Good luck with Monegasus. Sonyachne place for black specialties? Monegasques in secular culture

Good luck with Monegasus. Sonyachne place for black specialties? Monegasques in secular culture

Munegàscu, Munegàschi, Munegàsca, Munegàsche) - people, autochthonous subjects of the Principality of Monaco. According to the 2008 census data, it is estimated that 21.6% of the total population of the principality (7634 individuals).

Basic language

Monegasque language is a dialect of Ligurian language, close to the Genoese dialect. Having recognized the strong infusion of the Niçard dialect of the Occitan language, which is among the rest of the native language in various regions of the principality.

Ethnic history

The first settlers of the future Principality of Monaco, known to history, were the Phoenicians, who were here as early as the 10th century BC. e. Five centuries later, the Greeks came to replace them, who founded the colony of Port Hercules and built a temple on the fortified rock. The cult of Hercules is based on the Greek name for the local locus - "μόνοικος", ("khutir", "kremo roztashovana budivlya" etc.) with "μόνος" ( monos) "okremiya, samotnіy, єdiny" + "οἶκος" ( oikos) "budinok, budinok, sporuda, mіstseperebuvannya." This is the result of the local cult of Hercules (Hercules Monoikos), to whom a temple was dedicated near the castle, built on a coastal cliff La Roche.

The Monegasque tribe of the Turbiascans lingered for a little while on the coast, taking a wife from their leader and worshiping the great mother goddess. Towards the hour of sunset, the Turbias began to pour into a room full of young men and women of the Monegasques, delivered them to the temple of the great mother goddess and handed them over to the catuvans. Vorozhnecha between the representatives of these tribes lived until the end of the 13th century. e.

Until the end of the 13th century, representatives of the Grimaldi family of Genoese feudal lords, who brought the Italians behind them, ruled in this mixture of the Ligurian coast. This is how the Monegasques were residually formed by their own and mine traditions.

National colors

The national colors of the Monegasques are white, red, black.

The white color - the most sacred - symbolizes the funeral shroud of the Holy Virgin - the patron saint of the Principality; denotes nobility, honor, purity; є “men”: people wear them as a symbol of masculinity and worthiness.

The red color is a symbol of the blood of the holy martyr, as well as the color of sweetness, unity, and blood brotherhood of the Monegasques.

Black color is “special” for the Monegasques - a symbol of wisdom, intuition, magical power; respected by "wives".


As the contemporaneous subjects of the Monegasque principality, there are endless privileges: they are the only ones who have the right to vote in parliament - the National Rada; It is entirely due to the payment of taxes.


Holy Monegasque

26 - 27 today - Day of the Holy Virgin (Jour de Sainte-Devotte), the patron saint of the Principality and the Grimaldi family. Voting for 304 RUR e.

23 – 25 chernia – Saint Jean’s Day (Jour de Saint-Jean). Vote from Art. V n. e. The evening carnival procession begins in the old place “Sciaratu”: everyone dresses up in carnival costumes and walks to the music from Palatsova Square to Casino Square. They burn tar boilers on the square, drink wine and dance all evening.

19 leaf fall - Prince's Day (Jour du Prince), National Day of Monaco. On which day is the military parade held, as well as the Monegasque parade in the Cathedral of Monaco, for which the entire Prince's homeland and other official persons are present. After the month, the Prince's homeland hosts the Monte Carlo Opera.

Monegasques in secular culture

  • Louis Brea (1443 −1520) - artist, author of two panels that appear at the Cathedral of Monaco.
  • Horazio Ferrari (XVI century) – artist

The smallest power in the world bears the greatest name - the Principality of Monaco, and all parties can claim an honorable place in history.


About 30 thousand people are constantly loitering in Monaco, of which only six thousand can be called subjects of the principality - the Monegasques. This is what the Monegasque Tubilians call themselves, proud of their heritage from the ancient Ligurians and the preservation of a traditional, rather than middle-class, political system. It is true, however, that it is easy to get caught up in the influx of principles of freedom, zeal and fraternity that are progressing in neighboring France, under which Monaco has been a protectorate since 1918. In the meantime, the internal affairs of the political relict of middle-class France are not in favor, having taken no responsibility for its defense.

