responsible for being informed in advance.


  • Compactness (on average 2 to 15 sq. m), which allows you not to overpay for rent
  • Possibility of selling a wide range of both food and non-food goods and services. There are many of them: ice cream, malt, gadgets, perfumes and cosmetics, express manicure (nail bar), accessories, coffee, clothing items, repair of vintage items, express payments, pawnshop, jewelry stores, etc.
  • Handy distribution at “pass-through” supermarket locations
  • Ease of folding and dismantling, mobility (obviously wheeled base)


  • Number of warehouse facilities, merchandising facilities (which includes the range of goods for sale)
  • Limitation of display space (when openings with high prices for products, there is an excess of unclaimed positions)
  • Strict standards for the appearance of commercial structures, which are often imposed by the landlord.

To minimize the risks and unplanned investments when trading on the island, you need to carefully consider the rationale, analyze the traffic of the selected point and the visibility of the target audience for your product ів that service.

Select location

When designing large stores and richly functional centers, planning for plenty of space already compromises the presence of shopping islands. During the process of putting the facility into operation, their quantity may change, if not insignificantly.

On one side, it allows future vendors to look ahead most beautiful time For vidcritte of the sovereign “points”, the vinica is not at the same time to be divided by the Orteodavtsia, often Vimogi to the vangeous of the rings of pratsuvati, it is to the monastery of the center.

p align="justify"> An important criterion for choosing a place for a trading island is the throughput indicator (div. Fig. 1)

Fig. 1 TOP 10 “best-performing” places in Russia

If only you could make a choice, without losing the popularity of the shopping center.

It has been noted that in “passing-by” supermarkets there are successful islanders who present household brands with great names: brand names of the anniversary, frozen food, cosmetics, jewelry products.

As soon as there is something original, aka “a maker that has not become familiar”, the managers of the shopping center begin to experience “banner blindness”. It’s easy to capitalize on it without special marketing tricks that require additional expenses.

Besides, being a “serious” landlord means more brains. For example, the Arena shopping mall (metro Voronezh) ensures that the islands do not exceed the height of 160 cm, are clear and equipped with internal lighting, so as not to disrupt the ambiance of the main shopping galleries.

Representatives of centers with “well-known names” often ask for the opportunity to pick up a barvy booklet from a retailer with report description trading island and its anonymous image in the interior of the hall. This additional cost: the design bureau will estimate 60-70 thousand. rubles

The sama of the dosvіddeni pіdprimzi is happy to see the start -up of the “laundry” at the Mensh of the paths of the great trades of Pidprimani, with the Tsomo, the abundance of the Misses of the Great Pokhіdnistyu, Ale Minimal Minor Umes of Ondodavtsia. This is to allow maximum imagination to be used in decorating the display, presentation of the product, etc. You will compete with other kiosks mainly on the basis of the originality of the idea and the prominent presentation of your product.

What product is vibrating?

One of the first priorities for the upcoming retailer is food: what to sell in the sales area on the islands? What gives priority: natural products or non-food products? Who should you place your bet on: the public, focused on cash, or the powerful exclusive buyer?

Magazine “Trading Practice. Trade ownership" in 2014 published a forecast for the retail market until 2020 (div. Fig. 2)

Fig.2. How is retail trade developing in Russia?

Apparently, the markets for food and non-food goods are not affected by the dynamics: economic difficulties remaining rocks give yourself nobility. Let's take a look at some of the projects from the TOP - 25 most profitable franchises of 2020 according to forbes.ru.

Cocktails Tea Funny Point

The original food brand for pedestrian areas. Based on the “bubble tea” cocktail prepared in Taiwan, which includes tea, milk, syrup and jelly-like balls with juice in the middle.


  • The shopping center occupies a small space - about 4 m²
  • royalties amount to 4%; proceeds are paid from other sources of work
  • starting capital (about 0.8 million rubles) can be donated to Rosbank under the “Successful Start” program
  • the design of the shopping island and the placement of ownership of the franchisor's expansion and successful implementation in great shopping and entertainment centers, which helps to ensure unique favorable conditions with landlords.