It is ensured that representatives of 121 nationalities live in Monaco (including 12 thousand French), despite all the stench, the Monegasque administration does not affect the same constitutional rights. Monegasques and all foreigners (except French) who live near Monaco whole river do not pay the tax due. The stinks also do not pay taxes on the inviolability of cars. The Monegasques are a kind of local aristocracy, they are more important than the right to practice before foreigners, and among the Galusians. It’s good that there is a third Monegasque man to serve with the police. In addition, less than 3 vds. Monegasques live in their own cabins, others are given housing by the state for a nominal fee. Moreover, in order to become a Monegasque, it is not enough to be born in Monaco, you must be born in the Monegasque family, or go up to the list of individuals (there are no more than a dozen of them), to whom Prince Rainier, for special merits, generously bestows the Monegasque with greatness. I want French language- the language is spoken in Monaco, and Monegasque language is taught in schools - one of the long-standing Ligurian dialects.

I always thought that the capital of Monaco was called Monte Carlo - that’s what they say in geography lessons in schools. But, walking along the winding boulevards of Monaco and the avenues that are intertwined with a well-established elevator system, mines that are cut into the rocks, I realized that Monte Carlo is just the business part of a single city complex what is called the Principality of Monaco. Three other parts – Monacoville (the old town where the prince’s palace was rebuilt), La Condamine (the port area) and Fontville – a new area that is growing on metal palazzos in the territory doubling by the sea. Before the speech, Monte Carlo, near the center of which the famous casino was built, founded in 1866. Monaco Prince Charles III, who gave him his name.

The history of Monaco dates back to the 13th century. 10 rubles 1215 rub. is respected on the day of the birth of the princedom. It was then that the Genoese, under the guidance of Fulco del Casello, laid the fortress on a high rock - in the place where the palace of Prince Rainier III of the Grimaldi dynasty stood.


The prince of Nine has reigned since 1949. The cry of his friend born in 1956 resonated widely among the world. on Hollywood superstar Grace Kelly, who died in a car accident in 1982. The prince has three children: the 45-year-old Princess Caroline (patron of mysteries, unofficial minister of culture of Monaco), the 44-year-old successor to the throne Prince Albert and the 36-year-old Princess Stephanie.

Stefania caused trouble for her father with her restive character, dislike of etiquette and rambunctious novels. Immediately, after being separated from the devil's man, her great guard, she began an affair with the Swiss elephant trainer Frank Knie. Stefania, with three children, spent two months last year wandering around Europe and the Swiss circus.

Her elder sister, Princess Caroline, is respected in Monaco as the most intelligent and most valuable member of the noble family. Vaughn demonstrates much greater political dynamism and administrative vigor, his lower brother, the official successor to the throne. Albert, at 44, still has no friendships and does not show any particular desire for sovereign activity. After Caroline married Prince Ernst-August of Hanover - a direct successor of the English Queen Victoria - in Monaco they began to talk about the adoption of the Salic law on succession to the throne, for which throne would belong to the princedom. There are only people along the human line. Before the speech, it was as if the English Parliament had not passed this law, Prince Ernst August, and not Elizabeth II was now the British monarch.

The Principality of Monaco is the only land in Europe where the monarch has real (and possibly absolute) power. Formally, Monaco is a constitutional monarchy. According to the legislative power of the region, the constitution of 1962 is the responsibility of the prince and the National Parliament, if the prince wants to ratify international treaties. And as soon as it is believed that the order, which, before the speech, the prince himself acknowledges, is clearly before him, and not before parliament, then in the right place, the other part begins to resent.


The ideal cleanliness of the place is due to the almost constant presence of evil. The country has fewer unemployed musicians than the Monegasque Symphony Orchestra (the orchestra has 90 members on staff).

The casino in Monte Carlo, and most of the hotels and restaurants in the country belong to a sovereign company with a somewhat archaic and mysterious name. What explains the economic boom that is noticeable everywhere in Monaco and the atmosphere of prosperity and goodness that is unknown in the rich region? I was able to receive a confirmation from the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Principality, Jean-Paul Compagne. .

The secret of the Monegasque court and Monegasque economic prosperity lies in the fact that the prince simply has the will to shear not his own, but other people’s sheep in his offshore zone. Taxes that are withdrawn from foreign banks and companies become the left part of the entire budget of the region. The dynamics of Monaco's economic growth are like science fiction. From 1980 to 2000 rub. more than 10 times the virus is the gross national product.


Somerset It’s a shame that I named Monaco. I think this is how it is all the time. The French order has repeatedly By the remaining rocks Monaco felt that the money of the Italian mafia was being siphoned off there and that the princedom, in fact, had turned into one of the European centers from the hoax of pennies and the evasion of taxes. However, it is unlikely that there will be much change in the near future.

Monegasque politicians insist that the principality was able to preserve its independence even though its rulers carefully balanced on such boundaries. I need to say that the image of Monaco, which has been around for a hundred years as a magnificent casino, has been a small part of the demands of this very policy.

It’s impossible to be in Monte Carlo and enjoy the tranquility of the casino; attracts the very pompous, eclectic style inspired by Charles Garnier (architect of Paris). Believe it or not, the cob Gravians should be spared at roulette. I was lucky beyond the first day. In the three evenings that I spent at the casino, I made a significant (considerable for myself) contribution to the Monatist budget. The casino has two halls: Zagalny v. Having paid 100 francs for entry and presented my passport, from which they took a photocopy, I go to the private room (almost three rooms available), where, in addition to roulette, they play blackjack; Part of one of the halls is dedicated to a restaurant - dinner there can only be enjoyed after even serious gambling. Minimum roulette bets range from 20 to 200 francs. The public is tired of the different coats. On the third day, at the same table as me, there was an Italian mafia-looking man, with two security guards looming behind him. Over the course of three years, he covered the table with chips of five thousand and ten thousand francs, winning and gambling richly, drinking champagne. However, we ended it again: when Krupa took my remaining chip, the Italian laughed cheerfully at me and said in French: .


It is clear that in the region, which looks perhaps like a political anachronism, everything is woven with traditions that are passing by. Carnival, religious processes (most Monegasques are Catholics), the feast of the day of St. Rainier and St. Mantis (heavenly patron saint of Monaco), the special ritual of the feast of the Monegasque Christmas Day - such names and traditional saints cannot be baptized. They mean as many as possible.

One of the most devastating events that have been preserved is the Holy Day of the Orthodox Christian Day of the 6th of today. This product was brought to Monte Carlo by Russian aristocrats; Many of them spent the winter in Monaco and on the French River. The Orthodox Holy Day is celebrated in the luxurious hall of the most luxurious hotel in Monte Carlo, where Prince Yusupov, Count Shuvalov, Princess Vorontsova-Dashkova, and the Grand Dukes Budinka Romanov lived for a long time. I instructed from my hotel to mark the street of Sergei Dyagilev, whose body of the Russian ballet was recently carried out in Monte Carlo. What is the street named after Moscow or St. Petersburg? I can’t guess.

According to the 2008 census data, it is estimated that 21.6% of the total population of the principality (7634 individuals).

Basic language

The Monegaska language has a dialect of the Ligurian language, close to the Genoese dialect. Having recognized the strong infusion of the Niçard dialect of the Occitan language, which is among the rest of my native tongue in various regions of the principality.

Ethnic history

The first settlers of the future Principality of Monaco, known to history, were the Phoenicians, who were here as early as the 10th century BC. e. Five centuries later, the Greeks came to replace them, who founded the colony of Port Hercules and built a temple on the fortified rock. The cult of the Greek god Hercules mixed with the cult of the local one-eyed god of fertility and human strength - Mono okos (spirits and tribe names). This is why the cult of Hercules the One-Eyed [ ] (Herculis Monoeci).

The Monegasque tribe of the Turbiascans lingered for a little while on the coast, taking a wife from their leader and worshiping the great mother goddess. Towards the hour of sunset, the Turbias began to pour into a room full of young men and women of the Monegasques, delivered them to the temple of the great mother goddess and handed them over to the catuvans. Vorozhnecha between the representatives of these tribes lived until the end of the 13th century. e.

And until the end of the 13th century, representatives of the Genoese feudal lords Grimaldi, who brought the Italians with them, were in control of this smoothie of the Ligurian coast. This is how the Monegasques were residually formed by their own and mine traditions.

National colors

The national colors of the Monegasques are white, red, black.

The white color - the most sacred - symbolizes the funeral shroud of the Holy Virgin - the patron saint of the Principality; denotes nobility, honor, purity; є “men”: people wear them as a symbol of masculinity and worthiness.

The red color is a symbol of the blood of the holy martyr, as well as the color of sweetness, unity, and blood brotherhood of the Monegasques.