Designer T-shirts

Many managers of the largest supermarkets have noticed the bright windows of the islands of the Provokatsia brand, where you can buy T-shirts with hooligan prints.

The owner of the stores and the creator of the franchise, Hasmik Gevorkyan, guesses what an idea in the distance The buyer “threw” her.

She opened her first store in Kursk, and now represents the brand’s products in great Moscow malls; another 91 points are the result of a partnership with a franchise.

  • The correct size of the cob inserts- 0.55 million rubles.
  • Profits: 3.57 million rubles.

Auto-device for “stuck” buyers

Those who plan to open trading islands near trading floors draw business ideas from successful projects.

In 2009, they began selling automotive electronics: navigators, video recorders, radar detectors and accessories under the Autodevice brand.

Today it is one of the most profitable franchises, according to Forbes. The value of cob contributions is 0.9 million rubles, profits are 2.1 million rubles. The proposition of "Autodevice" for the franchise is beneficial because the lump-sum contribution is minimal - only 39,000 rubles, and the royalties are per day.

Resume: The main rule when choosing a product for sale in the trading island format is targeting the target audience.

What is important for success is the idea, as well as a competently implemented concept, including the design of the display, the appearance of popular and non-traditional positions, and a clear drying strategy.

All of these are represented by franchises that have already proven themselves to be pributkovy business. By skimming them, you can minimize possible risks.

What should you buy before the opening of the trading island?

First, please print your right, hurry up with the fakhivts, who will help you get rid of the censorship of pardons:

  • When choosing a place to rent, do not be limited by the simplest decisions (“for knowledge”, “closest to the office”, “largest store”, etc.), run a small “tender” for landlords who have indicated their needs on the Internet. It’s easier to choose from as many propositions as you are less likely to miss
  • Engage the audience of the shopping center! There, where the public lingers, who have come to buy food and furniture, they are unlikely to be greedy with their gadgets.
  • Don’t worry that the business will continue to operate without your participation: I would like to start with the opportunity to control the hired sellers. Consider the hour it takes to get to the store and back. For example, the vlasniks of the Madrobots shopping island near the MEGA Bila Dacha shopping center near Moscow cheered that they spent 4 years a day
  • Be very careful when choosing a contractor from the island! Read about it on the forums, take away the “live” recommendations, and then read the contract and project documentation. You must ensure that the terms of delivery and launch of the finished module will be affected and that the buyer will not lose interest in you if you point out a design defect and ask for it to be removed.
  • By approaching the organization of your business with due respect, you are entering a competitive business that will bring you satisfaction and income.

How to open a retail outlet from scratch to the market and in a shopping center

Small business can be launched from a small retail store. Which type has the minimum risk of bankruptcy, and which starting option will be the most optimal.

And this article will help you in the field of nutrition, how to open a retail outlet from scratch, and how to correctly select the range of goods that are sold, organize a pricing policy and properly manage your appearance.


For the beginning, the amount of starting capital is calculated and the choice of products sold is determined. A search is being carried out for post-graduates whose minds are useful and handy for those who support business. At the first stage, it is recommended to select a wide range of product groups.

When a separate retail outlet is opened in the area of ​​a large retail outlet - in a market or in a shopping center, registration of an individual business will be required.

When you are, he is respectful optimal choice system, which involves the payment of taxes to the state. The most expanded system of feeding is the simplified tax system.

Getting to the place, de-growing the retail outlet, is working diligently. Competitive stores have no fault of opening up in close proximity to the outlet that is opening up.

Having become a member of the religious community, you can ask questions about wealth and knowledge. By laying down the lease agreement, we must pay attention to the possibility of pre-stroke dissolution.

Extension of the commercial building for the building from the outside looking in And the design of the store has a significant impact on the loyalty and trust of potential customers.

A hired salesperson is obligated to give the businessman time to deal with other organizational issues. The seller’s reputation, which is the main reference point in the assortment, influences the success of retail trade and its profitability.

Price policy

The quality of the product being sold may be thought out in accordance with the expectations of the target audience - whether the product is a budget product, marketed to a large part of the population, or an elite population.

It is important to choose an intermediate option for setting the price.