Black color is “special” for the Monegasques - a symbol of wisdom, intuition, magical power; respected by "wives".


As the contemporaneous subjects of the Monegasque principality, there are endless privileges: they are the only ones who have the right to vote in parliament - the National Rada; It is entirely due to the payment of taxes.


Holy Monegasque

26 - 27 today - Day of the Holy Virgin (Jour de Sainte-Devotte), the patron saint of the Principality and the Grimaldi family. Voting for 304 RUR e.

23 – 25 chernia – Saint Jean’s Day (Jour de Saint-Jean). Vote from Art. V n. e. The evening carnival procession begins in the old place “Sciaratu”: everyone dresses up in carnival costumes and walks to the music from Palatsova Square to Casino Square. They burn tar boilers on the square, drink wine and dance all evening.

19 leaf fall - Prince's Day (Jour du Prince), National Day of Monaco. On which day is the military parade held, as well as the Monegasque parade in the Cathedral of Monaco, for which the entire Prince's homeland and other official persons are present. After the month, the Prince's homeland hosts the Monte Carlo Opera.

Monegasques in secular culture

  • Louis Brea (1443 −1520) - artist, author of two panels that appear at the Cathedral of Monaco.
  • Horazio Ferrari (XVI century) - artist of the Renaissance era, author of paintings and frescoes at the Prince's Palace and one panel in the Cathedral.
  • Domenique-Joseph Bressan (XVIII century) – landscape painter of the era

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Basic language

Monegasque language is a dialect of Ligurian language, close to the Genoese dialect. Having recognized the strong infusion of the Niçard dialect of the Occitan language, which is among the rest of the native language in various regions of the principality.

Ethnic history

The first settlers of the future Principality of Monaco, known to history, were the Phoenicians, who were here as early as the 10th century BC. e. Five centuries later, the Greeks came to replace them, who founded the colony of Port Hercules and built a temple on the fortified rock. The cult of the Greek god Hercules mixed with the cult of the local one-eyed god of fertility and human strength - Mono okos (spirits and tribe names). This is why the cult of Hercules the One-Eyed [ ] (Herculis Monoeci).

The Monegasque tribe of the Turbiascans lingered for a little while on the coast, taking a wife from their leader and worshiping the great mother goddess. Towards the hour of sunset, the Turbias began to pour into a room full of young men and women of the Monegasques, delivered them to the temple of the great mother goddess and handed them over to the catuvans. Vorozhnecha between the representatives of these tribes lived until the end of the 13th century. e.

And until the end of the 13th century, representatives of the Genoese feudal lords Grimaldi, who brought the Italians with them, were in control of this smoothie of the Ligurian coast. This is how the Monegasques were residually formed by their own and mine traditions.

National colors

The national colors of the Monegasques are white, red, black.

The white color - the most sacred - symbolizes the funeral shroud of the Holy Virgin - the patron saint of the Principality; denotes nobility, honor, purity; є “men”: people wear them as a symbol of masculinity and worthiness.

The red color is a symbol of the blood of the holy martyr, as well as the color of sweetness, unity, and blood brotherhood of the Monegasques.

Black color is “special” for the Monegasques - a symbol of wisdom, intuition, magical power; respected by "wives".


As the contemporaneous subjects of the Monegasque principality, there are endless privileges: they are the only ones who have the right to vote in parliament - the National Rada; It is entirely due to the payment of taxes.


Holy Monegasque

26 - 27 today - Day of the Holy Virgin (Jour de Sainte-Devotte), the patron saint of the Principality and the Grimaldi family. Voting for 304 RUR e.

23 – 25 cherches – Saint Jean’s Day (Jour de Saint-Jean), considered by the Monegasques since the pagan times (from the 5th century BC) as holy kinship, love and sex, sacred brotherhood [clarify]. The evening carnival begins in the old place “Sciaratu”: everyone dresses up in carnival costumes and walks to music from Palatsova Square to Casino Square. They burn tar boilers on the square, drink wine and dance all evening.

19 leaf fall - Prince's Day (Jour du Prince), National Day of Monaco. On which day is the military parade held, as well as the Monegasque parade in the Cathedral of Monaco, for which the entire Prince's homeland and other official persons are present. After the month, the Prince's homeland hosts the Monte Carlo Opera.

Monegasques in secular culture

  • Louis Brea (1443 −1520) - artist, author of two panels that appear at the Cathedral of Monaco.
  • Horazio Ferrari (XVI century) - artist of the Renaissance era, author of paintings and frescoes at the Prince's Palace and one panel at the Cathedral.
  • Domenique-Joseph Bressan (XVIII century) - landscape painter of the classic era. His robots are displayed at the Prince's Palace.
  • Francois-Joseph Bosio (late XVIII - cob XIX Art.) - court sculptor of Napoleon I. Bosio's works are exhibited at the Louvre.
  • Jean-Baptiste Lully (1632-1687) – composer, one of the founders of the French opera school. Creator of classic types of lyric tragedy ("Alceste" (1674), "Theseus" (1675)) and the French operatic overture. Author of music to comedies and ballets by J.-B. Molière.
  • Lucchini - composer, author of music for the national anthem of Monaco (1867).
  • Theophile Bellando - author of the first anthem of Monaco (1848).
  • Louis Notaries (1879-1961) – writer and one Monegasque singer, member of the Committee of Tradition, author of another anthem of Monaco (1931).
  • Luis Cannis - writer-historian, author of the book of historical and cultural essays about Monaco "Notre passe" (1963).

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Lesson that characterizes Monegasques

When she said goodbye to him and lost herself, Princess Maria immediately saw tears in her eyes, and it was not the first time that she wondered why she should love him?
On the way to Moscow, not caring that the princess’s situation was not happy, Dunyasha, who was riding with her in the carriage, noted more than once that the princess, hanging out at the window of the carriage, seemed to laugh joyfully and faintly.
“Well, what if I kicked him? - thought Princess Maria.
As it was not disgraceful for her to admit to herself that she had first killed a person, who, perhaps, would never kill her, she thought to herself that no one would ever know about this and that she would not be guilty, since she would This is the end of life, no one speaking about those who love the one whom she loved first and will rise again.
Sometimes she guessed yo look, yo fate, yo word, and her happiness seemed impossible. And then Dunyasha noted that she was laughing and marveling at the window of the carriage.
“I needed to come to Bogucharovo, and to this Khvilina! - thought Princess Maria. - And it was necessary for my sister to convince Prince Andrey! - And in everyone, Princess Maria believed the will of providence.
The hostility expressed against Rostov by Princess Maria was even more accepted. When he thought about her, he became cheerful, and when his comrades, having learned about his great usefulness in Bogucharovo, roasted him that he, having gone after his son, having picked up one of the richest names in Russia, Rostov became angry. He was angry because the thought of befriending the noble princess Marya with a majestic figure more than once, against his will, fell into my mind. For himself, especially Mikola could not have loved his friend better than Princess Maria: his friendship with her would bring happiness to the Countess - his mother, and would set his father right; And the truth is that Mikola, having realized this, would have created the happiness of Princess Maria. Ale Sonya? What word? And that’s why Rostov gets angry when people talk about Princess Bolkonska.