To establish the optimal markup on sold products, analyze the prices most often set in the sales region, it is necessary to adapt the pricing policies of competitors and adjust the prices of a private retail outlet from scratch.

Automation of separate sales

At the initial stage of business, it is important to quickly obtain reliable data about your active plant. For this purpose it is necessary to automate this business by choosing a functional program for the environment.

Buying expensive software products is not feasible for a small company due to the associated purchase and maintenance costs.

Online systems do not require installation, but mainly Internet add-ons, which do not require downloading and updating. Their capacity:

  • Organization of sales at multiple points;
  • Access the seller interface to register sales;
  • Formation of opinions for changes during the election period;
  • Creation of other documents;
  • Automatic and manual reduction;
  • Carrying out ready-made and unprepared sales;
  • I'm different.

Such programs provide data on the profitability, profitability of the outlet, the consistency and turnover of goods sold, trade dynamics, surpluses and turnover of sold products, the production of unprepared and ready-to-cook goods, income and spending for singing articles.

The main advantage is the availability of a barcode scanner and a printer for distributing receipts and labels, which will simplify the registration of sales and business in general. Pochatkivtsy can use the system without costs and without time-consuming exchange.

Assessment of recovery

Before you open a retail outlet from scratch, you will begin to earn a lot of income.

In this case, you cannot do without a lot of expenses: rent, payment for the first batch of products that are sold, expenses for cleaning the rented premises and advertising, wages for hired workers, business registration.

Having managed to spend as soon as possible and assessed the possible income, you can determine the approximate term of the return on investment for this enterprise. The strategy for development must be formulated and the meta can be achieved. To expand the reach of the mark, you can go to mathematical formula KIPRO.

Legal aspects:

  • Choice of organizational and legal form;
  • Collection and preparation of documents for registration of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur;
  • Registration with tax and statistical authorities, Pension fund ta in;
  • obtaining licenses for sales of various goods;
  • The design of the area that is being rented;
  • Removal of permissions from fire inspections, sanitary stations, etc.;
  • Appliance and registration of cash register;
  • Registration of a bank account.

During the process of preparing investment documents, a selection of recruits is carried out.

Trading rules

Before opening a retail outlet, the businessman needs to know the rules of trading.

Having praised the decision about the beginning of such an enterprise, you should then go to the administration of the retail segment and make improvements to the area for renting the retail space. The skin market has its own variations.

Having registered your business, start recruiting sellers. When not untwisted trading point viplata salary Your companion will make it even more difficult.

Marvel at this korisna porada at video:

At the beginning stage, one hard-working agent will be enough, with whom it will be possible to achieve greater sales, expand the range of products and further marketing moves.

25.01.18 137 073 19

Splendor yogo and open again

Two classmates sell their own cava in the lobby of a Moscow business center.

Irina Oleksandrova

talked to the Vlasniks of Kavyarni

They invested 500,000 RUR. Through the current period, their turnover is 450 thousand rubles, net profit is 90 thousand per two per month.

Persha sample for 1 million rubles

Vladislav Redkin is 20 years old, born in Crimea, now living in Moscow. At the same time, he runs a cleaning company. Your partner is Vladislav Teteruk, 25 years old, from Belarus. The children met at the business university.

The first good news was a small cafe with just a few tables. The partners rented space near the lobby to a business center, carried out renovations, bought furniture, equipment, and equipment. They invested a million, and it was just pennies, not credit.

The boys worked all day long and made a profit, but she was so small that she couldn’t justify the sound. As a result, the cafe had to close. On the return of money from your partners, you will increase in price and compromise your evidence.

The children respect that the cause of failure was fear: they were afraid that their guides would not come to them, so they went too far with the price - they sold a cup of kava for 150 RUR for 117 RUR.

Wasted on persha kav'yarnya



Rent for 2 months

RUB 200,000

Equipment, equipment, furniture

RUB 300,000

RUB 500,000


80,000 R

1100000 R

Another sample for 500 thousand rubles

Another visit came about as a result of this: the boys discovered a caucasian island at the same business center right opposite their colossal cafe.

Rent of 12 m2 opposite the elevators costs 50,000 RUR - approximately the same as the cost of rent for the front location. Then many more people came to visit the island: the crowd was filled with the foyer on the way to work, then several times a day people went for breaks, smoke breaks and meals, and guests were constantly coming to the office.

RUR 350,000

having set up a kiosk with a display case, a refrigerator, a microfiber and a juicer

For 350,000 RUR, the boys bought an island - a kiosk with a display case, a refrigerator, a microfiber pastry and a juicer. In addition, we bought equipment: a grill to heat sandwiches and drinks – 13 thousand; smoothie blender – 10 thousand; wardrobe rack for inventory – 10 thousand. Another 30 thousand were spent on inventory.

width="1000" height="667" class="" style="max-width: 1000px; height: auto"> Pay 13,000 RUR to rent a car for a month

They rented a Kavomachine. The cost of renting a car is 13,000 RUR, the amount includes maintenance and repairs for every need. This year the boys are planning to buy hair.

Vitrat materials - paper cups, crusts, serving dishes, spoons, bags for drinks - at the start the cost was 18 thousand rubles. The boys added food for the first two years for 30 thousand.

Our launch cost close to 500,000 RUR.

On the opening day, the cash island’s revenue reached 9,000 RUR, and two years later it reached 15,000 RUR. In the beginning of 2017, the current winnings will range from 20,000 RUR to 24,000 RUR. The monthly turnover is 450,000 RUR, and the net income for two is 90,000 RUR. Behind the bags, the boys earned their investments.

2000 RUR

salary of the requested barista per day

If things went well, the boys hired a barista, whose salary was 2000 rubles per day, shift from 7:30 to 19:00. Today there are two workers, the other works every day and charges 1200 R per change. Kakovy Ostrovets works from Monday to Friday; there are not enough people in the business center on weekends.

Spent on money



Showcase and tables

RUR 350,000

Rent 12 m²

50,000 R

8000 R

Mikrokhvilova pich

5000 R

10,000 R

10,000 R


18,000 R

Products for 2 years

RUB 30,000


13,000 R

RUB 494,000

Spend for a month



Rent 12 m²

50,000 R


45,000 R


RUB 89,500


13,000 R

Barista salary

64,000 R

Taxes and vedennya rahunku

12,000 R

0 R

RUR 263,500

Documents and donations

What is the list of registrations for IP, they work on the patent filing system (PSP). The tax payment can be split - the monthly fee is 10,000 rubles.

60% of shoppers prefer to pay with cards more quickly. Commission for trade acquiring – 2%.

There is no need to obtain any special permissions for the cavoy island. It is necessary to send a notification to Russia about the discovery. The planned revision of the SES in just three years after the start of work. To become a barista you need a medical book.

How much does it cost to open an IP for a café?




800 R

10,000 RUR/month


2% per operation

0 R (until now)

Quilting for medical book

4000 R

RUB 14,800


Kava grains and milk are the most important ingredients that the boys decided not to skimp on.

Kava has two varieties of kava grains: Arabica and Robusta. Arabica is tasty and expensive, robusta is bitter and cheap. To make coffee cheaper, Arabica is often mixed with Robusta. Guys, don't be so shy.

62 R

costs a liter of milk. Buy 600 liters per month

For islanders, purchase 100% Arabica, Brazilian Mogiana variety, oiled to medium level. For 1 kg of grains you pay 870 RUR, sometimes 2 kg, per month - about 40 kg.

Buy milk most expensively: low-lactose, 3.5% fat, with licorice, 62 R per liter. More cheap milk has not less taste, but also richness - the kick comes out less soggy. There are 400 liters per month.

Width="1000" height="697" class="" The boys grabbed the unimportant paper cups with the little ones. Volume of one glass – 7.8 R

There is no water supply to the island, so the boys beg for bottled water. There are 5 dances per week, 20 liters each, 165 R per dance.

From the very beginning they were selling syrups for 500 R per liter of drink, later, through friends, they found a postman who sells syrups for 300 R. There are 20 dances per month.

RUB 89,500

the boys spend a month on groceries

Every day of the week, guys go to Metro for ice cream (250 R per 1 kg), fruits and berries for smoothies (about 1000 R per kg), toppings (300 R per liter), cinnamon (250 R per 1 kg).