Having taken command of the armies, Kutuzov learned about Prince Andrey and ordered him to come to the main apartment.
Prince Andrey arrived at the Tsar’s Palace that day and at that hour of the day when Kutuzov made his first glance at the army. Prince Andrey sat down in the village near the priest's hut, who was standing by the commander-in-chief, and sat on his bench, looking for the brightest, as everyone now called Kutuzov. In the field outside the village there were faint sounds of regimental music, or the roar of a majestic number of voices that shouted “Hurray! to the new chief commander. Right there, about ten years ago, Prince Andrey, taking advantage of the prince’s absence and the beautiful weather, stood two horsemen, a courier and a butler. Black, covered with mustaches and sideburns, the little hussar lieutenant colonel walked up to the gate and looked at Prince Andrey, asking: why is the bright one standing here and who will soon be out?
Prince Andrey said that you can’t go to the headquarters of the lord and those around him. The hussar lieutenant colonel turned violently to the black orderly, and the orderly of the commander-in-chief said to him with this special lack of respect that the orderlies of the commander-in-chief and officers seem to show:
- What, the brightest one? Perhaps, soon it will be. What do you want?
The hussar lieutenant colonel chuckled in the same tone as the orderly, dismounted from his horse, gave his guard and went up to Bolkonsky, bowing a little. Bolkonsky ziyshov on the bench. Hussar lieutenant colonel from now on.
- Are you still checking for the commander-in-chief? - the hussar lieutenant colonel spoke. - Govog'yat, accessible to everyone, thank God. Otherwise, there’s trouble with cowbass players! Now, perhaps, it will be possible to speak in Russian. Otherwise, who knows, they stopped. Everyone stepped up, everyone stepped up. Were you afraid to go? - Having asked for wine.
“I am pleased,” said Prince Andrey, “not only to take part in the approach, but also to spend everything that is dear to us, without seeming to remember that old house... the father who died of grief.” I am from Smolensk.
- Eh?.. Prince Bolkonsky? It’s good to know: Lieutenant Colonel Denisov, who is mostly known under Vaska’s name,” Denisov said, squeezing Prince Andrey’s hand and marveling at Bolkonsky’s accusations with particular respect. “Yes, I feel it,” he said to the spooks and, having washed a little, continued to chew: “The Axis and the Scythian war.” Everything is fine, but not for those who are blown away by their own sides. And you - Prince Andhey Bolkonsky? - Vin grabbed his head. “It’s a shame, prince, it’s a shame to know,” he added again with a wry smile, squeezing my hand.
Prince Andrey knew Denisov from Natasha’s revelations about her first betrothed. This legend and licorice and painful transference have now brought us to these painful points about what wines are like The rest of the time for a long time no longer thought about what was in his soul. In the meantime, many other and such serious enemies as the deprivation of Smolensk, his arrival to the Fox Mountains, recently learned about the death of his father - so many things have been tried by him that the clues have not come to him for a long time , when they came, they didn’t get too close to anyone with great strength. And for Denisov, that series of guesses, as Bolkonsky’s name exclaimed, was far away, more poetic than the past, since, after Natasha’s dinner and bedtime, without knowing how, he had formed a proposition for the fifteen-year-old girl. He smiled at the predictions of that hour and his love for Natasha and immediately moved on to what was interesting and only now occupied him. This is the plan of the campaign, which he saw while serving at the outposts. We have presented this plan to Barclay de Tolly and now we intend to reveal it to Kutuzov. The plan was based on the fact that the French line of operations must be stretched out and instead of this, in order for actions from the front, blocking the way for the French, it would be necessary to take action on their behalf. He began to explain his plan to Prince Andrey.

In fact, not all residents of Monaco are called Monegasques. These are a special people, true, as one might say, the citizens of this land. Apparently up to 2008, in Monaco there are about 7634 people from the Monegasque tribe, which is about 20% of the population. Rashta's population is French, Italian, and Spanish.

Monegasque language is also special. The entire Ligurian language, although close to the descendant of the Genoese, was nevertheless lost under the influx of the Nizhny dialect of the Occitan language, which is spoken by the inhabitants of Monaco.

History of the Monegasques

According to historical data, the Phoenicians were the first to settle on the territory of the still-unknown Principality of Monaco. Around the 10th century BC. Then the Greeks came here, promoting a special religious cult. They worshiped the god of kinship and human strength, who, according to the legends, was called Mono Okos. From this very word the name of the tribe was established.

Monaco has a famous ocean museum, founded by Prince Albert the First. Cousteau himself launched his great expedition.

There are legends about those tribes neighboring the Monegasques who worshiped the power of female generosity - the great mother goddess. Such super-accuracy often led to battles.

Later Italians from Liguria, mixing with the Monegasques, gave them their language. Over the years, the identity of the Monegasques and their special traditions have been formed. The Monegasque concoction changed slightly under the influx of nearby vessels, and then remained standing. The Monegasques greatly respect the ability to speak their own language more beautifully.

Traditions and privileges of the Monegasques

Today, Saint Divot is revered as the patron saint of the Monegasque tribe, and this is why it is sacred for the inhabitants of the Principality white color, which symbolizes purity and nobility, like a holy shroud. It is important for people to wear a white coat. Red is another important color, which means the blood of a martyr. And the black axis is respected by the sign of intuition and wisdom, which in the princedom is respected by the female color.

It is important that the name Monaco is similar to the word “monk”, which is the Italian word for monaco.

In Monaco, Monegasques, as humble subjects, have low privileges. For example, they can rob parliament of all the stench. The Monegasques also received taxes. And other benefits. If you were not born Monegasque, then it is impossible for him. However, if you make friends with a representative of that nationality, then once separated, the “non-native” partner will automatically experience all the privileges of the Monegasques.
